Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe, Parts 1 to 4, first draft

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Discovering the True Spiritual Path of Oahspe Robert Bayer (2016-2019) Still in the Process of Being Written

Table of Contents Part I.

The Overwhelming Significance of Oahspe

Part II.

The Creation, Recreation, and Publication of Oahspe

Part III.

The Masonic Infiltration

Part IV.

The Book of Saphah Revisited

Part V.


Part VI.

The Misdirection of Oahspean Groups

Part VII.

The True Spiritual Path of Oahspe

Part VIII.

Conclusions 1


Statement of Explanation June 23rd, 2018

The full book of which this section is a small part is not yet finished. That book is called Discovery the True Path of Oahspe. Currently it is but the first version. It may be several years more before it is completely finished, for example, footnotes are not standardized nor are the sources yet included. However, it is being made public, one section at a time, and even though some errors may still be found in this book of research. The motivation for doing this is to admonish right now all who mistakenly and blindly follow those who work to make Oahspe into a religious cult, thereby seeking to glorify themselves instead of really practicing what Oahspe emphatically advises. In essence, Oahspe was channeled for the new age for three main purposes: (1) to teach every person how to hear the Creator’s Voice directly without the need of a priest or seer, (2) to teach all the importance of making sacrifices, of achieving good works of service for the benefit of those in need or in darkness, and (3) to begin to work together to establish communities that are developing in Oneness with the Creator and in Harmony with the angelic heavens.

Statement of Purpose January 31st, 2019 Oh by all means I love Oahspe. In addition, I fully intend to greatly expand part 1 in the book of why Oahspe is wonderful.


The main reason why this book is being written is as follows: including the Saphah text was an attack on Oahspe by spirits who tricked Newbrough into putting it in because of his longtime commitment to the Masons. Seers are vulnerable in that sense. In my mind at least, I am NOT criticizing Oahspe. I am defending it from Saphah and the religious-cult-take-over zombies. Therefore, I am criticizing Saphah, which was never part of the original channeling, but which has caused bondage, confusion, and suffering. I admire Newbrough much more than it may seem. He became a great Faithist .... but stumbled after the channeling due to his many years of being influenced as a practicing Mason at the highest levels. Seers are vulnerable, and Newbrough never stopped being a Mason: Masonic rites practiced at Shalam, Shalam was sold to Newbrough by Masons, Newbrough buried with Masonic rites, and finally in a Masonic gravesite. More than a few who have suffered in Saphah-cults now blame and hate Oahspe. So you see, that is what happens when cults use Oahspe as a means of oppression. Their victims can start hating Oahspe because of what Saphah provides support for: master priests who have absolute authority. I am not suggesting anyone has the power to stop cults from happening or fix what is wrong in those who start them. But the innocent seekers deserve to know more about what to watch out for. No one dared to warn me Yet I have seen 4 or 5 people drop Oahspe as soon as they saw Saphah. I am not saying that no one will ever read Oahspe if Saphah is in it. I am stating it has and will continue to drive people away -- as well as create some very negative connections and spiritual dogma that 4

makes it possible for some to transform Oahspe into a priest-masterreligion. This has been happening for decades and even now there are churches and videos promoting a distorted view of what Oahspe is. So I don't think anyone can so easily dismiss the danger of keeping Saphah in it. Most definitely, it is irrational to dismiss any criticism of Saphah simply because some voices someone heard in their head said Saphah was meant to be in Oahspe. This book sets forth both conclusive proofs and arguments that demonstrate Saphah is a dangerous sham that must be excluded from future editions of Oahspe. Yet the Saphah-supporters do not want to consider the evidence or the arguments. They have not yet nor ever will challeng any points successfully in this book. They just ignore it all and hope the truth and the factual evidence will go away. However, in doing so, they prove they have nothing in their viewpoint to offer other than mindless acceptance of Saphah, that is, encumbering symbols and dogma, all overseen by fake priests-rulers. All done in a manner that is the very antithesis of Oahspe. My view is: don't allow the charade of Saphah to continue. After the channeling, Newbrough was allowed to make his choices. He chose to bring in the Masonic influence. You and I, everyone, we get to make our own choices without exception, as you well know. The angels who worked with Newbrough let Newbrough do what he thought best but the Masonic spirits were having none of that. The Masonic spirits trashed Oahspe and poisoned the initial Faithist communities as well as almost all those started over the past century, a history of failure, obsession, crimes, and lunacy.


Part I. The Overwhelming Significance of Oahspe A Book from the Higher Heavens From the very beginning of Oahspe, a “Voice� from the heavens, from the halls of truth sounds forth: After the creation of man, the Creator, Jehovih, said unto him: That thou shalt know thou art the work of My hand, I have given thee capacity for knowledge, power and dominion. This was the first era. (Oahspe I:1) *6 Throughout Oahspe, passages of mystic ascension lift the reader upward higher and higher: ALL was. ALL is. ALL ever shall be. The ALL spake, and Motion was, and is, and ever shall be; and, being positive, was called He and Him. The ALL MOTION was His speech. He said, I AM! And He comprehended all things, the seen and the unseen. Nor is there aught in all the universe but what is part of Him. He said, I am the soul of all; and the all that is seen is of My person and My body. By virtue of My presence all things are. By virtue of My presence is life. By virtue of My presence are the living brought forth into life. I am the QUICKENER, the MOVER, the CREATOR, the DESTROYER, I am FIRST and LAST. Of two apparent entities am I, nevertheless I AM BUT ONE. (Jehovih 1:1-5) *6 Within the pages of Oahspe, the Creator of the Universe speaks 6

directly to us: Behold me! I am the light! And the life! I quicken into life every living thing. Behold me! I am with thee! I am never away from thee! Thou art mine now, and forever shall be! Look upon me! I am in all things! Nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be without me! Hear my Love! I am thy Creator! Only for love, and for love only, created I thee, my beloved. (Lika XV:13) *6 Sacred Prayers of Praise can be found in Oahspe to enlighten and brighten every heart: When all the world beside faileth, Thou, my Creator, standest before me Mighty and full of love. Thou One Alone, imperishable forever, and just and merciful. Praise be unto Thee, Jehovih, Who art greater than All! (Praise: Son: 4) *6 And yet also there are so many sentences in Oahspe that can ignite us powerfully to act to become a better person: I say unto thee, that a poor man, who cannot read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers. (Judgment XVI: 6) *6 Yet best of all in Oahspe are visions of the future which give our world a true path that shall lead us to a future of redemption and light: And it came to pass that Tae was as one man, being 7

attuned With the Father, and the light of the past and present came upon him. And the second heaven was let down to the earth, and the hosts of etherea ministered to Tae, and quickened him, that he might understand what it was to hear the voice of Jehovih, neither depending on the sacred books of the ancients, nor on the angels of heaven. For Jehovih had said: In that day shall each and every one be as a covenant with Me, speaking and conversing with Me. They shall be as seers and prophets themselves, making their own sacred books, rites and ceremonies; and these shall stand above all else that have ever been. (Knowledge 4:26-27) *6 Perhaps the most wonderful is envisioning the etherean heavens Oahspe describes as part of our happy destiny to explore and create: In the Name of Jehovih we declare unto you that the etherean worlds are larger than the earth, and penetrable, and full of roadways and crystals, and arches and curves, and angles, so that were man to travel a million years on one alone, he could not see half its beauty and glory. And the firmament of heaven hath tens of thousands of millions of etherean worlds. Let the snowflakes be before your eyes as microscopic patterns of the worlds in high heaven; and ye shall tint them as a rainbow, and people them with countless millions of angels, spotless, pure, holy, and rich in the knowledge of Jehovih and His works, and full of the majesty of His love. (Plate 44 Snow-Flakes) *6


A Personal Perspective of Oahspe We Seekers of Light who live in the New Age, felt the Light of the New Age, Kosmon, even before we began reading Oahspe, the New Age Bible of Kosmon. The Seekers of Light, even before Kosmon, have always sought to understand The Great Truths of the Universe, as much as they could conceive of what was being revealed for their time. Innermost we have all felt that desire for a clearer understand of our place and purpose for our Life Eternal, of how to help bring all the world also into a transformational harmony, where mortal, angel and the liberated heavens live ever more fully and harmoniously as one. And so for years each of us took on the quest to search every esoteric path and book for the answers to the great spiritual questions: Why were we born? What is our destiny? How does one truly progress spiritually? What is heaven and hell? How does mortal life prepare us for the next worlds and beyond? Who is the Creator? One by one throughout the decades, each of us “stumbled” upon Oahspe and were filled with wonder and its lofty spiritual message and purpose. One by one through our studies of this New Age Bible, our questions seemed answered, our spiritual direction to the heavens seemed set. The Grand Unification of All Spiritual Knowledge, The Truth about how The Universe and its infinity of worlds and persons were unfolding, seemed now summarized in a single book. In 1972 in a Walden Bookstore, as I, a thirteen year-old boy, read the opening paragraphs of Oahspe for the first time, it all immediately seemed so obviously the real truth shining directly from “God” through the angels, that I gasped in wonder and delight. Later, as I soon enough learned Oahspe debunked my Christian religion, I felt the first shudders of fear and shock and put it aside for a while as if perhaps 9

Satan and hell were standing at the door ready to take me for my sacrilege. And how could someone be higher than “God?” Yet through the confusion, I persisted and returned to daily intense study of Oahspe as if my spiritual judgment day were at stake. Thus the higher light and noble beauty of Oahspe encouraged me to one by one uncover Oahspe’s jewels of truth with ever greater understanding. Yet there was never anyone around to ask or share this book with. No one else in my life wanted to understand Oahspe and all condemned or ignored it, Christian or occultist. For ten years I continued by solitary studies of Oahspe, wondering what the hell it meant to find “the answer”, the answers to all my questions, but which no one had ever heard of and no one wanted to learn more about? I had discovered what seemed to be “The Answer” but was more or less alone with The Great Light of Oahspe. Obviously this powerful book, if studied with an open mind and sincere heart, called upon all who could understand, to take on a new lifestyle more commiserate with the angelic heavens: (1) rejection of all conventional religion, (2) vegetarianism, our utmost sacrificing service unto those in need, (3) purification of the mind and heart, and (4) the development of a conversational, inspirational relationship with the Creator of the Universe. . Many passages of Oahspe are amazing moving and inspiring, yet for myself, early on while still young and alone, the following became a creed I attempted to carry out if only through volunteer work in America and around the world: God said: I have heard thy prayer, O man: Thy kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. Hast thou considered thy words? And art thou prepared for it? Hast thou fulfilled the commandments? And lovest thou thy neighbor as thyself? And hast thou done unto the least, as thou 10

desirest thy Creator to do unto thee? Now, behold, Jehovih hath sent me, thy God, to answer thy prayer. I demand of thee, that thou hast no favorite doctrine above thy neighbor; And that thou art servant to no God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor church, unacceptable to any man in all the world. But, that thou servest Jehovih with all thy wisdom and strength, by doing good unto thy fellow-men with all thy might. That, because thou art strong, or wise, or rich, thou understandest, that thou shalt use these excellencies for raising up such as have them not, believing, that Jehovih so provided thee to that end ‌. (Judgment 22:1-20). *6 Review Excerpts about Oahspe Here follows a number of responses to Oahspe from early on: "The immensity of the scheme of the book is overwhelming." (Professor C. A. Cummings, L.L.D) * 7 Oahspe certainly is overwhelming in its scope as its presentation is on a universal scheme of eternal themes. "Oahspe is the book of the age. It marks a new era in the progression of man." (Professor T. A. M. Ward) * 7 Even 133 years after its first publication, one would be hard pressed to name a book of greater spiritual importance or which more fully embodied the new age era of Aquarius-Kosmon. The burden of Oahspe is that Man is a being whose life and spirit, soul and mind, ego or consciousness, came from the Creator, one omnific Being. "Thou shalt not kill," is a command that burns and glows everywhere in the mighty book. The inspired words make it exceeding clear that it is 11

the intention of the Creator to have this order obeyed. Oh! that Kings could be induced to read this book. It is as a personal letter directed to them. Hierarchies must endure Armageddon. But here arises a division, or choice of some kind. A problem of free will. Thus the mighty Inspirer of Oahspe is set as a face of flint and adamant against human pretense of forgiving sin; and against war, and will soon end both curses. But how? (Edgar Lucien Larkin) * 22 Yes, Oahspe leaves the reader without an easy rationalization to go on as before in life. All truth is bluntly told, sparing no feelings, especially for the rich and powerful — and with the stakes being the world’s survival and our heavenly salvation — or damnation! Murder, war, abortion—especially war— are condemned in the strongest terms possible where pacifism is the only acceptable path — without any exceptions. "I have no wish to write this work up or to dismiss it with a sneer. Let everyone who is curious read it, and judge intelligently and candidly. It is a marvel, whatever it is. The arrangement and construction are not ill; indeed, if we were to accept the work, we would find much to praise in this ingeniousness. I have a curiosity to witness the reception which the volume will receive." (Professor Alexander Wilder) * 7 Clearly many serious readers such as Professor Wilder — and many serious practitioners of Oahspe, such as Andrew M. Howland would agree. A wonderful book from the angelic realms carefully explains how to achieve oneness with the Creator, and peace on earth, while correctly making prophesies and scientific cosmological revelations decades before being confirmed — yet apparently the time is still not 12

yet ripe for fulfilling these noble aims for any except a handful of mortals. "The book Cosmogony (in Oahspe) explains the material universe, the creation of worlds, the laws of motion, the causes of animal and vegetable life, and more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in the philosophy of modern scientists." (Truth, New York) * 7 As impressive as the scientific principles revealed in Oahspe are, I found myself even more impressed with the spiritual principles espoused. "It is a book of over 900 quarto pages, with a glossary, index and plates, the titles of which are not the least remarkable feature of the new Bible. The first 750 pages are devoted to a history of the universe down to the time of the discovery of America. It would be more easy to say what they do not contain than to enumerate their contents." (New York World) * 7 "Oahspe stands out as one of the strangest, most fascinating books in the world. Since reading it with mind awake Oahspe has been preeminently THE BOOK — The Greater Bible of a grander people and a more glorious age." (Los Angeles Times) * 28

What about Seekers Who Have Read Oahspe? Although there doubtlessly have been scores of small Oahspean prayer and study groups, the following in chronological order are the 13

more major efforts of Oahspean seekers of light to affiliate and organize into groups from 1882 to the present day: The Oahspe Lodge of Faithists (New York, 1883-) The Shalam Colony (New Mexico, 1884-) Lodge of Arach (Los Angeles, 1889- ), The Kosmon Church (England, ???), The Essenes of Kosmon (Utah / Colorado, ???), The Essene Community (India, ???), Otis Acres (Arizona, ???) Four Winds Village - Universal Brotherhood of Faithists (Georgia, ??), The Eloists (Massachusetts, ??), The Universal Faithists of Kosmon, (Utah, ???), and The Molina Center (Colorado, ???). All of these groups possessed dedicated, highly intelligent individuals, who were vegetarians, practiced specific ‘Oahspean’ rites supposively intended to put them in tune with the second resurrection and higher heavens that do not fail, and yet … each failed to make much of a dent in the world’s billions of lives as towards encouraging others to live a higher spiritual life, nor founded a lasting community one with the Creator and the heavens above, as is one of Oahspe’s primary goals. Why is this so? If Oahspe is such a fantastic message then why is this so? "Oahspe is a new revelation, a veritable revelation, more reasonable, more consistent, and more complete than any other so far … the building on earth of a new world order which will be at the same time, an integral part of that universal or galactic order so thrillingly described in Oahspe. Accordingly, throughout all of Oahspe we are urged to become "organic" (meaning a part of a growing body or group), not for preaching but for good works and the pursuit of happiness. Affiliation with 14

others for doing good is held to be, at this stage of our development, an indispensable condition of our further development and progress. We are urged to form voluntary, co-operative associations of compatible, like-conscience individuals; to form fraternities, brotherhoods, societies, and communities wherein all can be dedicated to doing good to, for, and with one another with all heir wisdom and strength." (Walter Wiers) *28 There would likely be unanimous agreement by every member of the above groups with Mr. Wiers’ spot-on assessment of Oahspe’s major themes and purpose as being exceedingly noble, lofty, and the best hope for our world. It is a given that despite the fact that these Faithist groups never achieved a single lasting Faithist Utopian community, they did at least propagate the Ideals of Light communicated from the heavens by Oahspe, planting “seeds of light” in each successive generation — that shall one day germinate and grow into an “Immortal Tree of Light” Community whereby our world and its heavens will become ever more fully, a beautiful, harmonious garden of paradise, resurrecting all the Children of The Creator in our world and beyond. One of the major questions to be answered by this book is although there were, for the most part, good spiritual consequences from their efforts, just why in the world did these Faithist groups fail to create lasting Oahspean utopian communities since that was their stated supreme goal to achieve.

Part II. The Creation, Recreation, and Publication of Oahspe 1870-1880: Preparation for the Transmission of Oahspe 15

John Newbrough lived boldly all his life; becoming a dentist, author, gold prospector in California and Australia (whereby he became somewhat wealthy), high-level Mason (a secretive cult whose members were typically rich and influential), spirit medium, worker for the poor, spiritual movement founder, minister, and communal leader. Starting around 1870, and as directed by angelic guides, John Newbrough underwent over ten years of vegetarian diet, spiritual studies, and volunteer work, in order that he would be purified enough to channel the text of Oahspe. “He was a man of many charities who established one of the first rescue homes for alcoholics and spent a fortune over many years saving children from the slums of the cities.” *47 This was a ten-year time period of purification, attunement, and sanctification for John Newbrough. Obviously, channeling the supernal spiritual content of Oahspe would have required virtually an angelic medium of very high spiritual grade. Therefore, it is high time to give Newbrough considerable credit for putting in considerable sacrifices of time, money and energy in helping the poor, especially poor children, and most of all, poor orphans. John Newbrough did it all because he rightly felt there was a divine mission to be accomplished and that would have required considerable dedication. Despite some abrupt changes for the worse in John Newbrough almost immediately after Oahspe was completely channeled, one could rightly use his decade of sanctification as the lifestyle of a truly exemplary Faithist. 1874 — Questions and Answers from Spiritalis. John Newbrough published his first spiritualism work where he 16

channels the words of spirits: Questions and Answers from Spiritalis. While the quality and scope of this work’s discourse does not approach that of Oahspe, the “spirits” do give many answers that are profound. This book is more evidence that John Newbrough possessed astounding mediumistic abilities and that Oahspe was not simply a work of his own creative imagination. Did Newbrough Plagarize Oahspe? The short answer is no. Certainly Questions and Answers from Spiritalis provides us with evidence that Newbrough was a gifted medium and thus was not necessarily just copying ideas from other books into his own words. While there a few similarities between Oahspe and a few other books of the time, Oahspe is starkly different, so much so that there is no basis to conclude anything other than that Oahspe is an original work. Of course, it would have been even more amazing if the channeling of Oahspe were the first time Newbrough had ever channeled a spiritual work. It is true that Andrew Jackson Davis did just that in his inspirationally written Principles of Nature (1852). *1 Interestingly enough, some critics have argued that Newbrough simply plagiarized ideas from this amazing book and other spiritualism classics in the writing of Oahspe. However, the content, perspective and scope of Principles of Nature and Oahspe are so vastly different that it would be ridiculous to call Oahspe a work of plagiarism simply because the spiritual principles of “Love, Wisdom, and Power” are also identified as important keys. To do so would be akin to ridiculously claiming one geometry textbook author plagiarized another because he used the concept of PI ( ) in calculating circular surface areas. In this similarity, all that has taken place is the independent revelation and discovery of universal principles. The few similar concepts written 17

about do but independently add verification of the same as being great truths. A further example of this independent verification would be Oahspe’s concept of universal energy “vortexya,” also similarly described (yet named differently as “odic light) in Principles of Light and Color (1878) *5 by Edwin D. Babbitt. However, all three of these cosmological metaphysical masterpieces are quite unique in terms of format, theme, and content, though it is true, there are a number of ideas that match in a confirming fashion. Let us look next how these aspects contrast quite clearly with one another. Principles of Nature discourses primarily upon: (1) metaphysical principles such as the “interior” (unseen) ruling the “exterior” (seen), or the different kinds of love that make social interactions harmonious; (2) the myriad manifestations of how universe flows infinitely in waves of spirals or circles in nature and in the spirit world; and (3) the “ideal” realities of the cosmos, the heavens, the natural world and mankind and how they interact and support one another. Principles of Light and Color may be summarized as follows: • the universe, whether examined as a macrocosm or microcosm, is empowered and lives by the essence of light; • all scientific fields, whether geology, astronomy, chemistry, or biology, can best advance its body of knowledge of such by understanding the systemic order therein in terms of light, which are given in great detail in this work; and • light itself has a system of distinctive aspects, a spectrum of qualities that when understood properly, can be used to heal, inspire and uplift mind, body and spirit. 18

In contrast, Oahspe concentrates primarily on: (1) the actual heavenly and earthly histories of tens of thousands of years as well, (2) how the omnipresent energy of vortexya gives motion to worlds and to all life, and (3) how to attain the spiritual path of true resurrection. In conclusion, extraordinary “universal books of truth” such as Oahspe, Principles of Nature, and Principles of Light and Color, will naturally have similar concepts expounded upon in the most profound manner yet still remain absolutely unique works of truth. 1880-1881 — Oahspe: The New Age Bible of Kosmon The Oahspe original manuscript is begun and finished after 50 weeks of channeled typing. This version, the original manuscript, going by unpublished texts, may be estimated as being at least 71 pages longer than the published 1882 version. And so after ten years of arduous preparation, John Newbrough had completed a divine task of near miraculous achievement: the channeling of about a 1000 pages of divine voices as well as The All Voice, sacred words verily from angels of the higher resurrections, all in holy service to our world and its heavens. 1881 — The Lant Printing Plates That same year of completion, 1881, the printer John A. Lant makes over 500 inked proof pages of the original Oahspe. These printing plates are never used for publishing Oahspe but are saved by Lant. In 1985, Jim Dennon would publish copies of some of these plates, especially that of unpublished material in his More of Oahspe. *31 Please note that Mr. Newbrough did NOT immediately consider making 19

any major alterations before his immediate choice of simply having Oahspe published in its complete unaltered form. Flush with the fulfillment of working successfully with the higher heavens, why indeed would Newbrough wish to do anything other than communicate untouched the high ideals and ideas of Oahspe, new age book of the world, word for word!? And so John Newbrough commissioned John Lant to produce printing plates from the unaltered first version of Oahspe as transcribed from the higher heavens. 1882 — (I) The Rejection of the Original Oahspe Manuscript But then something tremendously changed in the mind of John Newbrough as he abruptly dismisses Lant and his plates from all publishing Oahspe endeavors. It is unclear what happened next though. According to Jim Dennon, Newbrough then destroyed the original Oahspe text and begins typing it again.*32 However, according to other researchers such as Cameron L. Soften and Christopher Schurtz, Dr. Newbrough's daughter, Jone Howlind stated in contradiction on two different occasions, first that Oahspe was destroyed by a flood AND later that she herself destroyed it.*44 At any rate, with the help of Waiter Lockwood, a new version of Oahspe is created and published that is different from the original. It is disappointing that Newbrough soon after decided to go ahead and publish an altered Oahspe rather than simply publish the original Oahspe text using the Lant plates. You would think that after ten years of dedicated preparation, experiencing the miraculous channeling of Oahspe, as well as having received thousands of dollars from unknown unsolicited patrons for publishing Oahspe, that Dr. Newbrough would have had nothing but the same dedicated, devotional desire to publish all the original material and nothing else. Is that not what the angels wanted or why communicate what they chose to have channeled? Absolutely there is zero chance that the high-raised angels involved in the original channeling of Oahspe would decide a second rewriting 20

was required since such mega-intelligent beings would get it right the first time. Nevertheless, selfish perspectives and Masonic spirits guided John Newbrough to do otherwise. Concerning this, Jim Dennon states: “Dr. Newbrough informed Lant that after writing nearly a whole work of Oahspe, he destroyed it and began over again.� *32 Yet it seems impossible, as Dennon states, that Newbrough would destroy the text completely and then produce Oahspe once again by channeled writing. How?! By memory? Through the same high angel communicators once more? No, it must be rather that Newbrough simply took out what he decided to not publish for the initial edition, added what he thought in his opinion would improve Oahspe, and altered what he felt needed to be changed. It is feasible that Newbrough then (after the altered Oahspe version was produced) destroyed the original angelically produced Oahspe manuscript. It would have been logical to do so as then there would be no proof that the inspired work of Oahspe had ever been altered. Yet in the following next years we find that original Oahspe content such as The Book of Zemers *9 (1883), The Book of Discipline *6 (1891), and The Book of Ouranothen *19 (1893) are published. So it may be that Newbrough lied to John Lant that he had destroyed the original manuscript when in fact John Newbrough had not. Instead it must be that Newbrough wished to convince Lant that the printing plates Lant had made were no longer copies of the Oahspe Newbrough wanted published and thus of no consequence. Therefore, from all of the above, it is logical to conclude that Newbrough did not destroy the Oahspe original manuscript but that his daughter did, decades later, since she admitted to it: 21

Heir to the Faithist materials, Jone Howlind [the former Justine Newbrough Williams] was apparently always conflicted about her family’s legacy. At various times, she claimed to have either lost or burned the original paintings and Oahspe manuscript, or that they were destroyed in an El Paso flood. *42

— (II) The Omission of Original Oahspe Manuscript Material The Book of Zemers (3 pages), The Book of Discipline (16 pages), The Book of Knowledge (30 pages), The Book of Ouranothen (6 pages), A Faithist Prayer (1 page) and half of Bon’s Book of Praise (the approximately unpublished 12 pages) *18, and the Introduction to The Book of Saphah, Saphah! (2 pages), as well as the introduction to Emp’agatu plate (1 page). It has been expressed on numerous occasions that the above material was excluded from the initial published version due to concerns over book lengths and publishing costs.*18 But think! The withheld materials totaled about seventy pages. With about 900 pages already to be published, why cut out a handful of text and thus keep the entire manuscript from being published? Why spend over a decade preparing to channel a divine work and another year in channeling it and then all of a sudden decide to not publish the miraculous book in its entirety as the angels of the heavens had intended? And why not at least include the smaller texts that were simply a few pages long? There is no other explanation other than Newbrough didn’t want them in it for various personal reasons, or that he as a medium had been obsessed by controlling spirits. The Book of Zemers (3 pages): These prayers were used in rituals for the Oahspe Lodge of Faithists. 22

Newbrough, as all good Masons, firmly believed in keeping all prayers and rites secret. Thus these verses were kept out. It also shows that Newbrough, under the influence of Masons for decades, lost no time after channeling Oahspe in incorporating Masonic-style rites into Oahspe and Oahspe into Masonic-style rites. The Book of Discipline (16 pages): It is very difficult to conceive of a reason why this book was initially withheld, as it is profound, beautiful, and summarizes the entire spiritual path of Faithism virtually perfectly. On this basis, it could be argued that The Book of Discipline is perhaps the most important book in Oahspe. Yet it was left out of the initial printing. Therefore, what reason can there be? Since there is no apparent reason (it is difficult to conceive of this book as having been channeled after 1881) for the exclusion, I look at the Masonic influence as a factor. As can be observed in the Masonic organizations, as well as in later day Oahspe affiliate groups such as The Kosmon Church, a curious yet negative kind of elitist power was sustained by retaining secrecy over certain writings that would only be made available to the inner sanctioned members. There is no other plausible reason for exclusion except to see Newbrough deciding that this writing is so beautiful and powerful that it must be “saved” for only the innermost members, not the unwashed masses. However, as Andrew Howland was the editor who was chiefly in charge of the revisions for the 1891 version, it may well be he felt this book too important to keep secret any longer and so included it in the second publication of Oahspe. The Book of Knowledge (30 pages): As this book could be combined (as I have successfully shown elsewhere *60) with God’s Book of Ben in a fully coherent fashion, it is indeed mysterious why both books should be so very close in content 23

and yet only one survived to be published with Oahspe in 1882. If one examines the unpublished content, once again it could be described as profound, inspiring and even sensational. I have wondered whether the sections about the various kinds of bondage, despair and sinfulness (alcohol, wealth, abortion, ...) of the newly dead’s state of being, or of the horrible monstrous beast of sin “end-ofthe-world” arising vision as being too extreme, that had led to the suppression of these pages. But many other published sections of Oahspe could have had the same inflammatory assessment made of them so that cannot be it. Therefore, once again, in Masonic tradition, some of the finest texts are reserved for the inner sanctum, and certainly much of this text is awe-inspiring. The Book of Ouranothen (6 pages): However, I would not make the same argument for exclusion in this case. This writing is so lovely in its universal acceptance of all religions, with its theme being that even those who are officially Christian or Buddhist or Muslim or of whatever creed, if they serve their highest light seeking to fulfill the Will of the Creator (as however they conceive the All Person), helping the lowest within their reach, then those persons would be considered as high or higher Oahpsean Faithist would be. Consider: Whether ye say, Brahma, Brahma, or Buddha, Buddha, or Christ, Christ, doing so in reverence to the Almighty, our Creator, practicing good works with all your wisdom and strength--therein do I proclaim your good deeds in heaven. For all of these are the Father's buildings, to bring His children into ultimate resurrection, for joy 24

and glory within His kingdoms. Therefore, I come not to take from you any of your Gods or Saviors, nor to abridge your field of righteousness, but rather to show you a greater glory in comprehending all of them in the plan of the Almighty, to reach the different peoples in all parts of the earth. Pleading with you to be charitable to one another, and more comprehensive in your judgment, putting away egotism in professing amongst yourselves that such of you alone were the favored of Jehovih. (Ouranothen I:4-7) *19 This view may have been too liberal for Newbrough, who writes in The Book of Gratiyus concerning the New Mexico commune of Shalam: “But let not these come who worship any Lord, God, or Saviour born of woman.” This is the very opposite of what Oahspe, as in The Book of Ouranothen advocates. Thus Newbrough left it out in 1882, and Howland did so in the 1891 edition. However it was published on a small scale two years after Newbrough’s death (along with an index to Oahspe). *19 Conclusion: this is but one more example that Newbrough made decisions to keep out of the published versions of Oahspe whatever he wished to keep out. 25

A Faithist Prayer (1 page): This prayer is not necessarily a part of the original manuscript, and of course, was never published except in A Sketch of Faithists. It reads a bit as the The Voice of Man does, where the author acknowledges before Jehovih the failures of all men and himself to live in service to others, to live in a community dedicated to doing good to all people in honor of the Creator. Nevertheless, while A Faithist Prayer seems on the surface to be a worthy rededication to the All Highest, one might be troubled by its use of invocations as evidence that it is not in fact. Consider the last sentence: I invoke hither with praise and thanksgiving, Thy Lords, Thy holy angels, Thou hast appointed to the different divisions of the earth; and I invoke hither with praise and thanksgiving, Thy holy angels whom Thou hast appointed to minister unto mortals, in Thy name, in the name of Thy God and Thy Lords, that I may be used, soul and body, to forward the founding of Thy kingdom on earth, which may be made a place of happiness and joy to all Thy children, with love and life unto all, for Thy glory, Amen! *10 Describing angels or spirits or their words as a medium (aurally or visually) is simply using one’s powers as a seer. Such a psychic might be completely wrong in their spiritual impressions and / or interpretations, but attempting to do so is not inherently a spiritual misstep. However, invoking angels, lords, or gods, even as unnamed, does seem more than unwise as it demonstrates that first, the invoker sees no harm in having an intermediator between himself and the Creator. And secondly, Newbrough by invoking unnamed gods no doubt enjoys a bit of self-aggrandizement. Both of these spiritual views go directly against clearly stated precepts of Oahspe, for example: Neither shalt thou, henceforth, swear by any book under the 26

sun; nor by any God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor spirit, nor idol, nor image. But thou shalt swear by Jehovih, thy Creator. (Judgment: XX: 30) Likewise, attuning to the heavens and the angels and blessing the world in unison with the angels are good things in themselves. It is still another thing, however, a step too far, to pray in a manner which calls upon angelic beings to help fulfill one’s spiritual work. I would also describe this as a sign of elitism or vanity, where one believes that high-raised angels must respond to one’s intended good things to achieve. The Creator Almighty should always be sufficient in this regard (under whose inspiration the angels will move to support their mortal wards), and to do otherwise is to invite failure, as well as unwise spirits to become involved. Of course, angels (if only guardian angels) certainly do step forward to work with mortals who are attempting to do good works, but they do not come and go at the call of mortals. Their work is assigned according to the plans of the angelic heavens within whose eternal framework they labor. Therefore I conclude this good-on-the-surface prayer, was written by Newbrough after 1881, and not ever in Oahspe. This is one of the first instances where Newbrough wrote similar prayers and rites in a manner which follows both the style of the Masons and of Oahspe, combining both together. There was never a need to bring Masonic protocol into Oahspe Faithist movement, as this spiritual path that so greatly influenced him, hindered his spiritual work from the moment he told John Lant to stop making printing plates of the original Oahspe manuscript. Truth be told, and as will be explained later, the Masonic spiritual path yet casts a shadow upon many Oahspean Faithists to this day.


Bon’s Book of Praise (the approximately unpublished 12 pages): It is definitely curious that only half of this book was published in Oahspe. For what reason? On what basis were just half of the passages chosen? In his letter to Gustave Percival, Andrew Howland, Newbrough’s close associate, states he has read the entire book and that only about half was published. *18 He goes on to surmise that Newbrough needed to cut down the size of Oahspe for publication but he is not sure. It is also curious that while other initially unpublished original text such as The Book of Ouranothen and The Book of Discipline both get published separately about a decade later each, half of Bon’s Book of Praise never has been to this very day, and is apparently lost. This is very strange once again, to reiterate as before, that after a decade of intense preparation, after a miraculous channeling, Newbrough takes what are apparently divine writings and takes on editorial functions where he personally decides what will and what will not be published. It will also be shown later on that Newbrough made not just the decision to exclude material but to add non-original material to Oahspe. So the entire argument that Newbrough kept out original text because of publishing length concerns (especially considering the scant number of pages of some of excluded units of five pages or less) unequivocally fails. Just as John Newbrough took on complete control in managing Oahspe editing, so too would he later on take on complete control of The Oahpse Lodge of Faithists as well as the new age colony of Shalam. Apparently it never occurred to him that just because he was the medium who channeled Oahspe (a superlative achievement concerning both preparation and in the “typing), that this did NOT mean in itself that he was being divinely chosen to become an infallible “pope” kind of spiritual leader.


Nevertheless, Newbrough did make the fundamentally important parts of Oahspe available through publication, and thus did fulfill his mission in that regard.

Saphah! (2 pages) and Emp’agatu (!) (2 paragraphs): These are fascinating sections of text. They read akin to that of The Book of Knowledge and God’s Book of Ben, where “symbolic” spiritual voices such as Pan, Saphah, and Emp’agatu give philosophical discourse poetic, in this case being about the origin, diversification and progress of language and mankind. Both the Saphah! and Emp’agatu (!) verses make perfect introductions to their respective plates in The Book of Saphah, helping to explain the spiritual meaning and themes of the plate image and the following text of those sections. Andrew Howland and John Newbrough had a number of years to go over what to include in the 1891 edition and to make any other revisions they chose to implement such as putting in The Book of Discipline. Is there any valid reason to NOT have included them? No, not really, So neither of these text sections were placed in the 1891 version nor ever published until Jim Dennon did so in More of Oahspe. *31 Certainly their content, beautiful and vibrant with truth, but also in a style of prose that Newbrough would have seen favorable for ritual use or as secret knowledge only meant for his inner circle. It can also be logically concluded that there also existed other “spiritual” voices intro’s to some of the language plate sections, such as the very symbolically key Se’moin or Biene, but which never saw the light of day because those particular pages from the Lant plates were never passed on to be preserved by later Faithists such as Wing Anderson. 29

1882 — (III) The Erroneous Placement of Oahspe Plates The greater majority of plate images in Oahspe are incorrectly positioned in Oahspe so that the actual text that refers these plates are NOT side by side (See Positioning the Plates in Oahspe for an in-depth study which provides the correct placement).*43 An example of this would be the Outline Map Showing the Locality of Pan, the Submerged Continent being incoherently placed in the Book of Cosmogony (near XI:14), rather than near Sethantes II:27-28, where the divisions of the earth are first explained. There are scores of other misplaced plates which accordingly do nothing but make it both harder to understand the corresponding text and the plate images themselves. One could perhaps explain this failure as simply the need in 1882 to rush forward even with the misplaced plates so that Oahspe could be published as soon as possible. Yet still by time of the 1891 edition, no corrections for better positioning had been made that would have aided greatly in the comprehension of the mystically, cosmically complex book that is Oahspe. So what to make of this? First, this is at least a bit more evidence that Oahspe was not personally authored by John Newbrough, since he, Andrew Howland, nor Waiter Lockwood (an 1882 major Oahspe editor) apparently ever figured out where the plates should go. Second, it must be concluded that the inspiring higher angels for Oahspe who gave directions on what images to include in Oahspe, never gave directions as to where the plates should be positioned, simply inspired Dr. Newbrough in his drawing of plate images to be included in Oahspe. And no doubt this was a case of higher resurrection angels either Newbrough pushing away from the Oahspe-communing angels, or intentionally leaving it to Newbrough or any mortal then or now to figure all of this out for themselves.


So there is also a strong chance that the positioning was never given because John Newbrough broke off the lines of light connection between himself and the inspiring angels (due to placing Saphah fabrications into Oahspe), and so the last step for completing the original manuscript never took place. At any rate, as will be shown later, Newbrough did take drastic steps soon afterwards that could be described as a kind of betrayal of his divine commission to channel and publish Oahspe. 1882 — (IV) The Reworking of the Original Oahspe Manuscript Text Sub-books such as Book of Jaffeth (the Plate of Aries’ caption: “See also the Book of Jaffeth”) are reorganized into one book without subbooks such as in The First Book of God. Additionally, God’s Book of Ben is renamed as it likely originated from The Book of Knowledge, or from a larger book that is a composite of both books. *45 Furthermore, changes were made concerning the beginning of the solar year, the spelling of names, and the replacement of current religions with ancient religions in the “God’s Book of Ben.” *28 Newbrough held the view that he had the authority and wisdom to edit Oahspe about as freely as he chose.

1882 — (V) The Addition of NON-Oahspe Manuscript Material Since John Newbrough expunged as well as rewrote portions of the original Oahspe text while editing for the 1882 edition, it does not seem too out of character to discover that he also included material that was never channeled in the first place during that magical 50-weeks typing phase. Consider: The typewritten Oahspe manuscript (with pages of pencil drawn plates) was kept in an oak box at Shalam. While Andrew Howland 31

was alone at Shalam from 1888 to 1890, he made revision notes in an 1882 Oahspe subsequently used by the Boston printer to publish the 1891 second edition. "Not in O." was a recurring note in the revisions, thought to mean "Not in Original manuscript" However, following one such note was "let this stand as it is". *35 Now the above refers to changes between the 1882 and the 1891 editions and from this we can see that Newbrough had no problem introducing non-original material into the publication of Oahspe. Likewise, as noted before, Newbrough had falsely claimed to John Lant that he had destroyed the original Oahspe manuscript (though he was starting the rewriting of Oahspe again in a dishonest sense). The very fact that Newbrough decided to NOT publish Oahspe via the yet to be completed (only about 500 pages up to that point) Lant printing plates proves that Dr. John Newbrough intended to add new material. Although in fact, he falsely told John Lant that he was rewriting the entire manuscript of Oahspe. That which Newbrough added were primarily the rites as well as the plate images assigned to those rites, all now found in The Book of Saphah. In Part III it will be shown that these rites are Masonic in theme and style as well as that these rite plates contain Masonic symbolism. It is not being suggested that Masonic material was literally copied word for word into Oahspe, nor that the plate images are exact replicas of Masonic pictures. Rather that after decades of Masonic association, the sensitive medium who was John Newbrough was in fact influenced by spirits of the Masonic spirit realms to alter Oahspe by including these Masonic style rites, published and unpublished. These spirits cunningly inspired Newbrough to write these rites just after the original 32

version of Oahspe was completed by the higher angels. These Masonic spirits led Newbrough to believe that he should NOT publish the John Lant plates in the original format as well as to provide him with the rites that would appeal to the thirty-three degree Mason, John Newbrough. Why? As with all lower spirits, their goal was to hold Newbrough, his disciples, and all Faithists thereafter more fully under their control, and to obstruct the Founding of the Father’s Kingdom on Earth. It will be also shown in connection to the above that the Mason spiritual approach has also infected Oahspean Faithists of that time, of the following decades, and of current times, whereby detrimental values which seem like wisdom but are actually completely at odds with the fundamental principles Oahspe has espoused as progressive and good for the New Age of Kosmon. 1883 — A Sketch of Faithists The Book of Zemers and A Faithist Prayer from the original Oahspe published for the first time in A Sketch of Faithists. Additionally, a dozen short blurbs are written in order to give the public a clearer understanding of the philosophy of Communal Faithist Life being espoused by John Newbrough and his followers as members of The Oahspe Lodge of Faithists. 1883 — The Gospels of Oahspe The Book of Discipline from the original manuscript is published here for the first time in this collection of five doctrinal books from Oahspe. Other books included were: The Book of Jehovih, The Book of Judgment, The Book of Inspiration (with the revision that the solar year started in the northern hemisphere) *31, and The Book of Jehovih's Kingdom on Earth. No doubt this was done so that the mystic truths could be communicated without overwhelming the readers with the 33

extensive histories of heaven and earth. 1883 — The Oahspe Lodge of Faithist Rites The Oahspe Lodge of Faithist Rites is created by John Newbrough and used in rituals but never published due to the Masonic belief that spiritual rites must be kept secret. It will be shown later that these rites have much in common with Masonic rites and are substantially in conflict with the Oahspean spiritual path. Much but not all of this work was published in Jim Dennon’s Rites and Ceremonies of the Faithist's Order: Emethachavah, *30 as only a limited number of pages were ever copied and shared from The Oahspe Lodge of Faithist and subsequent groups. 1884— A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih was written by John Newbrough for the purpose of having a kind of communal constitution for Shalam by which to operate. Please note the lack of humility in the title as to where Newbrough’s perspective was at the time. From the first to penultimate sentence, it is clear that Newbrough is playing upon the divinity of Oahspe as a reason to accept and live by his personally written bylaws, even as he strives to appear to be libertarian in tone: Hear the wisdom of thy God, O man; whatsoever is revealed to thee shall not be a law merely because of such revelation – even though it be from thy God [ I:1]. *14 For as Jehovih commissioned me, your God, to found His kingdom on earth, even so commit I these things unto mortals .[V:9] *14


Newbrough has written this document in the King James – Oahspe style, as though the Creator and the angels were making these proclamations through him. Just by naming “God” in it, even by denying that anyone should accept writings because they are from “God,” Newbrough is indirectly implying along with this style of writing that John’s words, are alike to Oahspe’s words, and so are from the heavens and thus to be respected as such. And of course, verse V:9 leaves no doubt as to how much authority John feels has been invested in himself by the angelic realms and the Creator concerning Shalam. The document goes on to justify putting all the power in the hands of a single person as well as denigrating those not in the “inner council” to a lower ranked status. As I recall, all are equal before the Creator. But there shall be but one Outer Council, with branches in different cities, the twain being in reverse to my heavenly Councils; for my Inner Council is but one, but my Outer Councils many, though named sub-Holy Council. Each and every Council shall have a chief, and his official acts shall be founded on the base expressed in the Book of Discipline, to wit: "have not the Uzians resolved their colleges into pupils and teachers? and jurisprudence, so that testimony and not the judge governeth the decisions? Out of the wisdom of the government of the college and the judge's position in court, 35

thou shalt find the key for the decrees of the chief." The Inner Council, through its chief, shall make known the conditions and requirements of its colony to the Outer Council. And the chief of the Outer Council shall make known such matters to his Council, and they shall respond to the requirements of such colony. It shall be lawful for members of the Inner Council to be members of the Outer Council, but the reverse of this shall not be. [II:59] *14 All of this is not being intellectually honest nor modest nor setting a tone where all members of the new community need to be working and communicating together on equal, sincere and cooperative terms. With the writing of just these above sentences alone, the Shalam community was doomed to fail as these words accurately represent Dr. Newbrough’s approach to leading the Shalam colony. Later events would prove this to be the case. The ironic thing is that while the writing of these bylaws mirrors the style of Oahspe, it is utterly at odds as to what Oahspe prescribes doctrinally speaking, two examples out of many more that could be cited being; These are the rules of the second resurrection: To become an interpreter and worker without a written formula (Discipline V: 2). But they shall have no leaders, only their Creator; but be organic, for sake of good works. (Judgment I: 42). The Shalam community failed, with virtually no one walking (or 36

running) away from it anything but deep remorse and bitterness. Dr. John Newbrough during his decade of pre-Oahspe preparation lived for the good of all in his reach, helping the most destitute with all his energy and financial resources. He was in fact at this time, a great example of what being a true Faithist means. However, sometime soon after the completion of the channeling of Oahspe, Dr. Newbrough falsely saw himself as a messiah prophet who was chosen to lead others, instead of what Oahspe advises clearly instead — seek only to love and serve the Creator by seeking only to be of loving service to others — while giving each man and woman full expression of their freedom and nobility to live according to their highest light.

1887 — The Book of Gratiyus The Book of Gratiyus: The Founding of Leviticus is written by John Newbrough in order to chronicle the beginning years of the Shalam Community. It is written in a style which mimics that of the original Oahspe, this being more evidence that Newbrough believed what he personally wrote (rites, prayers, and verse alterations) and did were fulfilling the aims of the higher heavens and were in no way short of the highest ideals in Oahspe and that he was a divine leader chosen by the heavens to found a Shalam-type utopia upon earth. 1889 — The Book of the Prophet As has been already pointed out, Newbrough withheld portions of the original Oahspe manuscript : • to keep the published edition from being too big a book (for example: The Book of Discipline), and / or • because Newbrough in Masonic fashion, simply wanted to reserve some of its text for secret knowledge within his inner circle (for example: the unpublished sections of Bon’s Book of Praise), and / or 37

because Newbrough didn’t like the message of a particular original text, (for example: The Book of Ouranothen, published in Pasho [1893], which conceded that those of other religions could be called true Faithists), and / or • because Newbrough in Masonic fashion wished to reserve these texts for ritual use within the Oahspe Lodge of Faithists (for example:The Book of Zemers, published in A Sketch of Faithists [1883]). The Book of Zemer and The Book of Ouranothen, were likely part of the original Oahspe (although reasons against that being the case for A Faithist Prayer will not be presented here), but were originally presented in other publications. Seeing this, I reasoned that Newbrough, just as he had kept back the aforementioned portions of Oahspe to be later made available in other publications, so too he may have done something similar in Shalam-related periodicals. It was therefore logical to conclude that Newbrough’s (now difficult to obtain and rarely seen) New Orleans monthly journal, The Castaway, would be worth investigating for two reasons. First, in order to better understand his Shalam community project, what better way to know Newbrough’s approach than to read through a publication intended to make Shalam known to all the world. Secondly, it seems plausible that Newbrough might include previously unpublished Oahspe text in the pages of the nine months of The Castaway, in order to encourage new recruits to join Shalam. It is true that John Newbrough was capable of “echoing” the style and concepts of Oahspe in later writings, as he has shown in A Faithist Prayer, The Book of Gratiyus, and A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih. None of these were in the original manuscript. However, a careful reading of a series of “chapters” entitled “The 38

Prophet� reveals this material as likely part of the original Oahspe manuscript. These particular texts are of a high quality, yet offer new spiritual perspectives which are a dedicated vision of the Faithist path. In addition, these “Prophet� chapters make predictions about societal trends that recently are coming into play more fully than at any other time previously. For all of the above, a strong case can be made that The Book of The Prophet was part of the original manuscript. Here is one such passage from The Book of The Prophet: God said: "Because thy slaves went out in darkness, and have become wandering spirits, dwelling in ignorance around about the earth, there is no resurrection for them in this day. The heavens of thy God are above them; nor have they put away the vengeance in their hearts because of the injustice done them in mortality. Tens of millions of them loiter about their old places, even as they lived on earth, but with evil intent on the living. And they pursue the living; with wrath, tormenting them day and night with evil inspirations And the living have become corrupt and wicked at heart, nor do they prosper in anything under the sun; and when they die as to mortality, their souls enter the next world to become environed with the hate of their former slaves. In companies of millions, do the spirits of darkness encompass them, and there is no resurrection for any of them to any of the higher heavens. Neither doth it avail them any good to pray for the priest, nor church to help them, for the evil that was done must be compensated in every fraction before there shall be any redemption for them. The spirits of the slaves are in ignorance and crime, and thy God putteth it upon thee that, till thou hast turned to and 39

lifted them up, even with thyself, thou shalt find no peace of soul. Neither shalt thou raise to the Heavens of thy God. Moreover, even as thou dost this day curse the race thou has neglected and despised, so dost thou sink thyself in deeper bondage; for as Jehovih quickened into life all the living, and thus made them his children, so are they thy brothers and sisters. Nor hath anyone any prestige in sight of our Father, who is over all. God said: Till thou canst take them to thy heart and soul, and say "my brother and my sister," in this world, there shall be no prosperity for thy people. And even so shall it continue to be so in the next world, till thou shalt say "my brother and my sister," there shalt be no resurrection in Heaven. For as it was given unto you to know God and His Kingdom whilst on earth, even so now shalt thou teach, and believe, and demonstrate in the lower heaven till thou art purged of all iniquity. *17 Also in support of the above, some of the passages presented in this text insightfully portray the case of current modern day AfricanAmericans, providing an accurate prophecy, an accurate description of their current spiritual state and a direct remedy for justice. A further point to be made is that there was no reason for Newbrough to write about slave spirits for his The Castaway periodical when his work was focused on finding babies to adopt for Shalam and workers to work there. Nevertheless, The Book of The Prophet was published for the first time outside of Oahspe in The Castaway. This follows the pattern of publishing withheld Oahspe text initially in other publications as with The Book of Discipline, The Book of Ouranothen, and The Book of Zemers, to name as examples.


Clearly the prophecy of anarchy and war for the nations farthest from the Creator, as presented in The Book of the Prophet, is also becoming more evident with each passing day of current times. Conclusion: these particular texts together likely make up part or all of The Book of the Prophet, a book which was likely channeled via the original Oahspe manuscript, yet was withheld from publication in 1882 and 1891 by John Newbrough.

1891 — Oahspe, The “Second” Edition Published A second edition of Oahspe is published which included Book of Discipline but also contained different wording of special terms such as “God” for “Chad,” as well as “revised” (read “tampered with) information concerning the celestial New Year’s Day. No, … Dr. John Newbrough had no qualms about changing Oahspe as he saw fit. Fortunately he did have enough wisdom to retain unchanged the fundamental core of the Oahspe channeled manuscript, even if he did not deeply understand it. I would argue that John Newbrough lived far more faithfully to Oahspean principles before Oahspe was completed (during his years of purification and service), than after the actual Oahspe manuscript was completed. For he became infatuated with personally achieving Shalam, and Masonic spirits inspired him with self-pride and false reasonings over the miracle of the channeling of Oahspe and its teachings. 1984 — Rites and Ceremonies of The Faithist's Order Rites and Ceremonies of The Faithist's Order: Emethachavah is 41

published by Jim Dennon. These rites were supposedly withheld from the 1882 Oahspe, though created and used in 1884, but upon inspection can be seen to be not part of the of the original 1881 version. By the way, Dennon did not publish every rite created by Newbrough for Shalam, simply those for which copies had been preserved. 1985 — More of Oahspe The Book of Knowledge, The Book of Ouranothen, Saphah!, Emp’agatu! The Book of Gratiyus: The Founding of Leviticus, A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih, are all published together (a kind of apocrypha for Oahspe) for the first time by Jim Dennon in More of Oahspe. This is a landmark work for this reason as most students and followers of Oahspe for the most part hadn’t a clue that Oahspe had not published in its entirety from the start.

