Rewilding Architecture

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RMIT University, School of Architecture and Design,

Architecture Design Elective Richard Black

Jose Lumanta, Priscilla Langi, Xianyi Meng, Xuanyun Song, Olivia Wright, Yuhan Xie, Xinyue Yao, Laura Zammit.

Students: William Alexander, Akiko Bamba, Benjamin Barlett, Jennifer Chen, Qianqian Chen, Riley Faulkner, Mitchell Fleming, Emma Goodieson, Yiming Guo, David Hsu,

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Rewilding Architecture

RMIT University, School of Architecture and Design, Architecture Design Elective

Writer Robert Macfarlane tells us that the ‘Anthropocene confronts us with huge challenges. How to interpret, or even refer to it? Its energies are interactive, its properties emergent and its structures withdrawn. We find speaking of the Anthropocene, even speaking in the Anthropocene, difficult. It is, perhaps best imagined as an epoch of loss – of species, places and people – for which we are seeking a language of grief and, even harder to find, a language of hope’ (Macfarlane, Underland, p364). The reality of climate change has provoked a critical reflection on architecture and demands an urgent rethink of our relationship to nature, in all its forms, and for its status in the architectural profession. This elective explores these issues, and more: specifically, what are the implications for architecture and its design knowledges in an era of environmental collapse? Underlying this question is a belief that design has a critical role to play, and that the essence of design knowledges and processes can assist in navigating a new relationship to nature whilst considering dramatic shifts of the traditional frameworks of what constitutes architecture. So then, what can architects do to promote a new, more radical, but still sympathetic, understanding of nature? The syllabus is structured by a critical review of communities of practice within the field - across architecture and urbanism, and other related disciplines tracing lineages of ideas emerging over the past 30 years to the present – to make an assessment of what’s taking place on the front line. These include built and unbuilt works by artists, architects, landscape architects, as well as various forms of writing - a range of material that is broad and yet focussed, crossing disciplinary boundaries from ecology, urbanism, art and architecture, exploring ways in which an engagement with nature in its various forms is being reimagined as a response to the pressing issues of economic and environmental decline. Architect and critic Alan

Colquhoun has commented upon the problematic state of the contemporary situation…. ‘Today the west is wealthy and promotes mass consumerism. Its aesthetics is based on extravagance and desire’ (Alan Colquhoun AA Files 67, p146) – these are at the heart of the current crisis facing the world. Sharing these concerns, this course will sharpen the focus toward a greater need of a more socially, ethically and politically aware creative practice: perhaps a new regime of care. Beginning with four recent (and not so recent) exhibitions and their curatorial themes, the elective offers you the framework to curate issues, themes and design strategies that respond to the challenges outlined above and then test how this material may inform how and where to intervene – how to act.

Exhibitions Radical Nature - Art and Architecture for a Changing planet 1969-2009, Barbican Art Gallery, London 19 June -18th October 2009. Curator: Francesco Manacorda. Broken Nature: design takes on human survival, Milan XX11 Triennale March 1-Sept 1, 2019. Curator: Paola Antonelli, Ala Tannir, Laura Maeram and Erica Petrillo. Critical Care Architecture and Urbanism for a Broken Planet, (24 April 2019-Sept 9, 2019) Architekturzentrum Vienna 2019. Curator: Angelika Fitz and Elke Kransny Repair Architecture actively engaging with the repair of the places it is part of. (26 May -25 November 2018) Australian Institute of Architects Australian Pavilion 2018. Curators: Baracco + Wright Architects in collaboration with Linda Tegg

Live archive: foraging in my 5km

Yalukit Willam land, suburb, home, Williamstown, peninsular and flood plain. Laura Zammit

These scans are foraged from local indigenous and protected species as well as suburban gardens. They were found and will be returned to Yalukit Willam Land. Triggered by a weed, the trigger weed ‘one flowering weed equals seven years of bad weeds.’ In the style of Karl Blossfeldt and with reference to Miljohn Roperto & Ulrik Heltoft. The idea is that a facsimilie is a section of light and time, an elevation of an almost biological closeness. It’s extremely aesthetic. To understand nature at this scale. As both a piece of biomatter and an almost abstract sensuous photograph.

Drooping Sheoak Allocasturina verticillata

Flowering gum Corymia Ficifolia Baby scarlet

Beaded Glasswort Sarcocornia quinqueflora app

Coastal Saltbush Atriplex cinerea

Kangaroo Paw Golden Velvet Anigozanthos

Dried Yarrow seeds Achilliea millefolium Drawn and rendered in an interior

We begin to transcribe our domestic space, position it in the cosmos.

If we can come closer to nature, we might understand our role as designers better.

Project: Rewilding Language Laura Zammit & Olivia Wright

Rewilding Architecture


Sydney Rd: Remove some street car parks, provide dedicated bike paths

Michale St: Remove car access and create social spaces with large la To Maribyrnong River Trail

THE ISSUES Transport issues

Princes Park

Barkly Square

Graynold Rd

Michael St

It is a seemingly never ending process to house Melbourne’s rapidly and ever expanding population, which grew 2.3% to 4.85 million people in 2016-17. But environmental scientists say that unless planners change the way they provide for this growth it will come at the cost of biodiversity. Urbanisation is harming our wellbeing with studies proving that urbanisation is associated with increased levels of mental illness, including depression. This is seen to have effects throughout families, affecting children too.

Sydney Rd

Rewilding Language Edward St

deeply and caring for country with intent and love. Biodiversity issues

Live archive: reading & research

Upfield railway line and bike path

Park St

Inner Melbourne has been split into isolated rather than networked interconnected neighborhoods and the majority of transport links that traverse the inner city areas are long and only cross from north, east, south and west and have poor connections to each other. The inner north area especially has Acknowledgement of country on which practice. very poorwe connections between west to east. Inner Melbourne has the highest bicycle mode share in Victoria. However, there is also We acknowledge the country on whichsubstantial we practicelatent anddemand researchfor architecture, the land of the Wurundjeri people,cycling, of the Kulin nations. We with people choosing acknowledge the diversity within countrynot andtolanguage and of safety cycle because concerns dueare to routes that are we acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceeded, that we on stolen not connected and/or have land. We pay our respects to the the elders past, present and emerging andpoor from we ask for their guidance in continuing practice.separation We commit totraffic. listening

To Merri Creek Trail

The Representation of Nature and Urbanism in Springthorpe

Participatory type 1: Tree planting in the public realm as

part of the new Land artwork, using existing infrastructure. Scheme numbers: 5000 trees and plants. Residents could help plant the trees at a workshop organised by artist as a community event.

Upfield railway line and bike path

Graynold Rd: Remove some street car parks, provide bike paths

Brunswick Rewilding Urban Infrastructure “Work in Participatory Progress” type 2:

Residents can be provide fre plants to plant within their front yard and can be paid implement, manage and maintain the project.


Foreignness Knock Knock Neighbour Rewilding: a code An exploration of boundaries and the edge

The exploration of the continuous garden in section led to the development of a modular system that would


installed into a typical dwelling to replace an existing edge condition with a garden

social area A + court yard

social area B + main living area


Urban Biodiversity Seeds of Time: An exploration into the relationship between nature and our common life.


Wild Yarra

connected area

Searching for the ‘Shifter’ 25


Climate Observations & Propositions for the Altona Shoreline

Project Analysis: Spatial Characteristics

structure, openiing, drainage and garden in am - Changeable Spatial contain Identity - side view order to facilitate the vertical garden that could be





Annotated Bibliography: Archive/Community of Practice (REV3

A Live Archive.

