Astronomy Ezine White 3 McDonald

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BY: Alex

October 2011

These holes are made from collapsing stars.

An example of what a black hole would look like from

A black hole animation from


A black hole is not just a dark hole full of empty space, instead

Nasa said, “Don’t let the name fool you, a black hole is anything but empty space.” A black hole, a region in space where the pulling force caused by gravity is so strong that nothing can escape it, not even light. It acts like a vacuum, Albert Einstein's general theory predicts that the gravity of an extremely dense body (the black hole) can bend light that light itself cannot escape. It’s a lost that us people don’t get to see a black hole with a naked eye even if there was one that was close to earth. It cannot be seen by the naked eye as all the light is sucked into it, causing its presence to be unknown. Black holes have different sizes, some are big some are small. The smallest black hole is a size of one atom. The biggest black hole, is more then a million times heavier then our sun. The evidence of the black holes are indirect; astronomers has not seen one before. The presence of black holes are studied by scientists by detecting black hole’s effect on matter nearby. Only a few stars become black holes, but not all. Black holes are formed when a star runs out of hydrogen to create helium. Nasa quoted, “Most black holes form from the remnants of a large star that dies in a supernova explosion.” As this happens, mass will concur the amount of energy of a star. “When there is more mass than energy, there is more gravity,” Mr McDonald said. The amount of mass and gravity in a star causes the star itself to pull itself towards the middle causing the star to form into a black hole. A star although, doesn’t directly form into a black hole as it collapses, gravity pulls the rest of the star to the middle slowly as the size of the star is very big and thus it takes millions of years. To be precise, stars with small size contains a smaller amount of mass, not enough to create and turn into a black hole when it collapses. A small star does not have enough mass to have a great amount of gravity and pull the star towards the middle and create a black hole. According to the black hole encyclopedia, our sun will not turn into a black hole when it collapses. The encyclopedia said that it was impossible for our sun to turn into a black hole. Little mass does our sun contain, and this is because our sun has a small size compared to stars that form into a black hole.

A black hole doesn’t pull everything around it towards it. ing to wikipedia, a black hole has an event horizon. If something is moving towards the event horizon it goes closer to the center of the black hole. Wikipedia stated that once a particle enters a black hole’s event horizon, only then will it be pulled towards the center of the black hole. Once a particle enter the event horizon of a black hole, it is the point of no return. The inside of a black hole is mysterious, no one has ever been to one. According to Matt McIrvin, once we enter the event horizon, we will get pulled directly into the center of a black hole. Once we are inside the black hole, we will get squeezed due to the amount of gravity inside the black hole. There is so much gravity traveling at the speed of light all around us, that once we enter a black hole, it crushes us. Inside a black hole, time stops for particles that have been sucked into the center. No light can escape a black hole, because of this time cannot be measured and thus time stops inside a black hole. A black hole, sometimes considered as the point of no return.




Why are there more stars in some nights and fewer in others? Have you ever been to the beach? Can you count the number grains of sand there are on the ground? Can you count the number of stars in the sky? Have you ever wonder why you can see more stars in some nights and fewer in others? Well, you can see more stars in some nights, but fewer in others because in some nights the stars are covered by the dark clouds. Some are to high in the sky for us to see. When there are no clouds, usually the stars can be seen quite clearly. According to "the here be Credit: CELESTIAL IMAGE CO / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / answers" website, the stars are covered Universal Images Group by clouds in some nights so you think that there is more stars in some nights than others but according to the yahoo Also, the reason for seeing fewer in is facing towards the south of the center website, it is because of light pollution. some nights than others is that it of the milky way, so in the southern depends on which time of the year you hemisphere, you can see a better view Light pollution is also a cause of why are looking at the stars from. There are of the stars. According to yahoo you can see more stars in some nights more brighter stars on summer, than answers, you can see more stars in the and fewer in others. The more light there are on winter because of the milky southern hemisphere than the northern pollution there is, the less stars you will way which is a galaxy with a collection because of that. Also a fact that I found see. Light pollution happens when the of many stars. The milky way is larger from wikipedia is that the megallanic artificial light is being used at night. For and more brighter on the summer so cloud (another galaxy) is visible from example the head lights of cars, lighting you will be able to see more stars in the southern hemisphere, but not the of buildings, bill boards, etc. Light how summer than winter. But, sometimes it northern. much glow there is of an object. When might change because sometimes the So basically, the reason why you can you go camping and you are in an winter nights can be clearer so there is a see more stars in some nights and fewer environment with a usage of less chance to see equal amount of stars in in others is because of the dark clouds, electricity, you will be able to see more summer & winter. light pollution, the latitude you are stars because there is less of light According to NASA, the number of looking from, and which time of the pollution. The less brighter or dimmer stars in a night also depends on which year you are looking from. stars can’t be seen when there’s light latitude you are viewing from. Our earth pollution.


