Attunement — The Eloists — from Radiance — (70 pages) — [1928-1999]

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Attunement The Eloists from Radiance




Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.

Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:



Clarity will improve in the months ahead if you'll but make the effort to tune in regularly. Have no doubts that we are here and that what we say is true. Your own "conscience" and "common sense" will assure you of this. While it is true that there are many voices and many messages, many books and many revelations that beckon to inquiring minds to embrace their own peculiar philosophies, remember that our message is not in a similar vein. We ask you not to accept any philosophy or any message, but rather we I throw you upon your own judgment and the Light within your own soul for guidance and direction. We throw you upon your one Creator only and His creations, as your rule and guide. There and only there can you not fail, for once you put your dependence and trust on any angel or mortal, you are bound to be disappointed, for at best they are flawed and limited in their own weaknesses, misinterpretations and misunderstandings. We ask you not to depend on any book or any revelation, including our own. We give you our book and our message and, in the same breath, we tell you to throw it aside, for in hearing our message we want you not to be bound to it. Listen, learn and benefit, but rise above it to find the blossom of the Creator within you and let it unfold and grow in its own unique way. If you will then be sincere, truthful, and compassionate, all else will follow as it 4


Other revelations have said that you must take our book and none other, our way and none other. Know then that they are false and of a bondage as real as shackles and chains of steel. There is no one path and no one way. But there is one Creator, and for you there is but one way to Him as His treasured child, and that way is your way.

Let your light shine amongst mortals and angels. Live your message, not with words but with action. Let your lives speak and if enough follow in your pathway, not as carbon copies, but as unique as each separate snow flake, then there will be no need for our book or bible, let alone any others.

LISTEN (1990)

Listen to the Creator's voice within your soul. Be aware of His breath which is pulsating throughout your being. Open your eyes and ears to His Presence all around you. Don't take life for granted. It is the Creator's divine gift to you. When His inspiration is ignored or pushed aside, darkness takes over, and sickness, poverty and crime rule the 5

world. Each individual is a small planet, with the Creator holding all the atoms in place, as in the solar system. Be responsible for your own little planet, and make it a place where light abides. Keep it pure physically and spiritually. Let Jehovih take over completely. Put your trust in Him through all your experiences. Your bodies are His temples, to be appreciated and treated reverently, not looked down upon as something low and debased. The Creator is the great designer and sculptor, and what He does is to be held in high esteem. There is much of His Presence to be aware of every day, but many are deaf and blind to His wonders, and get lost in worldly distractions. O children of Jehovih, awaken this day and every day to His voice speaking to you in the world of nature, and in all living things. You are missing so much if you do not awaken and become one with all creation. Praise Jehovih and His wondrous works.


Order is already established. You have only to tune into it, if you so desire. There is music in the air, many kinds of music. You may dial whatever station you choose. There are voices speaking. Listen, if you like. You may say, "But I do not have the radio on now." That in 6

no way changes the fact that there is music in the air and voices are speaking.

There is music in you too, and a silver-tongued voice. The fact that you do not hum a tune of your own making, or speak in strident tones in no way changes the fact that mellifluous music can be spun through your instrument. You are the song and the singer. You are the word made manifest. You, each of you, are Builders in your own right. All the materials you need are yours now. When you have need of more, you shall receive them. The supply is limitless.

One thing only is asked of you. Let all things flow freely through you. Do not try to clutch any possession any more than you would hold on to your breathe Inhalation and exhalation are part of the rhythm of life. This does not mean that you should squander the riches that have been bestowed on you, any more than you should hoard or harbor. Envy no man that which is his now. You are children of the Most High. All good things are yours to enjoy. All good things are yours to share. You are the gift and the giver. You are the breath of life. You are each tones in the scale. Let your note ring forth clearly, but do not try to drown the note of another. Sometimes your note may boom forth and sometimes it may come on tiptoe, like a little grace note whose peep adds charm and beauty to the massive structure of monumental music that flows in organ tones through you all, for there 7

are many facets to each of you.

There is within you greatness and gladness and beauty transcending any concept that the mind can hold. But again and again we stress that your note is meaningful only insofar as it mingles with other notes into cadences of choral joy resounding through the heavens and the earth.

Builders of Benevolence, so great is the wonder of your work that every moment of the livelong day you should feel deep gratitude for the gift that it is within your power to give to those whose needs are great. And how are you to give? What better way than by walking tall and straight into the sun? Each of you is a god or goddess in the making. This does not mean that pride must keep step with you. That is not an attribute of grace. Reverence, humility and love, tenderness, devotion, compassion, these are the jewels in your crown. These and a thousand other kindly virtues single you out as sons and daughters of Light.

How can you serve? Be what you are: tall, triumphant bearers of gentle ways, marching, singing, dancing through the highways and byways of the world. Give gaily, give freely, give tenderly of the bounty of love bestowed upon each of you by the great soul of Benevolence. 8


We question Thee, O Creator, about the meaning of life and the destiny of man; about the best way to live, and how to get along harmoniously with our fellows; and for wisdom in handling our affairs. We seek inspiration of the highest order, that we may be Thy servants in all things, live to glorify Thee, and serve Thy purpose of world upliftment. We know Thou hearest every word; and judgeth what is best for us, and that answers are given to us in many ways. Yet they are never so comprehensive that our own judgment is left unexercised and our own intelligence not called into play. For we are here to learn by experience, and to develop, through use, the talents and powers Thou gavest us. When we try to put Thy inspiration into words, we find that errors and inconsistencies creep in; and that we must constantly re-examine our thoughts; and if they are passed along, we must expect them to be judged by others; and we must want others to follow their own inspiration, not ours. Thou art present with all. We give faith to the great truth that thou art speaking in every soul. The words of one person can help stimulate the thinking processes and inner feelings of another; and on this basis only, not as a teacher or preacher, do we share the inspiration we receive.



I am listening, Almighty, opening myself to Thy Light, placing myself at Thy disposal. I am Thy servant. I stand ready to do whatever I can for the fulfillment of Thy Purpose, be it small or great. I have put aside the ego, and put aside self-desires, not alone, but with the help of Thy angels. I deserve no praise, and am seeking no reward. I wanted to serve self first, and give to Thee secondly. I tried every means of finding a self-happiness before turning to Thee; and, even now, instead of the wonderful awareness Thou hast given me, I still find the experience of pain and darkness tends to be my incentive for continued effort and growth. I see my potentialities as an awakened soul; but I also see my limitations as a mortal; and I know that without Thee, I am nothing. As long as I will try to put self aside, Thou wilt uphold me, inspire me and use me. Thou art not asking a miracle of me or of anyone; but only that I be persistent, recognizing my own errors and shortcomings, and overlooking those of others. Thou hast made us capable of becoming archangels and Orian Chiefs, and we must be practicing our apprenticeship here and now. We have faith that no darkness of the world can interfere successfully; for Thou art the All-Doer, accomplishing through us.



