Abortion — The Eloists— from Radiance — (16 pages) — [1983-1999]

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The Eloists from Radiance

(1928-1999) 1


Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.

Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:




The Hosts of Light are with you in focus. We come from realms that are not so far removed from your plane that we are insensitive to your earthly trials and your mortal needs, nor are we so close that we are unduly influenced by your realm's unenlightened behaviour or the inharmony and disorganization of the lower atmospherean realms. We have risen to a state in which unity of action and unity of purpose under one Infinite Source is our rule and guide. We work organically under one high council and our labors being so perfectly planned and orchestrated bring us seasons of endless delight and fulfillment as only the higher, more liberated realms can enjoy.

We come to your plane to bring guidance and inspiration to those who are receptive to the Light. We work behind the scenes to orchestrate those earthly events that we can influence for an ultimate good, and to provide spiritual balm for those who suffer from those events of darkness or fate that we cannot influence.

We greet those who arrive here in both timely and untimely fashion and give assurances and instruction to those who are advanced enough to perceive our presence. When they are not, we turn them over to those hosts who are best trained to deal with souls who are 4

diseased. undeveloped, or mired in darkness. Many of the latter are beyond our immediate help because they arrive in such great numbers at this time, especially when there are self-inflicted tragedies and wars.

These unfortunates try us all and test our resources to the limit. Most have to be left to their own devices until more opportune occasions arise at times of dan or when etherean hosts come to our assistance. It is at those times that circles of dedicated souls on earth can be most useful to us, for when they are trained and well developed over many years of discipline, they can be of use to us as "batteries", "step down transformers" and "anchors", through which we can touch the lower atmospherean realms. Through our earthly intermediaries we can reach those in the lower spiritual realms even though they have already passed through the veil into our world of spirit.

Lastly, we also work with those who are young, undeveloped and innocent; those youthful souls of innocence who are thrust upon us through untimely births, mistreatment or abortion. These arrive without the sins of darkness upon them and they are cared for in a most considerate, caring and loving environment, well removed from the lower discordant realms of earth. Some are joined with an appropriate corporeal host under close supervision until they are mature enough to be taken in a state of spiritual infancy to an 5

appropriate region for care, while others who are more mature are removed right away. But in either case all of these innocents quickly find their way to our organic heavens of the higher atmospherean realms. Though they may arrive under the most sorrowful circumstances, they are all by their innocence and virtue special gems in our plateau of Light and Love. Here they are kept in love and joy and away from all harm, where they soon mature with grace and beauty.


Soon we will be gone from your focus until our travels bring us back to your realm again. My hosts and I have been hard at work to strengthen the organizations that are helping the weak-minded, the undeveloped and misguided souls who continually cross the great divide. Our nurseries, most of all, are overburdened above your nation. These are part of the great change we are seeking. Your people must make the leap in consciousness from war and violence to peace. They must learn peace among nations, peace in the home and peace within their inner selves. They must also put an end to the slaughter of the innocents and either accept the responsibility of 6

parenthood or learn how to become mature adults and not become parents, through conscious choice. We can no longer tolerate the continued destruction of so many unborn babes. The hand of judgment will remain above all nations that condone such practices, and until their ways are changed, peace will not reign within their families, but they will continue to deteriorate and wallow in misery.


Let us ponder for a moment on the awesome burden placed on our spiritual realms by the untimely death of so many innocent babes through the thoughtless act of abortion. The number of undeveloped souls thrust into the care of our doctors and nurses who labor on the plateaus close to the earth is far greater than your darkest imaginings. The fact that these babes are thrown upon us in greater and greater numbers each year makes the scene that much more pathetic. Could we only make these selfish women realize that each soul is complete and immortal at conception, perhaps they would more carefully ponder their decision. Their basic misconception that their body is theirs to do with as they please is their first error. They had as little to do with the growth and development of their own 7

bodies as that of the infant they carry. Both belong to the Creator that made them and He is the one to whom they must ultimately answer. If they could only realize that the soul of that poor infant is brought back to them in many cases and fetaled upon them until full term (and therefore only the earthly body may be aborted while the spirit remains), perhaps they would think again before making the fateful decision. If they could only realize that the day will come when they will pass over into our realms of spirit and there meet their rejected child face to face, though then fully grown, and be forced to justify their decisions and rectify their actions once and for all. Perhaps this is the image they need placed before them. Perhaps if they could see their child's pained expression as he or she asks, "Why did you do this to me, mother? Why did you deprive me of my life and your love? What did I do to you to be treated so?" "Why?" is our question as well. We, here on the Plateau in the hospitals and nurseries labor hard and long to maintain and revive these innocent souls, fetaling them sometimes to the natural mother and sometimes to a more appropriate soul, until they are strong enough to be transferred to the nurseries where primary education can begin. This is, of course, more difficult without the corporeal body and corporeal experiences to guide them. But we will work harder and longer still, until those on earth awaken to the Light of the Creator within their souls and awaken to the love that dwells within their hearts.


Until then we remain, Your loving friends.


Oahspe reveals to humanity the truth of your immortality, and the reality of the angelic overshadowing that has continuously, over countless centuries, labored to raise the understanding and behavior of mortals to a state that would allow them to become a blessing to themselves and to their progeny, who would inherit conditions in which they have little to say and even less control. Many of the actions taken by mortals through ignorance not only make their lives a time of suffering, but also place inestimable burdens on our angelic realms. It is in that concern that we speak with you tonight, not only to impress upon you the seriousness of our plight, but to enlighten you on things to come.