Credit: Chris Cook / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group





Is There Water On Mars? N.A.S.A. has identified water on mars in soil samples taken by the Phoenix Mars Lander. The sample was taken from a trench about 2 inches deep. Frozen water has been discovered at many middle to high latitudes on mars. Because of Mars’ freezing temperatures and thin atmosphere, liquid water can only stay liquid for so long.

briny water,” said Alfred McEwen of the University of Arizona, Tucson. Water on mars would quickly freeze or evaporate because of it’s chilly temperatures, but it has been proven that water could remain liquid long enough, after breaking free from an underground source to flow down slope before totally freezing.

Dark finger like features appear down some martian slopes. “The best explanation for these observations so far is the flow of

According to Wikipedia, Mars also has polar ice caps. They are in high latitude regions of Mars. Unlike Earth, Mars’ Ice caps consist mainly

of frozen carbon dioxide and water. The ice caps change as Mars’ seasons change. The carbon dioxide sublimates during summer, unveiling a layer of rocks and frozen water, showing that there is more water than carbon dioxide in the ice caps. The ice caps are formed again during winter.

DEAD SATELLITES By Celine Where do satellites go when they die?


ccording to Tariq Malik

from, normally, dead satellites are sent into graveyard orbits, or the ground controllers allow their orbital inclination to increase which saves fuel, and increases the satellite's lifetime. They can also shoot it down or fix it and bring it back. It’s really rare for a satellite to just fall down to Earth and cause dangerous situations. Boris Starosta / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group

W h at will h ap p e n whe n s at el l i t e s d i e ?


id you know moon is also a satellite? A satellite is a machine or a planet that orbits around another planet. Thus, moon can be also a satellite. But what I want to talk about now is about artificial satellites. Artificial satellites are launched into space to do different, specific jobs. For example, a weather satellite is launched to figure out and predict Earth’s weather. Communication satellites are launched to help phones and TV to get their signals. Satellites affect almost everything that’s surrounding us so they’re a really important factor in our life.

There are about 2100 to 2200 functioning artificial satellites orbiting around Earth. Have you ever thought oh what will happen if these satellites stop orbiting around Earth? Well, it depends on which type of satellite is stopping, but if they stop, it sure will affect our

planet a lot. Almost everything surrounding us are being controlled by communication satellites. If communication satellites stop working, all cell phones, radio signals, TV signals, and other telecommunications would stop working, which will be a huge problem in the modern day world. Imagine a world without phones and Internet! It would take more than months to figure out what’s happening at the other side of the world. You wouldn’t even get to know if your grandmother passed away or not. Secondly, if navigation or GPS satellites stop working, ship and planes won’t be able to find their path, so they’ll get lost. This means it won’t be possible for us to travel around anymore since we can’t find the way. Lastly, when weather satellites stop working, it’ll obviously affect us a lot since we won’t be able to predict the weather, and prevent damages being caused by the disaster.

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COMETS October 2011

As glorious as they are, they could be the reason were here.

COMETS, THE REASON WHY WERE HERE. When you gaze out into the vast universe, asking your self whats out there. Aliens, Black Holes, Pulsars, Magnetars, Neutrinos, Worm Holes? Suddenly a magnificent glowing object slowly moving across the sky. You think “Holy Moley! look its a star shooting across the sky!”, thus a shooting star. I'm sorry to tell you, but your wrong. Shooting Star, a star like our own, the sun; traveling across the sky. Many of you would think that. But a shooting star is a comet. Believe it or not, its actually a snowball of frozen gases, rocks, organic material, and dust. Every comet has a frozen part in the center, called a nucleus. In the nucleus there is frozen gas, dust, and rock, but a comet may have a small rocky core, according to NASA. In the past, people were both starstruck and alarmed by comets, just like us now. Depicting them as fiery swords blazing across the night sky, even as as bazar “long-haired” stars. Sizes of comets vary, ranging from hundreds of meters, to a prodigious tens of kilometers in diameter. Comets can be entertaining, but you have to thank them. We now know that comets are the leftovers from the beginning of our solar system, 4.6 billion years ago; and they are made out of gas, rock, dust, and organic material. According to NASA, comets may have kick started life on earth. Bringing water and organic compounds, the building blocks of life. Creating the most simple life form, to a creature as complicated as us.

As our ancestors perceived comets as “longhaired” stars, they would have seen “long-hair” trailing behind the comet. Now, with our advancements in science we now can explain what it is. As Comets start to get close to the sun, is starts to spew out gas and dust, causing its tail which can be millions of miles long. As it comes close to the sun, the frozen gasses on nucleus, start melting. Creating a atmosphere. The pressure of sunlight and the solar winds, blows the atmosphere away. Forming a a long, and sometimes bright tail.


