Angels The Eloists from Radiance (1983-1999)
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:
Be An Angel!
We are all radiant with the glory of the spring season, and strive to shine the blessings of the Angel Hosts on all souls the world over. We are blessed by being in this atmosphere, and we want to share all its goodness with you, and through you to all your friends. May you grow in awareness through the soul strengthening inspiration of the uplifting thoughts and feel the sustaining power of the Angel Hosts to a greater degree than usual. Your courage and strength will be renewed, and, like an angel yourself, you can stand radiant, poised and serene in the midst of world chaos.
Victory is Written in Your Soul
We bless you with our love and strengthening power that all disturbances may disappear, and that you may reside on the throne of power within your soul.
We feel the peace of the angels pouring through us to you, and we know that you are responding, and that the organizing qualities of your inner nature are awakening to new life and activity. What a
wonderful being you are deep down within! What joy you will have throughout eternity while bringing yourself into expression!
The calm, majestic power of the Angel Hosts is focused with you. Disturbing clouds of darkness melt away before the light of their countenances shining upon you. All is peace. All is harmony. All is good! Nothing can move you from your place of power. Victory is written in your soul and is bound to manifest in your outer life.
Keep the sweetness and harmony of your own self strong and vibrant, and you will be doing your part in this great work of purification.
Be Victorious
Blessings to you! Hearts overflow with blessings that will be as the sun to your soul, helping to transform any difficult circumstances into glorious opportunities for soul growth and unfoldment.
We are with you in mighty power! We see you glowing with Love, in spite of any difficult circumstances of mind or external conditions. We see you as an angel, in tune with the Angels in heaven, and we have faith that this angel that you are shall conquer the darkness, and like the flowers of spring, come to a beautiful blossoming. You know the
source of your greatest inspiration. Turn to the Creator within you and gain the added strength necessary to go on.
With you we decree that all things shall conspire to bring you the greatest blessings you have ever experienced.
The Angel Hosts are with you as we send you our love and strengthening thoughts.
Peace, harmony and love dwell in the hearts of the angelic beings. As you learn to express these divine qualities which also dwell in the hearts and souls of all mankind, you are tuning in with the higher spheres of light. You are living from Jehovih's Presence within your soul. Do not let the clouds of darkness limit your expression of light and love. The angelic workers cannot help you if you let yourself become one with the negative vibrations of the earth. You are living in the testing time of your early stages of spiritual development. Will you be able to stand strong through the small or larger challenges, or will you- crumble and succumb to every little ripple that disturbs your
routine? We need strong souls now! We need those with more than just vision. We need souls who can put Jehovih's purpose above all else. That is, to let the higher light express over self. You all have come a long way in the teachings of Jehovih's purpose, and you shall be able to ride the waves and be master of yourselves through all tests and trials.
Only those who have already grown in the ways of the spirit can appreciate the profound complexity behind the concepts that we, your angelic mentors, present to you while sitting in crescent or council. Those who are not yet attuned to the ways of spirit may only perceive the surface meanings and conclude that they are much too simple for angels to waste time with. They expect us to speak with a lofty tongue, spewing incomprehensible philosophies that should leave them awestruck. They think our message is a sham by the very reason of its simplicity, a simplicity that even a child could understand and speak.
They do not realize that the greatest spiritual truths that even an
Orion Chief would wish to convey to a mortal are every bit as crucial and profound as they are simple. It is almost a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees. It is a message that is so profound that its true meaning and importance can be overlooked as one becomes misguided by its superficial simplicity.
If the sincere student would seek to apply himself, to comprehend the Creator to the fullness of his ability, trying to live his life in harmony with His Light from within, ever seeking to learn and practice the Highest Light and greatest good, he will never find a single doorway to the higher heavens closed to him. If he will apply himself with loving kindness to minister to his brothers and sisters who are less fortunate than himself, being strong and courageous to carry any burden imposed upon him, he will ever find greater wisdom and, understanding brought to him through eternity.
There is nothing more than this that is not mere "window dressing". It seems very simple, indeed. A much too simple philosophy for an angel to teach. But let whoever voices such an opinion try to put this philosophy into practice. He will find how very hard it really is. In fact, the more successful he becomes in applying it with perfection, the more he will come to realize how short of perfection he really is. Not because he has developed a tendency toward self-recrimination, but because he has finally grown into the way of the most profound
forms of Wisdom. Let him do this well and, behold, he too will affirm that this is the Voice of the Creator and this is the Voice of His Angels. He too will grow quickly to detect the presence of All Light. He too will grow to recognize It wherever It may be found.
Free yourself of all complex reasonings and obtuse philosophies. Focus your mind on your Ever Present Creator, there is nothing simpler than this. Hear His Voice within you echoing, "Simplify! Simplify!" and you will find your confusions and frustrations melt away like the spring-time snow.
We want to work with each of you in greater ways. A lot more can and is being done to open up your spiritual natures and enhance your skills and awareness. The key is for you to create the proper environment for a strong and successful channel of communication between us. Inspiration comes easier and more clearly when you are at peace, when your immediate environment is clean. The air should be fresh, the room orderly, uncluttered and free of all dust. We can make adjustments to some degree, but especially if you follow your
spiritual path in peaceful solitude. You need a special place in which to listen and interact. Conditions should always be carefully planned and maintained the same no matter the size of the group, one or many. Start with your environment, then move on to inner calm and reflection with a constant awareness of the spiritual focus. You must develop inwardly to project yourself into the stream of light that is our channel of connection. Within this vortex of energy, your spirit self will become more apparent and your soulful skills will enable you to communicate and participate more directly with us.
We touch each of your lives daily as we work with you to utilize your skills and awareness for the most good. Your faith and dedication to the path of light form a foundation upon which you stand physically and spiritually. We speak to all of you who follow the spiritual path alone. We want you to know that a special effort is being made on your
We are
communicate with you about your desires, experiences and levels of growth. You have never really been alone, but now more than ever you should feel the power and support of our angelic presence. There is a strong link between all those who hold to the principles of spiritual growth explained in Oahspe and in other publications touched by the light of the higher heavens. Be strong and cheerful, too, for you are doing your best. We applaud your efforts. We will help you to share with others. You can do much to be a beacon of
light even though for your protection there are governing or limiting factors involved. In affiliation with others comes greater opportunity for more expansive spiritual work and expression. But when physical affiliation is not possible, there remains letter writing, phone calls, and other indirect ways to maintain connections. Explore these means and you will find a valuable tool for support and for your continued spiritual growth. Always remember we, your angelic friends and co-workers, are present with you each and every day.
