The Great Tranquility 674. — December 28th, 2020
Prayer: Where would you have us go in the Spirit Realms, O Creato
we traversed the brilliant glories, the angelic beauties that immerse Yo
Realms? For there shall we not be in greater alignment with Your D
and Plan for our world’s upliftment? Or shall we plunge ourselves
psychic darkness of the hells and hades to uplift the fallen? For by doi
we not be living ever more closely according to the Spirit of Heaven
we live to share our best— which is the loving care created directly heart.
We are next transported to The Celestial Circle of the Stars. The N
are radiant with glittering stars by the millions! Their constant me
serenity and goodwill, we now open ourselves up, holy starlight to st
Deep Peace of The Higher Heavens shines brightest.
Here is eve
Pure Beauty, … Sacred Symmetry, … Infinite Light. For this is where
and planets and galaxies in balance revolve in The Great Tranq creates and enfolds All Life.
We are performing no ritual other than holding hands and lifting our fa Universal Skies of All Our Horizons as One.
There is a Wond
pervading our own Spirit as we mirror the Loveliness of these Hem within our own Spirit.
No words but a Supernal Communion ever expands in Our Growing within.
Gentle, Glorious Love is flowing between us and to all t
Star-Souls of Our Immortal Life, Our Family of Sparkling Constellation
Boundless Goodness is blessing us all as we make Our Way to
Above — Infinite, Dazzling, and Enlightening — wherein God Alm
Ever-Present is guiding and guarding us throughout the Angelic Joyous.