How did comets form, you may ask. From a cloud of gas and dust, and so did our solar system. 4.6 billion years ago, our solar system was created, including the sun. However, the outer regions of our solar system was cold. According to STSCI, all the gasses froze onto dust particles, which grew into clumps. Eventually theses clumps merged together and created planets. However, some clumps didn't merge together; these clumps were located in a region further than Neptune. This region was called the Kuiper belt, theorized by Gerard Kupier. His theory was confirmed later. The Oort Cloud is another place where the comets were made, only that the Oort Clouds orbit is much longer than the Kuiper Belt’s comet orbits. Also its much further away than the Kuiper Belt. Comets are not the only space anomalies that awe and shock humans. Their existence in the universe may be the reason you and I are here. Their awe inspiring and glorious appearance make them one of the best, or the best thing that occurs in our universe.

Kent Wood / Photo Researchers / Universal Images Group



LOOKING FOR A WEDDING RING! T RY S AT U R N ’ S R I N G ! Written by: Daniel


What the rings are made up of... Saturn’s rings are made up of 6 components. The rings are made up of ice, rocks and dust, but are ordered the way they were discovered (the original order of the rings starting from saturn is D, C, B, A, F, G and E). Saturn’s rings bend because of the gravity of the moons near them. The A and B ring is the brightest out of all the other rings. Another ring that captures a lot of scientists fascination is the F ring. It turns out that the F ring is held together by two moons that shape a very narrow figure. Another interesting fact is that Saturn is surrounded by 60 moons! Now here are some of the things to give you an idea of what the

rings look like. According to The D ring is barely visible, but there are a lot of them, C ring in the other hand is still visible but is very transparent and is also known as the “Crepe Wing”. Out of all the rings the B ring is the widest and thickest out of all the other rings, A ring is one of the brightest rings with the B ring. The G ring is one of the farthest rings from Saturn. The E ring was the ring that puzzled most astronomers, because unlike the other rings which are made up parts from the moon, its to be thought that it came from ice particles that was broken off from the volcanic geysers from the moon of Enceladus. Maybe thats the cause

of its being of one of the brightest. The C ring is very interesting as well because its transparent, some call it the “Crepe Wing” and the D ring is not visible.



Credits to MICHAEL DUNNING / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images The ringed planet,Saturn is one of the most interesting planets because of its rings. The rings of Saturn date back to 100 million years ago. They’re one of the largest planetary ring system in the Solar System. But what are they made of? How were they made? Philosophy There are many theories on how Saturn’s rings were made,but Scientists have come up with 2 main theories on how the rings of Saturn were made. The first theory,according to NASA is that the moon disintegrated after being struck by a large asteroid or comet. The second theory is that the rings were remains from the original nebular material that formed Saturn. Nebular is an interstellar cloud of dust, and made up of different gases.However, according to Kerr Richard the rings are composed of debris from the disruption of a moon about 400-600 km in diameter. The rings are mostly formed of small ice particles, dust and rock orbiting Saturn.These rings look solid,but they’re actually not solid.If they were solid, they would be too unstable and break apart. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft shows that Saturn’s rings have their own atmosphere than the one of the planet itself.The atmosphere of the rings is mostly composed of molecular oxygen.The atmosphere of the rings are very similar to the one of Jupiter’s moons Europa and Ganymede. Though, the atmosphere of Saturn is made of 75% hydrogen and 25% helium with other small amounts of water ice and methane.Additionally, the magnitude of Saturn is very strong.

The major rings of Saturn are, A,B,C,D,E,F, and G. These rings have gaps that separates them.One of the largest gaps is called the Cassini division which is between the A ring and the B ring.This division was discovered by Giovanni Cassini in 1675.Some of the gaps have Saturn’s moons embedded into them.This moons are also known as ‘Shepherd’ moons.Shepherd moons are small moons that orbit near the outer edges of rings or within the gaps in the rings. The Shepherd moons gravity maintains the particles of the rings together or holds off other materials from the moons orbit. According to Paul A. Heckert; “Voyager space prob to Saturn revealed incredibly unexpected structure in Saturn’s rings.” An example of a shepherd moon is the F ring which has to small shepherd moons;Prometheus and Pandora. The Information on Saturn’s rings has come a long way since the discovery of it in 1610. Now we know all sorts of reasons on what Saturn’s rings are made of, but we are still not sure about a lot of things about Saturn’s rings and we have a lot to discover. Credits to NASA / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group




