Sister Bluebird, Flying High Above 704.
— August 15th, 2021
Behold we now fly in the Blue Skies Above — higher and higher — ever closer to The Universal Sun. Rays of Streaming Radiance from this Glorious Star-Sphere now shine in all directions.
Blue Brilliance Wondrous!
Azure-Aqua as Sunshine upon the Oceans!
Leading us on our way upward is the Blue Bird guide of the Navajo, named as Doli, the Son of the Sun, Tsohanoai.
The wings of Doli are a very vibrant turquoise and fair also is his call to arise into the skies.
His ascent is steep and swift
and we are hard put to keep up. Only can we do so by putting away our own darkness of thoughts. We do this breath by breath, idea by idea, our choosing of good, our own rejecting of evil dark entwining, rejecting all hatred and covetousness.
One by one we put such negativity away, letting go of the
lower paths of limitation and bondage. We will only to fly! To soar with the Bluebird of The Navajo is all we desire, ascending swiftly behind!
Brighter and brighter shines the Universal Sun — Our Tsohanoai! We feel now ablaze with His fiery power that is without equal.
The dross negativity that once coated us
has burned completely away.
We hearken once more to
the Call of the Bluebird known as Doli. Its singing call is sweet and resonant.
The vibrations of its trilling are of pure,
cheerful tones, and so our feelings are of happiness and serenity.
We are in deep prayer chanting:
We rise together as our songs. We rise forever as our dreams. We rise towards The Highest—
Our Sun Tsohanoai!
There is next wave after wave of true elation. Our happiness is profound as we no longer feel bound to any conflict concerning that which is of earth.
With all our spirit and soul, we now sing in unison with our bluebird friend and guide. With all our praise and thanksgiving we sing in song to honor Sacred Tsohanoai, The Sun of All Suns!
Our flight of endless joys and wonders continues and is continuing. Join us when you can, dear brothers and sisters.