Life begins at conception. At that very moment you become an immortal human soul destined to progress in wisdom and power throughout eternity. This marvelous reality was not always assured in the distant past history of your race on this planet, but for many thousands of years now every soul has been guaranteed immortality 9

at conception, regardless of one's parentage and circumstances surrounding the birth. The evolving embryo at that moment is a separate and distinct immortal being, placed in the care of another separate and distinct immortal being by the Ever-Present Creator until it can subsist unaided in the mortal realm.

To terminate or abort this development for any reason constitutes murder of the earthly habitat and thus thrusts the developing soul into our spiritual realm prematurely against the Will of the Creator. This is the simple truth which cannot be couched in euphemisms or more expedient phrases. The reality of the consequence is all too readily apparent to us here, and is a practice which must be reversed before any semblance of order can be restored to the lower heavens surrounding your planet.

You are well aware that this issue is being hotly contested in your nation today, and it will continue to be hotly contested through the decade to come. But we tell you that the Creator's hand is over this matter and the day will come when your society will finally decide in favor of life, but not before a great deal of suffering is sustained as the battle over this issue is brought to the streets of your nation.

Just as your nation's civil war could not be resolved until the majority of your nation's inhabitants resolved in their hearts in favor of 10

freedom to the slaves, so will your nation not find peace in its cities or country places until the majority resolves itself in favor of life. Until then, violence in the streets and within the home will continue to grow. The integrity of the family base will continue to crumble. The children you do raise will continue to be a disappointment both individually and collectively as constructive members of your society. Criminal activity will continue to undermine the fabric of society and the use of drugs and other forms of self-destruction will continue to thwart your efforts at reformation.

Though we are already entering a period of increased spiritual light, yet amongst the masses of society it will hardly be evident until this issue is resolved. Until then, keep the light of your focus strong and stay well centered. When the minds of the masses begin to awaken there will also come great progress in disarmament, social reform and the blessings of peace. But many long and painful years remain. Sometimes this is the only way important lessons can be learned. Keep your spiritual community committed and strong so that you may ride unscathed through the turmoil and contribute something positive and helpful in the process.



Peace be with all the Creator's children on earth. Let love flow from their hearts to one another. There is no time to waste. Precious lives are being snuffed out of the body too soon. Too many are passing on to the other side with no preparation for further development. Our time and energies are devoted to receiving these many new souls, and trying to keep them from going back to earth again. Once they have left their physical bodies, they must go on to new experience and spiritual awakening. It is not an easy task for us. We have great compassion for these newborn souls. Many little babies come over here from abortions, sickness and accidents. They have been cheated out of their earthly experience. Not that they would have had all good experiences, but every experience, good and bad, would have contributed to their soul development. They will still grow in spiritual worlds, but it will take much longer. We put all in the hands of our Creator and give Him our faith and love. It is by His power in us that we are able to accomplish our task.



Be steadfast in our common purpose.

As we come together at

these appointed times we work to build greater harmony and continuity between your plane and ours. We seek to burst through the barriers that separate us.

As we do this, it is important that your whole life, the sum totality of your existence, plays a fundamental part in this process.

The time

spent in council is fine and good, but the preparation beforehand makes you fit tools through which we can work and that is the vital link that really “sets the stage.”

It is how you live, what you think, and how you serve each and every day that molds your vessel for our use.

Through it all, it is not what

you did yesterday, today, or tomorrow that makes the difference, but rather what habits and traits you nurture day in and day out, year by year, until they are constitutionally part of your character and personality.

We have made great strides together, no doubt, but do not let that slacken your pace.

Reconsecrate yourselves, your lives and your

Purpose to Jehovih each and every day and you will be answered 13

with greater fulfillment and greater joy of soul throughout all the days of your lives here and hereafter.

We have a deep and genuine concern for your well-being.


we are much older than you in years (as you count them), you are like precious children whom the Great Spirit has chosen to place under out care.

All children, regardless of the circumstances of

their birth and surroundings, are gifts of the Great Spirit and their presence among us should be viewed as a most sacred trust.

They are “angels to be” in time, just as you are, but their innocence and vulnerability behooves us all to love, protect, and nurture them 'until they are strong enough to stand on their own. That is your obligation as their elder care takers, just as you are our responsibility as your elders even though we are separated from you by the unseen dimension that seems to separate your realm from our world of Spirit.

Every child is a sacred trust from the moment of conception, and every child from the earliest moment of development should be held in greater reverence for the sacred miracle that it is. This is not the case among too many people on your plane, and this must be changed through growth in understanding as to who we are as


immortal souls, with a purpose and destiny greater than just the here and now.

The number of young souls cast upon our spirit plane prematurely every year are testimony to the fact that the people of your world are still mostly misguided and stumbling, diseased in spirit and burdened with darkness. Verily are you rising and falling, both at the same time. This must be remedied, and it will be remedied in this era of Kosmon, but it will be a laborious journey with no easy solutions.

Have no doubt that Jehovih has the solution, and it will be made manifest through the exalted Hosts of Angels who labor as the Creator*s hands, eyes and hearts on the scene. Have no doubt that they hold all of you as their most sacred trust, and they will not rest until all have been redeemed to light and understanding, to a fuller consciousness and maturity unlike any that has heretofore manifested on earth. Then will a greater peace manifest. Then will all the awakening gifts of spiritual and corporeal knowledge blend and blossom into the fullness of a blessing as it was meant to be, free of all the pain and sufferings of the past. This will be the task of the high-raised beings who are soon to follow us now that we have fulfilled our part and set the stage. All is planned; all is in concert; all is orchestrated.



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