October 6th 2011 By Enrique


IS IT ACTUALLY POSSIBLE? Life would be so much better The question: Can humans live on Mars? has been coming up many times and I’m sure even you have had this question come up. You will find out right now. The world’s population is 7 billion, so since the earth is starting to get overpopulated scientists are thinking of possibilities to start life in Mars. With evidence Mars has already held life before and it’s the only planet that humans could possibly live on even though it wouldn’t be so easy. Mars can get to only 56 million km away from earth so distance wouldn’t be such a problem. The fact that there is water on Mars is increasing the chances that people can start life on mars. Mars’ temperature is the closest to Earth’s, it is only an average of 20 degrees colder than Earth’s; although, that temperature might be a problem because in some places the temperature is consistently well under 30 degrees celsius. The gravity on Mars is only 38% of the gravity on Earth so that would be something hard to adapt to. One of the biggest problems is there’s a very week magnetic field and Mars’ atmosphere offers very little protection against radiation from space, where as in Earth there’s a lot

of protection and it’s very hard for other objects from space to reach Earth. The atmosphere on Mars is so thin that it would be hard to hold oxygen so we would have to bring plants from the Earth to help produce oxygen, and every house should have a greenhouse somewhere in the backyard. Another big problem is that on Mars there is very tough wind and storms that last months. Mars is farther from the sun than Earth is so that means it’s orbit is larger which means that it would take 687 days for Mars to go around the sun to form a year, that wouldn’t be a problem for most people though.


In conclusion, it is possible for humans to start life on Mars but it would be very hard and there are many disadvantages. A trip is in fact planned to send rockets to Mars in 2014 to collect samples, and a mission to send humans to mars is planned to be in 2018. Life for us would be so much better if part of us lived on Mars.




By Eugene


Once you get in you will never survive the rest! Credits MEHAU KULYK / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group,RUSSELL KIGHTLEY / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images Group

When talking about black holes, we are talking about a region of space which we know are associated with eternal darkness, not even light of any intensity could escape. Black holes are known to emit radiation just like any other bodies with a known temperature. It will be impossible for us to know how much radiation black holes gives out because of the nature and size of a black hole. Black holes are known to have a broad range of masses. Some black holes lie at the center of our galaxy(milky way). We could describe this black hole as dark monsters in space. The ones we know to be originated in the middle of galaxies are formed when a star at least the size 5 times of the sun runs out of ammunition and turns into a black hole. Only clasped stars become black holes. While the stars can’t become black holes take for example our sun . Stars the size of our Sun typically do not become black holes because they lack sufficient mass. According to wikipedia, our Sun would become a black hole only if it could be squeezed into a ball that is less than 5.8 km across. If it were compressed to this size, its density would be 1019 kg/m3. Black holes are areas of intense gravitational pressure.While the super massive ones could be from the deformation of stars hundreds the size of our closest stars, our sun. One of the long going mysteries of black holes is the fact that we cannot escape from its great suction. We are now fairly certain that black holes all over the galaxies are

created almost in tandem. We believe that these massive monsters suck up everything that goes nearby. We cant describe this phenomenon with higher level maths because it would be pointless. So it still becomes a mystery even for astronauts. According to the amazing space community, black holes are known to be objects not holes . Really, there typically a collapsed star,whose gravity is so strong that its escape velocity exceeds the speed of light. Since nothing is known to exceed the speed of light, nothing can escape from a black hole. This only occurs when the star has sufficient mass. These black holes uses gravity to suck everything that can’t withstand it’s high gravity. Black holes have 3 parts or layers. Once your in a black hole, there’s no going out. Rumors were heard that scientists thought that a black hole could lead in to a new universe. Out universe would be the milky way. But according to Astronomy, there are 3 layers inside the black hole. The very outer layer of the black hole is called the Outer Event Horizon. Within the outer Event horizon you would still be able to escape from the black hole’s gravity because the gravity i not as strong as the second layer. The second later is the Inner Even Horizon. The gravity is too strong that it’s known to be 100 percent impossible to escape the gravity because our race has not yet discovered a technology that could go faster than the speed of light. The last layer is the Singularity. This is where the black hole’s gravity is the strongest. A black hole is known to be a Event Horizon. There is no end to a black hole. Matter that goes inside the black hole




Black holes wonʼt pull you in until you reach a certain distance. But once you go past the event horizon (which is “the outer boundary of the black hole”-Ted Bunn), there is no way out of that mess, no matter how fast you move, because not even light can escape the horizon! Once you cross that event horizon, itʼs time to sit back and enjoy the not-so-pleasant ride. So now that youʼre sure that youʼll get sucked into a black hole, letʼs relax and look at the surroundings. Amazingly, youʼre still living and intact! Interestingly, you donʼt see anything interesting, spectacular or mind-blowing. According to Ted Bunn, as the gravity of the black holes bends light, faraway objects will seem distorted, and you will still be able to look at objects outside because light from outside can reach you, but that is about it. How are you feeling right now? “At first you donʼt feel any gravitational forces at all. Since youʼre in free fall, every part of your body and your spaceship is being pulled in the same way, and so you feel weightless,” Ted Bunn says. But as you get closer to the center of the black hole, (also known as the singularity) you will feel great discomfort. Letʼs say that you are falling feet-first into the black hole. The gravitational pull on your feet will be stronger than the one on your head because they are closer to the singularity, thus ʻstretchingʼ you.

