759. — September 11th, 2022
Prayer: Divine Master of the Universe, we your children turn to Thee for guidance and inspiration once again. Our missteps are often and our misunderstandings are daily many times over. And so we turn more of our life over to Thee. There is too much self-pride, too many worries, so many times where we mistrust or condemn our fellow brothers and sisters. At
The Yellow Feather Ceremony

times, all of our negativity has brought us to standstill or worse, wasting the hours and minutes of our life which Thou has ordained for Joyfulness and Love and the Sharing of Goodness. We can do much more. We will do much more, by letting go of our selfishness in favor of The Great Beauty Universal that is Perfection in Thee.

We are on the Plains of the Pawnee of the Native American realms. It is near high noon with the Universal Sun shining brilliantly with permeating Illumination of purifying power. We sit in a circle round a camp bonfire whose embers are being stirred up by the strong prairie winds which blow so frequently as a rule here. The ember sparks soar many meters into the air — so elegant and resplendent. We are kneeling while also leaning to sit backwards upon our legs and feet. We are slightly bowed with our hands upon knees. This is our position of humility to honor Tirawa, Our Great Spirit who is WeFather-Sky-Mother-Earth.areprofuselysweating in the extreme heat but that is as we wish, that is how things are in this realm. Purification—even if uncomfortable
and painful—is how we train ourselves to be of One Mind One Heart with all Creations and Our Creator. We do not believe that because we are spirits in a spiritual world that we have reached any exotic or exalted state of grace. We know that to be true to all our ideals we have pondered over our lifetime, only great suffering and great faithfulness shall see us through to the next phase of our lives. And so with each passing moment, each passing breath, The Great Oneness is felt ever deeper, ever higher with ALL of LIFE. Then we begin our war dances. This is not a war on other people but the war to conquer our own shortcomings and so be ready to do more for Our Creator and All Creations.
" I am the star which you see in the sky at night.
My great-grandmother’s name is OFox-in-Many-Flowers.urleadersgiveeach of us a yellow feather.
We sing:
The name of this song-dance is The Yellow Star. It is then I realize that both my great-grandmother and her chief, my teacher, Yellow Feather, are present in our circle leading the way for all of us. My great-grandmother is also holding burning sage as many are. The intensity of the spiritual energy intensifies another level as we dance and sing.
This star is in the form of a eagle feather painted yellow. All the stars in the sky are people. The yellow star has noticed me, Furthermore, it gave me a standing yellow Thatfeather,yellow star has noticed me.”
As we dance, we bless our surroundings by tracing the yellow eagle feather in the air all about us. Once again, the purity and power of our spirit and vision intensifies. Our pace and rhythm also quickens. We are rising now into the air with the glowing embers of the fire. We have now the power of the eagles to fly. In circles we soar ever closer to the yellow noon sun. Our purification has made
us light and strong and bright. We vow to make ourselves more like our newfound sacredness to be used for the good of all peoples and all creations. We clasp the yellow feather to our heart now, descending gracefully back to the plains, back to our mortal world, knowing the great truth that Our Great Spirit is carried inside our heart at all times and in all
all with our thanksgiving to Tirawa, whose bright skies and beautiful earth and wonderful heavens shall bring us all great peace and great wisdom and great happiness. This shall be forever with us all.