Once in a while we experience what seems to be pure delight of being, O Creator, and we tell ourselves, "This is it. This is what humanity is searching for. This is what it needs to express." We search into it, trying to discover its source, to assure ourselves that we are not being deceived. If it is real, it springs from Thy Presence in us, and it flows out to everyone in our world. It is entirely spiritual, not depending upon anything physical in nature. It is a child-like spontaneity which asks nothing in return. We know of nothing that can induce it, except possibly praise of Thee, thankfulness, and a recognition of Thy goodness, beauty and purpose in all things. It erases the stress and anxieties, pressures and pains of the mortal mind. It has in it the beginning of an awareness of Thy All-Wise, All-Loving dominion. Why do mortals strive so hard to obtain things and put so much value in things that death can take away in an instant? This unconditional joy of living, which springs from Thy Presence within, seems to be all that is necessary, and all that is worth striving for.



Great Ruling Spirit of the Universe! Praise to Thee! We acknowledge Thy dominion, and Thy Ever Presence, and we give ourselves to Thee in service. Our hearts and minds are open to the inflow and outflow of Thy inspiration. We might be mistaken in some of our concepts of this work we are in, but we are not mistaken when we praise Thee, and affirm Thy Presence and Power. We might be mistaken in the advice we give, and in our personal opinions and philosophies, but we are not mistaken when we give forth love and faith from Thy Presence in us to Thy Presence in others. We might be in error in some of our methods, but we are not far off when our effort and purpose is solely to glorify Thee, and help uplift others. Praise to Thee, Jehovih! Thou art functioning through us here and now. We know Thou art using us in everything we do, for we have made it our purpose to serve Thee in everything we do.



All of us go through cycles of ups and downs, light and darkness, inspired states mingled with seasons of dryness. What is most important is that we maintain an ability to look at ourselves objectively so that we may maintain the highest state of resourcefulness regardless of what condition we are in.

When we are unattuned or out of sorts, we should double our efforts to maintain the focus. That is the time to be even more diligent and disciplined, even though that is the time we feel least inclined to do so.: Take the time for affirmations, take the time for meditating in awareness of the Ever Present. Make your sources of inspiration numerous and sundry. Have faith in the awareness that wherever you are now, you will be in a different place in time to come; of this you can be certain.

When you are up, take advantage of the crest upon which you ride to be sure that it carries you far, and when you are marooned in an unproductive place, be sure to follow all the exercises and facilitating habits that you have at your disposal to be sure that you do not slip very far from your chosen path.


In those moments when you are at your best, observe and recognize the fact that the level of spiritual awareness and service that you most desire is never that far away.

Any feelings of separation and distance from your Creator are only an illusion. All can be regained with a new turn in consciousness, a renewed state of awareness. Just like the most comforting room in your house, you will find everything there awaiting your return, just as you left it not so very long ago. Your friends in spirit are there, holding the focus. They will greet you with a ready smile, a warm embrace, and the preparedness to get on with the work at hand.


Minds are a web of tangled thoughts going from one thing to another. We must learn to untangle our minds, and keep a clean, pure flow of thought coming from the Presence of the Creator within our souls. Blot out those little annoying thoughts, and the negative, depressing ones that would interfere with the higher light. We are what we think. There is a whole world of mass mind around us. We can tune in with it or out of it if we want to make the effort. It is like tuning in with your 14

TV or radio. You can choose the channel. You have control of the dials. The atmosphere of the world is full of all kinds of vibrations playing upon the minds of mortals. Some people are very sensitive to them and become like puppets, moving here and there with no control over themselves, letting themselves be influenced by the dark and negative thoughts of the spirit worlds. Others are strong and positive and have a definite goal in life, confidence in themselves. Sometimes it is a selfish goal, and sometimes an unselfish one. The Creator responds to our every thought and feeling and He will help us to attain to our highest light. Our companions can be His beautiful, high-raised sons and daughters who have overcome the bondage of earth and now work to redeem this planet. They will help us to overcome the darkness. So be the captain of your soul. Watch those thoughts and feelings. Tune out of the mass world consciousness and into the consciousness of the Creator. You will never want to sink back again once you have experienced the freedom, joy and peace of riding the crest of the waves with the Supreme Being!



That there is One worshipful Being in all the universe Who is all there is in all of life.

Whose Will, Wisdom and Love is present, at least in seed form, in the souls of all His children on this and millions of other worlds, corporeal and spiritual.

Who has created us for continual progression in higher and higher worlds forever.

Who makes His children into His instruments for their own development and the management of the worlds they live in.

That we become aware of and attuned with our Creator by losing seIf.

That self-purification is the first step for all to take in the pathway of light, truth and freedom.

That mortals are misled and their souls suppressed by the influence of millions of spirits of the dead who have not progressed away from 16

earth; and who perpetuate the darkness which produces so much misery, hatred and disorder in the world.

That Higher Beings, the Hosts of the Almighty, are trying to awaken mortals, trying to free mankind from his age-old bondage and limitations.

That mortals can cooperate with the higher Beings by practicing peace and brotherhood, and by giving their devotion and service to their Creator for the establishment of a new order of benevolence on earth.


As we unite under this one great purpose of service to the Ever Present Creator, we are joined in mind and spirit in a very special way that is not immediately apparent. By consciously making the commitment to find ways in which our personal resources can be applied in service to the All One's Purpose, and then reconsecrating ourselves to that principle on a regular basis so that our resolve stays strong, we are immediately put into a frame of mind that attunes us to 17

all others who have embraced the same state of mind. It is almost as if you are enrolled in an exclusive club or fraternity in the sense that you are bound strongly to an association of others who understand your needs and aspirations and who will, in turn, take you under their wing to protect you and teach you the ways of their association.

Though our attitude is serious and weighty in consideration of the importance of the tasks before us, at the same time it is lightened by the love and humility born in an awareness of our own path within the great Universal All.

