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Wholey Moley, It’s A Black Hole



Crazy things about black holes! Have you ever wondered “what is a black hole?” or “What happens if you enter a black hole?” and “is there more then one black hole?” This is a simple answer. A black hole is created by large stars exploding and collapse in on themselves. When this happens the gravity around the black holes becomes much stronger. When you get close to it you have a chance of being sucked into it. And this field of gravity is strong enough to pull in light. That's strong enough to pull in something that is going about lorem miles ipsumper dolor met set 186,000 seconds. quam nunc parum isn't that CrAzY?


When light gets close to a black hole it gets sucked in so

this causes an effect like there is something invisible there that blocks the light. It doesn't only suck in light. It also sucks in all sorts of things that are in space. So it could be anything from a tiny asteroid to light that floats by. Is there more then one black hole? Of coarse there are. Black holes are simply stars that explode on them selves. And as you can see when its night time. There are so many stars in the sky. And eventually they will go out or explode. Since a black holes comes from a sun. It has about the same mass as a sun. So the larger the sun the large the black hole.

And did you know that. apparently our universe is orbiting around a black hole. And now that you know more about black holes, you now know what to do if you ever come across one when you are in space. MARK GARLICK / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group






Erich Schrempp / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

WHAT ARE BLACK HOLES? What are black holes?

event horizon, you would still be able to escape from a black Black holes is an object in space hole’s gravity because the gravity that is so compact that its is not as strong in this layer. The gravitational force is strong middle layer of a black hole is enough to prevent light or the Inner Event Horizon. You are anything else from escaping it. not able to escape from this layer The mass of a black hole has an because the gravity is much infinite number of density called stronger and does not let go of a singularity. At the singularity objects it captures. At this point, itself, the gravity is extremely you would begin to fall towards strong that it crushes the space the center of the black hole. The time out of existence. At a certain center of a black hole is the distance, the speed needed to Singularity. The Singularity is escape from the black hole when the gravity is the strongest. equals the speed of light. Anything that passes the surface How do they form? of the Black Hole is trapped inside the black hole. Black holes A black hole forms when any object reaches a certain density, comes in different types, depending on its mass. The black and its gravity causes it to collapse into an infinitely small hole is made up of three main parts. The very outer layer of the pinpoint. Stellar-mass black holes form when a massive star black hole is called the Outer Event Horizon. Within the outer no longer produce energy in its

core. The star’s outer layers may blast away into space or they might fall into the black hole to make it heavier. The pressure from the star’s massive layers of hydrogen presses down, forcing the stars to get very small. eventually the star will get even smaller than an atom.

Do they actually exist? Astronomers certainly believe that they do exist, though it cannot be confirmed because they do not have any evidence supporting it. They think that black hole’s exist because the existence of black holes was first proposed in the 18th century, based on the known laws of gravity.

Six,October, 2011



Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars... Wait How Do You Twinkle? By Emma

From Earth the stars seem to twinkle, this is because we are seeing the stars through thick layers of moving air in the Earth’s atmosphere. Because the

no twinkle. This is why the Hubble Space telescope is able to take brilliant, clear images of the universe.

Light and heat from the stars come from a process Earth’s atmosphere is called Nuclear fusion. constantly moving the light Nuclear fusion occurs when from the stars is refracted two light weight atoms are (deflect) in different forced together to form a directions. While in Outerheavier one. During this Space stars don’t actually process a lot on energy is twinkle, this is because produced. Fusion can only there is no atmosphere. It’s happen at a very high fairly simple, no atmosphere temperature and pressure

which is found in the centre of stars. The stars closer to the horizon appear to twinkle more than stars over-head this is because the light of stars near the horizon have to travel through more air (there is more atmosphere at the horizon). Twinkle, Twinkle lile star how I know how you twinkle...?