Did Newbrough write Oahspe without Channeling it? No, he unequivocally did not write Oahspe himself and we have proof he did not. Consider the scores of pages of Oahspe-style writings that John Newbrough did attempt: • Rites and Ceremonies of The Faithist's Order, • The Book of Gratiyus, • A Guide to The Voice and Will of Jehovih, and (4) A Faithist Prayer. Earlier in this section, all but one of the above mentioned “books” have already been shown to be inconsistent with Oahspe in terms of style and content. They simply are not that inspiring or are deficient in terms of universal light. As far as Rites and Ceremonies of The Faithist's Order goes, it also is 42

obviously not an original text. This will be explained more fully in Part IV but if I may briefly allude to the reasoning involved, these writings mirror Masonic rituals as well as describe low-level occult powers and goals that are in no way in harmony with Oahspe’s emphasis on focusing upon the Creator, the angelic heavens, and service to one’s fellow brother and sister. So if Newbrough could not produce Oahspe-level writings even when intentionally attempting to do so, then obviously he logically could not have personally wrote the amazingly profound Oahspe in the first place without channeling it from on high.

Part III: The Masonic Infiltration Introduction In the early months of 1881, it was done, over 900+ pages, the new age bible of Oahspe that had been created via divine angelic intervention: "One morning lines of light rested on my hands, extending downward like wires. Over my head were three pairs of hands fully materialized, while behind me an angel stood with hands on my shoulders. My fingers played over the typewriter with lightning speed. I was forbidden to read what I had written, and I had reached such religious ecstasy that I obeyed reverently. This same power visited me each morning. My hands kept on printing, printing." "For 50 weeks this continued daily. Then I was told to publish the book which should be called OAHSPE, a Paneric word meaning Earth, Air, and Spirit. The peculiar illustrations were made with pencil under the same control. 43

I was instructed to copy a few from 'The Saturn' / 'The Egypterian Ceremonies' and other books." "Now during all this time I pursued my vocation; nor had the diet or fasting to which I had subjected myself for the past 10 years detracted from my health. I am fully convinced that there are numberless persons who might attain to health and spiritual development if they would but practice the strictest adherence to the Highest Light." *21 But what Newbrough does not go on to say here, is that in the next few months of 1881, he had commissioned John Lant to make printing plates for the original Oahspe manuscript, and then after 500 pages, a little more than half of the new age bible, extraordinarily he tells Mr. Lant to stop, that he had destroyed the original manuscript (a lie) and was starting over again. With regard to the original manuscript, Newbrough did not destroy that Oahspe text: The typewritten Oahspe manuscript (with pages of pencil drawn plates) was kept in an oak box at Shalam.* 32 So after more than a decade of training, after a series of miraculous spiritualism events, after over $14,000 are magically donated for publication without a word of begging by Newbrough, after all the ecstasy and enthusiasm of having completed a divine work of the heavens, even after making an agreement with a publishing printer, ‌ Newbrough suddenly, inexplicably decides that Oahspe is not good enough and will try to improve it! This is an inconceivable development! Unless ‌ Unless at some divine moment, the angels of the second resurrection 44

removed themselves from Newbrough’s life, angelic mission completed, and from that point on, he was on his own, and subject to lower inspiration. Copy Egyptian rites? For what purpose? Of course, the Egyptian religion and the false Osiris are revered by the Masons. And contrastingly, Oahspe is a new age book whose theme is to turn away from the ancient religions and all their bondage and instead turn to the inner inspiration of the All Voice of the Creator. It is therefore preposterous to think that angels of the second resurrection and higher who were channeling Oahspe via Newbrough would want Egyptian rites or Masonic-like rites in Oahspe for any reason! In the previous quote, there is additional disturbing point made. (see bolded text above). About at least eighty plates are drawn by inspired angelic control but then the angels want Newbrough to copy the remaining few consciously by himself?! Why pray, is this so? Dr. John Newbrough was a lifelong Mason. His strong ties to the Masons go even to Shalam and his gravesite. He had attained the highest order possible but with the withdrawal of the higher angels, Masonic spirits were then free to enter his life and free to try to inspire him as they wished, just as he was free to not listen to their suggestions. You can be sure that just as there are controlling spirits for each religious denomination, so too are there for the cult of Masonry. Therefore, it was the Masonic spirits who led Newbrough to falsely put Masonic style rites and images into Oahspe, just as it was these same Masonic drujas who told him to therefore have Lant stop making printing plates of the original manuscript, as well as controlled John to make other alterations to Oahspe, as has been pointed out earlier, and 45

will be shown many times more later on.

Newbrough’s Masonic Allegiance

The Hierarchy of the Masons “Dr. Newbrough was a 33rd degree Mason.”*32 This is the highest level in this elitist cult. Newbrough was no novice and was as deep (or high) in Masonry as one could go. It is generally composed of the rich and powerful, so one can assume that once 46

Newbrough became rich off his gold finds in California and Australia, he would have been a welcomed applicant. And one might wonder if Newbrough, after years of dedication to purification and service, and still again after the awesome process of channeling Oahpse itself, that he might be inclined to put Masonry away in order to fully embrace the New Age Path prescribed by Oahpse. Not a chance! For from the very get-go, in the 1882 edition, Newbrough places Masonry-related footnote quotations directly in Oahspe, in his “Commentary on Oahspe” as follows: “After I had, from various sources and by various means, added to reasoning, nearly arrived at a conviction, that the ancient order of Freemasons arose in India, and was established there, as a mystery, in the earliest periods, my conviction acquired wonderful strength from a knowledge of the fact which I shall now mention. I shall be censured for stating facts in this way; but I write truly and for the truth, and for this purpose alone. The style or order in such a work as this is not worth naming. … , that the pass-word and forms used by the Master Masons in their lodge, would pass a person into the sanctum sanctorum of an Indian temple; that he, Mr. Ellis, had, by means of his knowledge as a Master Mason, actually passed himself into the sacred part or adytum of one of them. …Now, when this is coupled with the fact of the 47

Masonic emblems found on the Cyclopean ruins of Agra and Mundore, I think, without fear of contradiction, I may venture to assume, that the oriental origin of Free-masonry cannot be disputed —and that I may reason upon it accordingly.


There really is no direct need to place this text in the first published edition of Oahspe, as it explains nothing given in the original writings. Yet in the entire passage there are 668 words in reference to the Masons. So what is the purpose of including all of this? John Newbrough’s purpose is to lay a bit of the groundwork for disingenuously justifying the Masons as path in harmony with Oahspean principles. For all of the above is flattering to Masonry, that it existed as a positive influencing force in ancient times and religions, secret and mysterious but always there, along with their symbolism within the “outward” face of religion, as if “God” created or ordained the Masons to be the “religious overseers” of the world. And so Newbrough sheds some light, openly so, on his attempt to justify Masonry being “secretly” placed in Oahspe and later on, upon the Faithist Path, as always (so the Masons believe), with all religions, controlling things behind the scenes for the good of all. John Newbrough exposes this view of Faithism and Masonry being one of the same where they are conceived as elements of every religion that has ever been when he writes in The Castaway that: The Faithists are not a sect. They encompass all the holy religions that have ever been given to the world, and at the same time, they lay aside all the sectarianism of the whole of them. *17 In fact, as will be shown in Part V, Newbrough’s version of “Faithism” is 48

especially a sect in terms of organization, where authoritarian power is wielded by the leaders of the sect. This is a fundamental viewpoint of Masonry; that their “spiritual path� encompasses all religions because they feel the need to appropriate any symbol and any religious idea from any path as that of their own,, rather than simply trusting that each person must seekt to develop the Innermost All Voice of the Creator within themselves, as Oahspe advocates so clearly. So what is Masonry? The rites of initiation became progressively more complicated. Signs and tokens were invented by which the Children of Light could with facility make themselves known to each other. Different Degrees were invented, as the number of Initiates enlarged, in order that there might be in the inner apartment of the Temple a favored few, to whom alone the more valuable secrets were entrusted, and who could wield effectually the influence and power of the Order. *3

Masonry is not innately evil by any means but it is a system of control. Thus and in brief, Masons believe that all religions are for the unwashed masses, though ultimately under the inspiration of One Creator God. And yet Masons are delusional to believe that they are ordained by God to control religions and governments for the good of all. How could this ever be so, especially given the basic tenents of Oahspe which affirm that it is All Voice within the spirit-soul of all to which we 49

should attune to and develop? And so the universal path has always been one where each of us controls our own path, but one where we look toward the Inspiration of the All Highest to guide us in our choices. At any rate, this does not mean that Masons in fact do exert such control upon all world religions (even if this were true, they have done a lousy job at that!), which is hardly possible, just that they believe they should, and that many do falsely believe they are divinely ordained to do so. Be that as it may, the end result is that the members feel themselves to be made “the special elect of God,” and so superior to all. This is not a path of humility and in many aspects completely at odds with the teachings of Oahspe. John Newbrough, of course, in this world at least, never set himself free enough of Masonry to realize this. Concerning the order itself, acts of charity and service are a big part of advancing through those thirty-three levels but so also are certain acts of military prowess, learning secret mystic knowledge degree by degree, keeping that knowledge secret no matter what, and all dealings of the Masons secret, and completing extensive Masonic rites that are secret. And they believe they have been the “anointed” from time immortal, where “masters” guided “initiates” who in turn became “masters” and so on, whereby the hidden guiding power of masonry advanced through the ages as part of God’s divine plan. This is their false belief, not the reality, and it is an arrogant one. Therefore there is an air of elitism at all times and this is part of the allure of Masonry, becoming part of some secret society that makes you feel superior to all around you, as God Almighty (in their view) has ordained Masons as better than the rest of mankind — to save the world — and to do so secretly! And it is clear that Masonry never left Dr. Newbrough’s as a guiding 50

force. For after John Newbrough founded The Oahspe Lodge of Faithism in New York City, they made plans to fulfill the prophecy of Shalam. And so we later learn that Dr. Newbrough would call upon his Mason brothers for assistance in this work: In Las Cruces, he met a fellow Mason named John Barncastle, who told him of a site he owned at a bend in the Rio Grande a mile west of Doña Ana. He soon arranged for the purchase of the 500-acre tract with funds provided by Howland. *52 And so once again we see direct evidence that Newbrough has by no means shook off his Masonic connections in favor of Oahspe and pure Faithism—quite the opposite. Newbrough was buried with full Faithist and Masonic rituals in a small graveyard at Shalam. *52 At this point, there may not have been that much difference between Masonic and Faithist rituals. After her mother’s death, Howlind arranged for her father to be removed from the Shalam graveyard and reinterred in the Masonic Cemetery in Las Cruces. *52 This was Howlind’s decision and may simply show her distaste of Faithism. On the other hand, Newbrough did die as a Mason, having always embraced it as part of his spiritual path. And as will be shown later in this book, Dr. Newbrough did not in fact live in Shalam as a true Faithist but as a Masonic leader. This is why Shalam failed. And negative Masonic attitudes and aspects have continued to haunt past and present “Faithist” groups to this very day, all to our detriment, as will be demonstrated. 51

The Masonic-Style Rites Falsely Put into Oahspe It will be shown that all the rites associated with the following sections of Oahspe were not in the original manuscript: Tablet of Kii, Fonece, Aribania'hiayaustoyi, Ho'ed, Chine. Zerl., Kii, Port-Pan Algonquin, Anubis, Baugh-Ghan-Ghad, Emethachava, Hi'dang, M'hak, Chamber of Adepts, Chamber of Prophecy, Let it be first pointed out that Oahspe again and again speaks out against having set rites and sacred books to follow, the principle being that all are to attune to the Creator directly, inventing their own prayers, rites and sacred books. So why then would the angels who communicated Oahspe go straight away and place pages and pages of complicated long rites, supposively from the ancients, within Oahspe’s pages where they would likely be a source of adoration, confusion and bondage? Answer: They wouldn’t and didn’t. Newbrough and the Masonic spirits put them there under false pretenses. Recall the earlier quote of Newbrough’s claiming he was told to copy from such sources as: "The 52

Egypterian Ceremonies' and other books." *21 Consider next but a few quotes (there are dozens more) of Oahspe that contradict the very idea of putting ancient rites in Oahspe: Man shall pray to Me, and speak to Me in his own way, and not according to the dictation of any man, nor priest, nor sacred book, save the book of My creations. Neither shall man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the Kosmon era that which is good for them also. (Es I: 14-15) *6 Neither shall man be bound more by the doctrines of this God or that God, or by this Savior or that Savior, nor by any of the ancient books, nor by inspirations of the olden times. But he shall know how to obtain inspirations from My Gods, and My heavens for his own good, and for his own wisdom. (Es VIII:30) *6 Now, behold, these ascetics labor for themselves in these foolish proceedings; they do not these things in order to meliorate the condition of their neighbors. Neither have they shown, in a single instance, where a benefit resulted to the state in consequence of their practices. They call their initiations sacred, but I declare unto 53

thee, they are a blasphemy against Jehovih. They are as a snare for the imprisonment of the mind and the soul. And, after death, these people are prevented by their drujan masters from entering heavenly places of resurrection, becoming, instead, slaves in the es world, to pursue such calling and practice as may be put upon them. For the same rule holdeth on earth and in heaven, as regardeth the bondage of the mind. If, by imposing rites and ceremonies, and by the strategems and cunning of mortal priests, they can be captured on earth, even so can they be retained in bondage in heaven. (Judgment XXVI:7-10) *6 Just to begin to provide some perspective on these rites, some relatively small portions of Masonic rites will next be presented. Please note the similarities between Newbrough’s inserted rites and this sample, as well as how the preceding Oahspe quotes so aptly apply: Q. Are you a Mark Master Mason? A. I am; try me. Q. How will you be tried? A. By the chisel and mallet. Q. Why by the chisel and mallet? A. Because they are the proper Masonic implements of this degree. Q. Where were you first prepared to be made an Entered 54

Apprentice Mason? A. In my heart. Q. By whom were they delivered? A. By Cyrus, King of Persia, who in the first year of his reign issued his yearly proclamation saying: "Thus says Cyrus, King of Persia," etc., etc. (See Monitor.) Q. Did you pursue your journey? A. We did, the rough and rugged paths. Q. What do the rough and rugged paths denote? A. The sojourning of the children of Israel through the wilderness. Q. The Worshipful Master's station in the Lodge? A. In the east, Worshipful. Q. Why in the east, and his duty there? A. As the sun rises in the east, to open and govern the day, so rises the Worshipful Master in the east (here he gives three raps with his gavel, when all the brethren of the Lodge rise, and himself), to open and govern his Lodge, set the craft to work, and give them proper instructions. *2 Each of the Saphah rites will be analyzed in detail in the next part of this book. But here we can see the similarities already between some of the Saphah and Masonic rites. Yes, there are other heavenly rites briefly given or described in Oahspe outside of Saphah. But these are given in the context of continuing heavenly histories or narratives in Oahspe. They are part of the story of a place far away in time or spirit from mortals. In contrast, the rites “found� in The Book of Saphah are given without 55

any kind of context. They are simply "there;" shoved into the divinely inspired Oahspe which thus strongly yet falsely affirms that: (1) the higher angels explicitly made these rites a part of Oahspe, and, (2) thus are to serve as rites, literally or in fashion, for past, current and future Faithists. Indeed, we are told by the editors of Oahspe that these very rites are currently being used and so certain ritual information is being withheld from publication. This is quite a clear indication from the editors that these rites are sacred, important, and of present day value to present day Faithists, despite their alleged origin being that of various ancient Faithist peoples (Egyptians, Native Americans, Chinese, Israelites, ect. ). Not so coincidentally, even though all of these rites are of very different peoples from very different lands of very different times, they are nevertheless “somehow” very similar to Masonic rites in that: • • • • • •

The rites are hierarchical in nature where each level represents a different degree of attainment; The rites follow a question and answer format; The rites’content involves the confirmation of knowledge attained or of a symbolic story; The rites involve a dialogue between a master and an initiate; The rites do not involve dialogue involving group response such as many modern religious rites do; and The rites are considered secret knowledge.

All of the above, from the very existence of sanctioned rites being present in Oahspe (in defiance of Oahspean principles), as well as the Masonic style similarities, provide strong evidence that these rites were 56

never in the original Oahspe, but that Newbrough and the Masonic spirits created them to falsely place in Oahspe, just as they created The Oahspe Lodge of Faithist Rites for the Faithists Newbrough had become a priest-prophet for. One more bit of evidence is in the image plates for these rites. Every one (14 out of 14) *44 of these rite plates is correctly placed in a location near the rite text. However in comparison, concerning all the other plates, Newbrough and the editors only managed to correctly place about 18 out of 78. *44 Apparently, the authors of these Masonic rites knew their own selfcreated, Masonic spirits guided, disingenuously placed rites, far better than those that were angelically communicated for Oahspe.

Intro to Masonic Content in Oahspe Because so many of the pages in Oahspe are so very radiant in terms of truth, beauty and cosmic revelation, it is only natural that those who respond to its message, also make the mental concession that virtually all it states is therefore likely without error. Of course, Oahspe warns us against this very unwise subjugation: Not immaculate in this Book, OAHSPE; but to teach mortals HOW TO ATTAIN TO HEAR THE CREATOR'S VOICE, and to SEE HIS HEAVENS, in full consciousness, whilst still living on the earth; and 57

to know of a truth the place and condition awaiting them after death. (Oahspe I:24). *6 It is therefore to not be wondered too much at why the falsely inserted rites and plates have not exactly been put to the test in terms of confirming research. In general, those who couldn’t understand Oahspe, didn’t care to try, those who for religious reasons wouldn’t try to understand Oahspe, wouldn’t care either, and those who loved Oahspe, trusted it too much to research the falsified text portions. Hence, the Saphah material has gotten a kind of free pass where it has been simply accepted as true by many of the “faithful” Oahspean Faithists. And so, the Masonic-based Book of Saphah was never really put to the test. Jim Dennon Identifies Masonic Traits in Oahspe One who did have the inner fortitude to do just that was Jim Dennon. He is apparently one of the first to correctly zero in on the strong links between Masonry and Newbrough (and so also within Oahpse). Mr. Dennon makes intriguing deductions concerning terminology used in Oahspe, in fact, a dozen or more of other correlations such as in the following quote: Returning to Masonry: As I've mentioned in a previous note, the word "Emeth" in Oahspe, meaning "Faithist", very likely corresponds to "Ameth" in Masonry, "who alone know the true mystery of the Ineffable Name of Deity." And I further believe the name "TAE" in Oahspe is likely the initials of "The Ameth Elu", which means The Faithists Elect, for the symbol of the heart is the 58

same for Ameth and for TAE alike: * 30

*30 It should be pointed out that the “The Ameth Elu” refers to the exemplary leaders of the Masons, a close parallel to TAE as described in Oahspe. And yes, the emblem for both is the heart. * 3 While the proposed anacronym of TAE as presented by Dennon is astounding, and may be true, it may also be coincidental as The Book of Knowledge uses Tae exclusively whereas the related God’s Book of Ben uses Man, almost exclusively. The withheld BOK would logically be the less tampered-with edition, as this is what Newbrough brought to Lant, likely from the original manuscript. Therefore, the strongest evidence is that TAE is NOT an anacronym for “The Ameth Elu.” But for the sake of argument, let us suppose that what Dennon states is true, and TAE stands secretly for “The Ameth Elu.” Does this mean therefore that any text in Oahspe that has references to TAE, such as The Book of Saphah, God’s Book of Ben, The Book of Knowledge, or The Book of Jehovih’s Kingdom on Earth, are not only Masonic, but also NOT part of the originally transmitted text from the angels? No, it does not. Aside from the Saphah rites, it would not be fair to describe the other material as Masonic or as less than highly inspired and inspiring writings, without also considering its content specifically. Recall that Newbrough has changed other wording of special terms (“Ghad” to “God,” for example). In conjunction with this, please recall Newbrough and Howlind altered other numerous original terminology going from the 1882 to the 1891 editions. 59

So why bring up this TAE facet at all? Because before I bring up the evidence that I have accumulated in research which will prove that Newbrough implanted Masonic material into Oahspe, I would like to consider Jim Dennon’s main points concerning this. Overall however, Mr. Dennon is correct to deduce that Oahspe has been falsely tampered with using Masonic material. Now do keep in mind that neither Dennon nor I are using just a few smatterings of terminology or symbolism in order to demonstrate the profound influence of Masonry upon Newbrough, who in turn brought significant aspects of Masonry into Oahspe and Oahspean groups. Rather, a wide collection of evidence and collaborating details will be presented, while discussing negative effects of the Masonic Path will be presented and so must be taken in as a whole in order to be fully. Therefore in summary, please recall that Newbrough: •

took on years of study, training and secret rites to become a 33rd degree Mason,

(2) wrote Masonic-style rites and created Masonic symbols used in Oahspe and in later Faithist groups, (3) created and used Masonic-style rites in Oahspe and Oahspe Groups, (4) was buried in a Masonic cemetery, (5) purchased land for Shalam from a Mason, (6) incorporated a repressive spiritual approach that involved: (i.) elitism for the leaders and for the group as a whole, (ii.) the revelation of teachings as secret knowledge between “masters” and initiates, (iii.) the attainment of trivial and pompous spiritual steps as 60

a regular process, and (iv.) the exclusion of those not in the "inner circle." These are all qualities of the cult of Masonry. And there exist Faithist groups that exhibit these very negatives to this very day, just as they have in the past ones. It should never be forgotten that it is these same negative traits that have limited the amount of good Faithist groups have been able to achieve. Newbrough reversing himself on publishing the original manuscript of Oahspe, as earlier documented, is further evidence that Newbrough succumbed to some kind of obsession (Masonic!), and as will be shown, Newbrough's leadership for all Oahspean Faithists of his time and in Shalam, depicts an elitist Mason far more than a true Faithist. It is because of Newbrough's past and continuing damaging behavior to Oahspe and to Faithism, that this work is being written at all. This text is being presented in order to help enlighten Faithists of the present and future to redirect themselves to the True Path of Faithism as put forth by the original version of Oahspe. That is what the higher angels intended. However, John Newbrough made wrong choices guided by his Masonic spirit overseers which have serioiusly hindered the works and unity of Oahspean Faithists. Despite all these criticisms, it is fundamentally true that Oahspe was primarily published in terms of its original content. For this, and for preparing himself to become able to channel Oahspe, we owe much thanks to Dr. John Newbrough. It is true that Newbrough’s lifestyle and 61

daily efforts up to the canceling of the John Lant printing would serve as an excellent model of what being a good Faithist is all about. However, because of the Masonic influences just explained, widespread misconceptions concerning how to live as a Faithist have taken place, especially among those groups and individuals who have acted as leaders in the Oahspe movement. And it is directly due to these erroneous views, that Newbrough, his Lodge of Faithists, and his Shalam failed and are no more. Likewise, following the same flawed spiritual attitudes, have so many following Faithist groups listed earlier ended, and are no more, all failing to create anything close to a thriving spiritual community, let alone a continuing spiritual fellowship. Yes, such groups were primarily sincere and did promote Oahspe and its ideas to an extent, but they also at times misrepresented these. Part V will cover the above points thoroughly but before that, a review of the implanted rites and symbols will be presented as further evidence.

The Two Pillars of Masonry Please note well that neither Jim Dennon nor I are asserting that Masonry is evil. However, the spiritual path of Masonry is not a higher path than that of Oahspe’s; it is rather a path that is primarily one of bondage since it seeks to elevate its members into a sense of superiority, primarily via the study and meditation of a myriad of symbols and rites, many of which are based on ancient religions such as that of the false Osiris. As such, the paths of Masonry and Oahspe are in conflict wherein Masonry does not seek true service of the 62

poorest as a matter of continual personal sacrifice. Rather it places its aim upon its adherents immersing themselves in the glory of as much “sacred” symbolism and ritualism as is possible. This kind of approach was seen in Shalam as well as in later “Masonic Faithist” groups that Newbrough helped found himself, as well as in many of those of recent generations. What follows next is a follow up of Masonic Symbolism which Jim Newbrough confirmed being used prominently in an early Faithist group, one that John Newbrough personally worked on establishing. The quotation below represents one more astute Dennon observation concerning matching symbolism between this “Oahspe” group and the Masons: The two columns mentioned with Lomaid (the man sitting between the two columns) were named Beauty and Strength in the opening ritual of the Lodge of Arach, Emetha Chavah. These two columns appeared on the front and back covers of the Essenes of Kosmon Constitution, published in 1957 by the colony at Montrose, Colorado, when Ray Schlipmann was C'Chief, shortly before that organization failed. On that cover, the columns are correctly identified as Jachin and Boaz, as they are known by. Masons. * 30 63

Constitution: The Essenes of Kosmon, * 24 * 30 And so above is a copied section from the front and back covers of the book entitled “Constitution: The Essenes of Kosmon,� for The Lodge of Arach. Here you can see, just as Jim Dennon has described, the Masonic-stye Pillars*51 inscribed with the terms 64

“Boaz” and “Jachin,” symbols of images supposively based on King Solomon’s Temple from antiquity. *26 The Masonic Pillars are one of the most important symbols of Masonry, as well as one of its most commonly used symbols for representing Masony. Notice that a number of Oahspean terms have been used in the diagram, such as Aleph and I’hin. The identification of Taurus (active / positive) and Aries (passive / receptive) are also a prevalent theme in Saphah and in Masonry. And so next is a Masonic version of Boaz and Jachin, with the pillars labelled “B” and “J” respectively. Note the arch and the keystone at its apex:


Masonic Pillars*51 This is the spiritual path of Masonry, ever grasping in bondage at secret “ancient� symbols in the false hope that anyone whose primary focus is on such is on the way to higher resurrection. Oahspe teaches us differently: that only true service which first uplifts others whereby we sacrifice own time, energy, finances for the good of others, can lead to resurrection. This in essence means we are to focus first on the resurrection of others as our 66

sincere desire, not so much on that of our own. And here is still another Masonic version of Boaz and Jachin with unlabeled pillars (which is common) but with each stone of the “Royal Arch� labelled with astrological signs, including the keystone:


The Royal Arch *57 It is also of interest to note that a member of The Kosmon Church in 1950s envisioned “The Tablet of Om� in a fashion where the arch is very similar to the Mason version, as in the above The Royal Arch*57 in that each stone of the arch has a spiritual symbol upon it.

The Arch Tablet of Om *23 Concerning this image, in the 2014 Introduction to The Arch Tablet of 68

Om, it is stated: The drawing of the Two Pillars and the Arch is an artist’s conception from the description given by spirit of part of the Tablet of OM. Spirit tells us that the Tablet of OM was given with OAHSPE, and it is interesting to consider that obviously the angels were not consulted about the editing when the Tablet of OM was edited out of OAHSPE. Because the Tablet of OM was considered important, a description of it was given in a Trance Address in the 1950s. The importance of this Tablet is to help Faithists understand that there is the balance of Going Forth and Receptivity energy upon which the cosmos is built. This balance and harmony is the foundation of the understanding of later work in the Trance Address, THE DUALITIES, given in the 1960s. *57 While it is easy to understand that Newbrough had edited out yet another part of Oahspe for the purpose of maintaining more “secret knowledge,” it is not clear in this case that this envisioned artistic conception was ever part of the original manuscript. For starters, how is any part of this drawing representative of “Om,” when what is depicted is the “Nine Entities?” Secondly, this image is similar to the Masonic pillars of “The Royal Arch,” Boaz and Jachin, as “mystic” symbols are inscribed on each separate stone of the arches of both images. At any rate, these “connections” show how far the Masonic sway has gone, reaching decades later to recent and current “Faithists.” Therefore, if any meidiumistic reimaging is going on, then the source is Masonic, not Oahspean nor of the second resurrection heavens. And from this we can once again see the continuing Masonry approach of placing burdening “secret” and “sacred symbols” upon all under its 69

spheres of influence. Once again this goes directly against the two primary teachings of Oahspe: (1) seek to communicate directly with the Creator, and (2) seek to achieve real meaningful service unto those beneath you. All else pass by. So why else do these similarities matter at all? They matter because they are outward manifestations of the spiritual path that leads towards the Es’sean realms for the Masons, as well as for the “Faithists” involved in using (knowingly or not) Masonic symbols, rites and ideas. This is not to say that such Faithists and Faithist groups making use of the above are locked into a purely Masonic heaven upon birth into Es, but rather that a distinct realm exists for Oahspean-Masons, under the direction of John Newbrough and the original remaining inspiring Mason spirits of John Newbrough. And it is NOT being suggested that because someone meditates upon or simply holds sacred, for example, the symbolism of the rose, that therefore doing so puts one in harm’s way spiritually and under the control of the Masons since the rose is one of their symbols. Rather it is doing the sum of the whole, all that John Newbrough and his descendent “apostle” groups have instituted and are instituting that is Masonic in style, and non-second resurrection in essence, especially with regard to being obsessed with mystic symbols, keeping their sacred knowledge secret and passed down only via master-iniatiate relationships. In conclusion, you can be sure that when rituals and symbols take precedence over love and service to others in need, that this is going away from the true teachings of Oahspe. The bottom-line is that Newbrough and the Masonic spirits put the spiritual focus on secret knowledge, self-aggrandizing rites, and elitism rather than helping those beneath us. This is how Masons approach 70

the spiritual path and so too have and still to this day, do “Faithist groups” operate. This is the primary reason Faithism has failed to achieve communual organic service! Far more evidence will be presented. Once again, this is just following up Dennon’s observations. The aim of this book in its entirety is to show that Masonic Symbolism and Rituals, which were not in in the original Oahspe, were placed in Oahspe and Oahspean Faithist Rites (Oahspean Faithist Lodges started by John Newbrough). In the next section, Masonic Symbolism will be outlined based on its typical “sacred” image plates. Many of these same symbols are now in The Book of Saphah, and certainly the format of a collection of symbols organized into a central design for various plate images is incorporated under false pretenses in Oahspe . Specific Masonic Symbols Present in Saphah It is not being suggested that every symbol in Saphah is of Masonic origin, nor that every known Masonic symbol was “inserted” (after the angelic transmission) into Oahspe. In addition, the listing of Masonic symbolism presented here is not comprehensive nor complete; it is simply a selection of images garnered from common Masonic spiritual symbolism pictures. Rest assured that the identification of Masonic symbols in Oahspe image plates will be shown to exist in hundreds of instances, with a full discussion of each Saphah plate in Part IV: The Book of Saphah Revisited. A further qualification is that the images shown in Part III are not all the 71

Masonic ones that will be presented. Relevant images of Masonic symbolism that correspond closely to specific Saphah images will be presented in Part IV sections concerned with those Saphah plates. However before Part IV is commenced, Part III will end with a discussion of the significance of spiritual symbolism as a means of spiritual progression. You can be sure that the teachings of Oahspe and the Masons do not see this process in the same terms. It will also be seen that the great majority of these Book of Saphah and / or Masonic symbols are not exactly beautiful but rather garish. From just the Masonic images which follows after this listing, we can identify at least the following Masonic symbols:

2 pillars 5-pointed star 6-pointed star 7-stars constellation All Seeing-Eye acacia branch Anubiss apron AUM (OM) cardinal directions Christian cross L-square anchor ark beehive bell book 72

bull (Taurus) burning altar burning candles burning incense urn burning lamp camel chisel coffin compass corner stone cow (Taurus) crescent moon cross cross-bones crossed swords crown cup deer diamond eagle ear egret elk evergreen branch fish foot gau plumb-line goat (Aries) hammer hand hatchet heart hexagon 73

hexagram hour-glass ibis key ladder lamb (Aries) lamp level (tool) lion (Leo) mallet Mithra moose Mouth noose owl phoenix pot purse (ceremonial) pyramid octagon Osiris (the false) ram (Aries) rose royal arch sailing ship serpent scales (measuring) scythe sheep (Aries) sickle shovel skull spider web 74

square stair steps stork stylus sun sword thread spool tree triangle tripod trowel wedge whirlwind wings world globe “3 5 7” 3 candles “G”

Masonic Spiritual Pictures Used to Portray “Sacred” Masonic Symbols


Masonic Symbols *34


Masonic Emblems*50


Gothic cross Masonic Cufflinks *56

The Masonic Goat Rider*36


The Masonic Chart*56


Dedicated to the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free Masons*54


The Owl Symbol of Freemasons *68



The Knight Rose Croix - 18th Degree *33


The Masonic Octagon*65



The Eastern Star *63


The Lewis Tripod of the Senior Masons’ Chair *66

Masonic Pyramid with Royal Arch, Compass and Square *36




Vintage Masonic Enamel Pyramid Shriner*36


Antique Bronze BPOE Mason Elks Lodge*36

Elks, Shriners, and Masons: How 'old man' frats got their names and symbols *36 91

Stag Deer Masonic Lodge Wall Plaque * 36


A Masonic Cake * 1000


A Masonic Pot *1111 Are Spiritual Symbols Our Stairways to the Heavens? A soul without an outward expression of worship standeth on the brink of hell. (Arc of Bon V:15) *6 And so the use of signs, symbols and rites can serve an important spiritual purpose in leading all to better understand and keep in mind 94

the heavenly virtues and knowledge that shall help bring higher attunement and inspiration. On the other hand: There shall be but one doctrine, which is Jehovih, the All Person, who is Ever Present; with good works done unto others, with all of one's wisdom and strength. (Judgment II: 29) *6 Thus we see that Oahspe has defined achieving resurrection as a combination of purely inner spiritual activity as well as active outward service; a continuum consisting of Om / meditation on the leftside, and Na / good works on the rightside. Thus, true resurrection is best accomplished by a combination of both paths. So yes, spiritual symbols, images and rites and ideals, can be of great importance in helping us attune to The Highest Light. However if we exclusively seek these, mistakenly seek these for our own resurrection as a replacement for helping others, or only for glorifying ourselves as masters of light, then the answer is “NO,� and instead such become a downward stairway that leads away from the emancipated heavens. . In summary, Oahspe recognizes the need for symbolism, meditation and rites, but good works is the real test whether these have been properly done in the first place, and to be honest, never as important as working as hard as possible to help others lead happier, healthier, more spiritually-attuned lives. In the spirit of this Good Works Principle, please consider the following quotations from Oahspe (there are scores of many more not presented here):


And Jehovih shall judge betwixt them, as to which is high or low, not by their words, but by their works. (Judgment II: 29) *6 Nor have I provided resurrection in this world, nor in my heavens above, save by good works done unto others; and this is serving Jehovih, the All Person; and not because of any worship or confessions done before any of the idols on earth or in heaven. (Judgment III: 24) *6 But wherein good works have resulted in affiliation; and in lifting the people up out of misery and crime, the same is adjudged as worship of the Great Spirit, Jehovih. (Judgment III: 26) *6 A man may be wise as to books and philosophy and mathematics and poetry and great learning, and yet be low in grade as to spirit. A man may know little of all such knowledge, and may be poor withal, but by hardship and experience, developed in sympathy and good works done unto others, and be high in grade as to spirit. (Judgment VII: 1-2) *6 Make not thy confessions, which are betwixt thee and thy Creator, before men; but covenant thou with Him, within thine own soul, saying nothing of this for the laudation of men. Thy spirit is as a seed of a beautiful tree, which thy Creator planted; give thou it good light and a clean soil, that the blossoms and the fruit thereon may glorify thy Creator and thee. Such is the resurrection of the spirit of men. Wait not for a Savior to save thee; nor depend thou on words or 96

prayers; nor on hearkening to good sermons, flattering thyself, thou hast done well; but begin to save thyself. By purifying thy flesh, by purifying thy thoughts, and by the practice of good works done unto others, with all thy wisdom, love and strength. For through these only is there any resurrection for thee, either in this world or the next. (Judgment XIII: 43-47) *6 I say unto thee, that a poor man, who can not read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers. The word, labor, or work, is easily understood. Suffer not thyself to be deceived by them whose trade is preaching and praying. They profess to be laboring for the spiritual man; and, according to the number of their converts, who are also taught words and prayers and confessions, instead of works, so are they called, great and converts are still tarrying in the mire of grade one. (Judgment XVI: 6-10) *6 Clearly Oahspe is advocating all Children of the Creator to seek and maximize the best ways to sacrifice their time, energy, finances in assisting others who are suffering or lacking essential mortal needs. And how shall we know where best to help? How to achieve these “good works?� One particular poignant heavenly episode emphatically points out the direction where the answer to this question lies. In this 97

story arc of the heavens, false gods have been brought forth before the etherean god Thor. They mistakenly believe they are to about to be enslaved to serve the stronger god, Thor. Then Thor said: A greater hardship give I unto all: I give you your liberty and freedom. Go, therefore, whither ye desire. I ask not one to serve me, but say unto you: Go serve Jehovih by lifting up whoever is beneath you. They answered: Whither shall we go? We know not the way from one heaven to another, nor the way down to the earth. Thou sayest: Go serve Jehovih by lifting up such as are beneath us. Now, verily, cannot lift up ourselves. Had we great riches, or power, or wisdom, then would we willingly do for those beneath us. Thor said: Verily are ye Gods of darkness. I say unto you, wait not for any of these things, but go at once and serve Jehovih. They answered: When we have first provided a way for ourselves, then will we serve Him. Thor answered: Ye have spoken the darkness of all the world. I say unto you: Go serve Jehovih first; and after that come to me that I may see wherein ye lack in anything. They answered: How can one serve Jehovih by lifting others up, if he have not clothes, nor food, nor habitation. Thor said: It is well ye ask that question; but I say: Direct that question to your own souls; and, behold, the Father will answer you. Let that be the question ye ask yourselves every hour of the day; and watch ye for an opportunity to answer it by the labor of your own hands. (Thor II: 28-34) *6 98

And it would seem that the principal manner by which we may discover how to serve selflessly, how to achieve good works that fulfill the Will of Jehovih, is to keep conversing with the Great Spirit Innermost on hourly, attuned basis until we understand what to do and whom to help. And then of course, we must, by the sweat of our brow, by the putting forth of our spirit, work to do just that. Perhaps it will be teaching a trade to someone who needs a means to work. Perhaps it will be taking care of the young or very old, who dependent. Perhaps it will be forming a means of uplifting others to a higher consciousness through encouragement and love. Perhaps it will be creating blessings of love and healing for those in our spiritual spheres, mortal or es’ean. It is all up to us and the Creator of the Universe, The Ever-Present Eternal, who abides in all of us. Returning to Thor, you will note well that the god Thor did not seem to be pointing these false gods in the direction of “sacred” symbols or rites. There would be no worship advocated for hundreds of esoteric signs from the higher heavens. They would not be studying the Tablet of Se’moin and Biene, nor the first three rites of Emethachavah. These false gods also would not be studying under Thor on how to become an ordained Faithist priest who would wear white robes as much as possible. Instead, the message divinely given was to discover one’s own inner inspiration from the Creator so as to help others in need. That was the sum of a simple message from an etherean god. And the creation of a living community of service, The Father’s Kingdom on Earth, the highest work on earth, one with the heavens, is within us all to begin, as we become more and more fully attuned, awakened and empowered by, through, and in The Creator, All Highest. With regard to service and good works, what should not happen is to 99

place personal restraints on what we can do in service based on what we may narrowly envision for the present. Rather, we must strive to understand as well as to do all we can, progressively learning to use greater and greater love, wisdom and power in helping others, however humble the service may be, so long as it uplifts those within our reach. Forgiveness, perseverance, and humility, are all good traits to aid us in this quest. Thus, we should also never decide that the only worthy service is to the building of The Father’s Kingdom on Earth. We may have read of this in Oahspe, but this does not mean necessarily that the next phase of service for us must be only this. Likewise, neither we should conclude that higher kinds of service are beyond us. How to decide? Commune daily, hourly, with the Creator All-Spirit within and around us, make a continuing plan individually or as a community, and then act to serve with power and love. Sincere mistakes may be made, but then learning from these, we may hope to gradually achieve ever greater success in assisting our brothers and sisters. Consider: On the other hand, the true God, Son of Jehovih, sent word from his throne in Craoshivi to the guardian angels dwelling with these mortals, so unmindful of the Father's care. He said: Come defeat, or disaster, or terrible darkness, overpowering your utmost strength, still struggle ye, in the name of Jehovih. The true Faithist knoweth nothing impracticable, but doeth his utmost for his highest light, though failure stare him in the face. For once distrust of weakness entereth the human soul, the man slideth backward down the hill of faith; whilst he who will not consider results, save to serve Jehovih right on, fail or not, 100

riseth, even though his project fail. (Wars XXIV: 18-19) *6 Truly we need faith in Jehovih, in ourselves, and in our brothers and sisters, if we are to become true Faithists. This is an ongoing eternal process that none of us can claim to be anywhere near high nor perfect. And we must continue to return to Oahspe’s elevating yet demanding message that those who would find resurrection, must labor for the poor, the afflicted, the suffering, whoever is in need. For all of this generation and before, were raised to mistakenly see churches and temples, priests, ministers and holy books as the natural means to reach the heavens of joy and salvation. And so we must be reminded again and again, this is not what Oahspe is advocating: I will do good with all my might; the tears of the suffering poor shall be as scalding blood in my veins; I will not sit down and rest, nor take my ease, nor hold needless possessions whilst they are in want. (Arc of Bon XXIII:22) *6 Now, behold, I come in this era, not only to declare to you, that the time of preaching is at an end, save wherein it is practiced in deed as it is spoken in word, but also to prophesy to you, that many of you will give up your calling, and preach no more. And your temples and churches and meeting-houses shall be turned into consultation chambers, to find remedies against poverty, crime and debauchery. And the congregations shall be enrolled, and, at the meetings, they shall be inquired after, to see if they are in need. And they shall have volunteers, who shall go about seeking out the helpless and distressed. So, that, 101

instead of the congregations sitting to hear your sermons, they shall come as co-workers for Jehovih's children. (Judgment XIX:21-24) *6 Therefore, the Masonic approach that Newbrough instilled in the fledgling “Faithist” movement went amiss in putting so much emphasis on rites and symbols and priests and secrecy, especially with regard to the Emeth Lodges that Newbrough set up in New York, California and New Orleans, New Mexico and elsewhere. And so the Masonic-style spiritual path was promoted and ingrained in the members of these lodges, as Newbrough and the Masonic spirits intended. It is true that Shalam did have direct service to orphans. But as will be shown in Part V, the greater focus was not on the children, but upon a spiritual path that anything but liberating. Additionally, most of expenses were paid for by a single rich patron, with the actual number of children being raised being of relatively small proportion to the actual number of members in the Shalam community. At any rate, the extensive rites and symbols in Saphah, including the “withheld” portions, were of great importance to the members of the “Faithist” lodges and to the “Faithists” of Shalam. Accordingly, these spiritual representations became the primary focus for all spiritual meditation, prayer, and rites. There is nothing apparently evil about using Saphah imagery for religious training and ceremony, although some like the skull, coffin, and cross-bones are creepy. However, as with the Masons, symbols, pictures, and rites became not so much a means as they became an end, for one thing is clear: both the Masons and Newbrough cult lodges were obsessed not just with extensive secret symbolism, and the collection of symbols in “sacred plates,” but also with extensive 102

secret rites. For those of the Masonic order clearly believe that the essence of their spiritual path must be jam-packed with secret signs, secret symbols and secret rituals; ostensibly because such “mystic” adornments made them appear among themselves as possessing greater knowledge, wisdom and achievement, flattering the Masons that they among the select of the world, were of the highest order. And by doing so, the world was being saved by them. And so the writings of the Masons go in the tens of thousands of pages focusing on these symbols, with scarcely a sentence about actually working in service to others. Correspondingly, a review of Faithist Literature in The Kosmon Unity, The Kosmon Voice, The Faithist Journal and especially the Faithist Yahoo groups, will reveal a virtual dearth of any discussion of good works and volunteer service. This is not to say that the articles or posts of such media are an outrage to reference far more on rites and symbolic, or that they have no spiritual value, but rather they are, on the whole, due to focusing almost exclusively on “sacred” knowledge, misguided, and gone astray from what Oahspe’s primary mission and message as originally communicated from on high. The misteps, lack of accomplished service, lack of communities, and the rare unity of past and current “Faithist” groups is proof of this. For past and present Faithists have taken their cue from the Masonic approach more than from what Oahspe actually very emphatically states true Faithists should be focused on above all else: Good Works Service that is of pragmatic value to those in need. More details concerning the above will be given in Part VI. And upon these hundreds of symbols that may be viewed in Masony imagery, Mason writers have produced thousands of essays upon 103

them, singly or as part of a related collection. Yet how many of these writings, symbols and rituals of the Masons are actually focused upon directly communicating with the Creator? With serving the Creator and all the children of the Creator? Of using one’s own time, money and energy to help those in need? Or with building an open community in service to all? Out of thousands and thousands of lines in Masonic rites and writings, out of the hundreds of Masonic symbols, only the barest handful lead in that direction. Secrecy and elitism, symbols and rites, master and initiate, are the themes propounded upon time after time to the exclusion of all else. Why does any of this matter? It matters because nearly all of the “Faithist” groups, churches, and lodges, from Shalam onward, have more in common with Masonry than with Oahspe as communicated by the higher heavens. Why has this lack of progress, fellowship and unity occurred in the Faithist movement? It has occurred due to John Newbrough’s implementation of negative Masonic spiritual approaches in the original Oahspean lodges that has thwarted true fellowship among Faithists through the decades up to the present. Certainly Shalam failed even with a million dollars in 1880s to burn. And certainly present day projects, even after significant financial support, such as The Molina Center via The Universal Faithists of Kosmon have failed. And it is without question that this Faithist group, along with the Kosmon Church, which are currently operating in a style and in content similar to the Masons, have been especially mired in secret rites, secret symbols, and master-initiate elitism. Service is not something they do. Being considered the “highest authority” on Oahspe and Faithism is their primary mission, whether they admit it or not. Try disagreeing with their core principles not core to Oahspe and 104

see what happens next in the discussion. These aspects will be discussed in fuller detail in Parts V and VI. And yes, Masonic-Oahspe spirits have been working to negatively influence all involved, in these groups. Spiritual efforts without service to others, that is what makes a religion, a cult, and that is where these groups are at nowadays and have been for decades. Their ideology has turned away from real service though they imagine themselves doing just that as they ordain priests and priestesses in their white robes. All of this has to change so that True Oahspean Faithist Fellowship and Communities and Service may germinate, blossom and fructify. The world needs the Ideals of Oahspe more than ever, untainted by and set free of Masonic infiltration. In truth, extensive secret rites and symbols accomplish nothing except to place ever greater barriers between one’s own spirit and that of the Great Spirit. See once again the Oahspe passage on page 48, (Judgment XXVI:7-10) where we are warned that rites and symbols can also be used “for the imprisonment of the mind and the soul.� For that which is exterior to ourselves, the seen, while potentially a great reminder of what we need to do and to be, does not in itself constitute real innermost virtue and spiritual progress. Only daily study, practice and sacrifice in service to others may achieve such ends. The paradox here is that many on the spiritual path unthinkingly cling to the rites and signs and quotations in the hope of reaching higher spiritual attainment, but also because doing so is in fact easier than spending the time, energy and money that they could be using in the often problematic service to those beneath them. The same goes triple 105

for making efforts in uniting with others as a community to achieve such service for far greater effect. Far better it seems to far too many, is to instead revel in and discuss the “mystic splendor” of the Kabbalah as seemingly represented in the plate of Ho’ed symbols, than to sweep the floor of that bedridden poor woman in their neighborhood, than to teach an unemployed man a way to earn a living. And then on to questions concerning the “true cycles” of the Moon that Faithists should be sure to keep! Therefore, many of the leaders of the Masons, the Kosmon Church, and the Universal Faithists of Kosmon are truly in a state of delusion after binding themselves to the many layers, levels, and steps inherent in their encumbering dogma, symbols and rites. What is unfortunate is that most of their members are worse off than many religionists or cultists, since the sense of false superiority to others is strongly cultivated above all else. And it is just these negative spiritual approaches that Dr. John Newbrough brought into the Oahspe-Faithist movement from the Masons which still overshadow the minds of many Faithists to this very day. For if any individual decides to hold certain symbols as sacred, or even more so if invoking them in visualizations, then a mental link between this individual and the spiritual realms, however dark and low and oppressive, will then be created that will likely draw that individual to those “heavens” upon death, and can continue to overshadow his or her life’s activities for decades. This is how the false religions have operated for tens of thousands of years—Christianity, Islam and more—and it is the same with the Masons and with the Masonic Faithists.


This is not to say that those who are genuinely searching for truth in Oahspe will automatically fall under such bondage, surely not just for seeing the symbols in the book. But those who worship, pray, and meditate using the same, where in truth a Masonic “false” religion has been created under the guise of being “Faithism” — such persons will tend to enter the hada that is the Newbrough-Masonic realms, if they replace service with Saphah symbolism and rites. To do so is contrary to the fundamental message of Oahspe, which is we should all in the New Age of Kosmon-Aquarius, first and foremost: • •

Seek the Ever-Present Inspiration directly innermost within ourselves as often as we can; and Seek to love and serve those in need with all our power— all within our reach, as much as our wisdom allows.

This situation is explained more fully via the 2002 La Cruces Trance Messages channeled by Wayne Sturgeon: And Dr. Newbrough says, "I am inside this room because there are seven churches now that have been built. And these churches with their beliefs are preventing me from rising up to the very heavens that I wrote about. And it's because of these barriers, it's because of these walls that have been placed there, that are holding me down. And I'm not allowed to go in my own heavens, and I am not allowed to go into the churches. I'm in this room." (LCTM 7:1-4) *39 And what exactly is Dr. Newbrough responsible for that created this bondage for Oahspean Faithists? Along with a group of Masonic spirits, he created a separate new religion-cult that seems to follow the precepts of Oahspe but instead for the most part, fosters spiritual bondage. 107

Service to the world? No, bondage to secret rites and ceremonies and “masters” of their “sacred knowledge” that is a twisted mix of the Masons and Oahspe. For instigating this and altering Oahspe, this spiritual bondage of mind and spirit now exists for Newbrough and his followers, from Shalam to the present day. This is why this book was written — to end this deception and the ensuing bondage and help others to see, understand and live the precepts of Oahspe as originally intended by the Creator and the higher angels. The confirming details of the hundreds of Masonic-Style symbols and rites in Saphah and in the “Faithist” Lodges Newbrough established will next be presented in Part IV. Part IV.