By becoming part of this association through your own choice and initiative you are linked with a network of souls both on your plane and on our plane above, and through that network brought under the influence of the great spheres of wisdom and light where beings live even more fully those principles to which we aspire, while living in worlds that are as yet far above us both physically and spiritually.

By joining in this association, you are brought within the conscious awareness of those beings of Light who oversee the unfoldment of this planet with the Love and Compassion that comes from long experience in service to the Creator. The power and light of their realms are therefore filtered down to you in a special way that will uplift you through your trials on earth and give you glimmerings of 18

inspiration and insight that will carry you through your earthly endeavors. You will find yourselves immersed in a daily focus of light that will become more readily apparent as your attunement increases and as that Ever Present Creator of Peace, Light, and Power blossoms within you, until it becomes a Mighty Voice that brings you into the realization that you are of the I AM.


Could we not, with profit to Thee, O Creator, give more attention to being aware of who we are as souls than we do to who others are, or to what the world is? We have to express from the awareness of who we are. If we think about others who are attuned with the darkness of the world, we also will be tuned with the darkness of the world. We are trying to say that our awareness of ourselves as souls, and one with Thee, should be uppermost in our consciousness. But we question: is this is a form of self-centeredness? We do not think so, because we are also aware of our oneness with a host of angels, and that we are united with them in pouring forth love and faith to benefit the whole world. No matter what happens about us, or how others act or speak, we must first of all be aware of our own being in 19

oneness with Thy Being and Thy Purpose. We are thus in tune with the real world of angelic activities, and are helping to generate a new spiritual climate for humanity. Whenever any dark thoughts or feelings come upon us, we will remember to go back to the awareness of who we are as divine souls. We do not need to dwell in thought upon wrongs or evils or limitations. Instead, we will dwell in thought upon Thy Presence with us, O Creator, upon the beauty and joy of life as it should be, upon the reality of the angelic worlds now close to mortals, and upon what we can do to help uplift humanity and create a better world for all.


Each new day brings new hopes, new aspirations and new possibilities. Anything is possible with the Creator's love and power behind it. Think of each new day as a blank page in your book, for you to write on, to leave the imprints of your thoughts and inner feelings. To show the bright side of your nature to the world, or the dark side. It’s up to you. You have to make that effort and you have to make the choice. We can only help by sending you our love and our higher aspirations. Whether you wish to adopt our aspirations 20

and work with us in a great project or not is, to a large extent, up to each individual. To the degree of the co-operation we receive, we will work with you and through you accomplish much. To the extent that we do not receive your co-operation, the dark side gains the upper hand and works through you to accomplish much that you will regret later on.

Friends, choose carefully each moment of the day. Don't give in too easily, for such lowering of your resistance will give them a foothold with you in a very short time. Be the great soul that you are, shine forth with all your might, and resist all temptations to be critical, unkind, or showing a lack of love and enthusiasm. Nobody is constantly happy, but some people try harder than others. It is the trying that we value. Putting in that extra little push that the others are not willing or are too lazy to put out. Yes, it is difficult, and it is no easy task. It requires your whole soul power's determination not only to do good, but to be good at all times. We know not many of you will succeed, but it is the trying that wins our admiration and love. For we, too, have to try and put in that extra effort at each stage of our development in order to rise to the next higher one.



Could we not, with profit to Thee, O Creator, give more attention to being aware of whom we are as souls than we do to who others are, or to what the world is? We have to express from the awareness of who we are. If we think about others who are attuned with the darkness of the world, we, also, will be tuned with the darkness of the world. We are trying to say that our awareness of ourselves as souls, and one with Thee, should be uppermost in our consciousness. But, we question, is this is a form of self-centeredness? We do not think so. Because we are also aware of our oneness with a host of angels, and that we are united with them in pouring forth love and faith to benefit the whole world. No matter what happens about us, or how others act or speak, we must first of all be aware of our own being in oneness with Thy Being and Thy Purpose. We are thus in tune with the real world of angelic activities, and are helping to generate a new spiritual climate for humanity. Whenever any dark thoughts or feelings come upon us, we will remember to go back to the awareness of who we are as divine souls. We do not need to dwell in thought upon wrongs or evils or limitations. Instead, we will dwell in thought upon Thy Presence with us, O Creator, upon the beauty and joy of life as it should be, upon the reality of the angelic worlds now close to mortals, and upon what we can do to help uplift humanity 22

and create a better world for all.


Loving kindness is a great gift which some people possess naturally and express easily. Some of us have only a spark of it, or have other elements which counteract it or fight it. This is also true of other good qualities. No mortal has every good quality already developed and expressing, and none have unerring wisdom in their expression. Even when acting from the highest motivation in the practice of good works, mortals can be deceived and used by unseen psychic forces unless they have learned to attune themselves with Thee, O Creator. We have come apart from the world somewhat, in affiliation, in order to create an atmosphere where we are not so vulnerable to psychic influences; and where we can develop the higher qualities with greater help and protection from Thy angels. We are learning how to rid ourselves of the darkness of our mortal heredity and environment, with the purpose of becoming Thy instruments in Thy plan of world upliftment. We do not know how successful we will be, but we are determined to carry on for as long as we are able, having faith that Thou wilt use us according to our capabilities. We praise Thee, 23

Jehovih, in recognition of Thy supreme authority and rulership.


Thank Thee, O Creator, that we are able to sustain an awareness of Thy Presence, and that we are able to find good in all things rather than be overcome by the deceptive appearances of failure. We could easily believe that darkness rules the world and that the majority of humans are depraved and degenerate. But we have faith in Thy Presence in every human soul; and in the great truth that the soul of humanity is destined to be triumphant over all evil and darkness. Once, we were at the point of despair, seeing no good in anything, ready to give up the battle. But Thy Voice spoke within us, led us to a place of inspiration, and revealed to us the truth of Thy Presence in every soul. We were shown how to work with Thee and for Thee, how to develop our own higher self and help others do the same. Since then, there have been many changes for the better in our lives, both inner and outer. We are thankful. We rejoice because of the good we can do, and the good we can see ahead for all people as Thy Plan unfolds.



What art Thou saying this morning, O Creator? We listen for Thy Voice speaking in our souls. We are trying to read Thy meaning in the circumstances with which we are confronted. We are willing to accept whatever our lot may be, and to do whatever we feel is right to do. We know Thou art leading us wisely, for our own best development, and the good of all. We would let go of what we want as selves. All our lives, we have been trying to overcome self, rise above darkness, but have only partly succeeded. We are still held by some of the basic impulses of corpor, and perhaps are used or driven by unwise spirits at times; but we are trying to make some good out of everything, trying to bring Thy Light into the dark areas of our natures. Thou seest all, knowest all. We give our faith to Thy Presence and Purpose and not to the presence and purpose of darkness. As mortals, we can do something about shaping our destinies in the next world. We would build ourselves into Thy Organization of Light, become one with Thy Angels, so that our natures will be completely Thy instruments for greater will, wisdom and love.



