As New Heavenly Creations
635. — March 29th, 2020
Into a blinding snowstorm we are climbing a mountain trail. We are determined to reach the Altar of Zarathustra, a sacred peak where the spiritual aspirations of all peoples are brought together. For myself, I have always felt intense cold and snow to be very purifying and reviving, so I am in a sense enjoying the struggle to ascend.
Almost toppling backward from the great winds roaring round us, we move forward step by step. As the minutes of extreme exertion march by, we feel an inner calm and quiet building, our minds entering a state of serene togetherness. Suddenly we simultaneously stop, turn slowly round and reach out hands to one another — as if we had actually already reached the summit — although we had not. We have reached an equilibrium of spiritual awareness where we now realize that it is the spiritual summit within that we must now seek.
Our guides’ voices are channeled through to us …. “Within is Our Greatest Spiritual Quest — ...