RM Review August 2023

Page 5

Direct Mailed for FREE to over 6,500 Homes in these Communities

Donavon, Dundurn, Grandora, Hanley, Harris, Kenaston, Kinley,

Pike Lake, Sonningdale, Sovereign, Swanson, Tessier, Vanscoy, Zealandia

Delisle Sports Celebrity Dinner is August 10th

The Delisle Sports Celebrity Dinner is again quickly approaching and organizers are excited about the four keynote speakers for the event. Attending will be former Philadelphia Flyer Brian Propp, and joining him will be famous “Broad Street Bullies” Orest Kindrachuk, Dave Schultz and Don Saleski.

Attendees of the dinner will have an opportunity to bid on one of the four front row tables and sit with their favorite celebrity for dinner, as well as receive a custom made, stainless steel Flyers logo sign which will be autographed by the celebrities.

Sponsors will be treated to a VIP Lounge experience ahead of the dinner, sponsored by Lucky Bastard Distillery and Bruja De La Luna restaurant, where they will be rubbing shoulders with the celebrity guest speakers and will have an opportunity to receive once in a lifetime photos with the celebrities as well.

Everyone who attends this event will be able to take part in both live, and silent, auctions featuring unique NHL memorabilia, as well as dining with the NHL celebrities. Some of the many auction items include two tickets to a Flyers game of your choice, including airfare and hotels. Four tickets to a Roughriders game in Regina courtesy of Gowan Canada. Twelve hours use of a Pro-Till disc from Brandt, cases of Round-up Transzorb, various sports paraphernalia, and many, many other exciting items.

Events sponsors are Prairie Centre Credit Union and Somerville Farms this year and organizers have also recently confirmed that Kevin Waugh will be returning as emcee for the dinner.

This year there will be a special presentation to recognize Daryll Starling as a builder of local sports through his countless years of involvement in many local sport leagues.

Kevin Waugh will again emcee this event

Safe Rides Home are available for anyone attending the event and are provided by the Delisle and District First Responders.

This is truely a locally produced event and is the biggest fundraiser in Delisle, providing support for local sports, culture and recreation organizations both in and around Delisle.

You can help support your community by enjoying this once in a lifetime evening of entertainment !

Tickets are $145 and are available by advance sale only. But hurry, because this event is almost sold out again ! For tickets or more information call:

Dan at 306-260-3367

Kenny at 306-241-3725

Check their Facebook page for more updates.

Contact Us .................... p. 2 STAY-Cation Agriculture Reports ......... p. 10 September Issue Deadline Down the Road ................ p. 2 Guide p. 6 - 7 Local Businesses ............. p. 11 for Submissions is Council Reports ............... p. 4 Community Reports ........ p. 8 Business Directory .......... p. 12 Friday August 25th RM Review Your COMMUNITY... Your NEWSPAPER Volume 24 Number 8 FREE INDEX Read the RM Review on your computer, tablet or phone with our FREE On-Line Reader at www.rmreview.net
Arelee, Asquith, Borden, Broderick, Conquest, Delisle, Langham, Laura, Milden, Outlook, Perdue,
August Events Guide on Pages 6-7

Terry and Kymm Down the Road

My friend, Terry, and I volunteer at the local foodbank. Once a week we drive the foodbank van to make a regular series of pick-ups from the nearby grocery stores, collecting excess produce, day old bakery and other food stuffs. It hardly seems like work to me because I spend most of the time laughingTerry has an incredible sense of humour that he delivers in an almost deadpan manner - he is a very funny guy.

Terry was putting up Christmas lights about 10 years ago and fell off the ladder, banging his head on the sidewalk he landed on and ended up with a brain injury.

(I don't have a particularly wide circle of acquaintances, but I still know more than a handful of men who have come to serious disadvantage as a result of falling off ladders while putting up Christmas lights - consider yourself cautioned.)

As a result, Terry had to stop working and go on disability. Although he is fully recovered now, he is still reluctant to sit in the driver's seat, quite content to leave the driving to me.

And he’s always a reasonably calm passenger - he hardly ever screams when the old man driver (c'est moi) distractedly runs a pink-ish traffic light.

I haven't always been able to make the drive with Terry, sometimes Mrs. B and I would be away travelling somewhere. Terry would always be interested to know where we were going and, as our trips were usually in the winter to someplace warm, he would feign indignant outrage.

Terry would announce to his family, over the dinner table, what new junket Mrs. B and I were going on and, in the telling, would refer to me, (almost fondly, I think) as "that f****r".

(How could you not warm to a guy with a sense of humour like that?)

Terry and his wife, Kymm, have four children, all adults now, 3 sons and a daughter.

About 17 years ago, their eldest son, Bryden, who was about 15 years old at the time, became very sick and had to be airlifted from Victoria to the Vancouver Childrens Hospital, a much larger hospital with many more resources, to be diagnosed and treated.

After all the tests were done, the family was gathered around Bryden's bed, waiting for the doctor who was coming to deliver the results of the tests and the final diagnosis.

The doctor walked in with a very somber look on his face and in a very low tone and sympathetic voice, pronounced that Bryden had cancer - the leukemia kind.

The whole family gasped, shell-shocked, and time stood still while all the oxygen got sucked out of the room.

And into that terrible, horrible, quiet moment, Terry announced, in a very straight-faced, matter-of-fact voice, “I know how you must feel, son. Just last week the dentist told me I have gingivitis."

There was another terrible, horrible, quiet moment, this time occasioned by Terry's out-of-left-field dark humour, and then the whole family, patient and doctor included, cracked up and burst out laughing. And oxygen re-entered the room.

That humour, Terry's humour, is what got them all past that heart-stopping, gut-wrenching moment that always follows a diagnosis of cancer, a heartstopping, gut-wrenching moment that is infinitely magnified when the diagnosis is of your child.

Fortunately, with aggressive treatment, Bryden recovered and his leukemia went into remission. Today he is 17 years cancer-free, working as a butcher in a large grocery store and leading a full and productive life.

Kymm, too, has a very active sense of humour, though perhaps not as deliberate. Terry and Kymm have a backyard pond that they stock with goldfish.

They need to restock the pond from time to time, because the goldfish keep disappearing. Turns out the pond, with its "fish in a barrel" motif, attracts all sorts of pesky forms of pescatarian (fish-eating) wildlife: raccoons, otters, cats.

