ab·sence n. without odor ab·sen·tee n. without tea ab·sces·sion n. compulsive preoccupation with puss, often accompanied with symptoms of anxiety ab·so·lute adj. poor; without money ab·so·lu·tion n. stomach acid ab·so·lute zero n. definitely nothing at all ab·stain n. discoloration due to vomit ab·straction n. mathematical operation opposite of abdition a·bun·dance n. any of several traditional and contemporary dances that involve buttock manipulation a·but·ment n. breath candy in the shape of a butt ac·a·demic n. chronic condition in cats associated with excessive hair ball elimination ac·ro·phobia n. fear of hair balls ac·centual n. hair balls that feel good ac·count·ant n. one who counts hair balls ac·company n. one company ac·complish n. one complish ac·cretion n. one resident of Crete aero·sol n. air on the Sun ar·ma·dil·lo n. In Italy, a seller of arms from ancient Greek and Roman statues. arse·nic n. In Britain, a man who’s selection of female companionship is based on the shape or appeal of the buttocks. art·ist n. One who studies Arthur. art·sy n. Of or like Arthur. ar·til·ler·y n. The place where Arthur gardens. art·work n. That which is produced by Arthur. as·bes·tos cont. As best as. That’s asbestos it gets. It don’t get no better. (Opposite of worser.) as·bes·tos·is n. Mental condition associated with a compulsion to excel. as·cend n. The back end. as·pect cont. I suspect. Where’s Homer? Aspect he’s down the out house relievin’ his self. a·thwart n. Old English One wart. I see thou doth have athwart. Was thou peed upon by a toad? at·ta·ché interj. Used to express concession to an opponent for a point well made in an argument about luggage. Attaché Pierre. Your suit bag does hold more than mine. ... mauled tr. v. Frenzied shopping; a state of exhaustion resulting from such shopping.
maus·ileum n. A large and stately tomb for interment of moss. lino·leum n. A large and stately tomb for the interment of floor covering. maxi·mum n. The largest mum. Ma·yan adj. 1. Of or pertaining to the Mayas or their culture. 2. pron. (used with sing. or pl. verb) That or those belonging to me. Give it back! It’s Mayan! Me·an·der·thal n. 1. An extinct, nomadic species or race of man, Homo meanderthalensis. 2. A crude or boorish person with little purpose or direction. meat ball v. The act of being struck in or near the eyes by any ball. meat loaf n. Lazy meat. mega·hertz n. Anything that really hurts. mega·loman·ia n. A psychopathological condition characterized by fantasies of wealth and power and a craving for Chinese noodles. mel·a·no·ma n. A dark-pigmented malignant melon. merm·aid n. A beverage made from squeezed merms. mid·wife n. The second wife of three, the third of five, the fourth of seven, the fifth of nine and so on. mini·mum n. a small mum. mini·mum wage n. The earnings of a small mum Mis·cel·la·ne·ous n. Greek god of trivia. mi·to·sis exclam. Exclamation used when dancing with one’s sister. OW! Get off! That’s mitosis! mo·hair n. 1. The coat of the Angora goat. 2. The hair of the first Stooge. Mo·hair·ism n. A diverse body of religion, philosophy, and cultural practice characterized by a desire for liberation from earthly evils and a belief in Mo’s hair. ... pathos n. 1. A quality that arouses feelings of pity, sympathy, tenderness, or sorrow. 2. Contraction of “pay those”: Hey, Miguel! Pathos guys for the tequila! para·sol n. a parachute for use on the Sun para·pet n. a dog or cat trained in the use of a parachute parit·y adj. 1. like a parrot; having the attributes or characteristics of a parrot: Not only did she repeat everything I said, but the way she walked was most parity. 2. Variant of parody. pot·head n. Slang 1. One who habitually smokes marijuana. 2. One who’s head is shaped like a pot