"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein Wormholes, a portal between space and time - the fourth dimension. Wormholes shortens the length travelled in space by connecting two points in space/time. Which means that time travel is possible. Others believe that the wormholes also connects parallel universe. According to the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, time/ space traveller doesn’t have enough time to go through the wormhole because it’s so unstable. But is there anything that can make the bridge stable? The answer is yes. If we use negative exotic matter which goes against gravity, to pull the wormhole, we in theory can be able to hold the portal long enough to travel through it. If, we can travel through wormholes, then it is possible to go faster than the speed of light. This

happens because the traveller took the shortcut between point A and B (wormholes), which makes the amount of time taken to go from point A to point B shorter. It might just be short enough to reach B faster than light taking the long and the original way. But if the traveller compare speed with light that is also traveling through to wormhole, then light is still faster than the traveller. Look at it this way, imagine you are racing a car from point A to point B, you took a shortcut and the car had to go to the destination the long way. Even though the car is way faster than you, you still reach there faster because you took the shortcut. It works the same way with wormholes, the shortcut you took is the wormholes and the car is light. Even though the you are still slower but it takes you shorter to reach point B.

Another theory that was brought up is the blackholes and white-holes are the entrance and exit the the portal. Black-hole is a object that is produced by a death of a star, with the huge amount of gravity, nothing, not even light can escape it. White-holes is the exact opposite of black-holes. It spits everything out, no one knows what the stuff come from but a lot of people believe that white holes are the exit of the wormholes. But like the wormholes, white-hole is still a theory, which means that if white-holes doesn’t exist, then there will be no chance of the existence of wormholes. Wormholes, being a space/time travel machinelike almost everything else in space. Is unknown, it’s just waiting there for us to uncover it’s secrets.






By Ixana

OCTOBER 6, 2011

Space Bound

Have you ever been on Tumblr and seen those wicked explosions of light of some sort that appears to be in the solar system? Well on many occasions, it would be a supernova. Supernovae only happen on rare occasions but when they do they form an amazing creation wether it’s the light or the color, everything about it is just incredible. So what causes these amazing occurrences?

According to The Christian Science Monitor, scientists have established that when a star becomes a type 1A supernova they “tended to reach the same intrinsic peak or brightness.” Type 1A supernovas stay the same brightness that they had when they were stars before they exploded while other supernovas increase the brightness that the star had before they exploded. A type 1A supernova can be distinguished from others by scientists, for after they have exploded their light fades over time in a special pattern that is different from other types of supernovae. The Christian Science Monitor said “Because the light of the supernovae type 1A dims at predictable rate and distance, researchers use the light as a type of standard candle that helps them calculate the distances to galaxies in which explosions occur.”


When the word supernova is broken down, “super” means big or bright like a SUPERmarket, and “nova” means new. A supernova happens when a star explodes in such a dramatic way that it makes more energy then all the millions and billions of stars. Stars greater then 1.4 times the mass of the Sun (which was discovered by an Indian Physicist) will generally explode in a supernova. There are a few different types of supernovas, and they all happen in different ways. One in particular is called the supernova type 1a. Type 1A supernova occurs when a white dwarf star takes matter from an orbiting red giant star. This sets off a special explosion, which we call the supernova type 1A.

When looking at the endless numbers of stars on a gorgeous clear evening sky, you may be lucky enough to see a outstanding explosion of a supernovae. It is incredibly rare and probably not going to happen, we can all hope, can’t we? Supernovae are in a way a gift from the gods. They are beautiful creations that we are blessed with every once in a while.




Why Jupiter have Rings We all know that Saturn has rings but did you ever thought if any other planets had rings? There are two more planets that have rings around them. Uranus and Jupiter both have rings too but today’s topic will be about the Jupiter rings.

The Main Ring

The voyager 1 was the first to see the Jupiter rings. They say there are four rings. The Halo ring, the main ring and Gossamer rings which contains two rings. The Amalthea Gossamer Ring and the Thebe Gossamer ring.

The main ring

The innermost, cloud-like ring is called the Halo Ring, which is also called J1R. Its distance is 100,000-122,800 km and its width is 22,800 km. The next one out is the narrow and thin Main Ring that is also called J2R. Its distance is 122,800 – 129,200 km and its width is 6,400km. Beyond the Main Ring is the wispy, nearly transparent Gossamer Ring. Its distance is 129,200- 214,200 km and its width is 85,000 km. The Gossamer Ring has two parts, which is the Amalthea Gossamer Ring that is closer to Jupiter and the Thebe Gossamer Ring. This Gossamer is also known as J3R.

which are the The main ring encompasses the Adrastea and Metis, orbits of two small which actwhich as theare moons, the Adrastea and source for the dust Metis, which asof that makes upact most the source for the dust that makes up most of the ring.

