Blessing The Eloists from Radiance (1983-1999)
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:
I behold the great angels of love and wisdom who have come from very exalted realms to open the way for a new and greater inspiration and protection than humanity on earth has ever known. These mighty sons and daughters of the Creator show me that they were all once where we are now. They give me the inspiration of their glory. They give me this inspiring thought to give to you, that you can gain the heights they have attained by blessing with them, and proving to yourselves and to all your world that you are now the sons and daughters of the Living Creator. The glory which the angels have gained was realized step by step through giving forth of their love in helping others. As you, in like manner, bless from hour to hour, the sleeping angel of your soul will awaken and shine forth its light, the light that lighteth every man and woman that cometh into the world.
We bless you daily with the healing light of Divine Love and pour into -your life many mighty blessings. 4
As we bless you the divine radiance shines forth from your inmost being to renew your body with healing vitality, and to perfect the functioning of every organ.
Rejoice that your cooperation with your group has made friends for you who are influential in the Mind of the Creator. You have a multitude of friends, an army of Angels, who have your permanent welfare at heart, and we are exerting our influence to help you conquer the difficulties of your life on earth.
Through your deep devotion your spirit stands with us often in the Light of Love, and we use you as a mediator to bless those in whom you are so deeply concerned.
We need souls attuned to our state of Love, as you are now attuned, to bring relief to suffering mankind. Your every blessing is made stronger by our Spirit radiating through your soul.
There is no greater work than that of keeping your mind constantly attuned to our Purpose, for thus you transmit the vibrations of the Creator's love to souls overwhelmed by sorrow and suffering.
The will of the Creator expressing through your many immortal 5
friends is strengthening His will in you and making you masterful to overcome. Our peaceful radiance pervades your life, dissolving away all causes for fear and trouble.
Boundless and blissful is the Life of All-Being. Infinite is the harmony of Eternal Intelligence. The consciousness of the Being who creates the Cosmos is stable and secure in eternal serenity. The perfection and peace of His consciousness rests in His absolute and omnipotent power.
We who have risen from the turmoil and strife of earth into the peace that passeth understanding have been transfigured in spirit and in form by attunement with the consciousness of our Creator. We sustain the tone of eternal peace and power for you, children of the Creator, that you may enter into our peace and feel our healing harmony pervading your mortal natures.
We endeavor to picture our happy state of existence that we may lift your minds from the strain and strife of mortal experience in to the blissful life that the angels know. As you read our words and commune with us you will feel our harmony pervading powerfully your minds and bodies, and you will begin to experience the health and happiness of the inhabitants of heaven. Your hours of discord breed disease and death. Your hours of contemplation of heavenly 6
realities will create health and peace. They will open up vistas of immortal joys that will make the goodness and glory of the Creator real and powerful.
We who have entered into the consciousness of life eternal do not fight to attain, or strain to accomplish. We do all things with ease, for the Creator is our power. We simply abide in the consciousness of the All-Powerful Will whose pulsations give life to our souls and we let its power vibrate through our natures to accomplish its purpose. We are serene and strong in the realization that a spontaneous power is acting through us, flowing into the design of our thought through the force of our purpose. We seem to be acting from personal initiative and yet we know we are but forms of the Almighty Will. This abiding consciousness of our oneness with All-Power has lifted us above the disharmony and strife of clashing wills into the secure refuge of eternal serenity and strength.
Think how fortunate you are to have been given light, and how much you are helped by your awareness of the Creator's Presence in your 7
soul, and in all life. Think of the millions of sick people who do not have knowledge of eternal life and oneness with the Creator. Bless all people who are worse off than yourself, using the power that has been given to you. There are tragedies taking place every moment in every city in every country of the world; and most of the people involved are ignorant of the reality of spiritual life, and of eternal growth into realms of supreme happiness, harmony and love. Even while you are suffering, you can bless others who are suffering. You can feel a great compassion and desire to help them because of your own pain and your awareness of the Creator's Presence. You know that your ability to bless others is a god-like power given into your hands for serving mankind; and that you cannot neglect using it.
Arise and shine! This is a new day, a chance to partake of the Creator's gifts and blessings. Expect it to be a good day in every way. You will feel good, and you will have a good feeling for all in your world. You will see Jehovih's Presence all around you today. You will be constantly aware that He is with you, helping you to keep attuned to your highest light. There is sadness and turmoil in the world, and 8
you want to do tune in with our swift-moving forces. We do not hesitate; we watch our fellow brothers' and sisters and urge them on with the complete confidence that what they choose to undertake will bear great fruit in coming generations. Our message is an oft-repeated one: Use your divine talents to make the best of your time while still on the mortal plane. You do not have to be a spirit to accomplish great feats. You may be learning as a child does each day, but your potential is fully operable at any given time. Rise up to the challenge, oh seekers of the Light! Find that one key which will unlock the gate to the mysteries and grandeur of the Creator's heavenly kingdoms.
Soul aspiring to know the wisdom of love! We bless you with our united love. We unite with the Angel Hosts to bless the group of Angels now abiding with you. We will continue to sustain them with our blessings.
