The Powow of The Great Purification
773. December 18th, 2022

Prayer: Our prayers rise daily to Thee, O Creator, our anthems of praise in the highest for the Glory of Thy Worlds and Thy Soul Angels, beautiful, mighty and full of Everlasting Love!
In the red and rocky landscape of The Desert of the Sun Quest, my mentor Chief Yellow Feather greets me with cheerful purpose. I say “cheerful” because he is smiling and
an energy of encouraging exuberance is brightly being emitted all about him. I also say “purpose” due to the intensity in his voice. Something is going on and is about to happen.
He bids me follow him and we walk straight through a travel portal which instantly opens up before him as he turns to journey somewhere.
We reappear in a flash at the top of the great stone pillar plateau known as The Sign of The Four Directions Monument. Many tribes of the many nations are gathered there, each in their ceremonial dress. The color, design, and splendor of their costumes is wonderful to behold, and all very unique. We stand in a circle round a sacred bonfire, many meters high. Somewhat above and encircling the highest flames
float the greatest medicine women and shamans of the nations, a dozen or so. The golden-ruby light of their auras is a tremendous sight — and matches the streaming glow of the setting suns that surround us, a different sun setting in each of the four directions. These, our elders, speak in turns to us as a whole: “Brothers and Sisters of The Nations, from this day’s sun or from the suns of 10,000 years ago, we welcome you to our Powow.”
Our lovely Earth and all its peoples are to soon pass into many more hardships, small and great, of this world and of the demon lands far below us.”

For the time of the Hopi Prophecies is soon to begin. So we are gathered here in The Circle of The Great Spirit to prepare ourselves for all we may do to help in The Great Darkness that shall cover all lands and realms of the lower planes and spheres.”
It is for these times that we, the Free Native Tribes of North America were first brought into The Great Circle of Life. Many of our mortal lives beforehand were difficult and filled with tears, but we understand now that such pain has given us the wisdom and strength needed for these times.”

For we know now that we were created for this purpose, to return good for the evil that white peoples from across the waters attacked us with. In this way, by our ways of
forgiveness, we shall but all the more be able to lead the children of our past foes of the white nations.”
This is why we have gathered today. To dance and pray and envision how to best help the free peoples of all nations. For the New Age shall dawn after the deep dark flames of hatred and battle have ended. It will be then that many of the survivors of bad medicines and the big fires from the sky shall be in great need of what we can do to help.”

And in the lower realms, even more shall be wandering in despair and confusion, not understanding they have died to
begin the new life in demon lands. For these poor souls, our strong spirit brothers and sisters from other worlds shall gather them in wisdom and in healing love.” “It is our quest, the Native Peoples of the Tribes of the Skies to help make a new world. In this new world, all peoples of all nations will work and live in peace, in love, seeking and learning the wisdom of The Great Spirit and all Creations of Beauty.“
“Such wisdom and beauty is The Center of the Circle for all our tribes. That power is here now and shall become greater and greater as we dance and sing together on this sacred stone pointing to the skies.”
The dark fires are burning all over the world. But our medicine and love shall be even stronger. One New Tribe is arising in the Springtime of The Great Circle of All Worlds. Let us sing and dance and pray to bless this world with The Great Spirit of Our Nations!” And the tribes began to sing, to dance, to pray with great energy and sacredness! Round and round the circle we all began to do so. We are all invited to join this Powow of The Great Purification every day. In spirit, we may do so! For our Mother Earth and Father Sky we shall arise!