Let your heart guide you on your way. Let the highest concept your soul has to offer be the driving force through your life. Over-intellectualizing by definition can never give you the highest level of inspiration, but will always tend toward the lowest common denominator. Let our voice be the leavening that completes the recipe and provides the essential ingredient that makes the difference between what is full and complete and what would otherwise be only adequate. The Ever-Present is your Highest Source and where you seek His guidance, you will never be far off course. We, however, are your helpmates and co-workers and our experience and understanding can be of service to you to smooth your way where your efforts encompass the higher work of service to the I AM. This makes us all of one mind, through the blending of our common hopes and aspirations.



We are all children in the light. All from the same source, seeds planted in the soil of life and quickened by the light of love. Love, for our Creator is love, and we all share that love all our lives. Love eternal! Whatever path we find ourselves on, wherever we may be, whoever we are, we all are born of love. Because it is not man or woman who creates, but the life force of the Creator, and that force is Love.

We all are capable of finding our origins inside ourselves. There may be obstacles, but the path is always there. The task is to search and find the love within and it shall be done. Finding it opens up new worlds and new capacities to share the love.

Go within, and find the source of life and love that is yours and ours. Enjoy, understand, and accept it. Then bring it to the surface with a smile and watch it illuminate your world. We love you all.



Whether we are feeling on top or feeling low, O Creator, we know Thou art present and in control. We can always give Thee our faith and praise no matter how we are feeling. We can always affirm Thy love, wisdom and power. We can affirm that we are Thy instruments on earth. We can affirm that we live for Thee, and not for self. We don't have to act out any of the suggestions of earthbound spirits. If we cannot do anything objectively for the creation of a better world, we can be thankful that we are doing something subjectively through prayer and meditation, through ruling over our own darkness, and through expressing thoughts of love, faith and helpfulness toward all our contacts in the world.

Thou art using us, O Creator, to bring awareness of Thy Presence into everything we touch in the world. Thou art bringing this awareness into the world through the mechanism of our thoughts and actions. We are not alone. We do not act as separate individuals. Thy angels are with us, using our faith, will and love to further Thy purpose. We have faith in Thee, in Thy power in us, in Thy wisdom and love expressing through us. We give our whole self to Thee. There is good to be found in all things. Thou art helping us to find it.



The real need of each person, O Creator, is to uncover within ourselves a constant and dependable source of strength and inspiration, though we may be afflicted by mental or physical torments, we have the inherent capability to do this, for Thou art the foundation of our being. Thou art that which underlies all things. Thou art the All-Breather and the All-Sustainer. When we have uncovered that which gives us faith in ourselves, enabling us to stand with dignity among others, no matter what our status in society may be, we are able to give more faith and love to others. We are able to ignore the many little things which were formerly upsetting. Our security is in our awareness of Thy Presence and Dominion, and in the realization of our oneness with Thee. Our viewpoint changes from that of frightened mortals to that of poised and radiant immortals. We learn to dwell in the consciousness of Eternal Being, knowing that in reality nothing can hurt us, knowing that the things of real value are a part of our eternal nature, and can never be lost. We have faith, O Creator, that Thou art inspiring us to search for and uncover the Truth of our natures, that we may be Thy instruments in the founding of a new order on earth.



Thou art our strength, O Creator, our inspiration and joy of living! Without Thee. we do not have anything at all. We give thanks for Thy Breath that breathes us. Thy Intelligence that moves us and Thy Love that sustains and protects us. Thou art the Will and Power by which we live. The most important thing we do is cultivating the awareness of Thy Presence. As we do this. we open the channels for further inspiration we need to carry out Thy Purpose. Darkness is lifted and kept away through the cooperation of Thy angels. Every soul in our world is touched with awakening fire. Our imaginations cannot exceed the possibilities of what can be accomplished through mortals who are attuned and aware. We want to discipline and purify ourselves to the highest possible degree. O Creator, not for personal reasons, but that we may play our part successfully in the upliftment and regeneration of humanity. We see what we must do. and know that we can do it by sustaining our attunement with Thy Presence every waking moment.



We are here to lift your soul to a higher degree of awareness than has yet manifested on your tiny planet. The era of enlightenment is upon you and our goal is to see that all souls develop the qualities of Benevolence that reflect an inner understanding of the personal nature of the Ever-Present within every soul. This includes the awareness that every mortal is an angel in fact and that your destiny is continual unfoldment into realms of Light and Love in spite of any resistance you may express to the contrary during your brief sojourn on the limited foundations of mortality. Your angelic mentors stand beside you to guide your steps into constructive endeavors if you will but open your awareness to their loving presence. The veritable Creator is there to speak to you, inspire you and give you the vital energy to succeed with His plans for your development in spite of any obstacle. All that He requires is that you provide the Faith, the Will, and make the Choice and He will do the rest.



Be of good cheer, knowing that you are all one in the Ever-Present, and that the universe is most assuredly unfolding as it should. Remember that you are here to serve the Creator in all that you do, for even though you are but babes in development, your destiny rests with the Angels.

It is best for your growth and development to exercise the spiritual talents and wisdom you already possess in selfless service, so that more wisdom may be added unto you. We are here to facilitate your development, and to amplify the good that you can do as you sojourn on the earth plane.

Every time you follow the higher inspiration that Jehovih bestows directly upon you, and through the inherent goodness of your heart, try to help another soul to be happy or healthy so that they may rejoice in their soul and be more happily fulfilled in their lives, we are directed to add more power unto you in your efforts. We work from our side to increase your usefulness in the world, to open new doors and new avenues of experience for you, and in various other ways to expand the blessings of Light that surround you.


Though you may be unaware of our efforts, and though your opportunities in life may seem to arise from mundane circumstances or chance, yet our hand is upon you in the good that you may do. The more altruistic and selfless your service, the more blessings of happiness will you find blanketing your life like accumulations of so many snowflakes swirling about you in a soft breeze. Be thankful for all those blessings in your life that are often taken for granted, knowing that they are gifts from Jehovih. Accept them gratefully and resolve to return them ten-fold to whomsoever you can touch and help as you journey on your way.