Kymm was out in the backyard one day, by the pond, carrying her toddler grandson when an otter popped his head up out of the pond, startling Kymm. She screamed, "Alligator, alligator" (even Kymm can't explain why she used that particular word) and she ran around the pond, still screaming and hugging her grandson to her chest and escaped into the house, slamming the door behind her.

Terry was in another part of the yard and immediately rushed over wielding the shovel he had been using in the garden to replant a small rose bush. The youngest of their sons, Tristan, also alerted by his mother's screams, came rushing out of the garage where he'd been working on his car, holding a wrecking bar like a spear, a stone-age warrior prepared to do battle.

Terry and his son both stood by the edge of the pond, their 'weapons' poised over their shoulders, breathing heavily, adrenaline-charged, fully primed and prepared to beat and stab into submission the "alligator' that had so rudely and obnoxiously threatened Kymm and the innocent little grandson.

The poor old otter - the "alligator" - who had only been looking for his version of 'fish sticks' for breakfast, had already beat a very hasty retreat.

Terry was very understanding of Kymm screaming and running into the house and out of danger - that was the right thing to do, he said.

And Terry was also very understanding that Kymm would slam the door closed after entering, also the right thing to do, he said.

What Terry couldn’t understand, though, the part he still wonders about, is why Kymm, after slamming the door behind her, why she then locked it.

Kymm just smiles.

Terry and Kymm have been married for 40 years this summer and are still in love.

Kymm says about Terry: Every day I tell him how lucky I am to be married to him. And Terry says about Kymm: Every day I tell her she's not as lucky as me.

Watching Terry and Kymm together is like watching sunlight bounce off a lake - there's lots and lots of sparkle.

And lots and lots of laughter.

Happy 40th, Terry and Kymm.

We reserve the right to edit copy for libel or other legal, spelling or grammatical errors. We accept no liability for any such errors.

DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,700 copies of the RM Review are published monthly and direct mailed for free to homes in the communities shown in the map to the right. Out of area subscriptions are available for $36/yr. As well, it is available for free pick-up at local news stands throughout this distribution area. CONTACTS Phone: 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net www.rmreview.net Box 333, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0
ON-LINE VERSION Every issue is available for free, in full color, with our online reader. Click on the link on our website at... www.rmreview.net September Issue comes out August 30th - Submission Deadline August 25th CONTACT THE RM
RM Review 2 August 2023 www.rmreview.net Get your business direct mailed into of 6,000 local mailboxes for a full year for only $50 Contact Us Today 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net Business Directory Special RM Review Distribution Area Mon - Fri 7am - 8pm Sat - Sun 9am - 7pm Serving your Community for 27 Years ! Vanscoy 306 - 931 - 6996 After a long, hot day of storm chasing, why not stop in for a meal or drink in Air Conditioned Comfort ....we can give you a table away from the windows !!

Record Setting 172 Entries at 9th Annual

Back 40 Embroidery Show & Shine

The 9th annual Back 40 Embroidery Show and Shine was held on Saturday, July 8th in Delisle. The weather was perfect for a car show, and it showed with the number of entrants that brought their vehicles out. There were a record number of vehicles entered in the show this year, with 172 that registered. It was amazing to see 1st Street West, in Delisle, full of vehicles from all over the province including many local ones from the Delisle/Vanscoy areas. There were many car clubs that brought groups to the Show and Shine. Some of those clubs represented this year were the Draggins, The Shifters, Dusty Wheels, Shriner's, the Mustang Club, and 567 Club.

There are two awards given out at the Show and Shine. The Competitor's Choice award goes to a vehicle that is chosen by all the people that registered their vehicles in the show. This years recipient was Marvin Akister from Saskatoon with his 1957 Chevrolet Convertible. The People's Choice award is voted on by spectators coming to see all the vehicles at the show. The recipient for this year's People's Choice was Deb Gordon from Martensville with her 1956 T-Bird. Congratulations to both of the winners!

Next year will be the Back 40 Embroidery Show and Shine's 10th annual show. We are hoping for another great show and are thinking of a few ideas to make it special.

If you missed out on seeing the Show and Shine, go to Back 40 Embroidery's Facebook page to check out lots of pictures and videos taken at the show. The Shifters Car Club shared some wonderful pictures of the vehicles and even had a great drone video of the show when it was in full swing. Gary The Gear shared a great video that he made for his YouTube channel which was also a wonderful representation of the vehicles at the show. A special thanks to everyone who came out with their vehicles, we can't have a show without the cars!

RM Review 3 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
Submitted by Neil & Allison Isley Back 40 Embroidery Competitor's Choice award goes to Marvin Akister from Saskatoon with his 1957 Chevrolet Convertible Vehicles from across Saskatchewan line the streets of Delisle at the Back 40 Embroidery Show & Shine People’s Choice award goes to Deb Gordon from Martensville with her 1956 T-Bird


Submitted by Council Administrators. Ask your local Council to send us a monthly report.


Council held a regular meeting on July 11th. Arnold Earthmoving was hired to construct 225 feet of roadway on Potash Trail south of the Cominco Avenue intersection for the cost of $25,160 plus taxes.

The Town accepted Sask. Energy's quote of $96,754.37 plus GST for the provision of natural gas services to our Highway Commercial subdivision on the east side of town.

The regular meeting for the month of August will be held at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 15th.


Asquith Town Council held it’s regular council meeting on July 12, 2023.

Attending was Mayor Gail Erhart, Deputy-Mayor Jackie Stobbe, and Councillors

Cecilia Mryglod, Darcy Stack, and Pete Heck. Councillor Jodi Nehring attended by video. Also attending was C.A.O. Kathy Picketts. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Ehart at 7:00 p.m.

Councillor Pete Heck took his oath of affirmation.

A resolution was made to accept the council minutes from the June 2023, regular council meeting.

Council made a motion to accept the June 2023 financials and June 2023 bank reconciliation as presented to them at the meeting.

Accounts Paid in the amount of $92,322.42 and Accounts Payable of $51,811.43 was accepted as presented.

