Shine on Sailing Sun!
783. — February 26th, 2023
We are each inside our own Spherical Star traveling the Cosmic Constellations.

What Stellar Brilliance! Worlds without End! The Cosmos of Crystalline Iridescence! Unfolding in Marvelous Symmetries! Each Sun holding together a Family of Heavens and Realms to rejoice in!
Kaleidoscope glorious hues to praise in ecstatic ascension!

Such a blessing! To feel our Destiny of Liberation and Empowerment! To fulfill Divine Will and Our Divine Dreams forevermore!
Such a Vision! To behold one another as we look into the stellar-lit skies around us, as we make the journeys cosmic in union! Nevertheless, there is also constricting darkness in the void we must still learn to traverse through. On a larger scale, hells of every kind are as entrapping

nebulae, black, heavy gravity pits of enslavement. The sinful addictions of violence, lust, hatred, deception and arrogance, can if yielded to, if not steered clear of, shall mire us in energies evil.
And on a smaller scale, perceive how some star-soul-spheres are mostly dark except for a few glimmers of spiritual soul-power. And so it is in such relationships, that it is with sorrow that our lives are both becoming entangled with destructive conflict. And so we hurt one another with apathy and anger,

drifting apart, repelling one another with emotions negative, ... filled with condemnation. Yet with other new friends and family, Radiant Rays of Gold and Silver blessedly permeate our eyes, touching our hearts with celestial beauty and thanksgiving. As we begin to take in more and more of one another’s love and harmony, our feelings soar higher and higher in serene communing attunement. And so our spheres align together ever brighter, as well as ever closer to our Sun of Suns, The Great Spirit of All Creations.

As we move closer and higher to The All-Highest, within us burns our own new dawning of The Sun of Suns. This is The Sacred Fire Eternal, that Perfect Star Sphere of Reality crystalizing all elements of our being in Wondrous Awareness, Wondrous Communions of Love Joyous.
Prayer: O Almighty Creator, how easily we take offense and hurts from those around us. This is not Thy Way because Thy Way is only by All that is Pure and Good, Holy and Uplifting! This means having, maintaining, ... True Faith in each person and in ourselves to do what is right. Even if those round us are fraught with criticism, opposition, and scorn, we shall not waver in our supportiveness, optimism and good will towards them. We can do no less if we would live a heavenly life as The Mystic Children of Stars.
Let us then revolve in the Absolute Serenity that is always within, always round Thee, O God Almighty. Let us without fail believe in one another, in ourselves
Most importantly, let us be quick to forgive and forget, to work to understand one another to the ends of the earth.
Let us behold ourselves as we truly are--marvelous angelic creations that shall create new world and new lives of Love-Light Abounding. We shall therefore rise above all our trials and misfortunes, forgiving all transgressions without exception, making the fullest attonement for our failures of thought-feelings selfish and sinful.
Let each of our misunderstandings and disharmonies only be the means by which we shall be able to serve others with ever greater wisdom, power and love. For behold! Our universe of stars and worlds is truly a mirror of our own transcendental reality. First in our life, there is The Great Sun of Suns, The All Light Who shines up us, each of us as a world apart and yet traversing together along Lines of Immortal Illumination.
Shine on Sailing Sun! Shine on Everyone! Shine on!