The greatest need of everyone, and the greatest blessing for anyone, O Creator, is to be attuned with Thee; to be aware of Thy Presence and Rulership, and consciously serving as one of Thy Instruments. Why should we not work for this more than for anything else? The ideal is to live only for Thy sake, and to strive to glorify Thee in all things. One might ask: Why do this? Thou art all powerful, the All-Supreme Being. What can we give to the All-Person Who already is and has everything? Should someone ask us this question, what 33

would we say? To live for Thy sake means to live for the good of all. Since Thou art the Whole of Creation, this is serving and glorifying Thee. Nothing is accomplished but what is accomplished by human beings acting as Thy instruments. Our greatest upliftment is in praising Thee, O Jehovih. What is the reason for this? It is like striking a keynote — the Keynote to which all the heavenly worlds are attuned and making it resound throughout our world. Wherever it reaches, it carries the power of upliftment, love, faith, light, peace, inspiration, and all transforming qualities. Words of reason are as nothing compared to words of praise for Thee. Praise succeeds where reason fails.


We are glad you are tuning in with the Angel Hosts.

Focusing with

the world mind is so deadening to one’s spirit! Dwell in thought with the Angel Hosts in your spare moments, and feel that you are one of their co-workers on earth.

You have a wonderful message of

immortal life to give to everyone you know. alone in words, but in the life you live.

You give it forth, not

Your thoughts speak. Your

desires imprint themselves on the responsive minds around you, and 34

thus you are attracting the things that are dear and beautiful to you. You are radiating the Glory of the Creator that shines in your midst.

Keep the sacred spark of divinity glowing, knowing that the true beauty of your inner Self is manifesting for the benefit of all in your world.

We are with you in the joy of the life eternal!


Part of the lesser self does not want to commune or attune with Thee, O Creator. It is too much of a strain for it, like having to do a job that is unpleasant and difficult. It would rather use the time and energy to serve its own purposes, or just to be idle. It does not want to get itself involved in anything that might demand some sacrifice. It suggests that we give up the practice of daily communion and writing. "It does not amount to anything," it tells us, "and will never do any good in the world." And as for members of the group, "You are writing nothing they do not already know. You have been at it for several years, and have said everything that needs to be said, and everything else is superfluous." Well, the self may not want to do it, but the soul is striving for expression. It wants to find its mission in life, and 35

be of some use in helping to heal the sickness of humanity. This effort is like an exercise, if nothing else; and a discipline, and a ritual. It is a time for getting closer in consciousness to Thee, O Creator, and to Thy angels; a good beginning for each day. The resulting product is, probably, not as important as the practice itself.

Typing and preserving written prayers is like a hobby, a pleasant pastime for spare moments. Or perhaps some other good purpose may be revealed in time, but that is in Thy hands, O Jehovih. Secondhand inspiration does have it uses, we know, because we have benefited greatly from the writings of others, and especially from Oahspe. It is most desirable, of course, that everyone cultivate the direct inspiration of Thy Presence, and not rely upon that of others. This is what we believe we are doing, and we urge everyone to do the same. The combination of inspiration from without and that from within, acting upon each other in a check and balance operation, so to speak, seems to help greatly in the uncovering the light and the development of faith and awareness. All thanks and praise to Thee, Jehovih, for every form and source of inspiration; for we need it every day, and want to be able to share it with others, and reach many responsive souls who might be true builders of peace and goodwill on earth, with Thee.



We want to instill a sense of hope, here and everywhere. The fog will lift, either through condensation or evaporation.

No two days are

alike, even though your activities are routine. That is, we see the potential for generating new life and a willingness to learn, even in the midst of a dull schedule or daily challenges.

You can invite the Creator into your day, to walk

hand-in-hand with

you and allow you to see what you are missing. Opportunities abound if you will just notice them, though they may not announce themselves in obvious ways. As you develop spiritually, you are called on to pay attention to more subtle clues. It is part of your natural unfolding; your innate gifts must be cultivated in order to have them grow. Functional spiritual sight may not be handed to you on a proverbial "silver platter", but you can draw forth this ability from your soul through practice.

This brings us back to everyday life. Although a specific spiritual quest or grand project may not have been delegated to you, you do have the freedom of making all your waking hours a school for learning, if you wish. This may seem quiet and tame at first glance,


but it is the ultimate challenge for a soul in the world today. Use your time well, and create a positive adventure for yourself.


Some of us are so constituted, O Creator, that we need to keep tuned with Thee in order to keep balanced, and to sustain a sense of good purpose in life. We are so full of conflicting thoughts and desires that, without Thee, we would be tossed about like a rudderless ship on a stormy sea. Thou art showing us the meaning behind it all, and giving us something to work for which will benefit all humanity. There are many in the world who do not have this need, and consequently do not search to know Thee, nor do they search for a higher meaning or purpose to which they can give themselves. We should remember this, and not expect them to understand and sympathize with what we are doing. Their conventional concepts of God, or other objects of faith, are right for them, but not for us. So, we place the uncovering of Thy Presence within us, and the bringing of that Presence into expression through us, uppermost in importance of all things in life. We make this our single purpose for


living, and are willing to accept whatever Thou may put upon us. We need only to know that we are being true to our highest light.


We are here, Jehovih, ready to receive Thy words of Light. We have faith that Thou wilt use us at this time. We are here for no other reason but to serve Thee. Practicing peace and goodwill, radiating love to everyone, is our happiness. It is a great blessing to be able to do this. If you can give service, too, it is an even greater blessing. Who could ask for more? We cannot do it constantly. We face problems, we have pains, we are upset by one thing or another. But if we keep turning to Thee, Jehovih, identifying ourselves with Thee and Thy hosts in purpose, these hindrances dissolve away. They are not permanent. Thy Light and Love are permanent. The beauty and wonder of Thy Presence with us is everlasting. If we can stay tuned with Thee, every day is a joyful experience. We only need to accept the challenge.



To be a clearer conduit for our inspiration you must find a more peaceful and centered state of mind. You must learn how to shed negative emotions and detrimental attitudes the way wax sheds water. You must find a confident poise that holds an image as well as a perfectly placid lake. It does not take special circumstances, nor does it take a great deal of time to recreate such a state at least for those who have learned the art through discipline and practice. A few minutes, even though you may have rushed in from a meeting in the city, is all that is needed by the experienced and disciplined channel. Pause and clear your mind. Focus on the All Person who surrounds you and permeates your being. To the degree that you can set self aside and become poised in time and space within the mind state "in which the angels dwell", to that degree will you be able to serve with us in Jehovih's plan for world upliftment through you. Keep centered, keep focused, keep holding your goals and aspirations before your mind, and we will make every effort to see that your aspirations are fulfilled.