Part 1 & 11 Design Elective Richard Black

Part One: Navigating the Archive (Week 2-6) The term archive refers to the abundance of reference material (on the Rewilding Canvas shell) as a research context. Contents include: exhibition catalogues, various genres of writing, links to films and documentaries, art works, architectural works, urbanism and other reference material - both a community of practice and literature review. The first half of the semester requires you to navigate through this material, finding lines through it and curating a field of ideas and relationships (see for instance: Knowledge-based design: research wall, Günther Vogt Landscape as a Cabinet of Curiosities, in Search of a Position, Lars Muller Publishers: Zurich, 2015, p181-184). Navigation as metaphor is useful – as a process of plotting a line of movement that is both spatial and relational. An analogous process for exploring the common ground, rather than differences, between disciplines. Ecology is a good example emerging in many references throughout the archive. It’s also anticipated that you will bring your individual design histories and biases to this task – extending these into relevant future trajectories, (major project?) as well as devising your own categories for cataloguing, re-ordering ideas into new hierarchies. This will develop your critical and analytical skills by prompting you to make judgement upon and find connection between ideas across practices, different genres of work, and disciplinary boundaries. It will develop your communication skills through the making of a map and research statement that synthesises your analysis.

Part one of the elective was a curated map / drawing charting a field of ideas, including key statements, drawings, projects, curated linkage, ways of working, developing your lines through archive. Part two: Rewilding architecture (Week 7-12) is a more thorough reflection on the research and a and propositional exploration into rewilding. ...To live less aggressively (Richard Sennett, Building Dwelling, Ethics for the City, Penguin Books: 2019, p277) In the late 1960’s the artist James Turrell purchased a building (Mendota Stoppages) and proceeded to block out the sunlight. Over the next four years he began to reconnect inside to outside, incrementally making new incisions to bring light inside. Each new opening was in anticipation of an encounter between body, space and atmosphere. A sensing of subtle shifts of light across walls, floors and material surfaces over the course of a day. Other rooms remained in darkness, while some became susceptible to morning, mid-day, and late afternoon light. Turrell’s project captivates an engagement with the natural world – a collection of rooms making present the ephemeral and transitory interaction of inside and outside over time, the cosmos brought into an interior, a constantly changing work across the seasons: active, lively, immersive and full of chance. Nearly 50 years later, The Room of Change (Accurat, Broken Nature 2019) models another version of making the intangible present. Accurat engage a world of change, a complexity beyond human comprehension somewhat also echoing Macfarlane’s notion of a contemporary sublime (Anthropocene). but a world that is channelled through data, connecting the here and now with the global. This is an installation that ‘tells stories of people and their relationship with what has been with them over time, layering dense and granular information with the narration to highlight how change is pervasive at all scales’: a form of Data Humanism. Rewilding is to rethink architectures engagement with nature in all its forms – both human and non-human. How has your research during the first part of the semester expanded your understanding of nature? In the second half of the semester, your role changes from that of ‘critic’ to that of designer/artist – where you are required to make a work that ‘speculates upon how to act’ – but through reflecting upon the material you have presented in your tutorial presentations through the last few weeks. Modes of acting are through drawing, representation, and designing. By the end of semester, you should be defining in your own terms: Rewilding

Architecture… what is this to you? And maybe even posing new sites and opportunities for architecture. 1. Select a site to speculate upon a contemporary engagement between architecture and nature, in its various forms. 2. Make an architectural installation within the site selected to explore ideas and themes emerging from your research 3. What are the challenges your work poses to existing forms of architectural design knowledges in the age of environmental collapse? The challenge for you is to make a shift into a conceptual architectural proposal – one that tests your critical and analytical work undertaken in part one of the elective. It’s to translate those observations and insights into territory that has architectural potential – to speculate upon how to act. A conceptual design project will develop your critical, analytical and design skills by exploring ways of knowing where and how to intervene… the translation of analysis into ideas and concepts holding architectural potential. It will develop your communication skills through the making of drawings that speak to your ideas and concepts. Richard Black

Students: William Alexander, Akiko Bamba, Benjamin Barlett, Jennifer Chen, Qianqian Chen, Riley Faulkner, Mitchell Fleming, Emma Goodieson, Yiming Guo, David Hsu, Jose Lumanta, Priscilla Langi, Xianyi Meng, Xuanyun Song, Olivia Wright, Yuhan Xie, Xinyue Yao, Laura Zammit. With thanks to Laura Zammit for layout and design of the exhibition catalogue.

Dr Richard Black is a registered architect, educator, author and Associate Professor with RMIT School of Architecture and Urban Design. His teaching, design practice and research activities explore overlaps and adjacencies between architecture and landscape. With Anna Johnson he has co-authored several publications, most notably Living in the Landscape and Urban Sanctuary, both by Thames and Hudson; and in 2017 they established an architectural practice based in Castlemaine. Richard’s mapping of the Murray River floods, fieldwork and associated design projects, have been acquired by the Centre for Art + Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, USA. Richard’s design projects have been nationally and internationally recognised through exhibition and publication. He obtained his B.Arch (first class honours) from Curtin University (WA) 1987 and has completed post-graduate study (1991) under Sir Peter Cook at the Städelschule Art Academy, Frankfurt, Germany. He completed an M.Arch (Research) in 1998 and a PhD (2009) both at RMIT University.

Live archive: reading & research

Olivia Wright & Laura Zammit

Rewilding Language

Olivia Wright & Laura Zammit

When one drinks water, one must not forget where it comes from. The act becomes; to re associate the tap to water. We expose the architectural elements of the house so that we might understand that the house is already intertwined with nature, we just have to see it. If we then understand the house as wild, we might better understand our position in it. We might, like the poem goes, drink the water and not forget where it came from. There is knowledge embedded in all made and natural things, and we want to expose some sort of knowledge as to what architecture is, in it’s non architectural context, beyond itself. We explore slippages amongst the made language and the written. The abstract and generally understood, and the hyper specific or drawn. This as a way of connecting outside of architecture, water and light, are brough back into the home. To expose the barriers between nature and the way we live within nature. We are trying to transcribe these moments and in that the architectural element becomes a facsimile of itself. We’re not trying to solve any problems, we are questioning what is architecture’s role and how we design. We are rewilding our idea of architecture, notation and story. If we might rewild language inside the home in this way, in the made and in the verbal/ written then we might influence the future, making, policy and the sensorial experience.

The thing is alive, with story and language.

The closer we get to a thing, the more we can understand it.

The Representation of Nature and Urbanism in Springthorpe

research & idea lineage LONDON AFTER THE GREEN BELT / Irenee Scalbert

TREE SPRAWL / Mauro Baracco, RMIT


Programming the Urban Surface /Alex Wall

What Lies Beyond Us? / Nicholas Rothwell


WILD WAYS BERLIN / Alison and Peter Smithson

Mark Dion

Biodiversity is most prevalent in mid/understory shrubbery


HOW CAN OUR SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENTS BE REIMAGINED THROUGH DRAWING AND CATALOGUING THE EXISTING CONDITION? Nature and biodiversity are always occurring in our surrounding environment, whether this is obvious or not. Nature doesn’t just mean remnant vegetation and forested areas, it means all living things, existing too in our streets, homes and gardens. This could be observed through careful looking and cataloguing of the existing condition. The idea of creating a network of nature throughout a city to encourage biodiversity is something I am very much interested in. Projects such as James Corner’s “The High Line”, Alison and Peter Smithson’s “Wild Ways Berlin” and Irénée Scalbert’s “London after the Green Belt” all explore ways in which nature can be mapped and introduced at an urban scale. Looking at Mark Dion’s alternative methods of cataloguing nature and its artefacts may provide insight into how I could begin to rethink the conventional methods of drawing nature in an urban environment. The project will take form as a series of drawings – maps, catalogues, and other, that attempt to understand the natural ecology surrounding my house. I live in an area which has a strong connection to nature through patches of remnant vegetation and forest, that already link up and form a network of habitat and biodiversity. Through examining and researching the plant and animal life that exist in these areas, as well as the surrounding streetscapes, maybe it will open up ways in which the environment can be reimagined, not only in my area, but throughout Melbourne. The act of careful looking will pave the way for drawings to emerge.


