All of Us are Thy Thoughts, O Creator. From times immortal, we became Thy Child Immortal upon the Breath of Thy Spoken Word, fashioned by Thy True Power inside Thy Foremost and Forevermore Feelings for us.
And Thy Word to us is Love, just as Thy Breath of Life in us is Love as well. Furthermore, so too are The Feelings Profound that overflow from Thy Heart Center to throughout our lives, our world, and this very moment.
So then, Take us, O Father-Mother Almighty into Thy Holy Order of Service, The Concord of The Angels. Within these higher heavens, there is only The Seeking to Fulfill Thy Will. Thy Will is Love unto All Persons at All Times, simple words to speak, but the greatest challenge of immortality, to put away our self for the betterment and greater happiness of our brothers and sisters.
With such Covenants and Determination in Our Heart, we ascend, humbly ascend, putting self aside step by step. Let us now discover ourselves, once lost, by taking the hand of our long lost sister — O Songs of