Angelic Consecration — [ Vision ] — 690. — May 9th, 2021 — Robert Bayer — (8 pages)

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Angelic Consecration 690.

May 9th, 2021


O Creator, we are always ready to hearken to Thy All Voice. For we would

treasure Thy Holy Words of Inspiration that

shall guide us ever onward on The Paths of Resurrection.

O Great Spirit, we are always read to behold Thy All Light. For we would honor Thy Creation of Ourselves as Immortal Beings of Radiance.

O Jehovih The I AM, we are always ready to fulfill Thy Almighty Will. For we would go forth with Perfect Faith in Thy Power to serve Thy Children with Good Works of Love.

Let us ascend in spirit.

We are in the stairwell of massive tower of splendor, blended in hues of peach and gold.

Steadily we climb our

path. At the open center, pedestals of pure white marble float within an arm’s reach of us as we climb.

One by one, we touch the surface of these columns, and are transported one to a circular room of extremely bright heavenly light

Our pedestals stand before us, each

situated on the circumference of the mandala circle of sacred design which nearly covers this very large room. It is divided into 12 sectors, each of a unique lovely color spectrum. Each pedestal and circle sector represents a particular virtue or ideal of spiritual potency.

Outside our circle stand the combined assembly of our guardian angels in whose constant care we have been entrusted. They are each attired in clothing unique to a different era of our world’s civilization, while also being from different lands and nations during their mortality.

The union

of their spirits’ light is the cause of dazzling illumination that

fills this sanctum.

As our eyes take in this light, we our minds enter a higher state of tranquility. There is also an uplifting exultation rising throughout us. We perceive now that we are to take next an important step in our spiritual progress.

This ceremony is

to be a consecration to angelic virtues, ideals which are the essence and foundation of The Universe Eternal.

Spontaneously, we next place both hands upon the surface of the column of marble before us. And then one by one we each make our own affirming vows to synchronize our immortal angelic state with that of the Supernal Angelic Heavens. The mandala revolves for a few moments before each of us. We then make our consecration using our own mystic words by inspiration.

I set forth my own words here now. At the utterance of each

prayer, a sublime feeling of devotion surges throughout us all, spiritually powerful feelings we felt from within but also from our nearby angelic family who also stand immersed in the light of angelic resurrection.

By the Love of God Eternal, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Wisdom of God Omniscient, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Soul-Mastery of God Almighty, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Vitality of God Immortal, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Joyfulness of God Wondrous, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Beauty of God Universal, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Purity of God Perfect, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei!

By the Peace of God Illimitable, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Light of God All Voice, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Faith in God Invincible, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Service to God All-Highest, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei! By the Unity in God All-One, we are! Sumus Angelis Dei!

The Power of the Vows links us now with All of The Heavens Resurrecting — Devotion to The Divine Will and to All Divine Service. We shall meet all challenges as ONE in The Great Spirit!

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