Upon The Pinnacle of Judgment 772. December 11th, 2022
Prayer: Why all these barriers, O Creator? Why do we set ourselves apart from Thee, the All-Highest? Do we fear loss of individuality? Do we not understand yet that it is Thou who art The Source of All Light, Happiness and Love? Perhaps it is because

we fear change. We, the lower self within, fears the inevitable change that must take place the more we commune directly with Thee. I think this is it. Our lower-self lives for comfort and selfishness, both of which will inevitably disappear as we freely interact with Thee, The All-Highest. Nevertheless, this is shortsightedness and just plain erroneous thinking. For as we cut ourselves off from Thee, we still change and we change for the worse. For all of Thy Children cannot hope to stay still. We were made as living immortals but immortals who have a beginning, from the start of our conception in our mother’s womb. Thus, if we seek to block out progress, end our ascent, we can only descend into the darkening depths of hells. A higher focus is therefore imperative. Our purpose can and must be to traverse through ever higher heavens. Let us dauntlessly move forward and upward: day by day,
hour by hour, thought by thought, breath by breath, the choice is clear: Seek first The Great Spirit within without ceasing and all that is good shall be fulfilled throughout the lives of all in our life.
Upon The Pinnacle of Judgment we stand, a pillar-like rock formation many meters high. This column of red stone is itself raised upon a mountain top, not so far from The Altar of Zarathustra and its surrounding heavens. As we stand with hands upraised to the skies, the world and its hemispheres rotate in opposing directions, many times faster than possible in a normal day. The effect of seeing clouds and the blending of sunlight and starlight swiftly sweeping by is mesmerizing and inspiringly beautiful. Swift also are the winds engulfing in this high place and these move in time with the seasons rushing buy.
Snowfall, rainfall, dazzling noon suns and sparkling stars of serenity in timeless constellations flow ever onward.

We ask ourselves: “And as the seasons and eons of eternity revolve round us, seemingly passing us by only to return in ever fuller spectacular glory and power are we changing for the better?”
The answer comes immediately as whirlwind storms crash thunderclaps and lighting strikes roar

simultaneously round us: ONLY AS WE CHOOSE TO CHANGE FOR THE BETTER!
Now ballasted with this conclusive answer, we feel the uplifting full control we may exert upon our spiritual progress and states of being. Yes, we will to live in oneness with all persons. Yes, we will love them as we would love ourselves, or even better, more than ourselves. And we will to keep in constant communication with Our Creator Ever-Present with Love Almighty — That shall brook no declension nor failure to strive to our utmost for the Good of Our Universe of Worlds Unending, ever more wondrous and joyous to be alive, to be whole and immortal — an eternal cornerstone!