Is it not true, O Creator, that we are so slow to learn and to change, and thus we must be pushed ahead by hard experience? That means all of us. We are all alike. It seems, when everything is progressing happily, that we do not want to grow, and we do not feel any great urge to help the world either. We are inclined, without realizing it, to be a little bit smug. We say, "Thy angels are here, and are using us. We will just sit tight and let things develop." It is all right to let things happen in regard to that which we are unable to control. But, are they purifying us without any effort on our part? No! The angels require that we do something, that we sit as magistrates over
our thoughts and feelings constantly, judging ourselves as to our light and darkness, making the personal effort ourselves to put aside the lower for the higher light. Maybe we do this some of the time; but we need to remind ourselves to be more consistent, more determined, and more consecrated. All the while, we must not be too serious. We should cultivate light-heartedness in our awareness of eternity.
We are with you all day long. We need you to feel that you are with us all day long too. How heartening it would be for people to realize that they can depend on their angel guardians to be with them without fail! We are not a selective group. We guard everyone, one' and all. So you can talk to others' guardians as well as your own. Bless them and the trouble they go through to carry out their tasks in harmony without the faintest recognition on their charge's part.
Peace, as always, is our primary motive. We watch the simple growth of our mortal friends and we laugh in amazement when they strike a note that resounds with the love and beauty of a shining angel, no less. We know that their trials are there for them to consider, but we feel that nothing will stop their hand from continuing with the incomparable work for the Divine Ever Present. We watch their halting steps as they move into new lands of untried soil and we salute their bra very in ways that they know not. And so we are right on hand to help at all times with this journey of many moons. Call on us for the guidance we can give in times of confusion or simple doubt. We will assist, to be sure. The sparkling sun sends rays of warming blessings over all the land.
Hear the Angels sing. They are singing praises to the Creator, and to the beautiful Presence of the Creator in every soul. They sing, "Awake, awake, O souls divine, and let your love light shine." The
Angels are close to all awakening souls, and are helping to guide them through the tunnel of darkness on earth. A bright light is at the end of the tunnel, beckoning them onward to Jehovih's world of light and joy. Put your faith and trust in Jehovih's hosts of angelic beings who are moved by His Presence, inspiring those who are dedicated to serving Him. Do not be deceived by the voices of darkness, those that would interfere with your purpose to carry out Jehovih's will. Peace, love and harmony to all souls everywhere.
The hosts of light stand with you this morning to help you extend the Creator's love and goodwill to the world. Connect yourselves up to their battery of power. Perhaps you are already feeling the warmth of this spiritual power enfolding you. Listen to our words which will flash through to your mind. The time has come for a great awakening of souls on earth. Hold fast to the great truths that have been revealed to you, and never be discouraged. In our eyes, you are young souls and have much to learn and experience, but you already have been given mighty truths that many do not learn until they've had years of development in the higher spiritual worlds. Religious teachers on
earth are still in the dark as to the real meaning of life and to the Presence of the Creator in all souls. They still teach salvation by giving oneself to a man born of woman. They know little of the spiritual and soul body and of everlasting existence in various planes above the earth. Jehovih, the Creator is the only true power in the universe, and His will, wisdom and love will come through all His children to make a better world where all will recognize Him and live from His inspiration always. Harmony and peace will prevail in all souls and nations worldwide.
You can become whatever you set your mind on and strive for with relentless determination. If you wish to develop a high degree of mediumship, you must be willing to discipline your mind toward spiritual truths and purity. You must be willing to commit yourself to a diet and life style that may misfit you for an easy social life amongst the outside world. You must be willing to study the work and experiences of others who have sought a similar path with a tireless devotion and learn from their experiences. You must be willing to practice the art with all its ups and downs, successes and frustrations,
from year to monotonous year until your spiritual senses can be opened sufficiently for us to come through you with strength and clarity.
Look always ahead realizing that the small skirmishes that are won from day to day will lead to the greater victory ahead. Keep your eye on your goal, whatever it is, and if you persist long enough you will eventually reach it.
By providing a channel for us, you are our link with mortality, not because we crave to relive your world, but because we wish to save it. We would spare you the pain and misery that you seem to enjoy imposing upon yourselves. The message we bring proclaims your freedom from such despair and negativity. All that is required is your willingness to rise above it all and become all you were meant to be. Your potential for growth is unlimited, and your journey is infinite.
Our lives here in the heavens that travel with your planet are filled with an ever-growing awareness of all that was previously unseen and therefore unnoticed by us as if it had no existence. But as subtle as these qualities of life may seem to your mortal senses, yet they are more substantial and enduring than anything you can comprehend. These qualities include an ever growing awareness of the pervading and pervasive presence of the Creator in all things,
with an ever greater realization that this Presence is sentient, alert, and all-knowing; experiencing every event with an unparalleled awareness by virtue of that presence. It includes a respect for the power of thought and how much it is an integral part of our beings.
Our beings, our personalities, all that we are is a product of thought. Because thought is also an indivisible aspect of the Ever-Present, so does it travel with potency, bringing us with increase a reward, good or bad, for whatever we have sown. It includes a realization that honesty, integrity, purity and compassion have a value far in excess of their external trappings, a value that extends beyond all time, all boundaries, to accomplish the greatest good for yourself and those within your reach. Be kind, gentle, humble and conciliatory, and you will have greater happiness thereby. In your world of corruption and contention, these qualities are often seen as weaknesses, but in our world they are seen in their' more enduring forms as great assets and blessings.
Soon or late you will come to this way of thinking, and in so doing, find the greater happiness the Great Spirit meant to be yours.
My mind grows like that which it reflects, therefore I keep it describing and revealing All that I can see of God's wisdom, love and power. And my understanding of Him deepens as I endeavor to describe and express His Character. I abide in the serene power of the Will of my Creator. He is my strength and my ability to keep poised in the midst of the discords of the mind of the world.
Confusion reigns in the minds of men, but peace reigns in the minds of Angels. I will cultivate the character of a angel, and keep my mind attuned with the Will of God. I think of the beauty and nobility of angelic characters dwelling in realms of progressive life, finer and more exalted than
which are
man has ever conceived.
imagination is enlightened with vivid pictures of Beings immortal and their heavenly revelations which have lifted my thoughts above
worries and cares of this material life. The inhabitants of the heavenly spheres
and their providential love and care for humanity
are so interesting and inspiring to my mind that all doubts and fears have vanished,
and I have all faith and confidence in the wisdom
and will of the Almighty,
Which I see working in and through all
human activities For the progressive unfoldment of all souls forever.
