Future Eons from Now
726. — January 16th, 2022
Prayer: Let us lift up our hands and hearts, our vision and voices to the heavens. In unison we together now sing our song resounding!
The Clarity of The Creator is being instilled in all in our world.
The Purity of The Universe is being infused into all in our spheres. The Truths of Etherea are being inspired by all in our life.
As we stood upon the red rocks and golden sands of The Desert of The Sun Quest, our eyes looked upward to see the sun traversing the hemisphere many times its normal speed. Yet it is no longer a yellow young sun but a red giant sun, many times in size. Its heat was also much greater and the skies were not blue but a blend of scarlet and violet hues.
And each
time it passed through its zenith to descend into sunset, only to almost immediately arise as dawn.
A guide speaks: “You see now the future time when the seasons and orbits of the planets and your very solar star shall transform according to the natural cycles universal that flow through every star world of civilization across the galaxies. Know then that such changes take place according to The Divine Plan The Creator has set out for the heavens and stars for each quadrant of the cosmos resplendent.”
When your world reaches this stage, all life on it will have by then become extinct. Yet still in the encircling heavenly spheres, billions more will yet
emancipation and resurrection for all spirit-souls of Earth.” “Those who remain shall be either of the higher grade
of the lower grade
unrepentant who have fallen into the deepest darkness and hells known to your world. These unfortunates were those who took pleasure in destroying any and all persons, families, communities, tribes and nations of the Earth. In life and even in spirit, they chose again and again to commit the spiritual crimes of war, abortion, human deformation experiments and
horrendousness of such actions, of their depths and totality, one might suppose that they could never be redeemed. “We the Angels of The Way Ascendant say instead that though their progress towards repentance, reconciliation, attonement, and resurrection be incredibly slow, please realize that each and every fallen child of The Creator shall rise and shine again as The Morning Star!”