The Two Pillars of Masonry
Part V: The Masonic Infiltration
Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe
In the spirit realms, our mind is our absolute reality. Hence, throughout the ages, false gods and false goddesses, demons in disguise, all mortals who have rejected their true spiritual path, have sought to ensnare potential slaves with symbolism and rites that would fool them into thinking they were participating and studying that which was illuminating knowledge. Just as deadly spiritually,

there would go along with all of this the dangerous false conclusion that by simply “seeing” or “accepting” such symbolic dogma, one was achieving salvation and had become superior to 95% of the world’s “ignorant” population
And so, whether we are talking about the Masonic-Satanic-Occult tarot The High Priestess, or St. Mary the Mother of God, there is only bondage and deception for such worshippers of the unreal. I chose just this particular major trump tarot because its pillars match those of Masonry AND of the inner circle Newbrough lodges and churches.
You want visualization of the sublime? A high spiritual focus for angelic inspiration? Then look no further than the priceless eternal beauty of the Creator’s creations: sunrise, sunset, seashore, flowers, hummingbirds, rainbows, waterfalls and on and on without end. There is no comparison between valuing the Great Spirit’s natural treasures with those of the occult cultism images being pushed by the truly ignorant.
Please note well that I am not asserting that every Mason is mostly evil. I would assert though, that the higher the rank of the Mason, the more likely that they are evil, even if not in their own eyes. And most definitely all Masons and Satanists are delusional and deluding
themselves due to being taken in by a series of lies. No person stands still. We can push ourselves towards achieving ever nobler and kinder acts of loving-compassion. Or, in the case of the elite rich, we can plunge ourselves ever deeper into darkness and every kind of sin and hellish crime that exists. This is the imploding fix that Satanists, Fascists, Masons, Saphah cultists, witches, Golden Dawn members find themselves sinking ever lower into. Now look objectively at all the world leaders and their minions in power positions and the outrageous decisions they are making:
1. A child that survives an abortion must be killed;
2. Praying outside in complete silence is a crime to be arrested for;
3. Protesting lockdowns means you deserve to lose all your money you keep in the bank;
4. Not taking fake, poisonous vaccines means you deserve to lose your job;
5. LGBTQ+ adults have a right to indoctrinate toddler children into the use of sex toys and related sodomy techniques;
6. The ending of energy production will save our planet even if kills billions without the means to produce food, travel, or keep their homes heated;
7. Gathering to pray in a church during lockdowns is a crime;
8. Only international rich corporations are allowed to run their businesses during lockdowns;
9. Sending over $100,000,000,000 plus to a Ukrainian dictator without any accounting controls or means to prevent this loot from becoming kickback payments to US congressional members is a fine idea;
10. Using U.S. military weapons to attack Russia and people that are traditionally Russian in order to start WW3 is a good idea;
11. Children can give consent to having sex with adults without it being a crime;
12. We should all eat bugs to survive;
13. No one except the elite should own or use a car or house;
14. No one has a right to grow their own food;
15. Farmers are destroying the world through use of fertilizers and so these farms must stop producing food.
16. There should be no controlling confirmation system for validating elections; in fact, it is a crime to even question whether an election is rigged;
17. Young children may be consumed as part of dark rituals for the sake of increasing one’s vitality;
18. Only news outlets officially-sanctioned by our national government are acceptable.
19. Burning wood in a woodstove to stay warm is a crime.
20. Preteen children should be coerced into changing their sex.
21. Even children with serious heart ailments must be compelled to use vaccinated bloodclot-forming blood for their surgery.
22. Parents who refuse to cooperate with any tyrannical medical oppression dangerous to their children’s health will have their children taken away permanently from them.
Every one of these abhorrent concepts and practices are being advocated and set up as the law. Those in power in the depths of hells have their puppet mortal leaders of the New World Order, rich, elite, powerful all taking active steps to implement them, step by step.
Clearly, such dark practices are destructive. Nevertheless, those on the dark path wish to be perceived as “enlightened” and fighting for what is “right” even if it means thousands of lies must be presented every day of the week. Many on this path are high-level Masons and their goals are thus in no way compatible with Oahspe. The Masonic-Demonic-Occult path is primarily one of bondage since it seeks to elevate its members into a sense of superiority, primarily via the study and meditation upon a myriad of symbols and rites, many of which are based on ancient religions such as that of the false Osiris all originating from the blackest and goriest tombs of the
underworld. Behold! It is at least our duty to have nothing to do with such foul atrocities of the insane. Moreover, if we truly are seekers of light, then we should also reveal the truth about such lower entities so that the world may unite to reject them. Furthermore, becoming one with God Almighty in all good things is a good first step towards saving our world. As such, the paths of Masonry and Oahspe are in direct opposition. For example, Masonry seeks as much as possible to treasure every ancient religious-cult symbol. In contrast, Oahspe seeks as much as possible to eliminate such esoteric clutter in favor of being directed inspired by our Creator, The Great Spirit of the Universe. Additionally, wherein Oahspe does, Masonry does not seek true service of the poorest as a matter of continual personal sacrifice. Rather it places its aim upon its adherents immersing themselves in the glory of as much “sacred” symbolism and ritualism as is possible. This kind of approach was seen in Shalam as well as in later “Masonic Faithist” groups that Newbrough helped found himself, as well as in many of those of recent generations. What follows next is a follow up of Masonic Symbolism which Jim
Dennon confirmed being used prominently in an early Faithist group, one that John Newbrough personally worked on establishing. The quotation below represents one more astute Dennon observation concerning the matching symbolism between this “Oahspe” group and the Masons:
The two columns mentioned with Lomaid (the man sitting between the two columns) were named Beauty and Strength in the opening ritual of the Lodge of Arach, Emetha Chavah. These two columns appeared on the front and back covers of the Essenes of Kosmon Constitution, published in 1957 by the colony at Montrose, Colorado, when Ray Schlipmann was C'Chief, shortly before that organization failed. On that cover, the columns are correctly identified as Jachin and Boaz, as they are known by Masons. * 30