The Book of Saphah Revisited Introduction In 1978, Harry O’Hilton wrote Saphah for Mortals, which was primarily an attempt to describe each plate in brief but especially to redraw and to identify all the images on each plate. Since well over a thousand characters are involved, this was a monumental task. He primarily succeeded at this but there is a good chunk of characters and images that were not clear enough to view or were without any textual information that might explain the more obscure symbols. And it is just because of the scores of plates and the hundreds of images engraved thereon —many poorly drawn — that this in itself has discouraged much real logical inspection and introspection about Saphah symbols. Hence, the main two normal reactions to the collection of images has been to first discount the whole collection as ridiculously fake and unfathomable to boot. The next most common reaction has been to accept these symbols as presented, writings from 108

ancient times transcribed from millennium past via second resurrection angels, yet also as being close to beyond logical analysis for the most part. However, this author feels now compelled to take on a detailed analysis of Saphah because the time has come to put up or shut up. Just how much of Saphah is genuine? How much is Masonically produced? How much has been suppressed by John Newbrough in order to carry out his agenda for the Masons? And what exactly is the purpose and meaning of each plate and symbol? These are the questions which will guide this analysis of Saphah over the next 100 pages. When I first realized that there were — apparently — Masonic elements within the rites placed in The Book of Saphah by John Newbrough, I had not the slightest suspicion that any of the language plates in the same book could possible also fall under this same darkness. However, as my investigation into the actual symbols used by the Masons progressed, as I became familiar with just what these symbols were, it became clear from careful analysis that even these too were for the most part filled with Masonic symbols, and thus not a part of the original manuscript. There also exists a good share of symbols which would appear to be simply made up, with no connection to Oahspe or the Masons or any past spiritual symbolism. And it is because The Book of Saphah is primarily composed of these problematic elements, tainted as they are, it became evident that therefore every page, plate, symbol and word in this unique book must be put under scrutiny before any of its content could be declared as part of the angelic channeling of 1881 — or be declared as a 109

compositional forgery. . This examination will focus on these areas: • what was mistakenly placed in or not in Saphah, • the Masonic symbols in the language plates • the Masonic symbols in the rite plates, • the Masonic Rite Format similarities with Saphah rites; • the degree to which Masonic and Saphah symbols correlate, and • the degree to which its mysterious words reappear throughout Oahspe. As might be supposed, this is a complex topic, for both reader and for researcher. One interesting game to play during the analysis is to solve the anagrams that Masons love to use as hiding their ideas in plain sight. In light of this, the term “Saphah” could be solved as referring to “Pashah.” There are two connections with this. First, “pashah” stands for “noose” in Hindi. The noose is a big time symbol for Masons:


The initiation rituals- though described by Masons as beautiful ceremonies – include a noose. It’s hard to tell whether this is meant as a threat, a call to maintain silence, or simply as the symbol of an umbilical cord (as they claim), but in any case, it’s unusual enough to warrant a mention. *399999

Second, “pashah” in the Shaiva Siddhanta sect of Hinduism is defined as symbolizing the master-animal relationship where the power of the soul leads the unenlightened to God. *399999 In other words, listen to and obey your spiritual masters or you will not be resurrected, you will not attain enlightenment. This is, of course, is the antithesis of the core truths espoused in Oahspe. Yet such a view is exactly what Masonic philosophy maintains and consequently this is another case of how Masonic ideology has poisoned Oahspe seekers of truth whenever they sought to work with the Newbrough-Lodge / The Faithist Church elites. Chapter 5: What Was Incorrectly Placed in or near Saphah 111

ยง1: The World Maps As noted earlier, the plates were misplaced by Newbrough upwards of 80% of the time in the initial Oahspe that was published, where the text and plate images had no relation at all. Conversely, the plates that were related to the rites were virtually all correctly placed. This is further evidence the Newbrough and the editors did a far better job placing the material into Oahspe that they themselves created under the inspiration of the Masonic spirits, than they did with the original plates meant to complement the original text of the original Oahspe manuscript. It may well be that the connection with the angels who helped channeled Oahspe was broken with the inclusion of the Masonic spirits, and so the last step of where to place all the plates that went along with Oahspe was never completed with their help. The six plates incorrectly added to or just before Saphah include: (1) The Outline Map Showing the Locality of Pan, (2) The Outline Map Showing the Original Names and Divisions of the Earth, (3) The False Osiris, (4) Isis, (5) Deviation of the Line of the Solar Vortex, and (6) Star Worshippers. *44


The Outline Map Showing the Locality of Pan, the Submerged Continent *6

The Outline Map Showing the Original Names and Divisions of the Earth*6

Newbrough Placement: Saphah 1:1← • Best Placement: • Sethantes II: 27-28→*44

Newbrough Placement: Saphah 1:1← • Best Placement: Fragapatti VIII:2-6→*44

Prior to The Book of Saphah, as there are about 600 pages of Oahspe with references to the primeval names of the lands of the earth, before and after the flood, it does not make much sense to put these plates just prior to Saphah. I will give better placements next but that is not to say that still further alternate positions might also be possibly put forth. A far better placement for the World Pan map would instead be Sethantes II: 27-28→*44, as this is the first recorded instance of these land masses being named in Oahspe. Consider: God said: To each of you have I given a great division of the earth, and each division shall be named after you, each in its place. This, then, was the rank assigned: Waga (Pan); Jud (Asia); Thouri (America); Vohu (Africa); and Dis (Europe). And the lands were called after the names of the Lords and so entered in the books of heaven in Hored, by command of God in the name of Jehovih. *6 113

As for the map denoting the original names of these areas, a more suitable placement would have been Fragapatti VIII:2-6→*44, as the discussion at this point directly discusses the naming of these regions as follows: Fragapatti said: What shall be the divisions of the earth, and who the Lords thereof? And when the House had expressed, then Fragapatti said: In the name of Jehovih, these shall be the divisions of the earth, to wit: Jaffeth on the east and north, by the sea and to the ice regions, and on the west to the mountains of Oh'e'loo, which shall be called the first division. To the east and south, water and water, and to the west, the highlands of E'zar; and its name shall be Shem. The south land shall henceforth be called Arabin'ya, encompassed by the sea. And north of this, the first country of the brown red race shall be called Heleste, bordering on Shem and Jaffeth on the east, and extending half way to the sea on the west. Uropa shall be Goddess of the west part, and it shall be called after her. And the two great west lands shall be called North Guatama and South Guatama. And all the islands of the earth shall be called Oce'ya; and the waters of the earth shall be called Oce'a, signifying, in likeness of the earth and sky. For the seven divisions of the earth there shall be seven rulers of the rank Lord God; and for South Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank Lord; and for North Oce'ya, one ruler of the rank Lord; and for Japan (Zha'pahn), one ruler of the rank sub-God. *6


It could also be argued that these two world maps be simply placed at the very beginning of Oahspe, since their importance and use in the book are so prevalent. Be that as it may, one important question is why did Newbrough and his editors get these two maps so out of place in the first place? Clearly descriptions of Pan or these heavenly names for earth’s regions stand out in a number of passages far earlier in Oahspe. Certainly numerous references are made using these proper place names on this map hundreds of times prior to The Book of Saphah. Is this all simply carelessness? No, not likely. As these are possibly the most interesting and striking of any plates in Oahspe, and most certainly from the original manuscript, a far more likely conclusion to be made is that these two map plates, were placed just before The Book of Saphah for the sole purpose of attempting to validate The Book of Saphah as part of the original manuscript. Since these maps make so much more sense to be positioned at or near the beginning of Oahspe, and since Newbrough was able to place some of the more obvious original plates correctly, it stands to reason that this is no careless mistake but rather a means to legitimize that which was illegitimate: The Book of Saphah. As these world map plates are possibly the most impressive or eyeopening of all the plates, it stands to reason that any readers of Oahspe will have their attention and their respect for Oahspe drawn to and through these images. And thus by juxtaposition, the Book of Saphah gained thereby more deceptive cover for all of its rites and symbols which were not originally in Oahspe but were for the most part derived from Masonry. This will be clearly demonstrated in more detail later in Part IV.


Before this is shown, other examples of Saphah discrepancies will be presented, in order to establish that Newbrough was no longer under the divine inspiration of the higher heavens in regards to this book of Oahspe. And it should be kept in mind that important conclusions can be drawn about how Newbrough edited Oahspe from both errors of ignorance as well as from wilful fabrications

§2: The False Osiris and Isis

The False Osiris*6


Newbrough Placement: Saphah -Faithist History:14→ • Best Placement: • Wars XLVII:9→*44

Newbrough Placement: Saphah - Vede 61→ • Best Placement: Wars XLVII:9→*44

Both the Osiris and Isis plates have related text in the Book of Wars against Jehovih XLVII:9→*44, where the corresponding text is a proclamation by the false Osiris as follows: Two idols shall ye inspire mortals to build unto me: and one shall be the figure of a male horse, with a man's head and chest and arms, and he shall point upward, signifying, heavenly rest; and the other shall be the figure of a mare, with the head and breast and arms of a woman. And she shall hold a bow and 116

arrow before her, and behind her a sword and a rose, signifying, for righteousness' sake. And the male idol shall be called 2Osiris, and the female, 2Isis. For wherein I assert myself creator of all the living, I must show unto men that I am male and female. (Jehovih XLVII:9-10) * 6 This is a perfect match. The misplacement of these two plates (and the dozens of others also in Oahspe) might be thought of as yet another example which indicates that the line of communication between the higher heavens and John Newbrough had been broken. It was in terms of where to place the plates at least. However, this does not seem to be the only reason as there are also other two strong reasons which are also plausible. First, as Newbrough and his associates most likely see these as star constelation plates, they decided that The False Osiris and Isis had better belong in The Book of Saphah with other star-laden plates of Aries, Taurus, and the Ceremony of the Holy Mass. Secondly, it must be kept in mind that because the false Osiris is considered mystically signifcant by the Masons, and indeed worshipped by the highest Masonic members — as Newbrough indeed was — that the plates were put in Saphah for the simple fact that Saphah would be the book of Newbrough’s lodge’s rites and ceremonies of worship. This established connection between the Masons and the false Osiris will be shown in the detailed breakdown of sections of Oahspe in a later chapter. However, for the time, let this passage from The Symbolism of 117

FreeMasonry, written by Albert G. Mackey, shed some light on how revered both are by the Masons. This is a long passage from a far longer chapter of an extensive book but it is included to give the reader greater insight into how exhaustively and reverently Masons (and many past and present Faithists) delve into ancient symbolism: It was on the Lake of Sais that the solemn ceremonies of the Osirian initiation were performed. "On this lake," says Herodotus, "it is that the Egyptians represent by night his sufferings whose name I refrain from mentioning; and this representation they call their Mysteries." Osiris, the husband of Isis, was an ancient king of the Egyptians. Having been slain by Typhon, his body was cut into pieces by his murderer, and the mangled remains cast upon the waters of the Nile, to be dispersed to the four winds of heaven. His wife, Isis, mourning for the death and the mutilation of her husband, for many days searched diligently with her companions for the portions of the body, and having at length found them, united them together, and bestowed upon them decent interment, —while Osiris, thus restored, became the chief deity of his subjects, and his worship was united with that of Isis, as the fecundating and fertilizing powers of nature. The candidate in these initiations was made to pass through a mimic repetition of the conflict and destruction of Osiris, and his eventual recovery; and the explanations made to him, after he had received the full share of light to which the painful and solemn ceremonies through which he had passed had entitled him, constituted the secret doctrine of which I have already spoken, as the object of all the Mysteries. Osiris,— a real and personal god to the people, — to be worshipped 118

with fear and with trembling, and to be propitiated with sacrifices and burnt offerings, became to the initiate but a symbol of the "Great first cause, least understood," while his death, and the wailing of Isis, with the recovery of the body, his translation to the rank of a celestial being, and the consequent rejoicing of his spouse, were but a tropical mode of teaching that after death comes life eternal, and that though the body be destroyed, the soul shall still live.* 9 It is indeed strange why these plates were even put into Oahspe in the first place as there is no good reason to focus attention upon a false god in the first place. No one would argue that these plates are spiritually uplifting but rather that they are crude and repelling. And it is obvious that the false Osiris is hostile to Faithists as he stated: The non-resistance of the Faithists hath ever made them dependent on the mercy of their neighbors, in heaven and earth. They must be destroyed, and their doctrines also. (Jehovih XLVII:3)* 6 Hence it is abhorrent that Oahspe has passages and images in Saphah which honor the false Osiris. To a Mason, however, it is proper to do just that. This will be shown more fully in the analysis later on of other Osiris-related images and passages in Saphah. Does anyone really believe that ethereans would want these images in Oahspe? For these images are NOT of the high-raised etherean god Osiris, whose era of noble work in Oahspe is recorded. These images are directly related to the false god Osiris, otherwise known as Che-lemung, whose minions evilly slew and enslaved millions.


§3: Two More Plates Not Meant to Be in Saphah

s Deviation of the Line of the Solar Vortex*6

Star Worshippers*6

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 94↔94 • Best Placement: Eskra III:5→*44

Newbrough Placement: Saphah - Se’moin 115→ • Best Placement: Lord’s 5th VI:10-13→*44

There are several concerns about these and other plates not being correctly placed in Oahspe. First, there will be greater confusion where there is no relevant text that addresses such plate images. Secondly, nearby text may promote the wrong interpretation of these images. Concerning the Star Worshippers plate, the following passage from The Book of Lord’s 5th, has greater relevancy and matching references, than virtually any text near the originally published position of this plate in The Book of Saphah: I say to man: Go commune with the spirits of the dead, and man doeth it. I say: Come away from such worship, and fall down before the stars, and man doeth it. Jehovih said: My Lord, My God, go thou; call man to one thing today, and let him worship 120

it. And tomorrow call him to another, and let him worship it. For man shall fall down and worship everything in heaven and earth. By trying them shall man know them. For in the day of my glory, Kosmon, man shall put away all worshipful things, save Me, his Creator. The Lord God said: Through the worshipful talents man can be raised up. Even as to great learning, man will not pursue it till he first worshippeth it. In the time of Osiris, the Lord named the stars in heaven after the legendary names of Gods and Lords. And the Lord taught not that man should worship them, but that he should learn their glory and majesty in the firmament. (Lord’s 5th VI:10-13). * 6 Although not adjacent to this plate, several paragraphs away in Saphah can be found: 109. Git'ow'wn (Panic), relating to the Zodiac or to the motion of the sun. The high priest shall designate by the Um (spear), the motion of the sun and moon and stars, so that when the unlearned come to the temple to worship, they may also learn of my lights in heaven. (Zarathustra.) (Saphah - Se’moin 109). * 6 There will be more discussion of how appropriate this passage is for Oahspe and if it is indeed an original communication from the higher angels in the next chapter. Returning to the plates, certainly this text verse provides interpretation for the Star Worshippers plate. Yet notice the difference in tone betweent two passages, the first being a warning to not worship the stars but instead to see them as glorious creations of the Creator from whom we should seek direct inspiratinon. And the second passage strikes a more positive tone that directly states both worship of and 121

learning about the stars. Thus if this plate were placed earlier, the plate becomes a counterexample of what not to do, while if the plate is placed in its original published postion, then the plate is for all intents and purposes, glorifying the study and worship of the stars. Worship of the stars is obviously a big step away from the teachings of Oahpse. Yet this is where the text and the plate are unfortunately leading the reader. A sound conclusion therefore is that this plate should NOT have been placed near Saphah - Se’moin 109 since to keep it in its originally published position, there is a possibility of considering the worship of the stars as a good thing — while the passage at Lord’s 5th (VI:10-13) will appropriate to Oahspe’s themes, reject the worship of the stars. For above all else, Oahspe advocates seeking the Creator’s Inspiration: When man practiceth virtue, wisdom, truth and love unto all, his inspiration is from Me direct. (Inspiration VII:17) * 6 Some further possible conclusions therefore are: (1) that Newbrough didn’t know the originally intended position of the plate, and / or (2) demonstrated the standard religious / Masonic approach of putting less focus on directly worshipping the Creator as well as that of being directly inspired. Likewise for the Solar Vortex plate, where a few good connections between the plate image and the text of Oahpse exist in the following verse: For I am His fountain, of the Tree of Bon; I am His cycle of the Great Serpent's e'spe, and can not die or go out of 122

remembrance. I am as a link in a great circle, the section of Bon in the solar vortex. (Eskra III: 5) * 6 Clearly John Newbrough did not receive divine instruction as to the positioning of the plates for Oahspe, nor did he invest enough research to make sure there was a correspondence between all images and text. There is also significant evidence some plates were intentionally misplaced as well as that some plates were NOT part of the original Oahspe channeling. Further analysis of the plates and Saphah will prove that Masonic spirits personally regained control of Newbrough soon after Oahspe was transcribed, and inspired John to create the text and images not in the original Oahspe, and to place these primarily into The Book of Saphah.

Chapter 6: What Was Mistakenly Not Placed in the Book of Saphah ยง1: Qadeth Iz: The Divine Seal


Qadeth Iz:The Divine Seal*6 Unlabelled Images, misplaced plate yet with specific text description

Newbrough Placement: Divinity XVIII: 25→ • Best Placement: Saphah – Qadeth Iz: 1← *44 Presented Origin: Israel. The meaning of Qadeth Iz has proven elusive. It is apparently not a Hebraic word. The only conceivable match I could find was that out of Navajo, where it translates “to pick” 885656 . Since Iz represents “Israel” then it stands to reason that Qadeth Iz may be translated as words selected out of Israel. But this may be no more than grasping at straws since it would be far more logical for the term “Qadeth” to be of Hebraic or Masonic origin. The images of this plate are more clearly drawn than most, Having said that, there are many images which are difficult to interpret, probably 124

close to 80% in this sense. And this being the case, it is easy to understand why the original editors of Oahspe in correctly placed it outside of Saphah. Yet even more to this point is the fact that these images have no captions. The matching text exists for each of these images yet no match was made by the John Newbrough, his attending Masonic spirits nor attending editors. Because of the preceeding, one thing is for certain, that no angels of the higher realms made a decision in the creation or the placement of this plate. Therefore misplacement of this plate is just a blatant error. The language items listed in Saphah as given above match the plate of The Divine Seal, Qadeth Iz. When such is the case, it would seem more apt to conclude that this is NOT a creation of Newbrough and the Masonic spirits since they utterly failed to place this plate correctly, much as they failed with most of the plates. Yet there still exists the wide range of use of Masonic symbols in Qadeth Iz. Qadeth Iz Totals: 62 Number Percent of age of Average Average Num terms terms Total Total Saphah Saphah ber of Without Without referen Referen Referen Referen Term an an ces ces Per ces ces Per s Exterior Exterior Term Term referen referenc ced ed 60 52 87% 97 1.62 19 0.32

There is a lack of references for these terms even greater than is usual for Saphah expressions. Not coincidentally, there is a higher percentage of Masonic symbols present. 125

Qadeth Iz Masonic Symbols Referenced Outside of No Reference Saphah Only Saphah house (Na’ah / Na’ok) serpent (Ba’a) lamp (Mira) house (Barzel / Tubal) sun {(Or): A} foundation (Eden) serpent {(Or): B} 3 candles / 3 great lights serpent {(A’yin: A)} (Sam’or) eye {(A’yin): B} heart (Lebab) mouth (E’dam) altar (Aman) serpent (A’bad) serpent (Mi’qut’so) foot (Re’gel) foot (Assogen) eye {(Zemar): A} serpent {(Zemar): B} hatchet {(Zemar): C} ear (Ozen) ibis (Aven’ibi) hand (Gad’tah’ah) hand (Ekef) hand (Asen) Taurus (Mits’vah) Taurus (Ra’o) lamb (Aheba) book (Sef’fer) ladder (Nasag) burning incense (Maqatteroth) L-square (Ra’ka) trowel {(Aboda): A} wheelbarrow {(Aboda): B} sun {(Os’ka’gar): A} moon {(Os’ka’gar): B} stars {(Os’ka’gar): C} crossbones (Eo’sor) 126

storehouse (Otsar) pot (Asuk) pot (Yat’zar) hammer (Gu’sa’touin) anvil (Gu’sa’touin) basket (Lechen) cross (E’lo’ih / Jehovih) 38



Total Masonic Symbols: 45 out of 60 (75%). With No Reference: 38 out 45; (84%). With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 44 out of 45; (98%). This may be the most Masonic-symbol laden plate in Saphah. And as is mentioned elsewhere several times, because many of the symbols were poorly drawn and / or without captions or text, there are likely more as yet not identified as such. Nevertheless one can only speculate as to why this was done in the first place. As always, this overuse of Masonic symbols may be compared to a graffiti artist who wishes to smear that which is clean with their corrupt signs to the greatest extent possible. Certainly very few of these symbols are referenced elsewhere, which raises a further reason being that this plate of Qadeth Iz has a secret rite-prayer associated with it which the Faithist-Masons of Newbrough have used and still may be doing so. Nevertheless, as there are Masonic-style symbols here (to be thoroughly covered in Chapter 8), and because there is also no real reason for angels of the second resurrection to actually want the people of modern times to look over the images of this plate or the expository text, the conclusion must be this is simply something Newbrough decided to cram into Oahspe in order to (in his mind): • make Oahspe appear to be an erudite source due to its origin of language plates, and 127

• build a context of ancient languages and ancient symbols that will help build a Masonic theme that ancient languages and especially ancient symbols are essential features for the paths of resurrection and salvation. As always, such a view is dead wrong on the basis of there being no rational means to defend such (Why shut off real inner inspiration from the Creator?), and in addition, such a viewpoint goes directly against the stated spiritual objectives and themes of Oahspe. In lieu of the preceding, consider the following passages from Oahspe: My Hand is ready to whomsoever will reach forth unto Me. My voice is ready and clear to whomsoever will turn away from other things, and away from philosophers and ambiguous words, serving Me in good works. My Light is present, and answereth unto all who follow their all highest knowledge. (Inspiration X:24-26) *6 Thus the insertion of symbol-crammed ancient language plates, even if authentic and free of Masonic imagery, is still an affront to the true doctrines of the higher heavens. When man practiceth virtue, wisdom, truth and love unto all, his inspiration is from Me direct. (Inspiration VII:17) *6 Thus one of the higher purposes of Oahspe is to steer all Children of the Creator away from puzzling over ancient inspiration and rather towards the practice of real innermost inspiration from the Creator and The Universe. Neither shall man be bound more by the doctrines of this God or that God, or by this Savior or that Savior, nor by any of 128

the ancient books, nor by inspirations of the olden times. But he shall know how to obtain inspirations from My Gods, and My heavens for his own good, and for his own wisdom. (Es VIII:30) *6 Thus no discerning Faithist is going to waste his time or block his / her attunement to the Creator by pondering the meaning of “Assogen, the evil foot,” which is depicted in the image “9C” of the above plate:

.*6 I have given thee many sacred books, and I said to thee: Save thou judgest them, thou shalt be caught in a snare; I charge thee, thou shalt accept nothing from men, nor angels, nor Gods. But thou shalt rely on thine own inspiration from thy Creator. Such is My word which I speak to thine own soul. (Inspiration IX:8-11) *6 Thus these are words of wisdom we should rejoice in. This is good advice to heed in order to live our lives ever more fully in attunement with the Creator of the Universe.

§2: Language Plate for the First Paragraph of Zerl Chine-Iz-Algonquin: The group of language symbols that is referenced by the first paragraph of Zerl Text but no plate images

Newbrough Placement: Zerl: 1→ • Best Placement: Impossible to determine← *44 129

First, I must apologize to all readers who are hoping that every section or at least, most sections of this book, lead to stirring spiritual insights. Certainly the review of much of what is in Saphah is quintessinally a waste of time because the material itself is nearly incomprehensible or laughably presented as essentially sacred and / or necessary for higher spiritual attainment. Well, perhaps regular stirring insights are not to be because I am determined to thoroughly vet each aspect of Newbrough’s intentional fabrications as fully as I can so that there can be no doubt that such is the case. Thus I cannot gloss over any changes made from the original, and thus there are and will be many dreary details to wade through. The truth is I love Oahspe too much to allow any of the deceptions to go through unchallenged. This is one of my life’s missions and so the reader may be excused if they choose to move on to more potent sections of analysis. . Be that as it may, once again, here we find more sloppy work by Newbrough and the editors, work that is in no way representative of second resurrection angels. The following text is placed first after the Tablet of Zerl yet none of it refers to this plate nor to any plate in Oahspe: Git, Oaw, sun. Washa, priest. Seang, stars. Chin, throne. Gone, silver. Goap, foot. Show, hand. Gwoon, heart. Min'bo, bread. Kin, take. Gwan, food. Lam, woods. Hoo, good. M'hoo, bad. Baw, wise. Di'sa, captain. Wa'shu, high priest. M'wa'shu, woman, high priest. Bewong, church. Chaunt, sing. Se'yu, laugh. Hook, cry. Sa'she, starve. Sai, die. Honji, birth. Sing-sope, twinkling stars. Law, fixed. Sho'ji, ax. Shou or shon or joss, a man-God. Bog'wi, Goddess of lust. Ne'wi, evil Goddess. Es, spirit or spirit-world. Es'fome, spirit-messenger. Gut, carnal. (Saphah : Zerl : 1). *6


It seems likely that there existed more text as this section is a mere 83 words, and of course, there then must be a missing plate to which this text must refer to. So this is a kind of double-error. However, it must not be concluded that just because there are these editing errors, that these in themselves prove that what was missing must have been in the original transmission of Oahspe. It is the case that Newbrough and his editors made mistakes even with their fabricated material. You see, my overall conclusion has always been that all the cryptic language references in Saphah were fakes, as no angel of any degree of intelligence or wisdom would want mortals to focus on such trivial details when there is an entire world in need of heartfelt practical, spiritual, and life-saving service to those millions in desperate straits. More on this in the next chapter where each section will be fully analyzed. The remainder of the text refers to the Plate of Zerl*6 and to the Plate of Iz and Zerl*6. You would think that this being the very first paragraph of the section, that that in itself would have made it easier to spot as an error. So the reflective questions are: Was there a corresponding plate? Most likely. Was there more text that went along with this section? Most likely. However, as only several of these terms do correlate (such as “Git�) with the rest of the text of Oahspe, that in itself points to fabrication. Why place random words in Oahspe that add nothing to its message, even on the most basic terms? Newbrough and Masons had an innate love of the archaic, ancient and obscure and putting such petty word lists must have been perceived by themselves as enriching Oahspe or, gasp, seen as means by which Oahspe would appear more valid.


Such a viewpoint! Oahspe opens a wondrous window to the cosmos and the meaning of all life and of how to achieve resurrection and oneness with The Great Spirit. And now its readers must slog through or take on face value that such several thousand terms as “Ne'wi” (evil Goddess) or “Gut” (carnal) are going to make one’s spiritual path a better one to travel. It must never be forgotten that at this point, Newbrough was under the power of Masonic spirits and was not reasoning clearly nor with high spiritual intent. Later events orchestred and proclamations by Newbrough in Shalam and elsewhere would show just that, as will be described later on in this book concerning Newbrough’s lodges and his efforts involving founding and developing the Shalam community. Alas that such a great man as Dr. John Newbrough was, one who successfully completed the transmission of the greatest book of our age, Oahspe, should fall so into such utter confusion, leading so many of good intent also as well.

Chapter 7: What Was Almost Placed Correctly in Saphah §1: Saphah: The Tree of Languages


Tree of Languages *6 Labelled Image with specific text description

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 26↔26 • Best Placement: Saphah Saphah! I:1→*44 The first point to be made is that this language tree is in serious error. One major error is that it is established that English is on the same language branch as Sanskrit and thus is on what should be described as the Indo-European branch5656. That is NOT the case as pictured on this plate. Angels being in charge of Oahspe would not have made this error and just as importanty, would not have decided such academic knowledged needed to be represented in the first place. Why tell mankind what they can discover on their own? 133

Nevertheless, one of the most important plates in Saphah is this one, The Tree of Languages. For is not most of this book focused just on that, ancient languages? Here then is how the Faithist-Masons are apparently presenting their argument for why The Book of Saphah exists. This could be summarized as follows: The first chosen ones of God, of the Creator and the angels were the I’hin race, progeny of man and angel. They were the first humans with language, taught to them by the angels. They were very secretive and protective because the rest of the infidel bestial world wanted to destroy them. They with the inspiration and help of the angels, developed the Panic language for normal communication but also a secret set of images and terms for spiritual ascendant esoteric purposes. Such of these would be such language sets as Se’moin, Beine, and Emp’agatu and the rest of such plates and rites as given in Saphah. Before the I’hins passed away as a race, they created secret lodges for spiritual study that continued for thousands of years, even unto the ancient times of the Israel, and from there to the Masons. Consequently, Masons have revered these teachings believing through study of the “chosen ones” symbols and the practice of their rites that the world would be redeemed in the name of JHV the Creator Almighty. And it is from the Masons that John Newbrough and his inner circle and the Masonic spirits whom he served that they falsely, selfishly, and stupidly decided that these teachings would dominate all who turned to Oahspe as a spiritual path or means of understanding the universe and eternal life. Thus the Faithist-Masons decided that there would be a lot of JudaicHebrew concepts imbedded into Oahspe via Saphah. Consider this image of the Star of David on Masonic sacred artwork795, as well as 134

from Saphah, Se’moin (Git’s’ang):

The Freemasons are an organization tied to ancient history and ritual, thus their symbols serve a very important role in the characterization of the fraternity. Although the practices and rituals of Masons can vary, much of the symbolism that is used seems to be consistent throughout the organization and its affiliates, thus allowing an in-depth look at symbols to be representative of the organization as whole. Many Masonic symbols are biblical, largely from the Old Testament, so, although they are part of Christian lore, they have Jewish significance as well. 795 And far more examples exist as are shown in other sections of this 135

book. And the most obvious Jewish reference is in the term “Saphah” itself. As will be shown for the book of Saphah, similarily the title chosen for every set of terms for each language-rite plate is for a Masonic reference of some kind yet hidden in a secretive fashion, as is usual for the masons. The term “Saphah” in Hebrew is represented as ‫הָׂ פָׂש‬1234 and is defined as: the lip (as a natural boundary); by implication, language. 1234 . And thus we see why this term was chosen, as a means of secretly anointing the book as a history of sacred esoteric secret knowledge intended for the elite spiritual groups founded by John Newbrough and his followers. The Book of Saphah purports to describe the origin and development of language from the very beginning of communicated speech from mankind. Thus, the Tree of Languages plate is best placed at the very beginning of The Book of Saphah as it provides a kind of linguistic map showing the origin of languages and their relationship to one another. This is clearly stated in the unpublished preamble to Saphah where the above plate would best be oriented near:

I am to perish. I, being SAPHAH, am of the perishable. I am of the earth perishable history. I am the dying history not dead; the legends; the skeleton of a one time giant. In my youth I was science and philosophy, religion. I reach into all the nations of the earth; distance with me is nothing; time nothing. I was as a tree of life in time long past, the devotedly loved SON OF LIGHT. The fruit I bore fed all the inhabitants of the earth. But the flesh of the fruit hath perished; the seed still liveth. My seed is 136

in languages, in words, in rocks and ruined walls; in fallen temples and buried cities. These are the remnants of my corporeal body; in these my last days my remnants, that were once the living members of my body, shall forth and speak their parting words to the new born Kosmon. Hear ye these, my sons and daughters; O ye that search for the light of ages past, but find not. I am the book of the past, of the things that are past; of the corporeal world perishable. *31 This is fairly inspiring and easy to see it as part of the original manuscript. This is not to say that any of the other language plates are genuine parts of the original manuscript since these fragmentary, Masonic rite based symbols, and often incomprehensible plates are problematic. However, it is because of these unpublished portions of Saphah, that gives one hope that portions that there was an original Book of Saphah that contained none of the spirit communication forgeries perpetrated by Masonic spirits and Newbrough. Further unpublished Saphah text is intriguing: PAN, (of language) the first guttural sounds approximating words. POIT, beginning of labial word sounds. HUIT, first acquiesced language. FUS, first written word-signs. CHINE, monosyllabic. YI-HA, combination words. ABRAM, first words; original text. FONECE, following the sound, but not the signs. (writing) AHAM, amalgamation. EBRA, the old; the sacred. SANSCRIT, mixture. ARABA, (first Egyptian also) 'Teeth and thorax.' ALGONQUIN, after the sacred name E-Go-Quin. . 137

China, India, Europe and America, the four branches of the earth, languages from one root. What was the tree, and where grew it, that none can find it? Where lieth the submerged continent, the forgotten world? Whence escaped the struggling mortals, to float to far off continents, and tell the tale in all lands of a mighty flood? *31 This passage closely follows the plate The Tree of Languages. It also references the continental submersion of Pan. It was withheld from publication by John Newbrough even though it explains a lot in the space of a few short paragraphs. These unpublished portions of Oahspe, those from the original manuscript given to Lant to print, can then be seen as substantive evidence that there was likely an original Book of Saphah, quite different from the published version. Most likely its theme was that of primeval languages with a poetic Book of Ben-like discourse that was highly philosophical and enlightening. This is seen even more to be the case in the next unpublished section: Pan said: I am the earth; the first habitable place for man; I am beneath the water. Being submerged, my name survives. My words are man's first words. On the continent of Pan were words first used by man. I am the 'Ah', signifying earth. I am earth words. I am the dispersed language. From me, Pan, came all earth languages. In all nations I am found. I deliver up; by me shall man know Him Who sent me. By His angels I was given to mortals; by them brought forth in this day. Pan said: My steadfast lieth in the East. I founded the words of China and India. Fonecia and Ebra are my offspring. By the tribes of Faithists was I carried over. Egoquim founded me in 138

Guatama. Egoquim became Algonquin. I am before all other languages; the first spoken words. Before me, man uttered as a beast, but made no words. Pan said: The angels made some men as prophets and healers of the sick. By impression and by voice, taught they the prophets to utter words. These were Pan words; that is, earth words. The prophets taught their brethren. Many words were made sacred, that they might be well learned and sacred. Pan said: I come not in a day, nor in a year, nor in a hundred years. I come not to one man only, but to many. I was uttered differently in different places on the 'Ah', the earth, according to the throats and tongues and lips and their development. Nevertheless, I was the same language. Pan said: I am the key to unlock words. I make all things speak. Asu, the first men, were thus taught. As the camel uttered, so was he called; and the cat and dog and all the living. As the child called his father, so was the name 'man' made. This was in some places, Ghan, and Egan (China); Edam and Edan (Fonece); Adam (Ebra, Hebrew); Puam (Sanscrit); Pam (Vede); Sam (Kii); Ang (Algonquin); Anger (Poit); and Man (English). Pan said: Think not that all the living uttered alike in all places. The wild dog spake not as the tame one; nor the small like the large one. Neither could all Asu utter the same sounds alike. Nevertheless, on the continent of Pan they were taught to name the living after their own speech. Thus was Asu taught of land animals and of the birds and all things whatsoever that utter.


Pan said: The wind spake but was seen not. Asu was taught that Corpor, the Seen, was ruled over by Es, the Unseen. In the leaves the wind said Ee; in the ocean surge and in the storm's roar, Oh; and in the winter's whistle, Ih; and he called the Unseen, E-O-Ih; Eolin (Poit); Eolih (Zerl); Eloih (Fonece); Jehovih (Ebra, Hebrew); Wenowin (Algonquin); Egoquim (Huit); Ze-jo-is (China). Nor were these all, for there were many imperfections of His name. He was the Unseen. What the Unseen spake, the Seen should not speak. E-O-IH was Almighty. Pan said: I am language. I am two members, the utterance and the behavior. All things are embraced in my two members. The unmoving are dead; a stone has a name, but no behavior; it is unmoving; it is dead. It is the property of Uz. Pan said: Two behaviors have things. If a man look toward Uz, it is downward; if toward Jehovih, it is upward. If a man march toward Uz, it is war and destruction; if toward Light, it is peace and wisdom. Whoever learneth these, my signs, shall read all languages. This is a fascinating text because it directly states that Uz and other meaningless “knowledge” such as “dead” languages are worthless, … “destructive” paths that lead away from the Creator. Yet we find that these very “destructive” elements were placed in Saphah, supposedly ancient “sacred” language plates and “sacred” rites, the very things the Masons always valued so highly. Instead of these we are told, it is far better to be in tune with the living, progressive and present elements that are Inspiration from the Creator. Here we find, one of the main reasons that Newbrough did 140

NOT include this text which is that it condemned exactly the kind of “spiritual” path that is Masonic. SPEECH. Jehovih said: As I caused man to grow, so I caused man's language to grow. Yea, even as the earth matureth in its place, so shall man look backward and judge what has been. According to the time and place of the earth, so spake man. And it was so. And the deviation in the progress of speech was even as the deviation of the vortex of the earth. Even the words of man in ages past shall be revealed by My seers in the time of Kosmon. And it was so. *31 From these unpublished fragments, it would seem to be that much from the unpublished Book of Saphah never saw the light of day. This is the beginning of a larger discourse, highly poetical in nature, and with its themes of language origins paralleling the progression of mankind’s thoughts and behavior. It would not only have been fascinatingly inspiring to read, but would have spoken out against the burdensome symbols and rites that were instead disingenuously published.


§2: An Introduction to Plate 64: The Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries

Plate 64: Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries *6 Newbrough Placement: Saphah Se’moin: I:1← • Best Placement: 142

Saphah Saphah! I:2←*44 The aim of analyzing The Book of Saphah is to establish which, if any, materials were not in the original manuscript of Oahspe. Concerning the symbols which are presented as ancient languages therein, the goal is to ascertain whether any of these are either Masonic or simply fraudulent. The author has some qualifications in performing this kind of analysis as he has a master’s degree in linguistics, is familiar with Japanese writing systems (which would be descendent of Panic languages directly or indirectly via Chinese), and has been studying Oahpse for over 40 years. Yet this plate is a difficult case. It may be the least understood plate in Oahspe. That in itself does not make it fraudulent or Masonic. However, because there are scores of language items in Saphah that do reappear in Oahspe in the language of Panic or Kii, it seems fairly certain that in the original manuscript, far more explanation with far higher legibility of these ancient languages was presented. In short, the plate of Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries appears to a collage of copied writing from text of the original language plates that have never been published. The Glossary of Strange Words in Oahspe section would be a kind of example of what was not officially published concerning ancient language content; rather it was intended for explanation and instruction by the higher inspiring angels. Truth be told, there are enough problems connected to this plate to conclude it was not in the original manuscript. However, it is possible that this plate was created by copying characters from never published original manuscript plates which were introductions to Panic and Yi’haic. This conclusion is based on making comparisons with other 143

plates that contain such characters such as: (1) The Voice of Jehovih, (2) The Signature, (3) Mathematical Problems, (4) Glossary of Strange Words in Oahspe, and (5) Travels of the Solar Phalanx. Invoking linguistic precepts, it must be kept in mind that language is communication with three main aspects: form, meaning and context. In the case of form, it can be written or spoken. This means that for a primary (introduction to) for the basic elements of a language, this plate must provide access for understanding the written forms in terms of meaning, sound and usage. First off, its very name is problematic: Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries. This title implies that five different languages are introduced on this single image and that the symbols thereon will signify meaning, sound and usage for these languages. That is clearly not the case here since there are few if any characters that are Vedic, Hebraic, or Sanscrit. The maker of this plate is aware that these three languages are descendent from Yi’haic and Panic but is over-generalizing. A few of the characters in this plate could be interpreted as Vedic, Hebaric or Sanscrit in style, but that does not make this plate a primary for those languages. Nevertheless, at most, only the two ancient languages of Panic and Yi’haic are represented. This also in itself does not prove the plate is a non-original manuscript work but it is a strong indication that it is not. One unfortunately significant defect of this plate is the poor quality of the penmanship used in making its characters. Thus it is difficult to discern with certainty the exact design of many of its characters’ strokes. This is a major difficulty in analysing this plate and yet this is also evidence that this plate was not produced by the angels from the higher heavens. No one would expect such sloppy work to be from the 144

second resurrection.

§3: Plate 64 Section Analysis (1): Reduction of sounds from Panic down to English:

In this section, Panic is being depicted as a phonetic alphabet, where a string of sound-based characters help determine a complete word and its meaning. An example of this type of writing in English would be ‘cat’ (c-a-t). Using this system ‘cat’ would be written in this version of Panic as:

All other plates in Panic however, depict it as logographic, where distinct characters represent a complete lexical unit. An example of this type of writing in Japanese would be ‘ 猫 ’ (neko / ‘cat’). Examples of these in Oahspe would be virtually any character displayed on the plates of Se’moin, The Voice of Jehovih, The Signature and Glossary of Strange Words.


If this is the case, then Panic and Japanese (jaPAN) would be similar linguistically in that each has different kinds of writing systems, that could be described as either phonetic or logographic. However, upon reviewing all written plates noted as being Panic, there is a serious problem. None of these alphabetic characters are being written in as a string characters to produce a single word. Indeed it is difficult to find any characters from this section clearly written on any Oahspe plate. Furthermore, phonetically-built words require dictionaries or vocabulary lists defining what each string of words representing a lexical unit actually mean. None such were presented in the published form of Oahspe. It is worth noting that in the Glossary of Strange Words, there are unique words that could have been written using these symbols to match their phonetic sounds. However, Panic logographic words are used in these series of images such as:

Tau enforcement

Druj dark spirit

Diva angelic lords group

Dan cyclic dawn of light

The term ‘Oahspe’ is itself a unique case where three words are joined together to make one.


Oh sky / firmament

Ah Pan / earth

Se’moin & Glossary

Se’moin & Glossary

s’pe spirit

Shri spirit

Oahspe SkyEarthSpirit

Oahspe Sky-EarthSpirit

Se’moin Glossary Se’moin


It is interesting to see that Se’moin and the Glossary are similar yet different in both pronunciation and in image. “Oah-shri?” There is no way to be sure if there are typographical errors involved or whether the differences can be explained in terms of linguistic transformations where regional or temporal processes took place. Personally, I prefer the Glossary’s image but Se’moin’s pronunciation which is what the Glossary settled on. Interestingly, the syllable “spe” is curiously never recorded in the section of the Glossary where the term “spirit” is defined, though that is explained in the initial book of Oahspe entitled “Oahspe”: Because this light is thus comprehensive, embracing corporeal and spiritual things, it is called the beginning of the Kosmon Era. And because it relates to earth, sky and spirit, it is called Oahspe. (Oahspe 1:26) *6 However in the Glossary section concerning “angel,” this syllable is present: Angel. A spirit man. Su, also, su-gan, and gans-spe. (Glossary 5) *6 The fact this specific syllable sound is never recorded in the explicit term “spirit” of the Glossary is either more evidence that Newbrough 147

and his friends were manipulating text they had no right to rewrite, or were especially careless to use “Shri” instead. Further contradictions will be shown in this chapter to reinforce these two negative verdicts. A further problem is that the phonetic sounds of ‘k,’ ‘c,’ and ‘s’ are given. This is clearly erroneous overlap since there is no other sound that ‘c’ could make other than ‘k’ or ‘s.’

Nor are there any digraphs such as ‘ch’ as in ‘Chivat’ ‘ashar’

or ‘sh’ as in

. While it is possible that what was suppressed

from publication by Newbrough would adequately explain all these difficulties, what has been presented in this section is substantial evidence that this first part of Plate 64 at least is fake.

§3: Plate 64 Section Analysis (2): Fastenings:

What are ‘fastenings?’ They lexical sub-units that help the listener or reader understand the grammatical function or textical relationship for a word, such as for suffixes, prefixes and conjuctions, for example: UNpopular, decidedLY, or BECAUSE OF. The positive here is that these “fastenings” are drawn clearly. The bad news is there is nothing else. No explanation of their functions, 148

meanings or pronunciations are provided, thus rendering them meaningless. The higher heavens would not do work this shoddy. Just in this minor subsection, Masonic symbols that are present include: compass , serpent , wedge , altar , gau plumbline , hatchet , hand , crown , bull (Taurus) , cross-bones [2] , an triangle . For all of the above reasons, this section was likely created independently by Newbrough and the Masonic spirits, and was NOT a part of the original Oahspe transmission.

§3: Plate 64 Section Analysis (3): Value of sounds:

There is nothing here but the symbols — not the slightest bit of information in terms of pronunciation or meaning is presented. All we have is form and it is very sloppily produced form at that:

This is not the work of the higher heavens. It can only be concluded that such scribblings were intended to impress the naĂŻve and gullible, those who would grasp at what was indiscernible and 149

incomprehensible as ramblings from the mysterious unknown. No true Faithists should ever fall to this low of a standard. These, then, are rules of light: That which is self-evident: That which is axiomatic: That which is substantiated by facts: That which hath a parallel in known things: Things that lead to peace, order, and the uplifting of thy neighbor and thyself. (Discipline VIII:11) *6 And so we see that at no time does Oahspe ask anyone to accept any communication on blind faith, nor that which does not make sense nor appear to have any real good use. All of this plate fails to provide anything intelligible, fails to provide anything of value. Hence it is NOT of Oahspe and is a forgery.

§3: Plate 64 Section Analysis (4): Panic Elements: Dissipators: There is no known term in linguistcs for “dissipators” or “aggregators.” Possibly they are inflective-type morphemes but that is a wild guess based on analogous thinking. The truth is no one knows nor can know based on the hodgepodge of symbols that are presented in this tablet. There is nothing clear about this section either as once again, no correlative information concerning pronunciation or meaning is printed. Hence this is simply chaos and confusion and not the work of the higher heavens. These are the characters:


and whether they actually signify specific meanings and sounds would be impossible to ascertain as nothing of the sort was provided in this plate for this section. Publishing unknown symbols that cannot be pronounced, read or understood is darkness—not light! Aggregators: A few of these symbols do resemble Sanskrit but so what!

Once again, no correlative information is given other than these symbols and thus they are all meaningless. An expert in Sanskrit would still be baffled because this group of symbols is in no way presented in a format whereby knowing Sanskrit fluently would help unlock the scores of other unknown symbols which as a group are supposed to represent a real and complete language. The only conclusion one can make is that these meaningless scribbles are intended to impress those who would mistake unfathomable writings for mysterious. If no one can understand a writing, that in itself is a reason to consider said writing to be of no value. “Untitled”:


This section takes the cake. No title. No pronunciation guide. No definitions. Not even clear drawings of symbols are presented. This is garbage and could not possibly be the work of the higher heavens.

Primaries: Primaries, linguistically speaking, are the nouns and pronouns of a language, while secondaries are the verbs and adjectives. Clearly, a score or so of primaries or secondaries would not be sufficient for a real language. Perhaps this plate is simply a sample but what is the point of using linguistic-heavy terms for mere samples? Interestingly, a few of these look similar to Japanese symbols:

(if rotated 90

For the record, “子” means child, “川” means river, “を” is a kind of preposition indicating which noun is acting as an object of the verb. And a number of others have similar strokes to Japanese, Sanskrit, or Hebrew. However finding a few similar characters proves nothing, validates nothing. The end result is the same. No correlating linguistic information is provided and thus these are all meaningless, and once again, a fraud UNLESS the correlating explanatory information was given in the original Oahspe manuscript but withheld by Newbrough. What appears likeliest is some symbols were given that were 152

deliberately similar to known language symbols such as Sanskrit, in the hope that the uneducated would decide that such in itself would deceive some into thinking that this “Panic” language must be authentic. However, until someone can express this simple sentence in Panic, “I will drink some water”, what has been presented as Panic in Oahspe by John Newbrough has not been authenticated. In fact, all the available evidence is Newbrough’s Panic language samples are a hoax, either from himself and his editors or from obsessing spirits. Either way, the Saphah materials are a great disservice to the lofty and wisdom-filled original Oahspe writings. And the fact that there are past and present “Faithists” who pointed readers to see these as divine, is just as horrendous since such a focus wastes time far better spend elsewhere: i.e., giving love and service to the Creator and Creator’s creations and all His / Her children. The best that can be done would be to show that throughout Oahspe, Panic words are used numerous times in coherent non-conflicting fashion. This in turn would indicate that there is the possibility that the Panic language was in the original manuscript. In that case, since the higher heaven angels would never present knowledge that was in a chaotic and nearly incomprehensible state, one might conclude that John Newbrough withheld the language crossreference information that would have made Panic intelligible and communicative by the modern person.

Secondaries: And here is a sample from the next section: 153

No one has any idea what Newbrough and his editors expected us to do with this chaos. Possible intentions include: • Newbrough and his editors decided to not publish the true explanatory material given to them in order to retain it as secret knowledge. Thus his inner circle only understood Panic. • These characters are nothing but random scribbles meant to impress the gullible via falsely framing Oahspe as exhibiting a grander ancient linguistic-academic context. • Because Oahspe was already too large, Newbrough and the editors decided to simply copy portions of Panic / Yihaic characters so that these could at least be represented in Oahspe. Innocently and mistakenly, they never considered nor worried about whether anyone would be able to understand it. • Newbrough took down through channeling what lower level spirits dictated to him as the true graphology of the language Pan. He was utterly deceived. My money is on number four. The remainder of the evidence that is the Book of Saphah should help us determine exactly why Saphah is as it is.


ยง3: Plate 64 Section Analysis (5): The Yihaic Language Primer:

The Yihaic language is purportedly derived directly from the Panic language.

Here is a specific sample from this section:


Unfortunately, the same problems exist as before since only characters are presented with no explanation. More could be said on this if we were not already in the dark concerning Panic in the preceding sections from this plate. How to read sounds: Here








It is no shock to discover we cannot read the sounds here either. Nothing but indecipherable symbols are presented. Nevertheless, the title falsely claims otherwise. Could it be that the forgers simply hoped any novice Oahspe readers would stop there and give up, but also be 155

nonetheless impressed at these ancient languages being presented? How to write words: And still more indecipherable symbols are present. The sample: This is truly ridiculous. Thanks for trying to teach us how to write Panic words nevertheless. For further information the student is referred to Saphah: Certainly there are more symbols in Saphah but very little that can be cross-referenced here with Saphah in order to become more literate in Panic or Yihaic. This title is more than a little satirical UNLESS at one time The Book of Saphah had far more Panic explanatory content in the original manuscript that was never published. In that case, what should instead be written is as follows: For further information the student is referred to the Panic explanatory text in Saphah that Dr. John Newbrough suppressed from publication: What has been presented in Plate 64 would be declared rubbish by any competent linguist in the world. I am not contending that there never were Panic or Yihaic languages. I am contending that Newbrough either suppressed the accompanying explanatory linguistic information — or more likely — that this plate is another example of gibberish meant by the Masonic spirits to deceptively impress the naïve.