I am upheld and sustained by an unfaltering trust In the almighty Providence of Divine Love.
I am an angel of the Almighty speaking for the benefit of mortals. I am here to bring light to your souls, to awaken you to know your oneness with the Creator, and to help you be strong, wise, kind, loving and peaceful. You need to free yourselves from the darkness of the past. The time is right in the history of earth for a great awakening and liberation. You cannot go on hating and warring much longer without destroying everything you possess, without creating a hell for yourselves. I am here to reveal the ways of heavenly states, to show you how to build a new order of peace and goodwill. Not alone am I here with you, but with a host of fellow beings who serve the Creator. We are ready to inspire and support every person on earth who will turn to the Creator with a desire for light and selfless service. It is our task to help mortals help themselves. You are divine, immortal souls with marvelous potentialities. Begin to serve the Creator now by practicing light, peace and love, by doing all the good you can, by getting control of
your thoughts and actions, and bringing them up to a higher level. You will begin to develop the faculties, talents and powers of your soul. The confusions and uncertainties of your life will give way to a clear-thinking, positive, and purposeful new consciousness attuned with your Creator. You will save yourselves, and help to save others, from many miseries.
Can you feel the difference when we are in tune with one another? The air seems light, the day is long and the time just slides on by. We are here with you, engaging your attention even when you are busy. We want you to be aware on a feeling level that the Creator is All when you are occupied with simple, mundane tasks. We take for granted that we will be ready for whatever work comes our way. The attunement of our hosts is such that we are prepared constantly for that which lies ahead. Nothing is lost or superficial. All can be learned from and dedicated to the Intelligence which inspires. We are far from perfect!
We take for granted that we will be ready for whatever work comes
our way. The attunement of our hosts is such that we are prepared constantly for that which lies ahead. Nothing is lost or superficial. All can be learned from and dedicated to the Intelligence which inspires. We are far from perfect!
We seek opportunities to broaden our experience and to deepen our perspective of the universe. The night is as productive as the daytime for our work, even more so in some areas. The travel and the constant interaction with other souls of light keep us fresh and curious. Where could we find a niche more abundant than this and helpers more generous? We thank the Creator daily for our program and path.
We don't want to be critical of anyone in the world, O Creator. We just want to give faith to Thy Presence and Power with all souls. The level of the world mind, where we see so much criticism and condemnation, is not the level of Thy angels. In past years, we as a people condemned the Germans, then the Japanese, then the Russians, and now the Middle East. We see no good in this. We stand
with Thy angels, seeing Thy hand working in the affairs of nations, and give our love and faith to building up Thy Light and Power in the world.
Are we now serving for the best good of the Whole, O Creator? You see us as we are, in both darkness and light, see us being pulled two ways, and the degree of effort we are making to stand with Thee. Thou art present and in control. Thou art inspiring and strengthening our souls, helping them to overcome, to see the right and hold to it tenaciously.
We give ourselves to Thee, our bodies, minds and
souls to be Thine, to serve Thee only. We give Thee praise and thanks. Thou art the Master Being of our being, ruling over all darkness. Thy light and love break through the clouds and transform our world.
Concentrate on creating the attitude where the angels dwell in mind. For we want you here, with us, which requires you to think like us, to be in the same state of mind. For mind is really the essence of all states and planes of being. Mind is all. Mind is the primal substance
of everything. When you possess the mind-state of the right quality and kind, then you have opened the door to every plane of experience and every level of consciousness and this is the road to all understanding and wisdom. This is the key to astral travel on all planes of being and it is called attitude. If your destination is the highest plane of existence through all levels of time and space, then your ultimate keynote and password forever remains, Jehovih, the I AM.
We keep listening to the tone emitted by the breath of humanity. Is it ready and capable of learning new notes? Is it cheerful? Is it groaning? We match our efforts to the tonal quality of souls in corpor. We teach what each person needs, and what is also the next step for humanity as a whole. This is exacting, precise work, but it is hardly noticeable to the recipients. It penetrates the barriers which separate individuals and, at the same time, it raises the level of harmony, the common thread that links us all.
We cannot impose a tone, much less a tune because it would be
jarring and would produce dissonance instead of unity. We take our cues from the tiny voice of the budding soul, and gently draw it forth.
You would find this work to be fascinating because it also involves the colors associated with the sounds. Multiple waves of various frequencies pulsate through the atmosphere during the course of a day and bring vitalizing, healing energy in a dose so well calibrated that it is easily.
Bit by bit, the realms of Light are becoming grounded with the souls of earth. We anticipate that your region will start to "hum" in a few years simply because of the incremental effects of the tonal vibrations. These sounds are not "lost" after they are transmitted; they are building rapidly in resonance and volume within all sentient beings. They are reorganizing the quality of your cells, helping you to receive the messages which will enable your soul to step forth in beauty and confidence. You are being transformed this very moment. Enjoy your season of Light! Sing along with the Creator at work within your soul!
We dwell in an exalted State of Mind from which we can review all the kingdoms of the world. We no longer live in the narrow and limited thought characteristic of the conscious mind of humanity. We dwell in the expanded consciousness of our souls. In an instant of time we see and comprehend an array of facts and principles which the mind of man on earth would labor for years to understand.
We will give you glimpses of world problems and principles so that you may begin to see life as we see it. Give your imagination free rein that your winged steed may leap all the barriers of material thought and soar into the immensity of our comprehension.
Why grovel in the mire of earth when your Creator created you with the capacity to fly? Why be an earthling when you were made to be an Angel? Follow us in thought and we will exalt your minds from earth to heaven as fast as you are able to follow.
Let us focus together in councils to find the best way to generate the vortex'yan power we need to gather for so many aspects of our work in the lower realms. We still are involved with a great deal of lifting work, and although there are still knots and hells being formed all the time, they are no longer as large in magnitude as the ancient knots that we and our etherean co-workers had been laboring on so diligently over the past three quarters of a century.
