The Phalanx of Gold— [ VISION ] — 729. — February 6th, 2022 — Robert Bayer — (7 pages)

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The Phalanx of Gold 729. — February 6th, 2022


O Great Spirit of Light, … of

Endless Splendor Shining! Shine ever onward upon Thy Creations: Thy Stars, Thy Worlds, Thy Souls Immortal! Thy Light Everlasting streams forth in star constellations, in angelic blessings of transformations. So too shall we follow Thy Illuminating Inspiration to dawn as a New Day of

Spiritual Life Empowering!

With the Angels of Ascension we now march from the higher heavens to the earth, towards the lower hells! Upon the Stairways of Resurrection we now descend to lead others to ascend!

Choirs of the Heavens of the Holy City of God sing: “How long till the point of no return? When sin and darkness crush the living in shades of dread? Where the black-amber walls of chaos burn? Walk onward, men and women of destiny ever ahead! Stand strong in the Light Unforgettable,

Unquenchable! Behold the Sun of Suns that through our very bosom invincible Flames on our golden phalanx of celestial brilliance powers on and on! Fear not! Fear nothing! But rejoice now in All Highest Almighty! Who wields us all as one to forge our fallen into mystic concords everlasting! Where harmonies transcendent in song and symphony angelically sing!”

There was much more as the lyrics and melodies ever rose in majestic transitions of cascading music. For to such ethereal songs we moved onward and downward, surging stronger in faith and irresistible strength. Into the dark realms we

moved in time to redeem all entrapped there.

For the very sight and light of our Gold Phalanx conquered all mired in vice and hellish tetract. Swooned to unconsciousness they all fell down as we broke through every wall of hatred aflame, every sphere of negativity that tortured and broke its long-suffering denizens.

And as the lost fell in slumber, attending angelic forces gently picked these up and with a few words of power, transported them upward to attending doctors, nurses, therapists and teachers would support them in their heavenly centers of restoration.

Yea, though even though many of us were one time prisoners of abhorrent proclivities, violence, and hate, true we all remained to our mission of redemption. For seeing the afflicted and the details of their entrapment once more, served only to intensify our wills to help these unfortunate. For our dream was that they would attain to new lives in new heavens of hope.

Truly we are all destined to achieve self-control, to attain unto soul-mastery, no matter our history of calamities. In time all will attune to THE ONE, The All Voice, becoming ever more open to wise commands of how to assist those who may be in dire need, desperate straits.

Let us all go onward, brothers and sisters of The

All Light, Children of the Universe Wondrous! We live to serve, to sacrifice all for the good of all—as our Almighty Creator has ever done for each of us.

Though seldom may we reach our full potential — Strive ever onward in THE LIGHT!

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