2022 Audited Financials were presented to Council.



BOX 146


S0L 1K0

PH: 306-656-2072

FAX: 306-656-2151

Tenders will be received by the above until 4:00 pm, Friday October 27th, 2023. We would ask that contractors provide quotes on all 3 options with stripping costs broke out separately. We also ask that quotes be provided on both a winter and spring crush.

Crushing will take place in two pits, located as follows:

Pit 1 – Ardath Pit – NE 11-31-10-W3

Pit 2 – Page Pit – SE 14-33-12-W3


In the estate of Edgar A. Sargent, late of Borden, Saskatchewan. All claims against the above estate, duly verified by statutory declaration and with particulars and valuation of security held, if any, must be sent to the undersigned before the 10 day of August, 2023. Brenda Osborne, Executor, PO Box 412, Borden, SK., S0K 0N0

Complete Fire Ban in the RM of Vanscoy

Effective August 2nd This does NOT include the Town of Delisle, Village of Vanscoy or Pike Lake Provincial Park

• The R. M. of Harris No. 316 is located approx. 30 miles southwest of Saskatoon

• Crushing to be completed by June 1st, 2024

• Bid Bond in the amount of 5% of the contract to be provided with tender (Based on amount of ‘Option 1’ bid)

• Contractor will be required to provide a performance bond to the municipality within 21 days of tender award.

• Municipality reserves the right to reject any or all tenders

For additional information, contact the municipal office at the above number.

Town of Delisle 2022 Financial Statements


RM OF CORMAN PARK - August 28, 9:00am

RM OF DUNDURN - August 8, 8:00am

RM OF EAGLE CREEK - August 8, 9:00am

RM OF HARRIS - August 9, 8:00am

RM OF MCCRANEY - August 10, 8:00am

RM OF MILDEN - August 9, 9:00am

RM OF MONTROSE - August 10, 8:00am

RM OF PERDUE - August 8, 9:00am

RM OF ROSEDALE - August 8, 8:00am

RM OF RUDY - August 9, 6:00pm

RM OF VANSCOY - August 10, 9:00am

TOWN OF ASQUITH - August 9, 7:00pm

TOWN OF BIGGAR - August 1 & 15, 7:15pm

TOWN OF DELISLE - August 15, 7:00pm

TOWN OF DUNDURN - August 8, 6:00pm

TOWN OF HANLEY - August 14, 7:00pm

TOWN OF LANGHAM - August 14, & 28 6:30pm

TOWN OF OUTLOOK - August 9 & 23, 7:00pm

TOWN OF RADISSON - August 16, 7:00pm

TOWN OF ZEALANDIA - August 13, 4:00pm

VILLAGE OF BORDEN - August 8 & 22, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF BRODERICK - August 9, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF CONQUEST - August 8, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF GLENSIDE - August 9, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF HARRIS - August 9, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KENASTON - August 8, 7:00pm

VILLAGE OF KINLEY - August 8, 6:30pm

VILLAGE OF MILDEN - August 16, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF PERDUE - August 24, 7:30pm

VILLAGE OF VANSCOY - August 9, 7:30pm

Council meetings are open to any and all members of the public. COVID restrictions may apply.

Notice of Call for Nominations Municipal By-Election VILLAGE OF KINLEY

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office of:

COUNCILLOR : Village of Kinley

Number to be Elected: 1

Will be received by the undersigned at the Village Office, located at 1123 Main Street, Kinley, SK during regular business hours on Tuesdays from 9:00AM to 4:00pm until September 13th, 2023. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Kinley Village Office.

Dated this 1st day of August, 2023.

Gaylene Quiring Returning Officer



Lot 32-33* Blk 7 Plan A586

*Offered Together as one parcel. Will not split. TTP (Lot 33 is Tax Title Property) with Terms of purchase agreement including condition of sale being building a permanent dwelling/business of a minimum of 1,000 sq. ft. within two years of land purchase. Inquiries and Tender Documents can be retrieved from the Administrator at 306-237-4601 or villageofkinley@sasktel.net

All sealed tender bids must be submitted to the Village Office no later than 4:00pm September 30, 2023: Village of Kinley, Box 51 Kinley, SK S0K 2E0

Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. All bids will be open for consideration on October 10th at the Council Meeting at 6:30pm.

RM Review 4 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
PIT: ¾ CRUSH TOTAL OPTION 1 Ardath Pit 15,000 cu yd 15,000 cu yd Page Pit 15,000 cu yd 15,000 cu yd Total Option 1 30,000 cu yd 30,000 cu yd OPTION 2 Ardath Pit 20,000 cu yd 20,000 cu yd Page Pit 20,000 cu yd 20,000 cu yd Total Option 2 40,000 cu yd 40,000 cu yd OPTION 3 Ardath Pit 25,000 cu yd 25,000 cu yd Page Pit 25,000 cu yd 25,000 cu yd Total Option 3 50,000 cu yd 50,000 cu yd OTHER INFORMATION:

Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society Celebrating 40 Years on September 9th

The Vanscoy & District Agricultural Society would like to invite you to celebrate our 40th anniversary on Saturday, Sept. 9th, 2023, ! We are so thankful for your continued support and look forward to many more years.

Our annual Fair exhibits catalogue are available at local businesses and on our website (vanscoyag.com) and there are categories for all ages! If you are an expert in entering at the fair please consider helping a friend experience the joy of entering. If you are new to the Fair, join in the fun! Please reach out to us on Facebook, email vanscoyag@gmail.com, or call 306493-3292 if you need. Call Darla for exhibitor numbers 306-493-2933. Fair entries need to be tagged, registered, and dropped off on Friday, Sept. 8th between 5-8pm at Delisle Senior Center. We will have extra tags at the Center if they are all out at our local businesses and volunteers on site to help.

We have once again teamed up with the Delisle and District Recreation Board to host multiple events throughout the day on Saturday the 9th. A parade will be happening around 10:30am, and face painting, glitter tattoos, pedal cars, street market, stock dog demonstration at the Delisle IAP Rodeo Arena, family bingo at 2 at the town hall, and so much more. All is free so please come and enjoy!

Lastly, we would like to take the time to thank our 2023 sponsors. Your contributions allow us to continue to host multiple events throughout the year and we appreciate all the support.

Platinum Plus: Delisle Agro-Co-op and Nutrien.

Platinum: NSC Minerals, Richardson Pioneer-Delisle, SaskEnergy, SasktTel, Westland Insurance Group.