We are with you in thought, a focal center for the radiance of the mighty Angels, and we bless your soul with our conscious realization 9
of the Creator's Presence. You are now associated with us, and you live under the inspiration of the Concord of the Creators. Your soul expands with love, and grows in strength daily as you study and bless with us. You are forming a new mind of beautiful thoughts and feelings through which your soul can express its wisdom and power. You are walking daily on the path of spiritual progression, and great will be your joy even in this life, as you grow more and more conscious of the Ever Present's Angel Hosts ministering with you.
You can bless with your actions. If you go about your daily activities with consciousness or the Creator and with I a song in your heart, we can use the vibrations you create and distribute them to souls in need. We can transform your positive acts into useful blessings without your being aware of any change taking place. We do this in groups and it happens everywhere. You don't have to be a world traveler or even a long distance caller to give blessings to someone on the other side of the globe. In fact, your intent doesn't even have to be specific for us to do our work. This is an everyday event for us, though few on your plane know this to be so. 10
Yes, your thoughts do make a difference in the bigger picture, though not nearly as vaguely as many positive thinkers would have you believe. Our work in this regard is as organized, planned and diligent as our more laborious tasks in atmospherea. We have to train carefully to learn our parts, and we welcome your questions to know more. After all, you are involved each day in numerous activities, and they give you valuable opportunities to create "bless-able" moments.
What happens when we bless a person? The higher beings use the power of our thoughts to reach and strengthen the soul in mind and give it inspiration. Through angelic intervention, the person is given help in coping with whatever problems he may be facing. He is made aware of a universal Power in his life, the Creator's Presence, with which he can attune himself and master the conditions of his environment. His faith in the Creator's Presence within him is given new vitality. He is inspired to use his divine powers in working for the good of others. He is led to realize that he is an agent of the Almighty here on earth, and that he has the potential to be a blessing in the 11
lives of others.
You possess the power of mind to bless others and thus benefit them, and at the same time you are benefiting yourself.
By the mental act of cursing others, you can injure them, but you will also injure yourself by doing so.
When you think, feel, or will, your spirit creates a force through your brain.
This force of your thought vibrates through your brain and
nerves and then out to other minds as a spiritual force.
If you think dark thoughts, or feel condemnation, criticism, hatred, or ill-will toward them, you can generate and send to that person a spiritual force as real as the force of radio waves sent out by a radio transmitter.
By vibrating a negative thought or feeling through your
nature, you also harm yourself.
Thus you are poisoned by your own
destructive thoughts.
When you bless others or pray that they shall enjoy health or prosperity, or when you experience any good feeling or goodwill for another, you actually create a force of thought which goes to that other mind with unerring aim.
At the same time, your good thought
tunes your entire nature to a good vibration and creates a tonic in your body superior to anything you could drink or ingest.
“How can one bless?” you ask. “How does one curse? How does one criticize or condemn?”
We know we should not condemn. Why?
Because you use your
God-given power of creative thought destructively.
and “with what
measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you again.”
You may have heard people curse with such anger and vehemence that they seemed transformed into veritable devils for the time being. And so they were!
Animated by love and goodwill, you can bless with the same fervor and you will be transformed, temporarily at least, into an angel.
Persistent, personal expression of love and goodwill can eventually transform your whole nature into an image of love and goodwill. Thus you will perfectly personify the Goodwill of your Creator. 13
When we learned that we possessed the power to bless a person a hundred or a thousand miles away, and that by the simple act of creating blessings and feeling goodwill we could benefit and sometimes heal others, we felt that we had found one of the greatest powers in the universe.
And so we had!
We had discovered the mighty secret that the Creative Intelligence of the Almighty could express through our will and thought to bless and heal Jehovih’s children who were too weak in faith or will to exercise the Infinite Power which dwells within ourselves.
Our blessings of love were a spiritual force that helped the Creative Intelligence in those we blessed to overcome weakness and disease of mind or body.
For years we have been proving that human beings possess the Power of the Creator wherewith to bless and benefit others; and by so doing they will reap the greatest benefits themselves.
“Give, and you shall receive,” is the Law of Love.
When people curse, they use language adapted to the expression of their feelings.
It is the feeling which constitutes the life and the 14
power of the curse.
So when we bless, it is the feeling that
constitutes the life and power of the Blessing. A negative, passive, or weak blessing will have little influence for good.
A positive feeling
of goodwill, a sincere desire to benefit another, when formed into words, “The Creator bless you,” or “We bless you,” will carry the energy of your feelings and will.
“Is it not better to ask the Creator to bless than for us to be so presumptuous as to bless with our own love and goodwill?” you ask. Recognize that the creative will of the Creator is in your will, and that you are using your will as the Ever-Present intended that you should use it, and then your seeming presumption will be positive faith in the presence and power of the Creator in you.
This is a more positive
and efficient attitude of mind than that of supplication. Have faith you are about the All One’s business when you endeavor to do good, and feel that the Creator wills through your will, and loves through your love, and you will grow mighty in faith and goodwill.
