Choosing Light and Love Feels Better — [ Vision ] — October 4th, 2020 — Robert Bayer — (7 pages)

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Choosing Light and Love Feels Better Jewel of Sacred Inspiration 662.

October 10th, 2020

Prayer: O Creator, we are determined to change our life for the better, to be more in accord with Thy Holy Will.

There is so

much more we can do for the upliftment of our fellow brothers and sisters if we but put

our mind to it.

Therefore, let us approach

each day with a sincere heart to speak words of kindness, to perform actions of loving care that shall ripple forth among all we meet so that they too shall in their own way, in their own time, unfold their divine love for all in their life. I see the same vision once again. There are waves of darkness and flames of hatred arising in our cities. It is as if the buildings themselves are on fire with evil. There are many gang leaders, both mortals and spirits unfortunately, bellowing for this catastrophe, a civil war pitting all groups versus all groups.

We feel the same wrong inspirations. To resist with force. To hate. To worry with fear about the future.

We must reject these low

impulses. We close the door to such dark energies with our higher choices. We pray for peace. We will happiness for all. We send our blessings of love to you all. You can almost hear the sound of one door closing and another opening, the one now opening being radiant, hopeful and stress-free. To live as an angel while mortal is our goal. We do not achieve this as often as we can or should, but as the times become more challenging, the choice is clearer and easier to make. It is thus even more important for

us to maintain our “attunement� with the heavens above, than ever before. Our spiritual studies and small efforts to be more caring and of service in different ways have not been wasted. As the societal pressures build, it is in some ways even easier to choose the light. Let








consciousness with God Almighty, we are safe, loved and secure.

Let us work to

help others feel the same harmonious love that is heaven sent. A new, better vision then unfolds. There at the depths of our Soul Center,

abides the Magic of Creation for every good feeling and idea we may ever hope to realize. We see our Soul Center, The Great I-Am-All-One unfolding the power and the will to love and forgive, to comfort and to heal one another and ourselves.

We have

the power, the highest each of us may envision and transform all in our spheres thereby.

We see it as a kind of Sparling

Energy Stellar, where Gold Stars by the thousands glitter forth in a miraculous fashion, blessing anyone and anywhere we turn our pure thoughts and good works towards. Together we choose to help all within our

reach, some more than another, some alone, yet all working together nevertheless, to bring The Dawn of a New Day, The Sunrise of a New Era, where all shall be as One Family being blessed by the Power of Love Everlasting, Love Heavenly. We are determined to heal and renew all in our world with all the Goodness and Love and Light that we may muster among our midst.

Our Angelic Love shall redeem our

world, step by step, person by person, being empowered by Our Everlasting Faith in God Almighty. For we have all the power and love in heaven and earth to use in service to others.

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