Feel the Calling of The Miracle 680. —
February 21st, 2021
Our Life Force, Our Life Paths, continue to evolve
and flow in step with Your Cosmic Stars, Your Divine Plan for each and for all of us. For years we may seem to be going steadily in one carefully thought out direction, building upon our successes, learning from our failures. And then a Life Changing Event will take place that catapults us towards new horizons along with new directions. Whenever these take place, initially we may be at a loss to explain the reason or the rhyme why this transformation is necessary for us in our spirit-soul development. And we may question whether our reaction and our choices as to how to handle
these new developments are wise or good. Yet one aspect can never change: our relationship with You, Our Creator, from alpha throughout eternity, we must stay one with You, ever devoted and in service to The All One of Our Universe Unending. So we pray, now and forever.
We stand kneeling upon a darkling plane — an expansive desert ringed by many mountain ranges. We cannot decide if this a physical or a spiritual realm location.
There are far
off cities to be descried in the distant panoramas—yet not a pretty sight. For these metropolitan areas appear to be burning catastrophically from causes unknown to us at present. This vision is a continuation of a past series of visions where modern cities are viewed as being in the process of destruction—very black smoke rising to crown the flickering lights and fires aflame in the imploding and exploding cities.
We refocus ourselves in communal prayer, one in mind and heart, not despairing in this desolation but rather drawing strength and hope from our indomitable spirit-soul. For it is within our eternal state that You Dwell Forevermore Ever-Present, O Almighty Creator.
As our team meditation picks up energy, we notice that our entire beings are beginning to hum and radiate The Higher Source that may be described as Perfecting Attunement with The Supreme Being. Soon thereafter, suddenly brilliant beams of scarlet light crisscross all across and through our being as well as around us in our immediate area.
Definite symmetries begin to form. We also begin as a group to rise off the ground as the Scarlet Rays gracefully turn into a crystallizing 3-dimensional geometry, encompassing us within its spectacular beauty.
The vibrations and light
continue to rise in higher and higher spectrums, higher
And then as some critical degree of pure
energy is achieved, we are transported into a lovely cleared area of wilderness. Inside a forest of emerald richness, farming fields and orchards abound. We are once again kneeling but this time on fertile soils surrounded by nature’s magnificence of mountains, trees and cascading rivers.
The All Voice speaks to each of us within: “Here you have all elements for a community of the new age to thrive in purity, peace, and love. Labor now for the good of the world and bring those who are called to live here as the angelic heavens live as immortals above. For all such groups with faith in the Creator and in Good Works done in Love, shall bring salvation across this world—All Worlds without end!