In the solitude of your own soul, send your friend a blessing by forming thoughts after this fashion:
“My friend, I love you and bless you with my love. you and give you peace.
I desire to heal
I will with the Creator’s Will that you shall
now realize the Ever-Present healing life within your will. I bless 15
you with my goodwill, and thus express to you the goodwill of the I AM.�
Good, to overcome Evil, must present a united front.
From every
plane of being, highest to lowest, from realms supernal, celestial, heavenly, magnetic, now are gathering all positive forces for the transformation of the realms of darkness. But as electricity, though free-flowing in air, sky and running water, is available for humanity's use only as it has a power house and conductors, even so those Glorious Immortals who long to give this planet the help of their power and love, need our cooperation to put that power and love into expression.
The divine manifestation of love must come through human beings. Tens of thousands of mediators are needed to become radiators of Love powerful enough to melt down the walls of Greed. The Angelic Hosts are becoming stronger every day in their effort to join with people of goodwill in bringing peace and love to humanity; but it is definitely to be accomplished by human beings, by Divine Love 16
pouring through them. The Creator's "Kingdom" will come to earth when the Creator's Will is done by human beings on earth as it is done by Angels in Heaven. Here's the whole secret: togetherness. As more and more Victorious Immortals band together to exalt the strata below them, so must human beings band together. It is what you do for the fellow below you that puts you in tune with those above you. When you meet to broadcast Love to the stratum below you, you in turn are put in touch with the angels above you. By collective effort, by collective blessings, we change the whole atmosphere.
Think of a million angels singing together the affirmation that we often use here:
"We will the will of the Creator that war on earth shall cease; We will the will of the Creator that all shall live in peace.�
How the very heavens must ring with the vibrant power of that song! The Angelic Hosts are constantly seeking for instruments through whom to pour those blessings.
Let us respond. Let us sing, as the
angels sing, together; let us bless as the angels bless — together.
Tune in with this vibrant power. Tune in and feel this fiery Love burning away more and more of your limitations, dissolving away all 17
the old harsh feelings that act as dams to hold back the divine expression.
We are using this broadcasting station to radiate All Love down to the depths where spirits are groveling, unaware of their divinity, and of the Creator's Love.
As you radiate the love of the Angelic Hosts, your soul will become as great as the love that expresses through you. The heavens bless the togetherness of our love.
This is Heaven on earth: To do the
Creator's Will, to be The Ever Present's Love, to radiate the Infinite's mercy.
Bless, bless, bless! Co-operate! Link yourself up with us and with others, to bless your friends and ours. All forces are working together for good on this and other planes.
To be cheerful, positive, kind and compassionate is to be a living expression of the Creator within. We all fluctuate.
Bless, Serve and
Create Collectively in our degree of attunement; at times open and 18
inspired, and at times, dry and barren. We all move through cycles of greater or lesser awareness until we have reached the etherean state. Here in the higher atmospherean planes we have a clearer and more consistent awareness of the Creator's Presence with us, but we still have our moments when we lack complete attunement. We continue to question our actions and
motives, and we continue
to review and reflect upon our past performances to appreciate how we may improve.
As mortals, you have additional burdens with which you must contend, but through the learning process you will be strengthened in special ways that will be helpful to you in the years ahead. Through the work that you do within your spiritual focus, you are brought more objectively into our presence and into our consciousness. Working in many ways that are sometimes quite subtle, we are able to enlighten and inspire you, often planting seeds of wisdom and insight that blossom into valuable fruit which in turn benefits you and those people you contact and help in your world. We know you are often puzzled by what transpires in council, and you sometimes wonder about the value or purpose of what you do. We give you insights when we can, but there are many things that are difficult for us to explain because they involve qualities of spirit that are not easily understood by mortals. Just trust that we work to instill qualities into your spirit that benefit both you personally, and those whom we 19
inspire to come to you or those whom you are inspired to meet. It is not always accomplished within the context of your spiritual work, for very often we are able to exert our influence within the more mundane realms involving the work you do in your jobs or profession.
Even those who have a more limited contact with the outside world are used in this way and they should maintain an openness in dealing with people whenever the opportunity presents itself. Even the most casual and brief contacts can be very useful to us, and we often arrange them for specific purposes. Be aware of this aspect of the work and when you meet people from the outside world, frame a blessing for them in your thoughts and you will strengthen our links with them through the work that we do here together — your realm with ours
Many people are staggering under the weight of depression, which is carried with them like a burden wherever they go. They are in need of spiritual strength, which can be gained by learning a mighty truth 20
which has helped multitudes to gain poise and power.
The first concept to realize is that all people regardless of their state of affairs are made in the image and likeness of their Creator. There is an infant angel in each person's nature which will respond to feelings of faith and love and become a mighty living power able to overcome all physical and spiritual limitations.
When people are weighed down with care, fear, worry, or guilt, they are giving all the strength of their faith to negative mental and physical conditions. It is hard for them to see that they can be a light and strength for themselves as well as for others until they can simply decide to be so and follow our instructions.
