Apocalypse: The Shrine of All Peace
Prayer: O Creator give us Light! Every day throughout the world, it becomes ever clearer: Truth and Justice matter so much! We pray for Your Inspiration to lead us to good ideas, good

conclusions, good plans for how to live as one in peace with all the world.
Millions upon millions we see falling … leaving mortal life … far before their appointed time. By disease … by starvation … by war weapons … by medical experiments … millions have passed into the spirit world with great sorrows … great fears … great injustice. We would help uplift all who have fallen, … all who soon will … all who will years later. From the depths of hells’ cruelest tyrants we perceive the blackest tentacles of evil energies grasping their mortal pawns most tightly. The cowardly, greedy, and murderous leaders of the world are some of humanity’s worse human
offenders. They believe their own lies and they lie nearly nonstop. For they are filled with the hideous callousness, hatred, and lust, same as with their masters from the darkest realms
Their horrifying plans are to destroy all that is good in the world, corrupt all the upright of the world—until all are mired in hatred and destruction—bloodletting .. violence … deception ... cycles of violence and enslavement without end is their reprehensible goal Yet we would not be idle nor indifferent to current and future suffering. We have made our way to The Shrine of All Peace, twin pure blue marble pagodas to either side of one majestic scarlet-red torii gate. Beyond it, a
circular garden blossoming in many flowers round the green waters of a glittering lake. Across the lake an arching scarlet bridge of splendor radiates true tranquility and innermost serenity. Upon its high point in the middle of the bridge, we bow our heads and pray, looking deeply into the waters which reflect the above hemisphere of azure skies.

We pray! How shall we proceed, O Master Light of All Creations!! What can, what should those opposed to war, oppression, and injustice do in such times of overwhelming trials? Do we stand true to the higher path?
The Voice of the All Voice speaks, from our soul, from the nearby beauty and calm, from the pristine Shrine of All Peace itself: “Start by being at Peace Within Yourself!”
None can go against The Way of the Universe, The Way of Peace—without going down to destruction themselves.”
“You cannot fight hatred with more hatred. You cannot battle violence with more violence. You
cannot end tyrannical demonic power by any mortal thought you may take. They are far below any attunement that might help them.”
You must do that which may seem as surrender. For surrender it is. But only surrender of your will to My Divine Will, My Divine Being, The Supreme Being Eternal.”
You rightly perceive, you truly envision, the widespread evil about to infect and darken our world, My World.”
Fear nothing! Despair never! You will be preserved in sacredness throughout the apocalypse, your virtues intact, your inner peace unfolding in harmony. If you will commit to following The All-Highest no matter what
misfortunes and oppression would rear themselves before you, you will only rise ever higher than before.”
“Therefore, bring all your kindness to the here and now, those near you, that you may bear. Comfort them, encourage them to be happy, wise and strong. Share whatever you have to keep them safe. This is the time of the One Family to which We All Are.”
As for the darkest and lowest spiritual realms and their dictators, they will destroy themselves and soon or late, realize that they must make amends for all the pain and suffering they have caused.”
As for all who suffer, they shall grow ever stronger and rise upon angelic wings of faith that shall lead them to the gates of the higher heavens, rejoicing in the morning dawning of light and love that shall ever be.”
Put your faith in faith. Put your faith in My Divinity! Put your faith in yourself and in all of Your One Family.”
For we are becoming the Blessings of Love Immortal we are by destiny and of our own choosing, now and forever, here and everywhere!”