The New Age Children of Our World 678. — February 7th, 2021
Prayer: The Children of our world are the future of world.
sometimes speak of our creations and works, the fruit of our labor as valuable.
Indeed we may make many marvelous inventions and
farm produce necessary for our lives to continue on earth, as it shall in the heavens above.
Yet what could ever be more precious than
working to guide and inspire children to grow up as happy, productive and spiritual persons? O Creator, let us mightily strive to assist all children in our lives to rise upward forevermore!
Our children: some are ours biologically as our sons and daughters.
Some are our neighbors, playing in our streets and yards and parks. Others are in our schools as our students. As adults, as teachers and parents and neighbors, it is our responsibility to bless them with support that may be intellectual, financial, physical and especially spiritual.
Even more so, let us bless them with LOVE—the Essence
of Spirituality. For it can only be concluded that the higher our children rise in all good qualities and virtues, that they shall be even more capable of resurrecting our world and all of its wonderful inhabitants.
For the greater we may love our children, the greater the love they can share themselves throughout all their lives. The greater the light we may help in enlightening them, the greater they may perceive the universal truths that shall encourage them to bring heavenly salvation unto all in our world.
From conception till their coming of age, all children live by the love that bless their sweet lives with. This is the most important thing we can do for any child, bless them with joyful love. Let the children play. Let the children learn. Let the children be our little angels of love.
Our real and personal love for them will unfold their spirit-soul in grandeur, not unlike how the energizing, brilliant sunrays unfold countless beautiful flowers of every precious color, every precious
You see, this is especially true for this generation’s children,
in this epic era of Aquarius-Kosmon, where they can naturally attune to the Universal Energies that stream throughout the cosmos. The Children of the New Age shall have the necessary spiritual power to bring about all that is goodness and light—even more importantly, bring into being the New Age Communities that shall make a World of Peace and Heavenly Understanding that shall never end.
Hence the children of today, given our full supportive blessings, will bloom fairer than any than any since the beginning of time and civilization.
And they shall see to it that our new age civilizations
shall bloom forth in every virtue and quality that confirms that The Ever-Present Great Spirit IS in our life.
We pray:
O Creator of Love Divine, May Divine Love encourage the New Age Children of Today to be and to become One Family of God.
O Great Spirit of Light Eternal, May Eternal Light shine through the New Age Children of Today to dispel all earthly darkness.
O God Almighty of Sacred Will,
May the Will Sacred empower the New Age Children of Today to ever greater good works of grace and truth.
O Jehovih the I AM of Harmony Universal, May Universal Harmony bless the New Age Children of Today to serve our world and its heavens in attunement with Immortal Faith in ALL.