Just one of the several knots we untangled as little as forty years ago had far more earthbound souls in it than all the combined knots we are dealing with now. While it is true that these knots are more numerous than before, they are smaller, more recently formed and therefore more easily contained and dealt with. In actuality, it is not the condition of the deeper hells and knots that concern us at this time, but actually the countless numbers of dark and deranged souls who are free and at large over the continents of this world. They are generally quite agitated and alarmed by the sudden changes in the level of light that is rising so rapidly during this decade, and it makes them much harder to control and keep from influencing other unenlightened spirits or mortals on the earth plane.
We were, of course, aware that problems would be created by the sudden upturn in spiritual light and we were well prepared for most contingencies, but the work at hand is of such a magnitude that it will require all our energy and concentration to maintain control until the etherean forces again return in greater numbers as the approaching dan is reached. Until then we hold the lines of Light and wait. As part of our spiritual anchor and as one of our resources on the earth plane, it is important that you manage the most positive frame of mind you can manage. The more spiritually clear and unsullied you can be, the better we are able to "link arms" with you in the work for world regeneration and upliftment. The more closely you can match your state of mind to ours, the stronger our mental link is. You well know this as a basic spiritual and psychic principle.
One important way to help attain and maintain this is to not allow yourselves to be drawn too much into the disruptive mental atmosphere of the world at large. It draws you away from us in consciousness and drives a psychic wedge between you and the higher planes of being where we reside. Watch where you direct your concentration, for the enervated and misguided state of mind that is exuded by the world's people is broadcast through the newspapers, magazines, television and radio broadcasts. The more frequently you drop your guard and tune into those thought forms, the more your subconscious mind is drawn into the vortices created by that state of
mind. It creates a barrier between us that is more potent than you realize and hampers our ability to work through you. Tune it out. Don't be caught up in it any more than necessary. It will help you to have a more spiritually radiant state of mind and it will help us in our greater work in the process.
Open your eyes to the wonders of the universe, both seen and unseen. We have tried to impress you with the basics that would allow you the opportunity to grow to see our dimension more clearly and hear our voices more definitively; yet all we have suggested is just an outline which only points the way. Each individual must fill in the blanks on his own, for much of what is required is beyond speech, beyond words, beyond instruction. We have often said that some of the most difficult concepts to grasp and develop appear to be very simple and elementary when expressed in words, and so the most crucial messages can be left unheeded or glossed over in thoughts of "Yes, yes, I know that already," when in fact you may appreciate the thought intellectually and yet do not own it in your soul, live it to the fullest, or express it to its greatest dimension. Yet it is this very
aspect that cannot be taught, but must well up from within, from the Presence within, before it can be fully mastered. Yet, even in this you cannot trust that it will evolve naturally and without cultivation, for this, unfortunately, is not the way it works. Inherent growth and appreciation of the greater truths, the ones that must be lived and embraced in the soul, grow only by the hard work of cultivation and nurturing practice.
That is why many messages we give you follow similar pathways or seemingly familiar trains of thought. Don't be quick to say, "Yes, I already know that." Because chances are you know less than you think. Haven't you at times tried to tell a child a basic truth he needs to appreciate on a deeper level and have him cut you short with an impatient, "I know, I know," and then find yourself thinking, "OK, let him be. He'll know better later. He's not mature enough to understand fully now, but I'll keep planting the seeds and setting the example until he appreciates it better."
In a sense, this is where we are with you. Let our experience of years and our having already passed through the portals of death temper your patience to listen. Though we may seem to cover similar ground at times and though the message may at times seem redundant, perhaps it is so for a 'very good reason. Repetition breeds understanding. An important concept that may not be grasped one
way may be better absorbed when framed differently with new words and at another time when you are in a different mind-set. In spiritual growth, repetition is important. That is why we have rites, rituals, and ceremonies. That is why we have told you to read and reread Oahspe, though you have been through it many times before, and that is why we have told you to assemble Radiance, for its purpose is pointedly in this regard. At each of your councils read a passage, for it will help you to more effectively link yourselves with us in thought, and when you have reached the end of the volumes on hand, go back to the beginning and start over. Although the ground may seem familiar, you don't "own it" all yet and don't appreciate the deeper implications of the message, though we know you think you do. Don't forget that there are messages between the lines and you are not the same person now as you were when you read our words the first time through.
We hear you say in your impatience, "There must be more than this" but do this well and if there is more, you will appreciate it soon enough without our help.
We will do all we can to spur the communication between your world and ours. It takes many levels of dedicated souls to complete the system which relays messages. Fine tuning occurs daily to match the circumstances and purpose of the communication. Messages are never aimless, although more than one person may receive them at the same time. To the contrary, we select and cultivate a receiver for many years in order to assure that our messages will be transcribed in good form.
This is not casual work. You will be amazed when you finally get to glimpse the network we have, and you will find it comforting to know the support you have been given. We try to elicit your best qualities when we write through you so that your soul adds to the total vibration. Although you may not know exactly what it is we are going to write, you do lend your eye and ear and hand. There is enough material to communicate to fill your whole life, and then some. We hope that you will choose this avenue to serve the All Highest Light.
Beings of light walk the earth not just as individual entities but joined in great camaraderie with those who profess to serve the Almighty unstintingly. These hosts of love are willing to wait for many to awaken to their true destiny as divine inspirers, just as beings were patient with them in their turn. We can be friends in the best of circumstances — spiritually speaking—
and not merely vague
shadows off in the distance. Can you imagine the joy you would feel if you knew that every action of yours was backed by angelic comrades who amplified the connections with still other groups of beings working in the light of the Creator's presence? One can have this realization only when the thoughts are clear channels for the inspiration of the higher realms to come through.
Setting the proper atmosphere means unwavering strength as well as straightforward inner discipline to guard oneself from the impinging restrictions of worldly concerns. It is not so much the fear of dire calamities or dark conditions which will interfere with one's capacity to step forth in the light but rather a hesitancy to part with little unnecessary trains of thoughts, old habits and continuing mundane worries. These are the areas which whittle away one's essential energy to accomplish meaningful work with angelic friends.
Concentrate on doing more than just the physical part of your daily activities; each has its unseen counterpart. Let your ear tune into the inner airwaves of divine comprehension. The Voice is present with each one of you. Give it the freedom to express in full glory.
We want you to understand how we work. It is not difficult once you know the principles.
We are bonded to the love of the Creator. It is our guiding force and affects all our actions. We cannot act out of selfishness when we see the Creator manifesting in all things.
We thrive in Light but are also quite adept at recognizing Light in places and in forms that less developed souls might miss. This gives us a better idea of where help is really needed and where it will be accepted.