As you get closer to the center, the gravitational pull will become more and more intense and will stretch you out and rip you apart at some point. This ripping apart can also be called as being ʻspaghettifiedʼ, because you are getting stretched out, like a spaghetti. Not only will you get ripped apart, but according to HubbleSite, “Every single molecule of your body will be compressed into a single point of infinite density and become one with the black hole.” Of course, this experience will differ with how big the black hole is. We fell into a supermassive black hole, so you would still be intact after crossing the event horizon, but if you fell into a small black hole, you would have been ripped apart even before you reached the horizon, as the gravity of smaller black holes are much stronger! Now you know what would exactly happen to you if you fell into a black hole. Not very pleasant, is it? At least now you know the truth and wonʼt fantasize about what lies beyond a black hole. But best of all, youʼll know exactly what to think when you come across a science-fiction book that talks about a character who gets sucked into a black hole that leads him/ her into a new universe!



Have you ever wondered what it would be like if you fell into a black hole? Itʼs common knowledge that black holes suck everything in, because its gravity is so strong. But once you get sucked in, what would happen if you got sucked into a fell into a black hole? Where will it lead me to? Time travel? Will there be a four-dimensional world? Wrong. Letʼs begin with the beginning. Letʼs say that you are approaching the supermassive, million-solar-mass black hole in the center of our galaxy.


THE BIG October 2011

BANG! Kieran

How Did the world Start? THE WAYS MATTER AND TIME WAS INVOLVED DID MATTER REALLY EXIST BEFORE TIME? It started as an explosion as the matter started to expand rapidly faster than the speed of light creating space and time. Unfortunately, There is no explanation about time before the matter expanded, therefore there is no possible solution explaining what happened before the expansion. Apparently all of the matter and energy of space that we know was contained at one point. What existed prior to this event is completely unknown and is a matter of pure guess. According to the standard theory, our universe sprang into existence as "singularity" around 13.7 billion years ago. Singularities are zones which possibly defy our current understanding of physics, almost like nothing related to matter could exist there. They are thought to exist at the core of black holes. IS IT JUST ASTRONOMY? As the scientific methods break down by being more and more specific, we realize that the concept of science isn’t there anymore, but instead it just goes to possible predictions from religion such as God and atomic fiction. eventually there is no end in the universe; a state that matches the one found in the Holy Bible. SO WHO FOUNDED THE BIG BANG? Three British astrophysicists, Steven Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose turned their attention to the creation of time and time before time, regarding to the creation of the ‘BIG BANG’. Also radioastronomers Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson discovered a -454.765 degree Fahrenheit Cosmic Microwave Background radiation (CMB) proving there could possibly be a ‘BIG BANG’ and were awarded for the discovery.

One thing we know is that we never get past the real question; What happened before the big bang? It’s up to you to find out.

How objects were created.

Matter Expanding-

There is no end in space for two reasons: the first is that space is still expanding creating universes and galaxies, and second of all even if humans find a transport device faster than the expansion (completely impossible), space finds a way to curve itself so that when you exit one side, you end up on the other.

Jakarta, Indonesia | JIS

The explosion and expansion of creation.




Whats the big deal about black holes?

The black holes life is beginning just as the star’s life is ending. not all stars become black holes, only ones with large amounts of gravity maybe can. Black holes are no where near earth, so don’t worry about being sucked into one any time soon! Some Black holes, like the one beleived to be to the center of our glaxey, have mass 10 to 100 billion times our sun! This Gravity is so immense, that even light can’t escape. From the sound of this, it seems to be that black holes could suck up the entire universe, right? WRONG! Anything that doesn’t pass whats called the “Event Horsion” will not be pulled inside a black hole. Because of this, some things are just in the black holes orbit, like our sun and the 8 planets. So, if the sun would turn into a black hole (which it won’t) Earths orbit would stay only problem VICTOR HABBICK VISIONS / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY / Universal Images G exactly the same. The is that without the sun, we would freeze to death. been discovered in the centers We do know that there are of some galaxies. These black many black holes in space, A star will not even have the chance holes are very large and even though there are only 17 to become a black hole if it is not 10 contain the same amount of known ones. The closest hole is to 15 times the size of our sun. Even material as 100 million or more 1,600 light years away. So don’t though it is only 10-15 times the size suns. These types of black worry about Earth falling into of the sun, the mass can be up to holes are several million miles one and being crushed by the 100 billion times it. According to across.” amount of gravity it gives. NASA,“Black holes come in many There are many black holes in sizes and their size depends on how space, and some of them are much material is in them (their even close enough to collide mass). Some are the remains of a with each other. When this giant star which collapsed. A star has happens, the hole only gets to be much more massive than our bigger. Sun to become a black hole. These types of black holes are only a few miles across. Black holes have also