Gold: RM of Vanscoy, SaskPower, Tuff Turf, Viterra.

Silver: Corman Park Vet Service, Darla ChristopherEpicure, G & L Auto Service, J & L Frame & Alignment, KA Performance Horses, Plainsman VHAV-R Ltd, Prairie Centre Credit Union, Saskatoon Agri-Auto Parts, Rack Petroleum Ltd, Shane's Surplus World, Vanscoy Motor Hotel, and Village of Vanscoy.

Bronze: Grandora Aquatics, HiWay Greenhouse, Jeremy's Greenhouse, Lowes - Saskatoon Blairmore, Mel Rose & Co Creations, Robin's Nest Cafe, RM Review newspaper, Sandyridge Gas & Grocery, Saskatoon Co-op Agro, MooBaa Farms, Bark Place Pet Spa, VJS Ag and thanks to any we may have missed.

See you for cake, on Sept. 9th!

Canadian Red Cross

Tips on Staying Safe in the Heat

As the temperature is expected to climb in parts of Saskatchewan over the next few days, the Canadian Red Cross wants to remind everyone to take steps to protect themselves from the heat. While the summer season is a favourite time of year for many, extensive exposure to extreme heat can result in serious medical conditions such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion and heat cramps.

Children, the elderly, and those with certain health conditions are particularly susceptible, but these emergencies can happen to anyone who stays in the summer heat for too long. Check on friends and family members who may be isolated or unaware they are at risk. Symptoms of heat cramps typically include muscle contractions, usually in the legs or abdomen. Heat exhaustion symptoms include moist, red, or pale skin, nausea, and dizziness. The symptoms of heat stroke are more severe, including: red, hot, and dry skin; irritable, bizarre or aggressive behaviour; progressive loss of consciousness; rapid or weak pulse that becomes irregular; rapid or shallow breathing; and seizures. A significant amount of water is lost through sweating, and that needs to be constantly replenished.

The Red Cross offers the following tips on keeping cool during hot weather: • Drink plenty of cool fluids but avoid caffeine and alcohol. • Avoid being outdoors dur-

ing the middle of the day when the sun is at its strongest. Instead, try going out in the early morning or later evening hours when the sun is not as strong. Where possible, try to spend the hottest hours of the day in an air-conditioned environment. • Slow down activities that increase body temperature. People should work, exercise, and play in brief periods, while taking frequent breaks in cool or shaded areas. • Wear light, loose clothing, as well as a hat and sunglasses. • Wear sunscreen with a high sun protection factor to protect your skin from sunburn. It is important for everyone enjoying the outdoors to know how to prevent heat emergencies, recognize when someone has been in the heat for too long, and be able to provide help when needed. Heat-related emergencies are progressive in nature and without proper treatment, a person’s condition can rapidly worsen. Provide immediate care to prevent the illness from becoming more severe.

Anyone demonstrating signs of heat-related emergencies should be moved to a cool location and given cool water to sip and to apply to the skin. Call 911 if someone shows significant signs of distress, loss of consciousness or if their symptoms become more severe. Learn more about how to help people in distress and how to get First Aid certification at redcross.ca.

Carbide Saw Blades

• Zamboni Blades

Chipper Knives

• Paper Blades

• Hole Saws

Drill Bits

Router Bits

• Groat Knives

Planer Blades Shaper Cutters

• Culvert Cutters

Stump Grinder Teeth

Meat Grinder Plates

Meat Slicer Blades

• Chain Saw Blades

• Ice Auger Blades

Knives Scissors

• Yard Tools Clipper Blades Clipper Repair -

most parts stocked

We sharpen other items - Call for Details

Rick Hamilton (306) 270 - 8048 B-730 45th St. West, Saskatoon

RM Review 5 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
RM Review 6 August 2023 www.rmreview.net August 2023 Local Events Calendar Your Summer ‘STAY-cation’ Your guide of all of the local activities and destinations in the month of August Borden Farmer’s Market Fridays 10-3 Biggar Farmer’s Market Tuesdays 3-6 Biggar Farmer’s Market Tuesdays 3-6 Biggar Farmer’s Market Tuesdays 3-6 Biggar Farmer’s Market Tuesdays 3-6 Biggar Farmer’s Market Tuesdays 3-6 Borden Farmer’s Market Fridays 10-3 Access Comm. BBQ Davidson Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Stanley Cup and Brayden McNabb in Davidson Scams Targeting Seniors Presentation Delisle Senior Centre Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Delisle Co-op Friday BBQ’s Taco Salad Thursday Robin’s Nest Cafe Taco Salad Thursday Robin’s Nest Cafe Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s $2 Burger Big Mur’s $2 Burger Kenaston Library Storytime 11:30am Outlook Museum Weekly Market Thurdays 4-8 Outlook Museum Weekly Market Thurdays 4-8 Outlook Museum Weekly Market Thurdays 4-8 Celebrity Sports Dinner in Delisle CONTEST PRIZE WINNERS GRAND PRIZE WINNER - Deborah Grasby 6 Admission Passes - Saskatchewan Railway Museum Large Sub & Medium Cone - Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe 5 Mini Golf Passes - Pike Lake Mini Golf - Pike Lake Park $50 Car Wash Card - Delisle Ag Co-op BONUS PRIZE WINNER - Wayne Fisher BBQ Tool Set - Robin’s Nest Cafe - Vanscoy Thank you to all of the wonderful sponsors and everyone who entered. Enjoy the Summer ! Highway 60 (Pike Lake Highway) - Just South off Highway 7 10:00am - 5:00pm Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Holiday Mondays Happy Saskatchewan Day Ukrainian Day in the Park Saskatoon Glenside Tractor Pulls Railway Heritage Day BBQ Outlook Co-op BBQ Outlook Co-op Rock 102 Show and Shine - Saskatoon Bombers @ Riders Labour Day Classic Sunday Sept 3rd 5pm Big Mur’s Deck Tunes Sundays Eston Glow Ball Golf Tournament Big Mur’s Deck Tunes Sundays Stock Car Racing - Outlook Riverbank Rodeo - Outlook Eagle Creek Slo-Pitch Tournament Radisson Ag Fair Sculpture Retreat in Broderick Rock the River - Saskatoon FolkFest - Saskatoon Vacation Bible School - Delisle Community Church Nutrien Fireworks Festival Saskatoon Saskatoon Ex 8 - 13 Submission Deadline September RM Review September RM Review in Mailboxes Today

Pike Lake Provincial Park

RM Review 7 August 2023 www.rmreview.net


BBQ Rentals

Hosting a Large Event this Summer ?