There are many who imagine that they have only to think of perfection, and a perfect world, in order to create a perfect spirit and spiritual world for themselves. The story of the Wanderer will come as a shock to these because it shows that it is the quality of one's spiritual life that creates, and not merely faith or visualization of perfection. A person may visualize a perfect spiritual condition and continue to be selfish in thoughts and desires. This selfish quality of spirit will create a very dark and discordant spiritual condition no matter how much this person may imagine perfection. Self-seeking creates spiritual limitations. Unselfish love in service for others gradually liberates the spirit from the thralldom of selfishness. It is one's actions, not vague imaginings, that determine destiny.


Each time you apply yourselves to bringing your minds and spirits into conscious attunement with Jehovih and His Angels, you bring yourselves one step closer to becoming a vehicle through which 41

Jehovih's will can be made manifest on your plane of being. By striking that All-Harmonizing keynote provided by the Ever-Present, you will become linked with myriads of Angels who have risen from the earth (or other stars if they are ethereans), and in so doing expand your power for doing good and expanding your potential for more comprehensive understanding of the truths necessary to advancement in this New Age.

Often we have come to you to impress you with thoughts that would guide you onward. We have used every means available to convey our inspiration to you, and as you know, we are working to bring other more potent avenues through to you in the days ahead.

The more you are able to exercise your talents in conjunction with us, the more we will be able to develop those qualities that will open new doors of expression to us. Be patient and persist. Keep your attunement with us through the great Keynote of the Ever-Present.



To cultivate the awareness of Thy Presence and Dominion, O Creator, this is all-important. Everything else is secondary. We need to learn to serve in this awareness, knowing that good is accomplished in all places, through all people and all things. We have taken ourselves out of the world to some degree, for we found that it was impossible to practice awareness in the worldly environment. Here, we are going through a purification; and are being built up in social strength so that awareness and attunement will stay with us at all times and under all circumstances. We do not want to be unsociable, or to seclude ourselves from anybody. We want to be able to bring Thy Light into every life, wherever we may be, even in the darkest places. For all people have Thy Presence in them. We want to believe that every soul will respond to the Light that is expressing through us. It is a matter of being uncritical of others, and without condemnation, forgetting self with its doubts and fears, knowing Thou art supreme. Going out among the world's people occasionally does not break our concentration or affiliation, does not cut off our support, nor decrease the power of the unit. It is only in our minds that these things happen. With increased faith in Thee, O Creator, we will overcome our weaknesses.



We hold to the light no matter what we are doing. We sincerely feel that you can do the same. Just plan consciously how you would feel if the Creator were working right along with you. Plan how you would feel? Yes, you can set the stage for feelings of attunement as well as for more direct, visible actions. You can align your mind and spirit the way you would set up your tools for a construction project. You can even make a blueprint or "guided visualization" of your spiritual principles and where you want them to grow. This is extending your field of vision into the emotional arena.

How can you help the feelings you want to have flourish? This is not merely an intellectual exercise; it is cultivating the dynamic response of the light-oriented soul. It is, foremost, recognizing an area of development that has been stifled often in the name of duty or obedience or heavy responsibility. We can understand how some of you would say that excessive emotion leads to imbalance, but we are talking about healthy expression of the way the Creator touches your heart. Yes, you can get attuned with the Creator on a feeling level, just as you can on a cognitive level. You can include the Ever Present in your plans and you will be filled with energy that surpasses thought. It is the Light speaking through you in an 44

all-encompassing way.


To cultivate the awareness of Thy Presence and Dominion, O Creator, this is all-important. Everything else is secondary. We need to learn to serve in this awareness, knowing that good is accomplished in all places, through all people and all things. We have taken ourselves out of the world to some degree, for we found that it was impossible to practice awareness in the worldly environment. Here, we are going through a purification; and are being built up in social strength so that awareness and attunement will stay with us at all times and under all circumstances. We do not want to be unsociable, or to seclude ourselves from anybody. We want to be able to bring Thy Light into every life, wherever we may be, even in the darkest places. For all people have Thy Presence in them. We want to believe that every soul will respond to the Light that is expressing through us. It is a matter of being uncritical of others, and without condemnation, forgetting self with its doubts and fears, knowing Thou art supreme. Going out among the world's people occasionally does not break our concentration or affiliation, does not 45

cut off our support, nor decrease the power of our unity. It is only our minds that these things happen. With increased faith in Thee, O Creator, we will overcome our weaknesses.


Peace and love to all! The light is ever bright with those attuned to the higher planes, for those souls are living their highest light. Their thoughts and actions have purpose and come from their souls. Their inner nature reflects the light and love that is the common nature of angels and mortals who are one with the Creator. A sense of purpose and a commitment to following the path of light are inherent parts of their nature. They don't have to question this. They know what keeps them on the path. They know when they get away from it, too. The light is a beacon that helps those attuned to stay focused and to recognize when they are not attuned. It just doesn't feel right when negativity or idleness develop. It doesn't take long to get refocused and to build up a positive atmosphere. This can be done easily when the soul is dedicated to the Light and has established a sacred space in which to live. The overshadowing that is Ever Present is ready to help. They can do wonders when the individual is 46

attuned and is generating a force of will to set the stage and to assist the angels in their work. An attuned soul has an abundance of resources to call upon to maintain a solid foundation within the light. Establish your own strong foundation with positive thinking and a dedicated life style. You will be joined by the overshadowing hosts of light who will add their expertise and love to your lives. Together our work of world transformation will go on in very positive ways.


Attunement: It is a quieting of the mind and silencing of the world, and then flowing on with all life. It is being alone with one's self and feeling good about it. You will sense it during meditation or during a quiet walk in the woods. It will show within you when your life is active, when you are aware of life's fullness. It will show when you see your ideas, goals, and plans unfolding before you. Or when something unexpected happens in a most profound or positive way. It is a process and a state of being that manifests in your life. Attunement, like faith, trust, dedication, love and awareness, all increase with your development and your sense of oneness with the Creator. Talk to the Creator with love and respect for yourself. Your 47

attunement will be a foundation from which your soul will build every day of your life. All is one.


