Climbing to New Heights of Resolution
770. — November 27, 2022
Prayer: O Creator, we look to You and Your Almighty Inspiration and Love. Your Worlds of Eternal Light beckon endlessly to us, bringing to us the Way Forward to Joyous Salvation. This salvation is not given to us, we now know. It must be built and developed from the quality of our thoughts and

actions and how well these are of encouraging service unto our Brothers and Sisters of Our Cosmic Family. Let us live then, O Great Spirit Within and Beyond, for Our Immortality as Angels of The Ever-Present Wondrous! The Dawn of this Day of The Universal Sun is driving away the darkness of our person and of this world. We stand in elation at the base of The Golden Pyramidof Power as TheAll-Sun’s Rays stream upon this Sacred Structure of the higher heavens in dazzling array. As the Light of Divinity gleams in splendorous glinting of brilliance, we marvel at the very power of Light Universal to make all things beautiful and uplifting, even and especially, all ourselves now about to make our pilgrimage here.
For we, very humble pilgrims seeking truth, knowledge and inspiration, have travelled to this ancient temple of the same to better ourselves. For we would not live our current mortal life in dissipation of our time in selfishness. Rather, we would do much

more to contribute to the well-being of all in our life, our world and in this very day.
So then we begin our climb towards the apex of this Temple of Holy Illumination. Upon the surface of its golden sheen we see the reflection of the incredibly blazing sun upon its surface, as well as our own faces aglow with new determination.
For we are resolved to be more than we ever thought we might be. We are resolved to make our lives count for more than seeking comfort or happiness just for

ourselves. We would join with the higher powers of the heavens to do heavenly work while alive upon this planet earth, guided together, attuning together to The All Highest Keynote of Immortality. We would blend the best of our destiny, our innermost being, and new choices of ascension that shall in union do much to bring salvation and happiness to those who are suffering and in despair. Onward we climb! Our strenuous efforts to climb each great stone of gold has us perspiring away our negative energies, breathing in deeper and deeper the essence of light and redemption. The pain and fatigue in our climb is very real, for as we move upward, so too does the Intensity of Sanctification increase. Perceive then that as any seek to go upward in ascension of the heavens, they
will find that their spiritual constitution may be ever less comfortable in being exposed to The Greater and Greater, Higher and Higher, Brighter and Brighter
Spiritual Power which is the reality for that level. But we would unfold our spirit, temper our soul by the Noon Sun’s fiery flames now burning all around us in purification. Only a few more meters shall we be able to endure of the All-Light’s Pure Energy which is completely permeating each of us. We have gone beyond our limits and then some. The horizons and summits of new tasks and works of goodness we can descry in the distance. Such are now our spiritual responsibilities we would work with all our might to achieve. To behold such quests of the heavens for our mortal world, is to begin anew vows
of resolution, seeking to fulfill them with all the will power of our mind, spirit and soul. As molten metal being forged anew by the super-heated furnaces of the etherean realms, we stand strong and aflame, accepting the challenge to transform unto the greater good as never before. Transporting in thought to The Oasis Pools of Life down below which in loveliness surround this mountain pyramid, we plunge our burning spirit-soul-mind into these cool, renewing waters of vitality. Into their azure depths of renewal we plunge—sweetest submersion and vitality. Soon we are resurfacing to the Glory of New Redemption and Resurrection, covenanting to new works by Our Love of and Our Faith in … Our Creator, Infinite and
Eternal, Wondrous and Joyous, in all time and in all space, both here and now, With faithful courage yet even more so with noble humility, we set our sights to whatever good we may do!
For now that we are alive upon these hallowed heavens, so too do we look upon our angelic missions. Our resolution is to step by step, breath by breath, get to work for the good of all in our life. For all of this, let us give thanks, praise and honor to Jehovih the Holy I AM, forever and a day!