The Eloist Family has realized during years of service to others who are suffering mentally and physically that it is difficult to overcome these conditions alone, and so we have strived to work together with others both within our sanctuary and at a distance to provide constructive support.
The principle is simply this: that you can receive help by helping us to help others. The Blessings of Love we generate together will strengthen your spirit to the degree that you will become more willing to love and bless others through your thoughts, your words, and your 21
actions. Love will grow powerful in you as you learn to express it through your nature from the inside out and as you radiate love to others.
Your spirit needs Blessings. That infant angel of the Infinite in you is starving for the spiritual bread and water of life. When you join with us to form words of everlasting life and frame them into blessings for others, we are providing your spirit with the faith and substance of its spiritual nourishment. Our love concentrated into your spirit from the Creator in us, amplified through our united efforts, sustains your spirit as living, refreshing water from the kingdom of immortal life.
If you are downcast or burdened, we can help you climb upward out of the darkness of materiality and selfishness. We can help you as you help us by disciplining' yourself to bless with us, and as you frame thoughts of light to radiate outward to others, you will find that same light enveloping your own being. Our strength can be your strength now, and it will help you to attain to the heights of greater wisdom. As you climb and the way grows clearer, your strength will add to our strength and together we can then help others to awaken to the same aspirations.
Working together thus in all parts of the world is possible because there are no limits in the very real realm of thought, and we can 22
create a network of spiritual wires over which the power of the Angelic Hosts can be augmented to bless and awaken millions of souls who, without our co-operative effort, would remain in realms of darkness and suffer for an indefinite period of time.
You will receive blessings from us and from the overshadowing hosts of angels as you learn to cooperate with us all to create a dynamo of potent thought from hour to hour. In such a way we can cooperate to bring the knowledge of heavenly principles and spiritual science to all of humanity in an ever expanding web of Light.
Many people are staggering under the weight of depression, which is carried with them like a burden wherever they go. They are in need of spiritual strength, which can be gained by learning a mighty truth which has helped multitudes to gain poise and power.
The first concept to realize is that all people regardless of their state of affairs are made in the image and likeness of their Creator. There is an infant angel in each person's nature which will respond to 23
feelings of faith and love and become a mighty living power able to overcome all physical and spiritual limitations.
When people are weighed down with care, fear, worry, or guilt, they are giving all the strength of their faith to negative mental and physical conditions. It is hard for them to see that they can be a light and strength for themselves as well as for others until they can simply decide to be so and follow our instructions.
The Eloist Family has realized during years of service to others who are suffering mentally and physically that it is difficult to overcome these conditions alone, and so we have strived to work together with others both within our sanctuary and at a distance to provide constructive support.
The principle is simply this: that you can receive help by helping us to help others. The Blessings of Love we generate together will strengthen your spirit to the degree that you will become more willing to love and bless others through your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Love will grow powerful in you as you learn to express it through your nature from the inside out and as you radiate love to others.
Your spirit needs Blessings. That infant angel of the Infinite in you is 24
starving for the spiritual bread and water of life. When you join with us to form words of everlasting life and frame them into blessings for others, we are providing your spirit with the faith and substance of its spiritual nourishment. Our love concentrated into your spirit from the Creator in us, amplified through our united efforts, sustains your spirit as living, refreshing water from the kingdom of immortal life.
If you are downcast or burdened, we can help you climb upward out of the darkness of materiality and selfishness. We can help you as you help us by disciplining yourself to bless with us, and as you frame thoughts of light to radiate outward to others, you will find that same light enveloping your own being. Our strength can be your strength now, and it will help you to attain to the heights of greater wisdom. As you climb and the way grows clearer, your strength will add to our strength and together we can then help others to awaken to the same aspirations.
Working together thus in all parts of the world is possible because there are no limits in the very real realm of thought, and we can create a network of spiritual wires over which the power of the Angelic Hosts can be augmented to bless and awaken millions of souls who, without our cooperative effort, would remain in realms of darkness and suffer for an indefinite period of time.
You will receive blessings from us and from the over-shadowing hosts of angels as you learn to cooperate with us all to create a dynamo of potent thought from hour to hour. In such a way we can cooperate to bring the knowledge of heavenly principles and spiritual science to all of humanity in an ever expanding web of Light.
Whenever a number of people are brought together, however devoted they are to a single purpose, and however harmonious they might appear to be, it is inevitable that there will be some underlying disagreement, irritability, dislike and even hostility, for such is human nature.
In the Faithist community, attunement with the higher beings is not only desirable, but is necessary to successfully carry out the Creator's purpose. It is not enough to be outwardly harmonious; everyone must be inwardly harmonious as well. Where inharmony exists, it is better to bring it into the open as quickly as possible to find a means of dispelling it. 26
To keep the channels open for the higher Light, in order that the community may be guided every step of the way by the Angels of the Almighty, a process of purification must take place. Every member should recognize the need for this cleansing of their nature. It is not achieved by judging or reproving one another, but by each individual acting as a magistrate over his or her own thoughts, feelings and actions, and using their inherent will and intelligence to conquer everything which stands in the way of peace and oneness. As members work faithfully at it, the higher beings are able to gradually lift away the psychic conditions which limit and burden the soul, and generate a harmonious atmosphere beneficial to all.