Following from an interest in the ideas around creating networks of nature in cities, and in mapping and drawing nature, I decided to focus on my suburb and its surrounds in the North East of Melbourne. I am surrounded by a network of revegetated spaces, protected forests, parks, and the area has an interesting history of being the grounds for a mental facility in the 20th century. The recent urbanisation has interestingly led to an increase in patches of land returned to their native state. I sought to explore how the land and its history could be drawn. I looked predominantly to James Corners maps which explored attitudes to the land, and John Wolseley’s drawings that strategically embedded themselves in the land and created a rich, layered account of this. Taking techniques and modes of representation from these precedents, I began to research and carefully look at the land around me, and think about and test how this could be represented. A series of drawings, maps and collages were produced, and then consolidated into the final drawings, which seek to combine the data, experience and drawing techniques in one, with a focus on how urbanisation has changed the landscape. Architecture wouldn’t be architecture without modes of representation or learning from a place. It was difficult to represent place through different modes of drawing, but through the testing process it is evident how much can be learned and uncovered about a site. Finding a way to extrapolate information and experiences from a site and translate these into a representation, and then an architecture is a challenge that will be faced by architects forever. There is no right or wrong way to do this, but some methods are more effective than others. Nature and architecture / the urban have a complex relationship that will continually evolve, and depicting this relationship will continue to be a relevant issue.

THE HIGH LINE / James Corner



Emma Goodieson

Sensory and data driven mapping.

GardenGarden House at House Garden Graceat2 Grace House2 at Grace2 WesternWestern Port, Victoria Port, Western Victoria Port, Victoria By baracco By baracco + wright By+baracco wright + wright architects, architects, 2014 architects, 2014 2014 (Top and (Top middle and images) middle (Top and images) middle images)

3. Architekturzentrum Wien., Elke Krasny. and Angelika Fitz., n.d. Critical Care: Architecture And Urbanism For A Broken Planet.

3. Architekturzentrum Wien., Elke Krasny. and Angelika Fitz., n.d. Critical Care: Architecture And Urbanism For A Broken Planet.

Reversing the distribution of public space

3 The Superblock The Superblock Model The Superblock Model3 Model3 Ajuntament Ajuntament de Barcelona Ajuntament de Barcelona de Barcelona By Barcelona By Barcelona CityBy Council, Barcelona City Council, 2016City2016 Council, 2016 Way of reorganising Way of reorganising Waythe of city reorganising the by city bythe city by reversing reversing the distribution the reversing distribution ofthe public distribution of public of public space among space among vehicles space vehicles and among people and vehicles people and people

Reversing the distribution of public space

2. baracco+wright. 2020. Projects — Baracco+Wright. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 November 2020].

Reversing the distribution of public space

2. baracco+wright. 2020. Projects — Baracco+Wright. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 November 2020].

2. baracco+wright. 2020. Projects — Baracco+Wright. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 November 2020].

The retaining of the ground plane

The retaining of the ground plane

1 The Featherston The Featherston The House Featherston House1 House1 Ivanhoe, Ivanhoe, Melbourne, Melbourne, Ivanhoe, Melbourne, By Robin By Boyd Robin, 1967 By Boyd Robin , 1967Boyd , 1967 (Bottom(Bottom image) image) (Bottom image)



Provokes new roles for architecture

Provokes new roles for architecture

Through the research, I was very interested in the artwork: Repair, Venice Biennale 2018. The main aim of the exhibition was to “Provoke new roles for architecture”, and to “to stimulate discussion on core architectural values”. The work introduced me to the idea that “Architecture can integrate built and natural systems to effect repair of the environment”. I was strongly influenced by the Garden House at Grace, which provided an alternative destination for repairs. Very simple approaches were adopted to work more empathetically with the natural environment of this site such as raising the floor by 1 meter to allow the natural ground plane to be undisturbed with minimal use of footings and allowing overland water to pass through the building, and by using large sliding doors connecting to the environment. Significantly the approach to the careful treatment of the specifics of the site is what interested me and how the built elements underpin or facilitate community and environmental issues. This is where an architects role can become evident in the intention to repair an environment. Through this elective, I re-considered many times the role of architecture and architects. I wanted to try and encourage the public to reflect on the state of our natural environment and the effects of global warming on our planet, to feel a part of it and to have better life experiences through their local urban landscapes. I also wanted to go “beyond the visual” and explore the relationships that architecture can make, by framing and reveal, where we live, and how we live with nature. I hope my final proposal is encouraging, engaging and uplifting to the public. This is an important challenge in the future role of the architect, and feel that this is just the beginning of a long journey to work towards better outcomes for the public.


Akiko Bamba

Provokes new roles for architecture

Repair, Repair, Venice Venice Biennale Repair, Biennale Venice Biennale 2018 2018 2018 “Going “Going BeyondBeyond The “Going Visual” The Beyond Visual”The Visual” the relationships the relationships the relationships architecture architecture can make, architecture can make,can make, frame and frame reveal andbetween frame revealand between reveal between ourselves, ourselves, where we ourselves, where live, we where live, we live, how wehow live with we live nature. how with wenature. live with nature. Challenges Challenges Challenges of Repair of Repair of Repair “To stimulate “To stimulate discussion “To discussion stimulate on discussion on on core architectural core architectural core values” architectural values” values” “Architecture “Architecture that “Architecture integrates that integrates that integrates built and built natural and natural systems built and systems tonaturaltosystems to effect repair effectofrepair theeffect of the repair of the 1 1 1 environment” environment” environment”

The retaining of the ground plane

Brunswick Rewilding Urban Infrastructure Design Framework “Work in Progress”

Brunswick Rewilding Urban Infrastructure Design Framework - “Working in Progress” Brunswick Rewilding Urban Infrastructure Design Framework - “Working in Progress”

Brunswick Rewilding Urban Infrastructure Design Framework - “Working in Progress”

Edward St

Victoria St

4. ANTONELLI, P., 2019. BROKEN NATURE. [S.l.]: ELECTA. 5. Park, S., 2020. Agnes Denes: The Living Pyramid. [online] Issuu. Available at: <> [Accessed 10 November 2020]. 6. .Tate. 2020. Social Sculpture – Art Term | Tate. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 November 2020].

Graynold Rd

Michael St

Victoria St

Park St

Graynold Rd

Michael St

Participatory land art

To Merri Creek Trail

and harvesting forpublic the community. Regeneration through in the process to house Melbourne’s Residents could helpinfrastructure ● plants. Repurpose existing public through involvement in the ● of indigenous Repurpose plants existing infrastructure through involvement bike paths bicycle mode share inScheme Victoria.numbers: 5000 trees and land art. rapidly and ever expanding Princes by artist a realm. design of theas urban design of the urban realm. Biodiversity issues there is alsoplant the trees at a workshop organised Barkly population, whichHowever, grew 2.3% to Park Participatory type 1: Tree planting in the public realm as ● Engage artists and create Land art with native plants to leave visitors ● Engage artists and create Land art with native plants to leave visitors community event. substantial latent demand for Square 4.85 million people in 2016-17. is are a seemingly never ending and residents with the feeling thatIt they not just observing a work of and residents with theinfrastructure. feeling that they are not just observing a work of strategies cycling, with people choosing part of the newPublic Landart artwork, using existing Graynold Rd: Remove But environmental scientists say art, but instead living it, stepping into a harmonious landscape. art, but instead living it, stepping into a harmonious landscape. process to house Melbourne’s not to cycle because Upfield of safetyrailway line and bike path ● 5000 Artisttrees organise workshops with the participants where they jointly create Scheme numbers: and plants. Residents help that unless planners change the ● Encourage the public to reflect on the state of our natural environment ● Encourage the public to reflect oncould the state of our natural environment bike paths concerns due to routes that are an artwork rapidly and ever expanding way they provide for this growth and the effects of global warming on our planet through the use of and the effects ofby global warming planet through the use of plant the trees at● a workshop organised artist as aon our are not connected and/or have poor The artist creates a space where the participants able to exhibit their it will come at the cost of population, which grew 2.3% to artististic interventions. separation from traffic. community event. creativity artististic interventions. To Merri To Merri Creek Trail Creek Trailis biodiversity. Urbanisation 4.85 million people in 2016-17. harming our wellbeing with Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity issues strategies Participatory type 1: Tree planting in the public realmBut as environmental scientists say studies proving that Upfield railwayParticipatory line andTobike path To create opportunity have tangible experiences of soil preparation, sowing, create opportunity to have tangible experiences of soil preparation, sowing, It is a seemingly ending part of the new Land artwork, usingtoexisting infrastructure. urbanisation is associated withcar never that unless planners change the car parks, provide dedicated Graynold Graynold Rd: Remove Rd: Remove some street some street parks, provide dedicated Community and harvesting of indigenous plants for the community. Regeneration through andinvolvement harvesting of indigenous plants for the community. Regeneration through process to house Melbourne’s Scheme numbers: 5000 trees and plants. Residents could help levels of mental bikeincreased bike paths paths way they provide for this growth The projectland is designed in order to support existing community initiatives. land art. rapidly and ever expanding plant the trees at aart. workshop organised by artist as a illness, including depression. By creating opportunities that would involve residents in the making, maintaining population, which grew 2.3% to it will come at the cost of community event. This is seen to have effects and managing of the projects a sense of ownership and guardianship is created. 4.85 million people in 2016-17. Public art strategies Public art strategies Participatory typeUrbanisation 2: Residents can is be provide free trees and throughout families, affecting biodiversity. But environmental scientists say Upfield railway line bikeorganise path workshops withplants to plant within their yard and can be paid to children too. ● and Artist the harming participants where theyfront jointly create ● Artist organise workshops with the participants where they jointly create that unless planners change the our wellbeing with implement, manage and maintain the project. an artwork an artwork way they provide for this growth studies proving ● The artist creates a space where the participants are ablethat to exhibit their ● The artist creates a space where the participants are able to exhibit their it will come at the cost of creativity creativity urbanisation is associated with biodiversity. Urbanisation is Edward St

