Void Retrofit Yiyi Ma
The Temporal City
What is the City?
The Temporal City
The city is a growing child with high demand of nutrition and high metabolism for its rapid taking in and throwing out. The change of program, change of population, change of time make differences to the city, yet the city would not be turned over but need certain digest to process the changes to the interface. All the buildings, contexts, people contribute to this digesting system of the city, however, a not well thought plan would become the poison to the system and drag it down day by day. A city should always be available for all the people being on different spot on the timeline hence a strong digesting system is needed.
The Temporal City
What if the city develops in a balanced way of void metabolism? The development of the city is like the digesting system and a general metabolism, and it is never ever stabled.
What is time?
The Temporal City
The laws of physics do not specify an arrow of time, and allow any process to proceed both forward and in reverse, also for time. So what time do you see now? Is it moving forward? Or moving backward? There will not have the answer. Same as the city, some people tend to consider the development of a city using the phrases of past and future, but indeed we are not considering a future city to make it better, we are actually considering a smarter city, a more proper city for adapting more uses and more effectiveness. For even we are on the same land, we are having different times about it. One lives in the city and works nearby would consider a whole 24 hours of the city, while someone living in the suburbs and only coming to city for business would only have half of The Temporal City
the day thinking about it. What about a working man having his night shift most of the time and only gets up to work with nights and stars? So the time in the city, isn’t about the pushing forward development, but is about the adaptability for every one on a different time frame, because we never know if another is living in the city forward or backward. However, a city should always be available for all of us being on different spot on the timeline.
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Mining the City
The Temporal City
Block study Between Queen St & William St, Between Collins St & Bourke St
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Direct Sunlight Hours Analysis Between 7am to 7pm
Summer (21 Dec ) The Temporal City
n (21 Mar/21 Sept)
Winter (Jun 21) (ΔT)3
Solar Radiation Analysis Between 7am to 7pm
Summer (21 Dec ) The Temporal City
n (21 Mar/21 Sept)
Winter (Jun 21) (ΔT)3
Solar Radiation Analysis Between 7am to 7pm
Summer (21 Dec )
Common (21 Mar ) The Temporal City
Winter (21 Jun)
Common (21 Sept) (ΔT)3
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Conflation, Interpretatio
The Temporal City
on & Amplification
The Temporal City
Change over Time
The Temporal City
Hour 00
Hour 03
Hour 12
Hour 15
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Hour 18
Hour 22
Hour 00
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Hour 15
The Temporal City
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The Temporal City
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Hour 00
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10+ years
30+ years
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20+ years
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0+ years
20+ years
The Temporal City
10+ years
30+ years
Diurnal or the 24-Hour P
The Temporal City
Existing Condition
The Temporal City
Proposed Condition
The Temporal City
“Sustainable Metabolism” -- a “Super Block” System generating sustainable city development. It is no doubt that the possibility of more and more streets in cbd area would become completely car-free in 2030s, 2040s and later on. However, this ruleless restriction on vehicular cars shows a serious problem with the current city development without having a physical or virtural central spot to allow following development. The mid sem project sets the super block and sub blocks in city, this gives a clear boundary of where the carfree areas are and seperates the commercial and non-commercial area within the city to maximise make the car problem easier for people.It sets an sustainable metabolism system in The Temporal City
the city, where the program change and building change is minimised to building size or only between the super block and the sub block, and also regulate the development of the city. Also more green areas, green areas are sustainable both environmentally and economically. With the superblock, the programs stack and intersects horizontally and focus on commercial side. The sub blocks focuses on the non-commercial features and especially apartment buildings and public use buildings. When population of residences increases, part of full office building could be taken to transfer into the apartment building without further more constructions.
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Urban Rules
The Temporal City
RULE 01 The CBD area is divided into “Super Block” and “Sub-Blocks”, in “Super Block”, vehicular cars are not allowed.
The Temporal City
“Super Block” “Sub-Block”
RULE 02 The Priority: in Sub-Blocks, the public buildings (eg. educational buildings, libraries, churches) are not the new-built forms, and always stay the same.
The Temporal City
RULE 03 Sustainable Metabolism: The change building program based on needs and population is transfered between buildings or blocks. Minimum demolishing required.
The Temporal City
RULE 04 Central “Domination”: Melbourne as a formal planned urban context with colonial background, the urban planning is lack of an original central area. The grid is not leading a direction of development. A new Central in the CBD is required to lead formal city development.
The Temporal City
More Green Required: Green areas are not only environmental sustainab but also a flexible spatial condition for more programs with low cost.