Constitution: The Essenes of Kosmon, * 24 * 30
And so above is a copied section from the front and back covers of the book entitled “Constitution: The Essenes of Kosmon,” for The Lodge of Arach. Here you can see, just as Jim Dennon has described, the Masonic-stye Pillars*51 inscribed with the terms “Boaz” and “Jachin,” symbols of images supposedly based on King Solomon’s Temple from antiquity. *26 The Masonic Pillars are one of the most important and commonly used symbols of Masonry. Notice that a number of Oahspean terms have been used in the diagram, such as
Aleph and I’hin. The identification of Taurus (active / positive) and Aries (passive / receptive) are also a prevalent theme in Saphah and in Masonry. And so next is a Masonic version of Boaz and Jachin, with the pillars labelled “B” and “J” respectively. Note the arch and the keystone at its apex:

This is the spiritual path of Masonry, ever grasping in bondage at secret “ancient” symbols in the false hope that anyone whose primary focus is on such is on the way to higher resurrection.
Oahspe teaches us differently: that only true service which first uplifts others whereby we sacrifice own time, energy, finances for the good of others, can lead to resurrection. This in essence means we are to focus first on the resurrection of others as our sincere desire, not so much on that of our own.
And here is still another Masonic version of Boaz and Jachin with unlabeled pillars (which is common) but with each stone of the “Royal Arch” labelled with astrological signs, including the keystone:
The Royal Arch *57
It is also of interest to note that a member of The Kosmon Church in 1950s envisioned “The Tablet of Om” in a fashion where the arch is very similar to the Mason version, as in the above The Royal Arch*57 in that each stone of the arch has a zodiac symbol upon it.