Upfield railway line and bike path

Edward St

part of the new Land artwork, using existing infrastructure. Scheme numbers: 5000 trees and plants. Residents could help plant the trees at a workshop organised by artist as a community event.

Park St

Participatory type 1: Tree planting in the public realm as

To Maribyrnong River Trail

Biodiversity issues

Victoria St

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Barkly Square

Graynold Rd

Princes Park

Michael St


Sydney Rd

Edward St

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Park St

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Transport issues

Graynold Rd


Sydney Rd & Michale St:

Michale St: Remove car access and create social spaces with large land art

Michael St


Repurpo design o ● Engage res Michale St: Remove car access and cre art, but ● To Encoura Mariby and the artististi Remove car access and create social spaces ●

Biodiversity Melbourne has been Participatory type 1: Tree Inner planting in the public realmsplit as THE RESPONSE into isolated rather than To create opport It is a seemingly never ending part of the new Land artwork, using existing infrastructure. Graynold Rd: Provide Removeasome car parks,and provide dedicated Transport issuesprocess to house Melbourne’s safer,street lower-stress better-connected networked interconnected and harvesting o Scheme numbers: 5000 trees and plants. Residents could help Inner Melbourne has been split bike paths network and social spaces neighborhoods and the majority land art. rapidly and ever expanding Upfi into isolated rather than plant the trees at a workshop organised by artist as a of transport links that traverse population, which grew 2.3% to networked interconnected community event. Objectives neighborhoods and 4.85 the majority the inner city areas areline long Upfield railway andand bike path million people in 2016-17. 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TheTrail ● The arti ● Improve links in and out of the area and provide safe circulation To Maribyrnong Maribyrnonghas River River Trail inner north areaToespecially it will come at the cost of inner north area especially has ● Improve urban Biodiversity for peoples creativit very poor connections between THE RESPONSE THE RESPONSE THE ISSUES Urbanisation is biodiversity. very poor connections between Sydney Rd Sydney Rd west to east. west to east. harming our wellbeing with Transport issues How to Provide a safer, lower-stress and better-connected Provide a safer, lower-stress and better-connected Inner Melbourne has the highest Inner Melbourne has the highest Inner Melbourne has been split studies proving that ● Repurpose existing and public socialinfrastructure spaces through involvement in the Participator network and social spaces network bicycle mode share in Victoria. Princes into isolated rather than bicycle mode share in Victoria. design of the urban realm. urbanisation is associated with However, there is also Barkly Princes Community in networked interconnected Park ● Engage artists andBarkly substantial latent demand for Square However, there is alsoUpfield railway line and bike path increased levels of mental Objectives Objectives create Land art with native plants to leave visitors of neighborhoods the majority Upfield railway line and bike path Park and residents with the feeling that they are not just observing a work The project is de cycling, with people choosinglinks that traverse of illness, transport substantial latent demand for Square ● Improve social spaces in existing public realm ● instead Improve social spaces in existing public realm including depression. art, but living it, stepping into a harmonious landscape. not to cycle because safety By creating oppo theof inner city areas are long and ● Increase number of pedestrian journeys ● Increase number of pedestrian journeys cycling, with people choosing ● Encourage the public to reflect on the state of our natural environment This is seen to have effects concerns due to routes that are only cross from north, east, south ● Make street safer, more attractive place to be ● effects Makeofstreet safer, more attractive placethrough to be the use of and managing o global on our planet not connected and/or haveand poorhavefamilies, Participatory typeand 2:the Residents can warming be for provide not to cycle because of safety throughout affecting and west poor ● Improve provision for cyclists ● Improve provision cyclists free trees and artististic interventions. separation from traffic. connections each other. The ● Improve links in and out of the areaconcerns and provide safe circulation ● front Improve links in and outbe of the areato and provide safe circulation dueCreek to routes plants to plant within their yard and can paid childrentotoo. To Merri Trail that are inner north area especially has ● Improve urban Biodiversity for peoples Improve urban Biodiversity for peoples not connected and/or have poor implement, manage and ●maintain the project. Biodiversity very poor connections between Biodiversity issues Participatory type 1: Tree planting in the public realm as Sydney Rd separation from traffic. west to east. To create opportunity to have tangible experiences of soil preparation, sowing, It is a seemingly never ending How to How to part of the new Land artwork, using existing infrastructure. To Merri C Graynold Rd: Remove some street car parks, provide dedicated Inner Melbourne has the highest THE ISSUES

Michale St:


Improve Increas Make st Improve Improve Improve

How to

Barkly Square Sydney Rd: Remove some street car parks, provide dedicated bike paths

Park St

7000 Oaks & Social Sculpture6 Social sculpture is a theory developed by the artist Joseph Beuys in the 1970s based on the concept that everything is art, that every aspect of life could be approached creatively and, as a result, everyone has the potential emove some street car parks, provide dedicated to be an artist4. bike paths (Third and bottom images)

● ● ● ● ● ●

Victoria St

Sydney Rd:

Graynold Rd

Michael St

The Living Pyramid5 Socrates Sculpture Park By Agnes Denes, 2015 (Second image)

Sydney Rd Edward St

Wheatfield4 Manhattan, Battery Park City landfill By Agnes Denes, 1982 (Top image)


Upfield railway line and bike path

Park St

networked interconnected neighborhoods and the majority of transport links that traverse the inner city areas are long and only cross from north, east, south and west and have poor connections to each other. The inner north area especially has very poor connections between west to east. Inner Melbourne has the highest bicycle mode share in Victoria. Princes However, there is also Park substantial latent demand for cycling, with people choosing not to cycle because of safety concerns due to routes that are not connected and/or have poor from traffic. Removeseparation some street car parks, provide dedicated bike paths

harming our wellbeing with studies proving that urbanisation is associated with increased levels of mental illness, including depression. This is seen to have effects Participatory type 2: Residentsfamilies, can be provide throughout affectingfree trees and plants to plant within their fronttoo. yard and can be paid to children implement, manage and maintain the project.

increased levels of mental illness, including depression. This is seen to have effects The project is designed in order to support existing community initiatives. affecting By creating opportunities that would involvethroughout residents in thefamilies, making, maintaining and managing of the projects a sense of ownership andtoo. guardianship is created. children Participatory type 2: Residents can be provide free trees and

Participatory strategies Community involvement

plants to plant within their front yard and can be paid to implement, manage and maintain the project.

