Shining Forth The Sunshine 725.
January 9th, 2022
Voice of Angelic Guide: “Throughout immortal life, the choice between self and the Universal Good shall always be before us. We can either submit to obsession and disharmony—or we can move onward past our trials and temptations into Realms of Radiance.”
“You see, one can misunderstand the challenges in life if we cannot perceive what is what in the immediate darkness that may be upon us. Therefore, let each son or daughter of The Great Creator hourly make the time to focus upon attuning universal beauty that surrounds in great brilliance if we will but see.”
Pure Sunshine now enters into our mind, illuminating us with the warm of true cheerful affection. This is The All Light that sent forth from The Sun of Suns, Our Creator, to bless us and all creations with New Life.
And so we are arising above our darkness to dawn a new
day of delight. Each ray of light now shining through us has as its Source, The Universe That Is The Great Spirit.
Through these dazzling rays of iridescence, we envision The Temple of The Holy I AM—abiding in the core of our Angelic Spirit-Soul. This is where the Sacred Fire of Immortality is aflame for all eternity—illimitable in Will-Power, Light, and Love. We raise our hands in transcendent attunement round the SACRED FIRE upon this SACRED ALTAR. Here All-Knowledge is revealed as required, as requested, where The Great Creator is revealed as The Great Spirit-Soul Ever-Present with our own mystical being.
As an planetary world is unto an indivisible atom, so too does The Concord of the Creator contain our Holy Temple of Consciousness. Here as there, The Great Creator, Infinite in All Goodness, All Perfection, All Highest, everlastingly abides.
Yet The Great
Concord is where union of Spirit-Souls in Communion have become ONENESS in PURPOSE for the resurrection and creation of worlds, communities, lives that have been, are now, and ever shall be The Universal Life Unfolding. Newfound happiness and devotion to service here expand exponentially as the arts and blessings we discover and develop in unison. This heavenly union of love wondrous is from each of us and all of us and are woven into a network of virtues that shall mutually sustain all to continue the quest of fulfilling our destiny upon The Divine Path.
Beyond this world of heavens united, extending beyond yet permeating all of physical reality, … burns the boundless Universal Star Crystalline. This is The Nexus of The Sum of The Whole. This is where The Ideal has become The Real. This is where abide the cosmos of stars and angelic realms which are filled with the immortal god and goddesses, millions upon millions beyond cont. This is where all Creations of Life, Light, and Love originate from and return to, The Alpha and The Omega of All Goodness in All Oneness.
Our Path and Our Choice are now clear. We will to be always in tune with The Rays of Inspiration streaming across all galaxies, throughout all. Let us be as Stars of Brilliance in our own right, shining to bring Life and Love as Flowers to Unfold within All. All Our Praise, Devotion, and Thanksgiving unto The Creator of All Stars, All Starlight!