Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn,— [ Poem ] — January 3rd, 2021 — Robert Bayer — (3 pages)

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Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Nobel Prize Prisoner of That Fortress of Steel— The Soviet Union. Imprisoned for criticizing 1 time 1 Stalin, Over killing innocent citizens — only some 60 million. Dissident Russian Novelist — writing without pen or paper—his literature a revolution; True word by True word, his writings liberated a nation from a nightmare of prisons. As a young soldier of The Red Army, with courage The Order of the Red Star did win,

Defending against the Blitzkrieg of the Nazi Supremacy War Engine, That bombed and burned, slaughtered and raped its way eastward as blood-drenched demons, Yet also there was the witness Solzhenitsyn— the testimonial historian, Recording the equally evil atrocities as Communism crushed its way westward to Berlin. Да! Willing to stand up for Truth! To withstand the fettering of life in frozen oblivion; Castaway Souls agonizing in The Gulag Archipelago—the forced labor camps Siberian. One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich—for so many, for Aleksandr — cruelties shared in icy communion. Да! Men have forgotten God—whenever the State Supreme sanctions endless crucifixion. Henceforth, let all humanity resolve with Integrity, this our individual salvation,

To never submit to the slavery of lies, to the inhumanity of oppression. Ever Alive with The Spirit of Truth: Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

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