§4: Plate 68: The Plate of Aries

Aries. *6 (See also Book of Jaffeth). Unlabelled Images and No Text

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – KII: 53↔53 • Best Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 50→*44 • Plate Masonic Symbols: 7-stars constellation (around the sun, around Aries, around animal pairs), sun, crescent moon, owl, egrit, deer, moose, elk, camel, stork, goat, sheep. There is quite a bit that we now know about the Tablet of Aries, but 157

only because of relatively recent research. *45 The 50th image of Saphah, Sed, has text which describes this plate well, where you can see Sed above the sun: 50. Sed (Panic), the sign Aries, or, in English, letter T. The sign of wisdom; of gentleness. Sed, a lamb (Kii). A man's nose and eyebrows. The man who winneth by love, gentleness. The Great Spirit, E-O-Ih, said: This is My Son.The corporeal sun ye can behold at high noon, but MySon Sed standeth above this. All that are gentle and good draweth he to My kingdom, Nirvana. A sheep with a woman's face; symbol of love. A name signifying gentleness and wisdom. Written sign of a lamb or of the nose and eyebrows of man. A symbol of stars and zodiac. *6 The twelve mammals and twenty birds are totems (32 in all, all of which are different animals) for 32 different Faithist tribes in ancient Jaffeth that is now called China. Concerning the meaning of such symbols, one can see that all the mammals are vegetarian and as such portray these Faithists tribes as peaceful and harmonious. Yet the birds also portray positive qualities of the Faithists in that the birds symbolize the ability to rise in freedom above earth and onward to reach the heavenly skies: These, then, are the tribes than sprung of them: King, Si, Gwe, Loo, Hi-Gah, Hi-se-Gua, Yo, Ha Fung, Ne, Hi Lam, Se'ing, Yuth, Lo, Jon, Ying'e and Ho Lun Gow. {16 tribes} From the line of Ha Fung sprang Enam-jo and Ze'zoo (half I'hin) {2 tribes}.. From Ying'e sprang No'e and Yu Laim {2 tribes}; also Yu'tse and He-ah {2 tribes}. And God commanded the He-ahns {1 tribe} 158

to dwell toward the south, and they so dwelt. From the line of King descended the We Yah-ho {1tribe}; and they lived toward the north and made fellowship with the Foe-Sim {1tribe}, who were I'huans by blood, and also followers of the Zarathustrian law under the name Sa Sin, having rab'bahs whom they called bah, the same as to this day. From the tribes of Foe-Sim sprang Han {1tribe}; and from We Yah-Ho sprang Hi and Te-Wing'e {2 tribes}; both of which tribes had the Light and the Voice. [First Book of God II, 8-11] And it came to pass that a woman of Hong Ge {1tribe}, with three adopted children, escaped from the tyranny of Dhi'wan, fleeing for the southern tribes of Hi See Gua and Yo, and Gwan Goon {3 tribes, the other tribe of Yo is from the NORTH}; and with her, Po wed, and he named his wife Ah T'dowh Jee. [First Book of God III, 5] *6

And this is what the sub-heading “See Book of Jaffeth” is referring to, among other things, the 32 Faithist tribes in Jaffeth. So it would seem logical to infer that in the original manuscript of Oahspe, there were sub-books for each region of the earth. Additionally, another inference might be that this region, for which Po was a prophet for, that the history of Po’s work was originally found in The Book of Jaffeth. And in this renaming of this section, we see it was was inferiorly changed to “The First Chinese Bible.--Being of Po, an iesu, chosen by God for the children of Jaffeth.” Hence, Newbrough once again has no problem editing Oahspe anyway he chooses, and as in other instances, also not that wisely. Perhaps it was also changed so that the non-elite modern Faithists 159

and infidels would be less likely the discover the hidden meanings of this plate So the question that arises is who created the symbolism of this plate? Was it members of the Faitthist tribes of Jaffeth? The higher heaven angels who created Oahspe? Dr. Newbrough and the Masonic spirits? In fact, it is certain that Newbrough and the Masonic spirits created it for several reasons. First, the Faithists of Po and Jaffeth worshipped the Creator and would not have made an idol out of their own tribes. Secondly, the higher angels do not make symbolic pictures for mortals to study which are of themselves not discernible without special secret knowledge. To do so would be to burden the minds of mortals with something that is simply one more layer of mental images that would only interfere with mortals receiving direction inspiration from the Creator. That is of course, a stated major goal Oahspe. However, the Masons do believe in acquiring, organizing and secretly teaching, creating,* and learning “mystic symbols.” They also believe that mystic symbols gain greater power where those who are the profane, where those who are not Masons, or who are yet qualified to for that secret knowledge, know nothing of what said symbols really represent.* 38 And so you will notice no explanation was ever really given about the meaning of the animals and their number and that was done intentionally. Yet virtually all or all of the animals are Masonic in nature, some of these are presented more than once. For futher information about the secret knowledge related to this plate see the article “The Book of Jaffeth and the Tablet of Aries.” *45


Therefore, in accordance with all that has been stated on this issue, The Plate of Aries is falsely presented as part of the original manuscript. I do not doubt much that The Plate of Aries is one of the set images painted on the ceilings of the The Temple of Jehovih (or The Temple of Tae possibly), where it is said that star constellations are depicted. It is also clear that all of these plate images are simply more paganistic Masonic symbolism obsession. The temple of Jehovih, which was devoted to public worship on every seventh day of the week, was provided with fountains in the north-east and south-west, and with the four lights of the square, and with the four dark corners of evil and temptation, and with a throne of Light in the east, with time-bells, a gau and sacred wheel. The ceiling represented the stars and planets, interblended with plateaux of the heavenly kingdoms. The east was adorned with the rising sun, the south with the sun at noon, and the west with the setting sun. The north was adorned with the pole-star and aurora borealis. The belt of the zodiac, colored in cream-yellow, crossed over the ceiling and faded down the east and west walls. On the south wall was the coil and travel of the great serpent (solar phalanx), from the time of the Arc of Bon (of Moses, Capilya and Chine) down to the Arc of Kosmon, in the etherean heavens. (Kingdom XI:6)

Not the Creator, nor the angels, have ANY interest in people studying such esoteric symbols when there is such real work to be done in service to a world that needs so much love and light. This plate is 161

another fabrication by the Masonic spirits and Newbrough to hijack the true message and true mission of Oahspe.

§5: Plate 66: The Plate of Osiris


Unlabelled Misplaced Images with 2 Misplaced Texts

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 54↔55 • Best Placement for Plate 66 and for the Osiris Text [(54) ↔ (55)]: Wars XLVII: 13-17→ 162

• Related Oahspe Texts: (Wars XLVII:13-17) (Saphah – Se’moin {50}). (Saphah – Se’moin {54} ↔ {55}) (Saphah – Se’moin {54}) Presented Origin: Egypt Plate Masonic Symbols: key, mallet, lion, compass, fish, L-square, wings, globe, 2 serpents, hand, crescent moon, diamond, lamb (Aries / Sed), bull (Taurus / Tau). Total Masonic Symbols: 16 out of 16 (100%). Obviously this plate is chock full of Masonic and only Masonic symbols. By the time all the evidence and research on this plate is fully considered, only one conclusion is possible: Saphah is the work of Masons who were against the resurrecting angelic path Oahspe advocated. First and foremost, the location of The Plate of Osiris is totally out of place. It is positioned admidst the descriptive text for The Plate of Se’moin. Additionally, this plate is positioned parallel, at the top and bottom of the page respectively, to text which goes along with the Masonic symbols of Sed (50) and Tau (54), located in the upper center of the image. In one sense, this positioning shows a referencing of sorts, as if the authors were trying to justify or eleveate its inclusion in Saphah. However, there remains one major point connected to this plate that makes this very inappropriate. This plate honors the false god Osiris, yet revered by Masons. This is stated clearly in the following Oahspe text where Osiris the false god states: For I was a globe, boundless as to size, and swift as to motion. And I put forth a wing for flying, and a hand 163

for labor, by which are all things conquered and subdued. And beneath the wing I set the Lamb of Peace, as a sign of the flight of the defenceless; but under the hand I set the head of a bull, as a sign of my dominion. (Wars XLVII:13-17). Hence, this text describes this plate very well in terms of images, and establishes the plate as dedicated to the false god Osiris. The inclusion of this plate has only one purpose: to justify reverencing the false Osiris where none should exist, especially in Oahspe itself. Yes, there was an Etherean Osiris sent to our world to help it become more scientific and rational. Those words above, those images above, have NOTHING to with Etherean Osiris and everything to do with the false god Osiris. Once again, there is no way that should be happening in Oahspe. For what purpose? But to the Masons, the false god Osiris is revered. Consider the following: (1) a Masonic image of Osiris the false, (2) a text of Masonic “study propaganda” incorrectly associating Osiris as worshipped by ancient Jews (whom the Masons are always fakely associating into their wretched ideology), (3) Masonic text explaining the close relationship between the Masons and the false Osiris, (4) a horrifying image of the false Osiris as imagined by the “lefthanded” path of Masons, known only to the highest of the Masonic Order (such as Newbrough) a spider-like monster of demonic proportions, disgustingly considered to be God Almighty..


The All-Seeing Eye of the False Osiris*58 Masonic Text (1): “All-Seeing Eye: An important symbol of the Supreme Being, borrowed by the Freemasons from the nations antiquity....On the same principle, the Egyptians represented Osiris, their chief diety, by the symbol of an open eye, and placed this heiroglyphic of him in all their temples.” *58 “Yes, (the Egyptian god) Osiris does live in the darkness and shadows of the Masonic lodges and temples...He was the (false) 165

God of Solomon and is the reason God tore the Kingdom of Israel from Solomon’s throne. Solomon died serving the God of Egypt.” *58 Here once more we see the bizarre treasure hunting of past sacred icons by the Masons once more. Their operandus modi continues to be where the “anointed priests” of mankind would collect or co-opt all that is sacred of all past religions and cults, whether of Egypt or of the Jews, and claim them all as their own. Their thinking is that in fashioning a combined hodgepodge all such past symbolism, however false and outdated and restricting it may be, that by claiming ownership of the same themselves, the Masons become by default the greatest and most spiritual “men of god” that the world would ever see. The arrogance of such a spiritual view is totally lost upon them who would deceive their own soul and that of others so that the most self-glory possible would be achieved, is their first and last true purpose. This is both sad and sickening and especially so since the Masons led by Newbrough have dragged the rotting corpse of Masonic skullduggery into the high heavenly inspiration of Oahspe, staining it badly and misleading many to this day.. Masonic Text (2): The Ancient Mysteries I now propose, for the purpose of illustrating these views, and of familiarizing the reader with the coincidences between Freemasonry and the ancient Mysteries, so that he may be better enabled to appreciate the mutual influences of each on the other as they are hereafter to be developed, to present a more detailed relation of one or more of 166

these ancient systems of initiation. As the first illustration, let us select the Mysteries of Osiris, as they were practised in Egypt, the birthplace of all that is wonderful in the arts or sciences, or mysterious in the religion, of the ancient world. Osiris, the husband of Isis, was an ancient king of the Egyptians. Having been slain by Typhon, his body was cut into pieces 18 by his murderer, and the mangled remains cast upon the waters of the Nile, to be dispersed to the four winds of heaven. His wife, Isis, mourning for the death and the mutilation of her husband, for many days searched diligently with her companions for the portions of the body, and having at length found them, united them together, and bestowed upon them decent interment,—while Osiris, thus restored, became the chief deity of his subjects, and his worship was united with that of Isis, as the fecundating and fertilizing powers of nature. The candidate in these initiations was made to pass through a mimic repetition of the conflict and destruction of Osiris, and his eventual recovery; and the explanations made to him, after he had received the full share of light to which the painful and solemn ceremonies through which he had passed had entitled him, constituted the secret doctrine of which I have already spoken, as the object of all the Mysteries. Osiris,—a real and personal god to the people, —to be worshipped with fear and with trembling, and to be propitiated with sacrifices and burnt offerings, became to the initiate but a symbol of the "Great first cause, least understood," while his death, and the wailing of Isis, with the recovery of the body, his translation to the rank of a celestial being, and the consequent rejoicing of his spouse, were but a tropical mode of teaching that after death comes life eternal, and that though the body be destroyed, the soul shall still live. "Can we doubt," says the Baron Sainte Croix, "that such ceremonies as those 167

practised in the Mysteries of Osiris had been originally instituted to impress more profoundly on the mind the dogma of future rewards and punishments?" *654321 I include this long passage in order to impress upon the reader just how mad with self-glorification that the Masonic cult is, where this is but one of thousands and thousands of pages by the Masons where they seek their own glory in revering even that which is hideous and bloody, so long as the source be renowned from the famous religious skeletons of the past.

The Demonic Osiris of the Masons:

Jahbulon*321 168

This last image is known as “Jahbulon” and yet it is also held by the Masons to be part Osiris the false god, and only made known to those Masons of the highest degrese, as Newbrough indeed was. Some further explanation by the Masons is as follows: Jahbulon is a composite name made up of three parts – "Jah", being the Hebrew name for God... "Bul" refers to the Babylonian deity Baal and "On" refers to the Egytpian deity Osiris, so out goes the window that the All Seeing Grand Architect of the Universe is a Christian God because Baal is condemned in the Old Testament as being a false God! In fact, Baal worship involved human sacrifice! *321321 Of course, it is disgusting that Masonic editors of Oahspe want to deceive the readers of Oahspe into believing the false god Osiris, NOT the etherean God Osiris, should be honored and attuned to in rites, prayers and meditations. This act alone proves these “editors” were in complete disharmony towards the emanicipated heavens as described in Oahspe, and were instead siding with the false god because the Masons have a history of considering this false god to be sacred. Finally, consider the following text that accompanies the plate, where the false god is speaking directing to us in Oahspe: OSIRIS, being interpreted, is: I am the Light, the Life and the Death. Out of myself made I all that live. The sun I placed in the firmament as a sign of my power. The stars and the moon and things that speak not and know not are the works of my hand. I am the Tau and the Sed (Taurus and Aries, bull and lamb), the power and wisdom over all and within all. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be (Aribania). The spirit of 169

self-assertion; tyranny; to enslave; to master others per force. Tow (Aii). The self-assuring man, or spirit. Y'taw (Vede). Tau'baw, a bull, or Ti'taw, I am the T'taw. I am the master at the bridge Chinvat. Without my will none shall rise to Nirvana, my upper heavens. Through my good-will only shall any man ascend. I am the Judge and Savior of men. On my forehead resteth the sun; the stars are my cattle. In worship of me the stars and the sun plead before me. The horses have I placed over the cows. The moon (Mas) cringeth beneath my feet. I am war, I am Thaw, a bull. My bulls shall be the edicts of kings. Who worshipeth not me, him will I destroy (Vede). Toe'phi, the All High Spirit, next to Om, wife of Eolin. Toe'phi is my Savior; he will redeem. (Chine). Itaura, Itura (Algonquin). Toe (Ebra). Toe (Hebrew). Toe (Fonece). Wild, unreasonable. Destroyer of liberty. (Saphah – Se’moin {54} ↔ {55}) And so we have the false Osiris braying about being almighty and in absolute control of who enters the heavens, of who will live and who will die. I ask you, dear readers, has there ever been a more brazen statement in complete opposition to what Oahspe maintains as the purpose of life being each person and the Creator learning to become one? This passage is not part of some narrative where you could excuse the outrageous claims as part of the heavenly history being reported of false god tyrant. Instead, this passage is placed next to the Plate of Osiris as an independent communication highlighted as being important simply by putting it in the Se’moin section. There are nor retractions nor warnings. There is only the bald-faced abomination of a false god making false claims that proclaim the false god as above the Creator of the Universe. Incredible and so very wrong and indeed, I would call this desecration of Oahspe as being evil in itself.


Some might argue that the above texts and images are only characteristic of the most extreme Masons, and not indicative of John Newbrough and his associates. This argument utterly fails because Dr. Newbrough prior to Oahspe had attained the highest level of Masonry (33rd degree) that is possible. Thus he had participated in every secret rite imaginable, and thus he sought to mold the new movement of Oahspe followers in the image of the Masonic path. And the fact that he would corruptly include such Mason-driven plates and text as the false Osiris as given above, cements the concept that, yes indeed, John Newbrough was deeply involved in Masonry, so much so that he would accept the idea that even the false gods whom the Masons adored should be honored in Oahspe itself, despite going against the most important precepts of Oahspe. This is not to say that I believe Newbrough was evil but rather a deceiver of his own soul who never renounced Masonry, pretending it was in harmony with the ideals of Oahspe, when obviously it was not. And in deceiving his own soul concerning Masonry, Mr. Newbrough and his Masonic associates, mortals and spirits, went about creating a cult of Oahspe-Masonic that through its lodges, rites, and priests, did much to hinder the greater more universal good and fellowship and oneness with the heavens and the Creator that Oahspe was channeled for in the first place. In summary and in truth, there is no way in Sam Hill that high-raised angels would ever be a part of any of this. That which Newbrough and his Masonic editors corruptly placed into Oahspe was both evil and false. It was done out of ignorance, out of mental bondange, and for their own self-glory, and all of this needs to be expunged from Oahspe as soon as possible.

ยง6: Plate 70: 171

The Plate of Tau


Unlabelled Images and No Text

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 72↔76 • Best Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 54→*44 The Plate of Tau, (Taurus) parallels closely with that of The Plate of Aries. Both are astrological signs of the western and the eastern zodiac, and both were also likely representedly painted on the ceilings of Shalam’s temples (The Temple of Jehovih or The Temple of Tae). Interestingly, both plates depict their namesake animal symbol as the largest, all of which are amidst the stars, the sun, and the moon. The two kinds of animals represented in The Plate of Tau are eleven bovines (cows / bulls) and thirteen horses in number. Regarding the spiritual meaning of these animals, a series of related passages in Oahspe will help explain this. While horses specifically connote positiveness, yet they also connote being empowered to take control: …and the term, horses, signifieth dominions in the lower 172

heavens. The term, cow, usually meaneth adaptability to the creative period. In the original Panic, cow meant receptivity … (Saphah – Basis of Vede: 19-20) And in a further related passage outside of Saphah, here and elsewhere these interpretations are affirmed in explanations to Zarathustra: I'hua'Mazda said unto Zarathustra, the All Pure: To receive and to impart; what else hath man; what more desireth he? Then I'hua'Mazda made a picture of a cow, and a picture of a horse, a strong male horse dashing forth. And he asked Zarathustra, saying: Which of these signifieth receiving; which of these signifieth to impart? And Zarathustra perceived. I'hua'Mazda said unto Zarathustra: To be negative is to be a cow; to be positive is to be a horse. (Book of God’s Word X: 6-7) *6 Thus The Plate of Tau is just one more astrological image in Saphah which symbolizes spiritual ideas to be striven for by specific Faithist groups of the past, and which current Faithist groups obstensibly also should be striving for. In this case, the interpretation is to be receptive to the Creator’s inspiration and yet in contrast to this, also being capable of acting with force to achieve and create good works for the benefit of everyone. In contrast to Aries two and only two kinds of animals, are presented in Tau. Likewise in contrast, while the various animals of Aries were the totems of Faithist tribes in Jaffeth, the animals of Tau represent 173

something entiredly different. It might be suggested that these animals were also intended to represent tribes of ancient times as the The Plate of Aries did. However, in The Plate of Tau, there are but two kinds of animals, horses and bulls, all in the process of transitioning to the powerfully enforcing and going forth male. Truth be told, there is no published passage in Oahspe that has both groupings of Faithists tribes, eleven and thirteen in number related somehow in a meaningful way. So it can be concluded that the horses and bulls in Tau do not represent tribes, but simply represent the power to act and power to rule respectively. As to number of each kind of animals, “eleven” and “thirteen,” these can be seen as cyclic numbers of prophecy. For the number “eleven” is used repeated as just that, and especially so in Cosmogony and Prophecy, and the number “thirteen” being a prophectic number present in occult, mystic and the false Osirian literature as portending powerful upheaval, dominion and transformation. *57 But what of the meaning of the number of animals, eleven and thirteen cows and horses respectively? In the case of the Aries plate, there are 32 animals (20 birds and 12 mammals) while there are 24 (13 horses and 11 bulls) shown on Taurus plate. Together, they are intended to represent the power of Osiris, a false god worshipped in the Middle East, and held in esteem by the Masons: Osiris, being interpreted, is: I am the Light, the Life and the Death. Out of myself made I all that live. The sun I placed in the 174

firmament as a sign of my power. The stars and the moon and things that speak not and know not are the works of my hand. I am the Tau and the Sed (Taurus and Aries, bull and lamb), the power and wisdom over all and within all. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be. Without me nothing is, nor was, nor ever shall be (Aribania). The spirit of self-assertion; tyranny; to enslave; to master others per force. Tow (Aii). The self-assuring man, or spirit. Y'taw (Vede). Tau'baw, a bull, or Ti'taw, I am the T'taw. I am the master at the bridge Chinvat. Without my will none shall rise to Nirvana, my upper heavens. Through my good-will only shall any man ascend. I am the Judge and Savior of men. On my forehead resteth the sun; the stars are my cattle. In worship of me, the stars and the sun plead before me. The horses have I placed over the cows. The moon (Mas) cringeth beneath my feet. I am war, I am Thaw, a bull. My bulls shall be the edicts of kings. Who worshipeth not me, him will I destroy (Vede). (Saphah Se’moin 54↔55) *6 Certainly the true etherean god Osiris would not claim to be the Creator. And there is no reason to believe that the inspiring angels of Oahspe would want anyone to think for an instant that Osiris is the Creator, or that the Creator wants mortals to associate the name ‘Osiris’ with the Creator. So this is a really “in-your-face” “why-is-thisin-Oahspe” passage. And it cannot be argued that it is here for historical purposes because this is The Book of Saphah, and there is no context presented here other than the ritual and symbolic language plates along with references to Se’moin symbols. While this passage does make references to the Plate of Aries, it even more so clearly describes that of Tau. In this plate’s image, we can 175

see the “horses” placed over the “cows,” which signifies that Osiris being a god of action, not passivity. The sun resting upon Osiris’ forehead is a sign of glorification of Osiris, falsely proclaiming him as the All Sun, the All Life. The moon indeed is at Tau-Osiris’ feet, symbolizing this god’s control of worship and spirit communion. Yet these bovines, the star constellations of the heavens, represent both the female “cow” as well as the male “bull” whereas Tau-Osiris can ordain anything he wills with absolute power. And if any oppose the false Tau-Osiris, they are threatened with annihilation. No, this is not the etherean god Osiris nor the Creator but simply a false god, one who is worshipped and reverenced by Free Masons.

The All-Seeing Eye of Osiris with the Masonic Emblem*64 The Masons do hold special allegiance to Osiris (the false), made 176

worshipful in Egypt thousands of years ago did. This is just one of the continuing unacceptable-to-true-Faithism major flaws with the Masons who insist on putting their spiritual focus on and attunement towards ancient symbols, names, and gods. The above is a Masonic image. This connection between the Masons and the false Osiris will be futher explained in the next chapter when the plate of The Tablet of Osiris as well as the passage of Osiris are discussed. Thus both the Plates of Aries and Taurus could not have been in the original manuscript of Oahspe, for why would second resurrection angels desire the false Osiris to be glorified in the eyes of any Oahspe readers? Remember, this is not a part of the heavenly historical context in other passages of Oahspe. This is in Saphah! Nevertheless, as set forth in Saphah, Aries represents wisdom and gentleness and love. Taurus represents dominion and the transformation from the receptive passive to the going forth with active power. As already stated, The Plate of Aries portrays its animals as totem symbols for Faithists tribes of Jaffeth thousands of years ago. Certainly both plates with their celestial backgrounds are representative of astrological interpretations: Learn to prophesy by the sun, and by the moon and by the stars. They tell no lies. The Lord then gave the signs of the zodiac (the horses, and cows, and lions, and sheep, and birds) that rule upon the earth, and upon the winds of heaven, and on the heat and cold, and the sun, and moon and stars, and spring and summer, and fall and winter. ‌ (Lord’s 5th Book II: 15-16) *6


Another Oahspe passage that could possibly be related to the Plate of Tau, where the plate actually refers to a heavenly area positioned between a specific star region and an earthly one: The place of removal which Ahura had decided to inherit was in the second belt below meteoris, known in atmospherea at that time as Vara-pishanaha, which laid betwixt the land of Vind'yu and the star-region known as the Horse and Cow and Calf Pastures, a heavenly place, uninhabited. From Ailkin to Vara-pishanaha was fourteen hours in grade twenty-five, which was the average of Ahura's hosts; but its enlargement in the upper belt would be as fifteen to nine. (Cpenta-Armij VII:18) *6 So these “Star Saphah” plates where designed to allude to original Oahspe text passages by the Masonic spirits in order to deceive Oahspean Faithists. Yes, the sun, moon and stars tell no lies but those who seek to associate themselves with the same in order to glorify false gods (Osiris) and oppressive spirits (The Masons) can lie and have lied. Remember, there was neither any value nor opportunity for the Faithists of that day to create these images. How would they know or care about these animal totems of communities living outside of their knowledge? Nor would the angels serving ancient Jaffeth of those times, nor the angels who helped channel Oahspe, have seen any benefit in creating these animalistic images, even if they are based on esoteric information in Oahspe and other “mystic” sources. No, it would be the Masonic spirits who led Newbrough astray who would and did do just that, creating these images based on Oahspe, creating them in a style that is Masonic, a collage of symbols that are secret knowledge. None of these images have have even an iota of value that would inspire anyone to greater attunemet directly to the 178

Creator nor in service to the world. All they achieve is the chance to trap minds as part of secret knowledge training and false “Faithist” rites worshipping. Nevetheless, an analysis of all these plates and images and rites is taking place to show that care was taken to use symbolism that is based on actual Oahspe text and that there is a correlation between Oahspe text and the symbols created by the Masonic spirits and Newbrough. That is the whole point of creating secret knowledge and secret symbolism. It makes sense on the surface and can therefore so cast the unsuspecting into a euphoria of sudden “understanding” or “winning over” of converts who now see the “connection” of what certain plates or symbols mean, even if the bottom-line message is against the original precepts of Oahspe. Yet the in the end, what is not understood by the initiates is that this “secret knowledge” and blind adherence to the same as a chosen goal and outcome is in itself taking the initiate upon a path that goes in the opposite direction of what Oahspe is really trying to instill in all mortals: • •

the development of communicating directly with the Creator, the development of putting self aside and working to uplift others through good works, and • the foundation of sustainable spiritual communities that will function as the higher heavens function, putting away the darkness of the world and living instead by the light and love of the Universe and the Ever Present Creator. Learning how the cycles of the moon are to be kept sacred or how the symbols of The Plate of Hy’yi correleate to the Kabbalah’s Tree of Life will not directly or indirectly help the orphans, the homeless, the poor, the faltering aged, unwed mothers and their unborn children, or the fallen of our world. 179

Such will also fail to teach discovering the true inner inspiration that is the All Voice of the Creator. All these secret teachings will do is deceive its adherents into thinking they are doing the Creator’s Will (as the Christians would mistakenly think of saying the Rosary) while taking them farther away from listening to the All Highest and doing their all highest.

§7: Plate 79: The Plate of I’hin


I’hin*6 Unlabelled Images and No Certain Text

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Fonence 43↔43 • Best Placement (but still not a correct one): Aribania’Hiayaustoyi. →1*44 Presented Origin: Pan. Arrangement: 6x10=60

This plate apparently is not conclusively described nor referenced directly by any text in Oahspe, so the best placement that can be made is in the Aribania’Hiayaustoyi section. A fair portion of the symbols correspond to the story given in this section but not enough to really show a true one-to-one correspondence between the symbols and text. Therefore either the text that went with it was not published or the plate was created for text that was never written.

For example, (1A)

does somewhat correspond to the following:

Now am I strong in Thee, O Jehovih. Thy bow in the firmament encompasseth me on all sides. The follies of earth have turned mine eyes up toward thy holy place. (Aribania’hiayaustoyi 1) *6 However, that is only a correspondence in a very general summary kind of way. And the following paragraphs of this section do not match up in a sequential manner. You can conceivably find a summary 181

symbol for a paragraph but none arranged in a logical order. As there are 126 symbols and yet only 18 verses, and about 50 sentences, the correspondence fails on this as well.

For example, (3A)

: this image does have four corners with with

perhaps four bad things represented, though even this, outside of the snake (death) is far from certain. Also, while this is the third verse, the tablet is read downward, not right to left. Be that as it may, verse 3 is as follows: In the far-off corners of the world hast Thou sown the seed of evil and death, and the man of darkness hurrieth thither; but Thy glories he will not behold. He buildeth his foundation in perishable things. But the hope of the righteous man lighteth up the inner chamber. He beholdeth Thy judgment seat. He seeketh Thee in all good things and durable; he glorifieth Thee in Thy works. (Aribania’hiayaustoyi 3) *6 Therefore, it is not possible to cross-reference the symbols herein via textual matches with any real confidence. Even more significantly, no words are given to name these signs. Masonic Symbols, No Captions, No Text: 2-pillars (3E) All-Seeing Eye [6] (1A) & (1B) & (2E) & (3B) & (1F) & (6B); compass / L-square [4] (2A) & (2B) & (2C) & (2D); 182

cross (6A); cross-bones [3] (3F) & (4D) & (6C); devil-goat (4C); fire [2] (6E) & (7F) hand [2] (6B) & (2E); hatchet (3C) ; house (10F) mouth (2E); sailing ship (9F); serpent [2] (3A) & (4D); shovel (3A); spiderweb / fabric [2] (4F) & (9E); square (4E); sun / star [9] (3B) & (3C) & (3F) & (4B) &(6E) & (6F) & (8E) & (9B) & (9D); trowel (4C); cardinal direction / spear (8A); fish [2] (7B) & (7E) the seasons [4] (8B) & (8C) & (8D) & (8E), 5-pointed star (8F); crescent moon [2] (10A) & (9A). So there are at least 50 symbols in the 60 images that are Masonic. If the images were drawn more clearly, even more Masonic symbols could be seen, in my opinion. However, because no captions or identifying text exists, no references are possible. This means that this plate has zero references. That is further proof of Saphah being fraudulent. Total Masonic Symbols: 50 out of 60 (83%).

However, though many of this plate’s images are original, it should be 183

noted that this plate does contain symbols similar to those found on other plates:

Some Similar Masonic Symbols on Plates I’hin Se’moin Biene
















2D 184










Sih And clearly other matches exist, among these three plates and still others more. And thus we are told at various points by the editor that all these corresponding signs taken as a whole offer verification of the images’ veracity as well offering further explanation and understanding of each. Both points are easily refuted. First, repeating the same images in the same document proves nothing, other than that the signs were repeated. That is the opposite of verification and merely duplication. Secondly not only are hundreds of symbols still completely unexplained with this relatively paltry examples of duplification, but those whose symbols are replicated have at best a caption or a mere single phrase of three words or less that explain nothing as well. Thus, such duplication is if anything, merely uselessly redundant and further proof of low-spirit inspiration in Saphah.

If it were true that there were no Masonic spirit infilitration of Oahspe in the Book of Saphah, why would this be significant? The best guess would be, if this plate were indeed authentic, that this collection of symbols are of a sacred nature to the ancient I’hin tribes, 185

whose spiritual leaders studied and meditated the same for greater enlightenment. It could then be inferred, as is the case for all such similar plates in Sapaph, that angels of the second resurrection inspirted I’hin seers to create tablets or writings with these symbols for the intended purpose to lead the peoples of the I’hins into greater attunement with the Creator and the higher emancipated heavens. Yet there are definitely at least 50 Masonic images in this plate alone. Such a high ratio means only one thing: Masonic influence exists in Oahspe via Saphah. John Newbrough and the Masons are not incarnated evil nor Satanic worshippers, though there is a percentage of Masons who are. All things being equal, the Masons are neither better nor worse than those bound by other orthodox religions. The significant problem remains however, that Newbrough and the Masons commandeered Oahspe for their own purposes of control and spiritual enslavement and in doing so, they wrecked a lot of the good that could have been a world movement of peace by Oahspe. Instead, while certainly thousands of true seekers of the light have become proponents of Oahspe, the Masonic stain has made Oahspe a favorite of cultists, f rauds and tricksters.

I believe this is the general idea that the Mason spirits via Saphah are presenting: that the angels of the higher heavens have specific symbolism that is important and is represented throughout history, being represented within and without Oahspe; and that mortals would do well to study and meditate on them and even use them in rituals. This is deceptive and manipulative but that is what many of the Oahspe group leaders ended up becoming. And certainly other Saphah symbols can be seen in combination with 186

others such as Hiss and Druk. This short list above was partially compiled through the clear images and naming of symbols found in Harry O’Hilton’s Saphah for Mortals. *33 It is strange that so many symbols would be repeated in this plate when it is a collection of symbols which are not necessarily a symbolic discourse or especially any kind of storytelling. Because of this, and the lack of a corresponding text, and thirdly, the continuing use of Masonic symbols, all of these are indications that this plate (and that Saphah as a whole) was likely not due to communication from higher resurrection angels, but rather from Dr. John Newbrough via his inspiring Masonic spirits. In the end, one always must confront the realization that there is no really good reason why higher angels would want mortals to waste a moment of their time on such images, especially after recalling all the Oahspean verses citing against false idols, and rather instead called for direct communication with the Creator through the Great Spirit’s Universal Inspiration.

Chapter 8: The Masonic Saphah Plate Symbols §1 Plate 65: The Tablet of Se’moin *6


Se’moin *6 Labelled Images and Text

Newbrough Placement: Saphah Se’moin: 0→ • Best Placement: Saphah Se’moin: 0→*44 Presented Origin: Pan. This plate, the Tablet of Se’moin, is considered the central and most key of all such plates in Saphah. For it portends to be representative of 188

the first human language, that of Pan. Concerning what the actual term “Se’moin” means, there appear to be no lexical units of either “se” or “moin” anywhere in Oahspe. This being the case, there is a greater possibility of Se’moin NOT being part of the original Oahspe text. And following this line of reasoning, the next step is to see if some kind of Masonic interpretation or use of this term may be found. It turns out that there is a phonetic anagram to be formed from “Se’moin,” for example “M-e-i-s-o-n, which obviously is another way to express the therm “Mason.” As will be seen, many of the titles of these mysterious word plates can be reconstructed to indicate that a Masonic author created all these terms.

Numb er of Terms


Se’moin Term Totals: 62 Percenta Number ge of of terms Average terms Without Total Total Saphah Without an referenc Referenc Referenc an Exterior es es Per es Exterior referenc Term reference ed d 58 48% 810 6.7 322

Average Saphah Referenc es Per Term 2.66

So about half of the Se’moin mysterious words do not have a reference, and almost half of those that do, are referenced only within Saphah. Nevertheless, there still are a fair number of non-Saphah references concerning the symbols of this plate. While this may seem fairly high, especially in comparison with other mysterious word plate found in Saphah, it would be hoped that even more references might exist since Se’moin is the “first language” primer for the beginning of civilization in our world. I honestly expected to see more throughout Oahspe. This did not turn out to be the case very often.


Se’moin Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah Crossbones (Uhk’sa) Triangle (Guz) Crossbones (Sa) Serpent (Hiss’pe) Tripod (K’sam) Serpent (Hiss) Serpent (Hiss’sa) Stair steps (D’hi) Mouth (Mai) Triangle (Sam’tu) Gau plumbline L-square (Tu’fong) (Gau) Aries (Sed) Trowel (I’che) Taurus (Tau) Compass (Tu’fa) Sun (Git’ow) Pyramid (Sarji) Moon(Git) All-Seeing Eye (I’he) Moon (E’git) Hexagram (Git’s’ang) Moon (K’git) Pyramid (Sarji) Hatchet Moon (M’git) (Uh’sauk) Spider web Burning altar (Agni) (Mek) Sun (Git’ow) Stair steps(Che’vot) Cardinal directions (Bak) Ear (Gee) Cardinal directions (F’si) Sun (M’git’ow) Cardinal directions Sun (Hi’dang) (Td’nam) Cardinal Aries (Sed) directions (T’ong) Hand (Pau) Skull (Ung’wan) Stair steps (D’gani) Stair steps (S’spe’su) 21 3 17 Total Masonic Symbols: 41 out of 121 (33%). Total Masonic With No Reference: 21 out 40; (53%). Total Masonic With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 24 out 40; (60%). In summary, out of 121 (11x11, Masonic numbers representing the religious disciple)59 Se’moin symbols, 40 are Masonic (33%). Of these 40 symbols, 21 are never referenced, 24 never outside of Saphah (60%). Conclusion: The number of Masonic symbols being used is significantly higher than you would expect out of a universal sampling 190

of thousands of possible symbols. Additionally, since most of these are not used outside of Saphah, the suspicion grows that these symbols were artificially implanted by the Oahspe editors intent on falsely representing Masonic dogma into Oahspe. An opposing view might argue that the fact that if any of the symbols are referenced at all, not to mention some at multiple times, is evidence enough that Saphah and any Masonic symbols were not placed in Oahspe under false pretenses. However, if Oahspe is what it says it is, that is, a work of higher realm angels, then it must be the case that a much higher quality of organization and precision would exist. Unrelated terms and symbols would not be “dead end” knowledge which could never be properly used or understood. It is because of this “angelic” context, that every instance of error and sloppiness is proof that disingenuous authorship involving Oahspe took place. The Plate of Se’moin is the center piece of The Book of Saphah as it is considered representative of the first written language ever used by mankind, Panic. It was purportedly taught to men and women by angels who engraved it on stone tablets using spirit power: And the Lord spake unto the I'hin, saying: That the labor of the Lord thy God may be remembered on the earth, go provide me a stone and I will engrave it with mine own hand, and it shall be called Se'moin (see first tablet, Book of Saphah), because it shall be a testimony unto all nations and peoples, on the earth, of the first written language in all the world. (First Lords 1st IV:2) Clearly this plate is not intended to be complete representation of the 191

Panic language, but rather a spiritually significant collection of spiritual ideas for the reader to connect with and to understand for a higher heavenly knowledge. Yet the main themes of faith in the Creation, service unto others, and uniting in communities, are hardly represented. So what was the supposively intended purpose of the angelically channeled Se’moin? From a heavenly standpoint, these symbols add nothing to the Kosmon era goals of a world united in peace, love and good works, consecrated in every way to the Creator. That is troubling. The end result, and no doubt the intended result of including this tablet was simply to focus Oahspe readers and Faithist cultists on esoteric knowledge that would distract these seekers from fulfilling the real goals of Oahspe, as mentioned above, and instead seek a cultismreligion where the masters and the students studied and meditated on such symbols, deceiving themselves that doing such alone was all that was required for heavenly resurrection. In essence, Saphah was implanted not to set others free but instead to act as spiritual chains of the mind and spirit. Yet even in the sense of Se’moin representing a language is presented in various faulty ways. Please consider that hese symbols are pictograms in that the pictures represent the meaning, and where also there is a direct correspondence between the symbol and the pronunciation, as in Mek, meaning “spider-web, and represented by the image:


However, this is in contradiction to the earlier

representation of how the Panic language works as explained in Plate 64 (The Panic, Yi’haic, Vedic, Hebraic, and Sanscrit Primaries). According to the plate, there are Panic symbols which are combined 192

from single charactersin order to make a single word. Thus, for the pronunciation of Mek, there would have to be three symbols, just as a regular alphatbet system would! This is just more proof that Saphah is a sham. Unfortunately, from the beginning of the “Oahspe” movement, and even among current Oahspean Faithists, Se’moin is held to be an almost sacred collection And as explained earlier concerning the Masons idolizing “Osiris,” we find that a very long paragraph of 247 words is incorrectly placed within the Saphah section. Obviously this is an attempt to create a false worship of Osiris where there is no need to do so in the text of “The First Language.” Why should there be? It is certainly more than possible that many of the symbols of Se’moin are authentic. However, my conclusion is that these set of symbols were greatly altered. For the Masonic cult had and has its own dark ideas to propagandize and they are in clear force in this case, where as usual, the symbolism is promoting false esoteric knowledge which attempts to mislead the reader once again.

§2: Plate 67: The Plate of Onk or Zodiac



Onk, or Zodiac*6 Unlabelled Images and No Text

Newbrough Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 40→ • Best Placement: Saphah – Se’moin: 48→*44 Presented Origin: Pan. 195

Total Masonic Symbols (out of about 36 symbols not clearly visible): at least 8 There is no text dedicated specifically to this plate and its individual symbols. The Se’moin Plate, symbol 49, does refer to this plate, however. Yet the individual images on the plate are not labelled. Furthermore, because the quality of the image is so poor, most of the signs cannot be clearly discerned. Thus it is once again difficult to believe that the inclusion of Onk into Oahspe was due to the efforts of the higher angelic heavens. It has been stated that Newbrough painted the ceiling of Shalam’s Temple ceiling with stars and their constellations. There is a fair chance that it was patterned after this plate.

§3: Plate 73: The Tablet of Biene *6


Biene *6 Labelled Images and Text The upper half of plate is an unrelated Set of Images to be addressed separately.

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Biene: 10↔10). • Best Placement: (Saphah – Biene: 0→).*44 Presented Origin: Pan. The origin or reason for this tablet being named “Biene” is a curious one. The plate is being presented as having been created since the time of the Panic language being spoken on the continent of Pan. This would make this tablet tens of thousands of years old. Yet instead looking at the relatively recent Germanic and Latin roots of this word show it to be as: “having the moon sign as Taurus as is represented by The Bull.” “people with this name Biene seek religion and wisdom.” 74 The concept of Taurus the Bull pervades Saphah as a regular Masonic theme, so that fits. Also, seeking religion and wisdom would be very much in alignment with the Faithists who would revere Saphah’s elements. Finally, the existence of the hidden true meanings in openly expressed symbols and words, seemingly concealed yet to the 197

initiated, clearly understood. Wordplay such as this, as has been shown for other Saphah terms, is the modus operandi in Masonry. Which begs the question: Is Oahspe meant to be work of the Masons and their purposes, or is it meant to be work of the angelic heavens? If Newbrough had not succoumbed to the Masonic influencing spirits, Oahspe and its future readers would have been unburdened by these strange Masonry machinations, and the angelic path intended by Oahspe would be far clearer. Biene Term Totals: 62 Number Percent of age of Average Average Num terms terms Total Total Saphah Saphah ber of Without Without referen Referen Referen Referen Term an an ces ces Per ces ces Per s Exterior Exterior Term Term referen referenc ced ed 33 20 61% 349 10.58 83 2.52 With 61% of these symbols never being mentioned again in Oahspe, one cannot help but wonder why they were even introduced. The only answer to that is that the spirits who inspired the revision of Oahspe (NOT the angels who did the original authentic Oahspe channeling) involved wanted to mislead readers into thinking that focusing on THESE symbols would be of spiritually benefit. Additionally, there is a viewpoint in Masonry which takes delight in focusing upon certain distasteful visuals and ideas. These themes are present in this tablet as well as in much of Saphah. Consider the following symbols:


24. Oan

25. Bi

26. Nu

All three of these focus on sexual pervisity. Now of course such things exist in the real world, but what is the point of sullying readers’ minds with such? There are plenty of virtues such as service, upliftment and purification that would be of far greater worth as a symbolic focus. My guess is that the Masons introduce these vulgarieties for the sheer shock value of it, an effort to make oneself feel superior to others while nurturing a love of horrors. Such a bent is totally unacceptable in a book dedicated to angelic ideas such as Oahspe was written to be. The numbers 3, 11, and 33 reflect the design of this plate’s symbols, that is, 3 rows and 11 columns produces a total of 33 images. All 3 of these numbers are considered important metaphysically in Masonry. In fact, “thirty-three” is considered the master number, the most important number59 and is the highlest degree (33rd) that any Mason can reach. 59 John Newbrough was a 33rd degree Mason. Please note that in the Oahspe text for Biene section several symbols are missing and so numbering of them is incorrect. The three missing are: Eoi’m (6), Hy’gom (29), and Hote (30). The numbering below is according to the correct and full account of such terms. Every error simply makes it more clear that Oahspe editors were working with lowlevel spirits (Masonic). This is an odd plate because its top-half depicts animals and birds, just as in the case of The Zerl Plate (wrongly named since it has two parts). In contrast to the top-half, the bottom half depicts 33 metaphysical symbols of varying spiritual degrees of good and evil.


Biene Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah mouth (20) Mouh eye and ear (10) Iga acacia branch (9) Alef heart (16) Ope tree (14) I’yi AUM (11) Om hand (18) Hah’nd crescent moon (13) cardinal direction (12) eye (21) Fi’i Yi sword (27) Fus Sih AUM (11) Om foot (19) Sow serpent (22) Hiss’ong bull (26) Nu hand (32) Ih’o hand (33) O’ag 4 4 8 Total Masonic Symbols: 16 out 33; (49%). Total Masonic With No Reference: 4 out 16; (25%). Total Masonic With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 8 out 16; (50%). In summary, The Tablet of Biene is heavily filled (49%) with Masonic symbols, still more strong evidence that Oahspe was allowed to be highjacked by the Masons. It is interesting that a fair portion of these are used outside of Saphah, and goes against my thesis that Saphah was created separately from the original text of Oahspe because fewer terms of Saphah are used elsewhere. Nevertheless a high 50% of all of its terms are not.


§3: Plate 73 — Section Analysis (2): The Tablet of Iz *6

Iz *6 Labelled images but no text This is the upper half of TheTablet of Biene.

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Biene: 10↔10). • Best Placement: (Saphah – Zerl: 9→).*44 Presented Origin: Pan. Alll animals can be used as Masonic symbols, just as animals have been spiritual symbols or totems for religions and cults of the past. Therefore, while some animals are more wel-known as Masonic, such 201

as the owl or the goat, any animals may be used. In the case of this plate, the animals are meant to signify the tribes of Israel (see Zerl 9: Iz, Izere) of distant past. Plate Masonic Symbols: All 32 of 32 (100%). It is fascinating and frustrating to see that the upper 32 animal symbols from the Plate of Biene match the first 32 of the Plate of Zerl (which was also mislabeled!). The animals match but the names have been altered slightly, perhaps in an attempt to fake some kind of language transformation over time. Even so, why was this group set of animals used twice and never really explained except for the Israel tribal mention? For what other purpose? I think there are several possibilities. First, for mystical decorative reasons, both plates had these animal signs added on top to make them look more spiritually impressive. A second reason may have been to shamelessly “fix” or “imbue” the concept of Israel being core part of the spiritual and linguistic “tree” of civilization and of the Masons as time and history progressed. And finally as already mentioned, to demonstrate the progression of this fakery language work where the words pronunciation changed as time went on. It is because these two plates are so clearly a case of forgery and not true references, that as far as the reference counts go, neither will be included as a reference for the other. In support of the above: Both TALMUDISM and FREEMASONRY are awash in animal symbolism. Each has its place in the ritual worship of the Talmudic and Masonic god. First Letter: "The Masonic Lodge is the Jew-lodge and every lodge is - no matter what name they use, 202

Masonic or Jew. 22222 Tablet of Iz (Upper Biene Plate) Totals: 62 Number Percent of age of Average Average Num terms terms Total Total Saphah Saphah ber of Without Without referen Referen Referen Referen Term an an ces ces Per ces ces Per s Exterior Exterior Term Term referen referenc ced ed 32 30 94% 65 2.06 65 2.06 It is but one more fact of evidence that not a single term is used outside of Saphah and 94% of the terms are not even used at all, complete duplicate in Iz and Zere notwithstanding. ยง4: Plate 74: The Tablet of Kii *6

Kii *6


Labelled Image and Text

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Biene: 10↔10). • Best Placement: (Saphah – Kii: 0→).*44

Presented Origin: Pan and China. Since names for the plates of Biene, Se’moin and Emp’gatu can be deciphered into Masonic denotations, a rationale exists for seeking to see if the term “Kii” for its namesake plate could also be a “hiding in plain sight” Masonic message. In light of this, consider the following historical analysis about Masonic abbreviations: … it may be observed that the doubling of a letter is intended to express the plural of that word of which the single letter is the abbreviation. If the reader finds signify Sovereign Grand Inspector, he will be at no loss to know that SS:.GG:.II:. must denote Sovereign Grand Inspectors. 999 Therefore, the term “Kii” may likely stand for “Knight Iniates,” where those appointed to join the Masons or Faithist Masons were required to master these symbols from Kii. 204

Tablet of Kii Totals: 62 Number Percent of age of Average Average Num terms terms Total Total Saphah Saphah ber of Without Without referen Referen Referen Referen Term an an ces ces Per ces ces Per s Exterior Exterior Term Term referen referenc ced ed 103 67 65% 245 2.38 180 1.75 With only 35% of Kii terms being referenced, this is some evidence that the tablet was made up in an imaginary sense. If most of the symbols are never related and the symbols are even very difficult to discern, what was the purpose of including them in a book of such high metaphysical and high spiritual content? All this tablet does is make Oahspe look bad, more or less. Keep in mind that so many of these symbols are unrecognizable. For example:

So here as in other plates, virtually no one knows what they are looking at. Hence I do not really have a way to analyze whether these symbols are Masonic. Clearly there are a lot of them, over a hundred, and that 205

is the Masonic way; to attempt to bamboozle their initiates with so many symbols that the new members cannot see straight.

Kii Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah sword (Du’ga) square (Soo) cow (Gow) spear (Fox-ow) sun (Git’how) cloth (Gwo’oa) stars (Salock) goddess of cattle horse (M’bow) (Bow’mi) cow (Gow) a Hostler (Gaup) death (Sa) weaving cloth weapon (Bek) (Gwo’oa) a stone cutter a prayer (Min’bon) (Shawn / Shon) makers of stone priestess (M’how) weapons (M’shu) a sworn bond (Hook) a young aquatic bird a circus (Bog’wi) (Shoe’ji) 9 11 1 Total Masonic Kii Symbols: 31 out 103; (30%). With No Reference: 9 out 21; (43%). With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 20 out 21; (95%). As already noted, since the images are seldom recognizable, the accompanying text was used to decide if a symbol is Masonic. And it must be kept in mind that because these symbols are poorly rendered, often no one can be sure if there are or are not Masonic aspects. Even so, close to a third are Masonic, and of these, virtually none have an outside reference. In addition, these symbols of Kii represent a more “working language” vocabulary that could actually be used to communicate on a daily basis, unlike the tablets of Se’moin and Biene, which are meant to be 206

the focus of spiritual symbol meditation. These symbols are a blend of pictographs and Chinese-style characters. Therefore, there only occasionally are discernible images. This is why even though a few of the symbols given here could be described as similar to Masonic symbols visually or by given definition, given the useful array of terms for communication in which they fit, there does not appear to be any overt effort to work Masonic symbols in. Nevertheless, the question must be asked as to why high angels would choose to include this set of symbols in Oahspe. Interestingly, there are references to the God’s Book of Ben symbols: Es and Es’fom. Additionally, Dan matches the same term in Cosmogony and many other books of Oahspe. Yet the drawing of the symbols and the identifying captions are crude and difficult to discern. No clear good purpose for almost all of these images seems possible. As far Masonic deception goes, one would suppose that The Tablet of Kii was included to provide the appearance of evolving langauges post-Panic language. The ordering of the symbols within the matrix design of the plate is somewhat irregular. There are eight rows, each numbered, but the number of symbols per row vary from 12 to 14. This definitely gives order to a randomness as if there were not a lot of thought to what symbols should be placed and where but more like whatever would fit in the row. Therefore, based on this aspect, one gets the impression that this was hastily put together and thrown out there and is not authentic, is not some kind of long-time mystic set of arcana from long ago. There is nothing inherently wrong with these symbols yet there is also no apparent reason as to why the Kii symbols should be included. As such, the verdict can only be that no angelic committee would rationally 207

decide to include them in Oahspe, and that therefore these signs are not a part of the original transmission of Oahspe.

§5: Plate 75: The Tablet of Emp’agatu *6

Emp’agatu *6 Labelled Image and Text

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – KII: 9↔17). 208

• Best Placement: (Saphah – Emp’agatui: 0→).*44 Presented Origin: Pan and Mayan. It is not because I wish to look for name games that I am taking the time to look at the names for plates of Saphah as representing some kind of secret reference. I also am not claiming my conclusions are absolutely true. Yet the facts remain that the Masons as manner of modus operandi did use codes and symbols that embodied secret messages. Concerning the Plate of Emp’gatu, the proposition is that “Emp’agatu” is an acronym. Using initials in this manner was a common practice among the Masons.*44 In order to construct the proper acronym, please consider the following Masonic abreviations: E:. Eminent; Excellent; also East. M:. Mason; Masonry; Marshal; Mark; Minister; Master. Meister, in German. Maitre, in French. A:. A:. R:. Anciet and Accepted Rite H:. P:. High Priest G:.A:.O:.T:.U:. Grand (Great) Architect of the Universe*99 Therefore Emp’agatu could be interpreted as representing: Eminent Mason Priest Ancient Grand Architect (of) The Universe.

I would agree that some of these words could just be wrong but not all of them. For this tablet is so filled with Masonic symbols and because it is part of a sacred rite for the Kosmon Church’s priests, that it does 209

make sense that this term “Emp’agatu” was meant to be reserved for use by only the highest in the order. No one but the “Faithist” priests or initatives to become priests are really even allowed to even read this rite prayer. I was told this directly by two “Faithist priests,” one from The Church of Kosmon in England, and by one from The Universal Faithists of Kosmon in America. Of course, Oahspe ideals go in the exact opposite direction as has been explained many times before, where religion is no longer a good spiritual path to be taken. Below I will explain this more fully. .

Tablet Emp’agatu Totals: 62 Number Percent of age of terms terms Without Without Average Average Num an an Total Saphah ber of Exterior Exterior Total Referen Saphah Referen Term referen referenc Referen ces Per Referen ces Per s ced ed ces Term ces Term 119 78 66% 477 4.01 255 2.16

To be honest, if the images were drawn more clearly, it might be the case that even more Masonic symbols might be found. However, perhaps that is the intention of the authors; or to confuse their readers which is often taken by the naïve to portend that that which cannot be understood, must be from a high source indeed and never questioned for an instant. Consider the following images from Emp’agatu:






These are some of the many Emp’agatu images that no one outside of the priests of the Faithist Masonic Lodges understands. And these priests would say most likely that that is a good thing. The best guess I could come up with at this moment is: • • • •

Hoa’m may be some kind of insect, Jew may be some kind of insect, Oo’m may be some kind of clam or perhaps a space ship, and Me may be some kind of dragon or dinosaur.