Let the joy of the moment fill your being. Let it raise your sight to new possibilities, then you will be able to plan many enriching moments in whatever field you wish.
We prefer the direct route. To enable you to reach your goals, we say, "Jump right in." You will see fast enough if or not These changes will 27
be for our soul's benefit, even if we cannot anticipate their details. We are in the Creator's hands. Only goodness will unfold.
The Creator's Angel Hosts are with us, and their wonderful influence is pervading all of our senses. As we endeavor to open our souls and pour it forth to others it increases in strength and radiance. We shall have a manifestation of soul power which will bring spiritual awakening, open the eyes, quicken the spiritual senses, and vitalize the cells of our spiritual body, so that every one shall inbreathe the very life of the Creator. While we are blessing you, imagine that some friend of yours is sitting in this chair, and feel that through your love you are transmitting this power to him or her.
We are blessing the Healing Energy of the Eternal One. We are vitalizing our souls, minds and natures with the power of the Glorious Immortals. The harmony and strength which we feel and generate are bringing the Creator's love into manifestation for your friends. The Will of the Ever-Present is strengthening the organizing power of their souls. Your friends are focal points of mighty power, of creative energy, of vital strength. We will the Creator's will that you shall all be 28
greatly blessed, and that the friends you are blessing shall feel this strength, this vital power centered in their nature wherever they may be. By blessing your friends in this way, you are learning to exercise this power, the pathways of your own spiritual nature are opened, and this power shines through your soul, your mind, and your physical nature to your friends.
Now that we are harmoniously attuned to the I AM Presence, let us again help souls in need. A very special concentration of soul power is needed for this purpose, and so we pour forth our faith and our love to the majestic Beings who are here to step down their energy through our vibrations to those who are in distress.
During our concentration to bless others, we saw an Angel of Light, a Being of vast experience who represented the mothering Spirit of the Creator, standing in the spiritual atmosphere and slowly moving over the earth, radiating the splendor of her personality to those in need. She moved with the dignity of a great goddess, and upon her was focused the love and power of millions of mothering Angels, which 29
she in turn poured out not only to those on earth, but to the spirits who were trying to strengthen and comfort their loved ones on earth, and to the spirit nurses who were caring for the newly risen spirits. She moved majestically over that region, pouring the Love of the Creator through her personality down to spirits close to mortals, thus personifying the mercy of the great Mothering Presence.
By our blessing, we enabled this Angelic Being to get closer to those in need and help them spiritually. Her lavender and gold radiance is a soul substance which feeds and strengthens their souls. As we think of her we strengthen her or this plane. These great Beings need our help; they need our physical, mental, and soul powers, and the more we develop our powers by blessing, the greater the power we can give to them to help humanity. They care not for our religious creeds, nor our nationalities; they care only for souls. All souls are important to them because they are the very forms of the Creator.
We bless this Mothering Spirit and the millions of Angel Hosts standing with her. We hold them in our thoughts, and bless them with all the vital power we possess to help them alleviate mental and physical distress. We pour into them the Golden Radiance which is clothed by our mental and magnetic elements, that they may use what we give as a means of contact to exalt, feed and strengthen, millions of souls on lower planes. 30
A string of beads has been used for ages as a means of controlling the mind during prayer or meditation.
Many people do not know how to direct their thought during prayer, thus the mind is permitted to wander, resulting in reverie rather than meditation. The technique of using a string of beads creates definite symbols from which visual pictures could be taken, holding the mind to the meditation at hand. The only difference between reverie and meditation is that one represents uncontrolled thought while the other stands for control- led and directed thought, out of which some permanent good may come.
What draws the mind away from meditation and prayer? Personalities are one strong distraction. What is more attractive to the mind than abstract thought? Human personalities. Use that which is most attractive as the means of controlling your thoughts and feelings in meditation and prayer and you will also compound the benefits.
You do this when you pray earnestly for a dear one who is sick or in danger. Then all your feelings are intensified by the need of the one 31
for whom you pray. Then you pray with power. Analyze your mental activities at such times, and you will see that your love stirs the deep feelings of your soul and controls all your thoughts. Your feelings compel concentration of mind. Is intense feeling then not the secret of concentration and mental control?
In the force of your feelings you have the power where- with to control all your thoughts. By daily practice in the use of this power you can overcome fears, worries, cares, and all destructive thoughts and emotions.
Form a human "rosary". Pray for people who need your faith and love. Begin with the names of six or a dozen persons whom you feel you want to bless. Take for your blessings persons who are sick, children who are suffering, old people who are friendless or in need. Bless each one from one to three minutes during the time devoted to daily meditation.
