The Voice of Our Creator
Beyond question one of our greatest gifts of immortality is simply our very being is alive with
Prayer: Why would any of us be separate from Thee, O Creator? It is true we have been created as an immortal with an infinite universe of worlds all about us to explore as we will.
Thee—Thy Breath of Life. Yet if we sincerely look at our stream of consciousness, then we
760. — September 18th, 2022
shall discover that time and time again, prior to every mistake of every kind, we failed to keep Thee Ever-Present. Somewhere in the Spirit Realms, we stand upon seaside cliffs … massive, adamant, and towering above turbulent gray seas that reach beyond the horizons. A gale of winds is blowing fast upon us. Lightning cracks right in front of us, striking from the skies to the rocky walls which are just below us. We are standing above the sundering waves which are crashing surf sprays upon the rocks with magnificent force.
We have taken several steps backward since the lightning strike, breathing deeply in astonishment. Verily a typhoon of great magnitude is approaching yet we take a few uncertain steps forward again to reach the brink
of these storm-lashed heights. A heavy rain begins to pour upon us. Most persons would have left to find shelter but our particular group actually is enjoying the immensity of nature’s power now on display. Yes, there is a sense of electricity in the air—literally and spiritually. However, we wish to feel this power ever more deeply just as we would all the more deeply feel The Might of The Universe. This tempest of the cosmos now surges across these shores of cliffs upward even to where stand atop the bluffs. The rainy gale lashes us ever more intensely. We are soaked through and through — but we smile and laugh now in jubilation. Lightning sears the airs around us— but the thrill of
feeling so much vitality alive only serves to increase our fervor for The Great Spirit of All Worlds. Thus we are matching the power of this storm with the power of our own souls—and we rejoice in Enrapturedrapture!withnewfound spiritual inspiration, we sing and dance most enthusiastically. It is easy to see why because each of us has been seeking a more direct audience with Our Creator and The Universal Creations. These moments of immersion in The Ever-Present are rare yet so transcendently wonderful. So we feel so very good right now and right here! This typhoon is a kind of baptism for us—purifying and reinvigorating as well as simply exciting to experience directly. We
have no fear—only awe and adoration of the splendor and supernal power of The Creations and Our Creator, who is now speaking profoundly within the heart to each of us: My Sons and Daughters!
Blessed are the storms that approach and engulf you in My Being Ever-Present! Your Faith is Me, Your Focus on Me, are thereby renewed!
Our Connection WITHIN rises with the winds and Beingwaves!subsumed in stormy waters has turned you towards The Holy I AM.
We live once again ALL TOGETHER ONE! Never fear any darkness or confusion ever again!
And so we then returned to our mortal forms on earth, each of us resolving to live at all times according to the Will of Jehovih.
Rather go forth with Ever-Present Fortitude that ALL UNITED shall achieve further Works of the Heavens even as My Angelic Children fulfill life by life, moment by moment. For Immortality is a blessing that shall make Love Together Almighty Resurrection! For All Our Love is Eternal”