Saturn's rings are mostly made of ice but Jupiter's rings are different because they are very dark and difficult to see. They are made up of small bits of dust. The Galileo spacecraft discovered where that dust came from. Meteors striking the surface of Jupiter's small, inner moons kick up dust, which then goes into orbit around Jupiter, forming the rings.

encompasses the orbits of two small moons,



John Chumack / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

What are Stars Made of? Did you ever wonder what stars are made of? Not Hollywood stars, but space stars. They’re made with the same stuff the universe has. 75% Hydrogen, 25% Helium, and 2% are the other elements. 13.7 billon years ago, the universe was hot. It was so hot; the environment of the universe was equivalent to the heat of the core of the sun. The universe was just a small star. In that small star, helium and hydrogen lorem ipsum dolor met set were creating nuclear quamThe nunc parum kept fusion. universe expanding and cooling down, until to a point it could start collecting elements with its mutual


gravity creating stars. The sun also contains heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. Most of these elements can make a nuclear bomb. Stars are basically nuclear bombs but constantly exploding, it doesn’t last forever. A star is born when the ratio of hydrogen and helium are right. The combine due to gravities pull and they collide. This process doesn’t happen over night. It takes billions of years before a bunch of gasses colliding becomes an actual star. When all the gasses and other elements are together, it explodes creating a star.

Stars are hot because when hydrogen and helium atoms collide they create an explosion, like a nuclear reactor. This explosion is recycled and continues for a couple billon years. When this hydrogen and helium recycling process stops, the star dies. Stars don’t just go out silently, they end with a bang, a supernova. Did you know?These elements that are in stars are the same elements that provide life on earth, so stars contain the basic elements for life.

October 6, 2011



How does Jupiter’s gravity affect other planets? By Jessie

Jupiter, being the largest planet in the Solar System (fact: its mass is 318 times the mass of Earth), has the strongest gravitational pull out of all other components of the Solar System. In addition to that, its gravity is 2.5 times the size of Earth’s gravity, to be exact. As a result, it’s strong enough to fling the Solar System into an abyss of chaos. With that in mind, it acquires the power to destroy asteroids and grab a hold of 64 least. Due to this, its gravitational influence is immense, especially when acted upon smaller planets, such as Mercury. ! " Speaking of Mercury and Jupiter, the gravity of Jupiter may annihilate Mercury as a whole,

since this planet is already disturbing Mercury’s peculiar orbit around the sun. According to some scientists from the Paris Observatory and the University of California, however, if Jupiter’s gravity does destroy Mercury, however, four possible events will ensue, which are: Mercury will collide with the Sun, Mercury will vanish from existence amongst the Solar System, Mercury will crash into Venus, or Mercury and the Earth will collide. Even if it is possible, it is unlikely to happen until the next 5-7 billion years. Yet, there’s only a 1% chance that anything of this nature will occur.... well, at least before the Sun expands to gigantic proportions, all the while

consuming Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars, all in a span of 7 billion years. Pessimism aside, Jupiter’s gravity also protects the Earth to a certain degree; it has constructed a majority of the Solar System’s asteroid belt, since Jupiter has stopped space rocks from crossing paths with other planets, which would have then prevented a series of clashes. But, then again, it also pushes the asteroids toward the sun. So, to conclude, the likeliness of a collision with the Earth exists. Suffice to say, Jupiter, the Hercules of the Solar System, affects the planets... and beyond.

October 6 2011


STAR !!!

By: Karuna

John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group A white Dwarf next to a red giant.

EVER WONDERED STARS GOT HERE? Well read my article and you shall find out!