Recognize that you have the power of love within your soul, and that you can feel this love flowing to each one as you bless them. You do not need to beg the Creator to help, or heal, or strengthen them. The All Person knows what they have need of. Just make yourself a creative center of blessings, that the Creator may express Divine Will through you. 32
You will realize in this practice how important you are in the accomplishment of Jehovih's goodwill toward all children of the Ever-Present. The Creator can accomplish through you what cannot be accomplished without your blessings. Jehovih does not withhold Divine love and power, but you fail to realize or give that love and power because you do not act as the Creator's agent and let these qualities express through your spirit.
Recognize that the Spirit of Love wants to express through you to anyone you are blessing. Your spirit can transmit to those persons the strength needed to help resolve their crisis or restore their health. You can become a generator of healing love. You can do what others are falling to do because of their fear and lack of faith in the presence of the Creator.
You can create a feeling of love which will strengthen and sustain the spirit of that person. Without seeing that per- son, your spirit can be an active agent of the divine Spirit, transcend space, and stand right with the spirit of the person in need, giving it strength. Infinite love can express through you to help save a life. The Ever-Present is life, and that Infinite love gives life abundantly through every channel that is open to receive and express life as love.
I am a blessing; love is my power.
Attune your spirit to a very vibrant state of feeling by affirming, or better, singing this thought to a soothing and harmonizing tune. This will get you into a very positive and vibrant state of feeling, in which you will seem so one with the power of your Creator that all things will seem possible.
Now you have tuned your mind to the wavelength of Divine Power. It has become a transmitter, and you can relay the Divine Power which you feel to any person you desire to bless.
Close your eyes and imagine that you are standing beside the person in need. Sustain the feeling of love by repeating the words:
I am a blessing; love is my power.
You can affirm:
O Creator, I am blessing this person with Thy healing love. I am strengthening this spirit with the strength of my spirit, which is of Thee. I am Thy blessing; love is my power.
You can, in this way, bless every person representing a bead on your 34
human rosary. You will soon realize a spiritual joy and power from this practice which will prove to you that you have found a way to realize and express the love of your Creator.
Religion is the Great Spirit's love expressing through the soul of humanity. This is the way to practice Religion of a most practical and dynamic kind. From this practice you will realize the truth of this statement:
Bless, and you shall be blessed by the love which expresses through your soul.
Bless all souls who are in need this day. Bless them with the grace to see that they are protected. They can never lose their caring angelic guardians, though they may struggle with loss of friends, relatives and all things materially-based. We are here to see that they are nurtured in spirit. We cannot directly provide the material goods that they need but we can give them a great upliftment which will spur them onward, regardless of circumstances. 35
Don't belittle the work you do with prayers and affirmations. You are helping us reach, people who otherwise might be unable to hear the words we speak. You are transformers in the spiritual communication network: getting the message into the local lines, so to speak. We appreciate your concern and your consistent practice of blessing others. We all grow through this united effort.
Bless all good people. Somewhere in every crowd is a person who yearns to do more, more than the average, in peace and good works. Salute them and be with them in spirit. We help one and all with your prayers. No one gets neglected for lack of time or interest. What you begin, we will follow up. Whatever you continue to build, we will give our support in addition. So don't doubt your ability to help. You are not alone, just as we are not. Make plans for bigger spiritual projects, and your support team will grow too. All in proportion; all prayers answered.
Your first awakening came when you realized the truth that people have the power to bless one another. Sometimes you lose sight of the fact that this is part of your work as a Faithist in Jehovih. Perhaps you are caught up in the work of world-wide upliftment, and forget to turn your energies to blessings on the personal level. Are you blessing the people around you with whom you are constantly associated? You are now questioning, "What is a blessing? What is the best way to bless people?" Give upliftment in any way you can. Show people that you care for them. But of course there are problems of personality. You do not always agree amongst yourselves. Tempers flare at times. You get into arguments about trivial things. The lesser self takes control of your thoughts. When you realize what is happening, and that you are out of attunement with the Creator, and you try to rise above your own darkness, you are not only uplifting yourself, but the people with whom you live and work. You are blessing people just by being in tune with the higher light. When you are identifying yourself with the Creator, and are harmonious and at peace with yourself, you are a blessing to all the people of your world.
What is a blessing? Few are those who know what a blessing is or what it does. Yet they may be those who bless constantly. In order to accomplish anything, it is most necessary to know what it is and what results to expect. A blessing is very similar to an electric current both to the sight and in its manifestation. It is a light ray of current. It is the generation of love from the angels. It manifests in many ways, as heat or cold, or a tingling sensation. It may even be like a slight shock. In all cases, it is the expression of divine love. In order to bless and receive real results, it is necessary to have undergone a certain amount of purification. This can only take place by cooperating with the angels.
Some will say to you, "I have blessed all my life without any results." This may be very true. Blessings avail very little unless conditions are made and understood. If you desire to gain benefit from blessings, go where the power is organized and work with the angels.