Rent Locally and Save Money

Call Robin’s Nest Cafe 306 - 931 - 6996

Local Players on Selects Championship Teams

The Saskatoon Selects have found success in 2023 with the help of many of our local players.

The U17 team won the Provincial title in Saskatoon and are off to Fredericton, NB in August to compete for the National title.



Logan Becker and Chase Smith will be going along to help them bring back a National Championship.

The U20 team won the Provincial title in Fishing Lake and are off to Napanee, ON to compete in Nationals, and locals


Tom Norris and Head Coach Jeff Durham will be going along to compete for the title.

Mike and Adeline Slusar of Delisle are the proud grandparents of players U17 Bret Slusar from Saskatoon, as well as Eric Slusar U20 and coach Randy Slusar.

Wednesdays 2pm - 4pm

Pie and Coffee

Fridays 2pm - 4pm

Fridays 10am - 3pm

Borden Community Centre

RM Review 8 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
Local softball players Jackson McIver, Vandenameele, Mohr, Straker, Jordan Durham,
Sonningdale Seniors Lounge
Cookies and Coffee Farmers Market
U20 local players (l-r) Jacob Straker, Jordan Durham, Tom Norris (l-r) U20 Coach Jeff Durham, Eric Sulsar, Asst.Coach Randy Slusar U17 Brett Slusar (l-r) Jackson MacIver, Brit Vandenameele, Caleb Mohr, Logan Becker, Chase Smith

Delisle Senior Citizens’ Club Celebrates 30th Anniversary of Seniors Centre Construction

On Saturday June 17, 2023, the Delisle Senior Citizens’ Club hosted an open house and supper to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the construction of its Seniors Centre.

The event was hosted by Mrs. Ellen Fraser, the current club president. Greetings and congratulations were given on behalf of the federal government by the Honorable, Kelly Block, MP. The Honorable Jim Reiter, MLA, sent his regrets, and Her Worship Cary Brunett, brought greetings and congratulations on behalf of the Town of Delisle. Mrs. Fraser shared some of the history of the club and the building and recognized past presidents and the members of the original building committee that were attendance.

On display were two quilts made by local residents. One was made in 1935 and will be framed and on display at the Seniors Centre, and a second one was made in 1994. Both quilts have names of local residents embroidered on them.

Photo albums and records from years gone by were on display and sparked many conversations by those in attendance. There was coffee, juice and cake in the afternoon and to end the event we had a wonderful buffet supper.

The Delisle Recreation Association was promoting the sale of bricks, shrubs, and trees for Harold Worth Park. The Delisle Branch of the Prairie Centre Credit Union had a display about services available locally.

The sponsors (Town of Delisle, Bear Hills Media Group, and the RM Review) were also acknowledged for their assistance.

For more information on the Delisle Seniors Citizens Club contact delisleseniors@sasktel.net

August Happenings in Borden

The Delisle Co-op has now opened its new location north of Vanscoy on Highway 7.

The location features pay-at-the-pump or full service gas pumps as well as a 24 hour cardlock.

The cardlock includes, not only high speed diesel pumps for truckers and farmers, but also a low speed pump with regular and premium gas, as well as diesel for retail customers that need 24 hour access.

The site also features a convenience store with coffee service, snacks and basic groceries. A second building on the site houses washrooms and a shower house and rest lounge for truckers.

Vanscoy location is open 6am-8pm daily.

If you have any questions regarding this new location, contact the manager of the Delisle Co-op, Darin Sekulich at 306 - 493 - 2212.

RM Review 9 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
03 – Borden Library Summer Program – 10am - 3pm for Kids 5 - 12 years 04 – Borden Farmers’ Market – Community Centre – 10am - 3pm 08 – Village Council meeting – Village Office – 7 pm 10 – Borden Library Summer Program – 10am - 3pm for Kids 5- 12 years 10 – Music Night at Troubadour Shoppe – 7 pm; Everyone welcome 11 – Borden Farmers’ Market – Community Centre – 10am - 3pm 12 – 13 – Radisson Ag fair – parade, ball, kids activities, Gymkhana, Light Horse Show, tractor pull, exhibits; entries in Aug 10th & 11th 14 – Radisson Seniors Club Bingo – Goodrich Centre- 7 pm 17 – Borden Library Summer Program – 10am - 3pm for Kids 5 -12 years 17 – Borden Care Home Annual meeting at the Care Home – 7 pm 18 – Borden Farmers’ Market – Community Centre – 10am - 3pm 23 – Health Talk at Health Centre – Living with Arthritis – 1:30pm 25 – Borden Farmers’ Market – Community Centre – 10am - 3pm 28 – Radisson Senior’s Club Bingo – Goodrich Centre - 7 pm 31 - Borden Friendship Club Potluck – Community Centre – 5:45 pm
Delisle Co-op New Vanscoy Locaiton is Now Open 2 Bay Car & Truck Wash Groceries & Confectionary Gas Pumps & Card Lock Propane & Bulk Fuel 306 - 493 - 2212 Delisle Full Service Pumps Pay at the Pump Option Available Monday - Friday: 6am - 10pm Saturday - Sunday: 7am - 10pm Vanscoy Location NOW OPEN 6am - 8pm
Delisle Co-op’s NEW Vanscoy location opened on July 27th and is open from 6am - 8pm every day. 24 hour Cardlock, Retail Pumps, Showers and C-Store. Watch for the Grand Opening coming soon !
One of the quilts on display

July 27th, 2023 (Ottawa, ON) - Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) welcomes the appointment of the Honourable Lawrence MacAulay as the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. With the transition of the Honourable Marie-Claude Bibeau to the National Revenue portfolio, MacAulay takes on the role once again, having previously served as the Minister of Veterans Affairs for five years.