How stars start initially Ever wondered how our Sun got here? When it will stop burning? How did it come into being? Well that始s what I始m going to tell you. You, see stars are formed in clouds of dust and are found all throughout space. When there is turbulence in the cloud, knots with a mass big enough can rise to the top and the gas and dust can collapse under its own gravity. As the cloud collapses the core of the cloud begins to heat up. The core is now known as a protostar and it will one day become a star. When the cloud collapses the hot core begins to form and it begins to gather dust and gas. Not all of the cloud will become a star, the remaining can become planets asteroids, comets and it may even remain as dust. Different Types of Stars There are a lot of stars in our universe, in fact it is estimated that there are 2,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars! A star can take a long time to mature, one like our sun can take about 50 million years to mature from the collapse to adulthood. It will stay in its mature state for about 10 billion years. Stars are fueled by a nuclear fusion of hydrogen to make helium in the core. The most common stars are Red Dwarfs and they are also the least powerful star of all but their lifespans can be as long as Tens of billions of years. The most massive stars are known as hyper giants and they may be 100 times more massive than the sun! Yet they are so massive, their life span is only a few million years.

Get it? The larger the star the shorter the life. Giants are a bit smaller than Hyper giants but can be 10-100 times bigger than the sun. White Dwarfs are small stars, our sun will eventually become a white dwarf when it expands and shrinks. Neutron stars are the smallest stars and their average diameter is about 10 miles. The range of a stars temperature can be 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit to 55,000 degrees. How a Star Dies Once a star runs out of all the fused hydrogen the nuclear reactions cease thus taking away its helium. Without helium the star is deprived of its energy thats needed to support it so it begins to collapse on itself and becomes much more hotter and bigger. If a star is big enough it may create a black hole. Stars can become many things when they die, but it all depends on their size. For average stars just like our sun they will become White Dwarfs. White Dwarfs are roughly the size of Earth. White Dwarf can become novae, a novae is a multiple star system. Supernovae can become Neutron stars or black holes and from black holes new stars may arise.



At the Speed of Light


Moving through Space faster than speed of light. HOW? Well, it”s going to be a bumpy ride.



Are there ways to travel through space at the speed of light? Possibly. However it will take more than a powerful engine, since light is perfectly aerodynamic, so aerodynamic it doesn't have any resistance, but a large space ship does. Also, light doesn't have a “weight” , while a 10 ton space craft does. We definitely need something else to move that fast. That is where warping plays itʼs part. If need to move from point A to point B, you could make the trip take less time by shortening the distance. “Many movies use this idea of the Warp Drive” explains NASA . But when actual space is warped does its distance get shortened? Many scientists have different opinions on this, but it is hard to be absolutely sure about anything. How could space time possibly be warped? Space can be warped by objects that have a large amount of gravity. Large rotating bodies, such as a black hole, drag spacetime around as they rotate warping in. You can see that ripples in space-time are formed by such a black hole. Warped space time becomes “disfigured”. NASAʼs Gravity Probe B went on a mission that confirmed this, testing how earth warped space time. We may be able to use warped space time to our advantage. If space-time is warped, distance is often disfigured as well, so the time it

takes to get from point a to point be though warped space-time can be shorted, or sometimes, lengthened. Warping is not the only way to travel fast. Scientist have discovered particles that move faster than light. These particles are referred to as tachyons. If we are able to use these to move fast, there is another variable to take into account. The theory of relativity shows that if you travel faster, than time will move more slowly for yourself. Theoretically, if you were to move at the speed of light, time would stand still. Therefore it is possible that moving faster than light you will go back through time. If this works than it would actually take less time to get to mars than it would to stay on earth, while traveling faster than light. So is traveling at the speed of light possible? Could very well be. But we lack the ingenuity and the first step is simply getting the funds to further investigate this theory. Will we travel at the speed of light within our lifetime? Not likely, however all it takes is one major discovery.


A Divine Separation DETLEV VAN RAVENSWAAY / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group

By Kwon

John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group



What is the asteroid belt and why are planets within terrestrial while those outside are Jovian? approximate distance from the sun to the earth) from the sun, and positioned near the middle of the asteroid belt. The lower temperature in the nebula beyond the frost line makes many more solid grains available for accretion into what is eventually planets; as the volatile icy compounds are available. The frost line is the reason behind our solar system’s separation of the Jovian and Terrestrial planets, and why the Jovian planets are considerably larger.