Yet this is all conjecture. Nothing is certain and the images are far from being what may be described as beautiful or inspiring. If this all seems like a waste of time, well, that is because it is! There is no good reason to pay any attention to such indecyperable symbols. But the Masonic Faithist Priests do! And that is where they, the leaders of the Faithist movement, have been putting their attention and mistakenly calling it all “holiness.” This matters because for the past 100 plus years, the leadership, the Masonic-style lodges in America and in the U.K., have been leading all efforts to focus attention away from the True Path of Oahspe. Why? For their own greater self-glory and lesser sacrifice! Where is the commitment to service to others? Lost in the worship of the fake tablets plates! Where is the encouragement of hearing the Creator’s Voice, each in their own way? Squashed under the rulership of the “Faithist” priests in their white robes. Where is the connection between the higher heavens and the Oahspe readers as a community? Diffused by 211

the interference of the druja Masonic spirits. And that is why disunity and confusion has been the case with perhaps the most enlightening book ever written, Oahspe. It was disfigured at birth by the Masons with Saphah and their Masonic Lodges. Newbrough chose the wrong inspiration to follow because he spent so many years as a Mason, indoctrinated at the highest level possible, and continued to always think of himself as a Mason, of all readers of Oahspe as Mason initiates on the Mason path, even until his death, where he had a Masonic funeral. At any rate, clearly a high percent of Masonic symbols are used in Emp’agatu. In fact, many symbols (119) are used. Both of these features, as explained and quoted before, are against Oahspe teachings: (1) where there are to be no priests ruling over the people, and (2): hearing the Voice or Inspiration of the Creator, as directly as possible is to be encouraged. But the study and idolizing of religious symbols is exactly what the Masonic Path entails. And so we have this array of plates of religious / occult symbols to entwine the minds of those who would hearten to such.


Emp’agatu Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah lion (Gan’bau) serpent (His) burning altar (Sias) compass (Gan’Ben) sword (Ax’m) acacia branch serpent (Hiss-x) All Seeing-Eye (Owi’f) acacia branch cross (Dan’hiss) (Sig) (Li) serpent Gan’iss Aries (Te) cross (Loo) burning altar Sa’ga bull (Te) burning altar Sac’x hand (Hand) burning altar N’os lodge (Lodge) bull (F’i) hatchet (Ax) mouth (Mouwth) hatchet (Ax’ox) eye (E’go) ear (Zhe) spear (Kain) ladder (Yim) sun (Dawn) toe (Toe) 213

hand (X’hand) hand (M’hand) hand (More) scales (Anube) seasons (Wot) summer (Sisu) L-square (Rit) L-square (Er) hatchet (Por) 2-pillars (Es’nau) hatchet (Cha’pop) plumb (Umb) compass (Ya) acacia branch (Fow) trowel (Frewd) crown (Lo’tak) goat (Qui) triangle (Sam’oan) stairsor ladder (Yim) 35



Total Masonic Symbols: 48 out 119; (40%). With No Reference: 35 out 48; (73%). With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 44 out 48; (92%). Interestingly, this group of Masonic symbols is even less likely to be referenced outside of Saphah (44 out of 48, 92%). Such statistics do indicate that Saphah was never really meant to be a part of Oahspe, but rather a separate work. This table is especially filled with Masonic symbols because of the fact that its chief aim for its creation was for these symbols to be directly incorporated into formal Oahspe-MasonicLodge rites.

From Kosmony Unity, an anonymous Kosmon Church writer in his 214

article “Emp’agatu” that: It is our duty to assist in this Founding of the Father’s Kingdom on Earth, by giving a stimulus to the promotion of the Universal Spiritual Brotherhood of Humankind, so that wars shall cease forever, and peace and harmony be established forever. To this end, we have been given a translation of the Tablet of Emp’agatu, which when chanted, becomes a Mantrum of immense potency, and invests those who use it with an auric cloud of great power. *24 Thus there exists a clear admission by Newbrough “Lodge” Faithists that the plates are for spiritual rites, for spiritual prayers and invocations and for spiritual meditation. All of these parallel the methodology of Masons who regularly did the same with their vast array of spiritual symbols from the past antiquity of religions and cults. This is not at all what Oahspe Faithists ever thought they were getting into when they were reading the non-Masonic sections (such as The Books of Jehovih, The Book of Judgment, or The Book of Fragapatti, to name a few), channeled by the higher angels. But any such reader who approached the “Lodge” Faithists were given this false path, this false interpretation to follow, not exactly as various lodges such as The Church of Kosmon, but yes, those “block-the-Creator’s-Voice-with-ahodgpodge-of-rites-and-symbols” were still there down to the recent Molina Lodge (2016 and earlier). I know this is the case because I heard these ideas promoted directly to me by the priests in power. From the Prayer Rite for The Tablet of Emp'agatu, never published in any Kosmon Church publication, it is written that: Come, let, us be receptive to Etherea’s Glory, And use its power to lift men up. 215

Then the Right-hand path shall be our defence Against the treachery of the Left-hand path. Again we covenant ourselves to Thee, O EOIH. The evil forces shall not prevail. Unbelievers shall not disturb our Faith. *26 In uprightness and rectitude, by Square and by Compass, We will lay the foundation of our work in truth. *26 This prayer-chant was received from a high priestest of The Kosmon Church. I have broken my promise never to reveal it to anyone. This is but a fragment of a very long “spiritual” text. And you can be sure, based on what this priestest hs told me, that there are hundreds of pages of such texts. All of them are secret and those of the inner circle must swear oaths to never reveal them. This is the Masonic way. It is very elistist and mysterious and is absolutely nothing but mental chains and to some degree — rubbish. Well, I will concede that parts of such have their “mystical” beauty aspects but in the end, the end goal does not liberate the soul to hear the Creator’s Voice but rather sets up instituationalized worship to block it. Mastered one set of symbols and rites? Now do another! This is the main problem with such an approach, in addition to being an elitism theme which is not a true approach to the virtue of humility. First noting the obvious, we have once again perhaps the greatest symbols of the Masons directly stated here, “Square and by Compass.” Second, the concept of the “Left-hand path” being an evil one is a Masonic one: We know from the symbolism of Jakin and Boaz, the two pillars of Alchemy, Kaballah, Hermeticism, Kundalini that Boaz is the left pillar of the Kaballah Tree Of Life (Kundalini 216

is the Serpent aka Lucifer (Light Bringer) or Satan (in its infernal adversary aspect), Prince of Darkness (matter), each of us has our own personal Satan within, this is truly The Philosophers Stone as stated in Alchemy) etc. The Left side, is the side of Severity associated with the Left-Hand Path, the difficult, dangerous, shocking and often ‘quicker’ path to Enlightenment or Godhood. This is the path practiced in India by the Sadhus known as Aghoris, who drink and eat all their meals from a human skull, and live and perform their rites in Cemeteries. *26 And if one recalls some of the grotesque imagery (skulls, monsters, bloody items and weapons) from the Masonic symbolism portrayed in this book, it is easy to make the connection that the Masons did and do at times look towards the dark side as a legitmate “way” to achieve mystical power and enlightenment. This is, of course, completely at odds with the Oahspean Faithist path. Now the point being made here is NOT that “Masonic Lodge” Faithists were or are akin to Satanists, only that they are familiar as Masons with the elements of their occult Masonic beliefs, and refer to them at times as is the case here. The point here is that these “Faithist-inname” only prayers are Masonic and NOT truly from Oahspe nor should ever be associated with the same. The end result is that such teachings only work against individuals seeking to hear and understand the Creator’s direct voice, or even the indirect, where another person is able to. Images of dinosaurs and insects and weapons made for killing are not going to make our world a better place but can be used to deceive and confuse readers of Oahspe. No doubt that was and still is the intention of the lower spirits involved with the creation of The Book of Saphah.


§6: Plate 75: The Tablet of Zerl *6

Zerl *6 Labelled Image but NO specific text description

Newbrough Named Originally Named in Oahspe as “Zerl” • Better Named (Iz and Zerl)*99 Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Tablet of Kii: 7↔7) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Zerl: 10→).*44 Presented Origin: China. Algonquin. Israel.


There is so much wrong with this plate. First, there is no corresponding text, which is further evidence that no high angels were involved in this mishmash called “Saphah.” I mean, why would anyone in their right mind post the plate images without a single word of explanation? Secondly, the second half of the plate, the images after the MasonicIsrael animal totems, are often indecipherable. Again, why publish that which cannot be understood? Third, the captions given are often illegible. Same result again, no one understands what these symbols mean. All of which reinforces the concept that Saphah is the work of low spirits who are nearly illiterate. Consider the following as one example out of many. Let me know when you can tell what the heck the images are or even with certainty state what the captions read as (from rows 10 and 11):

This is not the making of inspirational sacredness. This is not the work of the angelic heavens. This is also why there are likely still further Masonic prints on this plate but unfortunately, no one can tell for certain what the heck they are looking at. Comparison of Symbols in Biene and Zerl Tablets IZ (from Biene)

Meaning / Image




Number 1 2 3 4 219





5 6 7









10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 220




This is another major warning sign against authenticity. The Tablet of Biene is purportedly from the lost continent of Pan itself, before the flood, over 24,000 years ago. Meanwhile, Zerl is supposed to be from ancient Israel, say 4,000 years ago. Yet these two plates share 32 symbols in order, same basic images, almost spelled, letter for letter, and thus pronounced the almost exactly the same. This is ludicrous! Most readers have been so overwhelmed by the hundreds of tiny, poorly drawn, poor captioned symbols in Saphah, that they would find it very difficult to even notice that the animal tribal totems were there, let alone matched exactly on two different plates. Yet this is the case and it is still more proof of falsehoods in Saphah! Languages after 500 years change significantly, especially in ancient times before there was mass communication. Yet here we have two sets of mystic symbols, the images and the actual pronunciations of each faithfully recorded, and they are virtually the same! Impossible! What exactly were the Masonic Faithists, spirits and mortals, thinking when they decided to create these fake plates? For what purpose would they decide that there would be this unreal correspondence between Biene and Zerl, twenty-thousand years apart in time? I can only hypothesize. First, either the intention was to deceptively, falsely indicate the connection between the prehistoric I’hins and relatively ancient Israelites, whom the Masons idolize. Alternatively, one other possibility is that it is simply more evidence the editors messed up and have been caught again in their chicanery. The MasonFaithist-Spirits were likely in the process of making the fake plates from scratch and they were experimenting with several versions and when the deadline came to have the finished product, they forgot or didn’t care that there would be this totally unreal matching correspondence. Yes, the evidence continues to pile up that Saphah is as fake and filled 221

with errors and misrepresentations as can be.

Number of terms Without Num an ber of Exterior Term referen s ced 94 62

Tablet Iz and Zerl Totals: 62 Percent age of terms Without Average Average an Total Saphah Exterior Total Referen Saphah Referen referenc Referen ces Per Referen ces Per ed ces Term ces Term 66% 202 2.15 169 1.8

Once again, a Saphah plate where its images are dead ends and lead to no where else. Once again, there are far more references to the falsely created Saphah than anywhere else in the authentic portions of Oahspe.

Iz and Zerl Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah heart (Eel) Masonic Animals: Masonic Animals: heart (Lis) (Ba’a), (Yi) (Bah), (Booh), L-sqaure (Reshtu) compass (Be) (Gowh) compass (Taui) All-Seeing Eye (Mi) hand (Wgan’gad) sun (Oh) directions (Eu) serpent (Te) directions (Ass) directions (Toh) hatchet (10C, blank caption) sun (Mal) THE 27 OTHER MASONIC 222




Total Masonic Symbols: 46 out 94; (49%). With No Reference: 37 out 46; (80%). With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 40 out 46; (87%). Two consistent patterns have continued throughout all of the analysis of these Saphah plates. First, a high percentage of Masonic imagery is being used. Second, not many of these are referenced anywhere else in Oahspe, indicating that the Book of Saphah was created separately from the rest of Oahspe. The counter-argument might be that if even any of these symbols are used elsewhere in Oahspe, that alone would prove otherwise. This argument fails however in the context that advanced and very intelligent angels were channeling Oahspe to John Newbrough. Such being the case, there should never be a high volume of unused Saphah terms. Thus the judgment that Saphah is a fake continues to grow.



ยง7: Plate 77: The Tablet of Iz and Zerl *6


Labelled Image and specific text description

Newbrough Named Originally Named in Oahspe as “Iz and Zerl” • Better Named (Zerl)*99 Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Zerl: 3↔3) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Zerl: 1→).*44 226

Presented Origin: Israel.

Once again a plate has been presented that is composed of at least a pictogram in each symbol set. This is puzzling in this case since these images are purportively to have been created in ancient Israel. You see, there are no known pictograms ever having been used in Israel. 227

As previously pointed out, the Masons glorify themselves by immersing themselves and their rites in Israel-styled elements. Hence this is all once again a sham involving the Masons and their delusions. Let all be free to believe what they will, even if false and pretensious; however, the editors of Oahspe have commited a great crime by “bookjacking” one of the greatest spiritual works of all time with their Masonic arcana.

Number of terms Without Num an ber of Exterior Term referen s ced 66 50

Tablet Zerl Totals: 62 Percent age of terms Without Average Average an Total Saphah Exterior Total Referen Saphah Referen referenc Referen ces Per Referen ces Per ed ces Term ces Term 76% 174 2.64 64 0.97

And as before, the vast majority of symbols (74%) are never referenced anywhere again in Oahspe. Take any symbol such as “Bone:”

. Here it represents door. Interestingly, in Japanese, this

same symbol represents gate, which is very similar in meaning. In one way, this impresses me, as if there were some kind of language transference taking place. On the other hand, there is no way there should be this uncanny correspondence between languages from such distant origins, without some kind of subterfuge involved. Yet the fact remains that in the other 65 symbols, such as in “H’ook” , there is really nothing significant nor beautiful in the whole lot. 228

However, the Masons wanted to include a huge cache of mysticlooking signs and this plate is one more for that purpose. Iz and Zerl Masonic Symbols Referenced No Reference Saphah Only Outside of Saphah All-Seeing Eye (Jaw) compass (D’hi: ear (Gee) L-square (Sho’gaup) {C}) compass (Ma) bull (Cam’ow) cross-bones (Bah: bull (Gauk) {C}) sun (Yop’lo) All-Seeing Eye (Bah: sword (Gauk: {B}) {D}) sword (Gauk: {C}) fire (Fan / Gau) cross-bones (S’gee: D) honey (M’how / cross-bones (Gan’es:{D}) N’how) serpent (Yop’lo: {B}) ark / chest (Jak / Gak) to build (H’oak) speaking animal (Ong’wa) fish (Se’fiee / S’gee) 14 1 6 Total Masonic Symbols: 20 out 66; (30%). With No Reference: 14 out 20; (70%). With No Reference Outside of Saphah: 15 out 20; (75%). Admittedly, there is not much to say nor much to see here. Once again, a fairly high degree of Masonic symbols and a fairly low degree of references. However, the main point to be taken away from a study of this plate is how useless it really is from either an intellectual or a spiritual standpoint. There truly is no valid reason for it to be in Oahspe, and no high-raised angel would ever want to focus the attention of mortals upon it. This plate, as all the Saphah plates, are nought but camoflauge meant to deceive readers into a false sense of historical depth that is not there. 229







The Tablet of Fonece *6


Non-labelled Images with specific text description


Plate Location: (Saphah – Quadeth Iz: 5↔5) Presented Origin: Phoenicia, Ancient Semitic civilization. To a degree, the text story (really a rite) for the Plate of Fonece is pleasant enough and for many readers of Oahspe, the theme will be one that is easy to relate to: finding a harmonious community to live a spiritual life in this world. In the end however, the conclusion given is that there is no such place in the world, only with the Masonic community can one feel such happiness. Alas, but the other elements of the story are less appealing. By now we have all had our fill of Masonic symbols in Saphah. I never expected anything like this where there would be so many references to a cult in Oahspe itself. The truth is that when Jim Dennon in an offhand manner stated that Newbrough was a Mason of high-ranking and completely dedicated to Masonry, none of that really seemed so bad nor made much of an impact. Truth is, I think to a degree, Jim Dennon felt pretty much the same. However, after simply looking at Saphah section by section, it has become clear that the inclusion of Masonry in Saphah is the result of a fanatical effort to do so. The Plate of Fonece while different in format, is simply a continuation of this saturation of cultist symbolism. Where this section differs is in that there is a fairly long text or story that accompanies it, over some 1,200 words. Now this might be a sign that finally there is a divergence from Masonry influences. Not a chance, as this is a typical rite from the Masons1 In fact, this is no secret of this being a rite as at the end of the passage, the editors declare that the signs, passwords, and forms of initation are secret, that this rite is current being practiced and so these elements will not be published. Who was practicing such a rite, a rite out of Saphah, inserted into and falsely published in Oahspe? John Newbrough, 235

supreme executive Mason, and his lodge members is the answer, all rites practiced as their new cult religion, deceptively portrayed as based on Oahspe. Plate Masonic Symbols: 6-Pointed Star (1B) (2D) (5D), 8-Pointed Star (3A), Aleph-branch (5D), L-square (1B) (4B) (5C), bee honeycomb (5C), burning altar (3D) (5D), cardinal directions (1B)(2D), compass (3C) (5A), crescent moon (3A) (5D), cross (1B) (4B) (5B) (5C) (5D), cross-bones (3B) (4A), ear (2D), eye (1D) (4C) (5A), gau plumbline (3C) (4B) (5D), goat (1B) hand (1A) (1C) (4A) (5C), hatchet (2B) (5D), hatchet (4B) (5D), heart (2B), serpent (2B) (3D) (5D), spider web (1D), Tau bull (3D) (5B), trowel (4A) Total Masonic Symbols: 46. It is amazingly perverse to see how committed Newbrough, his lodge brothers, and the Masonic spirits are to achieving Masonic cult ‘graffiti’ upon Oahspe. And it is being done with horrifying images that in no way make anyone feel good about the ugly drawings before their eyes. Additionally and as usal, so many of the images are not even clear. Therefore there likely are even more Masonic images in this 16-panel Masonic comic. This is all so much in the open that it also amazes one that no one in the Oahspe-reader-believer community, thousands of people, have never emphatically, publicly declared their disgust for the content in Saphah. It is so very unattractive, cultish, and stupidly put together with numerous errors. For example, even the comic panels of Fonece are not ordered in a narrative sequence that matches the text with the images. Just why is that? One conclusion that one can make is that this is all razzle-dazzle, that 236

those who cannot make sense of Saphah, simply give up trying to understand without criticizing the negative aspects just mentioned. Apparently everyone has been simpy brainwashed inot accepting Saphah’s mess because they are so impressed with the truly high and mighty ideas from the rest of Oahspe. Oahspe warns us about this: Let all things be proved, or supported by corresponding testimony known to be true. As the holy man perceiveth how things should be in the heavens above, so they are. The unholy man seeth heavenly things but dimly; he bindeth himself in ancient revelations which have become corrupted. Jehovih is as near this day as in time of the ancients; put thyself in order, becoming one with Him, and no book so easily read as His created universe. (Divinity 5:9-10) *6 The Masons are indeed fixated on ancient dogma, and corruptly follow it blindly and bind their followers unto cumberson and misleading rites and symbols. These, then, are rules of light: That which is self-evident: That which is axiomatic: That which is substantiated by facts: That which hath a parallel in known things: Things that lead to peace, order, and the uplifting of thy neighbor and thyself. Also to discipline thyself to be constantly on the alert to be pure, good, truthful and gentle in thy speech; to practice right-doing—these are following the highest light. (Discipline 8:11-12) *6 Meditating on and studying the ugly images of Fonece does nothing to help anyone anywhere. I mean, come on:


These images are anything but spiritually divine. Fonece, as with virtually everthing in Saphah, is a disgusting disgrace and dishonors Oahspe by such inclusions in the book. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: burning altar (Fonece 4, 6), burning incense (Fonece 6), diamonds (Fonece 6), Om (Fonece 56), All-Seeing Eye (Fonece 54), pot (Fonece 56), Cardinal Directions (Fonece 8, 12, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25, 29, 31, 37), jouneys (Fonece 1-56), Israel (Fonece 39). Here again and again in the text are more than a few insertions of Masonic symbols. Additionally, the entire rite is in true Masonic style for some of their rites, that is, a journey of travel of some kind:

There, he learns that all degrees in Freemasonry represent a journey. He is taught in the Entered Apprentice degree that the lodge is a representation of the world, and that our journey through it is a representation of our own life’s journey. *33333 There are hundreds of such pages of journeys in Masonic rite books, for example: Master: Whence came you and wither are you travelling? Initiate: From the West, traveling East. Master: Why did you leave the West and travel East? Initiate: In search of further Light in Masonry. *4444


Other common Masonic elements in the Saphah section of (1) Fonece: are the master-initiate Q&A rite-style, (2) a symbolic story recounting, (3) a spirit powers test, and (4) secret passwords, signs, and ceremonial acts. Therefore, not only are there Masonic symbols, but Masonic rite-styles existant here as well. This is just more Masonic garbage. Now some would say they don’t care about any of this; that it doesn’t matter if the Masons infiltrated Oahspe in a corrupt manner. I would emphatically answer then you who are saying this must also be ignorant of what the actual message or themes of Oahspe are. Those who would support or minimalize the false inclusion of Masonicmaterial do not know what they are talking about. For the very essence, message and purpose of Oahspe is to lead the people of this world AWAY FROM religious dogma and rites, to instead seek, hear, and understand Direct Inspiration from the Creator of the Universe: I have given thee many sacred books, and I said to thee: Save thou judgest them, thou shalt be caught in a snare; I charge thee, thou shalt accept nothing from men, nor angels, nor Gods. But thou shalt rely on thine own inspiration from thy Creator. Such is My word which I speak to thine own soul. What cometh to thee f rom a man is indirect inspiration; what cometh from an angel is indirect; and what cometh from the Gods is indirect. No direct inspiration of Me can come to thee from a book, nor a sermon, nor from anything in all My creations, but only from Me, thy Creator. Though one man receive direct inspiration from Me, and he write it in a book, yet, when it cometh to thee, it is indirect inspiration, and is not binding upon thee, only so far as My direct inspiration upon thee moveth thee to receive it. 239

(Inspiration 9:8-14) Therefore anyone attempting to justify Masonic elements in Saphah might as well be arguing for the inclusion of Islamic dogma, Baptist Christians, or that of any religion in the world. And they would be just as gravely wrong about all this as Newbrough and his Mason friends in this scam were and are. So long as Masonic claptrap and priests and priestesses in white robes and secret rites are being practiced, the noble aims and heavenly connections of Oahspe are being obscured. So long as this moronic Masonic cultism continues, any chance for Faithist unity among mortals or with the angelic heavens above is impossible. And now you know why Oahspe Faithism has for the most part failed so badly in good works or in unity.

§9: I’hin Tribes: Houbri, Pan, Algonquin, Hoa’tu Mysterious Terms but No Images, No Text description Newbrough Placement: (I’hin 2) Presented Origin: Houbri, Pan, Algonquin The Masons considered themselves above all else to be the chosen of God Almighty. Hence they are anxious to prove and to show that they are the descendents of God’s Chosen from the beginning of time. That is why they have chased down and worshipped every single sacred symbol of antiquity they could find. Yet the possibility that all people are God’s Chosen is not even imagined as a possibility. Now the persons involved in Saphah and not ordinary Masons, but Masons who revere Oahspe and want to imprint their Masonic emblems upon it. From the point of view of the Masonic view of the 240

Oahspe’s narrative, the I’hin race followed by the Hebrews are considered the original Chosen of God. This is the basis for this very brief and potentially puzzling section. Why indeed post a list of “tribal” names unless you wish to impress upon your readers and initiates that the “chosen” few matter, even the names of their tribes are sacred, just as the multitude of lodge names of the Masons themselves? It is curious that these Faithist tribal names, I’hin or not, would be singled out to be listed here. There certainly is nothing here but a list, names which the Masons wished to honor or revere, to wit: These, then, are the chief tribes, being some Faithists and some Idolaters, and these are such as were revered in after generations, to wit: (Saphah Ihin 1) Was there a rite associated with these names? Most likely or at least a case of names to be meditated upon, since the Oahspean Masons would be very interested in strengthening (in their eyes) their claim to be descendents of these “Chosen” of God. However, certainly there is no narrative nor descriptive text associated here with this list. It is as all of Saphah, a deadend for those truly seeking a higher spiritual path. Interestingly, many of these terms appear borrowed from other mysterious words of Oahspe, although the terms are NOT I’hin tribes but instead everything else but: Poit, Ham, Dan, Or, God, Eve, Lut, Loo, Hiss, Gow, Chine, Bad, Dad, Joss, Fome, Sam, Esk, Noah, Om, Mu. (Saphah Ihin 1) From my point of view, this just looks like a blend of laziness to fake 241

the names of the tribes with that of a desire to make various portions of Oahspean texts seem connected, from the Book of Cosmogony to the history of Chine to the Plate of Se’moin. The end result is that these names are unconvincing as I’hin tribal names. Tablet I’hin Totals (Any Matching Term): 62 Number Percent of age of terms terms Without Without Average Average Num an an Total Saphah ber of Exterior Exterior Total Referen Saphah Referen Term referen referenc Referen ces Per Referen ces Per s ced ed ces Term ces Term 126 67 53% 515 4.09 472 3.75 As detailed in the above chart, there are over 500 references to the “I’hin” tribes IF any matching term in Oahspe is considered valid. The problem is, that would be matching apples and oranges, completing different things, for example, a tribe named “Dan” has NOTHING to do with the very concept of cosmic light cycles termed “Dan” and so such references CANNOT be considered referencing one another. So while 515 references could be found in Oahspe using the terms of these tribal names, 92% of these in Saphah alone. However, the tribal names may match but the meaning for which they stand do NOT, such as Loo (Road) or Hiss (serpent) or Sa (death). All that we have happening here is the Mason editors cherry-picking terms for the I’hin tribal list, from around Oahspe, especially Saphah, not really from Oahspe even. So once again, the question is just how much is Saphah related to the rest of Oahspe. The answer is: not very much! Tablet I’hin Totals (Just Tribal Matching Terms): 62 Num Number Percent Total Average Saphah Average 242

ber of of age of Referen Term terms terms ces s Without Without an an Exterior Exterior referen referenc ced ed 126 121 96% 199

Total Referen ces Per Term

Referen ces

Saphah Referen ces Per Term




And in truth, there is actually only 78 total references since I am including the original text term as a reference in itself (this was done because many terms captioned on the plate have no reference in the text and these deserve a “zeroâ€? for reference totals). In other words, 96% of this tribal names have NO reference anywhere else in Oahspe. This section, as all have been so far, demonstrate that there is no basis whatsoever for believing Saphah was ever channeled by second resurrection angels. §10: Plate 80: Aribania'hiayaustoyi, Tablet of Ancient Egypt *6


Unlabeled Images and specific text description

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Aribania’hiayaustoyi: 9→) *6 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Aribania’hiayaustoyi: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Egypt Rite Format: supplicating prayer Withheld Elements: None are apparent.




Symbols (22 symbols): crown, 7-stars constellation, sun, crescent moon, hatchet, book, serpent, Sed-Aries (in the face of man), TauTaurus (in the face of man), hand, skull, cross-bones, sword, rose, ear, heart, compass, square, house, gau plumbline, diamond. Rite Text Masonic Symbols (19 Masonic imagery words): sword, serpent, crown, heart, goat (Eon: Aries - Sed ), diamond, gau plumbline, hand, eye, ear, book (tablet), L-square, compass, house, crescent moon, 7-star constellation, sun, hatchet (axe), altar,


The best thing that can be stated about this section is that the rite text very closely follows the plate images. It is well that there is at least lip service given to helping others and other virtuous behavior. Please keep in mind that Masonry is (with a few exceptions) not in itself evil, nor do I believe it is. However, Christianity and other religions also espouse doing great works for our world, but being religions, their first goal is getting as many disciples as possible who also are faithful to their controlling doctrine. What is evil is what Newbrough, his followers, and the influencing Masonic spirits did to sabotage Oahspe and its follwers towards moving in the direction of an absolute religious cult. At any rate, in the end, each and every paragraph in this section is loaded with the same wearying Masonry symbolism: My hands shall be skilled with tools to do Thy labor. Fabrics will I weave, and my house shall be built within the square of Thy compass, for it shall be righteous work. My eye shall look toward Thy dwelling-place. I know Thy sight is upon me. I will be joyful before Thee, my Father! (Saphah Aaribania’hiayaustoy 10). So this rite (733 words) of the Masonic Faithists, is an important focus of the congregation, where holy symbols are revered more than good works. I do not say that this particular rite is yet popular still among such “Oahspean Faiithist” cults, only that if not this one,then another in a similar way is being promoted as one step of the spiritual path or stairway. Once again, scary crudely drawn imagery is used that in now way indicates angels of beauty and symmetry are involved:


As all these plate images have no caption, there is no way to reference them as mysterious words. However, clearly the symbols and the rite itself are Masonic.

Other than these 2 images

, which are difficult to identify

with certainty (Angels? Messengers? Soddomites?), the remainder are each and everyone of them are Masonic. The same can be said of the rite text where the speakers are invoking prayers based on these cult symbols. This is one more case of Masonic fixation upon mystic symbols. Such a spiritual path is fine for the Masons to continue to believe and work spiritually as they may wish. But Oahspe was specifically created 247

toexhort mortals to seek for, to be inspired by, The Voice of the Creator in their own way. Oahspe’s message was and is: DOWN WITH THE CHURCHES! DOWN WITH THE PRIESTS! DOWN WITH THE HOLY BOOKS! Let thy lips utter thy holiest desires, and let thy soul seek constantly for new expressions magnifying the wisdom, love and power of Ormazd, the Creator. Neither shalt thou take a thought in regard to rules of prayer; the rules are for the unlearned. He who inventeth a new prayer to Ormazd every day of his life hath done wisely indeed. For the glory of prayer is the strengthening of one's own soul to perceive the Higher Light. Prayer is not given in order to change the decrees of Ormazd, but to change one's own self for the better. Yet he who repeateth words of prayer as a parrot repeateth, improveth himself but little. (God's Word 15:9-11) But in Kosmon I shall send nor Savior, nor archangel, with a loud-sounding trumpet; but I will come to man's understanding through the light of Mine own wisdom. And man shall interpret My Words as I speak to his own soul; and such shall be his sacred words. Man shall pray to Me, and speak to Me in his own way, and not according to the dictation of any man, nor priest, nor sacred book, save the book of My creations. Neither shall man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the Kosmon era that which is good for them also. My heavens shall be revealed unto them, as promised by My prophets of old, and man shall be taught how to see and comprehend My heavens 248

with his own judgment, and not according to what any other man saith My revelations are. Behold, in the ancient days, I provided Saviors and rab'bahs and priests to pray for man, and confess him of his sins; but these things will I put away, and no one shall pray for the living, nor confess him of his sins, by words or signs or ceremonies. But every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness. And instead of praying in words for his brother, saying: Jehovih, help him, he shall go in person, and help him with his own hands. Neither shall man sit idly and say: O Jehovih, help Thou me; come and save me! But he shall rise up in the majesty I created him, saying: Behold me, Jehovih! I will save myself. Guide Thou me, O Father! And he shall walk forth, proudly in My sight, scorning evil and sin, doing with all his might for his own salvation. And I will come unto him, for of such shall be My chosen. In Kosmon, I shall not come to make a servant of man unto man; nor to make him afraid, when the priest speaketh. I will make man hold up his head fearlessly before men, in remembrance of his daily covenant unto Me, his Creator, in the practice of righteousness. In that day, the preacher and the priest shall be of little avail; My standard shall be of good works, and not of words. (Es 1:13-24) This plate, all its symbols, all its words, fly directly in the face of what Oahspe stands for. Every Oahspean “priest� in their robes (white or otherwise) who stands before the multitude claiming to have an ordained position established by the Creator is a willing deceiver of their own soul and has vilely betrayed the greatest New Age book so far given to our world by their own wish for self-glory and ease and an excuse to do nothing to make the world a better place. Great harm has been done to the world and to the readers of Oahspe 249

by the Masonic obstructionists who have said NO to each person hearing the Creator in their own way, who have said NO to working in service for the good of others, who have said NO communities governed by mutual consensus. Oahspe was written to liberate and to elevate all people, and NOT to be a means of cult indoctrination and enslavement.

§11: Plate 81: Tablet of Hy’yi, Rite of Ho’ed *6


Unlabeled Images and specific text description

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Aribania’hiayaustoyi: 11→) *6 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Ho’ed: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Persia / Israel Rite Format: invocation prayer Once again as before, while there are images, all Masonic except of the “corpor” symbol , there are no labelled images nor special terms in this plate except for “Mithra.” This tablet may be officially referred as The Tablet of Hy’yi. The rite text itself is called Ho’ed.*444444444 What “Hy’yi” and “Ho’ed” are meant to stand for is not clear. If one 251

takes a look at the morpheme word parts in Se’moin and Benoit, “yi” appears to stand for “life” and “ho” for “man” but there are no corresponding meanings for the other two. There is no question that those inner members of Newbrough’s cult did know and kept it a secret. There is nothing unfortunate about not knowing secrets where such are of overall negative value. . In any event, the Kosmon Church has publicly stated it uses this rite and this plate image for meditation and religious ceremony. *444444444 Consider the following admissions: By contemplation you will find a new vision opening up to you if you take even one symbol of HO’ED, for they are the keys to many hidden mysteries and can be interpreted at many levels. You will notice this (Tablet) covers the whole span of our destiny! From the Crown we come forth, to the world we descend to objectify consciousness, to bring us into manifestation of that spark of Jehovih-Om within…at all stages of unfoldment, …as we seek to rise again through the planes unto the Crown. Our work at this time is with ascending from the earth, our return to the realization through inner experiences in expanding consciousness of our Oneness with the Divine, symbolized by the Crown. Ho’ed is an evocation of these…powers which the soul has touched subjectively in its descent in order that it may objectify them on the path of return to the Crown High Raised. *444444444 Such enthusiasm! If only the same enthusiasm could be found for good work service and for direct communion with the Creator. At any rate, it is clear that Saphah, as intended by the Masons and 252

Newbrough, encouraged the use of Hy’yi and Ho’ed as a means of meditation and for worship and that this has continued onward even to the Kosmon Church. The fact that this rite is based on Mithraism is ignored. The fact that the Masons hold this kind of spiritual activity is also ignored. No reader of Oahspe should ignore any of this any longer. It is beyond bizarre to find in the published editions of Oahspe, even the Masons of Saphah, to be promoting a false god, from Persian times to Roman, the star worshipping mystery religion known as Mitrhaism. *6767667 Consider the follow passages found in Saphah promoting the worship of a false god: Mithra the first was about 4,000 years before kosmon. Mithra the second was about 2,000 years before Kosmon. Invocation readeth: Mithra said: Ye that invoke Me, the Swift, Shining, with sword uplifted. Invoke me on the Tablet of the sun, and the world, and the crown, high raised. Bow down low and say … (Saphah, Ho’ed: 0-1). *6 From a 1959 issue of The Kosmon Unity, the Kosmon Church supposed that Mithra was a very hight-level angel or a group of angels. Wrong! The above just quoted passage from the Oahspe editors about Mithra being worshipped both 4,000 years ago and 2,000 years ago contradicts that. If nothing else, Oahspe itself states that no emissaries from the higher heavens uses any definite name. What we have here is simply denial of the truth by the Masonic “Faithists” once again.” This is all complete idolatry — in complete contradiction to the tenets of Oahspe which advise all to worship only the Creator of the Universe. 253

And yet here is but another rite of Saphah being promoted by Newbrough’s Masons. For your information, there has even been Mithraic worship even in the early Christian religion, no doubt with similar motivations as the Masons: the desire for the obscure esoteric secret mysteries that bring salvation without doing anything for anyone. *7777777 And why not? Much of the past Christian fake dogma is based on past fake dogma of various false gods, including Mithra. Hence, ladies and gentlemen, here we find for the fifth (!) time (Osiris, Isis, Taurus, Aries), the text of Saphah promoting the worship of a false god, of graven images which constitute a man-god of some kind, without a trace of universality. This would be blasphemy except for the truth that Oahspe would never hold itself up as sacred in itself. Plate Masonic Symbols (10 Masonic Symbols): 5-pointed star, heart [2 times], All Seeing-Eye, crescent moon, radiant sun, diamond, crown, cross, rose. Rite Text Masonic Symbols (10 Masonic Symbols): Mithra, Om, sword, sun, rose, crown, heart, All Seeing-Eye, moon, stars What would any section of Sapha be without Masonic symbols? That situation apparently just does not seem to exist for the whole purpose of the book is to indoctrinate dogamic and ritual enslavement of the mind. Tablet of Hy’yi, Rite of Ho’ed Totals: 62 Num Number Percent Average Average ber of of age of Total Total Saphah Saphah Term terms terms Referen Referen Referen Referen s Without Without ces ces Per ces ces Per 254


an an Exterior Exterior referen referenc ced ed 0 0%







Every reference of Mithra is in Saphah, except for one in the long mysterious listing of terms found in Cosmogony’s Orachnebuahgalah. That section has defied analysis or a provable system of prophecy so far, however much falsely others may have claimed. Just having that link tends to make one skeptical of Cosmogony as well, at least of the Orachnebuahgalah section. Well, just who is Mithra? Let me introduce you to him! Mithra is a false god of the stars who kills to make the universe a better place. The following image is from Roman times hidden away in a secret underground chamber. Coincidentally, the Masons also favor meeting in the same kind of dark tomb-like temple. While there are many symbols here, as in Saphah, very Masonic-like that one may wish to reflect upon, I will spare you that ordeal and simply allow the reader to perceive the horribleness of Mithra as envisioned here:


Mithra *50 As stated earlier, the Masons revere Mithra, and because they revere Mirthra, the Masonic editors of Oahspe felt compelled to fraudulently insert such false god rites as Ho’ed to suit their doctrinal and deceptive purposes. Consider the following passage written by the Masons about Mithra: The sun, the moon, the Zodiac, the planets conveys images of the cosmos and played a central role in Mithraic ritual. Observe the Freemasonic ritual of today that inculcates symbolically "Astronomy is that divine art by which we are 256

taught to read the wisdom, strength and beauty of the Almighty Creator in those sacred pages, the celestial hemisphere." *41 As you can see, the Masons intertwine concepts of beauty with those that are abhorrent. The worship of and meditation upon Mithra does indeed sound like quality activities when the argument is that in doing so we will be ever more one with the Creator and with many high virtues such as beauty. Yet this is all deception once again. There never is a reason to worship or pray to any but the Creator nor seek an intermediary spirit as a master to be subservient to with the hope of honoring the Creator. And just in case there is any doubt about the high degree of devotion that the Masons have for Mithra, and that obviously includes the Masonic friends of John Newbrough and Newbrough himself, here is one additional passage by the Masons about Mithra: “Masonic writers have often professed to see many points of resemblance between Mithraism and Freemasonry. Albert Pike once declared that Freemasonry is the modern heir of the Ancient Mysteries.� (Brother H. L. Haywood) *35 Yes, the Masons covet all the sacred mysteries of the past to call their own, just as they covet the same about Oahspe. Masonry and the Oahspe Masonry that now exists among such followers, is a delusional path, one that pats itself on the back for valuing overt symbolism over real service to the Creator, over making persona sacrifice in order to contribute good works of service Masonic Faithism is one that values mindless obedience over reason, over real spiritual progression, and over the light of the new age. And as we can see from the Kosmon Church of England and other 257

“Faithist� lodges upon the path Newbrough set up for them, they and the Masons revere many of the same false gods. They will deny this, of course, because none are so blind as who will not see and who will think for themselves.


§12: Plate 82: The Ceremonies in Sun Degree*6

Unlabeled Images and specific text description

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Chine Zerl: 12→) *6 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Chine Zerl: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: China / Israel Rite Format: master – initiate – deathproof spiritual powers tests Plate Caption: A, Master. B, initiate. C, first gate. D, second gate. F, third gage. G, fourth sacrifice. I, oath of allegiance. J, place of death, represented by bones and skull. K, coffin. L, proof of spirit-power to overcome pain. M, submission to have the body run through with a lance. N, testimony that the initiate could endure all corporeal torture unharmed. This is the inner circle. The


outside or body of the crescent represented the jewels and places of the Gods and Lords of heaven and their mortal representatives, together with the tools, implements and kind of industry to which each and every one was assigned. These constituted the audience during the ceremonies, the workers being stationed in the inner circle.

The actual title of this section is “Chine. Zerl,” which in fact refers to languages or ethnic groups. However, the image which the text explicitly refers to is the plate “The Ceremonies in Sun Degree.” Therefore, this section is mistakenly entitled and so I make the correction for the sake of accuracy. At any rate, this is yet another inexplicable ceremony being added to Saphah and thereby deviously also to Oahspe. This is not a cautious move by the Masonic “Faithists.” In this case, the Saphahists are unafraid to throw scores of small symbols into a rite which in itself is complicated. There is also the unbelievable claim that this rite was practiced both in China (Chine) AND Israel (Zerl). Yet, there is no proof of this rite existing anywhere in the world at any time, not even anything that remotely resembles this hodgepodge of weirdness. Nonetheless, the Masons are known for similar symbolic murder rites — more on that later. In truth, the actual text never refers to the “sun” except to state in postrite explanation which itself implies that those who have completed this rite successfully will be considered to have risen to a spiritual level termed the degree of the sun. Other rites in Saphah also refer to different stages of the sun from its rising to high noon and so on. Because the title of this rite is descriptive, and not mysterious or symbolic, you can bet that it had a formal name of some kind that was indeed esoteric but simply is not recorded here. In this case, the purpose of this rite is to elevate the initiate into the “inner circle,” that is, to be above the unwashed masses outside of this 260

cult. This is a central problem with all these rites and why Oahspe is spot on in condemning them. Spiritual progress within the Masonry cult as well as here, the Masonic “Saphah� cult, is measured by successfully completing rites, demonstrating knowledge of obscure symbols and having mastered certain spiritual powers. None of the foregoing has anything to do with helping others or making the world a better place through constructive good works. In contrast, Oahspe does not simply recommend such service, it unequivocally states that the only means of resurrection or progression that anyone can achieve must be through service to others. Thus all these rites and symbolic mind games are distractions and barriers to what people in this new age are meant to experience and achieve. Therefore, the Saphahists are going directly against the Will of the Creator in their practices, and especially in opposition to what Oahspe states: My Hand is ready to whomsoever will reach forth unto Me. My Voice is ready and clear to whomsoever will turn away from other things, and away from philosophers and ambiguous words, serving Me in good works. My Light is present, and answereth unto all who follow their all highest knowledge. (Inspiration 10:24-26)



Plate Masonic Symbols (15 Masonic symbols): compass, L-square, skull, cross-bones, sun, burning altar, bull, serpent, hand [2], hatchet, goat, coffin, trowel, sword. Even if there were zero Masonic symbols, there is no justification for dumping scores of crudely draw symbols into a mosaic of violent, disturbing and confusing images. No higher angel would ever create these or advocate their study or use in any rite. Caption of Plate Masonic Symbols (15 Masonic symbols): master, initiate, gates (3), oath, place of death, cross-bones, coffin, enduring torture, inner circle, crescent, jewels, tools, skull.


Torture, attempted murder, death, master and slave, skulls and crossbones, all horrifying elements that no one in their right mind, let alone those of a higher spiritual disposition, would ever want to see or contemplate. Yet a hundred years go by and no one calls these gruesome elements out just because they were in the amazing new age text of Oahspe? I guess that was the hope of the Masonic Saphahists and the drujas that controlled them. Rite Text Masonic Symbols (10 Masonic symbols): sword, rose, crown, East direction, Gau, coffin, sacred words and signs, blindfolded, crown, withholding [of secret words, signs, and regalia], spirit powers test. There is nothing in the true texts of Oahspe that justifies such a repetitive fixation on these same kinds of symbols. Where is the devotion to the Great Spirit? To helping the people of the world? Is the end all of the new age spiritual path simply being put into a coffin and then buried alive? Perhaps it also being pierced through by a sword? Is this our new, noble and high purpose for living in the new age of a world moving towards communities on earth as they are in the higher heavens? This disgusting rite does not deserve to printed, let alone be included in Oahspe. If this initiate had all these spiritual powers already, then what is the point of the rite? Likewise, how is being able to achieve these spiritual powers — these miracles — going to save our world? How are such powers going to help establish heavenly-like spiritual communities on earth? Therefore, either way, this miracle approach is ridiculous rubbish. And once again, abhorrent idolatry is proclaimed — false gods are honored! Are we supposed to be impressed? Even if the inclusion of such is meant as a counter-example of what new age spirituality 263

should in its essence be, there still would be no perceivable advantage to including such text passages in Oahspe. And the fact that this is the sixth time a false god is “honored� in a rite whose full details are being suppressed because such were or still are being practiced by Oahspe Masonic Faithists, is even more despicable and indefensible. Consider: I am in the keeping of Hong-she, Savior of man. Who was Hong-she? The only begotten Son of the Unseen. He was the incarnate and spiritual Son of the All Light of heaven and earth, born of the Virgin Mi, who was descended from the far-off star, Tristya.*6 (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 10-12)


What a great initiate! One can only imagine what other false gods that the master in this rite reveres. I honestly would like to have a face-toface conversation with John Newbrough and his first disciples where they would be required to explain just what the hades they were thinking when they decided to splatter Oahspe with such preposterously vile ideas that go against the heart of what Oahspe advocates. Enough! This text is filled with absurdly false and abhorrent ideas. First up:


For thy labor thou art honored by the Gods and Lord of heaven. But erst thou canst learn of heaven thou shalt be proved in corporeal parts. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 3) *


Preposterous start of a rite that implodes spiritually and immediately projects ideas in contrast to those of Oahspe’s. One: So mortals need to be told they are going to be honored by the gods?! Not a very humble goal, is it? Two: So magical-physical abilities are the criteria for receiving spiritual knowledge? This does not make any sense when it is the unseen conditions of our present and past mortal that should determine our worthiness or unworthiness to become more enlightened. And anyway, is not enlightenment a result of our determination and will to serve the Creator? I feel as if a drunken power-mad cult leader had suddenly been declared the gatekeeper to Oahspe, and was itching to egg us all on using false pretences in order to accept being under this tyrant’s command. As far the truth goes, that is exactly what just happened. The following refers to “Hong-she,” the savior of our world, son of earth mother Mi, all of which is nauseating idolatry:


First He was bound on the wheel of Eolin; but the spirits of heaven unbound Him. Then His hands were thrust through with swords, but there was no wound. He was then bound on an altar of sacrifice and burnt, but His corporeal parts would not consume, and He walked forth unharmed. Then a sword was thrust through His body, but it made no wound and gave no pain. Then He was placed in a coffin and buried, but in three days he rose up out of the grave and went forth preaching. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 20)


So you see, if you have super physical powers, then you are worthy and a good person who deserves to be a chosen member of this cult of religious salvation, and probably also a god. If not, you will just die and go to hell probably — forever damned. Lo and behold, these are the miraculous / ludicrous goals Saphah propagandists would like readers of Oahspe to revere. How about sweeping the floor of a sick old bedridden woman? Naaaaa …. There is no reference of anyone ever named “Hong-she” in the real Oahspe or in the real world. What became of Him finally? He still abideth on the corporeal earth, and at times taketh on a corporeal body and showeth Himself, He and His mother Mi, also. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 21-22)


So this unknown savior of the world, Hong-she, a world where saviors are no longer supposed to be part of the Creator’s divine plan, still in the year 1881, can appear in physical form, and so can his mom. 266

What a crock of useless babble! What did He preach? To do good unto others; to harm no man, woman, nor child, and to pray only to the Great Eolin; to heal the sick by sacred words, and by motions of the hand. It is to learn these sacred words and signs that I have come to this holy temple. Before thou canst be intrusted with such signs and words, thou shalt be proven on thy God and Savior, that thy faith be manifest. Know, then, that although thou art blindfolded and seest not, yet thou art surrounded by Gods and Lords of heaven and earth, and by a mortal priest most holy and powerful. If thou hast faith in thine own words, and thus knowest the Son of the Sun, thou hast little to fear. Follow, therefore, thy attendants to the places of sacrifice, that we may bear testimony that thou art holy. Remember, also, that all men must be tried, either in the corporeal world or in the next; without this there is no resurrection for them. I trust in Thee, O my Savior, Hong-she. Let the attendants lead me forth. (The initiate is then taken and bound down on the altar (H.) naked, and a fire lighted under him, and he thrusteth his right arm down into the flames until it be proved he hath power over fire and will not burn. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 23-26)


Wo! Wo! Wo! There exists all sorts of sacrilegious and anti-Oahspe views in just this passage. I have bolded these. Before such verses, it 267

is true there is a bit of an obligatory, deceptive intro involving doing good to others, but it is linked with sacred words and mystic secret hand motions that, undoubtedly, only the master priests know, and whom all must appease to learn. That is conceptually — evil and false, in this new age of direct empowerment by the Creator. Next, the average person is not worthy to heal anyone with sacred words — until proven worthy! Remember, you must be tried by this group of strange people, in this world — or the next — or you just ain’t all that! You’ll be going to hell otherwise, my friend, And also just for you, there are gods and lords, verily, who have come to prove you are worth a darn. So you better be really good in this rite! Oh, and there is a mortal priest to really, really make sure you are worthy. Thank goodness for the priests! Too bad Oahspe actually presents the view that priests should no longer exist. I guess the nonchannels of Oahspe, the channels of Saphah, never read Oahspe. And this rite exists to make sure the initiate truly is holy. What a noble purpose, huh? And if you pass, then you can become a priest of Saphah, no doubt. Good luck initiates! Working in service to the Creator to uplift the world has nothing to do with becoming a better person. Just wanted you to know!

Buried alive Hand Pierced Heart Pierced Burned Alive The Enlightening Highpoints of the Ceremonies of the Sun that the Book of Saphah guarantees will make you a better person.


Here it should be pointed out that the Masons celebrate symbolic death rituals of various forms of murder, which would parallel once again a rite in Saphah with a Masonic rite: At midnight, or low-twelve, under the cover of darkness, they remove his body from the temple grounds and take it to the brow of a hill where a grave had already been dug for the purpose, and bury him. *


And of course, the Masons have used other symbolic death rituals — sometimes with deadly effect, such as when during a Masonic ritual, a Masonic clergy member shot a New York Long Island man to death in 2004. *


The main point here being that a fascination with

symbolic violent murder rites is a Masonic tradition, and which this Saphah rite is as well. And since Newbrough had extremely Masonic spiritual views given how Saphah turned out, we can all easily understand why this death ritual was included in Saphah.

A further problem in the above Saphah quotation is the proclamation to have faith, not in the Creator, but in the false god Hong-she! Not exactly a viewpoint shared in Oahspe, is it? And while we are at it, let’s burn you alive — naked and bound on an altar. Now we that is some horror cult-fest, … straight from the new age movement — oops — I mean, straight from hell — we could all use, right? Master: By virtue of my power received from Hong-she, Son


of the All Light, Savior of men, I pronounce E'gau (i.e., he is Gau). Release him, O ye Lords of the Heavenly Host. As the All Holy Savior of men penetrateth the corporeal part, so shall the corporeal part be divided.