MacAulay's return to the agriculture portfolio brings with it a sense of familiarity and a strong foundation of experience. During his previous tenure, GGC established a close working relationship with the Minister, characterized by open dialogue and collaboration. According to Andre Harpe, Chair of GGC, "The Minister's open-door policy and willingness to engage in partnership were instrumental in maximizing the potential of our sector. Such collaboration is vital to ensuring the growth and prosperity of Canada's grain farmers."

GGC eagerly anticipates collaborating with Minister MacAulay on various critical issues, including innovation, transportation system reliability, and particularly sustainability. These issues play a pivotal role in unlocking the grain sector's full potential and meeting Canada's net-zero goals. In this regard, GGC looks forward to engaging with Minister MacAulay on our "Road to 2050" climate solution initiative, aimed at developing practical and proactive approaches to tackling climate change.

Harpe also extends sincere gratitude to Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau, acknowledging her significant contributions during her tenure as Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. "Over the last five years, GGC has developed a positive relationship with Minister Bibeau. Her legacy is apparent in many aspects of the portfolio, most notably sustainability. We want to express our appreciation for the Minister and look forward to working with her in her new role."

Canadian Agriculture holds immense potential for both economic and environmental growth. GGC is committed to working with Minister MacAulay and the new cabinet to position Canada's grain farmers for success.

July 26, 2023 - Today, the National Farmers Union (NFU) and the Wheat Growers Association (WGA) sent a joint letter to federal Agriculture Minister Lawrence MacAuley asking him to halt the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) decision to impose export grade standards on wheat delivered to country elevators. The new rule will have a massive and long-term negative impact on prairie wheat farmers' incomes. Calling this a heavy-handed move, both organizations demand the change be stopped, at least until the full impacts on all stakeholders are presented to the CGC’s Western Standards Committee.

The NFU and WGA disagree on many policy matters but are united in their opposition to the decision to harmonize primary and export standards for wheat.

In spite of opposition from virtually all the farmers on the CGC’s Western Standards Committee, the CGC has decided to 'harmonize' primary and export standards for wheat as of August 1, 2023. The Western Standards Committee includes members of both the NFU and the WGA.

“When a farmer brings their grain to the elevator, there are several different measurements taken in order to grade it,” explained the NFU’s Glenn Tait, who sits on the Western Standards Committee. “These measurements include bushel weight, number of wheat kernels of other classes, total foreign material, and so on. Grades reflect quality, and largely determine the prices paid to farmers. Grades are regulated by the CGC to uphold Canada’s grain quality standards in export markets.”

“Farmers across the prairies will soon be harvesting wheat that under the current rules would be graded as #1, but as of August 1, 2023 they will be forced to sell it at lower prices as a #2 instead, if the changes set by the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC) come into effect as planned,” explained Daryl Fransoo, WGA Chair.

The Council of the RM of Dundurn No. 314 declared an agricultural disaster as a result of the ongoing drought in 2023.

The RM is is calling on the various levels of government to provide disaster relief to farmers and ranchers.

The new harmonized test weight standard means that CWRS wheat (hard red spring wheat used for baking bread) must weigh at least 63.3 lbs/bushel when delivered to the elevator instead of the current standard of 60.1 lbs/bushel or it will be downgraded to a #2.

Currently, the benchmarks for country elevator grades are slightly lower than the official export grades for bulk wheat when it is loaded onto ships.

“Due to variations in growing conditions, and thus for wheat crop quality across the prairies, loads that grade #1 under current rules often exceed the minimum standards, allowing grain companies to blend country deliveries to ensure the export standard is met when they assemble shipments at their port terminals,” noted Terry Boehm, former NFU President.

“The new CGC grade standard change will take money from farmers pockets.”

The CGC is adamant about their move to “harmonize” country elevator and export grading standards, but has been unable to provide historic cost-benefit analysis on the impacts of this change on either the producer or the grain handlers.

“We are particularly concerned with the Chief Commissioner’s remarks stating that the Western Standards Committee’s input is not binding on the CGC, and there was no indication that there would be any further review of the serious and legitimate concerns raised by producer representatives,” added Fransoo. Producer members of the Western Standards Committee are active farmers who take time away from their operations to provide their insight on behalf of prairie farmers. It is not acceptable for the Committee to be used, as it appears in this case, as a means to rubber stamp a decision already made by the CGC.

Both the NFU and the WGA urge Minister MacAuley to put a halt to the impending grade standard change immediately.

If local producers require the RM to submit documentation of this declaration to attain assistance, please do not hesitate to call the office or email the request to rm314@dundurnrm.ca