The universe is a fascinating and immeasurably vast place brimming with infinite answers to be discovered and comprehended. The path towards these answers always form through our questions, so looking at a model or illustration of our solar system, do you notice the belt of asteroids between mars and Jupiter? Next, you can also notice that it divides our solar system into inner and outer planets, and even on top of that: the outer planets are composed of gas, while the inner planets are solid. Have you ever pondered about the asteroid belt? Or about such an impressive coincidence? All questions must have an answer.

Now that these concepts are introduced, the reason why the planets are divided in such a way will be explained. In the conception of our solar system, according to wikipedia the inner solar system, an area 2.7 AU from the sun was too warm for volatile molecules such as water and methane to condense, so planets that could be formed inside that distance could only form from compounds with high melting points: mainly, metals and rocky silicates. Accretion, as discussed before is the currently accepted method on how planets are formed, where dust grains through contact and collision get larger, later forming planets. These materials: metal and silicates compromise only 0.6% of the mass of the nebula, and thus the terrestrial planets couldn’t grow larger due to the limited resources available for their formation and growth. However, the gas giants that formed further out beyond the frost line, could grow larger as solid volatile icy compounds were available. The ices that form the gas giants were significantly more RICHARD BIZLEY / SCIENCE PHOTO abundant than the LIBRARY / Universal Images Group materials for terrestrial planets, and the abundance of materials meant larger planets.

CHRIS BUTLER / SCIENCE PHOTO Let us start with the LIBRARY / Universal Images Group

foundation and basis towards understanding why Jovian (gas) and Terrestrial (solid) planets are separated by the asteroid belt, and also introduce the asteroid belt. To begin, all according to wikipedia and it’s sources, the asteroid belt or the main asteroid belt is the region between the orbits of the planets Mars and Jupiter, occupied by minor planets and asteroids. And contrary to popular belief, most asteroid material is thinly distributed around the entire belt, and all the material combined only adds up to 4% of the mass of the moon. The asteroid belt is ideally, composed and formed from planetesimals: cosmic dust grains that “clump” together and gradually form larger and larger bodies. The asteroid belt is believed to be remnants of the solar system’s formation that have failed to form into a planet. The reason that the asteroid belt has been unable to form into a planet is because of gravitational interference or perturbation (variation in a designated orbit, as of a planet, resulting from the influence of one or more external bodies) from the sun and Jupiter. Because of this gravitational interference, the material in the asteroid belt failed in accretion (meaning matter gravitationally attracting more matter to grow) into a planet, as the matter’s gravity is disrupted by Jupiter and the Sun. Finally, the asteroid belt is ideally, a marker to what scientists call a “frost line”, the basis towards understanding the formation of the planets. To understand why gas and solid planets are separated in the asteroid belt, the frost line which will be introduced next is an important basis to answering the question. The frost line, once again according to wikipedia and its sources is the name given to a particular distance from a solar system’s sun where it is cool enough for hydrogen compounds (such as water, ammonia and methane) to condense into solid ice. But with in the distance however, these volatile compounds are unable to perform accretion due to the heavy vibrations of the particles in matter with low melting points. The frost line in our solar system is 2.7 AU (AU or astronomical unit, is the

To summarize and answer the question, the asteroid belt is rather irrelevant to why the inner and outer planets are divided into terrestrial and Jovian planets respectively, and the reason behind this particular division is because of the frost line. The asteroid belt is relevant only in that it rather serves as a marker of the frost line of our solar system. The reason the planets are divided this way is due to the frost line, and that within this line, the only available materials for accretion into planets were rare metals and silicates, while volatile and abundant icy solids were available; thus explaining the relative sizes of the planets. The inner planets are terrestrial in that they were formed through the only available material: metals and silicates, while outer planets accumulated from a massive abundance of hydrogen and helium; explaining their gaseous composition. Answers are found through questions, but can always stray from the initial path to arrive at the destination.


