Daughters of Job Masons*
It will be shown that all the rites associated with the following sections of Oahspe were not in the original manuscript:
Tablet of Kii, Fonece, Aribania'hiayaustoyi, Ho'ed, Chine. Zerl., Kii, Port-Pan Algonquin, Anubis, Baugh-Ghan-Ghad, Emethachava,
Hi'dang, M'hak, Chamber of Adepts, Chamber of Prophecy,
Let it be first pointed out that Oahspe again and again speaks out against having set rites and sacred books to follow, the principle being that all are to attune to the Creator directly, inventing their own prayers, rites and sacred books. It also advises that such be as spontaneous, beautiful, and set forth as simply as possible.
So why then would the angels who communicated Oahspe go straight away and place pages and pages of complicated long rites, supposedly from the ancients, within Oahspe’s pages where they would likely be a source of adoration, confusion and bondage?
Answer: They wouldn’t and didn’t. Newbrough and the Masonic spirits put them there under false pretenses. Recall the earlier quote of Newbrough’s claiming he was told to copy from such sources as: "The Egypterian Ceremonies' and other books." *21
Consider next but a few quotes (there are dozens more) of Oahspe that contradict the very idea of putting ancient rites in Oahspe: Man shall pray to Me, and speak to Me in his own way, and not according to the dictation of any man, nor priest, nor sacred book, save the book of My creations. Neither shall man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the Kosmon era that which is good for them also. (Es 1: 14 15) *6
This is very clear. Let us also be very clear that no one is trying to literally stop others from performing any rites they wish. However, there is a right and a duty to point out that doing so puts one into direct contact with low-grade drujas from the Masonic-Saphah hells. It is also a right and a duty of true Faithists to warn everyone that none of these rites were ever in the original Oahspe text and are only there now because Newbrough immorally and stupidly got suckered into hacking Oahspe and putting such anti Oahspe text into Oahspe.
Neither shall man be bound more by the doctrines of this God or that God, or by this Savior or that Savior, nor by any of the ancient
books, nor by inspirations of the olden times. But he shall know how to obtain inspirations from My Gods, and My heavens for his own good, and for his own wisdom. (Es 7:30) *6
These words are a quote from Jehovih the Holy I AM, Creator of the Universe. The universe and the angels who are one with the Creator are there to help everyone progress spiritually. Thus, for we ourselves, we need only purify our dreams, desires and purposes so that they are in tune with the Universe and the angels, working to uplift, bless, protect and serve all creations of the universe. Such is our divine mission. Now, behold, these ascetics labor for themselves in these foolish proceedings; they do not these things in order to meliorate the condition of their neighbors. Neither have they shown, in a single instance, where a benefit resulted to the state in consequence of their practices. They call their initiations sacred, but I declare unto thee, they are a blasphemy against Jehovih. They are as a snare for the imprisonment of the mind and the soul. And, after death, these people are prevented by their drujan masters from entering heavenly places of resurrection, becoming, instead, slaves in the es world, to pursue such calling and practice as may be put upon them. For the same rule holdeth on earth and in heaven, as regardeth the bondage of the mind. If, by imposing rites and ceremonies, and by
the strategems and cunning of mortal priests, they can be captured on earth, even so can they be retained in bondage in heaven (Judgment 26:7 10) *6
These are strong words, strong warnings and rightfully so. For there is distinct danger for any mortal who would place themselves within a spiritual sphere of spiritual tyranny, that is, within a religion cult hierarchy. For what is bound on earth is bound in the spiritual reality and so is bound in heavens or in the hells. Just as our spiritual reality arises from our thoughts, since our mental state of mind is in truth our spiritual reality, so too must we take control of our own thoughts and live for the Creator, ourselves, and all beautiful creations. Or one can knowingly or unknowingly, simply be a slave to be fettered and harmed by the higher-up tyrants up to which we will have given our independent spiritual existence.
Just to begin to provide some perspective on these rites, some relatively small portions of Masonic rites (bolded text) will next be presented. Please note the similarities between Newbrough’s inserted rites and these samples (boxed text), as well as how the preceding Oahspe quotes so aptly apply. The bolded text
Q. Are you a Mark Master Mason?
A. I am; try me.
S.: What are thy qualifications?
I.: Try me.
