Even in Hell: The Loving Fellowship of Light

778. — January 22nd, 2023
Prayer: O Creator of All Creations, we will to be ever true to Thee. For there is only True Happiness on the pathways ascending directly towards Thee. We do not ask for our ascent to be easy nor that it shall ever glorify us. We only ask that all the work that we may achieve, according to our given talents and Thy given inspiration, be that labor which shall bless all in the most need of assistance and
encouragement. We vow to raise up, to uplift all in need upon our path, that they shall glorify Thee through their own lives of loving service. No great seers are any of us but we hearken to The Divine Will of The All Voice this very day, this very moment. Our sudden inspiration from all high next takes us to far reaches of the lower realms of the hells of the underworld. We roughly land upon the black rocky foundations of The Hells of Despair.
Here abide many one-time mortals of various sins and failings. It is a hopeless, near lightless place but one thing is certain: the worst of these denizens thoroughly enjoy torturing others. It is a sad inclination and addiction because the end result ends up harming both the harmer and the
victims. Concerning the victims, it is the reinforcement of the false idea that any of us is really helpless to resist or transcend the dark thoughts of another. For the torturer, it is the self-destruction of spirit, soul, heart and mind. You see, as each cruel word or savage strike brings pain to the afflicted, a portion of their own being dissolves into nothingness, leaving their own inner being transforming into an ever blacker reality, a nightmare from which there is no waking; just the bitter realization that by taking “satisfaction” in the pain and fear of others, that they themselves are willing themselves out of existence. For it is angelic love, the holy essence of our heavens which grants our being with ever greater immortality. Conversely, the denizens of the hells feel ever heavier the chaos of oblivion — a sharp contrast to the liberating joy that those on the upward path feel.
In a dimly lit, crimson-stained dungeon we now find ourselves, we perceive the torturers and their victims. Both groups, from centuries ago, are here due to their violent hateful lifestyles. The only reason one group is inflicting pain through beatings and burnings is due to the greater intensity of their will power. Yet both have sinned similarly while mortals above on earth.

Be that as it may, our appearance immediately brings their activities to a halt. They shout in exultations of rage and lust as they look upon us, and then both groups rush straight for us.
Although with no plan of defense, deep within the center of all beings abides The Divine Spirit Universal. It is in such moments of crisis that our own spirit spontaneously unfolds the Invincible Power of The All-Highest within. For to submit to darkness in any

sense is not The Way of the Heavens; rather it is that justice and goodness shall triumph in any clash between the darkness and light. In such cases, near instantaneous speed, the might of The Divine Will manifests in the minds of those aligned with The All Light. In such cases, there is never any doubt that those in evil bondage shall be stopped cold and sent off to be reformed for their own good and all in their spheres and lives.

Thus, each of us singly and as a group are transformed into Suns of Golden Fire, sparkling and brilliant to the extreme. We perceive The Throne of Judgment inside our being, and turn towards it, perceiving that we must still turn aside from our own spiritual failings, embracing angelic service to help those in need. By doing so, the Golden Fire does not burn us but rather crystalizes us into a higher attunement with God Almighty by which we will be able to achieve greater good now and in the future.
In contrast, the same Throne of Judgment appears before the denizens of hell, awash with this Fiery Golden Light which streams to suffuse each of them with a far greater purification power than they have yet experienced. However, these dark spirits turn away from facing The Throne of Judgment, refusing to accept the responsibility of becoming a better person. They have not a shred of desire towards helping others in need, nor of making amends to

those they have wronged in the far past. Instead, they turn away shrieking, falling to the stony floor, writhing in terror. In their case, the Heavenly Fire does not reflect from them as it has from us but rather burns and blinds them all quite profusely. The end result is they are humbled to helplessness, unable to harm anyone, unable to flee, and unable to resist any effort to transport them to a better place. This we then do through united thoughts of light. And so we in unison, mentally, spiritually create supernal invocations of cosmic power. These light emanations then link to their spirit bodies, transporting them to nearby transport ships that shall take them all to heavenly realms of light. Within these higher spheres, the lost will be treated in hospitals and schools for their healing and spiritual progress.
Triumphant over self and darkness, we stand hand in hand, praying and singing new songs of hope even while standing in the hallways of hells. New lost spirits hearken to us, seeking friends, being drawn near us by our angelic hymns. These are those who are looking for a better way to live – one of ascension unfolding in the Loving Fellowship of Light.