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By Michiel

SUICIDAL STAR Issue No. Seventeen

How Do Stars Die It all starts when the hydrogen in the starts to convert to helium and once it runs out of hydrogen several things can happen Most larger ones soon run out of fuel and the outer part grows and the center shrinks and it soon becomes a red giant and according to the wikipedia page if the star is big enough and has enough fuel left it swells even larger and becomes a super red giant if it’s big enough it creates a supernova a large explosion that shoots particles out into space, and it leaves behind neutron star or a black hole but most stars become red giant if it’s big enough 1.5 solar masses it creates a supernova It then leaves behind neutron star or a black hole but if it’s ’ small it collapses Supergiant and makes a pulsar or a white dwarf. Smaller stars die differently then medium or big ones.

Some just runs out of fuel and stop burning becoming white dwarfs or it swells to a red giant and collapses white dwarfs cool down to black dwarfs but the universe is to young for that to happen. Supernova

Big stars die similarly to a small planet except usually with a larger boom. In the really big stars the center of the star fuses into Iron, and when it comes in contact with other elements it explodes creating a super nova.the remnants of the supernova are pulled together by the remaining gravity of the center of the sun. Creating a super dense neutron star ( weighing trillions of tons), or if there is more gravity than mass it becomes a black hole. Stars dieing is a essential part of creating other planets because when a star dies it shoots particles into space like helium oxygen and hydrogen these elements are Collector, Main Street, Any Town, State ZIP | 123-456-7890 | needed to create The life. Other1234 particles collect around others suns the join together and creates new planets. So the death of a star is important to our creation.

AN EXPLOSION ON EARTH? Will our universe explode into pieces?


Credit: NASA, Compton Gamma Ray Observatory, BATSE Everyday on Earth there is one explosion. You may not notice them because they travel from far away distant places and lose all their energy and power by the time it reaches us. These are called gamma-ray bursts (GRB). Gamma-ray bursts have the smallest amount of energy than any other electromagnetic spectrum. They are able to kill living cells including cancerous cells. Gamma rays are one of the brightest objects in the sky and the most energetic form of light. Gamma-ray bursts can not penetrate the atmosphere and can not be captured or reflected in mirrors. Could gamma-rays kill us? Although gamma-rays wouldn’t likely reach the ground they would be able to destroy a large amount of the ozone layer. The ozone layer is like a blanket of gas that absorbs a lot of the ultraviolet (UV); light coming in from the Sun and other places. Without an ozone layer, the amount of UV light

reaching the ground would increase rapidly and could become dangerous; from the Edu Berkeley Research. On December 26, 2004 there was a 9.3 magnitude earthquake in Indonesia. 44.6 hours after the quake Earth picked up the arrival of the biggest gamma-ray burst ever recorded! Scientist think that GRB’s have a relation to earthquakes. All GRB’s come from outside the Milky Way Galaxy and each explosion kills massive stars. Gamma-rays are able to release more energy in 10 seconds than the Sun will in the entire 10 billion years of life it provides light for us. Astronomers think that long and short durations are created by different physical properties. Long durations last more than 2 seconds and short durations last less than 2 seconds; according to NASA Sky Works. By solving the mystery of gamma-ray burst they hope to gain more information about the origin of the Universe. [1]

An image of a distant galaxy in which a gamma-ray burst exploded in 1997. Credit: Astro Berkeley Edu Research





Is the U.S. Government hiding the truth? It’s 1967. Captain Robert Sales, an air force pilot, is at a military base in Montana. Then he sees something from the corner of his eye; a flashing blue light. Couldn’t be a star, it was too bright. Then suddenly, it disappears, and the base’s alarm goes off - somehow, the nukes had been disabled by an unidentified airborne vehicle. “We’re talking about unidentified flying objects, as simple as that,” says the now retired air force pilot. “So far, the government has been forcing us into silence, but the world needs to know about these things.” Skeptics think that the nuclear missiles were disabled by a spy plane from an opposing foreign country, and the flash of light was merely a coincidence.