Participatory strategies Community involvement

The project is designed in order to support existing community initiatives. By creating opportunities that would involve residents in the making, maintaining and managing of the projects a sense of ownership and guardianship is created. plants to plant within

Participatory type 2

th implement, manage an


Jennifer Chen

This research is conducted on the contours of Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park and attempts to explore how much of a built outcome is required to register a reading on site. General geometric shapes that are common to the practice of architecture; rectangles, squares, and circles are translated to be a series of interventions, large and small. This study acknowledges that all interventions introduced to site are foreign and attempts to speculate on how they may begin to yield to the landscape to take on the form of found geometry. It is through the process of yielding that we can ensure our architectural interventions become directly informed by the surrounding context. This study is conducted through line, where site has been stripped to be of only contours. The weight a line can hold is explored, and the natural landform is privileged over other elements found on site. Operating through lines allows for a more precise understanding of these interventions and how they meet the earth’s surface, in comparison to drawing the ground as a plane. Studied in parallel are photos, they become the tool to offer a new way of finding geometries. The found result of this research is a series of ways to intervene into the landscape; interventions that are not uncommon to the practice of architects, landscape architects, and artists.





BEYOND THE LEGAL BOUNDARY Johnson and Black, Urban Sanctuary Domestic Urbanism and selected

Andrea Kahn Carol Burns Why Site Matters

Melissa Bright in Johnson and Black, AV Veil of Isis001

Melissa Bright in Johnson and Black, AV Veil of Isis001


Architecture to repair landscape

Kerstin Thompson in Johnson and Black, AV Veil of Isis001

Andrea Kahn Carol Burns ,Why Site Matters


Landscape as boundary

Andrea Kahn Carol Burns Why Site Matters Conrad Hamann in Johnson and Black, AV Veil of Isis001

Johnson and Black, Urban Sanctuary Domestic Urbanism and selected


Wetland as infrastructure within an urban context

Pulling landscape over architecture


Is two places of living required?

How much floorplate is needed?

RMIT Classification: Trusted

David Greene, L.A.W.U.N Invisible University, 2003-

Reflecting events held on site within the building

Material, structure, and form that speaks to place



Minimising build - Using existing structure

Site as a form making tool. Using building as a way to raise the civic.




Landscape as exterior

Landscape as place

Landscape as background


How much built infrastructure is needed?

What is the current context? And how does a new addition form a new contextual condition for future interventions to respond to?



Forming a new context


ECOLOGY, LANDSCAPE AND TOPOGRAPHY PLAN - Lines, Contours, Nodes for Plantation, Marks for Matter




PLAN - Lines, Text, Grid

PLAN - Lines, Drawing exact Plantation

Glenn Murcutt, Meagher House

Professor Sand Helsel in Johnson and Black, Urban Sanctuary Domestic Urbanism and selected

Landscape as context or situation

Johnson and Black, Urban Sanctuary Domestic Urbanism and selected

Garden House, baracco+wright

Smout Allen, Augmented Landscapes

Diana Agrest Architecture of Nature, Nature of Architecture



Found geometries and existing desire lines are merged to form an outline for what an intervention could be.


The abstracted form begins to merge with the ground contours. A platform like surface is created through grading works. Avoiding the need for the addition of a foreign object on site.

The abstracted form begins to merge with the ground contours. A platform like surface is created through grading works. Avoiding the need for the addition of a foreign object on site.



A building is stripped to its bare structure; a grid of columns and slabs.

What is extracted from site, begins to mould back into site. The disruption built outcomes bring to nature is often irreversible. Perhaps the question is whether a built outcome was needed in the first place.



retaining wall


tfo pla

Knock Knock Neighbour Jose Lumanta

This project is about Interest on the urban animals. It is looking to break down the nature vs non nature dichotomy, that human and nature is actually an interconnected condition. Animals which is symbolic to anthropology. It was never human vs nature, but it is human and nature. The anthropocene has created challenge about the condition of nature, as per our understanding. From our research we take these keywords as a background problems: Urban condition, voids, biodiversity, and public space. The main challenge from the issue therefore is the interconnectivity between nature and human. First, we need to realize few things: that nature is a condition, not a moral stance, and the human living is actually interconnected within it. So the methodology we use is starting to redefine the nature, unpacking it through a more open lens rather than architecture. Many treat nature as an object: as an aesthetics value, without interaction as a part of architecture. The other side, is putting nature first before the function, nor human issue-which creates nature as subject. But we think the third one is the ideal: nature as condition means living and reacting to nature. To have that reaction we realized that the nature needs to have our own involvement: either through reaction, or being caring. These installations are reexploring the nature of urban animals relationship in closer manner, which covers the area as network, focusing at animals which are living together with humans as anthropological connection, that both are living together instead removing one or the other.

The bird’s eye view

is cinematic and nuisance both..

how may we get closer to nature such a lense?

Rewilding: a code. An exploration of boundaries and the edge.

Our key objectives are: · To explore any intervention through the lens of country - to respect the knowledge, history and ownership of the lands indigenous peoples, · To examine the narratives and contemporary history of site as a part of this understanding · To consider detail design and its impact on site · To consider how these contribute to an overall sense of connection to our environment As inhabitants of the land, what is good for the environment is good us, and when designing what is good for us, it should also be good for the environment.

In considering “environmentally friendly” architec ture, we often ask what we have to do without to achieve this goal. Rammed earth houses, coke bottle windows and curvy forms are considered the norm in this realm, and while these are not incorrect, they provide a barrier to entry for those seeking a more “conventional” archetype. Through our research we have been asking what is the role of Architecture in addressing climate change and developing a more environmentally friendly built environment With the complexity and resistance of macro economics can be overwhelming, it is responsive to changes around it. Through our research, we believe that the urban scale is of key concern. At a scale that regularly -en gages Architects and designers, we believe that that this smaller scale, ranging from the urban condition to the 1:1 detail is an accessible range for architects and laypeople alike to engage with the ideas and buy-in to foster a culture that generates change from the bottom up. Projects like Nightingale, Garden House (Baracco & Wright), Featherston House (Robin Boyd), the RMIT NAS, Main Assembly Building - Tonsley (Woods Ba got), the works of Richard Leplastrier Glen Murcutt and many others, collectively embody the ideas we are seeking to explore. Through a design research proposition, explore how architecture can reinforce our relationship with nature and remove the binaries of “nature” and “architecture” Our key objectives are: · To explore any intervention through the lens of country - to respect the knowledge, history and ownership of the lands indigenous peoples, · To examine the narratives and contemporary history of site as a part of this understanding · To consider detail design and its impact on site · To consider how these contribute to an overall sense of connection to our environment As inhabitants of the land, what is good for the environment is good for us, and when designing what is good for us, it should also be good for the environment.


Richard Leplastrier_

Palm Garden House

Sophisticated Camping.

An architecture that celebrates vegetation.

Ritual code. Sophisticated Camping.



Sophisticated Camping.

In considering “environmentally friendly” architecture, we often ask what we have to do without to achieve this goal. Rammed earth houses, coke bottle windows and curvy forms are considered the norm in this realm, and while these are not incorrect, they provide a barrier to entry for those seeking a more “conventional” archetype. Through our research we have been asking what is the role of Architecture in addressing climate change and developing a more environmentally friendly built environment With the complexity and resistance of macroeconomics can be overwhelming, it is responsive to market changes around it. Through our research, we believe that the urban scale is of key concern. At a scale that regularly engages Architects and designers, we believe that that this smaller scale, ranging from the urban condition to the 1:1 detail is an accessible range for architects and laypeople alike to engage with the ideas and buy-in to foster a culture that generates change from the bottom up. Through a research design proposition, we aim to explore how architecture can reinforce our relationship with nature and remove the binaries around “nature” and “architecture” and consider them together as co-clients

An architecture that celebrates vegetation.

Mitchell Flemming & Benjamin Bartlett

An architecture that celebrates vegetation.

research & idea lineage




Rewilding Architecture Code

GARDEN Density

& EDGE -

Exploration Heritage/Temporal


Density - Exploration

Edge Condition


Garden & Edge

An exploration into the garden wall system & natural air purification.