Initiate: In Thee, O my Savior, God of this corporeal world, put I my trust. Lead me forth, O ye of the corporeal earth, and prove my soul. (He is next led to So-an, and there a sharp blade is thrust through his hand and withdrawn, and, if proved, there is no wound nor blood.)

Master: By Thy Light, Hong-she, descended in Fo'e'tse, angel messenger of the corporeal world, this is my brother of Chine and legion of Zerl. But yet a greater gift hast Thou for him. Lead him forth, O ye Lords of the corporeal world, and thrust a sword through his body.

Initiate: Go forth, O ye Lords of the corporeal world, ye know not what manner the spirit is of. Forgive them, O Almighty, Hong-she, Son of Eolin, Creator of worlds. This is Thy body, this Thy blood. Let them eat and drink of them, in remembrance of Thee. Thy hand will deliver; my soul shall never die! (A sword is then thrust through the body and withdrawn, but there is no wound nor blood.) (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 27-30).


Well, after all that carnage (yet bloodless!), it is indeed refreshing that the “eat my body, drink my blood” blatant Christian words are shoved in here to shock us into paying attention. Way to go, Newbrough! Brilliant salvation move! Well, being stabbed with swords and then being devoured and having one’s blood drank, more horrific sensationalism meant to stupefy the ignorant masses? Is it a satire? A rebuke of Christian ideology? Simple Masonic indulgence in making a foul goulash mix out of diverse religious customs? Nonetheless, this is disgusting to set forth anywhere, let alone a spiritual mountaintop such as Oahspe.

Master: This day Thee I crown my brother He'den'loo (Magi), of the Savior empowered on the corporeal earth to dwell by holy land and water! (The initiate then taketh of the water and sand and sprinkleth the attendants.)

Initiate: This is My blood and My Body, saith Hong-she, the All Quickener. Take ye of them in my name. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 35-36).

Horrifying garbage! Yes, I am angry about this and Dr. Newbrough is an idiot slave to druja demonic spirits to have allowed Saphah passages such as this to be scrawled into Oahspe. All vain words do I renounce; all idle laughter do I renounce; all love of corporeal things do I renounce with abhorrence. (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 41).

This follows the typical cult-enslavement policy of allowing no happiness in ourselves nor joy in nor appreciation of beauty in our 271

physical world or resplendent music, art, or nature. This is a very false and demented viewpoint — entirely filled with darkness, NOT light!


Betwixt the twain lieth the bridge Chinvat, where standeth Hong-she, Savior of men. By His love can the children of men pass; by His curse must they return to the lower heaven till purged of all corporeal thoughts. By the trumpet, loud sounding, of Fo'e'tses, Chief of the Heavenly Host, knowest the Son of the All Light the secrets of the souls of men. (The Gods (angels) stationed at the four gates now come forward and salute. Then come the Lords (angels) of the outer host, with the working tools, and, together, they sing to the Great He'jo'is.) (Saphah, Chine. Zerl: 44-46).

The terms Hong-she, He’jo’is, and Fo'e'tses are totally unknown deities outside of Saphah — not in Oahspe anywhere, not in any recorded writings past or present. Simply put: this is some evil spirits laughingly sticking it to Newbrough who will repeat any loathsome falsehood they utter into his ear because John N. feels he has become an infallible prophet of the gods — and is free to no longer follow any basic tenet of Oahspe — so long as the Masonic spirits can be whispering their malevolent voices into his disturbed mind. All of this is intended to mock Oahspe as well as confuse and repel its readers. Please do not mock it further by explaining that Newbrough was told to put in a selection of religiously historically significant symbols and rites from the history of the world for all our benefit. Such a view utterly fails to do anything other than rationalize away in the most irrational fashion the insidious purposes of Saphah. Let me explain this to you step by step:


(1) Gross stuff is … gross … not uplifting in the least … (2) Acts of violence, ritualistic or not, is not what Oahspe is about. (3) Oahspe’s stated devotion to pacifism is mocked by such fake rites being included in its very pages. (4) Defiling Oahspe’s pages with scores of false god names does nothing good because no one in the modern age (except Masons, Satanists and witches) cares to contemplate false gods. It is all a completely annoying waste of time, giving Saphah priests an opening to deceptively emphasize the importance of having priests for an “Oahspean religion.” Sadly, it is because of this unwise behavior of accepting dark ideas without any proof, in the face of reality, in the face of what is known light and goodness, that has helped anti-Oahspe spirits to usurp in a series of destructive Saphah cults over the past 140 years — causing extensive harm to the followers they duped, past and present. This never had to happen. Yet since it has, it is up to all who have a smidgeon of appreciation for the high ideals Oahspe advocates — to reject all the entombing darkness and cultism of Saphah — so that never again will either old or new tyrannical clergy of Saphah seek to exploit and harm others ever again. We as Faithists can and must do better — through selfless service, through faith in the Creator, through direct attunement to the All Voice and All Light of the Creator, through uniting to live and work in truly free spiritual communities.



§13: Plate 83: The Tablet of the Kii Initiation Ceremony *6

Unlabeled Images and specific text description

Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Kii: 17↔17) *6 276

• Best Placement: (Saphah – Kii: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Persia, Greece, Algonquin. Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, Withheld Elements: passwords, signs, ceremonial acts. Although the images are unlabeled, there is one mysterious term in the published text: Ophra'or'jhi, a “sacred” chamber of the Masonic Oahspe Lodges. It is never referenced again anywhere in Oahspe. No explanation is given. ‘or’ means ‘light” but we are left in the dark about the other two morphemes of this mysterious word. The term Kii is never referred to Oahspe outside of Saphah and Cosmogony’s Orachnebuahgalah. We can suppose that Kii to be a Faithist tribe in Pan, an I’hin one in fact, whose language was also named Kii. However, as such suppositions rest entirely upon the madeup fraudulent book of Saphah, we can conclude with certaintly that such never existed. At any rate, once you become familiar with the hundred or so “mystic” symbols that this Newbrough Lodge was infatuated with, you begin to understand the foolish mental and spiritual bondage into which they have intentionally entered. The resulting feeling is one of revulsion and pity. Revulsion is a natural reaction because just how many plates and rites do you need to keep seeing snakes and swords, the compass and L-square, and all these distorted ugly faces?

And many of these are repeated for pete’s sake! Two suns and two 277

axes (or mallets), to name a few!: And don’t forget that: Above the twin swords, crossed, is the sacred name, Elohim. *6 What a great sign that swords are drawn right next to the Creator’s name! A warmongering Creator as portrayed by the Masons! Thanks for putting that in Oahspe!

Also on the plate, you will see a big dirty foot or boot, to boot! (Yes, this Masonic Lodge of Newbroughs reveres the common foot in more than one plate):

So instead of each person contemplating the All Voice of the Creator directly, in peace and harmony and love, a massive collection of rite texts are memorized along with accompanying grimey constrictive images to contemplate, in the new prison of their new Masonic mentality! Disgusting, depressing, and yes, let us pity them, except for the fact 278

that thousands have been misled by the open sore known as Saphah.



Symbols: compasses, L-square, trowels, hearts, 7-stars constellation, suns, crescent moon, 5-pointed star, hour-glass, hand, foot, serpents, crown, gau, level, coffin, hatchet, crossed swords, All-Seeing Eye, rose, mallet, mouth, shovel. Somehow all of these symbols and this rite are simultaneously attributed to the Greeks of Europe, the Persians of the Middle East and the Algonquin of North America. Pray tell why would Native Americans be interested in worshipping all the false gods of Saphah when they only recognize The Great Spirit of Our Universe? And the Greeks were philosophers of the highest order and would not have readily dived into 279

something that is so arbitrary and scattered in its symbolic system. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: rose, diamond, burning candles, crossed swords, sun, crescent moon, Gau, hand, gau plumbline, 7-stars constellation, pyramids. First, it is true that that there are at least positive spiritual ideals idealized in the rite. Yet this is redundant because which is needed more, the practice of ideals or rites that give lip service to practicing them. At least there is some congruity between the plate and the text, as each references the other. Yet this is simply the lack of the outright omissions and contradictions that have been found in other individual Saphah sections. False god worship, crude and cruel symbolism, overwhelming preoccupation with Masonry images, oppressive masterinitiate rites, and secret inner circle rites and passwords still are more than enough reason to take one look at these Kii Rites and Tablet with the utmost distaste and contempt for its blatant, cultist contempt for the ideals and principles of Oahspe that are far above its spiritual realm. Look, in the end, all of this book’s discourse has the sole aim of stopping others from needlessly putting their faith and soul into false gods and false religions which is in truth an actual cult of Saphah that would interpose itself between the Great Spirit of the Universe and each of us. Oahspe never should have had Saphah in it, and Oahspe needs to be rid of Saphah as soon as possible.


§14: Plate 84: The Tablet of Port-Pan Algonquin *6

Unlabeled Images and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Port-Pan-Algonquin: 39→) *6 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Port-Pan-Algonquin: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Native American, Pan, I’hin Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, spirit powers test, inner circle, emphasis of secret sacred words and signs, 281

Withheld Elements: passwords, signs.

The first observation to be made concerns the title of this plate: “PortPan Algonquin.” Pan refers to the submerged continent, and Algonquin to a Native American tribe. Port? There is no such term in Oahspe anywhere. Consequently, nothing makes sense for this reference unless you notice that it is a misspelling of “Poit,” which is, according to references in Saphah, one of the first languages of Pan. Now having said that, this is once again another case of the Masons of Saphah mixing and matching completely unrelated histories. The Algonquin tribes have no relationship to Pan nor to Poit (assuming you think this is not fake also). After the submerging of Pan, according to Oahspe, Panic tribes did reach America. However they reached America on the West Coast and further south. Thousands of years later, the Algonquin came into being far from the West Coast, being primarily located near the Great Lakes and New England. *4466


Pre-Contact Distribution of Algonquian Languages The right conclusion therefore is that this “Poit-Pan-Algonquin” link is just a bunch of malarkey, a fake history as it were. Looking at how the Algonquian tribles are situated, it seems much more likely they arrived from the North Why is this being done at all? The linking of completely separate religious and ethnic groups is based on the Masonic philosophy of making a collage of every spiritual symbol and terminology and claiming this as their own. Looking back at the other plates as well, we see groupings that include the merging combinations of Israel, China, Pan, Kii, Phonecian, I’hins, Egypt and Algonquin. For the Masonic Saphahist, the glorifying of self comes first and foremost, for it is for their own self-flattery to claim they are greater than all the priests, scribes, philosophers, and mystics of these groups BECAUSE the Masons have simultaneously adopted all of them into Masonry. The Masons: greater than the I’hins, the Egyptians, the Algonquins because 283

all of these and their signs are on our plates and in our rites. Plate Masonic Symbols (21 images): hand, cup, compass, L-square, skull, cross-bones, trowel, gau plumbline, crossed swords, serpent, ear, eye, hatchet, bull, goat, stair steps, apron, burning altar, triangle, lamp. The text lines up pretty well with this plate. Unfortunately, it is naught but a prized collection of Masonic symbols. Be honest, there is no way would the Algonquins have swords. Be honest, in no way do these symbols inspire love or a higher spirituality:

In no way did any higher angels have anything to do with such violent and evil-looking images. Rite Text Masonic Symbols (13 references): serpent, ear, stairs, burning altar, goat, cardinal directions, lion, burning altar, hatchet, triangle, stair steps, lamp. The Masonic symbols are present in this text, as well as the masterinitiate style of ritual dialogue. The focus is exclusively on spiritual 284

symbolism alone as the means of spiritual progression. What is the sign of half a dog, of half a horse, and a man's head? What is the sign of the black hand and black onk, the slaying tool? What is the sign of Oke-un (tent), and the sign of the black head of the Ghi-ee (eagle), and the black mouth with black tongue projecting? (Saphah, Port-Pan-Algonquin: 24-25, 30) The entire rite has dozens of such questions in true Masonic-style. In other words, spiritual progression takes place through rites, through learning carefuly what each “sacred� symbol means. These are abhorrent ideas as well as in contradiction to what Oahspe explains as spirituality. The Masonic spirits are in no way being shy about how they wish to distort the teachings of Oahspe into that of their path. What is astounding is how few actual Oahspeans have acutally objected to such trash as this found in Saphah.

The Tablet of Port-Pan Algonquin Totals: *62 Percenta Number ge of of terms terms Without Without Average an an Total Numb Exterior Exterior Total Referen Saphah er of referenc referenc Referen ces Per Referen Terms ed ed ces Term ces 7 6 86% 14 2.0 14

Average Saphah Referen ces Per Term 2.0

Rite Text Masonic Mysterious Words (7 terms): Az-aj (stretcher), Chaigi (enchantment words), Ghi-ii (eagle), Oi (priest), Oke-un (tent), 285

Onga / Ho-anga (master / prophet), Orugh (stairs). While the plate itself has no captions for its terms, the text does contain a smattering of mysterious terms. None are found anywhere else except within the rite itself. All are Masonic symbols. In other words, unless you belong to the inner circle elite of the Oahspean Saphahs, this is all a dead end. In truth, anyone looking to Saphah for spiritual progress has reached a dead end. Key Text: He who taught thee all the other signs will now teach thee three thou knowest not. After which the Oi will invest thee with cloth and with the signs of Chaigi (words of enchantment), that when thou travelest in far-off lands thou shalt be received as a brother. (Sapah, Port-Pan-Algonquin: 41).*6 And so we now also see in this Masonic symbol terminology learning, the goal of learning many mysterious words with the purpose of fellowship building with any other lodge member, in any other country. All you need to know is the signs and passwords; otherwise you are NOT a chosen one, you are not a member of God’s Chosen People. Oahspe teaches us differently and in a truthful rather than a false manner: To find harmony in Thee, O Jehovih; to measure the Goodness of Thee; to rejoice in one's joys; to treasure Thy best gifts; to laud Thy love; to love Thee because Thou hast given me power to love, and things to love; to rejoice in Thy fruits and flowers and all perfected things; to harp forever upon Thy glories and the magnitude of Thy creation; to sing praises to Thee for harmony wherever found; 286

to love to comprehend all good things; to find the good that is in all men and women; to rejoice in delights; to teach others to rejoice, and to search after all perfected beauties and goodness and righteousness and love; these shall be my service unto Thee, my everlasting Father. (Lika 18:25)


§15: Plate 85: Anubis and the Haunted Chamber *6

Unlabeled Images and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Anubis: 24↔34) *6 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Anubis:: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Egypt Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, symbolic gods role-play, spirit powers test, death and resurrection, vows of service, covenant of secrecy, wearing animal costumes, emphasis of secret sacred words and signs, Withheld Elements: ceremonial acts, salutations, passwords, signs. Anubis is a false god of Egyptian origin, a major figure in the ancient Egyptian religion as well as later day Masonic-style cults who keep the worship of Anubis alive. In the Egyptian Mysteries Anubis shares in the honors which were paid to Osiris and Isis. *654321 288

Anubis *67890 According to Oahspe: The Lord God (Anuhasaj) said unto satan: Who first shall I bring into my favor? Satan said: Thou shalt first bring into thy favor Anubi, Master of the Scales of Heaven, and when thou hast this to thy liking, thou shalt call him Thy Son and Savior of Men! (Wars VI:3) *6 Anubis is a false god of Egyptian origin, a major figure in the ancient 289

He worked in service to Anuhasaj, who was one of the most enslaving false gods in the heavenly histories of our world. And yes, the Masons did and do revere Anubis: Hail Anubis, Guardian of the Duat, Keeper of the Dead, the Divine Lawyer, Weigher of Hearts, Master of Ammit, Beloved son of Osiris, leader of the souls to the light, Protector of the Living, patron of hounds, I honor you. O Anpu, Anubis, Divine Sem or Kheri-Heb, He who establishes the column of the Djed pillar, Physician of Osiris on his bed, You who restores life to the lifeless, hear me. Fulfill whatever I ask of you, For it shall not be evil or time consuming, within reason. I ask of this in the name of the benevolent Kheri-Heb Master, everliving and justified. *6777777 Here once more is another prayer or rite of adoration where none should ever exist. This is being done because the Masons, like many cults, never wish to take responsibility for working out their own salvation by working humbly for those in real need such as the poor. They pretend to do so but that is it. No, their idea of salvation is the same as the major religions, have some guy in heaven grant it to them at no cost other than becoming their adoring slave.


Plate Masonic Symbols (8 images): a skull, 2 pillars, winged globe (sun), measuring scale, stair steps, goat, bull, burning urn. There are not many symbols in this plate but they are pretty much all Masonic, one tradition of which is revering in the highest degree all that is Egyptian. Rite Text Masonic Symbols (10 images): sword, sun, scales, gau plumb-line, 2 pillars, sun, lamps, Osiris, Gau, cup. While the Masonry symbolism is here once again, it is just as important to note that the style is a heavy-handed master-initiate one, where death is threatened and secrets revealed are impressed upon the initiates as a matter to keep secret under penalty of death. Consider the followon portions of this death rite from Anubis of Saphah: M.: I am Death! All who enter here must die! Are ye prepared? Mercury (alias Saug, heavy): Hark! What fearful words! M.: 291

Silence! J.: Alas, O Death, spare us! Command us as thou wilt, but slay us not. M.: Impious mortals, know ye this place is consecrated to the spirits of the dead? All who enter here must die! Mer.: We implore Thee, O Death! Is there no respite? M.: Over your heads I hold the two-edged sword. Fear ye, and tremble when I command. (Saphah: Anubis 3-9) So from near the start of this rite it is clear that threats of death are present. No one is worthy except when they submit to the authority or ruler of this rite, to the dictator of this cult. This is the enslaving principle being established. And in a similar vein, consider the following later passage from the same rite. S.: On one condition only can I save you from Death's hand. I have here scales on which I weigh mortals, and by your words shall ye be weighed, for all words manifest the spirit within. If, therefore, ye repeat after me the words I utter, ye shall live. But if ye do not so utter them, ye shall be handed over to Death. (Saphah: Anubis 14) Once again the threat of death is invoked and full compliance to the rite is demanded if slaughtering murder is to be avoided. Secrecy concerning the rites is also demanded, and death is implied as the punishment concerning the failure to keep such secrecy. These words are indeed from Saphah and the threats are indeed beholden to Masonic prinicples: S.: My friends, repeat your own names and then these words (the initiates give their names): Of my own free will, in presence of these 292

spirits and mortals, do I covenant that I will forever keep and never reveal any of the secrets or mysteries I may receive within this chamber. (Saphah: Anubis 19) Forever is a long time! Absolute obedience and absolute secrecy are the measure once again of where those partaking of this rite are heading. This is the essence of what a cult is: obtaining mindless assent to being controlled by masters. In this may be helpless or distressed. So keep me, Thou, who makest and rulest over all. Make me steadfast to keep this, my solemn covenant; and I bind myself under no less a penalty than to forfeit all spirit presence both in this world and the next, and the good-fellowship of all men, if I should fail to keep this, my holy covenant. Saphah: Anubis 21) Here too an extreme oath of subservience is sworn, far greater than is right for anyone to which to swear. In fact this oath is far more severe than under penalty of death, not merely a physical death but rather a spiritual death, where eternal annihilation is the punishment! There is nothing holy about this covenant. In token of your fidelity to the covenant, drink ye of this nectar of life. (Because they were saved from death.) (The cup is then passed from one to another, and all drink of it. In the Algonquin tribes of America the ceremony was the same, save that a pipe was smoked instead of the drink, and to this day it is practiced by them as a pledge of peace and brotherhood.) (Saphah: Anubis 33) There is no way in high heaven that the Algonquin tribes practiced a death ceremony to similar what ithis Oahaspe group practiced. Look at any Native American spiritual event or sweat lodge prayer session. Nothing of this kind from the Anubis rite ever happens. There certainly 293

is no record of such in any of the Algonquin quin tribes reveal. Excuse me for pointing out this lie. As given above, Masonry has similar death customs: When a freemason is being initiated into the third degree he is nearly as possible struck on the forehead in the dark, being then pushed back either into a coffin or onto a coffin shape design on the floor. His fellow masons then lift him up and when he opens his eyes he is confronted with a human skull and crossed bones. Under this death threat, and other death threats he swears, as initiated, into each new degree. How then, can any freemason of third degree or higher be trusted, particularly in public office? He is hoodwinked literally and metaphorically, voluntarily placing himself in a cult... and under a curse. (Masonic province of Bristol, byelaws from Provincial Yearbook 1987*664646 So just as death is a threat in the Rite of Anubis, so too is it common for the Masons after a few levels are achieved. Rite Text Masonic Mysterious Words (4 terms): Aises (Jupiter), Saug (Mercury), Dan (Sun), Hyastra (Ceres), Du’jie (Venus). None of these mysterious words are ever mentioned again in Oahspe, and are found only in this Saphah section. Truly they are mysterious but that is the point. Only the initiated are taught what the Masonicstyle masters know and allow. Of course, such terms are worse than useless in that they are simply more bondage for the mind to process, just one more wall erected between the Creator and His / Her children. The Tablet of Anubis Totals: *62 Numb Number Percenta Total Average Saphah er of of terms ge of Referen Total Referen 294

Average Saphah

Terms Without terms an Without Exterior an referenc Exterior ed referenc ed 4 4 100%


Referen ces Per Term


Referen ces Per Term





Once again, there is not a single reference elsewhere in Oahspe to these terms. Remember I am counting the text reference itself as one reference. Dead-end mysterious words are where the Masons live. It makes them feel superior and powerful when in truth it only means they are deceptive and arrogant.

Some might rightly wonder whether due to these “idolatries” and falsifications on the part of the editors of Oahspe that it might be best to simply reject Oahspe as a whole. One could argue that since the Masons were calling the shots back then, no one should put any credence to any of Oahspe. I could not disagree more. Each of us should value ideas that are important to us. Oahspe never became important to me because it was channeled. I didn’t value it because so many new agers thought it was great. I sure didn’t value Oahspe because there were so many people in my life who loved the book (they did not!). I valued and still value Oahspe because of its spiritual ideas, that to me so far in my life, are the highest ideas I have yet come across. Consider this as one of Oahspe’s hundreds of passages that absolutely do inspire, that absolutely is the highest idea I have yet come across in my spiritual studies: 295

God said: I have heard thy prayer, O man: Thy kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. Hast thou considered thy words? And art thou prepared for it? Hast thou fulfilled the commandments? And lovest thou thy neighbor as thyself? And hast thou done unto the least, as thou desirest thy Creator to do unto thee? Now, behold, Jehovih hath sent me, thy God, to answer thy prayer. I demand of thee, that thou hast no favorite doctrine above thy neighbor; And that thou art servant to no God, nor Lord, nor Savior, nor church, unacceptable to any man in all the world. But, that thou servest Jehovih with all thy wisdom and strength, by doing good unto thy fellow-men with all thy might. That, because thou art strong, or wise, or rich, thou understandest, that thou shalt use these excellencies for raising up such as have them not, believing, that Jehovih so provided thee to that end. (Judgment 22:1-7) *6 And so Oahspe challenges to work for the poor and to sacrifice for them. Oahspe challenges us to give up our religions and religious books and priests. These are examples of higher ideals to believe in. I kept a copy of this passage on my wall during university. It is one of many passages that inspired me to work for the poorest in our world. I am a better person because of Oahspe’s messages of spiritual truth. I am a better person because of the service I was able to contribute at times. I am far from achieving what Oahspe has called on the world to achieve. But such ideas and ideals as these have NOTHING to do what is in Saphah, a corruption and a deception of what stands for spiritual truth, and contrary to Oahspe. But when a man saith all things are of Jehovih, either directly or indirectly; whatsoever is good in them is my delight—know thou that that man is a builder. To strive continually to comprehend the right, and to do it—this is excellent discipline. To be capable 296

of judging the right, and ever to practice it within a fraternity —this is Godliness. In the day thou judgest thyself, as with the eye of thy Creator, thou art as one about to start on a long journey through a delightful country. In the day thou hast rendered judgment against thyself for not practicing thy highest light, thou art as one departed from a coast of breakers toward mid-ocean—like one turned from mortality toward Jehovih! like one turned from perishable things toward the Ever Eternal—the Almighty. And when thou hast joined with others in a fraternity to do these things— then thou hast begun the second resurrection. (Discipline 13:7-12) These also are high and inspiring words. So here is another passage basically pushing us to become a better person through greater selfcontrol, through less selfishness. Now, therefore, when thou judgest thyself, to determine the balance of thy good and evil deeds, and thy good and evil thoughts, let thy Creator stand as the light of thy soul, and, through Him, judge thou thyself, but not as to thy worship, but as to thy works. Neither shalt thou judge thyself by any God, or Lord, or Savior, or by any idol, or by any man or woman; for thou standest thyself second to Jehovih in thy attributes. It behooveth thee to make a God of thyself, in thy behavior and in thy words and deeds. Neither shalt thou judge thyself by any sacred book, or any bible, in all the world; nor by the words within them purporting to be my words, or the words of any God, Lord or Savior. For I have abolished all such sacred books and bibles and words and sayings contained in them, purporting to be my words and the words of any God, Lord or Savior. Neither shalt thou bind thyself by them, nor judge thyself by anything that is written or printed in them. But, behold, I declare a greater glory 297

and judge unto thee in place thereof, which is Jehovih, thy Creator. By Him and through Him shalt thou judge, and be judged. Books are maculate; but Jehovih, never. (Judgment 20:22-29) So here is a passage condemning cultisim, religion, and the worship of books and priests. Is not this the exact opposite of what the Masons and of what Saphah are advocating? Thus the real truths of Oahspe when contemplated sincerely have led me to seek and live a higher spiritual path. I find no reason to repudiate these ideas because the world would be better off if such concepts were lived more fully by more of us. In short, I won’t allow the evil that the writers of Saphah slapped onto Oahspe to poison the well of truths Oahspe offers for the betterment of our lives and our world. If any would choose to do so, they have that option. For myself, it is clear, Oahspe has great value. But the deceptions of the Masons placed into it must be removed before they do more harm, as they already have, creating cults of various darkness around the world. So let’s go straight to the heart of the matter of this section. This rite, as well as all the rites of Saphah, are abhorrent idolatry. Here we find for the nineth (!) time so far, the worship of a false god in the name of mysticism and Oahspe, to wit: Osiris, Isis, Taurus, Aries, Mithris, Hongshe, He’jo’is, Fo'e'tses and now Anubis. I recall seeing these rites as a new reader of Oahspe. It was shocking and confusing at the time. However, because of the marvelous spiritual truths presented in the real text Oahspe, I simply decided to give this false god worship a pass. I thought at that time that perhaps what was being presented was simply a historical record in the manner of 298

presenting what the non-Faithist cultists were pursuing thousands of years ago. Yet as I read more closely, it became clear that there was actually a positive stance being taken towards the rite as if it were to be a model for true Faithism. In fact, current and past Newbrough lodges practiced and are practing these rites. Again, I simply shrugged my shoulders, wondered what the hell was going on, and turned my attention to the actual gems of spiritual knowledge and wisdom in Oahspe. Now I know better via research, as one by one the pieces of Masonic infiltration have fallen into place.


§16: Plate 86: Agoquim: Bible of the Mound-Builders*6

Unlabeled Images and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Saphah – Agoquim 7↔7) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Agoquim: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Native America, I’hin Rite Format: Exalting priests and prophets, Withheld Elements: Apparently none. The first ridiculous claim given here is that this tablet is the “bible” of the mound-builers, also known as the I’hins. This statement is so wrong in several aspects. The I’hins’ spiritual path was spiritualism, where their seers were able to see and hear those of the spirit world. 300

The I’hins were taught by the angels to directly worship the Great Spirit, The Creator, The I’hins had a prayer wheel at most and had at no time any need for books, plates, and arcaic symbols. They had no books nor bibles. The term Egoquim refers to the Creator as stated in Oahspe many times over. The term Agoquim is stated nonwhere else in Oahspe. Saphah editors make a habit of changing one letter of a word when they wish to present it as a descendent of another, for example: E’do (U’do), Ah (W’ah), D’yo (N’yo), Erat (Eret), Hoi (Oi), Ug (Ugh), Hak (Hark), and such pairs of words goes on and on, over a hundred of such exist in Sapha. Basically, this is an over-simiplification of how languages change from one to another. It is not realistic in terms of true linguistic language transformation principles. However it a convenient way to attempt to deceive others into believing there is authenticity in Saphah’s presentation of languages. One other assumption that could be made is that this term refers to an I’hin tribe of North America as well, being perhaps a made up derivation of Algonquin This section starts off indeed with the entity Agoquim making various spiritual proclamations as if the Creator: Agoquim said: These are My divisions for the twelve feasts of the Gods of heaven. Observe ye them in My name, for they are My inheritance, bestowed to enrich the wisdom of men. (Saphah: Agoquim 1) *6 A look at this plate confirms that there are twelve divisions. And yes the number twelve, just as there are twelve zodiac signs, is a number often associated with mystical connotations. However, the actual content of this proclamation is NOT very much in line with the basic spiritual 301

concepts being promoted in Oahspe. The Twelve feasts of the Gods? How incredibly paganistic can the wording get! Since when are The Gods to be focused upon instead of the Creator? And then this proclamation emphatically asserts these ritual feasts are a PRIME means to resurrection and as such, should be observed in order to receive wisdom directly from the Creator. This goes totally against what Oahspe itself affirms in this quote and in many others as well: And as to the religion of this man, or that man; behold, it hath come to pass, that each, in his own order, performeth his rites and ceremonies and sacrifices and prayers, like a trained horse in a showman's circle, going round and round, and knowing not the meaning thereof. For it is come to pass that the religions have made machines of the worshippers; the law books have made machines of the courts; the books of government have made machines of governors and emperors. (Eskra 33:25-26) *6 And so rites are far from being the core of resurrection. Yes, they have some value, if contructed simply, humbly and directly by the participants. Yet rites are NOT the means of achieving resurrection. The bottom-line for resurrection, ascension into higher realms, is real sacrificing service for those in need: Wherein thy soul perceiveth a ray of light, follow it in truth, and not in words merely. It hath been said of old: Thou canst not serve both, God and self. And many go about preaching this, but they themselves, labor for self every day. To serve thy God, is to work for others, especially the sick and helpless, and not for thyself. Thy prayers and confessions to me are but the waste of thy breath. There be such as preach for money, 302

and withal are graduated from the colleges and called, learned priests; but they have not yet learned not to serve mammon, save in words. I say unto thee, that a poor man, who can not read a line, that goeth into the house of the afflicted, giving what little he hath, and, with a willing heart, cleaneth the floor and garments of the bed-ridden, is more learned in my kingdoms than are these graduated preachers. The word, labor, or work, is easily understood. Suffer not thyself to be deceived by them whose trade is preaching and praying. They profess to be laboring for the spiritual man; and, according to the number of their converts, who are also taught words and prayers and confessions, instead of works, so are they called, great workers unto the Lord. But I say unto thee, all these are but the subterfuges of satan (self), to palm off words for works. (Judgment 16:2-9) *6 Hence, being a priest or rabbah or reverend is NOT a path of resurrection. Reading “holy” books and publicly praying are also NOT the path of resurrection. Such things in these times are but cultist, religious entrapment. There is only one way to arise spiritually and that is to work as hard as you can for the good of others, or to put it another way, to work so that others may find the path of resurrection. Basically, people become priests, and reverends and rabbahs because they do NOT wish to make any sacrifice to help others. They only want an easy path where they get and do NOT give, where they are glorified and are seen as esteemed. They do NOT seek to raise others except in the sense they will be seen as holy or as the spiritually elite. Yes, they will talk about direct inspiration being received from the Creator and about serve unto others, but every one sentence will be about their symbols, their “mystic” rites, their fine oratory, and high knowledge and wisdom which only they can give us. Can you say “hogwash” with me?


At any rate, the rest of this passage addresses in a very general manner as to how the I’hins are to live, how they shall be protected, and how they shall conduct their spirit communion circles and how they shall recognize their chief seer: But the dwelling of the Hoonshawassie (the prophet) shall have one Ongji (window). And he shall have a Mukagawin, the true sign of poverty, and it shall be his jewel, made of copper and gold. For whom I have made to live in poverty in this world will I exalt in heaven. Only the poor have I made to be My prophets. (Saphah: Agoquim 10-11) *6 How very ironic! That the person who is to be the chief seer or prophet must be actually poor but shall be adorned with expensive jewelry. This is a strange statement in one further sense. The I’hins lived in a commune of equality, where riches were not pursued, harmony and peace were maintained, living much as the angels live in a sense, as persons of a high spiritual nature. Hence, for the Agoquim the Creator to declare the chief prophet is poor is a ridiculous statement. Each and every I’hin was poor economically-speaking! That is how they managed to live as one, by sharing and holding all things in common. Thus this effort to exalt the chief prophet of the community is truly inconsistent and incorrect with what is written already about the I’hins in Oahspe. And because man was without knowledge, My Gods and Lords appointed certain masters of generations (loo'is), who were ethereans of great wisdom, to abide with mortals and inspire such marriages as would best promote spiritual growth from the start. And there came forth amongst all people certain ones capable of sar'gis and su'is, and they 304

heeded the commandments of My Gods and Lords, forsaking evil and striving to serve the spirit, choosing Me above all things. Wherefore I chose them also, and called them I'hins. (Cycles 3.22) Even more in contradiction, Oahspe itself states that the true I’hins would never adorn themselves in gold or copper or silver: But these are my chosen, that live in mounds, and in cities with wooden walls, and clay walls. They are the greatest of all people. They dress not in gaudy colors, nor ornament themselves with copper and silver and gold. (Lord’s 3rd: I:14). This is just more proof that what is in Saphah is garbage and is not just incorrect and false, but is in fact in complete opposition to what Oahspe states. So very many times, as this is a core new age principle being espoused in Oahspe, it is stated that no longer do priests have any legitimate right to exist in a new age community. They are enslaving masters of past religions and whose cultish roles should never again be honored or brought back into our communities of the new age: In Kosmon, I shall not come to make a servant of man unto man; nor to make him afraid, when the priest speaketh. I will make man hold up his head fearlessly before men, in remembrance of his daily covenant unto Me, his Creator, in the practice of righteousness. In that day, the preacher and the priest shall be of little avail; My standard shall be of good works, and not of words. (Es: 1:23-24) 305

*6 In other words, the era of priests and priestesses is over, finished, never to be used again. Yet behold! The Kosmon Church has priests! American “Oahspe” groups have their reverends and priests. Did these people ever read Oahspe? What is it in them that makes them think they can gainsay the Words of the Creator, and decide to become priests and reverends anyway?! Well, these “holy ones”, these “divine priests and reverends,” can point at the Book of Saphah, which glorifies priests and masters many times over. You know, Saphah, the very fake and anti-Oahspe fraud writings, which once again stains Oahspe with its bastard lies, pretending to be part of the family of books from Oahspe, though it, Saphah, never was! Consider the last verse of this section: Agoquim said: To the priests have I given authority to make My signs and symbols, and to bestow them on My righteous children. (Saphah: Agoquim 14) *6 And so, there you have it! Saphah, under the editorship of Masons and Masonic spirits, spewing forth lies that are contradicted directly in Oahspe in many places concerning the absolute repudiation of priests and reverends. The time has come! Abolish Saphah and its dangerously harmful, enslaving lies from Oahspe. Let no one hearken to these distortions in Saphah! As mentioned before, the Masons see themselves as the epitome of all spiritual denominations. They believe they are above the I’hins, the Jews, the Egyptians, and Native Americans because they co-opt what they, the Masons, believe are the essential spiritual symbols for these groups. The Masons and the Master Saphah Faithists do not worship the Creator, but rather, believe they are the Creator. Oh they pretend to 306

be working to fulfil the Will of the Creator, but they have no intention of helping anyone, they have only the intention to control others, to make them believe that only their bizarre rites and symbolism collections are the path to resurrection. Plate Masonic Symbols: compass, L-square, pyramid, triangle, hand, stair steps, sailing ships, Star of David. There are Masonic signs in every one of these twelve sections, called “feasts” in the text. While the Masons will pretend these images are of the I’hins or Native American, there is only proof they are Masonic. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: cardinal directions, sun (2 terms). The number of such terms is low because the main voice of this section is purportedly that of the Creator. However as shown earlier, the text is in direction contradiction to what the rest of Oahspe states. So the question remains: why does it matter if Saphah remains in Oahspe? Answer: Because all these fake “holy” prophets and priests are working to deceive others, just as Newbrough did at Shalam, and hundreds are now doing across the Internet. While looking for research on this plate, I came across a video which glorifies this Agoquim text and its accompanying plate. The makers of the video have scores of other videos about Oahspe. I have corresponded with them at times and we were in the same meditation group for a year or two. I have been pondering whether I may name names in this analysis of Saphah and Saphah-Masonic-style lodges and churches. The decision I have reached is that I should do just that because the Light of Truth needs to be shone upon those who would, however well-meaning, publicly distort the real message and ideals of Oahspe. 307

In my personal experience with them, via Yahoo groups, they did not brook any discussion where they were not considered the superior. To do so would be to court their anger. However gentle and mild they may seem in their videos, when confronted with those who have a different interpretation, they become angry and self-righteous. I suspect this is true of all of the Saphah-Masonic “gurus.” It is true of each false prophet I have interacted with — for they are truly obsessed with their own “higher divinity” and control over others. I had intended to not broach this subject so soon in this book.Yet it is alarming to see the hundreds of “would-be-holy-ones” who are using the Internet and especially Youtube to woo a following of those who are suppose to revere them as shamans and prophets. At least in this case, I have decided to do so because it is time in this book to see how these persons have twisted and distorted what Oahspe stands for. These particular individuals are ordained as “priests” or “reverend.” Their names are Vernon and Ruth. They insist upon being addressed as reverend and above all else work to be perceived as holy ones from God Almighty.

I shall begin with some screen shots from their video:


Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate*22233 Their work in coloring plates from Oahspe is well-known in the Oahspe community. They do good work, aesthetically-speaking. The intention is to make the plates look less bleak and more attractive, which they certainly are, if not downright scary. Yet the coloring has no basis in fact upon which to stand and is simply modifying that which is already false. Show anywhere inside or outside of Oahspe that these colors represent what the I’hins made. This is impossible because this plate in itself has no basis to be called authentic. The arguments already given prove this. Note: these cultish false prophets when confronted never argue rationally, never consider for an instant they might be completely wrong. It is too beneath them. They simply get angry and condemn you for even attempting to discuss an open question using logic and real proof. 309

Is this coloring work a spiritually positive or negative? It must be concluded as negative since no one has ever successfully proven that this plate and its accompanying rite text are of any merit, spiritually or historically. In fact, I have in the preceding paragraphs proven that they are without question antagonistic to Oahspe itself, going against the very core principles of Oahspe. By the way, I would welcome anyone to counter any argument I have ever made in this section or any section. I can be wrong but on the whole, the proof is being provided for what is being stated in this book.

Vernon and Ruth’s Colorization of a Hand and a Compass Close Up of these MASONIC SYMBOLS*22233 This is the result when one blindly follows every aspect of a book or system without thinking about what is before you. Here we have Masonic symbols superimposed in a worshipful manner over a cosmic background, as if the universe must approves of and is represented by a hand and a compass. 310

Vernon and Ruth’s Colorization of a Foot and L-Square Close Up of these MASONIC SYMBOLS*22233 And here we have a foot and an L-square superimposed over our world amidst some dawning light, implying that these “holy” symbols are meant as salvation for our world. A foot? This is idolatry at its worst. Yet if you contacted the makers of this cult video, they would be incredulous that anyone could find fault in glorifying human body parts and carpenter tools. This would be laughable except for the disgusting reality is that there are so many new age generations desperate for non-major religion spiritual ideas, they can and often do latch on to such false narratives and enslaving dogma quite easily. Vernon and Ruth, as the image stills from their video demonstrates, are glorifying symbols, Masonic symbols, which are but a spiritual path that seeks to be hypnotized by ancient signs. This same mind games path seeks to glorify cultist priests, as well as seeks to block out the Creator’s direct inspiration by these priests, symbols and enslaving 311

rituals. If anyone is denying any of this, then you have not read even the words of this section with anything approaching an open mind, a mind of integrity. Yes, they get hundreds and thousands of views on Youtube but that is to their everlasting shame for deceiving so many persons about what Oahspe truly is about which in fact is: service to the Creator, freedom through the Creator, faith in the Creator, and love in the Creator within us all. Now let us consider the primary text message of this video. Vernon reads aloud the cult rites. Ruth gives her false take on what Agoquim is by saying: The meaning of certain sacred symbols are also revealed, unveiling a glimpse into ancient written codes. *22233 She errs by professing these signs as sacred without explanation or proof. A glimpse? Into what? Once again there is no explanation, just a proclamation. This is darkness being presented as light. Ruth continues: The I’hins were endowed with sacred signs and symbols by which knowledge of the Great Spirit was preserved. *22233 So the means towards reaching the Great Spirit can only be preserved using these symbols? A foot? An L-Square? Thank you for explaining this all at last! The I’hins, just as modern people today, follow their highest spiritual path when seeking to directly communicate with the Great Spirit. Oahspe states this hundreds of times but the false prophets don’t care about that. You see, the symbols are a means of control that they use over their 312

followers. No one can be controlled, such as in a cult, who is communicating as one directly with their Creator. The false prophets may make allusions to such, but the reality is quite different in their emphasis, as they lead you in discussions about how many Masonic symbols can fit on the head of a pin (sarcasm off).

Eawatah (Hiawatha) taught the Ongwe of the Great Spirit and the ways of living in peace. Essences of the teachings and practices are persevered to this day among the Native Americans in their Medicine Wheel and its twelve moons. *22233 When you reject logic and consistency in favor of the “inexplicable” and self-glorifying, the end result is a maze of wrong and unrelated ideas. Here we have Ruth bringing up a prophet for Native Americans from Oahspe who did not even live at the time of the I’hins. Native Americans do not get into any of the symbols presented in Agoquim, such as a “compass” or an “L-squre.” No doubt they would laugh at all of this, if they did not feel insulted first by this forced association of Native American culture with this claptrap. Thus the idea must be that since there is nothing real about any of this, then the next best propaganda technique is to smear it with something that exists today such as Native Americans, especially since most New Agers will immediately approve of the Native American path. By the way, the Sign of the Four Directions (the Medicine Wheel) is NOWHERE to be seen in the images of the Agoquim plate. So Vernon and Ruth just superimpose it over their celestial sky in a bid to make everyone think that Native Americans trace their spiritual path to this plate: Incidentally, Ruth mentions the twelve moons of the Native American 313

rites, having them appear surrounding the the Medicine Wheel. She states that such corresponds to this rite but nowhere is there any mention of any moon in the text nor is there any image of a moon in the plate.

Vernon and Ruth’s Fake Attempt to Assocate Native Americans with the Fake Agoquim Plate*22233 Vernon and Ruth then superimpose together the colorized versions of the fake Algonquin Tablet with the fake Agoquim Plate when Ruth then notes that: This tablet is related to the Algonquin Tablet. Each tablet and ceremony sheds light on the other. *22233 Of course the tablets are related because they both use Masonic symbols. Please note that the I’hins and Native Americans never used these symbols. While these symbols are shared on both plates, they shed no light because there is no light. Only the Creator and the 314

Universe are light. And here we find another plug to use these plates in ceremony as a means towards resurrection. That is just wrong and is in fact disgusting to state such. At this point Vernon narrates the rite text while the symbols are superimposed over anything these holy prophets could find that might look like them. The result is sometimes creepy, sometimes hilarious yet disturbing also. Let the reader judge for themselves and may the reader be wiser than those who are fooled by such image associations which are asking all to make the wrong conclusions about what a true spiritual path really means:


Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (1 &2)*22233


Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (3&4)*22233

Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (5)*22233


Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (6&7)*22233


Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (8)*22233

Vernon and Ruth’s Agoquim Plate Imagery (9)*22233 There is so much that needs to be done in the world where real service to those in need would be of such value for the homeless, the orphans, gang-troubled youth, isolated elderly, the drug addicted, or the poor. How will any fake rite or false prophet and their brainwashing videos and websites do anything of value for the world? Such only make the 319

world worse as their mental machinations create spiritual blindness and bondage to meaningless signs and less than holy cult leaders. Additionally, as you will see later in the history of Oahspe-Saphah groups, so many members really did suffer emotionally, financially or even die due to this cult ideology.

ยง17: Plates 87, 88, 99: Baugh-ghan-ghad / The Golgotha Temple*6


Unlabeled Images and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had:18↔18) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had: 1←)*44 Before any element of Baugh-ghan-ghad is considered, it is essential to keep in mind that Oahspe is above all advocating a philosophy of nonviolence, where all killing is abhorred. Consider the following from its peace promoting words: And all of this is to one purpose; not to build up or exalt any man, nor God, nor religion, but to found Jehovih's kingdom on earth. To give man the system of universal peace, love, harmony and Kosmon, adapted to all nations and peoples in all the world. (Judgment 37:1-14) Yet, the Faithists, having faith in the All Person, shall ultimately 321

possess the whole earth, and make it a paradise of peace and love. (Judgment 2:16) Come! Come! The Father's kingdom is free! Come! Come! In peace and quietness thou shalt be thine own master! Behold, the Father's places rise higher and higher! Not downward, to the lower kingdoms, nor to the earth, nor to re-incarnation, the invented tale of drujas; but upward to wisdom, goodness, love and happiness. Because ye have put away the All Person, ye have fallen in the mire; ye have closed your eyes to yonder higher heaven. Come, O ye that are in bondage! Cut loose from all! Fly to Him Who brought ye forth to life! Disown the world! And self! And all the Gods and Saviors! Lords and kings! Be Jehovih's! Sworn to peace and love! To good works and righteousness! (Wars 55:11-12) I proclaim all people His People; and I say also, go forth and redeem the world. But not with words only, nor by the sword, nor by armies of destroyers but by peace and love, and providing remedies for the poor, and afflicted, and helpless, and distressed. (Ouranothen 1:24) Thou shalt not kill man, nor beast, nor bird, nor creeping thing, for they are the Lord's. (1st Lords 1st 3:3) Scores more of similarly idealistic passages are written in Oahspe. Love, vegetarianism, and pacificism are then the core tenets of Oahspe. There is no place for hatred or violence against any man, woman or child. Truly Oahspe expounds on a spiritual path that is matches the highest ideals of the new age, where all darkness and evil have no place in our new age communities, where the potential for heaven on earth utopias is the goal. 322

And now before us — in the greatest degree possible of opposition to such noble aspirations, comes the terrifying and just plain evil Rite of Baugh-ghan-ghad. The Rite of Baugh-ghan-ghad defies all spiritual sensibilities. For starters, it engages in the brutal imagery of mass murder and cannibalism. Even if it were included as a counter-example of nonFaithist rites, the very inclusion of the descriptions of such bloody butchery make it still unfit for a book of absolute nonviolence. It is incomprehensible that the editors of Oahspe would decide to include this rite yet they did and the only explanation is that Masons do things their way, being spiritually elite in their own eyes. Please note that the constellations of the animals and the stars and the sun and moon all depicted together are a means of representing this rite as heavenly, something ordained by the universe, by the Creator. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Let us next note then that the false god Baugh-ghan-ghad, is the tenth presented in the false Book of Saphah so far: Osiris, Isis, Taurus, Aries, Mithra, Hong-she, He’jo’is, Fo'e'tses and Anubis, being the previous ones honored. However, unlike the previous ones, the false god Baugh-ghan-ghad is unknown by this name in all ancient histories. However, just as the Zodiac signs of Taurus and Aries are also depicted in the tablets of Biene and Zerl, so also is Baugh-ghan-ghad, as Leo the Lion. The images of these plates are as follows:


Section from Biene Tablet*6

Section from Zerl Tablet*6 From this we can conclude that Baugh-ghan-ghad is not considered by the Masonic Saphahists as evil personified as would most sane persons but rather they consider Baugh-ghan-ghad as a spiritually progressive god who symbolizes forceful might. For this false god is not found just in Saphah but also was deliberately placed in the 324

Newbrough Lodge’s ritual sign collections. If nothing else, this repetition of false gods also demonstrates the degree of obsession that these Masonic spirits have for animalistic signs. The term itself, Baugh-ghan-ghad, where “Baugh” is a kind of onomatopoeia for “lions”, such as from the roar of one, while “ghan ghad” could be interpreted as meaning “man-god.” Therefore the full meaning of the name Baugh-ghan-ghad could be interpreted as “Roar of the Lion Man God.” It is somewhat ridiculously interesting to note that the title and subtitle of this section are: Baugh-Ghan-Ghad, Alias Baugh-gan-ghad. So a one-letter difference is pointed out, where an alias is nearly identifical with the original name. Surely no one cares but this minute difference is included because the Mason editors actually do. I think it may have something to do with these forgers’ guiding principle that linguistic transformations involve changing one letter from one word to another. Now while there is no known history of a false god named Baughghan-ghad, there have been numerous Lion-style false gods. For example, Narasimha (man-lion) is an avatar of the Hindu God Vishnu. Narasimha is similar to Baugh-ghan-ghad in terms of bloody violelence yet is differs in that the Indian false god destroys demons while Baugh-ghan-ghad destroys mankind. *68909 325

Narasimha*68909 As you might have guessed, the Masons revere the mystic symbolism of the lion: From the Freemason web magazine: The several allusions to the “king of beasts” that we encounter in our Masonic ritual are generally accepted as exclusively biblical. This is not, however, the fact. The great significance of the Lion in all manner of symbolic associations dates from the first inception of the zodiacal system of measuring the heavens and timing the great astronomical cycles, which appointed the sign of a Lion, the fiercest and most redoubtable of beasts, as that of the summer solstice, the moment of the year’s most ardent solar vigor. *68111 326

Hence the Masons include the the Lion God (though a false one in truth) as an important deity in their Masonic pantheon of gods.

Osiris being awakened by Anubis while his soul hovers above, about to return to the body. Note the bier in the form of a Lion. *68111 And their Lion God, as their symbolism often is, is mixed up together in as many ways as possible, with Egypitians, with Israel (The Lion of Judah), the Kabbalah and more. And similarly so too the Masonic Saphah cult leaders in Saphah strive to blend all these toxic images into a cultish, poisonous brew. Concerning the Hebrew Lion of Judah: The Lion of the Tribe of Judah� is so prominent in the ritual as to be most familiar and the Masonic world needs no instruction as to the significance of the paw of the lion. The lion was connected with resurrection long before the Man of Galilee walked upon the earth. In ancient Egypt, as 327

we learn from the stone carvings on the ruins of Temples, a lion raised Osiris from a dead level to a living perpendicular by a grip of his paw; the carvings show a figure standing behind the Altar, observing the raising of the dead, with its left arm raised, forming the angle of a square. *68111

And regarding the Kabbalah:

The Hebrew name of the Lion especially relates to this periodical change; for it is ARIH or 1+200+10+5, equaling 216, the digits of 2160, which added together, make 9 or 3 times 3. The God of Israel was the mathematical center of the universe, the point within the circle of the ecliptic, which was supposed to be its outer edge, and His symbolism resided in the “four beasts,” which still constitute the arms of the fraternity,-the Lion, Eagle, Bull, and Man, referred to in the first chapter of Ezekiel. *68111

As you can see here, much as with present day “Faithist” priests, whether of The Kosmon Church or of Youtube fame, the main purpose is to appear scholarly in imagining the complicated, purposeless linking of the scores of plates and hundreds of esoteric images in Sapah, and with those of other religions even! By doing so, they contrive to prove they are worthy of their priestly roles, deserving thereby to be the spiritual leaders of anyone bold enough to read and to seek the true meaning of Oahspe. And so hundreds and hundreds of hours and hours of discussion and “sacred rites” of such trivialities pile up and on and on. And in the meantime, as the years drag on, neither the priests nor their followers are making any progress towards being of service to those in need throughout the world and throughout their lives. 328

It is all a complete waste of time and energy while providing the false goal of self-glorification in appearing “learned” as well as a means to avoid the sacrifices involved in serving others.