Everyone knows that concentration is to keep the mind or thought on 38
one subject. But how many know how to do that? Only general directions can be given here as each person is different. Some can concentrate objectively, others subjectively, and some by a combination of both, yet the result in all cases is the same. The law is that when one idea fills the consciousness to the exclusion of all other ideas, action then can take place. Here is the rub. Concentration seems so simple on first sight. The first step to take is to direct the thought by will to that which we desire to manifest. Next is to isolate that thought from all other thoughts that exist in the greater part of the mind. The ability to keep the mind on the matter at hand is accomplished by the subjective part of the will. We first affirm the thought to ourselves out loud or in silence just as we choose. As we analyze ourselves, we find a multitude of opposite thoughts. When we notice this we find ourselves losing our hold on the thought we desire and become influenced by opposite thoughts. We again affirm the thought we wish to control or to have control. We again make the affirmations of the idea we wish to express. It is not necessary to use the same words as long as the same idea is expressed. In fact it is better to use different words all the time because changing the words centers the attention on what we are trying to do and arouses joy and interest in our work.
Never try to use the objective part of the will to hold the attention on the idea. Always use the subjective side of the Will. The small field of 39
consciousness that we have control of is like a lever by which we can move the other ninety percent. Yet this takes effort and time at first. After much practice the sluggish mind is more easily moved and the effort required to concentrate becomes in part involuntary.
Faith is most necessary in the art of concentration. Yet a clear understanding is also necessary for success for faith and understanding go hand in hand. The clearer we know what we want, the easier it is to obtain. A clear picture is necessary even before we begin to concentrate. If we do not give the will force definite direction, how can we expect it to ever reach the goal we have in mind?
Decrees or affirmations are absolutely necessary to bring about concentration. The reason being that they stimulate the mind into activity, causing the life forces to flow, also to break up old limited ideas which hinder the angelic beings from expressing any great degree of power.
Affirmations also give one a new outlook on life itself. The Intelligent use of affirmations can change all negative conditions of one's life. They can change sickness into health, failure into success. In fact almost anything can be accomplished through this means with the 40
proper effort and the necessary time.
Let your will be as positive and as strong as the grip of a bulldog. You will surely win. Because of the great power that is with you, you can expect wonderful results from the intelligent use of affirmations. I say this to you as I realize your present stage of development and know its outcome.
To give power to affirmations it is a very good idea to put in front of each and every affirmation I will or I am. This is true for the reason that it is quite impossible to use power that is outside of one's self.
The use of I will or I am identifies one with the power one desires to express and in this way enables one to express a certain degree of power that would otherwise be quite impossible. To identify one's self with the power forms a connecting link between him and that thing or condition. The angelic connection becomes stronger as well, and the power is drawn through the objective plane of consciousness. Affirmations also help us to realize spiritual truths and to awaken latent power of the soul. We can do that which we can feel and conceive of and in the degree that we feel and conceive of a certain thing, that degree and amount of power only will be the objective expression of the desired thing or condition. This means much more than a wild imagination. To conceive of a thing is to feel and to know 41
of that thing. It is touching a subjective reality. You will see by this that I refer to much more than a mental picture or idea.
When a person conceives of anything, he comes in contact with that thing. He in truth touches the spirit of that thing or condition and almost always is unaware of the fact.
Because the Creator could conceive of all things, He through this principle was enabled to create all things.
In referring to the Creator, the ever active creative principle, "He" is but a figure of speech for as far as we can understand the nature of the Eternal Being, He is both masculine and feminine.
The first thing that is taught the students of the Eloist Ministry is the art of blessing others. To many this is a vague term, and is not understood. We say to someone, "Bless your friends!" and that person replies, "Why, I always have blessed my friends." Once, in the past, we sent a letter to an ordained minister, and signed it with the 42
word "Blessings!" and we had a reply from him saying that because we were not ordained by the church, we had no right to bless. So it is shown that an explanation must be given on the practice of blessing.
Modern psychology and metaphysics teach us that thoughts have a definite power, and when positively directed to a person, can affect that person for good or ill, according to the quality of the thoughts and the motive of the person sending them. We know of the gypsy curse and of the curses of the Indians, directed against their enemies with dire results. We also know of the blessings given through the ages by the church to those who have lived beautiful lives. Our reason tells us that a kind thought and deep feeling of unselfish love for another is a blessing.
Each of us desires to express as much goodwill as possible. We should all like to learn how to think and feel at all times from the Divine Presence within, so that our thoughts, actions and words would always be inspired by unselfish love. We realize that if everyone felt his responsibility as an executive of the Almighty to bless and help his fellowmen, there would be no more wars, hatred, greed, disease, poverty and suffering in the world.
It is the purpose of every student of the Eloist Ministry to become so radiant with goodwill for his fellowmen that his life will be a blessing 43
to all people in his world, and awaken a like purpose in the hearts of those he contacts.
Every person, no matter how degraded or how high he stands in the eyes of the world, is a temple of the living Presence. That is, he has within him a spark of divinity, he is formed in the image and likeness of his Creator. If he is not expressing the qualities of Benevolence, it is not wholly his fault. His spiritual education has been neglected, and he does not realize the marvelous powers that are locked up within him.
