The River of Time Robert Bayer The Jewel of Sacred Inspiration (2021)
Prayer: O Creator, can we simply turn to You for our greater spiritual purpose? Shall we not live in peace with kindness and goodwill towards all? Is there ever
a need to rise up against tyranny?
And we found ourselves in a kind of floating platform, rose in color with gold guard rails. Upon this we were flowing upon a unique heavenly avenue: The River of Time.
Back to the distant past when civilization was
young, we began from.
And upon the rivers and
waterways, families met in peace and united in all things to raise their communities in love and harmony.
Nevertheless, it is true that in the far past we saw tribe versus tribe, where men raised their hands to war and to mark themselves for war, they painted their faces with fierce bestial faces.
And this
mirrored the reality of their spiritual descent, where villages were burned and men, women and children were slain heedlessly and without remorse‌‌.
Again and again we saw greater and greater groups of civilization rise up for a time, cities states and kingdoms, nations and empires, where for a time while they had peace, new improvements for society were developed in unison, so that their lives would not be worn out by endless toil to survive the elements and the seasons and times of plague. These generations of peace brought a higher spirituality to our planet and its heavenly realms. Thus new prophets of spirituality walked the riverbanks and the seashores, praying from the mountaintops and canyon cliffs.
We floated further and further down this River of Time — beholding 1 by 1
New Civilizations which
continued to bloom, bearing new fruits of technology and community life.
Yet as the decades and
centuries spanned the bends in the distance, they each would suddenly disappear, most often from contentious war, even civil war. These battles of killing tens of thousands were the result of vain and greedy men who strove to grasp all the world. With both hands they vowed to take all — or destroy all — while covered in the blood of innocents.
And these tyrants enslaved their conquered in brutal ways time and time again. And their lies were multiplied in every possible manner to excuse their violence, oppression and hatred — as though it were for the good of all, as though they warred to bring order and light and peace.
Our journey continued along the River of Time until we reached the present era, filled as never before with marvels of inventions that would for all intents
and purposes, have ended famine and disease; even the more recent industrial pollution would no longer threaten the family of mankind.
However, from the depths of the hells below, we saw vast polluted energies reeking of evil overflow the modern civilizations of our present time. New leaders of selfish ambition, inspired by the same brutal tyrants from the lowest realms, had taken control, and were working to use the new technologies to enslave and monitor their peoples as never before, punishing and deceiving the multitude. With baseless lies they and their heralds misled sweet words and charming smiles, making every attempt to appear noble in appearance.
Nonetheless, under the pretense of truth, justice and world peace, they developed systems to teach hatred
and oppression and bigotry, according to whatever scheme might serve their purposes of absolute power and absolute corruption The only devotion permitted was love and adoration for themselves and their rules.
Along the River to the near future we continued, and we observed that while the tyrants had conquered all, they still could not be content, for they wanted everything and everyone in the world to be theirs and theirs alone. And so these beasts battled against one another with sudden demonic fury. And they did so with the new technologies of devastation, until the whole world was plunged into cascading darkness and death. So then billions could do little more than weep at catastrophic loss of life. And the spirit world was overwhelmed with sorrow, extremely bitter and remorseful as never before since so many had
perished without reason.
and since so much that
had been good in the modern civilizations, had also been virtually destroyed.
And nearly all the fallen were then willing to labor from the spirit world to rebuild the world anew, this time for true peace, justice, freedom. In unity with these reforming spirits, angels of the heavens from far above helped them learn new wisdom, whereby they labored in unity with The Creator with ceaseless, selfless labor and sacrifice.
Aquarius-Kosmon consecrated themselves towards the highest aims and ideals they might conceive. And so in the centuries which followed, all of Earth and its heavens became as The Universal Gardens of the Higher