GARDEN & EDGE Garden & Edge


The continuous garden


An exploration into the continuous garden

The exploration of the continuous garden in section led to the development of a modular system that would contain structure, openiing, drainage and garden in order to facilitate the vertical garden that could be installed into a typical dwelling to replace an existing edge condition with a garden





Wild Yarra

Priscilla Langi & Yuhan Xie We recognise the destruction that urbanisation and re-alignment methods have had on the Yarra river. Developing a position of custodianship which critiques and conceptualises methodologies in response to Melbourne’s city’s urbanised state around Yarra, ‘Wild Yarra’ seeks to shift from managing ecosystems to managing human actions within these ecosystems. We are interested in rewilding through steps of restoring, remediating and reconfiguring, in order to re-establish habitats and natural systems that have been lost in this highly urbanised environment. We have perpetuated the attitude of subjecting nature to a high degree of maintenance and control, which is unsustainable due to its expense and disruption on wildlife. This poses the question, ‘why must we control the uncontrollable?’ Therefore, interventions within the site seek to relinquish control to the underlying complexities and systems of nature, allowing it to repair itself and grow past the borders it has previously been confined to within the urban realm. By exploring the results of this disruptive good - through the reintroduction of biodiversity, floral and fauna - moments of the “terrain-vague” start to manifest itself. The desolate beauty of the city and greenery taking over the land, in a once uncontrollable manner, can now be returned. Using wildness to beautify “terrain-vagues”, organic and inorganic marginal spaces which were abandoned in the process of transformation, can become confrontational devices which allow nature to reconnect and find its way back into the city.

These scans are foraged from local indigeno ban gardens. They were found and will be re Triggered by a weed, the trigger weed ‘one fl weeds.’

In the style of Karl Blossfeldt and with refer The idea is that a facsimilie is a section of lig logical closeness. It’s extremely aesthetic. To piece of biomatter and an almost abstract se

Catalogue of live plants native to the Yarra

ous and protected species as well as subureturned to Yalukit Willam Land. flowering weed equals seven years of bad

rence to Miljohn Roperto & Ulrik Heltoft. ght and time, an elevation of an almost bioo understand nature at this scale. As both a ensuous photograph.

Rewilding the Yarra

a return in time, a disruptive good.

Searching for the ‘Shifter’

research & idea lineage - Traditional Cave Houses in Hebei North-west China

Qianqian(Foris) Chen

- Treehouse Coliving Apartment 2018 Bo-DAA Seoul, Korea

Aligned Type & Individual Type

Courtyard / Front yard as the main living and social area

- Traditional Cave Houses in Henan North-west China

Inspiring by the early research, I divided the residential buildings into generally 4 types. What I was most interested in is the potential of type B and C. Therefore in this analysis, the main topic is to find spaces for nature in the increasingly urbanized suburbs, through a group of architectural projects in Melbourne.

Yard Living Landscape

Diagram of the general structure of cave houses in alined type


- Garden House 2013 Baracco + Wright


The Garden house is an interesting project regarding how the space is defined. But I believed there were more to explore if moving forward into suburbs that are nearer to the modern cities and lifestyle. So the following 2 projects are 2 residential houses in the suburbs that I believe propose an relationship among human lifestyle, natural factors and the surrounding environment within a limited area – the North Melbourne House and the Tir Na Nog.

– Francesco Manacorda, There Is No Such Thing as Nature.

The topic of the discussion is the potential of traditional building type in modern architecture. It will focus on research and simple analysis on the traditional cave houses that exist in the north-west China as a starting point.

– Francesco Manacorda, There Is No Such Thing as Nature.

In the writings of Diana Agrest, she brought out an idea that architecture being a shifter between human and nature, and traditional housing is actually great example of architecture on sustainability, because people back then needed to try their best to cooperate with natural condition due to the lack of technology development. I believe the answer had already been given by people -- ourselves due to historical and geographical factors in different culture. Elements from the typology of the traditional dwellings can be found in modern architecture today, and they may not only exist in residential buildings. The main difference between a traditional house and a modern building is the environment they are fitting in. Take the cases in this discussion as examples, the treehouse apartment is fitting in an urban environment; the cave house is fitting in the landscape.

- Hans Haacke

What I want to look for is the cases that lie between this two situation and the potential of the adoption

I think the strategies in the projects has potential to be widely considered in urban suburbs, because, first of all, plants in the projects were used as a part of the architectural structure. I think it is an interesting strategy of giving plants or natural factors actual functions instead of seeing them as simply decorations. Secondly, they managed to best increase the interaction between the interior and the exterior, and more importantly, they have themselves involved in an active natural system without much affection, which is similar to the idea of architecture being a shifter among systems and activities of human and nature

of traditional building type in urban environment.

- Extinction Series: Black Rhino Head 1989 Mark Dion



- 'MARS' Alex Goad

- Wheatfield - A Czonfrontation 1982 Agnes Denes

– Stefano Boeri at the Forewords

–Diana Agrest, Architecture of Nature, Nature of Architecture.


– Paola Antonelli, Broken Nature

– Francesco Manacorda, "There Is No Such Thing as Nature"

- High Line 2009 Diller Scofido + Renfro in collaboration with Field Operations

- Melbourne City

Foris / Qianqian Chen s3481819

Project Analysis: Spatial Characteristics

Diagram - Changeable Spatial Identity - section view

Analysis of the home as a way of puncturing the city. Building Analysis

- Types of interactions with surroundings

Type A

Type B


Type C

social area A + court yard

social area B + main living area

connected social area

Type D

Project Analysis: Spatial Characteristics 24

Diagram - Spatial Identity

when natural conditions – climate, landscape, etc, take absolute advantage. Diagrams - Zoning and Visual Connections

architecture follows the condition in natural Project Analysis: Spatial Characteristics environment e.g. garden house

Diagram - Changeable Spatial Identity - side view

when human activities take the absolute advantage e.g. modern cities

e.g. ancient dwellings


architecture follows the condition in urban environment

e.g. normal residential houses

Reflecting elements

street front



metal decks

yard A

visual connections


yard B

Project Analysis: Strategies




social area A + court yard

social area B + main living area

connected area

brick & fences

Reflecting elements

- Reflections to the surrounding environment

Main Living Area A & B

More Private - Living, bathroom and Bedrooms Court yard/ Main outdoor space More Public - Main living & Dining

rear lane



Project Analysis: Spatial Characteristics Diagrams - Zoning and Visual Connections

3 sides of the site is facing the main streets, therefore the large outdoor area of the projects could be seen as a reflection of the urban condition.

Strategies - To minimize the affection on hydrology system



Reflecting elements

Project Analysis: Strategies Diagrams - Plants and grounds

street front neighbour

metal decks

yard A visual connections


yard B

openings brick & fences

Reflecting elements

Going underground)

23 Areas that were left as sand, dirt or covered with plants

Main Living Area A & B


rear lane


A part of the network of Melbourne's underground water is right under the site, therefore both of the gardens were designed to be able to collect rain water for the existing hydrology system.

direction of rain water

Going underground)


Climate Observations & Propositions for the Altona Shoreline Riley Faulkner

In Broken Nature, Paola Antonelli states “In its most modernist and functionalist version, design is hailed as problem-solving and humancentred, but since humans subsist under the illusion that survival depends on dominion, it goes without saying that all design is human-centred in that it touches all live beings, from whales to oaks, from stars to wetlands, from plankton to termites, but cares only about some - humans.” The work and ideas that substitute my final presentation are aimed at making behavioural changes for people eager to make a quick profit and move onto the next project - caring only for the economical aspect of architecture and building design, whilst forgetting both the social and environmental aspects of our occupation. This elective has allowed me to experiment with, and investigate ideas or methods that enforce architects, developers, drafts people, trades and any other person that may be involved with design and construction into ensuring that considerations for the environment are made throughout the entire process of site acquisition, design, construction and habitation. For me this elective has been about making aware the incredible climate threat we face, and about looking for solutions to mitigate the effects, or to help ‘ride-out’ the imminent change in lifestyle we face as a result of a changing climate. It’s about taking a step back and realising the dangerous effects we have on Earth, but also the way in which we can begin to repair our relationship with the planet and ALL of its inhabitants, organisms and natural systems.

research & idea lineage

OBSERVATIONS (1st half): over time. Observations and projections












PROPOSITIONS half): Propositional(2nd analysis Altona over / time

PROPOSITIONS (2nd half):


Propositions_Tree-planting Propositions_Rates








MID-SEM PRESENTATION: Propositions_Guidelines-1


Propositions_Tree-planting Propositions_Rates








Urban Biodiversity

David Hsu & William Alexander

Architecture and urban planning revolve around the accommodation of humans, and the operations within the world of anthropocene. The contemporary role of architects as a collective, have been reduced to the execution of architectural design, rather than serving as guidance for other industries, towards the direction that favours the sustainability of humanity and the environment. Furthermore, to achieve the effect anticipated, at the scale of the discussion the rewilding elective is inciting, a lot of the design relies on human participation as a mass, and diverse industries as a collective.