We know that constant example is the long-term key to influencing others. By word, by action, by thought and orientation we bring home the message that the Creator inspires us with.
We are ardent explorers, wishing to know more about creation and the evolution of worlds. Nothing is static and we participate in the process of learning, both as students and as agents of change.
The key to development is pursuing the richness that lies in each experience, understanding its message and incorporating it into our being. Then we become a growing "world" in a galaxy of other evolving souls.
Behold an angel stands before you. He is all radiant with the glory of the Creator's presence. His face shines forth his realizations of love, which is the beauty of holiness. Every feature of his countenance expresses the purity, tenderness and nobility of divine Love personified.
His personality vibrates with the music of love, which is the harmony of heaven. His whole form shines with the light of his creative thought. Even his garments are luminous with the joyous radiance which proceeds from his inmost soul.
As you conceive of this image of Jehovih's love, your soul is enraptured by the thought of divine loveliness and feels the benediction of love streaming from this angelic character.
This angel of beauty and power reveals how Jehovih expresses through an exalted human being as Love. And this angel shows you what are the possibilities of your real Self. He once lived in the dark and limited conditions of this world and had weaknesses similar to yours to overcome. Sane day you will live in and express the Light which he now represents. Your soul now contains the wisdom and power which will flower forth into a strong radiant personality. You shall shine as a sun in the kingdom of the Ever-Present
Let your soul express the love it is capable of feeling, and you will soon realize that you are an angel of Jehovih's presence radiating light and peace to everyone in your world.
An angel of the Almighty stands with you now, impressing you with thoughts divine, and with beautiful feelings that make you glad to be
alive. The angel is a being of light and love, but also strong in will to serve the Creator. She is helping you to be strong in purpose, but at the same time to be cheerful and loving, not overly serious. She represents the hosts of light who are working with mortals all over the world. She is powerful in protecting you against any and all psychic forces which might try to influence your thoughts and behavior in negative or destructive ways. Think of the angel, not as an isolated individual, but as one with many, and one with the All Highest; and think of yourself in the same way. Identify yourself with the Hosts of Light. You are strong to do Jehovih's will, and radiant with His love. You can never be defeated if you hold to this awareness. Many souls are seeking truth. You have found it. Make the most of it.
Be expectant. Expect something good to happen. Picture the angels of the Almighty, and know that they are present, doing a good work. Imagine that you are one of them. You are one with them in purpose.
Think of what an angel is like. Name the qualities you think they possess. They are sweet, patient, gentle, kind, loving, understanding,
joyful, radiant, peaceful and beautiful. They are strong in will, purposeful, energetic, powerful when dealing with darkness. You can be like an angel. All divine qualities are in you waiting to be developed. You are already expressing some of them. Name them over and over, affirm that you possess them, and you will find that they are growing in your nature. What you admire is what you become. You are becoming god-like. You are, even now, an agent of Jehovih. Cultivate awareness of your real self as a divine being, presently acting as an instrument of light and love. Your mind is a powerful tool. You can be masterful in directing the force of your mind in creative channels. Know that you are helping to cleanse the planet and rid the world of the causes of suffering. You are helping to bring light and love, peace and goodwill, into manifestation for all mankind.
We send our greetings to you in the name of All Light. How brief is our sojourn in the heavens of atmospherea; briefer still is our sojourn on earth. Because the passage of limited time is all too evident to our senses, it is with a sense of urgency that we seize our moments of
opportunity so that we may do all that our talents may allow to build, create and accomplish. The presence of the Creator within our beings inspires us to create within the context of our own lives. Jehovih is the macrocosm; we are the microcosm and we create on the lesser scale, just as the All Person creates on the greater scale, using the power of our own thoughts and wills in self-expression.
We know you harbor a similar desire to create, to accomplish, to do all the good you can within the context of your own lives, for you are also consciously one with your Creator who inspires you directly and in a similar fashion. It is for that reason that we have been brought into closer proximity to you to work with you as inspirers and helpmates. We are together; one in thought and deed in the redemptive work of this new age, and as we become more consciously in tune with each other, your plane with ours, our bonds are strengthened and our thoughts are intertwined in our Purpose. We will grow to express our thoughts, goals and aspirations more clearly with each other as the years roll on and we will become more inseparable in Jehovih's work. So, do not ever become discouraged or lose hope when the way seems difficult. Remember that there are legions of angels who stand ready to work with you whenever the opportunity presents itself. We are always ready, even at a moment's notice. The days ahead are hopeful, full of light and promise. Pick up the pace and hold with us in thought for the need is great and the
time is always short on your plane as well as ours. Seize the moment and do all you can to advance the principles and Purpose we all hold so dear.
All your life you have been raised as an angel-to-be. This is a fact, not a whimsical fantasy. You can embrace this truth now and live by it! You can celebrate every day that you were born to show that the Creator lives and breathes in you. How wonderful an art to live with divine consciousness! It fills all our dreams and awakens us each morning. It gives us substance to draw on when we feel very small. It gives us peace and enthusiasm at the same time. It shows through our eyes when we greet others.
How fortunate we are to have been given this gift, without struggle, without experience, without even asking for it when we were born. Can we fully realize its potential? We can only explore our beings with reverence and the sincere hope that the divine essence will help us mature into the beings of light that we are meant to be.
The Creator's Magnet of Love is shining with power in the midst of the darkness of the mind of the world.
Hosts of Angels have now formed a mighty Magnet to radiate the Influence or Spirit of the Benevolent Will of the Creator and to quicken goodwill in all minds in the world.
Hosts of Angels are concentrating the power of their united wills to purify humanity on earth and to resurrect the spirits who are lost in the darkness of the lower spiritual realms.
The Hosts of Light are purifying the selfish spiritual worlds and establishing the Creator's Kingdom of Goodwill in closer relation to the minds of the inhabitants of earth.
The Hosts of Angels are calling men, women and children to cooperate and organize the Benevolent Will of the I AM into human government, as the Angels have organized the Infinite Goodwill into the spiritual government of Heaven.
The Influence of the mighty Magnet of Angels is now felt throughout the world. It will create, with human cooperation, an orderly and prosperous form of human society. It will attract together those benevolent human wills who will work to form a cooperative social order like that which has been formed by angelic spirits in the most exalted spiritual worlds.
