The Calling Forth
Prayer: O Creator, we know full well that now is always the time to seek and to attain attunement with Thee. We gain nothing by putting mundane or harmful activities before Thee. Let us then express our gratitude for this life immortal, despite any hardships or confusions. We full well know now that

only we ourselves can set ourselves free of our own negativity. It is also certain that now is the time for each of us to unite to help our world become more as the heavens above, and far less like the hells below. So we reconsecrate ourselves in service unto all.
Spring in The Garden of the Universal Sun is eternal yet ever-changing. The pristine waters of fountain and waterfall, lake and seashore, glisten and glint in chromatic jewels of light bursting forth. A million or more birds warble prettily songs of cheer to all nearby.
Yet it is the millions of flowers and blossoms of fair plants and trees that amaze the most. Colors and hues uncountable delight the eye and renew the soul, blending symmetries only snowflakes can match. In the breezes with each breath, we breathe in such floral fragrances in a dream-like ecstasy. Surely Ideal
Beauties are inspiring us to unfold the best and brightest versions of our own souls that we can.
As we rest in wonder underneath these many trees of splendor, we breathe in every more deeply in heartfelt ascension. Though the tree branches overflow in blossoming ever they grace us with fluttering petals of pink, white and saffron snowfalls of holy healing .
Shall such glory inspirit our spirit towards greater things? We truly think so. We arrived here with

inner conflicts and some darkness clinging to our auras from recent stress and personal failings. Now a quiet, pure serenity is spreading throughout our mind, aura and spheres of heavenly influence.
It remains to be seen if we shall soon conquer our self, but angelic thought, angelic feelings, precede angelic actions. Those who feel the call to soar with the heavens, come forth to our concord of ascendant realms. Here you will be instructed and strengthened

to bring ever greater good to all in this world and in your own lives. There are not many now who can easily do such work of the new age, but the time will come when almost all communities on Earth and in its lower heavens shall take up labors of the higher heavens, bestowing love, light and joyfulness into the lives of all who suffer in the bondage of selfish darkness.
Let us each arise each day with this mission to uplift and raise hearts and hands towards the Rainbow Skies of Illumination, below to above and beyond, now and forever! With Our Creator All One!