RM Review 10 August 2023 www.rmreview.net Well Aged Compost $50 per Loaded 1/2 ton Truck Pick-up near Grandora - Delivery is Available Call or Text Cliff at 306-371-4396 PIKE LAKE LAWN & GARDEN FOR ALL YOUR SMALL ENGINE SALES, SERVICE, PARTS & REPAIRS Phone: 306 - 221 - 8558 Email: wattdave530@gmail.com Dave Watt Battery Powered - 56 Volt 5 Year Warranty www.egopowerplus.com BARNEY’S BOBCAT Yard Clean-up & Landscaping Compost and Topsoil Delivered ! Vanscoy and Surrounding Area Call Barney 306 - 270 - 4353 BUYING ALL CLASSES OF FEEDER & CULL CATTLE Pat “Duke” Bueckert 306-291-9675 Alvin Busby 306-227-0575 Alan Jackson 306-961-5682 Aiden Zwack 306-961-5198 Spencer Fox 306-361-9701 Lyal Fox 780-808-9731 (cull cows & bulls) Deryl Miller (Owner) 306-221-2106 AGRICULTURE REPORTS Grain Growers of Canada welcome back Lawrence MacAulay as Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food NFU and Wheat Growers call on Minister MacAuley to halt CGC move to impose export grading standards on country elevator deliveries RM of Dundurn Disaster Declaration On Demand Ranch Hand Farm, Acreage & Homestead Services HELP WHEN AND WHERE YOU NEED IT 438 - 389 - 6986 taylorjwood213@yahoo.com Taylor Wood Owner / Ranch Hand Proudly Serving Saskatoon and Surrounding Area Complete Fire Ban in the RM of Vanscoy Effective August 2nd This does NOT include the Town of Delisle, Village of Vanscoy or Pike Lake Provincial Park
Sand & Gravel Spreading Hauling Ken Klassen RR1 Box 15 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Bus. (306) 493-7579 Fax. (306) 493-8135 ken@klassentrenching.com W W Rock & Gravel Office 306-329-4768 Cell 306-222-6095 A Division of Rice Lake Sand & Gravel FOR ALL YOUR SAND & GRAVEL NEEDS S ANDYRIDGE B AKERY & C AFE Grandora 306 - 668 - 4362 Gas, Premium & Diesel / Confectionary Grocery / ATM / Post Office Thank you for your support in 2022 and many Blessings to you all in 2023 Monday - Friday 6:30am - 9:00pm Sat, Sun, Holidays 7:30am - 9:00pm unless posted otherwise 306 - 237 - 7671 Troy May owner/operator tmay@hotmail.ca Super B outfits hauling grain and fertilizer in Alberta and Saskatchewan “Serving the Community Since 1983” TANK PUMPING & TOILET RENTAL Darrell, Penny & Chad Starling Office Cell 306 - 493 - 2241 306 - 370 - 2009 “Your Window to the Entertainment World” SATELLITE+ Residential Commercial Darcy Stack Journeyman Electrician 306 - 229 - 3813
VETERINARY SERVICE DR.H. DOMOSLAI AND ASSOCIATES BOX 60 SASKATOON, SK S7K 3K1 HIGHWAY 14 WEST Large Animal Pharmaceuticals and Appointment Bookings Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm Office Phone Number: (306) 343-5773 Text: (306) 260-6729 Email: dorrie.cpvs@gmail.com Small Animal Services Including 24 Hour Emergency Services Clinic Hours: Monday - Tuesday 8am - 5pm Wednesday 8am - 7:30pm Thursday - Friday 8am - 5pm Saturdays - 9am - 4pm Clinic Phone Number: (306) 384-7676 Email: cormanparkvet@gmail.com After hours emergency line: (306) 227-8062 STARLING’S SEPTIC darrelpenny@sasktel.net Like us on Facebook for Information and Updates Visit our NEW Webstore https://delislevet.clientvantage.ca Companion Animal Veterinary Clinic Located on Highway 7 service road in Delisle, SK #300 2nd Street East PO Box 246 Delisle, SK S0L 0P0 Wheel Chair Accessible Medicine General Surgery Orthopedic Surgery Dentistry In-clinic Laboratory Digital X-ray Digital Dental X-ray Ultrasound Therapeutic Laser Therapy Nutritional Consultation Canine Reproduction “The Knee Clinic” Call for after hours Emergency Service NEW HOURS 9am - 5pm Mon - Sat LOCAL BUSINESSES RM Review 11 August 2023 www.rmreview.net T S Top Strand Fencing Top Quality Fencing / Corrals / Calf Sheds / Chutes Bobcat Available / Auger / Deck Piles Jesse Gessell 306.381.5745 jgessell@sasktel.net 25 Years Experience / Quality Work / Reasonable Rates KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake area Book Your Garden TODAY ! Sparlyn Organic Farm 306 - 668 - 4216 Certified Organic Beef Halves, Quarters, Custom Packages Samples Available Your satisfaction is guaranteed. 306 - 283 - 4406 SK Sew Kleen Septic Tank Pumping Septic Repairs Hydrovac Services Trenching & Waterworks Sand - Gravel - Topsoil 306 - 230 - 4653


Delisle Agricultural Co-op

Delisle 306-493-2212

Orchard Transport - Ag Div.

Delisle 306-493-2406

Richardson Pioneer Delisle 306-493-1500


Flo-Gate simple solution for managing the movement of grain or fertilizer Delisle 306-493-7409


On Demand Ranch Hand

Farm, Acreage, Homestead Services

Ranch hand for contract hire 438 - 389 - 6986


Agricultural Mechanic

Northern Plains Equipment Repair Ag & Heavy Duty Asquith 306-496-7100

Air Conditioning & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating

Boiler & In Floor Heat Specialists

Service all Furnaces/Air Conditioners

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs


24 Hour Emergency Service

Vanscoy 306-242-3002

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998



Trusty Appraisal Service & SGI Arbitration Delisle 306-222-0456


Prairie Sun Bookkeeping

Vanscoy 306-230-1522



Flatlander Disposal 14 yard Roll-off Bins Delisle 306-493-7547

Duct Cleaning

Ace Air Vac Harris 306-850-1045 robindashney@gmail.com

Electrical & Satellite

ATL Electric & Heating

Complete Electrical and Heating Service

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

BTE Trenching & Electrical 306-220-4377 or 306-220-5500

Asquith bte20@outlook.com

R + L Electric Industrial, Commercial and Residential

24 HR Emergency Service

Saskatoon and Area 306-260-7063



Electrical Troubleshooting and Service - Licensed & Bonded

Asquith 306-229-3813


Back 40 Embroidery Delisle 493-3033/493-2751


Dee Anna’s Boutique Delisle 306-493-2401

Designs by Nancy Durham Vanscoy 306 - 370 - 4949


Prairie Centre Credit Union


Jim Reiter, MLA 215 Main Street, Rosetown 1-855-762-2233

Kelly Block, MP 4 - 309 Main Street, Rosetown 1-306-882-6447

Gravel / Sand

Graham Contracting Topsoil also available Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

W.W. Rock & Gravel Asquith 306-329-4768


Schneider’s Gourmet World Neuanlage 306-225-5764

Hairstylist / Beauty


Lisa Reimer 306-227-6535 lisareimer.myrandf.com/ca Salon 360 Delisle 306-493-2486


PCCU Insurance Ltd. Harris 306-656-4555

HUB International Delisle 306-493-2260

Westland Insurance Vanscoy 306-668-2181

Lawn & Garden

Pike Lake Lawn & Garden Sales, Service, Parts, Rentals Pike Lake 306-221-8558

Massage Therapy

Jolene Thompson, RMT Delisle(Acreage) 306-260-5409 jolenethompsonrmt.janeapp.com

Kristi Done Massage Therapy Call or Text to Book Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidonemassagetherapy.com

Online Shopping

Release Equine

Horse tack, pet apparel and accessories.