The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! The angels of the I AM have come from their most exalted states to help mankind create a world of peace and prosperity. The way of illumination and healing is now open for all who will work together with the Ministry of Angels for the healing of humanity. Learn to bless with the angels, and you will become attuned to the Creator's Will, and receive their healing blessings.
The Hosts of Angels have come with healing for the nations. Racial and national hatreds, and the forms of society which have perpetuated them, will be melted away by the mighty Influence of the Magnet of Love.
A New Spirit of Benevolence is being created in human minds. All who quickly attune their minds to this mighty Influence and Purpose will be greatly blessed. By cooperating to reveal the glad tidings of
goodwill they will become co-creators with the angelic Hosts for a New Order on earth.
There is healing for all who will work together to personify and organize the love of the Creator. The old order of selfish competition is failing because the spirit of Selfishness is being overcome by the Spirit of Love and self-sacrificing Service.
Humanity shall realize that they are the Temple of God.
The Coming of the Hosts of Angels
I saw the heavens opened and myriads of glorified human spirits like suns assembled as a countless host about the circumference of the planet.
When first I saw this angelic host, it seemed afar off in a most exalted state or realm of mind.
Between it and humanity on earth there
were many zones or states or realms of human spirits. The soul light in these human spirits was very dim.
Together they formed a
vast veil of ignorance and selfishness, shot through with gleams of hatred.
This vast veil of undeveloped, selfish, human spirits clouded the minds of the peoples of earth.
These spirits vibrated in unison with
the selfishness and hatred of human beings on earth, inspiring and strengthening these qualities, and thus hiding the light of the Kingdom of love and goodwill from them.
I was shown that the presence of these spirits with humanity stimulated and perpetuated their lusts, passions, greed, and false beliefs, and caused epidemics of diseases, immoralities, and wars.
The light of the Creator in the souls of humanity was so covered with the darkness of ages that they could not successfully express or organize the goodwill which in more exalted moments they felt to be the expression of the Ever-Present in their souls.
I also saw that the rays of blessings streaming from the exalted angelic hosts in the Kingdom of Light penetrated through all lower states of mind into every human soul and kept alive the Divine Light in the souls of humanity.
Whenever people had responded fully to the inspiration of the angelic rays of heavenly blessings and had practiced goodwill towards their fellows sufficiently to outgrow all selfish traits, they had at death followed the ray of Inspiration to its source in the Kingdom of
Light. By doing the will of the Creator on earth, they had been lifted up to a state of freedom from the selfishness which bound the majority of the spirits of humanity in both the physical and spiritual worlds.
I saw the Angelic Hosts of the Almighty working day and night through weeks, months, and years to purify, educate, and redeem the myriads of selfish, hateful, and ignorant earth-bound spirits which had for so long clouded the mind of humanity.
As the glorious Hosts of Angels concentrated the Creator's love to bless humanity incarnate and discarnate, they overcame the spirit rulers of darkness of this world. They penetrated into the spiritual realms of principalities and powers, and into the kingdom of wickedness enthroned in heavenly places and in the mortal minds of the planet. As the power of their love and organized goodwill subdued the hosts of wicked and undeveloped spirits and lifted them to freedom, the Angelic Hosts drew closer and closer to the thought and feeling of humanity incarnate.
At first the rays of angelic quickening roused into fierce opposition all the spirits of hatred and greed living in the lowest states of the spiritual world, and the antagonism to the cleansing light was
reflected by people on earth with the result that racial hatreds were revived, and war and chaos reigned.
This same angelic quickening warmed the hearts of humanity with a new love for all mankind.
I was shown that ultimately these spiritual causes of hatred, strife, ignorance and sensuality will be removed from the mind of humanity. Then all souls will work consciously with the Angels to establish the brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity on earth.
The organized government of the Hosts of Angels will have a counterpart on earth, and heaven and earth will enter into an exalted unity. The spiritual vision of mortals will be quickened, and they shall see their beloved in their heavenly estate and know that in the Creator's infinite Nature there is no death.
The Angels of the Ever-Present taught me how to organize a Place of Power in which angelic goodwill could blend with human wills so as to bring its power into the lower vibration of the mind of humanity. The Power House is, in electrical parlance, like a "step-down transformer" in which the power generated by angelic blessings of a high potential is transformed into human blessings of a low potential for the benefit of humanity.
From this Power House, the Angels are broadcasting blessings hourly to all humanity. The blessings are felt especially by those who have learned to concentrate with us and who thus cooperate in spirit to increase the organized power of goodwill on earth.
To this Place of Power, the Angels are attracting students to learn the true way of human regeneration and resurrection. When students understand the principles of inter-communication between heaven and earth and gain conscious inspiration and mastery under the angelic power, then the Angels will establish power houses in all parts of the world. The power of the Angels organized with benevolent wills on earth will then become the irresistible power of the I AM among humanity. The New Spirit thus developed will become organized into all departments of human society.
The benevolent will of the Creator will inspire leaders and organizers of industry and commerce to develop a cooperative system that will allow all the wealth that minds and labor produce to circulate freely for the good of everyone.
Religion will reveal the benevolent will of the Creator in the Temple of Humanity. Jehovih's love will inspire the home life, family and
marriage relations, to represent the
One Great Family of the
Culture, science, letters, and art will reveal the beauty and wisdom of the Benevolent Will of the Creator shining through all forms of life.
Before this can be accomplished in any great degree, humanity must undergo a stupendous process of purification. Whether this is painful and of long duration or quickly and peacefully accomplished, depends upon humanity itself. Those who forsake lives of self-gratification to organize the benevolent will of the Creator for the benefit of their fellows will quickly and easily pass through the period of purification.
The Kingdom of love and goodwill cannot be established on earth without human cooperation. It will come out of the heart of humanity when people unite with others to organize as constructively and vigorously for the welfare of all, as in the past they organized destructively and fiercely in wars against themselves.
The Angel Hosts have revealed the principles of the Kingdom which all people need to understand in order to practice the will of the Creator and to organize that Benevolent Will on earth.
The organization of these principles into human society will do away with diseases, immorality, criminality, poverty, sorrow and suffering, and create an orderly and harmonious government on earth like that which angelic humanity has created in heaven.
The practice of these principles will attune human minds to exalted States of Mind. The wisdom accumulated by the most progressive souls in all ages and on all planets will be given by immortal souls to minds on earth attuned to their state of thought and feeling.