Q. How will you be tried?
A. By the chisel and mallet.
Q. Why by the chisel and mallet?
A. Because they are the proper Masonic implements of this degree.
Q. Where were you first prepared to be made an Entered Apprentice Mason?
A. In my heart.
Q. By whom were they delivered?
A. By Cyrus, King of Persia, who in the first year of his reign issued his yearly proclamation saying: "Thus says Cyrus, King of Persia," etc., etc. (See Monitor.)
Q. Did you pursue your journey?
A. We did, the rough and rugged paths.
Q. What do the rough and rugged paths denote?
A. The sojourning of the children of Israel through the wilderness.
I: I escaped and traveled north, and came to a country most rich and prosperous, where many Israelites had gone before me.
M: Why didst thou not tarry there?
I: I did, for a season, but warriors came and possessed the land and drove the Israelites away. FONECE 15-17*6
M: Which direction, then?
I: I traveled east and came into a country old in religion and philosophy. They had great riches for the rich and great poverty for the poor. Their philosophers wasted their time in reading the ancients. FONECE 20 21*6
Q. The Worshipful Master's station in the Lodge?
A. In the east, Worshipful.
Q. Why in the east, and his duty there?
A. As the sun rises in the east, to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful Master in the east (here he gives three raps with his gavel, when all the brethren of the Lodge rise, and himself), to open and govern his Lodge, set the craft to work, and give them proper instructions. *2
Master of the East: This is the Dawn! Behold the rising Sun!
Ye are now on the road of everlasting light. Swerve not from your covenant with Jehovih, and the spirits from the second heaven will
abide with you. He who taught you before will invest you with, etc.
Each of the Saphah rites will be analyzed in detail in the next part of this book. But here we can see here the similarities already between some of the Saphah and Masonic rites.
Yes, there are other heavenly rites briefly given or described in Oahspe outside of Saphah. But these are given in the context of continuing heavenly histories or narratives in Oahspe. They are part of the story of a place far away in time and spirit from mortals. The point is NOT that rite are always to be condemned but that rites instigated by religious, cult “masters” are!
In contrast, the rites “found” in The Book of Saphah are given without any kind of context. They are simply "there;" shoved into the divinely inspired Oahspe which thus strongly yet falsely affirms that:
(1) the higher angels explicitly made these rites a part of Oahspe, and, (2) thus are to serve as rites, literally or in fashion, for past, current and future Faithists.
Indeed, we are told by the editors of Oahspe that these very rites are
currently being used and so certain ritual information is being withheld from publication. This is quite a clear indication from the editors that these rites are sacred, important, and of present day value to present day Faithists, despite their alleged origin being that of various ancient Faithist peoples (Egyptians, Native Americans, Chinese, Israelites, ect.). Not so coincidentally, even though all of these rites are of very different peoples from very different lands of very different times, they are nevertheless “somehow” very similar to Masonic rites in that:
1. The rites are hierarchical in nature where each level represents a different degree of attainment;
2. The rites follow a question and answer format;
3. The rites’ content involves the confirmation of knowledge attained or of a symbolic story;
4. The rites involve a dialogue between a master and an initiate;
5. The rites do not involve dialogue involving group response such as many modern religious rites do; and
6. The rites are considered secret knowledge.
All of the above, from the very existence of sanctioned rites being present in Oahspe (in defiance of Oahspean principles), as well as the Masonic style similarities, provide strong evidence of the Oahspe
“hack.” To reiterate, these rites were never in the original Oahspe, but rather Newbrough and the Masonic spirits created them to falsely place in Oahspe, just as they created The Oahspe Lodge of Faithist Rites for the Faithists Newbrough had become a priest-prophet for.
One more bit of evidence is in the image plates for these rites. Every one (14 out of 14) *44 of these rite plates is correctly placed in a location near the rite text. However in comparison, concerning all the other plates, Newbrough and the editors only managed to correctly place about 18 out of 78. *44 For further reference, please see the plate research book entitled Positioning the Plates.
Apparently, the authors of these Masonic rites knew their own self-created, Masonic-spirits guided, disingenuously placed rites, far better than those that were angelically communicated for Oahspe.
All of these false religion cult rites and Masonic symbols shall be analyzed in further detail throughout this section, that is, Part V of Discovering the True Path of Oahspe.