It is our purpose to awaken all souls to an understanding of the power of the Creator within, and help them to express this power in blessings for others. We do not mean by this the development of a vague altruism, but a definite, scientific system of soul culture, the practice of which brings to the individual happiness and liberation from suffering. The soul who is awake, and has learned how to bless and strengthen others by the power of his thought is a radiantly happy person, getting the most out of life because he is putting the most into it. All things work together for the good of anyone who has attuned his life through unselfish blessing to the great Soul of Love, which is the Creator.
In order to become proficient in the art of blessing, the student sets 44
aside a time every day for practice. This time should be the same time every day, and the appointment should be kept as regularly and conscientiously as you would keep an appointment with the President of the United States (if you had one!)
Our ultimate goal is to develop an intensely compassionate and fiery Love for all humanity, so that humanity may be regenerated and awakened by the projection of this Love with trained will-power. But we must begin with less ambitious aspirations. To bless one's friends, those one loves, is easier for the beginner than to bless the whole world in general. Not only is it easier, but it is essential, for although there may be great love existent in the universe, that love means nothing to humanity until it becomes individualized through human beings. You are an agent of the Creator. You are a channel through which His love should flow to humanity. You are the Creator personified. Live up to your divine heritage and love with all your heart! When you bless, bless with all your might. Feel the desire burning bright within you to help others. For when desire is strong, concentration is easier.
As the warmth of the sun is focalized through a lens until it sets on fire the object before it, so the love of the Creator, when brought to a focus through your blessing for your friend, will stir the flame of his latent divine desire, and cause it to set his whole being on fire with 45
the purifying, healing power.
Let us take an example. You have a sick friend who lives in a distant city and you want to help her. The doctors are doing all they can, but still she suffers. You have faith that the power of the Creator within her is greater than this sickness, but you realize that that power must be clouded and limited because it is not expressing in the healing of her body. So you sit down in your chair, and close your eyes to all external objects which might cause your mind to wander. You think of your friend. You visualize her personality. You speak her name softly to yourself, and feel that you are standing with her, holding her hands. You think intensely of the Life force that is locked up within her soul nature, and you give your faith to that Power, that it may come into more positive expression through every cell, nerve, organ, tissue of her body. For what is the organizing power of her physical temple, that which holds it together and keeps it functioning, if it is not this Glory-Presence within the soul? So you pour your faith, like a living fire, into her soul to strengthen it, and help it to master the dark clouds of doubt and depression which so often cloud the atmosphere of a sick room.
Another person with spiritual vision, looking at you as you concentrate, would see a ray of light, going directly to the soul of your sick friend, a warm, vitalizing ray of healing Life. That ray is made 46
light by your love, and your desire to help your friend. Your faith makes it a strong ray. The longer you concentrate with your friend, uninterrupted by disturbing outside thoughts, the stronger and brighter the ray of light becomes, until a healing result is affected in the condition of your friend.
That is what we mean by practicing the art of blessing others. It is a scientific unfoldment of your own soul powers in concentrated thought upon another to heal and help him. He need not necessarily be sick, he may be tired, or depressed with a load too heavy to bear alone. He may need the encouragement your concentrated love-thought will bring him. Anyone, anywhere, no matter what his trouble, can be helped by a person who has learned the art of blessing.
That is the first step. The next step is fully as important.
The condition of the world-mind is a condition of hell! The daily papers show us what terrible times every country is experiencing. Criminality and suffering are rampant in every city. Where one or two gunmen were common in years past, hundreds now walk the streets, leaving murder in their trail. Behind this physical manifestation of crime is a great spiritual world of chaotic, selfish spirits, preying on the minds of men and women the world over. Those who think they 47
are free and safe from this awful bondage, are often the most affected. Because we see this, and know its reality, we urge our friends to unite in their efforts to bless others. UNITY AND COOPERATION are necessary. The darkness of the world is so great that it overwhelms the individual who tries to bless alone. He is swamped and takes on the conditions of those he tries to help. Our years of experience have shown us that every student needs Protection. He can get it through uniting with others whose purpose is the same as his.
It is most important for everyone to learn to bless his friends and his enemies, but it is also most important that he gains Protection through cooperation with others. This is a form of service which cannot be taken on alone but must done in organic unity with others.
Although there have been many religious, educational systems and training schools for the development of the devotional side of man's nature, somehow this most important phase of his unfoldment has not been undertaken in the real spiritual sense. The scientific training of his spiritual nature by calling into expression the hidden qualities of his God-hood, his I AM, through blessing others in unison with many, is Soul Culture.
By the practice of Soul Culture you can bring into expression the 48
creative powers of your soul, and use these powers for the good of humanity. Gradually you will get so that you can bless people many times a day. Every person you meet will call forth a blessing from your soul. Everywhere you go you will see a need for your blessings, and your life will become so radiant with good works that the conditions which have been worrisome and inharmonious to you in the past will disappear. The days will not be long enough, so great will be your joy in serving even the least of the Creator's children.