A Resolve that None Shall be Forsaken
From the edge of a cliff of The Sacred Canyons, we cry real tears of sadness. Into our hands upon our face they fall. For to our hearts cries from the hells below are sounding. For what good is heaven if we cannot rescue those in hell? We so then cast ourselves therefore headlong into the depths to pass from the realms of light into those of the darkness.
As we descend, Words of Powerful Prayer are directed through us.
"There is no world nor life we can hide from. All the living exist, some in darkness, some in light. One can lift one’s eyes to the Heavens of Light where Glorious Beauty in every form imaginable shines resplendent. So too, if Light is to have any meaning, must we turn our vision to the dark regions where unimaginable suffering takes place, the result of selfish ignorance that has shackled many generations and lives. Thus none of us were brought into being to remain in idleness and pleasure — resolution much reach to all below