Area 51 is a top secret military air force base in South Nevada. Much of the information is classified, and some people think that the U.S. government is hiding the fact that Area 51 has been in contact with extra-terrestrials. Some people who claim to have worked in this military base also support this suspicion. ABC News recently stated that the CIA has started to declassify top secret information, and rumors are that some of this information is about the recovery of alien spacecraft that crashed on Earth. However, Thorton Banes, a former Area 51 engineer, thinks the rumors started when local settlers in Nevada saw the flashing lights from the super secret spy plane prototype called the A-12 near Area 51. Maybe this is true. Or maybe they really came...

UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS This picture was taken in China, when a moving disc-shaped object slowly moved across the sky

I want to believe... In 1947, A loud bang was heard outside a farm in Roswell, New Mexico. It seemed that something had just crashed down from the sky, before anyone else could look at the wreckage, the U.S. military quickly came to the scene. All the wreckage was taken away, but some managed to get a glimpse of whatever was recovered. They think it was a UFO that crashed to the ground

ROSWELL ALIEN This image is believed to be taken after dead aliens were recovered from Roswell’s UFO crash site

that night in Roswell. Today, July 1-4 (the date of the crash) is celebrated as a UFO festival.

THE SIGHTINGS Recently in 2011, many UFOs have been spotted in places like London, China and Russia. Are they trying to send us a message, or are these all fake evidence by paranoid believers? Only time will tell...

SYMBOLS FROM THE SKY These strange symbols were spotted near the UFO wreckage in Roswell

Disconnected A Planet No More BY:TARUN Pluto and its’ self The solar system is large and filled with space, and I mean lots and lots of space! There are about 8 planets in the solar system all revolving around the sun, there used to be nine though. The planet Pluto. Pluto was the smallest planet in the solar system and furthest away from the sun so it’s mainly ice. Pluto is about 3,676 billion miles away from the sun and its’ diameter is 0.18 earths, that’s tiny and it only weighs 0.002 earths! It takes Pluto 248 earth years to orbit around the sun and 6 earth days and nine hours to rotate once on its’ axis. All according to Clyde Tombaugh, the man who found Pluto while looking at photo graphs portraying millions of stars and one which moved more like a planet. He quoted, “Pluto is colder than a planet is expected to be because of its’ distance from the sun and the strange mixture that reflects heat, it is about 360 degrees below zero fahrenheit.” Pluto is so small that it is actually smaller than most of the solar systems moons. And Pluto has a moon its’ self. The reason So why is Pluto not a planet anymore? Some say because it was too small, others say it just isn’t. Well, Robert Hurt said that, “On August 24th 2006, Pluto was not considered to be not a planet due to the decision of the International Astronomical Union (IAU), when hundreds of Astronomers from all over the world come to discuss a certain issue or topic that needs a solution. In this case, the definition of a planet.” Now why do they need to make a definition? Well, it turns out that Pluto had a lot of other planets like him, Such as Ceres and Eris. Now both these planets were bigger than Pluto except for Ceres but they were still very small. These types of planets were called plutons. There were lots more and we couldn’t have named all of the planets so what they did was make a definition, “The solar system includes 8 planets, dominate planets. The others are dwarf planets because the sun does not have that much power over them.” Now they needed proof that the eight dominate planets did not include the dwarf planets so the power over the sun was one piece of evidence and the fact that the eight planets have circular orbit while dwarf planets like Pluto have their orbit in an oval shape and at a more tilted angle, which caused because the sun does not have that much power over Pluto, stated by [1] The youtube video by Robert Cadd.

The result So the planet Pluto and his other dwarf planets are no longer planets do to their dominance in the solar system And formation as plutons. “They are still apart of space and apart of the universe, but just not the solar system anymore,” quoted

By Tiffany


Animal’s Flight to Space M ainly animals are used for experiments; they are very important to the research of Space. Experimental Animals are only necessary when answers are not available from human studies. They go into space to help scientific research only when necessary. Researchers prefer to research with computer models, or by involving the astronauts directly. For some experiments, however, only using animals will work. Poorly, animals go to space mainly for research purposes, unfortunately most of the Animals die during the experiments. According to NASA, American and Russian scientists utilized animals - mainly monkeys, chimps and dogs - in order to test each country's ability to launch a living organism into space and bring it back alive and unharmed. First Ones Reported from UniverseToday; The very first monkey to get to Space successfully was Albert I; the first one to successfully get to Space in 1948, launched from White Sands, New Mexico. They were sent to Space to test whether it was safe for humans to go to Space. According to NASA, 9 years later, they launched a Sputnik 2 with a dog in it

