The Eloist Council
774. — December 25th, 2022
Many immortals have gathered several hundred, I would guess for this session. We are all shining as the stars, our robes bearing the glinting iridescence of various constellations. In addition large snowflakes of etheric symmetry wondrous, are also revolving round amidst us. There is a multicolor sheen to these much akin to our angelic robes. All our involved in flights of dancing and sung affirmations of heavenly oneness. The Brilliant Joyfulness of Christmas and New Winter Solstice Starlight streams enheartening through us.
We sing in unison:
We reconsecrate ourselves to Thee, Jehovih. We will with Thy angel hosts to awaken all souls to know their oneness with Thee. We are used this day and every day to plant seeds of light and harmony in the hearts of souls divine.

Praise Thee from Whom all blessings flow.
Praise Thee for all life here below.
Praise Thee for angel hosts above. Praise Thee for hearts attuned with love. Praise Thee.
Our celestial dancing and singing as stars and snowflakes great splendor and serenity continues
We sing in unison:
Jehovih's angel hosts abide with us all in objective realization as we share the common goal of nurturing the qualities that will brighten every soul. (3 times)
Living Creator, we recognize that all life is one with Thy unlimited life and power. The body of mankind is Thy holy temple through which shall radiate Thy healing love and wisdom to transform the world. O Creator, Thou art glorifying all souls with Thy quickening power that they also may glorify Thee.


We pray for peace and freedom and safety for all suffering in the war between Russia and Ukraine.
Hearts are changing, the longing for peace and good will towards all becomes greater and greater on both sides. Acts of kindness are taking place instead violence more so every day.
The radiance of the angels shines through me as I bless the world.
I am transformed by my desire to bless every human being in the world.
I bless the Creator’s Golden Glory, With Love and Peace Divine.
I will radiate a positive influence to all souls in my world.
My intense desire to build with the Immortals will burn away all limitations.
I am an angel, standing in the majesty and power of the Almighty Presence.
O Creator, it really is true that we can all learn to love one another unconditionally. There is no time to blame one another. There is no sense in doing anything other than returning good for evil All our love together is now in such a great unity that our world shall know only universal love-filled serenity towards all our brothers and sisters

A triangle of golden light and most radiant power cleanses our planet and its heavens hour by hour. (3 times)
We will with hearts and souls of love that peace shall reign on earth. (3 times)
From the One Supreme Being, peace and love to every soul everywhere.
For we are a blessing and love is our power!