Distant View of the Temple of Baugh-ghan-ghad. In Ga’haite, 11,000 Years Before Kosmon. • Unlabeled Images with no text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had:13↔13) *44 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had:10-12→)*44 329

The Temple of Baugh-ghan-ghad, also known as the Temple of Golgotha (Hebrew for “skull”) is here depicted. The implication is this is where the followers of Baugh-ghan-ghad worshipped the Lion God. However an inspection of the temple reveals no image of a lion portrayed. Armed spirt guardians are shown surrounding the roof as well as a seated man, with no appearance of being a lion, presumedly the chief god, positioned at the top of the temple. If I had to make a bet, I would bet this temple is from antiquity, but a copy from some very old history book that is in no way related to Baugh-ghan-ghad. I just have not been able to find it yet. At any rate, the “Fertile Crescent” of Mespotania region of 11,000 years ago, was one of the earliest civilizations that might have at that time been capable of building such a massive structure. However, no such massive contruction has ever been found in an era where the Neolithic agricultural revolution had just only begun. Remember, even the great pyramids of Egypt were built at most 4,000 years ago. Hence only the most simple, not so towering stone structures had at that time been built. Therefore, it is extremely doubtful this massive temple is from that long ago. *44343434 It is also not very helpful that Ga’haite is never mentioned anywhere else in Oahspe. Once more, there seems to be a desire to throw around inexplicable terms in Saphah that have no explantion, in order to impress readers with details — however false they may be.


Sectional View of Golgotha Temple. 11,000 Years Before Kosmon. Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had:18↔18)*44 • Best Placement: (Saphah – Baugh-Ghan-Had: 48-50→) *44 Presented Origin: Unknown 331

Rite Format: Master-Initiates Withheld Elements: Apparently none. And horror of horrors, The Temple of Baugh-ghan-ghad, Golgotha, is constructed primarily from the hundreds of thousands of skulls harvested in the mass murders of neighboring tribes. It cannot have pleased the angels of higher resurrections to see the glorification of murder being placed directly into Oahspe. However the low Masonic drujan spirits, who inspired Newbrough to place such in Oahspe, must have been laughing like the lunatics they are to see something high and holy demeaned by such violent imagery. On the bright side, such images help steel the reader to endure the even more barbaric atrocities described in the Baugh-ghan-ghad rite itself.

Plate Masonic Symbols: skulls. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: burning altar, Rite Format: master(false god)-initiate style, emphasis of secret sacred words and signs, horror-gore verses. Withheld Elements: None are apparent. It being the case that most of the Golgotha Temple is claimed to have been made from thousands of human skulls and that human skulls are the trophies being trumpeted loudly by Baugh-ghan-ghad in this false god rite, it would be fair to conclude that this section of Saphah is saturated by “golgotha.�


All of this is completely in line with the Masons intoxification with the grotesquity of human skulls, where there are thousands and thousands of such images in their literature and decorations, being perhaps as common as any Masonic symbol ever. In other words, yes, Masons, spirits and mortals, did indeed put this rite together. Just in case a reminder is needed, here are but a few of the tens of thousands human skulls depicted by Masonry organizations:

*888 Masonic Skull


*889 Masonic Skull

*890 334

Masonic Skull

*891 Masonic Skull


So why do the Masons have such a fixation upon human skulls? It is the contents found inside the Chamber of Reflection that bring us to the topic at hand. There is typically a skeletal figure or skull used as a focus of meditation. The walls are decorated with imagery that in some cases includes images of a skeletal figure. The skeleton is said to represent rebirth as the process of the candidate going into the chamber and through ritual is seen as a form of alchemy after which they are reborn or refined much like lead into gold. The skull also known as ‘death’s head’ or caput mortuum in the practice of alchemy also represents death and is a reminder that we all must eventually face death. This theme of contemplating in silence could also be found in Egyptian, Persian and Greek spiritual cultures. *891 Just as the human skull image is found in many plates and rites of Saphah, so too they are found in in the images and rituals of Masonry. As stated in the above quote, one reason for their use is to impress upon all members, the reality of our mortality. But it would be disingenuous to not also point out that there is a darker side of human nature where the love of horrors exists. Masonry accedes to such darker impulses in this and in symbolism and ritual practices. There are even Masonic groups dedicated to or philosophically exhibit complicity with demonic power: Albert Pike (renowned Mason) had written, “Lucifer the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not! " 336

Right now the craft of Freemasonry is divided amongst those who are Luciferians that serve the false light as the Sons of Darkness, and the Invisible 33rd Degree Masons who have been redeemed by the true light of the soul, the Second Logos or Christ. The Masonic Sons of Light who are the true Sons of Christ. *892 Whether the Masons serve or honor, Christ, Lucifer, Osiris, or Anubis, or most of them (the usual choice), matters little to a true Faithist, as we serve and honor only The Creator, The Great Spirirt of the Universe. Clearly, by recalling the hundred or so points of research evidence presented so far, the only valid conclusion is that the Masonic path and the Faithist path are incompatible. Unfortunately, John Newbrough deluded himself and his followers otherwise. That is the small disaster that has hindered releasing the full uplifting power of the high spiritual principles espoused in Oahspe: Newbrough’s refusal to renounce the opposing Masonic path and decision to attempt to combine it with that of the Faithist Path. This is an impossibility because the aims of both paths are in irreconcilable contradiction. And now that the background of this section has been explored, on to the ritual text of the horrific Baugh-ghan-ghad (B-G-G) of the Golgotha (Skulls) Temple.

B-G-G.: Know, then, ye Iod'a (Gods), I am descended from Baugh-ghan-ghad, the All Spirit of Light and Power. By Him incarnate in Mi, virgin of the corporeal world, My blood is fed by the souls of men. In the days before the flood of waters My Sire built a temple a hundred goo'en square; with skulls built he it, and feasted on their souls,uprising in the firmament, above the sun, companion of the stars. On the spirits of mortals slain, His spirit feasted full of rich strength, till all the world bowed down and called Him Master! 337

(Sapah, – Baugh-ghan-ghad: 12).*6 The imagery is gory. The tone is dictatorial. This is what false god cult control looks like, where evil and darkness are not questioned and even aquienced to. The term goo’en is never referenced anywhere in Oahspe, except by footnotes provided by the Masonic editors. The estimate is that 8,000 skulls would be required; however when viewing the relative vast size of the image given, this seems to be a gross underestimation. All of the above leads to just more strikes against the authenticy of Saphah. ‌ The Master and the initiates take of their blood, which issueth from their wounds, and mingle it together, and lick with their tongues the commingled blood, saying: Drink ye it in remembrance of me and of Baugh-ghan-ghad, my Sire, the Creator, doing all things for His glory!) (And now come the Aha'da, bringing forth strips of flesh from the thighs of those who were slain in the ceremonies, and they bring them to the Master and he putteth the strips of flesh under his own thigh, and all the initiates put their hands under his thigh also, for this is swearing an oath by the thigh, and they say: I put my hand under this thigh, and I am sworn. Thereupon the Master taketh the strips of flesh and eateth thereof, and handeth of it to the initiates, saying: This is the flesh of my body, eat ye of it in remembrance of me and of Baugh-ghan-ghad, for in my blood and the flesh of my body have I established the esa-augau-hoi (Church militant) over all the world! Thereupon the initiates take the flesh and eat thereof.) Kohen (The chief priest): On this tablet write ye your names in blood, and by these bones and skulls swear ye. (Sapah, Baugh-ghan-ghad: 13).*6


Cannabalsm, let alone the abandonment of vegetrarianism as prescribed by Oahspe, is pretty hard to swallow as something that belongs in Oahspe. It is clearer than ever that the unseen spirit writers of Saphah intended to show how stupid people can really be by criminally placing such nauseating verses in a book of profound spiritual importance — wherefore they expected there would be thousands of readers who wouldn’t mind accepting Oahspe despite these demonic verses. Of course, there is also the genuine suspicion that many initial readers of Oahspe decided to reject it based on the grotesque evil they witnessed in Saphah. This may have been another intention of the drujas who controlled Newbrough AFTER Oahspe was initially channeled. As a final observation, you will no doubt recognize the allusion of “Do this in rememberance of me” with that of the Christian bible and Catholic mass, words that would have initially been written thousands of years after the supposed dating (11,000 B.K.) of when the Baughghan-ghad rite supposively took place originally.

Initiates: On the tablet write we our names in blood, and by these bones and skulls we swear.Kohen and Initiates (together): To keep sacred the oath under the thigh; to preserve the holy words of the feast of flesh and blood, for coming generations, that the Light and Glory of Baugh-ghan-ghad, the Creator, may shine forever. Amen! The M'ghan, the women, now come forward, having cloth about the loins, and they bring the dead men and place their bodies on the altar of sacrifice, which hath been previously heaped up with dry wood, and when the fire is lighted the M'gau march around the altar of fire, singing and clapping hands. Presently there appeareth in the smoke and 339

the foul smell of the burnt flesh the Ogs'uk (evil spirits), so that many can behold them, and they eat of the smoke and of the foul smell, which are the food of spirits of darkness, and when they have feasted satisfactorily they take of the smoke and of the foul smell, and carry them away to hada to their companions, of whom their number is endless. (Sapah, Baugh-ghan-ghad: 13-16).*6 B-G-G.: For all things on the earth are Mine. I's.: For all things on the earth are His. B-G-G.:I am immaculate, and can not do wrong. I’s.: The Son is immaculate, and can not do wrong. B-G-G.: Right and Wrong must be judged by me. I's.: Right and Wrong must be judged by the Son. B-G-G.: By My will do I make Wrong right, or Right wrong. I's.: By the Son's will maketh He Wrong right, or Right wrong. B-G-G.: I am the All Holy Standard. I's.: The Son is the All Holy Standard. B-G-G.: I can not err. I and My Father are one. I's.: The Son can not err. The Son and the Father are one. B-G-G.: I now demand a thousand skulls. I's.: The Son demandeth a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a thousand skulls. (Sapah, Baugh-ghan-ghad: 39-50).*6 In these two passages, it can be readily seen that absolute obedience by the congregation members, even to the point of doing repulsive deeds, is what the cults and their masters ultimately wish to achieve. This is one of the anti-Oahspe themes existing in this section of 340

Saphah. Additionally, the blending of evil and “good,� where all ideas whether foul or fair are smashed together, is a common Masonic format. B-G-G.: I now demand a thousand skulls. I's.: The Son demandeth a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a thousand skulls. I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a pool of human blood for His Son's silver boat. I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a pool of human blood for His Son's silver boat. B-G-G.: Go forth, my brother Iod'a (Gods), and bring the skulls and the blood, for this is the time of the sacred solemn feast! I's.: We will forth and bring a thousand skulls and the blood for our King. All hail! Mighty King of Men! All Hail! (Sapah, Baugh-ghan-ghad: 47-54).*6 I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a thousand skulls. B-G-G.: Baugh-ghan-ghad demandeth a pool of human blood for His Son's silver boat. I's.: Baugh-ghan-ghad shall have a pool of human blood for His Son's silver boat. B-G-G.: Go forth, my brother Iod'a (Gods), and bring the skulls and the blood, for this is the time of the sacred solemn feast! I's.: We will forth and bring a thousand skulls and the blood for our King. All hail! Mighty King of Men! All Hail! (Saphah Baugh-ghan-ghad 35-54)


It might be wondered why I am including so much quotation from Baugh-ghan-ghad in this analysis. The reason for this is because I wish to hammer home without question how obscene these writings are to any spiritual path, let alone to that of the Faithist one. It is utterly impossible for any higher angelic organization to have ever envisioned placing such text in Oahspe or that of any spiritual writings. Only the Masonic drujan spirits are responsible for this vileness. Here in these two Saphah quotations especially, the “skull” theme is fully espoused to everyone’s disgust. B-G-G. said: Go forth, My sons and daughters, multiply, fearing naught. Inasmuch as ye do these things, so will I exalt you. Inasmuch as ye do not these things, I will bind and enslave. Think not I choose a weak man or a coward to be king. I choose only the valiant, that fear not. Think not that I exalt the weak in heaven and make them Gods over mortals; I choose the slayer of men and the death-dealing. (Saphah Baugh-ghanghad 3-4) All of these verses are violent, gory, and filled with the cult masterslave theme. This two verses are particularly open in calling for murder in service to the “master”. All of these verses and their abhorrent ideas are about as filled with darkness and evil as the rite of Baugh-ghanghad could be and hence are diametrically opposed to the pacificist liberty-filled themes of Oahspe. And please remember, Baugh-ghan-ghad is found not just in this rite but in Biene and Zerl as well The fact that this is the case just cements the proof that Baugh-ghan-ghad is not a counter-example so much as insidious evil posing as good, taking things as far as the delusional drujas and their mortal slaves would have and have accepted. If the Masonic druja spirits

thought that they could get away with 342

including Saphah in Oahspe, they primarily were right! For behold! For almost 150 years these writings have been in Saphah and thereby also in Oahspe, but how very few have ever questioned, have ever objected to their existence in Oahspe, let alone called for their removal or asked for their origin. Is it not time for the darkness of Saphah to be at last removed from the new age, spiritually-high minded Oahspe? Without question: YES!


ยง18: Plate 90: The Tablet of Emethachavah


Unlabeled Images and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Emethachavah→10) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Emethachavah: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Israel Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, symbolic story Withheld Elements: signs, salutations, ceremonial steps To begin this discussion, there is one very clear passage of merit in this “rite,” ingenuously placed in its “prelude”: 345

This I perceive: to make the man and wife one; to make the man, wife and child one; to make the village one; to make the state one; to make the empire one; all in harmony, as one instrument, can not be done without a Central Sun, a Creator, to attune to. When a man is attuned to Him, and a woman attuned to Him, they will themselves be as one. When the family and the village are attuned to Him, it is easy. Without Him harmony can not be. He, the Creator, then, must be first in all things, first in all places. He must be the nearest of all things, nearest of all places. In our rites and ceremonies He must be the All Ideal Perfection!: The embodiment of a Perfect Person. (Saphah Emethachava 16-17) *6 This passage is an echo of another worthy and inspiring one: Hath not Jehovih said on earth: Husband and wife shall be the model and key of My kingdom? As woman forsaketh father, mother, brother and sister and becometh one with her husband, so do they of the first resurrection forsake all the earth and the lowest heaven in order to become one with the kingdom of thy God. For, save the mind and heart be one with my holy place, the love of improvement will also depart out of that man's soul. Isolation belongeth below the second resurrection, but unity is within it. (Discipline 11: 4-7) *6 This is a major theme of Oahspe and because it is and so rarely given such emphasis in the rest of Saphah, the conclusion to be made is that it is from unpublished sections of Oahspe that Newbrough withheld 346

from publishing in its proper “book.” Remember this section is a “prelude” and not really a part of the rite itself. The practice of putting Oahspe quotes in future “Faithist” cult rites is a common practice (see The Faithist Service Book). This is the first instance perhaps. And what is stated in the prior sublime passage is so very at odds with what then follows in the rite itself! Consider the very next sentences after the first quoted passage from Emethachave: Tae goeth to the altar and lighteth the incense, and the priests come and stand beside the altar, they, and the initiates with them, saying:: … (Saphah Emethachava 17.5) *6 Immediately, the focus is on the consecrated clergy, not on the Creator, not on the All Highest, not on what Oahspe advocates or what was in the preceeding prelude itself! The keynote: Jehovih! At any rate, the term “Emethachavah” is a coined expression from the Hebrew language. “Emeth” is translated as faithfulness or truth as divine instruction. *643212 “Chavah is translated as the nurturing mother of life, or the living one. *643213 Therefore this rite’s title can be thought of as meaning in general the development of spiritual faith. I have no qualm with such as an objective and indeed this is the purpose of this book. Perhaps it is a bit off-putting to be using a Hebrew word as this term has its origin from the Jewish religion. One would think that any initiation rite by true Faithists would have nothing in common with the past religions of the world. However, as explained earlier, the Masons are very intoxicated with the use of past religious dogma, rituals, symbolism and terminology. And as also mentioned earlier, few things interests those of the Masonic Cult more than Israel and Jewish elements (unless it is those of the ancient 347

Egyptian religion). Be that as it may, the actual plate of Emethachavah is filled with Masonic symbols, as is the custom for Saphah plates. Emethachavah Plate Masonic Symbols (23 images): upraised hand, hour-glass, cross-bones, sun, burning altar, 7-stars constellation, serpent, hatchet, compass, L-square, heart, rose, lion, hexagram, hexagon (irregular with L-square angles), foot, cross, octagon, sword, sickle, fish, whirlwind, acorn, purse, 8-sided octagon. As usual, there are a number of images which are difficult or impossible to discern so the number of Masonic symbols is likely be higher than 23. Here are some of the more grotesque where they should not even be allowed to be illustrated:

These three images are demonic-looking or at least as if they were astral monstrousities. Good to know that the Mason-Sapahists include them on their list of Emethachavah sacred symbols. And then there is this:


Interestingly, there are three bearded men on the altar. Who are they and what do they represent? Abraham? Jesus? Moses? Priests? Certainly there is no sign of the Creator on this altar. Once again, the focus is NOT on the Creator but on esoteric signs and on the “sacredness” of clergy as intermediators between the congregation and “God.” The Rite of Emethachavah itself is a part of a linked series of Saphah rites, several of which are published in part in Saphah. This initiation rite, and this section of Saphah, would more properly be referred to and labelled as “M’git’ow,” which is described in Se’moin as the “morning, sunrise, or dawn.” For example, within the rite introduction itself there is this description: The three degrees are called: First, M'git'ow (dawn); second, Hi'dang (high noon); third, M-hak (golden chamber), which are given in darkness. In English they are called, Dawn, Noon and Evening. They were about the time of Zarathustra (Zoroaster), or, say, 8,000 or 9,000 B.K. (Sapah, – M’git’ow: introduction).*6 They each represent hoops through which the gullible must jump through in order to win the goodwill of the consecrated clergy of the Masonic-style cult-leaders. I honestly have neither the patience nor inclination to explain a more complete sequence of such rites as 349

there are scores of such, with many secret intricancies difficult to discover. They exist because Dr. Newbrough and his Masonic druja entourage established these lodges and churches with such dark, burdensome elements across the world, and they sadly continue to this day, with both old and new practitioners. *6

This is not to say the rites have never been altered or adapted by individual Saphah-worshipping groups. They have and this will be covered more fully in the history of these groups in the later sections of this book. The existence, validity and purpose of the Rite of Emethachavah, as with all of them (as earlier proven in this book), are all falsely established by their deceptive addition into Oahspe itself. Furthermore this “Faithist” clergy would no doubt refer to numerous narratives of I’hins and Jews using such rites in the historical sections of Oahspe as supportive of Saphah, for example, concerning the I’hins, Moses, and Joshu: Keep ye away from them, O my beloved; carry with you, on all your expeditions, I'hin priests, the sacred people, the mound-builders. In your journeys ye shall encounter your brethren coming and going, who dwell in far-off countries. That ye may distinguish them, keep secret the sacred password and the rites of my chavah (order). (Lords 4th 3: 16-17) *6 And Abraham made his will and did in all things as God commanded; and he further made the rab'bah officers in the rites of emethachavah, and communicated to them the 350

sacred name of the Creator (E-O-Ih), and the plans of the upper and lower heavens, the dominion of God and the dominion of satan, which were kept secret with the rab'bah. (1st God 13: 18) *6 Preserve the sacred days of the rab'bahs; and the rites and ceremonies of emethachavah. For three years, Joshu traveled amongst the Israelites, preaching, and restoring the ancient doctrines. And there were gathered in groups, of tens and twenties and fifties, more than two thousand Israelites, of the ancient Order of Moses, who became steadfast followers of the teachings of Joshu. But, because of persecution, by the apostate Jews, they kept themselves aloof from the world, having signs and pass-words, whereby they knew one another. (Eskra 44: 28-31) *6 These are at best but historical passages — not mandates for how to seek a new age path today in this new age of Kosmon! And so it goes — much as what passes as Masonic philosophy, is to imitate the ancients who were considered the “chosen people” so that we too may be considered saved, and also the “chosen people.” Yet all of this is to disasterously ignore, willfully or not, the very purpose of Oahspe — the essence of why Oahspe was channeled in the first place: I am not an apologizer for ancient revelations, nor have I anything in common with what is past. Neither their doctrines, nor sacred books, nor their Gods, nor Lords, nor Saviors are 351

anything before me. (Judgment 17:13-14) *6 This statement is the anti-thesis of what the Masons and Saphahists advocate. There are scores of other passages in Oahspe that proclaim a similar message, and in themselves, given the absolute contradiction with what is in Saphah and Newbrough’s lodges and churches, prove that Saphah is a complete sham and must be expunged from Oahspe. The world will be a better place immediately! In truth, mortal work with the heavens is being hindered by the dogma and rites of Saphah. This is so since the spiritual objectives of the higher heavens above are in opposition to the ritual-symbolismidolatry-priest cultism in Saphah: But in Kosmon I shall send neither Savior, nor archangel, with a loud-sounding trumpet; but I will come to man's understanding through the light of Mine own wisdom. And man shall interpret My words as I speak to his own soul; and such shall be his sacred words. Man shall pray to Me, and speak to Me in his own way, and not according to the dictation of any man, nor priest, nor sacred book, save the book of My creations. Neither shall man longer accept any of the former revelations, and bow down unto them; for, as I was sufficient unto the ancients to speak to them things that were good for them, even so will I speak to My chosen of the Kosmon era that which is good for them also. My heavens shall be revealed unto them, as promised by My prophets of old, and man shall be taught how to see and comprehend My heavens with his own judgment, and not according to what any other man saith My revelations are. Behold, in the ancient days, I provided Saviors and rab'bahs and priests to pray for man, and confess him of his sins; but 352

these things will I put away, and no one shall pray for the living, nor confess him of his sins, by words or signs or ceremonies. But every man shall pray for himself, in his own way, and confess his sins unto Me for forgiveness. And instead of praying in words for his brother, saying: Jehovih, help him, he shall go in person, and help him with his own hands. (Es 1: 13-19) *6 So sorry Saphahists! The use of Osiris, Isis, Taurus, Aries, Mithris, Anubis, Hong-she, He’jo’is, Fo'e'tses, Baugh-ghan-ghad, and consecrated clergy in Oahspe is false god idolatry, forgery, not cool, and totally opposed to the new age of Kosmon, and to Oahspe itself. Their time is past! Therefore the Book of Saphah, every plate, every image is there because it was decided by the authors to be of religious-cult-style value. Additionally, each plate section whether its ritual text was published or not, is used by the Masonic Saphahists in rites and formal spiritual training. For instance, I have already shown you a portion of the secret Emp’agatou, and here is another section: So let us weave our robes of spiritual light, In spring, summer, autumn and winter. Hearken to the words of Gitchee-Manito, And kill out the evil of the Serpent's power, That espa from Mother Earth may ascend in full etherean measure and power. Then in the dawn of JEHOVIH'S Light, the false gods shall be swept away. FATHER BY THY HOLY POWER, MAY THE LIGHT BE RESTORED. (The Tablet of Empagatu Rite) *999 And in the rite of Emethachavah itself: 353

This is the Dawn! Behold the rising Sun! Ye are now on the road of everlasting light. Swerve not from your covenant with Jehovih, and the spirits from the second heaven will abide with you. He who taught you before will invest you with, etc. In the name of Eolin, and by His power and wisdom vested in me, do I receive thee as my brother (or sister, as the case may be) of the Ancient Order of Dawn of the Brotherhood of Emeth, and I salute thee with the rod, etc. (Saphah Emethachava 47-49) This is typical priest rite speech where each line is jam-packed with spiritual-allusions: “robes of spiritual light”, “Gitchee-Manito,” “espa” and more. The point of these ritual texts, as in the ritual text in Emethachava (for example; “Ancient Order of Dawn of the Brotherhood of Emeth”, “Ye are now on the road of everlasting light”) is to razzledazzle or brainwash the seekers where they believe they are rising spiritually by merely speaking or reading or listening to such rites, Furthermore, the rites ordain that specially appointed persons — whether they are known as priests, reverends or prophets — whose very presence and performance at the rite supposvely make the rite sacred and divine, and who are misleadingly presented as the “masters” who will guide all towards spiritual salavation. And you can also be sure that the lower spirits are present at such ceremonies as they seek to entrance their followers in repeating the same rites and prayers again and again and again. The Creator is mentioned but the inspiration from the Creator is squelched by these burdenson rites and symbolism, as likewise is direct service to the Creator in helping others in need. This is the case because the participants are putting the rites and priests ahead of the Creator’s All 354

Voice, because none of the participants are doing anything of significant consequence that will aid the poor, the invalid, the aged, or the youth of our world. Thus heaven (the heavens) has been reduced to a church congregation or lodge. And this is literally the truth, for the heavens of such cultists or religionists find these same persons performing the same or similar rites under the control of their religion-cult masterpriests. For that which is allowed to permeate the mind on regular basis, becomes the reality of the spirit world for these unfortunate spirits in bondage. Whether as mortals or as spirits, the condition is the same, a religious-cult prison of their own making — as all things in the heavens are made by our spiritual generators — our minds! All of this is all very little different than from the rites of the four major religions. By following the dicates of Saphah and the Saphah priests and reverends, spiritual freedom is not at last achieved but rather, the chains of one master have been but exchanged for those of another. This is all very tragic and flies in the face of why Oahspe was channeled to our mortal realm in the first place. What is more is that the actual secret rites are even more oppressive, and more filled with religiously important roles, and thus more against what Oahspe advocates for the new age of freedom from religion. Here now then are unpubished portions of the rite from Emethachavah: Hyarh High Priest and Priest: By Thy Power, Wisdom and Love, and in Thy name, O Jehovih, do I receive this Thy son, as my brother of the Golden Chamber! In Thy name, O Father, I proclaim him in all the earth, and in heaven above by these Thy solemn rites, for Thy glory. Amen! Rabbah: Three things are known to man — the Unseen 355

Power — corporeal things — and their motion; nor is there more nor less in all the universe. Symbolical of these there are three primary colors, red, blue, and yellow; and three primary sounds are spoken by the wind, E, 0, Ih! For which reason ye are now bestowed with The Triangle, which hath been a sacred symbol since the time of the ancients. In like manner are ye now bestowed with the golden fleece — behold the three colors! Initiates: In Thy name, Jehovih, do I receive these symbols of Thy love wisdom and power. Make Thou my light desirable, even as the most precious of metals, to the understanding of men, that my heart may manifest love as attractive as this Golden Fleece. Rabbah: Why hast thou a rod in thy hand? Initiates: As a symbol of power in Jehovih's name. Rabbah: In His name then be thou henceforth a model of wisdom, power and love for His glory. Amen! What is the watch? Master: The moon is full—so is the ordeal of darkness done. Rabbah: Since this night ye raised your voices to Him Who comprehendeth all, let never one full moon pass without composing one anthem of praise to the Almighty. Initiates: This I covenant unto Thee, O Jehovih. Priest: The M will give the words of the Golden Chamber. Master: I cannot, etc. (The three words are given in syllable, beginning with the last one). Master: The sign of these words is made thus SACRED, and when once made must never be violated, under penalty of a loss of brotherhood in all the degrees of emethachavah. (Rites and Ceremonies of the Faithist's Order: Emethachavah) *15 356

And so we have a master, a rabbah, a priest, and a high priest to lord over the intimidated initiates and impress them with the fact that despite any references to Jehovih, who rules in these parts are here and now none other than the masters, the rabbahs, the priests, and the high priest. And this is what all members of this religious cult should esteem to become, a master, a rabbah, a priest, and a high priest. And the only way they will achieve this is by faithfully adhering to all secret dogma, secret meditations on arcane symbols and numbingly repetitive rituals. And what goes all out the window are all the ideals of Oahspe, namely, living lives of simply love and sacrificing service for the Creator, for all ordinary non-cult persons. And the entombing spirits from the spirit world who pull the unseen strings of all involved in this Saphah religion are the ones who rule courruptly from the lower spiritual realms as well. They will continue to do so for any who pass over to the Masonic Saphah hada heavens. And this is a near certainty given that the thousands of hours devoted to Saphah symbolism, prayers, rites and dogma have resulted in building the very real mental prison has been built over the years where the Saphah temples on the astral plane are located. Those familiar with spiritualism now full well that the mind is what the reality is in the spirit world. Hence, this is the negative spiritual reality for all who have been duped and given up their free will, who have given up their faith in the Creator for a sham. It is indeed oh so very pathetic and as anti-Oahspe as any religious group ever was despite their falsely self-deceptively professed devotion to Oahspe. It is the will and wish of thy God, that all men become constitutionally capable of receiving and comprehending the highest light, and that they shall no longer depend upon any 357

priest, church, oracle or holy book, or upon consulting the spirits. (Discipline 5:15) These words are clear enough and with a little honest reflection, perfectly true enough. Yes, there may be a desire to substitute religious rites for real service to the world, but there is zero resurrection or integrity in that. Yes, there may be a desire to appear holy as an ordained clergy member, but there is only selfish and sin and deception in that. Yes, there may be a desire to forfeit the pressures of making our own decisions and accepting responsibility for our own actions by putting ourselves under the jurisdiction of priests and masters and reverends, but there is only declension and enslavement in that. Be free O Children of the New Age of Kosmon! Seek and fulfill the All Highest!


§19: Plate 90: The Rite of Hi’Dang, High Noon or Sun Degree *6

Same plate is used in Emethachavah and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Emethachavah→10) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Hi’Dang: 1←)*44 Presented Origin: Israel Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, knowledge tests, spiritual powers test. Withheld Elements: signs, salutations, ceremonial steps 359

Plate Masonic Symbols: See Emethachavah Plate Masonic Symbols. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: 7-stars constellation, cardinal directions, hand, priest. It is not the position of this book to denounce all rites as cult-inducing nor as leading to the establishment of false gods and false religions. I myself have explored their use, individually and as a member of three different “Faithist� groups. I will describe these ritual experiences later in Part VI. Here, the significant point to be made rather is that there are inherent dangers in making rites and ceremonies as an end in themselves, where service unto others is reduced to tokenism. Additionally, rites are a danger where there exists the systematic control of individuals, where the elite who lead the rites rule with close to absolute power over the congregation. Both of these corruptions are present with the Masons and especially with Masonic Saphists. When such is the case, there have been numerous cases reported of physical and emotional abuse. The final abuse however would be to enter the spirit world as a thrall to these Masonic Saphist spirits. Oahspe itself makes both positive and negative statements about rites but makes the main distinctions as given here: Unity can not be achieved but through order and discipline and rites and ceremonies and words. Power is obtained more by concerted oneness of purpose than by anything else under the sun. (Kingdom6:21-22) *6 For, even though they maintain the rites and ceremonies, they have forsaken the spirit and truth of my commandments. Whereas, many who have forsaken the rites and ceremonies in search ofhigher light, are more to the way of Jehovih. 360

(Judgment 5:22-23) *6 Clearly from the title of the rite, High Noon, the Sun at its highest point of the day, is the central theme of the rite. It is considered a part of Emethachava, where the previous rite was an initiation, M’git’ow, whereas this one is considered a consecration ritual involving fully pledged “Faithist” Saphahists members. Again, this is but a rite that is a part the sequence of a major series of Newbrough Lodge worship services. From the first few pages of Saphah we learn the following about this rite: Hi'dang, high-noon (Panic); the sun at noon. Let the Hi'dang be an emblem over my altar. He is the glory of the day as is the Great Spirit of the soul world. As ye bow before him do it in remembrance of Him that ye see not. He is of my body and life, and as much as ye glorify Him, so will I, Eolin, the Creator, glorify ye in the heavens above. (Saphah Se’moin 43) *6 And so, participants are symbolically bowing down before the Sun, a symbol of the Creator. The end result is a promise by the Creator that if those performing the ritual honor the Sun, so will these same cultists be “glorified.” Baldersdash! There is really no basis in Oahspe for the symbolic worship of the sun. Sure it is enticing to think of oneself awash with the splendour of the sun, to be equated with that which makes one seem godlike. Yet all this does is make it more likely that men and women will push the Creator farther away, and worship themselves (or others) instead. For there is no need for anyone to seek a symbolic blending with the sun. The Creator is The Most Real. The Creator is Eternal. The Creator is Ever-Present, and so right now with us. Oahspe says all of this in many ways, for example: 361

To the All One, Jehovih, now as in the olden time, and for all time to come, all honor and glory, worlds beyond number. The Highest Ideal, the Nearest Perfect the mind can conceive of—let such be thy Jehovih, even as in the olden time, which is the Ever Present thou shalt set thy heart and mind and soul upon to love and glorify above all things, forever and ever. Discipline 7:1-2) The same Creator now is, always was and ever shall be. To be as near Him, and as much in Him, and as much one with Him, as were the ancient prophets, shall ye not also be one with the Father, to prophecy and to accomplish good works? For if God, the Father, be ever the same, and ye fulfill His requirements as did the ancient prophets, the same result shall happen unto you as to them. To quicken man, therefore, to enter into the living present, instead of leaving him as a follower of the ancient light, is the work of your God. Whereto ye shall join in wisdom and earnestness regardless of self-sacrifice. (Ouranothen 5:12-16) Therefore, direct communion with the Creator with the aim of being of greater service in the here and now, is the primary message of Oahspe. Again this is stated time and time again in Oahspe but the Saphah rites go directly against such goals, turning its participants to value that which is superficial instead of going to the heart of the matter — The Great Spirit within our own spirit and the boundless universe. Returning to image of the plate itself, its central figure is shaped as an octagon (Masonic), not as a sun and while there are drawings of stars, no glorious sun is pictured on this particular image. This is because the sun is displayed elsewhere as commanded in the Arach Lodge regulations, as set forth by Newbrough and his disciples: 362

In Arach the master should have a breast plate with the sun emblazoned on it. … The south should display the sun at noon, and also a rimless hat. (Ancient Egyptian Rites and Ceremonies of Emethachavah 1,9) *15 Far more requirements of ceremony are stipulated —quite lavishly it turns out. The Catholic Church at high mass nothing on Newbrough Lodges when it comes to pomp and “sacred” ornaments and clothing. So the purpose of this rite would appear to be one where the participants feel they are receiving greater honor and glory. Is not such a goal of the self? Therefore, not only is this sun worship taking time away from service to others and direct inspiration with the Creator, but it places the focus on a single star! However bright and glorious our sun may be, it is not worthy of worship, not even as a metaphor for the Creator, it should never be meant to be end all of our spiritual activity. Right from the beginning of the rite, in the set up explanation, it is written: The children of Dawn always used the sacred name of Eolin, whilst the sons and daughters of the All Light say, Eloih or Jehovih. (Saphah Hi’Dang 0) *6 And so in the terms “Children of Dawn” and “Sons and Daughters of the All Light” it can be seen that petty divisions, a caste system is in place, where one group of the Newbrough Lodge members are asked to use only certain terms for The Creator. Why? Because in doing so there is further opportunity for corercion and control, where mandating how individuals may even address the Creator is under the jurisdiction of the elite priests and rabbahs and masters. This is just more example of how far from Oahspe these Masonic “masters” have drifted. 363

I come not to abridge liberty, but to give more unto you, with love and wisdom, that the resurrection of men be established on earth as it is in heaven. Him that ye worship under divers names, placing him afar off, declare I unto you in actual presence. And accord to you much praise and thanks wherein ye worship in truth, fulfilling His commandments, acknowledging there is but one God, even Jehovih. Whether ye say, Brahma, Brahma, or Buddha, Buddha, or Christ, Christ, doing so in reverence to the Almighty, our Creator, practicing good works with all your wisdom and strength — therein do I proclaim your good deeds in heaven. (Ouranothen 1:2-4) *6 Hence it is pointless and backward for any Faithist to be concerned with the names we may use for Our Creator. What matters is service to the Children of the Creator, or if you prefer, to the Sons and Daugthers of The All Light. That includes every person there is. At any rate, the evidence that Saphah is a fraud can be found in both its images and in its text — the content of which contradicts the main themes of Oahspe. The images of this section are the same as those for the Rite of M’git’ow, and so have been reviewed already. And so at this point, the ritual text will be explored. From the very first line, there exists contradiction: Dang: Let the Faithist remember his Father in heaven. (Saphah Hi’Dang 1) *6


Oahspe teaches that the Creator is NOT a man sitting on a throne in heaven. Oahspe teaches that the Creator is Ever-Present and within each person. Therefore, this verse demonstrates that whoever wrote this rite had little or no knowledge of what Oahspe is or stands for: I will make it plain to them that to worship a spirit, though he be a God, is but the giving of their own souls into bondage. For they shall in that day understand that the Great Spirit, the Ever Present, is not an idol in the figure of a man, sitting on a throne. (Eskra 40:15) *6 For “The Ever-Present” means just that: The Creator lives within all of us. Next, the importance of the high priest (Hyarh) is proclaimed: Dang.: Before proceeding on the road of everlasting life, let the Hyarh measure the bread and meal, that far-distant regions may not entrap us in want. If the measure be short, then we must replenish. (Saphah Hi’Dang 4) *6 In other words, the priests lead the people to salvation. All should trust them to make the right decisions for the group as a whole. East: (with sound of gong, twice): Hear us, O Jehovih! Thy voice be with us. Thy wisdom guide us. Thy love exalt us. As we hope for Thy exalted angels to come and minister to us, O show us, Mighty and All Perfect, how we can best minister to others who are less fortunate than ourselves. Sting us, O Jehovih, as with wasps and nettles, if we fail to devote our 365

whole time to the lifting up of our fellow-men. Thou hast measured all things, and made wisely. Hearken to me, O Jehovih. (Seven priests, representatives of the seven stars, now pass in front of the East, but face south and salute upward with the twelve preceeding signs.) (Saphah Hi’Dang 6) *6 Here we find the ritual calling upon the Creator and the angels to help the group, as well as to incite them towards good works done unto others. This is in line with what Oahspe advises yet even in this case, the ritual is in error. The words ring hollow. They are scripted. They are not spontaneous inspiration. There will be no follow up meeting by the group to decide how best to next serve the less fortunate of the world. The good words that are there, are there simply to reassure themselves that they are following the ideals of Oahspe by merely referencing them here and there, in their rites, in their their scripted prayers. But actually service? There is no time for such when there are hundreds of symbols to meditate upon and scores of ritual text to study and perhaps even memorize. Just in this one alone there are 1,757 words! East: Jehovih saith: As a builder measureth the place for the house and provideth a sure foundation, let not My chosen neglect the All Light that I have given to every soul. Ye are as the stones in one building in My sight; and every one must be squared for the place I fashioned from the beginning. The Emeth'a shall be My house; to them will I give the whole earth. Yea, all others shall fail; but My chosen shall not fail. (Saphah Hi’Dang 7) *6


In this text are found the themes of Masonry, where the spiritual analogy for salvation is described as the construction of a building. And while this in itself is disconcerting, so too is the concept of “The Chosen,” those to whom “the whole earth” belongs. And so the ritual is promoting the attitude that those of the group are superior to the rest of the world and that their way of salvation is the only way to salvation. No other way will work. These are words of arrogance and exclusion. Jehovih saith: There have been idolators from the time of the ancients to this day. Yea, they have had idols of stone and wood and brass; and they have had spirits in heaven and hell, before whom they bowed down and worshiped, but I put their idols away and none can find them. See to it, O My beloved, that ye be searched out and made upright before Me. (Saphah Hi’Dang 8) *6 This is very hypocritical given that Saphah has hundreds of idols in its plate Masonic symbols, as well as having honoured close to a dozen all told of numerous false gods such as Osiris and Anubis. It is also disconcerting that members of the congregation must “be searched out and made upright.” This suggested path is closer to the inquisition, or cult-control, than it is to the self-judgment and liberty-focused path of the New Age of Aquarius-Kosmon. Hyarh: Speak, O Emeth'a! Before the Father, raise up your voices. What was the building of the house of Dawn? How stood the temple? How stood the spirit chamber thereof? (The Emeth'a here give the description and name the instruments used, the position of the stars, after which they 367

repeat the reading of Tablet Emeth, all of which is withheld from publication.) (Saphah Hi’Dang 9) *6 Once again, the spiritual focus is NOT on what Oahspe would recommend. “House of Dawn?” “Temple?” “Spirit Chamber?” “Masonry tools?” “Stars? Why are the physical descriptions of such mundane information important to our own spiritual development? Or is this all rather a way to cow the congregation into a hypnosis onto the lodge elements rather than on truly inspirational elements — to that which enables the Ever-Present Great Spirit’s Voice to be hearkened unto?. North: He hath uttered the sacred name. His hands have made the signs of the ancients. His feet have run quickly to the afflicted, and his substance lifted them up. (Saphah Hi’Dang 10) *6 And so here we find the priests complimenting the “saved” congregation members in doing the tasks that they were asked to achieve: saying the right thing, making the right ritual movements, and helping the poor. The first two are done in the ritual itself. The third is never done in the ritual and not likely done outside of it either. It is only included to give some minor acknowledgement to what Oahspe really recommends. And so rite dupes the faithiful into thinking salvation is in the rites themselves which leaves everyone more enslaved in mind and also being under greater control by the priests. Emeth: Make of my body and my spirit, O Jehovih, a servant unto Thee; and whatsoever Thou puttest upon me, that will I 368

accept and do with all my might and wisdom and love. That which Thou hast taught me, will I proclaim, fearing naught that may come upon me; for Thou shalt make of me an example of steadfastness for Thy glory. For the loss of my earthly Gods will I complain not; nor for imprisonment nor toil, nor sickness nor death! To Thy servant these things are as nothing. Without Thee, O Jehovih, I am as nothing; but Thy servant will I be henceforth forever. Amen! (Saphah Hi’Dang 32) *6 Here are stirring and inspiring words, some of the finest in Oahspe because they speak to a devotion to service and good works and of putting selfish darkness away. Such divine truth-laden passages do occur at times in Saphah, and I cannot help but think that when they do, as shown earlier, they are but restatements from jewels of Oahspe or that they were derived from unpublished portions of Oahspe. Irregardless, this is a wondrous passage spiritually. Emetha.: To do unto others even as we desire them to do unto us; to love one's neighbor as one's self; to return good for evil. (Saphah Hi’Dang 40) *6 And so other passages can be found that are a paraphrasing and here is one of those: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself, and do unto thy fellow man as thou wouldst have him do unto thee. Thou shalt return good for evil, and pity to them that sin. It hath been said: An 369

eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; but I say, return good for evil. (Eskra 44:8-10) *6 And the final verse of the rite is as follows: Hyarh.: A greater light I now give unto you, in the name of Jehovih, which is: That ye shall do good unto others with all your wisdom and strength, all the days of your lives; and that ye shall perceive no evil in any man, nor woman, nor child, but in their birth and surroundings. (Saphah Hi’Dang 41) *6 And so we can find more than a few instances of other passages in Oahspe that mirror the rite lines: Do good unto others, with all thy wisdom and strength. (Judgment 21:21) *6 The All Highest in thy neighbor which he manifesteth--that perceive and discourse upon--all else in him, see not nor mention. (Discipline 7:3) *6 There is nothing wrong in itself for rites to contain such similarily meaning passages, especially since they are high-minded ones. However, because as has been shown, numerous other lines contradict the teaching of Oahspe, it can be surmised that the supportive, positive ones were included in order to better deceive the 370

readers of Oahspe, as well as the Hi’Dang Ritual participants. For in seeing the pro-Oahspe verses present, the fallacious conclusion that may have been aimed for is this: if there are some elements that obviously conform to Oahspe, then that means all elements should be considered supportive of Oahspe, and not in contradiction. Yet no one should accept that because a Saphah rite has a small preponderance of alignment with Oahspe, this makes it completely in accord with Oahspe. As has been shown, the greater majority of Saphah elements are false, not true, not in accord with Oahspe. Nevertheless, even so, any rite that contains abhorrent ideas such as priests being necessary for our salvation or that we alone are the specially chosen people of God, must be condemned on the whole as unworthy or our time. And beyond that, long rituals of several thousand words, with scores of obscure symbolism, are not to be preferred over direction inspiration from the Creator or spontaneous worship or good works service. In conclusion, Hi’Dang is a bad scene, never was in Oahspe and so must be removed, along with all of Saphah. This purifying elimination of Masonic content must be accomplished if the teachings of Oahspe are to have the maximum benefit for its readers and for our world.


Part IV, Chapter Eight §20: Plate 90: The Rite of M’Hak: Degree of Golden Chamber*6

Same plate is used in Emethachavah and specific text description Newbrough Placement: (Saphah – Emethachavah→10) • Best Placement: (Saphah – Hi’Dang: 1←)*44 372

Presented Origin: Israel Rite Format: master-initiate Q&A, knowledge tests, spiritual powers test. Withheld Elements: signs, salutations, ceremonial steps, Zemers 5 to 7. Plate Masonic Symbols: See Emethachavah Plate Masonic Symbols. Rite Text Masonic Symbols: 7-stars constellation, cardinal directions, hand, ant-house, spider’s web, priest, the golden fleece. Number of Ritual Text Words: 3,986 This is a very long ritual, even when not considering the withheld portions — just this section being around 4,000 words! Masons have hundreds of such rituals. The longer the ritual, the more they imagine it as making them holier or more important. The opposite is the truth, however. It could be argued that the long and multiple rites involved here are fitting and not a detriment, as it is a one-time occasion for each initiate. However, all the counter-arguments I will raise here are not related just to ritual length but rather to the use of rites contrary to Oahspe’s stated spiritual principles that seek to abolish (1) priests, (2) lengthy scripted ceremonies with little or no spontaneous inspiration, and (3) any focus on false gods. The term “M’hak” is almost as strange as its format. The initial three rites of Emethachavah are: (1) M’git’ow (dawn), (2) Hi’Dang (high noon), and now (3) M’hak (Golden Chamber). It intuively would have made sense for this ritual stage to be named “sunset,” and perhaps since sunsets are golden, therefore the chamber’s name is an allusion to that.


Yet “Hak” means darkness, and “M’hak is so defined in the Tablet of Semoin (44) as spiritual darkness. Interestingly, this is explained in Plate 87 as the rite itself being performed in physical darkness. Yet in the Book of Ben, Hak is defined as spiritual darkness, not just physical. So the progression of this rite is made seemingly strange by going from the bright noon sun to “darkness, spiritual darkness” which would seem on its surface to be retrogression — going from light to darkness.

During the Rite of M’hak, there is physical darkness while the false gods give diatribes to the initiate, as well as during the spirit communion. Certainly these instances match the title of the rite. Later on, there is further physical darkness during spirit communion. Yet the sequencing is faulty since there is no real point to bringing up the false religions at this point at the third stage of Emethachava. Yes, let’s face it! The druja spirits are not known for intelligence, only for seeking to take advantage of those mortals who refuse to think things clearly out for themselves. Forgive me first for doing a little mental gymnastics in order to make sense of having this ritual named as it is (M’hak). The point of Hak referring to spiritual darkness, on the third stage of Emethachavah is significant because it would be further proof that the writers of Saphah were not angels capable of clear thinking, having forgotten that Hak is not simply physical darkness, but instead is spiritual. So I am making an effort to reason in favor of the term M’hak being appropriate and not yet another mistake.


The saving grace here is the “M’” prefix in “M’hak,” which can allow for a curious interpretation. Consider these other example Panic words with “M:” Se’moin: Gan (111) means man but M’gan (112) means woman. Zerl: Hoo (1) means good but M’hoo (1) means bad. Zerl: Wa’shu (1) means high priest but M’wa’shu (1) means high priestess. So there is some evidence that this “M’” prefix can have a reversal or complementary meaning, which could give M’hak a meaning approximating physical or even semi-light, as in perhaps a sunset would have. Thus, it is not too far fetched to see the term M’hak as possibly meaning physical darkness. There are other words in Saphah with the same prefix which do not seem to have such a connotation yet in language, it often happens that certain morphemes have more than one meaning and so there is nothing in all this that makes the term M’hak definitely inappropriate. Nonetheless, all of this still does not explain why the Emethachavah’s third stage would be named darkness. At this point, you would think that the candidate would be moving towards fully towards the angelic light, with no need to look back at the hadan realms of false gods. And so my apologies for this digression but the naming of names is important in understanding the metaphysics of Saphah. I have done my best to explain this terminology without being an inner member of a Newbrough Lodge. Although to be honest, the preponderance of 375

sloppy mistakes as well as contradictions in Saphah, indicates that most of its inner circle members had a limited understanding of what Oahspe or even Saphah was all about. As stated in the prior section, this research is not intended to completely oppose the use of rituals. On the contrary, the use of rites as group spiritual activity exists to improve the spiritual condition of its participants. The positive goals include greater harmony between the members, a greater oneness with God the Creator as well as with the angels who constantly labor in service to The Creator, our universe and our world. Additional benefits would include heightened spiritual awareness, powers and knowledge. Therefore, what exactly is all the fuss that the author of this book is making about the Saphah rites about? As previously stated, the objection is not to performing rites in themselves. The objection is to their purpose as well as to how the rites are carried out. In fact, these rituals also are in contradiction to the ideals which Oahspe champions, one essential one being the elimination of priests and clergy as mediators between the Creator and all spiritual seekers of light. Saphah in opposition to this, instead emphasizes the need for priests. Anyone with real integrity who has read Oahspe would, especially after reading any of the dozens of quotations given so far in this book, easily recognize the anti-priest element of Oahspe. Furthermore, the honoring of numerous false gods makes zero sense to include in Oahspe after hundreds of passages and scores of narratives present the view that false god idolatry is garbage, that the world’s peoples did and still do suffer from their poison from that of the modern or ancient eras. It is true that the false gods appearing in 376

M’hak are not honored as elsewhere in Saphah, but a problem nevertheless exists with this. Moreover, the long and heavily-scripted, Masonic-style rites of thousands of words is in conflict with the spontaneous inspirational approach recommended by Oahspe. In contrast to the rites of Saphah and Newbrough’s Lodges, Oahspe is advocating communion which is in direct communication with the Creator and the angels above: Nevertheless, a child that is raised up without learning angel communion is but half raised (Kingdom 9:17) *6 No man knoweth the Creator, unless he hath proven the communion of spirits. Neither can any man rise to the second resurrection, till he hath arisen to faith in the All One, Jehovih. (Judgement 2:26) *6 My Hand is ready to whomsoever will reach forth unto Me. My Voice is ready and clear to whomsoever will turn away from other things, and away from philosophers and ambiguous words, serving Me in good works. My Light is present, and answereth unto all who follow their all highest knowledge. (Inspiration 10:24-26) *6

Seek not to spread My gospels, and entice followers unto this, or that, saith Jehovih. Neither go about preaching, saying: Thus saith Jehovih! Let all men hear Me in their own way. No man shall follow another. I will have no sect. I will have no creed. I am not exclusive; but I am with all My living creatures. To those who choose Me, practicing their all highest light, I am a shield and fortification against all darkness, and against all evil and contention. (Inspiration 11:1-8) *6


Part 1 of M’hak (verses 1-5): Some Great Truths The rite begins with priests representing the four cardinal directions (a Masonic favorite) uttering spiritualism truths, which I will quickly paraphrase here: • South: the good or evil a person does as a mortal continues onward in development in the next world; • West: a person who only seeks the Creator will find happiness here and in the hereafter, otherwise, there is only unhappiness and darkness; • North: by helping others, a person will receive in turn heavenly help and yet in doing all service, let each seek to become one with the Creator in ever greater oneness; • East: as each person is ultimately the product of their own actions, thoughts and words, wherefore each must take responsibility for making a living that will require no assistance. All these truths are consistent with what Oahspe teaches. If this were the entire rite, followed by angelic communion, it would be spot on — being of the right length and spiritual tone.