The Arch Tablet of Om *23
Concerning this image, in the 2014 Introduction to The Arch Tablet of Om, it is stated: The drawing of the Two Pillars and the Arch is an artist’s conception from the description given by spirit of part of the Tablet of OM. Spirit tells us that the Tablet of OM was given with OAHSPE, and it is interesting to consider that obviously the angels were not consulted about the editing when the Tablet of OM was edited out of OAHSPE. Because the Tablet of OM was considered important, a description of it was given in a Trance Address in the 1950s. The importance of this Tablet is to help Faithists understand

that there is the balance of Going Forth and Receptivity energy upon which the cosmos is built. This balance and harmony is the foundation of the understanding of later work in the Trance Address, THE DUALITIES, given in the 1960s. *57
While it is easy to understand that Newbrough had edited out yet another part of Oahspe for the purpose of maintaining more “secret knowledge,” it is not clear in this case that this envisioned artistic conception was ever part of the original manuscript. To put it more strongly, there is no proof, though falsely claimed by some.
Moreover, metaphysical concepts such as dualities is just another abstract concept by which to bamboozle the masses and / or readers of Oahspe, that all they need to achieve salvation is to learn about esoteric information rather than making real sacrifices to help the poor and distressed. For starters, how is any part of this drawing representative of “Om,” when what is depicted is the “Nine Entities?” Secondly, this image is similar to the Masonic pillars of “The Royal Arch,” Boaz and Jachin, as “mystic” symbols are inscribed on each separate stone of the arches of both images. At any rate, these “connections” show how far the Masonic sway has gone, reaching decades later to recent and current “Faithists.”
Therefore, if any mediumistic reimaging is going on, then the source is Masonic, not Oahspean nor of the second resurrection heavens. And from this we can once again see the continuing Masonic approach of placing burdening “secret” and “sacred symbols” upon all under its spheres of influence. Once again this goes directly against the two primary teachings of Oahspe: (1) seek to communicate directly with the Creator, and (2) seek to achieve real meaningful service unto those beneath you. All else pass by.
So why else do these similarities matter at all? They matter because they are outward manifestations of the spiritual path that leads towards the Es’sean realms for the Masons, as well as for the “Faithists” involved in using (knowingly or not) Masonic symbols, rites and ideas. This is not to say that such Faithists and Faithist groups making use of the above are locked into a purely Masonic heaven upon birth into Es, but rather that a distinct realm exists for Oahspean-Masons, under the direction of John Newbrough and the original remaining inspiring Mason spirits of John Newbrough.
And it is NOT being suggested that because someone meditates upon or simply holds sacred, for example, the symbolism of the rose, that therefore doing so puts one in harm’s way spiritually and under the control of the Masons since the rose is one of their symbols. Rather it is doing the sum of the whole, all that John Newbrough and
his descendent “apostle” groups have instituted and are instituting that is Masonic in style, and non-second resurrection in essence, especially with regard to being obsessed with mystic symbols, keeping their sacred knowledge secret and passed down only via master-initiate relationships.
In conclusion, you can be sure that when rituals and symbols take precedence over love and service to others in need, that this is going away from the true teachings of Oahspe.
The bottom-line is that Newbrough and the Masonic spirits put the spiritual focus on secret knowledge, self-aggrandizing rites, and elitism rather than helping those beneath us. This is how Masons approach the spiritual path and so too have and still to this day, do “Faithist groups” operate. This is the primary reason Faithism has failed to achieve communal organic service!
Far more evidence will be presented. Once again, this is just following up Dennon’s observations.
The aim of this book in its entirety is to show that Masonic Symbolism and Rituals, which were not in in the original Oahspe, were placed in Oahspe and Oahspean Faithist Rites (Oahspean Faithist Lodges started by John Newbrough).
In the next section, Masonic Symbolism will be outlined based on its typical “sacred” image plates. Many of these same symbols are now in The Book of Saphah, and certainly the format of a collection of symbols organized into a central design for various plate images is incorporated under false pretenses in Oahspe .
37. Git'ow the sun (Panic). Git'how, the sun (Chine). He, the Gitow shall be on the beam betwixt the pillars as a symbol of my power. (Saphah Se’moin 37)*6