Shop online: releaseequine.com

Email for more information: ReleaseEquine@hotmail.com

Painting / Decorating

Digger’ Painting

Serving all communities in the RM Review distribution area Delisle 306-231-4258

Eugene’s Decorating European Designs Delisle/Vanscoy 306-229-7274 eugenegrenier8@gmail.com

Hillbillie Painting Biggar, Rosetown, Outlook, Delisle 306-381-3202 4bparker@gmail.com



Robin’s Nest Cafe

Vanscoy 306-931-6996

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362


Red Eagle Contracting Inc.

Residential Construction Located in Asquith SK Contact Sean @ 306-491-8464 red.eagle.contracting306@gmail.com


RixEdge Sharpening Services

Saskatoon 306-270-8048

Veterinary Corman Park Vet Services

Hwy #14 (SLS) 306-384-7676

Delisle Veterinary Service Delisle 306-493-3143

Eagle Creek Veterinary Services Rosetown 306-831-8387

After Hours 306-831-9222 eaglecreekvet@gmail.com www.eaglecreekvet.ca

Outlook Veterinary Clinic Outlook 306-867-8777 ovc@sasktel.net

Water / Septic Burwell Trenching & Electrical Asquith 306-220-4377 bte20@outlook.com

Econo Septic & Sewer Services

Pump septic tanks, mud sumps, car wash, commercial/industrial tanks. Unplug sewer lines, replace and repair pumps, switches, alarms. 24-hour emergency service Saskatoon 306-384-6662 Econoseptic.ca

Links Water & Septic Services

Pet Care

Health & Nutrition Mentor

Care Home Chiropractor

Borden Care Home Borden 306-997-2266 bordencarehome@gmail.com

Hammond Chiropractic Clinic

Dr. Lisa Hammond, B.Sc., D.C. Hanley Community Centre

Tuesdays 2-6 PM Hanley 306-544-2455

Cleaning Service

Just Clean Vanscoy 306-491-5769 teresalindalziel@gmail.com


Flatlander Construction Garbage Disposal Delisle 306-493-7547

DLN Construction Outlook 306-867-8334

Redberry Renovations Ltd. Grandora 306-260-3778



Diamond Counselling Services

Accepting Adult/Family Clients Langham 306-283-4670

A full service financial institution that was born on the prairies. We are Saskatchewan’s largest rural based credit union and profits earned here, stay here. Members are owners which makes it highly motivating for us to help them achieve financial success at home.

Delisle Branch: 1-306-493-2414

Harris Branch: 1-306-656-4466

Website: www.pccu.ca

Desjardins Financial Security Investments Inc.

330 - 20th St. E. Saskatoon

Norma Sparrow 306-242-1188

Firearms Safety Courses

Canadian Firearms Safety Courses/PAL

Pete Heck -20 Years Experience as Firearms Officer Asquith 306-914-6677 pheck57@gmail.com

Garden / Yard Like A Rock

Grandora 306-382-3978

Gas / Confectionary

Delisle Ag Co-op

Delisle 306-493-2212

Sandyridge Bakery & Cafe Grandora 306-668-4362

Golf Valleyview Golf & Country Club

Delisle 306-493-3288

Nutrition, detox & water therapy education, individual nutrition and lifestyle mentoring. Services based on reciprocity or donations. Carrie 306 - 329 - 4927

Health Foods

Darla Christopher Independent Epicure Consultant Delisle 306-493-2933 dsdt@ sasktel.net text 306-291-0298

Kristi Done

Independent Epicure Consultant Vanscoy 306-292-9473 kristidone.epicure.com

OLD MIKE’S Raw Prairie Honey FRESH HONEY... READY ! Wildflower/Dandelion & Canola 2023 Food Safe Certification Pike Lake 306-384-3092 mikesbees@sasktel.net

Home Care

Dignity Home Care Solutions Brandi Orth 306-230-0026 athomecaregiving@outlook.com

Home Care Products and Housewares


Cindy Monea 306-716-2515 www.cindythetupperwarelady.ca Excellence in service since 1989

Animal InnSpaRations Delisle 306-493-3143

Bark Place Dog Grooming Spa Delisle 306-491-9335

Plumbing & Heating

ATL Electric & Heating

Complete plumbing & gasfitting

Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs

Taylor Mechanical Vanscoy 306-381-7998



Pike Lake Preschool Pike Lake 306-978-8164

Early Learning Centers Vanscoy 306-668-6338 Delisle 306-493-6338

Real Estate

Apex Home Inspections

Specializing in Rural Property 306 - 371 - 6939 dbohle50@gmail.com

Boyes Group Realty 306-221-9350 / 306-227-5110 www.realestatesk.ca

Dwein Trask Realty Inc.

Dwein Trask 306-221-1035 Office 306-653-4100

RE/MAX Shoreline Realty 306-867-8380 / 1-844-838-SOLD www.remax-shorelinerealty.com

Certified septic design/consulting. Acreage water/septic install and repair, water testing/treatment and septic system maintenance. Vanscoy 306-493-2410 24Hrs Linksbackhoe.com

Graham Contracting Asquith 306-230-4653

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Starlings Septic Services Delisle 306-493-2241 darrelpenny@sasktel.net

Sew Kleen Hydro-vacing & Septic Asquith 306-283-4406

Website Design

Whole Wheat Web DESIGN

Affordable and practical website design and maintenance services for small business, community groups and families since 2005. Delisle 306-493-3023 mail@wholewheatwebdesign.ca

Yardwork / Excavation

Barney’s Bobcat Vanscoy 306-270-4353 Big Country Landscaping & Maintenance Delisle 306 - 203 - 6618 big country.ltd@gmail.com

Klassen Trenching Delisle 306-493-7579

Links Backhoe & Skid Steer Service Vanscoy 306-493-2410

RM Review 12 August 2023 www.rmreview.net
more Detailed Listings at www.rmreview.net or Scan the QR Code
your phone
NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW SPECIAL Directory Listing $50 Call 306-668-1312 mail@rmreview.net First Time Listing Only KENNY’S CULTIVATING 306 - 281 - 4111 CALL OR TEXT TODAY Professional Garden Roto-Tilling Starting at $50 Small Rear Tiller Fits in Any Yard Asquith, Delisle Vanscoy and Pike Lake areas Book Your Garden TODAY ! Your Business Here ONLY $50 for a YEAR ! Call 306-668-1312 TODAY Your Heading Here

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