Seeds of Time: An exploration into the relationship between nature and our common life. Xianyi Meng & Xuanyun Song

The project aims to form a social community in the flagstaff garden through the continuous transformation of materials, which connect the Victoria market and the flagstaff garden. From the history of the sites, our group finds that the cemetery was a crossover between the history of the victory market and flagstaff garden, although they develop separately nowadays. Therefore, our group thinks about how to build up new connections and rejuvenate the flagstaff garden and Victoria market through natural and human made, which aims to create a social community programe. Our group plans to design furniture of different scales, implying different stages of life, like a clock. At the same time, a vernacular architecture can represent the flagstaff garden with the traditional material and technology. The whole exhibition is like a street experiment, connected with the Victoria market, and finally formed a street art gallery. However, this not only allows people to understand the relationship between nature and human-made, but also understand that there is a social hierarchy problem.

research & idea lineage

Annotated Bibliography: Archive/Community of Practice (REV3 Rewilding Architecture Elective

This bibliography is a first-go to arrange, curtate a series of ‘like-minded’ ideas, texts, practices, across art, urbanism, architecture, and landscape urbanism that selectively delve into trajectories over the last 30 years – it’s not exhaustive, its selective to reveal positions, strategies and ideas, a building awareness of ecological systems into an architectural context, new programs, rethinking of urbanism. It collects different practices and disciplines that share common ground – an engagement with natural systems and process, ecologies, landscapes as a form of urbanism.

Art Practice Andrew Brown, ‘At the Radical Edge of Life’ in Andrew Brown, Art and Ecology Now, Thames and Hudson: London, 2014, p6-15. A useful survey tracing key artistic practices over the past 50 years, those often associated with conceptual art, land art and environmental art. Simon Starling, (projects: Autoxylopyrocycloboros, Blue Boat Black and Shedboatshed) Domus, No905, July August 2007, p132-137. Boatshedboat was winner of the Turner Prize in 2005, a project that transformed a shed into a boat and back into a shed. Conceptual ideas around economy, using what is a hand, the everyday, a closed system, memory. Colleen J Sheehy, ‘Reshuffling the University and Gestures of Hope, cabinet of curiosities, 2001, in, Lucy Flint (ed), Mark Dion Misadventures of a 21st-Century Naturalist, Yale University Press: New Haven, 2017, p100107. Killers Killed 1994-2007, in Lucy Flint (ed), Mark Dion Misadventures of a 21st-Century Naturalist, Yale University Press: New Haven, 2017, p100107.

Mark Dion’s works provide insights into the social, cultural and political structures around human interactions with the natural world. A selection of key texts, interviews, drawings and installations reveal a critical understanding of nature. Suzanne Ramljak, ‘On the Brink: Surveying the Contemporary Sublime,’ in Suzanne Ramljak, Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman, Natural Wonders. The Sublime in Contemporary Art, Thirteen Artists Explore Nature’s Limits, Rizzoli/Electa: New York, 2018, p10-25. Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman, ‘Wondering Aloud: On Making Art in the Anthropocene’ in Suzanne Ramljak, Mark Dion and Alexis Rockman, Natural Wonders. The Sublime in Contemporary Art, Thirteen Artists Explore Nature’s Limits, Rizzoli/Electa: New York, 2018, p26-35. Two essays, the first, erodes the ‘dividing line between nature and culture’ as well as exploring the sublime – a concept currently being discussed by many writers on the Anthropocene. The second essay is a dialogue between two artists as the title suggests on making art in the Anthropocene. Several extraordinary art works…. see for instance, Maya Lin, Bay, Pond, & Harbor. Landscape / Urbanism / Ecology Bart Lootsma,’ Disconnecting Nature, Connecting Nature, West 8 in New York’, in Daidalos, Architekture Kunst Kultur, The Grove, September 1997, p104 -109. West 8 Adrian Geuze, ‘Vertical Landscapes’ in Manuel Gausa (ed), Quaderns D’Arcquitectura I Urbanisme, No217, p54-69. Early projects by West 8, bringing together landscape, urbanism and ecology, through an intensified vertical urban landscape systems. Alex Wall, ‘Programming the Urban Surface’ in James Corner (ed) Recovering Landscape, Essays in Contemporary landscape Architecture, Princeton Architectural Press: New York, 1999, p233-249. An excellent essay on architectural strategies (as distinct from designing) to organise and structure the urban field, including building, roads, open space, neighbourhoods and natural habitats. James Corner, ‘Ecology and Landscape as Agents of Creativity’ in James Corner and Alison Bick Hirsch (eds) The Landscape Imagination, Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010, Princeton Architectural Press: New York, 2014, 256-281. An early formative essay by Corner introducing ecology into the context of design. James Corner, ‘Hunt’s Haunts: History, Reception, and Criticism on the Design of the High Line’, in Creativity’ in James Corner and Alison Bick Hirsch (eds), The Landscape Imagination, Collected Essays of James Corner 1990-2010, Princeton Architectural Press: New York, 2014, p341-349. Following on from his essay on ecology, but this time framed around his work on the High Line in New York, useful to compare with the projects by West 8 and Alison and Peter Smithson Wild Ways, Berlin. The Highline had feature in the

catalogue Radical Nature (Diller and Scofidio). Richard Sennett, ‘Times Shadow’ in Richard Sennett, Building Dwelling, Ethics for the City, Penguin Books: 2019, p267-291. A sociologist writing on the city, and in this section, a story about a ‘living breakwater’ around Manhattan island, designed to erode and be rebuilt by the flood waters…. Useful addition to ideas being discussed in Corner’s essay on creative potential of ecological systems. Dirk van den Heuvel, Janno Martens and Victor Munoz Sanz, Habitat Ecology Thinking in Architecture, NAI 010 Publishers: Rotterdam, 2020, p9-21. Soon to be published book cutting across the issues of ecology outlined above, with urbanism and architecture from the TEAM 10 architects Irénée Scalbert, ‘London After the Green Belt’ in AA Files no66, Architectural Association School of Architecture: London,2013, p3-15. The city as a green infrastructure/network or urban ecological network rather than just buildings. A text connecting many ideas running through other articles in this collection. Nicolas Rothwell, ‘What Lies Beyond Us’ in Nicholas Rothwell, Quicksilver, Text Publishing: Melbourne, 2016, p133-166. Rothwell’s essay is a far-ranging questioning of many issues surrounding this elective: ‘How should we conceive of our place in the landscape of the continent we have claimed our own? Are we its custodians, masters, brokers, servants….? Amy K Hahs, ‘Soft Cities: Making room for nature in our urban future’, in Foreground, April 20, 2017. Article: biodiversity-in-our-urban-future/ Good companion essay to ‘London After the Green Belt’ and Greg Bamford’s ‘Life Beyond Setbacks’– but specific to Melbourne. Project: Stadlandschaft Lichterfelde Süd, Berlin 1998-2001. Florian Beigel and Philip Christou, Baukunst, 01, Florian Beigel and Philip Christou, The Idea of City, Ajand Limited: London, 2013. Andrew Mead, Time Travellers, The Architects’ Journal, 03 April, 2003, p26-37. Florian Beigel and Philip Christou, ‘Time Architecture, Stadlandschaft Lichterfelde Süd, Berlin,’ in Architectural Research Quarterly, vol 3, No3, 1999, p203-220. Project: Südraum, Leipzig

