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Do myocardial perfusion markers predict clinical outcomes?

EXPERIA: MBG and outcomes

Sardella et al Am J Cardiol 2010

EXPERIA: STR and outcomes

Sardella et al Am J Cardiol 2010

Is there a thrombus in every STEMI patient? Certainly YES

Is angiography sensetive enough to pick all thrombi

Incidence of Angioscopic Thrombi in Unstable Versus Stable Angina Patients

White et al. Circulation 1996

Intracoronary Microparticles and Markers of Myocardial Perfusion

Porto et al, Eur H J 2012

Intracoronary Microparticles and Markers of Myocardial Perfusion

Porto et al, Eur H J 2012

Macroscopic thrombus retrieval and infarct size

Chopard et al. Am J Cardiol 2013


patient were screened and only 452

were enrolled 

Only anterior MI with proximal of mid LAD occlusion

Infarct size was measured only at one time point at 30 days

Only patients with symptom to device time < 5hrs

De Vita et al, Heart 2010


McNamara et al, JACC 2006


ClearWay catheter for intracoronary Abciximab

Not powered for clinical events

MUSTELA Trial No difference in infarct size at 3 months or 1 yr MACE 

Only patients with large thrombi (>3) include

In those with thrombi of grade 5. reclassification after wire or balloon

Angiojet was used in 52%

MRI only at 3 months

Control group had shorter Pain To Balloon time (208 vs 230) and more TIMI-3 pre-PCI (16.3% vs 3.8%)

Yet, It showed better MBG-3 and STR and less MVO and more dyshomogenious scar

PASSION Trial 2 year MACE is the same Thrombectomy

Conventional PCI


• Post-hoc analysis • Important baseline angiographic findings favor conventional PCI Mink et al, Cath Cardiovasc Interv 2012

Kaltoft Study 

TA patients had longer symptom onset to balloon time (242 vs 208 minutes)

TA patients had significantly longer procedures (39 vs 29 minutes)

They used bulky catheter (RESCUE cath 4.5 Fr)

Twice as many patients in TA arm didn’t have baseline scan (24 vs 12)

Kaltoft et al, Circulation 2006

Problems with Assessment of Therapeutic Effect: Is Infarct Size a valid endpoint?

Brodie et al. Am J Cardiol 2007

Problems with Assessment of Therapeutic Effect: Is Infarct Size a valid endpoint?

Stone et al. Am J Cardiol 2007

Thank You

Is there a room to improve STEMI outcomes?


Baseline Risk and Impact of ReoPro on Outcomes Death or MI at 30 days Placebo 20.0 18.0 16.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0

Abciximab 18.3




4.0 4.0

ISAR REACT 1 Stable patients Kastrati A, NEJM 2004, JAMA 2006


4.6 4.6



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