One Precious Jewel
Prayer: We center ourselves upon Thee, O Creator, when we live according to our highest wisdom. There is no lack, no sadness when our True Focus is upon Thy Might and Thy Light. From the core of our being, our heart-felt love is unfolding and shall raise us to ascend ever higher through the succeeding heavenly realms
which dazzle the eyes and thrill the heart with indescribable, marvelous beauty and splendor. While laboring in the pits of hell to raise the afflicted to new life and new resurrection, we are joined by angels of a higher constitution. They immediately amplify our efforts by connecting our consciousness to the higher source of Light and Power reverberating throughout the centuries across all realms, both mortal and immortal.
Suddenly, angel guides from empyreal realms far beyond approach us individually. Their features cannot be clearly seen because the brilliance of their beings is simply dazzling, reducing their appearance to us as elliptical stars of great radiance.
Nevertheless, they greet each of us while placing into our hands seemingly a crystalline star of soul light cosmic.
Its shape is every changing, we are told, and varies according to our present purpose and state of our soul-spirit being. Likewise will its indestructible light eternal shine forth in every hue of color and brilliancy. When we attain to a higher degree of oneness and universal service, we are told that this kind of Soul Silmarillion shall even produce the wondrous timeless music of the stars. As we each hold our very own Soul Jewel Etherean, its powerful luminousness streams through our hands, eyes, and verily onward throughout all our being and all whom we are associated in our life.
At this time, the Silmarillion Ethereal shines with an emerald-white blend of All Light. Its effect
upon us is both purifying and calming, to the nth degree.
One other of its many powers is to protect us from all negativity. And as we will it so, so too do many denizens of these hells collapse from its full potency. Instantly we retake our positions of rescue and now we can easily direct this fallen spirit to higher realms of resurrection. This is all very well and it pleases us to use this
gem as often as we may. Our confidence and consciousness are all beaming very brightly at this moment of time.
Our lecture from the angels continues:
It is because you have reached a new level of service that these Etherean Jewels Powerful are now in your keeping. They are Ever-Present with each mortal from the time of conception, hidden in the center of your soul. Thus, these Silmarillion of the Soul are yours by birthright and not exactly earned by merit. All we as your guides have done therefore, is to attune your mind and spirit to their Eternal Existence present in your Immortal Soul.
Just as each of us can become a better person in some way, Our Creator Ever-Present illimitable. So too are these Jewels of Supernal Light. It is our dreams being confidently created for the good of all that shall best set them aflame for service and upliftment.
Therefore, do not hold back your own progress and the progress of your world by doubting your capabilities or self-worth ever again. Put forth your Spirit-Soul that is embodied in these Holy Jewels to change the world for the better. All will notice your daily use of a higher spiritual attitude and they too will join with you, join with us, to make your mortal life a most resplendent and love-filled heavenly sphere on earth. Our Immortal Blessings of Love to you all!”
And we gazed further upon this treasure of immeasurable worth, we felt the ONENESS of our own soul begin to harmonize more and more of our lives together, … to rise forever in the Lights of The All Light.
Prayer: We center ourselves upon Thee, O
Creator, when we live according to our highest wisdom. There is no lack, no sadness when our True Focus is upon Thy Might and Thy Light. From the core of our being, our heart-felt love is unfolding and shall raise us to ascend ever higher through the succeeding heavenly realms which dazzle the eyes and thrill the heart with indescribable, marvelous beauty and splendor.