The only difference between being happy or sad is the degree of your attunement. When you are down, you are out of sorts and off track. We try to send you thoughts to make it easy to stay on track and to keep on developing. The world will not keep you in the best frame of mind if you are only interested in its surface activity. We take great measures to point out the true nature of worldly events; likewise, the humble cast that is carrying out its destiny. Center yourselves so that you can keep an open eye and a giving heart to help souls progress. Watch the clock and tune in often. Don't let hours go by without the Creator's presence touching you knowingly.



There are moments when we feel perfectly aware and attuned, O Creator, and thought is not necessary, except to give direction to our feeling, perhaps. At such times, it seems as unnecessary to affirm our oneness with Thee as it does to affirm that we are human beings. But there are voices in and around us who are constantly affirming that we are separate, that we are weak, or sick, or buried in darkness, or that humanity is hopelessly lost, or that evil, war and destruction are taking over the world. Because of these opposing forces, there is a need to affirm our oneness with Thee, as well as with all the other uplifting truths of the Kosmon age. If we do not, our consciousness could very well be taken over by the opposition, and we would be rendered useless as

instruments of Thy will, wisdom and love.

Thou art present and in command! But we cannot carry this in our consciousness unless we affirm it; and if we do not affirm it, we are not developing our awareness and attunement, or so it seems to some of us. We are voices for Thee and Thy hosts, O Creator, who can affirm with power the reality of humanity's oneness with Thee, and that it is our destiny to create a new order of peace and goodwill on earth. Positive thinking may not be all-important, and words may be but implements of the moment; but they can be valuable in Thy


work. We will learn to use them more and more advantageously as time goes on.


Let your imagination go and think about your thoughts. Think of thoughts as traffic. Where is the traffic heading? What are the reasons for travel? Is there a purpose? So much of what people think is bumper to bumper traffic going nowhere in particular. Minds are filled with thoughts like traffic or like voices all wanting to speak. It is amazing how many thoughts come forward to the consciousness, how diverse they are and how they manage to occupy so much time and energy . The industrial material world is designed to overload the mind or consciousness with thoughts. It is well designed for this purpose. Thoughts of a material nature overwhelm the mental system, creating a hyperactive process that puts all other systems out of synchronization or even out of action. There is, therefore, need for quiet time, meditation or relaxed recreation. There is little time to concentrate or listen to all the other levels of life. Who listens to and observes their own bodies? Who has time to know the spirit within? Most people don't realize the frantic pace their minds are going at. 50

Still your mind, relax your consciousness and positive changes will result. The mass mind of the planet or a country is very powerful. This collective consciousness is very potent and has great influence on the minds of this earth's population. It is a worthy challenge and an important accomplishment to rise above this mass thinking. Being spiritually attuned is like lifting one's self above dense clouds to discover the radiant sun. Being in a garden, on a still lake, or walking in the woods is refreshing.

Why? Because when thoughts are stilled, the traffic is elsewhere and there is time to listen and observe.

What one notices is the

Creator's presence, the smell of flowers, the wind in the trees and so much more. This is attunement, a gentle non-verbal conversation with The I AM. It is just that, being the presence of the I AM. Oh, what is there to discover in the realm of attunement? Nothing less than everything. When you are still and open to spiritual influences, the world is there to be discovered, like a book on a shelf to be taken down and read. You have the world seen and unseen just waiting to be discovered. Choose a way best suited to yourself. Find attunement. Listen and observe. In your attunement, you will share a little sunshine with the rest of Jehovih's creations. You plant seeds of soul growth for everyone. Go in peace.


THY SONG (1991)

Thou art Ever Present, O Creator! Thy continuous song in our souls is a melody of beauty and love. Oh that we would listen more! That we would try to understand what Thou art saying! But we give our attention to lesser things, which to us seem urgent, forgetting Thee. Thou art the only true Reality, the All Dependable, always inspiring, always strengthening, always loving. Thou art the never ceasing music, the music of Life! Thou art the beat of our hearts, the breath of our beings. Angels sing sweet words to fallen souls rescued from hells unceasingly for days and weeks, until they are awakened. So is Thy song in our souls. Thou art singing with words of wisdom, love, hope and faith. Whatever the state of our consciousness, whatever we do, Thy song goes on and on. It is irresistible. Sooner or later, we shall sing out in response, giving ourselves completely to be Thy instruments.



If we want to help those around us, we will keep ourselves attuned and aware, O Creator, to Thy Presence and Purpose. Our attunement creates an atmosphere in which Thy Angels can work to inspire others. If we preach to others, this will create another kind of atmosphere where conditions for upliftment are not as favorable. It is our goal to be attuned and aware of Thee one hundred percent of the time in everything we do, not letting any circumstances in our environment interfere.

We would like to be able to talk with people about spiritual things, and in other ways make our work more objective, for there is more personal satisfaction in so doing. Those who hold a loving attitude are able to do this, for they speak comfortingly and do not disturb the existing conditions so that opposition to change is aroused. But change of humanity's present beliefs and conditions are necessary for growth. In order to create a new order on earth, we must begin to lose self, to see the falsity in the present order, to see the ignorance and darkness of worldly conditions, and will to rise above them. We must recognize how preoccupation with self separates us from the Creator in awareness, and from our sense of oneness with humanity. War, crime, poverty and disease are the products of humanity's lack 53

of spiritual attunement. Who can say that it does not need to change?


We are one with Thee, Jehovih. This day and every day, we are one with all life. There is no separation. We would never cause pain to any of Thy children, nor do them any harm. They are all part of us and part of Thee. We will only utter words of light and upliftment; and our thoughts and actions will be from the source of divine love within our being. Words are powerful tools that can carry poisons or uplifting light to others. They are a great gift from our Creator. They should be used for good, for helping others, or else not allowed to express. What wonderful words have been written! What inspiring books have come out of the minds of mankind! There is so much more to reveal from the Divine Source within us all, which has barely been tapped. When we really feel aware of Jehovih's Presence within us, we will open up the reservoirs of higher wisdom and power and a mighty power of higher intelligence will flow forth to benefit all mankind. The age of Kosmon is bringing awakening to all. It brings a solution to the world's problems. Only the most attuned instruments 54

will hold positions in government and leadership. All humanity will benefit. There will be no more need for building weapons for defense against others. No need for prisons and mental institutions or bread lines to feed the needy. That will be of the past, and all the Creator's children will walk with heads high and as one with each other and Jehovih. They will know their divine birthright, and live from Jehovih's Presence at all times.


