Upon the silver and white stairs of The Academy of Ascension we are rising. Before its golden doors we next stand. Our minds are clear. Our hearts are bright with the desire to do what we may do for our fellow brothers and sisters.
Then the doors slowly open, and as they do so, dazzling light rays stream forth upon us as well as upon all of our world. Though nearly blinded by this sudden bursting of radiant energy straight into our eyes, we welcome The Light all the more. For there is no greater happiness nor fulfillment that the taking of our steps towards greater service.
may achieve the greatest good-work service through us to everyone!
At last we reach the threshold of the colossal acropolis of white-and-silver streaked granite.
We raise our arms upward, palms up to receive the blessings and wisdom of Our Heavenly-Father-Mother. And then we step inside this Sanctuary Angelic, knowing full well that doing so will lead us swiftly to wherever we may do the most good in the wisest manner possible.

Yet as The Power of the Heavens courses through our being, we realize that there is one more element necessary in order to become a living representative of the All-Highest Creator—Our Will Divine!
For though oft times buried and seemingly forgotten deep in the recesses of our heart, Our Will Divine shall be ignited to become the True Illumination for a world of shadows, chaos and strife. Verily we seek the nearest darkness whereby we may make a difference, a world of difference to despairing disillusioned fallen men, women and children.
By the Divine Will of The Great Spirit do we seek such empowering opportunities. For what is the worth of our life if it is not dedicated in service to those in need? How shall we become a true son or daughter of our Creator without the spiritual dedication, the spiritual vision to take up the challenges set before us? Through the Divine Will we shall seek to move forward ever farther upon our Holy Path of Salvation.

We see them now, smiles and eyes beaming with harmony! Our beloved, our family members and friends in fellowship, beckoning us to move closer to them. Thus our Wills United is to become the cornerstone of adamant that we shall stand strong upon. For the Path of Salvation is one never truly trodden alone. Yes, we are those who would be of service so blest. We are those who would cast away all chains and deceptions that the world might radiate with a new era of peace and serenity, of light and love. Let us transform all lives for the better.
Let all we have or own be shared for the common good. Let every word be true and encouraging to any of the downtrodden. Let the
Sacred Fire Eternal blaze in each and every one
we reach out to assist. Let the world dawn to a new day of heavenly care, sincere kindness and selfless service. Let all the joyfulness of our hearts burst forth to renew, raise, and kindle all hearts with an enthusiasm that is mighty and pure! Henceforth, let us become The One Family of God Almighty that shall always be radiant with Love Almighty, now and forever!