The Temporal City
Super Block - High Density
The Temporal City
Sub Blocks - Low Density
Foundation Metabolism: The buildings adding up vertically and changes the pro
The Temporal City
ogram while the population grows and doubles in the near future.
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
0+ years
20+ years
The Temporal City
10+ years
30+ years
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Elasticity - 10, 20, 20 yea
The Temporal City
ar plan
0+ years
20+ years
The Temporal City
10+ years
30+ years
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Return Brief
The Temporal City
Questions: The design is called sustainable metabolism, but only shows the density not the energy consumption, how it to be called sustainable? Comment: Could be focused on energy consumption and open space or green spaces to development the sustainable city idea. Questions: The design describes a metabolism system, the super block seems to be a brain for the sub blocks, however, there is a disconnection between them? Comment: Could become a system of how the super block serves sub blocks and the sub blocks give certain features to the super block. Comment: The Temporal City
Address a scene for the post-covid period, the datas are all describing the past, not future. How would the city perform after the covid? Consider the scale of the proposition and how to get maximum benefit. The green area does not need to be so huge, green area could also become a waste of land.
Spatial Exploration
The Temporal City
21/12 Summer
The Temporal City
21/06 Winter
The Temporal City
Green Space-Common Area
Retrofit Form
The Temporal City
Average Direct Sunlight Hours Between 7am to 7pm
The Temporal City
Average Direct Sunlight Hours Between 7am to 7pm
The Temporal City
Summer Solar Radiation
The Temporal City
Open Common Area
Solar Panel
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
OFFICE The Temporal City
00 (ΔT)3
OFFICE The Temporal City
07 (ΔT)3
OFFICE The Temporal City
12 (ΔT)3
OFFICE The Temporal City
18 (ΔT)3
OFFICE The Temporal City
23 (ΔT)3
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
Final Project
The Temporal City
“Void Retrofit” What if the city develops in a balanced way of void metabolism? The city is working in a flexible way. The on-streetcar parking data and the real time pedestrian count data brought out the nature of the composition between static and kinematic condition of the city. From post covid era, certain concerns would then be that people are used to work from home hence the numerous offices would not be used much anymore, also the population of Melbourne CBD would double twenty years later and residences would need a boom from now. Therefore this project is looking at development maintain composition of static and kinematic, also the balance between material need and quality The Temporal City
need, the current phase is the combination of both material need and quality need since covid arouse people’s seeking for a quality life. It uses different motion condition to express the status of translation between material and quality need. At the same time, keep the balance between the economic market and quality need. When put different modules for void metabolism into the city block and whole city, share material and quality need between individual, property, groups, buildings and the whole community. In 24 hours, this project can satisfy the needs for different groups of people but always makes the balance between static and kinematic, material and quality. (ΔT)3
Rule 1:
Convert at least half of the office buildings into residential apartments.
Rule 2:
Development maintain composition of static and kinematic.
The Temporal City
1890s Material Need
The Temporal City
1960s Material Need
1920s Quality Need
2010s Quality Need
Rule 3:
City development according to the balance between material need and quality need, the current phase is the combination of both material need and quality need since covid arouse people’s seeking for a quality life.
The Temporal City
1960s Material Need
2010s Quality Need
Rule 4:
Combination of static/kinematic model with material/q
Using different motion condition to express the status the same time, keep the balance between the econom
The Temporal City
quality model.
of translation between material and quality need. At mic market and quality need.
Rule 4a:
STATIC condition: invert common area (material and qu
Existing Material Need
The Temporal City
uality need at the same time)
New Material Need & Quality Need
Rule 4b:
KINEMATIC condition: translation between living room quality need)
Living Room / Inside Material Need
The Temporal City
m and open space (switch between material need and
Open Space / Outside Quality Need
Rule 4c:
SHARE MODEL: turn poor material into better material
Existing Poor Material
The Temporal City
l and create more quality (share material and quality)
New Better Material & More Quality
Rule 4d:
affordable sustainable housing on possible area (create material for and provide quality for both self and community/balance of market
Existing No Material
The Temporal City
particular group of people and to the community and affordable housing)
New More Material & Shared Quality
Rule 5:
put different modules for void metabolism into the city block and wh
between individual, property, groups, buildings and the whole comm
Existing Poor Material & Quality
The Temporal City
hole city, share material and quality need
New Shared Material & Shared Quality
Home Office
The Temporal City
Inverted Common Area
Residential Open Area
Affordable Housing
10+ years view The Temporal City
20+ years view The Temporal City
30+ years view The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
N 0m
50 (ΔT)3
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City
The Temporal City Ian Nazareth | David Schwarzman RMIT Architecture Semester 2 2021 https://www.temporal.city/