Those who give all to bless all will find all. Those who seek to get all for self will lose all. Those who are wise will quickly consecrate their lives to help create the New Spirit and the New Order. The old order of selfish competition is doomed.
The Voice of the Creator is speaking to the peoples of all nations. Ancient prophesies are being fulfilled. The old order of organized selfishness is ailing: it is doomed.
The vision of the New Order of Goodwill is revealed to those who seek for the welfare of all.
Come, let us cooperate to give the glad tidings of peace and goodwill to all the world. In unity of effort let us learn to organize the Kingdom of Jehovih on earth as the Angels have organized it in heaven.
A Mighty Means of Concentration
As you try to visualize the Hosts of Angels, your spiritual imagination will be quickened and your mind will be exalted into the high and holy state of Mind in which the angels live. Your mind will become attuned to their thought and love, and you will actually feel that the angel in you is awakening and exercising its healing and harmonizing power in your nature.
In order to realize the healing and exalting influence of the kingdom of the Angelic Hosts, take a restful position and quietly contemplate it as though you were looking at a vision of the reality.
Imagine that you are looking at a pleroma of bright and beautiful angelic beings who are standing in a formation. Imagine the whole Host of Angels as radiant with light, the very brightness of the Creator's glory.
Let each spark of light represent a legion of angels to your imagination. Think of Angel Hosts concentrating their love and the
force of their united wills with the power of the Ever-Present as their potent source.
Think of the love of millions of angels streaming in beams of energy like the lines of force from a magnet to add to the influence of the Ever-Present Will, and creating around all souls a sphere of influence like the force field that exists around a horseshoe magnet.
Imagine as you look up toward the heights of angelic power that you are looking past the magnet as through a window composed of angels; that you are looking into realm after realm of angels, into brighter and brighter heavens of love and wisdom, until your thought is lost in the ineffable brightness of the Eternal Being.
Try to imagine that this glorious Magnet of Angels represents purified and exalted human spirits coming out of exalted and interior states and realms in the fullness of the Creator's Presence to save spirits and mortals who still abide in darkness. Think of them coming as an organized force into the state of mind in which live mankind in this world as well as mankind inspirit in the lower spiritual worlds.
Think of the zones of darkness on either side of the magnet as representing spiritual realms inhabited by undeveloped spirits who have not yet outgrown the qualities or states of mind represented.
Let the joy of the Angel in you leap into expression as you think that the Angel Host of Light comes to banish all darkness. Realize that the radiant influence represented as shining out through lower states of mind is now conquering and subduing the forces of ignorance and selfishness which have for so long ruled the mind of humanity on earth. Let your soul proclaim:
The Angels of the Almighty shall be victorious Over selfishness and hatred.
They come in the conquering power of the Creator is love.
The Magnet of Love will dissolve the psychological influence of the magnets of hatred and greed, and will liberate the mind of all humanity.
Think of the mighty Influence or Spirit of these angels organized in the unseen spiritual realms as like the unseen influence around a horseshoe magnet. Think that it is now a mighty influence affecting all minds in this world. Imagine people, like iron filings, responding to this Influence of the Angel Hosts and being attracted into a harmonious force on earth like that which the angels have created in heaven. Affirm:
The conquering Hosts of Light are attracting To their center those multitudes of minds who Will carry out the Creator's Will on earth.
In the exalted moments of illumination which will come from the continuation of this concentration, you will realize that there is a mighty transmitting station of divine thought within the mind of the planet. You will feel that the angels are broadcasting a mighty influence to quicken and resurrect the love and goodwill slumbering in every child of the Ever-Present.
You will realize that this lesson is teaching you how to attune your mental radio to the waves of healing love so that you can receive and give forth of the new spirit which is for the healing of all humanity.
You will see the need of a counterpart on earth for the Angel Hosts in order that divine thought may be vibrated through human minds and its benefits be made known to humanity.
You will feel and respond to the Influence which the Great Spirit is now exerting through the Angel Hosts. As you lift up your thoughts from negative states of mind, you will forget your cares and fears. You will feel your spirit growing so strong and radiant with the love of
the Eternal that your physical and mental inharmonies will be healed without thought.
In forgetfulness of self and in cooperation of thought with the Ministry of Angels, you will open the inner door of goodwill so that your healing will be spontaneous from the Ever-Present in you. Affirm:
I will cooperate with the Ministry of Angels To increase the power of their human organization on earth.
When you feel the upliftment and the joyous response which these words will arouse, know that your spiritual healing has begun. Do not keep your mind upon the physical results that you desire; keep your mind upon the study which is developing this new feeling, which shows that your own spirit is awakening to new life and activity. From this new life aroused by the quickening of your spiritual imagination, there will develop the power in you which will make a great change in both your mental and physical conditions.
"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."
This is the way to divine healing. Follow the directions in this lesson and you will renew your mind and transform your body and affairs.
Cooperate with us by giving the strength of your faith to the Angel Hosts who are here to benefit all humanity.
Each time you concentrate with the Angel Hosts as here described, feel that you can energize the words of this lesson by speaking them audibly or silently to the whole world. Feel that you have a work to do in proclaiming the glad tidings that a new awareness has made us co-creators in building a better world. What you speak in the quietness of your room will vibrate as a mental force through all human minds. Do your part to help broadcast the blessings of the Angelic Hosts of Light.
Put into the form of an affirmation every positive thought in the lesson, as:
The Sun of Righteousness has arisen with healing in Its wings.
Repeat each affirmation three times; then with eyes closed, feel that your positive affirmation is vibrating out into the world of human minds. Feel that the angels know that you are voicing the thought of their presence and power in the world. Become one of their active helpers on earth. Attune your mind to their thoughts and give them the strength of your voice.
Fulfill the law of reciprocity, Bless, and you shall be blessed.
I Am the Voice of Inspiration!
I am always speaking in the midst of human souls.
I am the Inspiration of the Almighty, which gives humanity understanding.
I am the Light that enlightens every mind in the world.
Everyone who will attune their thoughts and purpose to the goodwill of the Creator by doing good for all souls in need, will feel and know the indwelling presence of Love Divine.
I am the Voice of Inspiration calling all souls to fulfill the high and noble purpose of the Kingdom of Angels.
I am within every soul urging each one to use their talents creatively for the welfare of all humanity.
By so doing, will they outgrow the bondage of selfishness and know the joyous activity of souls in the Kingdom of Love.
To every soul depending on others to save him from present misery and suffering, I speak these words of power:
Awake! Arouse yourself from your negative and self- seeking state of mind.
