The Circle of Radiant Light
Prayer: O Universal Spirit of Wonders, we feel Thy Inspiration every day, in every way! And so we rejoice in this joy arising! The happiness of being in Thy Ever-Presence is beyond our power to describe fully yet this will not stop us

from trying to do so. We look into the smiles and eyes of all persons we meet and we reflect back their cheerfulness and light. We will that they too be encouraged to feel ever more uplifted despite any current trials and darkness that may be near them. Yet how can any troubles really affect us when we stand strong in faith with love from the jubilation welling up in our heart? It is the overflowing of such Blessing Goodness that we shall share with all the world.
Though our mood is light and bright and uplifting, we the members of The Circle of Radiant Light, are presently in the lower hells, standing together strong and united upon the black entrapping foundations of these realms. Yes, there are shrieks and horrors abounding in every direction of this prison tomb of souls. The
glare of raw, animalistic emotions and hatred permeate these halls in an eerie crimson kind of doom.

But none of this is whom we are nor why we are here. We just keep maintaining our focus. We believe in our mission and in one another. For we are here by the Divine Consecration of The All Highest, The Great Spirit of Resurrection and Immortality. For none are permanently lost and each and all Children of the Creator shall rise!
Out of this dungeon of misery we are determined to raise hundreds and thousands to
a new life of hope in the liberating heavens of the cosmos.
Such is the Will of The Creator. Such is Our Will!
Though some of these fallen denizens are lunging at us, none can get near as The Empyreal Light of the Higher Heavens shines forth in dazzling radiance no eyes of the

damned can withstand. Nevertheless, we look into their eyes and while we see intense rage and fear and odious intentions, we do not quail in the least. Rather, we feel sympathy and perceive the True Spark of their Soul deeper within.
None of these prisoners need stay any longer to torment and to be tormented in evil ways. There is love and healing for them above and they will reach those hospitals and universities of rescue, education and healing this very day. And as our empathy for their plight begins to ignite, so also does our combined Soul Power become set aflame, Sacred Fire that generates overwhelming power to purify and raise all to new heights of consciousness. Determination
born out of loving concern for these, our brothers and sisters in spirit, becomes as a super nova sun exploding flowing in waves of Fiery Energy Angelic. And just as a candle is blown out by hurricane winds, so too are the flames of animosity in those encircling us. Right through the depths of their dark thoughts are they immersed; Soul Fire that permeates every iota of their being in Resurrecting Transformations. These our new beloved wards shall be saved from these hells!
Because the Light and Power of Our Universal Spirit is verily infinite, now are all we seek to assist purified by the Holiness that is The Higher Heavens. Into a deep, docile sleep are they
placed, for angelic minds and wills stronger than theirs make this so. And by raising our hands to the heavens in unison, so does a vortexia portal of rainbows revolving, spectrums of ethereal Absolute Light and Power that raises each sleeping spirit upward in a fashion so glorious and redeeming that in a matter of minutes all are ascending directly to their new places of learning and redemption.
We are all arising in ascension that is eternal, beautiful and liberating. To the All-Highest Almighty, all our praise, thanks and love, now and forever!