The Concord of Co-Creators 763. — October 9th, 2022
Prayer: O Divine Light, the great truth is that we are not only responsible for ourselves, we are completely responsible for our current spiritual state of being. Sometimes we make excuses for our current darkness by rationalizing that we were harmed in some way in the past that excuses our negative actions and thoughts, veritably our very sinfulness and selfishness which we have harbored or nurtured. Yet all of us are capable of summoning up the will power to do and act and think all that is right and good. Thus, it is high time for each of us to reign in our lower, dark nature, in order
to destroy it, to transform it into something more virtuous, more noble, and more angelic. If not now, then when? If not by our own decision, then by whom? Upon the sands round The Golden Pyramid of Power we stand. We stand side by side, and hand in hand. We are concentrating on building up our will power united so that we may be a better person than we have yet become. Not that we are even mostly bad, pitiable or dark in nature. It is simply our wish to strengthen our focus to increase our spiritual attunement, to strengthen our desire to do good unto others with all our might. Who are we? We are mortals who have traveled to this realm of spirit and are working to commune in the ever greater unity we shall need to build a better world, to build a better community or fellowship of Faithists in The Great Spirit, the Ever-Present, The Creator of the Universe, who is Jehovih The Holy I AM, always within, always beyond. As our commitment also deepens, we realize that we are coming ever closer to the day when we all meet together while mortals on Earth. So far we have not met and are not in objective communication with one another quite yet. But this will soon change because we need to change for the betterment of all lives in our life, all lives in our world, and for ourselves personally. As the sanctifying power of our inner spirit-soul increases in might, so too does our outer astral form brighten in multicolor lights, a sacred blessing of Iridescent Radiance! This crystallization of our being is a transformation that makes us a little more like the angels,
whose will to fulfill service is far beyond ours. start and a step in the right direction.
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In consequence, we see an even greater Brilliance of Iridescence being given off by The Golden Pyramid of Power that is in the distance. We are suddenly inspired to see that if we can hold our concentration ever more fully for ever more frequent times for coming together. We will to hasten that time when we can meet. For this is The Concord of Co-Creators, those persons who have decided that for their life to have greater meaning, they must commit to greater spiritual service, greater attunement, in seeking the best for everyone and for themselves, worlds without end! So may this ever be more The True Reality in our lives unending, now and forever, here and everywhere! Amen!