One Circle of the Sunrise
779. — January 29th, 2023
Prayer: O Creator of The Universe Wondrous,
Thy Divine Empowerment is Unfolding within All.
Thy Sacred Understanding is Igniting within All.
Thy Holy Love is Harmonizing within All.
We are in flight with Native American guides, soaring towards the Sacred Canyons. Each is from a different tribe:
Lakota Sioux, Pawnee, Chippewa, and Hopi, Mayan, and Cherokee. Unlike mortals in astral flight, as we are, these

chieftains have vibrant colored auras, extending about 30 centimeters from their spirit body: aqua, magenta, saffron, emerald, sapphire, ruby, all very bright. Their costumes are of chromatic hues, traditional dress for their respective tribes. And best of all, they are often smiling and laughing, probably to put us at ease. The Suns of the Four Directions are arising above the canyon walls. We land gently upon a rocky plateau. There is no one is sight but the 4 sunrises are glorious and inspiring a scene as we have ever seen.
We are motioned to stand in a circle, about two dozen of us. The guides stand in the center. They link arms and so do we. They begin a revolving stamping kind of dance (we begin the same), chanting in turn different short spiritual exclamations together, each time from a different tribes language.
There are only 6 of these Grandfathers of the Nations, but their voices are extremely powerful and resounding. It is as if these consecrated lands were speaking through them, or maybe also all their tribes. Their energy and mood exhumes dedication and love to The Great Spirit of The Universe. This ritual prayer session is all very astounding in its radiating might by just 6 persons! So we are a quite stunned and awed but we keep dancing round them, tuning into their soul power, and begin to crystallize in a kind of spirit-soul-mind sanctification and attunement. The base aural colors are also projecting with greater intensity, blending and weaving with sudden rays of such intense light that are being projected in all directions.
Our hearts rise in elation with their songs, chants, dancing of divine rhythms. And so do they from the plateau, perhaps 10 meters above us. Their aural and ray energies have blended into a spectacular dazzling sphere of iridescence. Our consciousness and the entire area is transforming slowing into a profound, deep and uplifting atmosphere or tone. Some great spiritual blessings or invocations are about to be created, we now realize.

Each of the warrior-medicine-men then lead the prayer-rite-blessing, sanctifying our world and all present with the heavenly power of resurrection:
Chippewa: O Kitchimanitou! Those who have been betrayed, beaten and imprisoned, shall bring freedom and forgiveness to all peoples and all lands.
Cherokee: O Unetlanvhi! Every life that has been thrown away as if worthless, shall rise from the ashes to bless this world with the greatest love it has ever known.
Hopi: O Tawa! The Native Tribes, who have been warred against, slaughtered and reduced to poverty and oppression, are now working to lead all peoples towards peace and harmony that shall never end.
Lakota Sioux: O Wakan Tanka! Those who are now
weak, shall arise as the strong to serve and save each human tribe and family.
Mayan: O Hunab Ku! All that have been rejected, shall rise with the sun, ending the world’s darkness to become a great light to all!
Pawnee: O Tirawa! All present here are now one circle of the sunrise that shall be blessed so that all peoples are one family, one tribe, one heaven!
Apache: O Ussen! The warriors who have spilled blood and slaughtered the innocents shall arise to shine healing peace that never ends in the hearts of all peoples. And the Sphere of the Six Grandfather Chiefs rose as Dazzling Sunrise straight from The Great Spirit within!