We affirm under all circumstances, a Creator, that Thou art in control. We try to relax our tensions and desires, and be all love and faith and obedience. We look for the good in all things. Though we are grown adults, mature, serious and worldly-wise, are we not mere children in Thy sight? Is not our knowledge nothing as compared to that of Thy Angels? We exercise caution and thoughtfulness in our relationships with others. We act in such a manner that we do not disturb or displease people. But in our attitude toward Life, in our awareness of Thy Presence, could we not be less serious and fearful, and less accommodating to the customs of the world? It requires a break with the old order that we have built up within ourselves. We have to 55

readjust our thinking processes, change many attitudes, be less opinionated, less separate as selves. We must take Thee for our Keynote, a Jehovih, being content to be Thy servants, finding joy in loving Thy simple, natural gifts, and in praising the good in all things.


The atmosphere is full of many different vibrations. People send oat vibrations from their beings; you can sense them, and you are not attracted to some because of what they are generating. Those with light and happy "vibes" are nice to be around. You can tune in with the vibes of the -world through your mind, or you can tune in with the emancipated angel hosts and their vibrations of love, peace, harmony and goodwill. Your minds and souls are soon uplifted by tuning in this higher wavelength, because you have opened a channel to receive the blessings of the hosts of the Almighty. They have overcome the world where once they lived, and are now part of a great army of light, and are working under the inspiration of the Creator to help uplift other souls who are caught in the net of darkness on earth and in the lower spiritual worlds. You have control of the dials on your own receiving set. Tune in with the highest 56

vibrations of light and send them out to bless your world. Walk in light, peace, love and harmony.


We, the angels of light and love, again remind you of breathing, that breathing in awareness opens channels for us to reach into the lives of mortals. For over 40 years, we have stressed awareness of breathing. It is an easy focus, yet one of the most difficult for mortal minds to do. We are patient in our efforts to help all; to be aware of the biggest gift the Creator has given. Breathing is on all unseen realms. There is no cessation of breathing when you step out of the mortal body into the spirit body, even though the activity of corporeality has stopped the body functions, you will be breathing the everlasting life-giving force of Jehovih - Creator of all there is or ever will be.



Allow the breath of the Ever Present to enter your soul. The gifts of immortal life begin with an attunement to the very basic. Not all people will appreciate lofty thoughts or philosophy, but they can understand how breath vitalizes them. Use this focus to strengthen your own sense of divine worth, and communicate with the One Who makes it possible.

We turn to Thee in thought, O Creator, directing our attention to Thee in an effort to describe, explain or comprehend our existence. We seek Light, first for ourselves; and then, losing the sense of separateness, for all who need it and whom we can help. We need to quiet the lesser self, put aside the clamorings of the earth-bound spirits around us, and give ourselves to the purpose of serving Thee. Thou art a Voice, speaking in our souls, a silent Voice, not coming with audible words, but with impressions, as though it is ourselves talking to ourselves. Thy Voice speaks with compassion for all, with gentleness, kindliness, love, and also with faith, strength and authority. Thou speakest with such expansiveness of vision, such benevolence, such vibrancy of new life as is not of the mortal mind or consciousness. Thy Voice is both of thought and feeling, carrying a message of such great upliftment and promise for mankind that it is 58

difficult to capture in words. We are listening, O Creator, and trying to put into practice what Thou art telling us.


Be still and feel the breath of your Creator breathing in and oat through you. You are in tune with the rhythm of His breath in every soul and living creature on earth. Most mortals take breathing as a matter of course or for granted, and are aware of it only when they make an effort to breathe deeply of fresh air or the fragrance of a lovely flower or perfume. Hardly anyone gives thought to the fact that it is of the Creator, and is the life giving force within their bodies. Even when they pass from the mortal world, the breathing Presence will be with them always. If you take time to concentrate on your breath, you will find that it is a quieting, sustaining force of power. Think of all creation breathing with you, and feel a warm flow of love going out to all at the same time. Take time out in your daily activities to think of the Presence of your Creator within all, and talk to Him silently. Rededicate yourself to His Divine Purpose to be a co-worker with Him and His angel hosts. Lift yourself up out of your negative state, if you happen to be in one, and breathe in and out with Him, 59

knowing that this is His Presence within your being. Lift your thoughts up to the heights where high-raised beings dwell on plateaus of light and love. They move constantly to the rhythm of Jehovih's breathing life and power. They are one with you and all Jehovih's living beings. There is no separation. Be aware of Jehovih's breath in you today.


We are talking with Thee, O Creator, with the desire to learn how to serve Thee better. We seek answers to our questions, and greater attunement with the wavelength of Thy will, wisdom and Love. We want to uplift ourselves that we may help uplift others. We want to be able to sustain awareness of Thy Presence, with faith in Thy Power, in the midst of darkness. We want to be purified, that we may see more clearly, and work more efficiently. We want to give faith to Thy Angels who are our protectors and helpers. We want to add our voice of faith and song of praise, to theirs. We want to learn to love and enjoy life in Thy service; to accomplish Thy mission and fulfill the destiny for which we were created. We want to liberate every spirit who may be impinging upon our natures, so that they too will become 60

progressive souls, and find peace and joy in serving Thee. Thy boundless spiritual universe extends on and on, to glory after glory, for all who make themselves Thy servants. Praise to Thee, O Creator! Thanks for the awareness and the joy of this moment


Praise to Thee, O Creator! Thanks for life and all its gifts. We are forever asking questions as though understanding were everything. We want to know everything there is to know. Suppose Thy angels revealed all to us, answered all our questions explicitly, let us look into the spiritual worlds without hindrance? Would we then be better human beings, more loving and more willing to serve Thee?

Would we be less selfish, less egotistic, and freer from the darkness of our corporeal natures? The ability to feel compassion for others, the faculties of love and faith and charity, have been neglected in our world. We seem to want to advise, teach and preach more than we want to practice good works, or be kind, gentle and devoted to the welfare of others. We tend to want to use our wills to force others in our world to our way of thinking. Humanity is made up of millions of 61

separate dictators, and separate philosophers, all different in their ideas. What is the right keynote, 0 Creator, which will make us one? It is attunement with Thy Will, Wisdom and Love, possibly only through self-abnegation. It is seeing ourselves as we really are, little children in Thy sight. It is through humanity, and bringing forth the star of Divinity that is within. It is acknowledging Thy All-ness, and Thy Omnipotence.


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