Put A Ring On It BY LISA


Science and Society Museum/ Universal Images Group,Science and Society, Science and Society Museum/ Universal Images GroupMuseum/ Universal Images GroupSocietyMuseum/ Universal Images Group

There is actually 4 planets in our solar system with rings. But there is only one planet you can tell has them from looking at it far away, and that is Saturn. The other planets rings are so faint that they are hard to spot. Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system, but its rings are so faint, and that is why it is the third planet that was discovered with rings. The Universe today website says, in 1977, a few astronomers discovered that Uranus has rings too. But many astronomers doubted it because they were so hard to see. Uranus rings can be divided into 13 different rings. There are many theory s to why planets have rings. According to the University of Wisconsin-Madison website, says that rings are made the same time as the planet and its major moons. In this case, if

material is close to the planet, the planet s gravitational pull is too strong that they combined into a moon and the particles that would otherwise form a moon spread out in orbit around the planet as a ring. Astronomy For Kids Website says, the generally accepted theory is that ringed planets have sufficient gravity to attract and hold a lot of space debris that is left over from the matter that originally compressed to form the sun and its planetary system. It is also possible that the debris which we now see as rings was once part of a larger satellite(s) that was broken up either by collisions with other small bodies or by the constant gravitational stress exerted by the planet around which they circulate. The debris also tends to get flattened by the rotation, so we see it

as rings many miles wide but less than a mile thick. Even though there is many theories, the two main theories are that the rings are made while the planet is self was made. And some materials were so close to the planet that it got pulled by the gravitational pull, and combined into a moon and some particles spread out into in the orbit, and that makes rings. And the other theory is that the rings are made later when rocks get so close to the planets orbit, that the gravity pulls it into pieces and it obits around the planets.

What is the difference between the bombes of the Universe and the second maine lights of our Earth? MARK GARLICK / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group

What is the difference between Novas and White dwarfs?

The nova and the brown dwarf comes from the same thing a star.


The nova is a star who is next to an other star that is smaller. The big star starts to steal gas to the other star, because of that the big star becomes a giant red that after a time, because of it’s gravity,shrinks and TUCCIARONE / SCIENCE PHOTO becomes a white dwarf. JOE LIBRARY / Universal Images Group Even if the little star is know the biggest the white dwarf is still stealing the gas from the other star so it starts getting bigger and bigger. After reaching a critical size, the core blows up and destroys the star ejecting far away the other star far away. Normally, the smaller star starts dying.

A brown dwarf is a star that becomes a giant re d. The giant red gravity transforms himself into a white dwarf. And then after a long time the white dwarf becomes a brown dwarf because the light start to fade and the gas is not powerful a enough to do a bright white dwarf. According to wikipedia, a brown dwarfs are substellar objects that is characteristic of stars on the main sequence. Brown dwarfs have fully convective surfaces and interiors, with no chemical differentiation by depth. The masse of a brown dwarf has a upper limit that is between 75 and 80 Jupiter masses .

Little Red (Giant) vs. Snow White (Dwarf) AUTUMN 2011





Exploring the Different Stars How are Red Giants and White Dwarfs Different? White Dwarfs and Red Giants, this is not Disneyland, its the Universe. According to, one way a star can change is, Average Star to Red giant to Planetary Nebula to White Dwarf. The Red Giant and White Dwarf are totally different JOE TUCCIARONE / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal types of stars. Images Group

A Red Giant始s surface temperature is low compared to a White Dwarf始s hot surface. As the Red Giant is as big as 100 times the sun, the White Dwarf is around as big as the earth, but has a mass similar to the sun. Red Giants are either red or

John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

orange, while the White Dwarf is white, with a blueish hue.

very dense and extremely hot (over 100,00 degrees), even

A Red Giant始s atmosphere grows bigger, as its core shrinks from gravity. The star that is powered with helium, will have its outer layers go back to normal, shrink, become bluer and much hotter. This takes around a million years, because the helium in the star runs out quickly, and becomes a Planetary John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group Nebula. A Planetary Nebula is though a White Dwarf is as small an expanding, glowing shell of hot as the sun. Because the White plasma. The outer layers of the Dwarf depends on its own energy star drift away from the core, to produce light, the light and heat which makes the core a new star, of the White Dwarf will slowly a White Dwarf. fade away and change color. A White Dwarf is the left over (core) of an average sized star, that has gone through the Red Giant phase. White Dwarfs are

Red Giants and White Dwarfs, so different, but both phases of the same cycle.