Florian Beigel, Philip Christou and Philipp Misselwitz, ‘Constructing the Site’, in A+T (Architecture + Technology), Memory (II), No17, 2001, p60-73. Competition projects by Beigel and Christou (ARU) crossing the scales of architecture, landscape, infrastructure and urbanism and implementing ecological scale systems. Landscape as infrastructural systems. Architecture Anna Johnson and Richard Black, transcription of our interview with Glenn Murcutt, 12 February 2016, Glenn Murcutt’s office, Raglan Street, Sydney, (Living in the landscape) unpublished. An interview (3hour long) conducted as part of our research undertaken for the framing essay of Living in the Landscape. Murcutt discusses his deep understanding of landscape as a living system and its upon making architecture. Very grateful for his openness and generosity sharing his insights of his life in practice. Anna Johnson and Richard Black, ‘The Veil of Isis’ AV, 2017 Summer, Architect Victoria. Anna Johnson and Richard Black, ‘Expanding Terrains’ in Anna Johnson and Richard Black, Living in the Landscape, extraordinary rural homes in Australia and New Zealand, Thames and Hudson: Port Melbourne, 2016, p10-17. Anna Johnson and Richard Black, Domestic Urbanism, Inside Out: the new domestic terrain in Anna Johnson and Richard Black, Urban Sanctuary, The New Domestic Outdoors, Thames and Hudson: Port Melbourne, 2018, p12-19. These publications have been included as the framing essays introduce key themes overlapping with those structuring the archive / community of practice, also included are several key architectural works, including houses by Michael Markham, NMBW Studio, Vokes and Peters, Drew Heath and Baracco Wright that evidence an architectural engagement with nature/landscape/ecology in various ways – at a domestic scale. The issue of AV invited various practice from around Australia to contribute writing on a similar topic. Carol J Burns and Andrea Kahn (eds), ‘Why Site Matters’ in Carol J Burns and Andrea Kahn, Site Matters, Design Concepts, Histories, and Strategies, Routledge: New York, 2005, pvii-xxix. An introductory essay into an important book – into the discourse of landscape, urbanism, and nature through the lens of ‘site’ and how this is constructed through the design process. Junya Ishigami, Freeing Architecture, Foundation Cartier pour l’art contemporain: Paris, 2018, p1-89. A practice with a range of projects across scale working actively with natural systems and landscape. The elderly persons home - comparison with the shedboat shed by Simon Starling.

Diane Agrest, Architecture of Nature, Nature of Architecture, Applied Research and Design Publishing: New York, 2018. Astonishing work around drawing and representation of extreme natural phenomena – making it present, understanding complex natural systems like clouds, hydrological and geological systems. A contemporary sublime.

Radical Edge of Life’

Laura Allen and Mark Smout, Augmented Landscapes, Pamphlet Architecture 28, Princeton Architectural Press: New York, 2007. Several speculative projects for dynamic landscape systems – a geofluidic landscape and a village in Norfolk falling into the sea. Dynamic architectural systems, rather than buildings, emerge from these situations.

Kevin O’Brien Architect, Finding Country, Exhibition, Venice, August 2012. http://www.

Alison and Peter Smithson, ‘Wild Wege/Wild Ways’ in Max Risselada, The Space Between, Alison and Peter Smithson, Buchhandlung Walter Koenig: Koln, 2017, p92-101. Infrastructure, ecological systems, green networks, urban renewal, unbuilt project for Berlin reconnecting abandoned rail infrastructure, imagining a new urban network, 20 years before New York’ High Line. David Greene and Samantha Hardingham, ‘The Invisible University’ in David Greene and Samantha Hardingham, L.A.W.U.N Project #19: Situated Technologies and the Picturesque (8/20), Architectural Association: London, p179-201. David Greene and Samantha Hardingham, The Prospectus of the Invisible University, University of Westminster. David Greene of the Archigram team. A significand ongoing conceptual project – of rethinking the role of institutions, buildings and urban infrastructure in this case a University. An updating of Cedric Price’s ‘Potteries Thinkbelt’ (1964). Topical and very relevant to what is happening in the world currently, with the pandemic, but longer-term implications for rethinking all building typologies! Gregory Bamford, ‘Life beyond Setbacks’ in Architecture Australia, May/June 2011, p51-54. Read in relation to the Irénée Scalbert, ‘London After the Green Belt’ but shifts the scale down to the suburban neighbourhood – in particular the work of Brisbane practice Vokes and Peters, domestic scale works seen as a network of small scale additions that add to a an urban network of green infrastructure. Laurids Ortner and Manfred Ortner, ‘Constructing a Second Nature Release into the Wild’, in Laurids Ortner and Manfred Ortner (eds), Haus Rucker-Co Drawings and Objects 19691989, Volume II, L.O.M.O Archive ROC Flomar Collection, Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter Koening: Cologne, 2019. Again – several more distant investigations into an urban nature, early attempts of rewilding urban settings, making provisional architecture, from the 1970’s onward. Useful to compare with the artistic practices outlined in Andrew Brown, ‘At the

Linda Pollak, ‘Pieces of the World: Nature-Object and Nature Space’, in Daidalos, Architektur Kunst Kultur, The Grove, Berlin, September,1997, p28-41.

The land’s surface, holding cultural content, connecting first nations people to place. The term, country rather than landscape is significant here, a place rich in stories, memory, and culture, rather than being seen as a resource to be used. See in relation to Michael Markham’s Bethanga (tUG Workshop) in Living in the Landscape. See also, Nicolas Rothwell, ‘The Landscape behind the Landscape’ 2014 Eric Rolls Memorial lecture, national Library of Australia, 22 October 2014 (published under a different title, ‘What Lies Beyond Us’). Richard Le Plastrier, architect, Sydney. Documentary, ABC I view ‘Framing the View’ An excellent documentary on the Sydney based architect (a contemporary of Glenn Murcutt), his views on nature, and detailed coverage of his building and how they form an immersive experience of their landscapes and the natural world of which they are a part. Wild City, by Beta Architecture Speculative project bringing ecological systems into contact with urban systems to increase urban biodiversity, new urban typologies. Elizabeth Farrelly, ‘We can’t beat the planet into submission. We can retreat’. in The Sydney Morning Herald, 1.08.2020 we-can-t-beat-the-planet-into-submission-we-can-retreat-20200730-p55h2h.html A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald on the eroding coastline of New South wales and consequent destruction of coastal property – and challenges for the urban environment. Casagrande Laboratory Casagrande Laboratory is a multidisciplinary architecture and innovation company with projects ranging from one-family houses to CLT apartment buildings and from

environmental art to landscape architecture and local knowledge based biourbanism.

Richard Black

Projects: Ultra-ruin, Chen House, Ruin Academy, Paracity Taipei.

Last updated 10th August 2020.

Pierluigi Nicolin (ed) Lotus International No 157, City as Nature, Editoriale Lotus: Milan, May 2015. ‘In addition to the customary way of looking at the city as the epitome of artifice, it is possible to direct our gaze in such a way as to go beyond the conceptual and physical limits of the urban environment as it is commonly understood. In essence, we could give back to urban geography the role that it deserves. In doing so, city planning is faced with the phenomena of the natural ecosystem—always present anyway—which manifests itself through an infinite range of events, linked to the weather as well as the landscape. A new sensibility is emerging as a consequence of these changes in the focus of our attention, and so we are having to say goodbye to a vision of architecture as purely and simply a matter of building (Editorial). Pierluigi Nicolin (ed) Lotus International No 149, Lotus in the fields, Editoriale Lotus: Milan, 2012. The city’s relations with the countryside presents a number of unexpected phenomena. On the one hand we see almost a desire of the city to turn into countryside, while on the other the themes of landscaping tend to favor the country as an area in which to realize those pragmatic ideals that the recent predominance of the visual has ended up neglecting (Editorial). Peter Cook Projects: Way-Out-West Berlin (1988), Veg House (1996-2001), Veg Village (1998) Peter Cook, The City, Seen as a Garden of Ideas, The Monacelli Press: New York, 2003 Peter Cook, Peter Cook, Six Conversations, Architectural Monograph No28, Academy Editions: London, 1992. Peter Cook, Tongues, Claws and Tail, (exhibition catalogue), Verlag Jürgen Häusser: Darmstadt, 1998 At the urban and architectural scale, Cook’s work has consistently explored a metamorphosis of building and landscape – or vegetation and urbanism – as a provocation. Compare these projects to the early work of West 8 and the urban scale landscape infrastructure Beigel and Christou.

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