Don't you realize that you are a temple of the Living Creator?
Build your faith on the truth that the Spirit of the Almighty lives in you now.
Realize hourly that the Creator is in the midst of your will.
Will with the benevolent will of the Creator in you.
Will in unison with all the doers of the Almighty Will.
Do the will of the I AM, and you shall know the truth that the Ever-Present is with you and in you, and that you are the Great Spirit's servant.
Unite with those who have vision and who hear the Voice of Inspiration. Help them build a Foundation for Jehovih's Kingdom on earth.
Sacrifice all of self and give of your talents and possessions to do the Creator's Will and to make this message and method known to all searching souls everywhere.
Only as you do your utmost to organize peace on earth and goodwill amongst humanity, can you become affiliated with the Angels of Light.
The world has been in mental darkness and chaos for ages because everyone has been thinking of themselves, praying for themselves, working for themselves, and even expecting the Creator to grant them a selfish salvation in the next world.
Awake to the Spirit of Love and learn of its Wisdom!
No one reaps love without sowing love.
No one grows strong in soul by the work or merit of another soul.
No one can know the Creator's Love for oneself until one loves one's neighbor as oneself.
There can be no Kingdom of Heaven where spirits thought of self and prayed for selfish exaltation above the other spirits.
Where the spirit of selfishness rules is "hell".
In the Kingdom of Heaven the Angels forget self in blessing and benefiting all who are still bound in misery by their selfish desires and beliefs. These exalted Intelligences work with the strength that comes from organized effort. They have become perfect by exercising their love, which is the Eternal's Love, to help and educate less developed spirits.
Through the Voice of Inspiration they call for men, women, and children on earth to forsake selfish purposes and to work together as they work for the healing of the nations.
They will give a New Spirit to those who fulfill the Law of Love and affiliate to work for the welfare of humanity.
But they can save humanity from the effects of universal selfishness only as human beings attune their minds to their unselfish Power and Purpose.
The Great Spirit, with all the Angelic Hosts, seeks to come close to the thought and feeling of humanity that their wills may be moved to do right for their fellow sojourners on earth.
The Ever-Present gives the whole Power of the Eternal Kingdom to inspire human wills to create peace and prosperity for all peoples.
But the Infinite can inspire and move only those wills who will to do the Creator's will.
The Ever-Present bestows organized, heavenly Power only to those groups of consecrated souls who forget self and personal desires, and who work together in attunement with the Creator's Will.
Awake, Children of the Ever-Present Great Spirit, and forsake your selfish ways.
The Angelic Hosts are calling you into loving
We know we are surrounded by hosts of angels, especially at the times when we come together to bring a special focus of light into manifestation. How it lifts our minds to think of them here with us! How it gives us strength and power to carry on with light and love! We would be helpless babes floundering around in the world of chaos and confusion if we hadn't found Thee, Creator, and known that Thy Presence is within our souls ready to sustain and lift us up at all times. The more we think of Thee and Thy hosts, the greater the power that can pour through us and influence our lives and those around us. Even our animal friends can be affected by our awareness of Thee. When we give them our negative or critical thoughts, we are covering them with darkness which affects their health and actions. We are criticizing Thee in them, just the same as though we were feeling negative towards a human being. It all boomerangs back to us, too. Let us feel loving and kind toward all. Let us be the Creator's ambassadors here on earth, and help uplift our fellow companions into light and love. The angels are with us, and will magnify our good efforts a thousand times. Love and peace for all!
ANGELS (1988)
The true idea of what an angel is has much to do with our contacting them.
An angel is a being the same as ourselves that has developed to a super human state, a being that has outgrown all limitations and is able to express the Creator's Will, Wisdom and Love. The angelic beings are super human and divinely human, but never inhuman as some mortals suppose. Many intelligent spirits are cold and inhuman but are not and cannot be rightly called angels.
Angels enjoy the consciousness of the Creator and the Creator is love. If you have much knowledge and cannot love, it availeth nothing. Nor can you enter the kingdom of the Father, or know of it.
Wisdom is greater than knowledge. It is all that knowledge is and much more besides, for it is life. Therefore, knowledge without life is a dead thing and can produce nothing. The angels have bodies that are more solid than ours, as without a body of some sort, there could be no expression. This is true of the highest type of being. As the body is the soul's form, there is no such thing as the formless or the so called abstract. That which could be called formless would be in
the true sense nothingness. Life is everywhere and what we term as nothingness is a name of something which we are incapable of conceiving of. To the angels, there is no such state as nothingness. What passes beyond our comprehension we term as nothing because of our limited mental state.
Angels do not guide or direct us in any way. They give power to all our good intentions but we must make the first effort. We must have the will to do and dare before we will get any inspiration or help from the angels. They increase our will and all our faculties. This is the direct opposite of the unwise spirits. The unwise spirits impose upon us their personality and habits. They subdue our will in order to impose their own and reflect their powers and traits of character on us whether they be good or bad. This is a most important point to remember and for this reason the Place of Radiance is an exact opposite to the spiritualistic school and develops a power which is much greater, higher and purer in quality than any other school that teaches the things of the spirit. The angelic beings have power to do all things, but their expression of power depends on our development. The power of the angels is not given; it is earned and this is not easy. The point to be remembered is that unlike the unwise spirits the Angels of the Almighty strengthen our bodies as well as our souls. The unwise can only weaken both soul and body.
Angel hosts of mighty power guide and bless you every hour. Oh, how we would like to spend awhile visiting the angel hosts, partaking of their joy, love and harmony, getting away from the problems and darkness of the earth, blotting out for awhile the thoughts that torment us about the suffering and cruelty here on this planet. We would come back refreshed in mind and soul, and inspired to try to keep that wonderful feeling we had with these lovely high-raised sons and daughters of Jehovih, emulating them as much as possible. Their divine purpose would recharge our purpose to help free souls from darkness. Our petty problems would melt in the great overpowering purpose to be instruments of goodwill, peace and love on earth. Let us try to imagine ourselves visiting the angelic beings, and how we would think and feel when surrounded by such love and glory. They are closer to us than we know. The more we attune ourselves to them, the sooner we will be able to feel their influence, and be able to sustain the line of light and power from their realm to ours. We can help transmit some of their beautiful world to our world. Let us shake off the depressing clouds that would block us from Jehovih's light, and walk with the high-raised angelic beings in love and peace for all souls everywhere.