Cesar Chavez, Out of American Badlands— Against American abuses, A Labor Leader of Courageous Will arises. Raised in the Grapes of Wrath, injustices upon the poor he resists, worker unions galvanizes. In the backbreaking fields, the seasonal labor slave-like for big agribusiness; Under the burning sun, for dimes and dollars a day, for migrants the days endless. To end these hardships, each desperate
farm worker marches united for fairness. Long strikes without pay, painful hunger strikes, enduring the fearful — fearless. Behold the brave, who even in ever deeper poverty, nationwide boycotts organizes. Not seeking justice just for themselves — rather for every communities’ progress. United Farm Workers, All Workers, sacrificing as a non-violent struggle for justness. The Theme: given Life by God our lives an awesome opportunity God uses Ever Shining forth Spirit Empowering: Cesar Chavez.