Dogs in Space. According to Anna White,

a researcher on Animals in Space, On November 3 1957, a Sputnik 2 Spacecraft launched with the 1st dog in space, Laika. She was a Soviet from Russia. According to NASA, Laika was sent to space to see the reaction of mammals in space, to see whether humans can go to space. She was contained within a sealed cabin with a food store and air conditioning. Referring to NASA, the dog was estimated to live for a week in the Sputnik. But due to overheating and panic, she died just after a few hours after the Spacecraft launched. Rats were also used in experiments for Space. Mission rats grew slightly less than rats in similar housing on land. According to Christopher Schatte, a project scientist of the SL-3(Space lab 3); weight loss was probably caused by reduced energy requirements to microgravity and also adaptation to a new environment. Experiments had a huge impact on animals; It impacted their growth, eating habits and even worse most of them die during their flight to Space. It harms them because they also get space sickness, and not wanting to eat for a couple of days during their flight. For example; one monkey maintained normal eating behavior, but one showed decreased food intake during the first couple of days of the mission, then returned to normal eating behavior in the last three days. Therefore, experiments related to the findings about Space including animals are very harmful to animals of the Earth. They have impacted them in many ways; growth, sicknesses and deaths.

Albert I Rats Going on Mission


Above; Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images / Universal Images

Dogs Launching Above; Keystone / Hulton Archive / Getty Images / Universal Images Group



According to Curious Astro Cornell, the sun does have a probability of shutting down or turning off unexpectedly. And after a week prior to the sun turning off, the earth’s temperature will be below zero degrees. Stated in National School’s Observatory, the sun doesn’t end it’s life by exploding, but by turning into a Red Giant. When the sun does this, it will engulf our inner planets of our solar system, including our earth. “This will mean the fiery end of all the inner planets of our solar system,” they reported. Though according to History For Kids, the sun will become a white dwarf. Possibly ending it’s life

White dwarf star and Earth.

Sun and it’s Planets.

Our active Sun

Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope / Jean- Charles Cuillandre / Science Photo Library / Universal Images Group

Ever wondered how the sun might end it’s life? Ever pondered the thoughts about how much longer we’re going to have a sun? Thankfully, the sun would not run out of energy for another 5 billion years. Then again, our sun is not massive enough to go supernova. But if our sun did blow up, it would destroy our whole solar system with all it’s planets. The sun also does not have enough mass for it to become a supernova. Only stars that are 8 times or more bigger than the sun will end their lives in a supernova. If the sun had very strong gravity (which it doesn’t), it could even have a chance of becoming a black hole.

Detlev Van Ravenwaay / Science Photo Library / Universal Images Group Mark Garlick / Science Photo Library / Universal Images Group

How will the sun end it’s life?

Detlev Van Ravenwaay / Science Photo Library / Universal Images Group


Supernova Remnant is a glowing gas and dust cloud formed from the explosion of a large star.

almost as small as the size of Earth. However, Universe Today reports, “When the sun runs out of fuel, it will expand as a red giant, puff off it’s outer layers, and then settle down as a compact white dwarf star; cooling down for trillions of years.”

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Have you ever wondered what how the moon that we see in our sky was formed? Well, there are many theories to how the moon was formed. But there are 4 main theories that people believe in. The Capture, Fission, Co-formation and the Giant impact. The Capture theory, according to PopAsronomy, states that the Moon was formed in another part of the universe with low iron and strayed towards Earth and got pulled into it’s orbit. This theory fails because the oxygen isotopes of the Earth and Moon show that they were formed in almost the exact same place in the solar system, it also fails as to slow down such a big object it would require conditions that probably didn’t exist in the early solar system.

Some people believe in the Fission theory, which according to Universe Today, is that Earth spun so fast that part of it’s crust broke off to form what we call the moon. This theory works because both the earths crust, and the moon have low density of The Giant Impact Theory: DAVID A. HARDY / SCIENCE PHOTO iron, so if a part of the Earths crust LIBRARY / Universal Images Group was to fall off, it would form something like the moon. But this Of all the theories, the Giant impact theory doesn’t work because the makes the most sense. It is also the one Earth doesn’t spin nearly as fast that most people believe in. Universe enough for that to happen. Today says that “In this hypothesis, the Moon is believed to have been originally a Others believe in the Co-formation part of the Earth’s crust, whacked out by a theory. According to Popastronomy, collision between the Earth and another this theory states that the Earth and body bearing the size of Mars. Since the the moon were created at the same whacked-out piece may have certainly time. But this theory fails a lot come from the outer layer of the Earth because it doesn’t explain how the (the crust), then this explains the lack of Moon has a lot less iron than Earth. iron in the Moon.” [1]

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