How are the days and years on venus? The closer a planet is to the sun, the faster it travels in its orbit. Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. A year on Venus is 224 earth days. And one day on Venus is 243 earth days. Days are really long on Venus. A day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus. It takes less time for Venus to experience a whole year, compared to Earth. Venus goes around the sun almost twice for every Earth year. It takes longer for Venus to rotate on its own axis (the cycle of a day). Venus rotates very slow. Venus' rotation is the slowest of any planet in the solar system.

The second theory is simply that most of the boulders (a large rounded mass of rock) that clumped together to form Venus, were originally spinning in an opposite direction to the other ones that formed the rest of the Solar System.

Venus Spins Differently, Why?

Venus rotates retrograde (spins around clockwise). So the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Venus spins in the opposite direction to the Earth and to most of the other planets in the Solar System, and rotates very slowly. So why does Venus spin retrograde? Nobody knows for sure why Venus rotates retrograde, but according to there are two main theories. One theory is that either a huge chunk of debris crashed into the planet a long time ago, and sent it spinning in the opposite direction.

Space Frontiers / Archive Photos / Getty Images / Universal Images Group

Withstanding the rays of heat.

Integer metus.


Lorem. byline [Name]

Mercury is able to withstand heat this is possible because Mercury is much smaller than Earth and Mercury has 0.05% as much mass as Earth, also Mercury has only 1/3 of Earth’s gravitational pull.

NASA / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

Therefore, Mercury has a thin and unstable atmosphere, and since atmosphere’s trap heat, gases keep escaping the planet. Therefore sunlight reflects off its surface, similar to how light is reflected directly off the Moon’s surface. The lack of atmosphere means that sunlight cannot be spread through the atmosphere. Because of this, at night temperatures can be below -180 degrees Celsius. During the day, because Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, therefore the temperature can reach up to 430 degrees Celsius. In fact, Mercury can be one of the coldest planets in the Solar System


By: Ido


BLACK HOLES Natures Garbage Chute

Have you ever looked up at the Okay, nothing escapes a Black night sky and wondered, hey hole, When I say nothing i mean where them black holes at? nothing. Not even light can escape the clutch of a black holes gravity.. Black holes are in space, they A black hole is a place in space form when a star reaches the end where gravity pulls so much that of its life span. How they form in even light cannot get out. Since more detail is, the center core of the gravity in the black hole is so the star starts to expand, and over strong, it forces the light to go to time it gets so big that it breaks the center of the black hole. That the outer shell and destroys it. is why they’re black, and we aren't Think of it like a balloon in a able to see them through a balloon, the balloon inside the telescope without a special other balloon starts out small but setting. And if a telescope can’t as you pump more air into it, it see them normally, our eyes wouldn’t be able to see them takes over the outer one. either. When the star was among the living, they were bright. Very bright. But then how come black holes are not visible like its former state?


John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

October 2011


Star Fact: Every year, 157,680,000,000,0 00 metric tons of fuel are converted into energy.


Every star dies in a violent explosion.

STARS DIE DIFFERENTLY BASED ON THEIR SIZE. Small stars blink out of existence while large ones go supernova or turn into a black hole. Like humans, all stars die. They die because they run out of fuel energy, but what is their fuel? The fuel is energy created in the fusion process. Fusion is when two atoms get crushed together by heat and pressure (that is found in stars) to create an atom of the next element. The most common fusion occurring in stars is fusing hydrogen into helium. This creates photons, gamma rays, and other energy. The energy pushes outwards, stopping gravity from crushing the star and making it die. Fusion takes place only at the core of the star and the energy gets carried out of the star by its different layers. Stars don始t die straight away. According to a star only uses about 10% of their hydrogen average before it starts to die. That 10% used to be a hydrogen core but now it's just made helium and helium takes a lot more pressure to do fusion. The star now transforms into a red giant or for large stars, a red supergiant. The core gets more dense and the outer layers cool and expand. Red giants have enough pressure to fuse helium and even beyond that. According to the red giants live for 100,000,000 years average." " When the 100,000,000 years are up, the core is mostly made from carbon which is found in coal. At this point, the star can no longer fuse the elements in its core so it



