Our Communion of Devotion
792. — May 17th, 2023
Praise the Great Spirit, from Sunrise to Sunset, from Starlight to the High Noon Sun!
Angelic Guide: Behold Eolin, The Sacred Fire Eternal, The Ever-Present Spirit, Immortally Alive within Our Soul-Center, The Holy I AM.

Prayer: O Creator, we can espy both the darkness and the light within ourselves and to a lesser degree, in those around us.
How shall we respond to any darkness? By a battle of wills? By a clash of arms, mental or physical? No, we respond by surrendering our self to You ever more. By recognizing Your Living Ever-Presence inside us! This is exactly where we as immortals abide. For becoming a being of majestic angelic splendor is our destiny. Yet we must make the higher choices which lead to our greatest joyfulness, thankfulness, and faithfulness.
Yes, we live to serve You and all your creations We live to love your sons and daughters of eternity as our own children. Let our salvation be our focus upon doing so right now.
Angelic Guide:
Thought unto thought. All true creation follows and is founded upon the creation of our own thoughts—thoughts of light, thoughts of power, thoughts of eternal harmonization.

Meditation: Through the thoughts of our Mind-Soul, we can begin to achieve any great transformation from darkness unto light. We seek to create Realms of Radiance. We will to create Concords of Heavenly Power. We are now sending forth Blessings of Love that shall heal all, harmonize all, uplift all near and far, unto a Consciousness of the Angels.

Through the Fellowship of the Creator, new communities of heaven on earth shall be fashioned, all with our Innermost Love, all based upon Liberating Wisdom, all by communing step by step with Our Divine Will!
Through the Healing Blossoms of Universal Life, all who are encumbered with afflictions shall be made whole through our Eternal Love, unto Revitalizing Harmony, becoming Illimitable Power.
Through the Golden Pyramid of Attunement, The All Light shines; Through the Academy of Ascension, The Universe Wondrous creates; Through the Celestial Circle of the Stars, The All Highest unites; Through the Monument of The Sacred Four Directions, Father-Sky-Mother-Earth breathes in us as ONE.
Through the Star of Divine Love, the transformation of our being into the Essence of Kindness and Compassion shall be all from our Actions of Service, all by our Embrace of Beauty and Truth, all by our walking the New Age Path of Transcendence.

May the Spirit of the Heavens unfold in all hearts, sharing ALL OUR LOVE, on earth and it is in the heavens. AETERNUM!
Through the Music of the Spheres, The All Voice inspires;
Through the Garden of the Universal Sun, The Tree of All-Life blossoms;