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Successful pregnancy and delivery in a women with a single ventricle and Eisenmenger syndrome M. Boukhris , K. Hakim, F. Ouarda, H. M’saad, R. Boussaada

Cardiopediatrics department, Rabta hospital, Tunis Presented by :

Dr M’saad Hela

SHA conference 2013

A 27-year-old woman, gravida 1, para 0

Admitted at 19 weeks gestation

Dyspnea & palpitations

Effort intolerance since the childhood

Physical examination 

Cyanosis : Sp02 = 70 %

Fingers clubbing

HR = 80 bpm , BP = 100/60 mmHg, RR =22 cpm

Cardiac auscultation : accentuated S2

Pulmonary auscultation : normal

EKG : 

Sinus rhythm with a right bundle branch block.

Laboratory analysis     

Hb = 16.1 g/dl Ht = 49% Pt = 350 000/ mm3 Creat = 7 mg / l SGOT / SGPT = 36 / 44 UI/l







Abdominal sonogram


Normal living fetus.




Single ventricle with normal positioned great vessels without pulmonary stenosis Eisenmenger syndrome

Medical abortion was indicated

But … 

The patient refused the medical abortion.

She was lost to follow up.

She came in labor at 37 weeks gestation.

She was hemodynamically stable

The delivery was obtained by cesarean section with epidural anesthesia using bupivacaïne

The infant was a male weighing 3 kg

Apgar rating 7/9/10 after 1, 5 and 10 mn

He did not show any malformations. His echocardiography was normal

Treatment    

O2 (6L/mn) Nitric oxide (0.8 PPM) during 48 hours. Antibiotics: Amoxicillin + Clavulinic acid for 5 days. Anticoagulation therapy as follows:  unfractionated

heparin was introduced 8 hours after

the operation  low molecular weight heparin 16 h later  oral anticoagulants from the third day.


The post operative echocardiography noted the preservation of the left ventricular systolic function and the stability of pulmonary hypertension

The post-partum period was uneventful

Discharge on the thirteenth day

Three months later : Cath  high PVR  Eisenmenger

 

Endothelin receptors inhibitors (Bosentan) introduced. Mid-term outcome : good

Comments 

Single ventricle is a rare cyanotic abnormality found in 1% of patients with congenital heart diseases.

Comments 

Different forms can be observed; those without a pulmonary protection may lead to an Eisenmenger syndrome.

Early diagnosis and banding of the pulmonary artery are able to prevent it.

In our patient, it was too late and the pulmonary hypertension was fixed.

Comments 

Pregnancy makes dyspnea worse :  

↑ the cardiac output Anemia

Delivery = risky event : 

↑ right to left shunt : ↓ SVR & ↑ PVR

Distal microthrombosis  Hypoxia 

Comments 

Severe complications may occur :  Heart

failure  Endocarditis  Thromboembolic accidents 

They must be prevented by:  Nitric

oxide  Antibiotics  Anticoagulant therapy

Comments 

Mode of delivery is controversial :  Cesarean

section  Vaginal delivery

Because of its shorter duration

Comment 

Mode of anesthesia is controversial too :

General anesthesia Regional anesthesia

Regional anesthesia may ↓ SVR ↑ the R to L shunt ↑ hypoxemia

Comments 

The prognosis of such cases depends on the pulmonary hypertension which represents the major mortality and morbidity factor.


The excellent outcome of this pregnancy may be associated with the preserved systolic function of the single ventricle.

Conclusions 

Patients with single ventricle and Eisenmenger syndrome rarely reach adult life.

In spite of the development of anesthesia and resuscitation, pregnancy with Eisenmenger syndrome is still contraindicated.

Combined obstetric, anesthetic and cardiology team is necessary.

Such case can represent a hope for women with congenital heart diseases.

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