creates no more energy. Now gravity crushes the star down causing it to launch the outer layers off in a huge explosion. All that is left is a white dwarf which is only a heated piece of coal drifting through space and cooling. Eventually it will cool into a black dwarf which is just a giant lump of coal. Larger stars die differently because they have more gravity pushing down on them.They have a shorter life because they fuse more atoms quicker than smaller stars. These large stars have enough pressure to fuse carbon into iron but that requires more energy than it makes. Now large stars die in two different ways. They either go supernova like most other stars or the have enough gravity to be crushed into a black hole. All the remains from the outer layers of stars go off into space and join up with nebulae and other star remains to create a new star. Then the process starts again.

October 6, 2011



Staying hot even in the coldness of space. By William

The temperature of space is near absolute zero. One could wonder why the sun can stay hot even in the coldness of space. This is due to nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is what makes hydrogen bombs blow up by the way. Well, what exactly is nuclear fusion?

than the sum of the two masses of the original atoms. So the decrease in mass is made into energy. In the sun a huge load of hydrogen atoms and helium atoms are constantly being forced together releasing energy all the time, generating heat for the sun. Just think of it as over a million Well nuclear fusion is hydrogen bombs when two atoms of the continually exploding in same charge combine the center of the sun, therefore releasing generating sunlight that energy. The reason it reaches all the way to the releases energy when the earth. The sunlight then two 1atoms combine, mass hits the atmosphere, of the new atom is less

therefore undergoing a process that changes it to heat. But how come the only the light, not the energy reaches earth and incinerates it. Well, it is because there is a really strong gravitational pull around the sun holding the explosions at bay. But light can still get through because it is to fast to be held back. Anyways the reason the sun stays hot even in the coldness of space is through nuclear fusion.

Star Light, Star Bright OCTOBER 2011!



PHOTO CREDITS: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC) John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group John R. Foster / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

Find out how stars are formed. There are about 1022-1024 different kinds of stars, namely: dwarf stars, yellow dwarfs, red dwarfs, red giants, blue giants, super giants, white dwarfs, brown dwarfs, and neutron stars. Can you believe that our sun, a yellow dwarf, is just an average size? There’s even far more bigger and smaller stars in space. ! ! ! Stars are made up of two different types of gases: Hydrogen and Helium. ! They make up 98% of the stars, with 73% hydrogen and 25% helium, and 2% of other gases. Basically, stars are big exploding balls of gas. ! ! !Stars are formed from Nebulae.! Nebula, a Latin word for cloud, is a cloud of gas and dust. !According to HowStuffWorks, since they are far away from other active stars, they remain dormant until a disturbance comes (ex. comet).! As the force moves through the cloud, the particles in the cloud clump together. ! They attain more mass and they get a stronger gravitational pull therefore they attract other particles near the cloud. ! These clumps get hotter

and denser, and in over a course of a million years they form a small and dense body called a protostar.! When the protostar reaches the right temperature of 7 million kelvins, an atomic reaction happens. ! Zero Kelvin is -273°C or -459°F, so you can imagine that these stars are really hot.! This atomic reaction called a nuclear fusion happens when its hydrogen atoms begin to fuse and produces an outflow of energy and helium. !Nuclear fusion also releases extra electrons, which are shot off into all different directions that make stars shine.! However, its outward pull from the nuclear fusion is still weaker than the inward pull of gravity so it can’t be a main-sequence star just yet. !!!Materials still get sucked into the protostar, providing more mass and heat. ! After a million years, some protostars reach their tipping point. ! When something with a solar mass of 0.1 collapses into the star, two jets made of gas erupt from the star and blasts away all the gas and dust that’s still

The formation of stars is a cycle: when they die they eject the material for new stars to use. on the star’s surface. !As the newly formed star stabilizes, it reaches its point where the outward pull of the nuclear fusion overtakes the inward gravitational pull. ! ! ! These stars shine by burning hydrogen into helium in their cores, and later in their lives create heavier elements like nitrogen, iron, oxygen, and carbon until its fuel runs out. When it does, they eject the remaining material back into space so a new star can use it once more, so it’s practically just a cycle.

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