The Time of Judgment 757. August 28th, 2022 Prayer: We turn to Thee, O Creator, each time with our full faith in Your All-Goodness and Love. We are aware of our imperfections, our sins, and know we can and must do more to rise above these and to make up for them. We know
we can make more of an effort to stay in close and constant attunement with Your Voice and Your Will. Whatever dark elements are within our being, we reject and release, purify and eliminate them now—and forever. Whatever dark connections we have made in the spirit world, we now sever these now and forever. It is time for all of us to Gather in The Light and move forward for the good of all in our world, all in our lives, and for ourselves. We stand upon The Pinnacle of Judgment, a pillar of rock in hell many meters high in the center of a volcanic caldera active in molten lava. The heat is intense and the glare of fires paints everything in crimson.
It is the moment of a lifetime. This question has arisen into my consciousness: “Will you arise or will you fall?”
Our answer is “We choose resurrection … ascension … upliftment … Love. There is no doubt there are many who will choose hatred, war, blame, lust and violence. We will not take those paths. We will walk the paths of reconciliation and forgiveness and healing, especially with those who have harmed us or wish to. There is no revenge in us no resentment nor wish to get even. There is no self-pity in us.
We are not victims and we reject all that is negative and self-defeating. For We are the Immortal Children of Our Creator. The Infinite Goodness and Love of this Universe Wondrous. Behold The Light that is our eternal home and our heavens. This is the True Reality in which we shall abide and live and breathe each moment. We shall do so with thanksgiving, with encouragement, with happiness and love. This is True Spirit-Soul whom We Are! Hence, let us work to make Everyone One in The All Love, The All Light that forever IS, forever WAS, and forever SHALL BE.
Let us return to the heavens above, where peace and wisdom, fellowship and affection, reign in all hearts in attunement angelic.” And we transcended the fires of darkness and hells. We awoke to the Dawn of a New Day of Joyfulness, heavens of the angels, the utopias of Faithists in The All Voice, The All One, The All Highest. And we began again to seek to do good until all in service with all the love of our hearts unbounded.