Part 2 of M’hak (verses 6-45): Master-Initiate Metaphysics Interview What follows next are a series of twenty or so questions (over 700 words) about some of the basic spiritual principles Oahspe reveals about the Creator, angels and spirits, as well as life in this world and the next. All of this is harmonious with Oahspe 378

conceptually except for the fact that format of the ritual involves a “master” grilling an initiate in the basic truths of the heavens and the universe. For example: Who is Jehovih? (M’hak 8) Where is Jehovih? (M’hak 10) What is His form? (M’hak 12) What is His extent? (M’hak 14) Who are the angels of heaven? (M’hak 24) Who are familiar spirits? (M’hak 32) Who is God? (M’hak 36)

All of these questions are given answers consistent with Oahspe’s content.

However, why is such basic content

considered important for a rite? What is the purpose? Virtually every Faithist who has read Oahspe understands these answers and is seeking deeper answers to related questions. Therefore there is no need to force anyone to make ceremonial proclamations that prove their degree of spiritual knowledge that has been acquired. So all of this is not so much about the content as it is about the control of all congregation members where everyone must bow down to be approved by the ruling clergy of Masonic Faithists. Besides the plus 700 words of this section being tedious to recite, there are other problems to note. For this knowledge is not 379

sacred in itself nor was ever meant to be made conditionally in order to enter some secret society such as The Brotherhood of Arach. Indeed, the practices of having to belong to a secret society as well as having a ruling inner circle go against a universal principle of Oahspe: Jehovih's chosen stand equal before the Father, and every one shall work out his own resurrection, both in this world and the next. (Arc of Bon 9:28) *6

For you see, as knowledge is simply knowledge, so too is spiritual knowledge. These are not to be worshipped but rather used to improve the lot of ourselves and that of others. To do otherwise is to set up a kind of inquisition of “minders� who are on the lookout for their wards to stay on the straight and narrow path as they see fit, to focus on just the knowledge they deem important. There is neither honor nor liberty in such an organization. In other words, do not make an idol of the spiritual truths Oahspe presents to the world. To do this is to shut out the the spontaneous inspiration available from the Creator. Each person must be free to discover their own inspiration in their own way. Therefore, we all do well to meditate upon and consider well all spiritual truths that we have received so far in our life, but there is no set limit to such. Spiritual knowledge shall ever be found to exist in a higher more progressive form, as we ourselves progress.


This rite is also hindering such progress simply in its encumbering format.

Part 3 of M’hak (verses 46-57): Declarations of Righteousness The declarations here involve remaining steadfast concerning being pure as to diet, to being free of any substance abuse, or of any violence. A pledge of devotion to Jehovih is made in the hope of being granted inspiration regarding spiritual service in return. These are excellent spiritual goals and yet the involvement of a high priest, priests and a master, and the need for all these public oaths before them, unfortunately re-emphasizes the key position the clergy play in an individual’s salvation.


according to Oahspe, these religious cult leaders should not exist, should not even be a part of the preceedings, for each person is now, in this new age of Kosmon, to convenant directly with, to communicate directly with, and to be inspired directly by, Jehovih the I AM. Therefore this part of the rite is also a disobedient abomination before Jehovih. Why pretend Oahspe is one’s guide and then go straight off and declare yourself before the world an ordained minister of Oahspe?! Part 4 of M’hak (verses 58-108): Condemnations of the Four 381

False Religions A great new age book is channelled from the angelic heavens. It contains wonderful truths revealing the secrets of immortality and resurrection. It is filled with inspiration about how to best uplift the poor and afflicted of the world. These truths are so potent that the Voice of The Creator can be heard in them. So what do you do? You commit forgery where you write in fake rites into the book where a “religious” ceremony has actors representing false religions that you then proceed to hold up to ridicule. Look, Oahspe has hundreds of pages detailing the evil exploits of false gods. Thus such need not be the focus of an initiation ritual as well. Besides, is this not hypocrisy since other rites in Saphah take their time to honor false gods such as Osiris or Anubis or Aries or Mithra? What the hell is all this? Why have rites of condemnation? This is a very different tone than that of Oahspe’s recommendation for the new age: Him that ye worship under divers names, placing him afar off, declare I unto you in actual presence. And accord to you much praise and thanks wherein ye worship in truth, fulfilling His commandments, acknowledging there is but one God, even Jehovih. Whether ye say, Brahma, Brahma, or Buddha, Buddha, or Christ, Christ, doing so in reverence to the Almighty, our Creator, practicing good works with all your wisdom and strength — therein do I proclaim your good deeds in heaven.


For all of these are the Father's buildings, to bring his children into ultimate resurrection, for the joy and glory within his kingdoms.. Therefore come I not to take from you any of your Gods or Saviors, nor to abridge your field for righteousness, but rather to show you a greater glory in comprehending all of them in the plan of the Almighty, to reach the different peoples in all parts of the earth. (Ouranothen 1: 3-6) *6

And in the rite itself, in the darkness (M’hak) of The Golden Chamber, the false religion gods babble on in anger and hatred, just the emotions we want in a sacred ceremony (sarcasm off): Brahma: Halt! vain man!

Blasphemer of the Zarathustrian law!

I have heard thy insulting tongue. Thou raisest up thy voice against the wisdom of the ancients. Know, then, that the All Spirit spake to Zarathustra, the All Pure, who was the incarnation of All Light, born of the virgin Mi. This is the Zarathustrian law; the holy light of earth and heaven; the Brahman religion. Whoever since then saith: Lo, I hear the Voice, or lo, I see the Hand, is a blasphemer, an imposter! Have a care of thy speech! Insulting man, and of a truth most wicked teacher. Man should torture his flesh, and by long fasts and abhorrent labor, make the earth hateful in his sight. Do thou not this, and thou shalt return to the earth a wandering spirit to afflict mortals. (Saphah M’hak 62, 64) *6

Actually, sad to say, this sounds a bit like the Shalam John Newbrough brought into being.


The All Light descended to the earth in carnate form in Gotama Buddha. Who'er since then saith: I can hear the Voice, is an imposter, a breeder of revolt against all truth. Heedest thou not the Ahura'Mazdian law! To establish Buddha on earth, more than a hundred millions have been slain in war! This day the Buddhists have twenty million soldiers. Wouldst thou insult this mighty power? Turn the nations loose in blasphemous song? Nay, begone, or thy blood be upon thy head. Thou defilest the holy land of Buddha. Out of my dominions! Thou that heedest not the caste of men! Begone! (Saphah M’hak 74, 76, 78) *6

In recent times, the Buddhists perhaps have become the most peaceful of the four major false religions, though obviously there were killers originally under the false god Kabalactes.

Christ: Fanatic! Infidel! Blasphemer against Christ! Sayest thou God hath lungs and lips, and a voice, and thou canst hear Him? O thou insulter of this enlightened age! Only the ancient prophets could hear Him. Then God descended to the earth, incarnated himself in a woman, and was born of a virgin, becoming Christ, the Savior of the world! Christ is the lamb of peace! He is the fountain of love. Christ saith: I am the life and the light! Thou liest! Thou disturber of the peace! Thou infidel to the holy book and Christian law! To establish Christ on earth, a hundred millions have been slain in war!


Know thou, this day, the Christians have seven millions of soldiers, and the mightiest ships of war on the globe! Hold thy tongue, infidel! Christ saith: Think not I am come to send peace on earth; I am not come to send peace, but a sword; Christ saith: I come to set man at variance against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. (Saphah M’hak 86, 87, 89, 91) *6

No one is very happy with all the warfare and enslavement that the Christians achieved throughout the ages. Yet by the time of Oahspe’s channeling, Christianity had reformed itself to the point of no longer being a warrior religion, though many Christian clergy were filled with prejudice and hatred enough.

Mohammed: Foolish man! Thou talkest to the wind. Only the ancient prophets could hear the voice. Mohammed was His prophet. Go, then, read the prophets of old, and study the koran. Since Mohammed, no more wisdom can come into the world. Nay, thou art a fool! The ignorant and debased are as God made them. They are content; disturb them not. Be wise. Yesterday thou wert born; to-day thou livest; to-morrow thou diest, and the next day thou wilt be forgotten. Go, then, procure wine and women, and feast thyself while thou mayst. I want no higher life. This world is good enough for me. God is just. He hath provided heavens for angels. The earth he made for man, and to man gave he passions to be indulged. Otherwise he had not given them. Therefore I will have of the earth its sweetness whilst I may. God hath already made all things;


all is finished. Man hath nothing to do but seek pleasure and die. Thou disturbest my kingdom. To establish Mohammed, a hundred millions have been slain in war. The Mohammed hath this day two millions of soldiers. That is sufficient. Depart thou, then, out of the honest land of the Mohammed, and may God's holy book and the koran enlighten thee. (Here he passeth the druj, and the latter goeth to his druk.) (Saphah M’hak 99-101, 103, 105, 107) *6

Somehow the view that Muslims publicly chase wine and women does not jive with the actual lifestyle which Islam and the Koran recommend. This is more evidence that Newbrough’s personal views, whether Masonic or otherwise, form the non-divine basis of Saphah.

Part 5 of M’hak (verses 109-121): Spirit Communion There are extremes of good and evil in this section. On the side of the positive, the initiate asks a worthy question: The inhabitants of the earth are bound down by the little light of the ancients; but Thy Great Light of Living Presence they put afar off. What shall I do, O Father, that I may contribute to the founding of Thy kingdom on earth? O give me light, that my labor be not vain! (Saphah M’hak 109) *6


And rather than advising the iniative to listen for the All Voice within, the high priest responds in a pompous authoritarian fashion: My friend, the Great Spirit beholdeth thee at all times and places; and since thou hast been faithful to Him, so have His etherean spirits ministered unto thee. And now that thou asketh for light from our Father, thy words are not in vain. Repair thou, then, into Dehabalizzah (Golden Chamber), where the voice of self and dispute never enter; and thou shalt learn of the mysteries of the dominions of the Gods and Saviors; after which thou shalt learn to apply thy labor that it not be vain, but profitable to the world and a glory to Jehovih in founding His kingdom. (Saphah M’hak 110-111) *6

I say this is pompous because: •

of the claim that etherean angels are part of the initiate’s inspiring guides,

because the high priest is claiming that knowledge from Gods and Saviors will be acquired by the initiate,

because of the guarantee of founding the Jehovih’s Kingdom on earth in a glorious fashion.

News flash: •

the ethereans do not work with individuals, 387

no one should desire knowledge from the false gods and saviors,

no one has yet succeeded in founding the Creator’s Kingdom on earth, let alone anyone associated with Newbrough’s lodges and churches.

Yet also strangely, the initiate, before an answer from the Creator can even be inspired, turns to the angels and not to the Creator in a strange exclamation: Angels of heaven lead the way! (Saphah M’hak 112) *6

This is putting the cart before the horse as the Creator’s Voice within ourselves is the place to hear the answers to our spiritual questions. Next there is a desperate effort to impress concerning how the ritual will proceed, where spirits become corporealized in a golden chamber full of gaudy decorations of Masonic design which permeate the scene: And spirits (if present), who have taken on corporeal forms, lead the way, ascending to the Golden Chamber. Within this chamber the lights give a golden color, and the roof of the chamber is blue, with golden stars, twinkling. On the East, West, North and South are altars with the sacred instruments for measuring, surmounted with golden colored flags. Here are represented, the spider's net, the ant-house, the broken


implements of war, the sacred wheel of the ancients, the Sun at Morn and at High Noon, the representative idols of all nations and religions. In the East and West and North and South. stand the angels of triumph. In the midst of the chamber stand the tablet and altar of the ancients. Above the East (high priest), in letters of fire, is the name JEHOVIH. Above the West, in letters of fire, is the name ELOIH. Above the North, in letters of fire, is the name ELOHIM. Above the South, in letters of fire, is the name EOLIN, and suspended from the centre, in letters of fire, is the name E-O-IH! In the extreme druk'a, in golden letters, is the word MI, and in red, is the word OM! When the Initiate. and the priest of the West and the angels enter the chamber, low, sweet music saluteth them, and they march around the central altar in single file thrice, arriving at the East. as the music ceaseth. Five bells are sounded, and the Initiate and priest of the West and spirits face about to the East.) (Saphah M’hak 112.5) *6

There is plenty of idolatry here, whether referring to “angels of triumph” or “representative idols of all nations and religions,” where decorative, and a seemingly holy appearance is more important than a humble sincere spiritual atmosphere. In truth, there is no need for spirits to take on a physical forms. Far better for the mortal initiates to learn to begin to perceive or hear the spiritual world or enter it in safe spiritual travel, than to call upon angels to become mortal-like.


There are also plenty of obvious “sacred to the Masons” only symbolism that has nothing to do with Oahspe — and everything to do with hijacking what it means to be a Faithist in Jehovih. Tellingly, the iniatiate asks about how to achieve the Father’s Kingdom on Earth but what has any of this to do with that? The rest of this showy rite is an exercise in hypocrisy and selfblindness, where good words paraphrasing Oahspe are spoken yet the very rite itself screams in opposition to such ideas as individual freedom, against hearing the Creator’s Voice on one’s own, in contrast to labouring to build a heaven on earth with newborn orphans. How then is this section of M’hak false before Jehovih?

Firstly, this is not spirit communion — as the words spoken are scripted









representative” speaking the 119 words of verse 115.

Secondly, Jehovih is NOT speaking inwardly among the participants in verses 116 to 119 but rather a priest is reading words paraphrased from Oahspe. Thirdly, obviously no one practicing this rite ever achieved a 390

measure of success in founding the Father’s Kingdom on Earth. Yes, that is the end goal addressed in this rite. The question was asked, a blasé general formulaic answer was given, and no one took since the completion of each and every rite of M’hak, any concrete and true steps to found this new community. There is a history of Shalam to be sure, but it was not organized according to any core principles Oahspe advocates concerning The Father’s Kingdom on Earth. In fact, as the short time of this community went onward, Shalam became hated by both its orphans and by its inhabitants. These results will be shown in the history of Shalam, given in Part Five with greater detail and analysis. Part 6 of M’hak (verses 122-131): The Golden Fleece Proof of Knowledge Between verses 121 and 122, an astounding description is given concerning the layout of the Golden Chamber: Now cometh the Dan of Su'is, bearing the regalia. Next to him come the du'ji, seven young girls, representing the seven stars, bearing the symbols of Industry and Peace, and they form around about the Initiate a crescent facing the East, so that the East formeth the eighth star betwixt the horns of the crescent. Hooo'artyo, in


golden lace, cometh from the West and proceedeth to give the signs and pass-words. After this the youngest child present mounteth the k'sam, and in proper words (which are withheld from publication) proceedeth to clothe the Initiate in the golden fleece. Hoo'artyo giveth the injunctions of the ancients, and the Death calleth forth the Tablets of the Moon, and the studies of the stars, and enjoineth prayer. The Magi now illustrateth on a tablet (blackboard) the prophecy of the rise and fall of nations, the origin of man and language, how the corporeal world is governed by the es world, and giveth the Initiate the key of invocation. (Saphah M’hak 121.5) *6

This is no simple ritual! In pageantry, no one can equal the Masons! Thus participating in this extravagant ritual segment are the high seer (the Dan of Su’is), the high priest (named here The East), seven young girls symbolizing the seven stars of Masonry, the chief astrologist (Death), the Magi (the priests who are also seers), and the Hooo'artyo (the Rabbah).

Incredibly, next commenced upon by the Magi is: •

a sermon with visuals on prophecy,

the development of mankind and language, and

the interrelationships between the es and mortal worlds.

This all sounds impressive but is this really in line with the purpose of the initiation? It is not — unless the real purpose of the initiation is to impress the


candidate with how much higher the ruling class are in knowledge and spirituality than the ruling class are! In their minds only, I would argue — as the simple truths of Oahspe, such as foregoing all of the above to achieve real new Kosmon Age spirituality is totally lost on these elites.

One unpublished portion of M’hak is now provided which follows all of this as so:

Rabbah (Hooo'artyo) : Three things are known to man — the Unseen Power — corporeal things — and their motion; nor is there more nor less in all the universe. Symbolical of these there are three primary colors, red, blue, and yellow; and three primary sounds are spoken by the wind, E, O, Ih! For which reason ye are now bestowed with The Triangle, which hath been a sacred symbol since the time of the ancients. In like manner are ye now bestowed with the Golden Fleece — behold the three colors! Initiates: In Thy name, Jehovih, do I receive these symbols of Thy love wisdom and power. Make Thou my light desirable, even as the most precious of metals, to the understanding of men, that my heart may manifest love as attractive as this Golden Fleece. (Saphah Secret M’hak 2.8) *30

The Golden Fleece?! How Masonic can you get? The culmination of this rite is The Golden Fleece! There is zero attempt to conceal who the real authors of Saphah and their drujan rites are — and they are not the angelic authors of Oahspe! Consider the meaning of the Golden Fleece in Masonry next:



The Masonic Lodge of the Golden Fleece *

The Golden Fleece, Masons*30343434 Today in Masonic History we present The Golden Fleece. The Order of the Golden Fleece is an order of chivalry. In Masonic ritual we speak of the Golden Fleece. It gets compared to the badge of a mason, our white leather aprons and we are told that our aprons are more ancient than the Golden Fleece. The other Golden Fleece is the Order of the Golden Fleece and is more likely the Golden Fleece spoken of in our ritual.


The Order of the Golden Fleece was created in 1430 by Philip III, Duke of Burgundy,who is also known as Philip the Good. The order is a Roman Catholic order of chivalry. The order still exists today, although it's history compared to Masonic history is what we are concerned with. Regardless of which Golden Fleece we are talking about the idea of our ritual is to remind ourselves and teach our new brothers the importance of the item that has been placed in their care. It should remind us every time we enter a lodge to ask ourselves have we treated, by our actions, that ancient emblem with the respect and care it deserves. *30343434

The Sochi Golden Fleece, Masonic Order of Knights*



Hence, this Masonic Saphah ritual can trace some of its origins not just to the Masons, but to the Catholic Church too. The pageantry of M’hak ritual certainly rivals that of the high mass of western and eastern Christianity. At any rate, this is simply more proof Saphah is just so wrong for what Oahspe was created to be. The remaining published verses of M’hak require the iniate to recite various “spiritual” knowledge: • • • • • •

the Panic name of the twenty-five signs, an explanation of Panic names linguistic history, the current astrological position of the present sign, the position of the altar in the temple, the cyclic position of the signs, the position and significance of the stars on the actual Emethachavah plate image, • the explanation of the term M’hak (I want to hear this!) • the specifics for celebrating the moon ritual, and • the present location of The Great Serpent. Well, now that all the initate has demonstrated his extensive knowledge of all this “oh so essential and useful” sacred knowledge, the lodge can now return to its full efforts in founding The Father’s Kingdom on Earth (or not!). This secret rite ends as follows, the focus remaining upon The Golden Fleece: The Master now gives the sign of The Golden Fleece, the


explanation of clasping hands; and after that the sign of jaugernot, and all the preceding. Disband. (Saphah Secret M’hak 2.16) *30

The jaugernot is another term for the sacred wheel. The Rite of M’hak is another name for sham, and for shame! There is no doubt that no Saphah clergy from past to present had and have absolute confidence in what they are doing. Disastrously nevertheless, they have foolishly, blindly, and selfishly betrayed all the high ideals of Oahspe, harming the Children of the Creator with their tyrannical control and idiotic, meaningless, and false conceptions that make a mockery of what it means to be a Faithist in Jehovih. It is time for them, the priests of Saphah, still living mortals, still unrepentant spirits, to renounce all of this Saphah idolatry once and for all. They have driven many good people away from the good that is in the original Oahspe, and verily must make full amends for their spiritual crimes. With or without their help, the True Faithists, none being perfect nor anyone’s master, should take actions to: • • •

reject all Saphah bondage and lies, seek to hear ever more clearly The All Voice of the Creator, and learn how to work together as a community to now uplift our world — one person at a time.


There is no higher calling.


§21: Plate 91: The Ceremony of the Holy Mass (Moon) *6

Presented Origin: I’hins Plate Location: (Saphah –M’hak:119→) Best Location: (Saphah – M’hak:122→)*44 Plate Masonic Symbols: radiant sun, bull, goat, lion, crossed swords, scales (measuring) Rites Text Symbols: None are apparent. Withheld Elements: Entire ritual text Caption: The accompanying Tablet showeth the moon days, and order of prayer and anthem, as in the ancient times. [For interpretation, see preceeding tablets.]


Part 1 of The Holy Moon Mass: The Natural Beauty and Inspiration of the Moon

The Beautiful Moon *643225 While growing up in the countryside as a youth, or while serving in the Peace Corps in Africa, to see the phases of the bright and mysterious moon for our world was and still is pure joy! For every aspect of our endless universe is sacred and beautiful. The greatest truth about the moon is that we should gaze upon and contemplate its mystic splendor as an opportunity to become ever more one with the Creator. However, for those who would make it out to be some kind of cosmic worship clock, those persons, in this case, are missing out on the higher and eternal feelings of the soul in rapture while viewing, while mystically attuning to the Creator via the resplendent moon. For spiritual beauty and spiritual power — paralleling the physical — exist in the spiritual realms, within and beyond. Therefore, it is not the 400

intention of the Creator of the Universe that priests and rites should be primary channels for experiencing this. Nor is it the Creator’s Will that they should thwart the same by binding the Children of the Universe into a limited set of experiences, where a few individuals control the rest, where a set time with set words should burden our spiritual path. The Mystic Union with Cosmic Beauty was and is there for every brother and sister upon the spiritual path. Many Native Americans understand this already and live this transcendence every day, every night. Therefore, let us turn from dogma that binds, reject being “the chosen people� and rather hearken to the Inspiration of All One Highest! Here now follows a fuller analysis of this Saphah plate.


Part 2 of The Holy Moon Mass: The Plate Image So far in Saphah, there has been no shortage of ritual text to be included alongside each plate image, even if portions were withheld. However concerning the plate of The Ceremony of the Holy Mass (Moon), there is no ritual text present. All of it has been withheld. One wonders why this is the case. Certainly concerns over book size being overlarge cannot be the reason as further text in Saphah, none of which seems that important, follows this image. The most obvious reason would be one of maintaining secrecy — yet that then begs the question as to why the other preceding rites were at least published in part. My guesses are: (1) that at the time of publication, this rite had not yet been channeled and was still to be worked out by Newbrough and his attending Masonic spirits, or (2) that the moon rite is considered to be completely off-limits to the public by the Masons as some of their darkest acts occur at this rite. Concerning the image, a double-east-west zodiac of 25 constellations from the stars are depicted. They shine above the earth where the four main moon cycles are stationed individually. Above these constellations, a radiant sun shines. And so, just as the Masons and many of the major religions were fixated on the celestial lights of the sun, the moon and the stars, just as Oahspe itself about a hundred times makes reference to these three kinds of lights in the sky, so is this plate image representing this theme. Consequently, while this may be the plate for the moon cycles ceremony, upon the plate itself, the moon cycle images are somewhat marginalized. In fact, it is the star constellations and the sun that receive the greatest focus upon this plate. 402

Part of this could be explained as simply being the position of the moon traveling through these constellations throughout the solar year. Yet without a doubt the moon phases depicted are anything but impressive, being dark orbs so very near to the desolate and also dark earth. And thus the image of the plate itself is curious enough. For if this is indeed the plate intended to be used in conjunction with this Moon Ceremony, then it is strange to see how marginalized the cycles of the moon are: small and ugly image phases which are pushed down towards the earth and "eclipsed" by the star constellations — with even the radiant sun depicted more attractively than the four stages of moon cycles. What then can be concluded by this? The answer to all of this is that there was a vision given to Newbrough, by the Masonic spirits, to create a celestial ceiling in places of worship where Shalam was to be established. This plate is an representation of that vision. And in this case, there is The Temple of Worship, also known as The Temple of Jehovih, where ... : there was a circular Temple of Worship with a blue star studded ceiling.* 21

And so its ceiling was decorated in manner not unlike this one—filled with star constellations. The order and kind of constellations were numbered and depicted, with the Zodiac symbols, western and eastern (with the Bear being the exceptional addition), shown together in solar lunar cycles, and listed and numbered as follows:


1. Aries

23. Monkey

2. Taurus

24. Dog

3. Gemini

25. Bear

4. Cancer 5. Leo 6. Virgo 7. Libra 8. Sagitarius 9. Scorpio 10. Capricorn 11. Aquarius 12. Pisces

13. Ox 14. Pig 15. Horse 16. Snake 17. Rat 18. Dragon 19. Rooster 20. Sheep 21. Tiger 22. Rabbit 404

Part3ofTheHolyMoonMass:ASmidgeonofTheRiteText Whilethereisnopublishedtextofthsi riteinOahspe,norinJimDennon’sresearchcollections,therehasbeenlunarritualtextpublishedbydescendentlodgesthatNewbroughfounded. ImusthereapologizethatIwhileIhaveseenthebookfromwhichthisritewastaken,Ididnotrecorditstitle,year,orFaithistgrouptowhichitbelonged. Ireceiveditforphotocopying purposesfromRosemaryO’Deain1995inSydney,Australia.AndsoIsoonreturneditbacktoher. IwishIcouldrecallmore. Hence,thefolowingmoonritualexcerptisfromthisverylodgeestablishedinCalifornia: BELL Minister:Letmychosenconsecratetheholydaysduring eachnewmoon,foronthesedaysdoMyasharschange thewatch.Watchyefor thenewmoonandglorifytheGreat Spirit thatTheOnemayprosperye. (AlMaketheSignoftheCreator'sName) Al:TheCreativeWholeisoneveryside;Here, upwardand onward,forever! BELL

Asyoumightexpect,theriteclearlyemphasizesitsownspiritualimportance. Part4ofTheHolyMoonMass:OahspeTextReferencesConsidered Atanyrate,thereisnoshortageofquotationsfromOahspeadvocatingtheworshipoftheCreatorandspiritcommunionaccordingtomoonphases. Nevertheless,amodicumoflogic demonstratesthatdespitemoonworshipritesbypastFaithists,whetherI’hinorotherwise,nolongershouldanymortalorangelsconsultthestarsorthemoonwithregardtowhentoworship andholdspiritcommunions. BecauseIholdmanresponsible,evensoshouldhehave libertytochoose.AndifhestrivetochooseMe,bydoing righteously,heshallnotfail.Thoughheacceptnoneof theancientdoctrines,norrites,norceremonies,norGods, norLords,norSaviors,butstriveforMeindoinggoodunto others,heshallbeMychosen,eventhoughheacceptnot Myname.(Es2:8-10)

Inotherwords,goodworksandservcieAREthepathtoresurrection.EventheverynameofJehovihandtheritesareinsignificantcomparedtoworkingfortheupliftmentofallpersons. LetusnextconsidertheexhortationsinOahspethatrecommendaligningone’stimesofspiritcommnionwiththecyclesofthemoon. Thereisanongoingthemeamongmanyseekingthespiritualpath,especialyamongthereligionists,thatthereexistsachosenpeoplefromthefarpast,andthatthoseofcurrenttimeswould dowel toimmitatetheirpractices.CertainlytheMasons,theMasonicFaithists,andChristianstakethisapproachastheyreveretheJewishFaithandI’hinFaithists.Innothingarethese diversegroupssouniteduponastoworshipaccordingtothephasesofthemoon. ConcerningtheI’hinFaithists,Jews,NativeAmericans,andeven“false”religionpracticioners, pleaseconsiderthefolowingpro-moonritualtextsfromOahspe,atleasteighteeninnumber (!): MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(I) ThemortalsofthecityofUl'oohadgatheredtogether toworship,andtheyweresinginganddancingtothe Lord,andtheangelsjoinedinthesingingalso.And Godwentandsatonthealtarandiluminatedit,so themortalscouldseehim.Andthechiefprophet cameneartheplaceoftheLord,andtheLordplaced hishandontheforeheadoftheprophet,sohemight speakinthenameofGod.Theprophetsaid:Behold me,IamtheGodofheavenandearth,andmywords comeoutofthemouthofthismyprophet.Keep holythefourdaysofthemoon,fortheyarethe Lord'sdays.(Sethantes6:17-18)


Thehistoricalcontentofthisquotecomesfromtensofthousandsofyearsago.Andbeingthefirstmessageofthesession,theemphasisonkeepingthefourmainphasesofthemoonas “holydays”isevengreater. However,thisalsoistroubling.SooutofalltheadmonitionsandadvicetobecomeabetterpersonthatcouldhavebeenoferedfromtherulingGodofearth’s heavens,whatischosenfirstandforemost?Themooncycles!Andthereisalsotheemphasisontherightnessofproclamationbymeansofahigherauthority. Howun-Kosmoncanyouget?!Whichraisesone’ssuspicionsimmediatelyconcerningthesemoonritesbeingpartoftheoriginaltext. Nevertheless,thiswasalongtimeagosoitispossibletolookatthisassimplythenecessarywaytoforspiritualcommunicationstobesharedinthatera.Butthink!Hasiteverbeenthe intentionoftheGodofheavenandearthtonamehimselfastheprincipalcommuning“spirit”?Toannouncehisspiritualcommuniquesdirectlybyhisorheronevoicetomortals?Ortoask themtofolowcertain,specificcommandmentsbasedonthefactthattherewasasupremeangelcommandingsuchbehaviortobefolowed?Clearlytheanswerisnoifweconsiderthecore dogmaofOahspewhichwarnsagainsttheseverythings. EvenifthismooncycleworshipwerehistoricallythecasewithI’hins,itdoesnotfolowthatthecurrenthigherheavensthatworkedtohaveOahspechanneledwouldwantmodernseekersto emua l tethesepracticesbasedonsuchrationales.RecallnowthatfromTheVoiceofMan,Oahspehastwomainpurposestofulfil: (1)thateverypersonshalldeveloptheirabilitytobedirectlyinspiredfulybytheCreator,and (2)toperformgoodworksofcommunitydevelopment inordertosaveourworldandallitspeoplebasedonthishigherinspiration. Thusthereissomebasistobeskepticalofthispassageasbeingauthentic.AsthealterationofOahspebyNewbroughandtheMasonshasbeendocumentedscoresoftimesalready,itis notreallythatmuchofastretchtoimagineithappeningagainintheoriginaltextasopposedtojustSaphahpassages. Themooncyclesarebasicallythepathofthepastandpresentreligionistswherebycontroloverwhenandhowworshiptakesplacebypriestsandprophetsisbeingartificialyordained. Furthermore,pastandpresentMasons,occultistsandSatanists,andespecialypastandpresentMasonicNewbrough“Faithists,”allthinkthemselvesparticularlyblessedwhiletakingpartin somekindofsalvationactivitybyparticipatinginmoonrites.Nothingcouldbefartherfromthetruth.Inpointoffact,theyarealwilfulydeceivingthemselvesonthis. Thiswilallbedetailed laterinthissection. Butfirst,letusexaminetheremainingrelevant“Oahspe”passages. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(II) SoitcametopassthatGodcalledinhisownLordsoftheearth, andsatapartthefirstdayofthenewmoonasthedayon whichhewouldconsecratetheGodandLords,hissuccessors; andhecalledthedayMas,thenameofwhichendurethtothis dayofKosmon.Furthermore,Godestablishedthemoon'sday (mas)ontheearthasatimeofconsecration.(Andthisisthe originofsayingmass).(Ah’Shong8:12)

OK,sotensofthousandsofyearsago,theordainedgodofthisworlddecidestoordaintheangeliclordsofearthondayofthenewmoon.Andbecausehedecidedthis,thatmakesitthe specialtimeforworshipforallofbeingsofthisworldfromthatdayonwarduntiltheearthcrumblesintocosmicdust. Didyouallcatchthat?Wehadallbestfolowandobeythisdecisionbecauseifwedon’t,thenwearenolongeraffiliatedwiththeangelicheavens. Phew!Boy,allofthisisarelieftoknowwhentoholdformalconsecrationservices!AndwhatisevenmoreofacomfortistorealizethatthemassoftheCatholicsisbasedontheveryterm (mas)whichourworld’sGodintheAh’shongeracoinedtensofthousandsofyears.IthinkwecanallagreethatanyaspectofFaithismandOahspeisfarmorevalidwhenevertheCatholic Churchbacksupthatdogma. Doesthissoundtoosarcastic?Thenaskyourselfwhyyouoranyoneelsewouldglossoverallofthisandsimplyacceptthisnewmoonsanctificationtimeforourworldexplanationasgiven anddone.AndthewarmfuzzyfeelingthattheCatholicChurchhasinitswayattemptedtohonorthistradition?NoworriesaboutthatbecauseeventheSatantistsanddemonicworshippers alsofeelexactlythesameway! Finalconclusion:itisfarbettertothinkforyourselfthantodothingsbasedonsomesupposedspiritualdogmaorauthority.ThatisexactlywhyOahspewaschanneledinthefirstplace:toset ourselvesfree! Now,behold,IhavesaiduntomyLords:Theeraofdictation ispast;manhatharrivedatKosmon.Declareyethelightof myheavensuntoman;butletmanjudgehimself,andlabor tosavehimself,thathemayhavehonorandglorythereby. (Judgment25:3)

MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(III) Godsaid:Behold,mychosenshallmanifestmanysigns andwordscommontooneanotherinthesedifferentdivisions oftheearth.Theyshallremembertheflood.Theyshallrepudiate idols,butworshiptheGreatSpirit,Jehovih.Theyshallhave thecrescent.Theyshallhavethetriangle.Theyshallpreserve thefourdaysofthechangeofthemoonassacreddays,and theyshallbecalledmass(moon's)days. (Lords’1st:1:61-66)

Withoutquestion,inthefarpast,ancientFaithistssoughttopreservetheirancientsignsandrituals. Nevertheless,inthepresentdays,alarmbellsshouldgooff intheheadofanytrue seekeroflightwhenevertheyheartheterm“mychosen.”AndthebellsshouldbeevenlouderforanyonelivingintheKosmonErabecauseasyouwouldalreadyknowifyouhadeverread Oahspe,thattherenolongerareanyspecialchosenpeople.WearealltheChildrenofthe4 C0r6 eator—everysinglepersoneverconceived!Itmaytakesometime,butweareallgoingto

figureouthowtoachieveresurrectionforourselvesandoneanother. ButtothereligionistsandtotheMasonsandtotheMasonicFaithists,themoonritesdomater!Fortheywanttofocusonanythingthatexcusesthemselvesfromputtingtheirtimeand energyintodirectservicetotheirbrothersandsisters,chosenpersonsornot! Itisjusteasierandmoreglorious! SomewiseadviceconcerningserviceandmutualacceptanceisencapsuledinthistextfromOahspe: Pleadingwithyoutobecharitabletooneanother, andmorecomprehensiveinyourjudgment,putting awayegotisminprofessingamongstyourselvesthat suchofyoualonewerethefavoredofJehovih. (Ouranothen1:7)

MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(IV) Thefifthcommandment,whichis:Thefourdaysofthe moonaretheLord's;onthosedaysIwilnotlabor.Iwilkeep sacredthefourdaysofeverymoon,andIwil repeatthe sacredwordsoftheLordthrice.Andwhentheprophetssay: Behold,theLordsaiththisisasacredday;thenwil Ikeepthat dayholy,fortheprophetshearthevoiceofGod.When theI'hinsworshipbeforethealtaroftheLord,Iwillkeepon theoutercircle,fortheI'hinsarethechosenservantsofGod. (Lords’1st3:37-41)

Thsi ismoreofthesameandespecialytheprinciplesof:(1)mooncyclerites,(2)prophetsandpriestsbeingtheleaders,and(3)the“chosenpeople”whoareaboveall.Thiswasinthetime oftheI’hins,tensofthousandsofyearsago,butwhyinthenewageofKosmonareanti-KosmonmessagesbeingrepeatedovereighteenitimesinOahspe?Whyrepeatthiseighteentimes sincethemoonritesnolongerapplytocurrenttimes?InteligentangelsofKosmonaseditorswouldnothavemadethismistake. Incontrast,NewbroughandtheMasonicspiritsseethingsdifferentlyandarenotinteligent,butrather—oppressive.Theywantobsessionuponthingsthatdonotmatersuchashaving worshipriteswhenthemoongoesthroughfourdifferentphases,notten,notsix,justthefourquarters. Therealquestiontobeaskedis:whynotworshiptheCreatoreveryday,everyhour,everymoment? TheonlythingthatreallymatersiseachoneofusdevelopingourcapacitytoheartheAllVoice,andbeingofrealservicewhilemakingsacrificesforallinneed.ThatiswhattheKosmon Agesi about.WhenyoutrulyreadandunderstandOahspe,thebiggesttruthsareeasytosee. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(V) AndGodgavemansacreddays,forfeastsandritesand ceremonies;accordingtothetimesofthemoonandstars gavehethem.Andtheking,bycommandofGod,caused thepeopletowatchthestarsandmoonandsun,sothey wouldknowthesacreddays.TheLordsaid:Ihavedaysfor planting,anddaysforreaping,anddaysforsailingofships, anddaysformalesandfemales.Bythestarsinthefirmament, andbythemoon'schanges,shallmanlearntoknowmytimes andseasons.Somantooktolearningfromthestarsandmoon andsun,toascertainthewilofGod.Andnowhereinalltheworld prosperedmanintheOsirianphilosophyasinParsi'e,andin Jaffeth(China),andchiefofallweretheshepherdkings. (Lords’5th6:31-35)

Onceagain,“God”iscommandingeveryonetowatchforthemooncyclesandkeepthemassacreddays. Icanassureyouasarealandexperiencedfarmer,plantingandreapingdepends notonthemoonbutontheweather,plant,andsoilconditions.Sailingofships?!Getreal!Isthisanallusiontothetides?Perhapsbutsowhat?! Itisthesunthathasfarmoreimpactasthe daysandyearsgoby,andthelightofthemoonisfromthesun,isitnot?NoneofthisdedicationtothemoonritesmakessenseEXCEPTasameansofcontrolwherethosewhoruletheir religo i nsandcultscanteachyoutoworshipundertheircontrol.Badideathen,badideanow. Them i plicationhereisthattheshepherdkingsfolowedthecelestialspheresbestofallpeoplesoftheworldatthattime. Itiseasytobelievethattheywatchedwhattheskiesweredoingat al times,sincetheyneededtoherdtheirflocks. Nevertheless,mustwealsoaccepttheconclusionthattheshepherdkingswerebestbecausetheyfolowedthemooncycles?Thatstrikesoneascounter-intuitivesincetheshepherdkings woud l likelybevirtuallyuninterestedatallaboutanymoonrites.Yousee,thosewholiveinthewildsofthehilsandmountainshavetraditionallylovedtheirfreedom,theabundantnatural beauty,andtheir informalnon-academicwayoflife.Keepingtrackofthemooncyclesandpriestsleadingsuchriteswouldnotnaturalybetheirpath. Concerningtheirlivingoutdoors,abetterexplanationwouldbethatbecausetheirlifestylewasconstantlyoutsideinthenaturalareasoftheworld,theywereintunewiththeuniverse,andso therebywiththeCreator. Thsi iswhatneedstobeadvocatedmoreinthepresentdayOahspefelowshipcircles!AttunementtotheCreator,Ever-Present,especialyn i thepurityofthenature,iswhatcounts!You don’thavetowaiteverysevendaystoachievethat! MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(VI) Ormazdthencreatedtheholyday(rak).ThenHemade


thefoursignsofthemoon,Uk'git,E'git,Ki'gitandM'git, forallholiness.AndHesaid:Sixdaysshaltthoulabor, Oman;andworshipontheseventh,becausethey arethemoon'stimes. (God’sWord11:9-10)

SoitwasOrmazdthatcreatedtheholydays,theholynightsofthemoon!Thisrequiresquitealeapoffaithtotakeseriously.Ormazd,TheMasterLight,Ever-Present,whohascreatedan infinitenumberofworlds,manyofwhichhaveNOMOON,orhaveMULTIPLEMOONS,andthisisgoingtobethestandardforouruniverse:ThePhasesofOneMoon?! Andeventhoseworldswithonemooncouldhavecyclesfarlongerthansevenearthdays.ThisstandardisillogicalandveryNOTuniversal.LetitbeknownthattheCreatorislogicaland universalandsoallthesemoonpassagesmustbefake. SoundsfarmorelikesomelowMasonicspiritand/orfalseprophetclaimingthatwhichisNOTtruefortheirowndeceptivepurposes. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(VI) ThoushaltcovenantthyselftothyCreatoreveryday,and teachthychildrentodosoalso.Thoushaltkeepholy thefourmoondays,fortheyarethechangeofwatchof theGodsandangelsoverthem.(God’sWord11:16-17)

NoqualmsaboutcovenantingoneselftotheCreatoronadailybasis.Onanhourlybasiswouldbeevenbetter!However,thisisthewayofthereligionistsandcultists.Theystateonething thatisobviouslytrue,andthenputitsidebysidewithsomethingfalsethattheywantyoutobelieve.Themindcontroltechniquetobeswalowedis:shouldanyonetel youonethingthatis true,thenalltheystatemustbetrue. No!Itdoesnotworkthatway.Justbecausesomeonestatessomethingtrue,thatdoesnotguaranteethatanythingelseistrue.Intheend,youmustevaluateeachprinciplepointbypoint. TheWatchoftheGods!SotheCosmicGodsarebeingchangedonanearthlunarbasis?!Preposterous!Oh,butitdoessoundimpressiveandglorioustoinvoketheterm“TheWatchofthe Gods.”Andbytheway,thatshouldreadinstead… “ andtheangelsunderthem(theGods).” Thepropagandisticideahereisthatnoonecanorshouldbeabletoresistdoingwhatthegodsandangelsdo.Andifyoudon’t,youarenotexactlyworkinginconcertwiththeheaven.Thatis howthereligiouscultistsgeneralytermthings:believethisoryouaredamned! Nothanks!Iamnotbuyingthispassageeither.


MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(VII) K'git,newmoon(Panic).Watchyeforthenewmoon andglorifytheGreatSpiritthatHemayprosperye. Ka'git(Chine).Itshallbeaholydayofrest. (SaphahSe’moin51) E'git(Panic).Atthechangeofthesecondquarterofthe moonisthereliefwatchofmyangelswhoabidewith mortals;letthatbeaholydayofrest. M'Git,thethirdquarter(Panic).Aholydayofrest. Letmychosenkeepthefourholydays ofrestduringeachmoon,foronthesedaysdo myguardianangelschangethewatch.The incentivegivenbythespiritstomortalstomake mortalsobserveandlearntheplanets.Sub'da'don, aholyday(Panic).Thedayofthemoon's change.Sub'da(Fonece).Sabbath(Ebra). Amoon'sbirthday.Becauseoffourquartersto eachmoon,sodoIgivetoyoufourSab'da,which shallbedaysofworship.(Abram). (SaphahSe’moin51-53)

TheTabletofSe’moinisreveredbysomanyOahspereadersandhereyouhavethemoonphaseshighlightedasnecessaryandgood.Thissetofsymbolswascreatedtohighlightthemost sacredsymbolsn i Oahspe,andthemoonphasesarerightthere.ThisisalltheOahspereligion-cultfactionneedtojustifytheuseofmoonphasesasthespiritualbarometerforjustwhatand whenasacreddayis.Itwouldseemirrefutableatthispoint,woulditnot? Notatall.ThisiswheretheOahspecultplacesmostoftheirspiritualfocus.Theyarenotoutthereadvocatingordiscussinghowtohelpthepoor.Theyareouttheresayingthatsomereaders ofOahspeareordainedministersandthatthesegoodpeopleknowbeterthananyoneelseandthattheyshouldbethespiritualleadersrunningthemoonriteceremonies.Priestsandmoon masses!ThatisthewhattheMasonicFaithistsbelievein!Theywilmentionservicebuttheywilnotdoit.TheyhypocriticallyaffirmfreedomandinspirationdirectlyfromJehovihbuttheyare theultimateautocratsanddictatorswhotel (althoughmostmoregentlythanothersofthepast)alltheirfolowerswhattobelieveandwhatdotodoandhowtopray.Theyareintruthfalse godsandfalseprophets.AndtheyareallcontroledbyMasonic/CultSpiritsfromtheotherside. Word(!): Se’moinistrashfromtheMasonicspirits,pureandsimple,ashasbeenprovenalreadyinthisbook.Atleastoverone-thirdofitssymbolsareliteralyMasonic!Hundredsof documentedMasonicsymbolismsofarinSaphahandthemooncyclesarejustonemorecase! NoonecandisputethesaturationofMasonicsymbolisminSaphahandinSe’moin.Youcanonlythinkotherwisebydeceivingyourselfandlyingaboutthistoothers. SoanyaffirmationofmooncyclesinSe’moinonlyprovesstil furtherthattheSe’moinisfiledwithMasonicprecepts,andthemooncyclesarejustthat!TheMasonsandtheMoonCyclesare totalyinalignmentandthus,aretotalyopposedtodirectinspirationfromtheCreator.Pleasereviewallthestrongargumentsgivensofarinpastchaptersifyoudoubtthis. Asalreadystated,justwhywouldtheangelsofthecosmoswherethereareplanetswithdifferentmooncycles,ornomooncycles,ormultiplemooncycles,bealigningwithonesingle planet’smoon?!Theywouldn’tanddon’t! TheKeynoteoftheUniverseistheCreator— WHOISEVERPRESENTUNIVERSALLY—andthatiswhereanyontheascendantpathare lookinginordertoseehowtomakeaselflesscontributiontoourworldandtheuniverse. Goaheadandkeepfolowingtheblindpriestsandpriestessesandself-proclaimedfalseprophetsofthemoonbutitisapathofdarkness,NOTlight! YoucanglorifytheCreatorthroughserviceoryoucanglorifythefalseprophetsandpriests!Choose! MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(IX) Whatmorebeholdestthou?Initiate:Themoon, whochangethhersizeandplaceaccordingtothe nightwatchoftheGhadswhoministertothe wantsofmortals.(SaphahKi:7-8)

Thsi couldliteralybeaportionoftheritualtextusedinTheCeremonyoftheMoon.Onceagain,theclaimhereisthatthegodsorganizetheiraffairsoverthephasesofthemoon.Althoughif youreadthispassageliteraly,theimplicationisthatthemoonphaseschangetomatchthewatchof“thegods.” Realgodsandgodsareconcernedwithphasesofagalacticoruniversal nature,especialyinrespecttoethereandimensions.Whyisthis?Becausetheworkofallgodsandgoddessesiscarriedoutauniversalscale,sincethegoalofthegodsandgoddessesis onenesswithall,notjustthosewhochoosetoworshipaccordingtothesinglemoonorbitingasingleworld. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(X) Whywerethefourdaysineachmoonsetapart asmassdays,orsacreddays?Atwhat period,accordingtothePanicnames,was thefirstmassordainedonearth?(SaphahM’hak:121)

Thsi isfromtheMasonicFaithistRiteofM’hak,andisnotfromOahspe’soriginaltext. ItonlyfolowthataMasonicritewouldincludeaheavyfocusonthemoonphases.RealFaithists worshipandservetheCreator,withnoportionoftheCreationsbeingofanygreatersignificancethananyother. Allcreationsaresacredandeachmayserveasdivineinspiration. 409

MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XI) MoonGods,fourinnumber,wereusuallychanged onceinsevenyears.ButwhenMithraproclaimed himselfGodandSaviorof(theIndian)heaven,he allottedthemoonGodsahundredyearseach.But thechiefoftheseremainedinofficeforfourhundred years.Thiswas:Arstat,chiefmoonGodofthatperiod, andafriendtotheGodCraosha.Mortals,however, continuedtokeepholyonedayinseven,inhonor ofthemoon'schanges,whichwereaccreditedtothe changeofwatchoftheGods.Intheoriginalworship mortalsweretaughttowishhither,withloveandpraise, thefourreigningGods.Buttheyweresofulofdevotion thatontheseventhdaytheyrememberedmanyofthe ex-Godsalso,sometimesahundredormore,allof whomtheywishedhitherwithloveandpraise.Many ofthoseGods(spirits),takingadvantageofthe devotionofmortals,establishedthemselvesinpety kingdomsinatmosphereabelongingtoVind'yu,and thusaggrandizedthemselves,makingslavesofspirits newbornintoheaven.(SaphahVede:44-45)

Wel,itapparentlyisnotenoughtohavejustmoonrites,thereisalsoaneedamongMasonicFaithiststohonorfalsegodssuchasMithra.Thisisinlinetothenineorsohonoredsofar inSaphah,andthesecondpassagetohonorthismortalbornonearthwhoclaimstobetheCreatorintheMithraic religion.Atleastinthispassage,thereisanadmissionofspirits beingenslavedbythesefalsegods. Whichbegsthequestion:ThenwhydotheSaphahmaterialsNOTcondemnthesefalsegodsbutinsteadputthemondisplayinamannerthatgleamsofadmiration?Evenherethereis abitofuncertaintyastohowbadthesefalsegodsweresincetheyareseenasbeingpartofthenormalmoonritesgodsattunementprocess. Answer:Masonslovetheireclecticcollectionofeverypossiblecultandreligion! MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XI) Or’mazdspaketoZarathustra,saying: Minehaveno GodsbutMe.MinehavenoidolsnorimagesofMe. Minebowdownnotbeforeidols.Minecovenantin Mynamesecretly.Minerememberthefoursacreddays ofthemoon.Minehonortheirparents.Minekilnothing Ihavemadealive.Minecommitnotadultery.Minesteal not,nortel lies;norcovetanything.Minereturngoodunto allmen.(SaphahFaithists:11)

Oncemorethefoursacreddaysofthemoonareadvocatedasdaystoworshipsothatonemaybeintunewiththeheavensabove.Onceagaintheyarelumpedtogetherwithobviously goodidealssoastoconvincemorereadersthatthemoonritesareallnecessaryandgood. Yetwhereistheconvictiontoworkinserviceforthegoodofothers?Howmanycongregationswhohaveengagedinthesemoonritesgiveevenlipservicetogoodworksservice?Thereis noknownrecordofsuchandofactualgoodworks—thereisnone.Forthefocusisontheriteasthemeanstosalvation,whichisexactlytheerroneouslowerspiritreligiousapproachthat hasbeenfailingourworldforthousandsofyears.Thefalsebeliefbeingpromotedhereisthatifoneperformstherites,especialythemoonrites,yourresurrectiontothehigherheavensis therebyintheprocessofbeingachieved. Admittedlythereisnothingeasyorsimpleaboutachievinggoodworksofservice.Howeveritiscertainthatsuchserviceisimpossibleifitisnotevendiscussedorconsidered—whererites arethealphaandomegaofacongregation.Andaspiritualpathwithoutgoodworkssacrificesisadescendingoneintodarknessandselfishness. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XII) SoI'hua'Mazdasaid:Thisismas*(MasisalsoSanscrit formoon.— Ed.)night,forthespiritsofthedead.That thewidow,Hi'ti'us,mayhavejoythisnight,Iwil sing andprayforthespiritoftheking.And,afterward,for allspiritswhoareindarkness.Whentheysangand prayed,thespiritofthekingcameinsar'gis,and talkedtoHi'ti'us,andtoothers.And,afterthat,the spiritofthekingprayedandsangwithI'hua'Mazda. Thuswasestablishedthefirstnightofthenewmoon asmoon'snight(mass)forthespiritsofthedead, anditwasdemonstratedbeforetheliving. (God’sWord22:12-13)


Waitamoment!SofartheMasonicFaithistshavebeencommunicatingthattheendpurposeofhavingmoonriteswastobeintunewiththehighergodsandheavens.Andnowthe communicationisthatthesearethetimesforspiritcommunion.Truthtotel,spiritcommunionisnotdependentonthephasesonthemoonandaquickreviewofallspiritualismliterature woud l provethatthereisvirtuallynoconnectionbetweenthem. IalsodonotgethowtheMasonicFaithisteditorssomehowthinkthrowingouttheCatholicChurchterm“mass”issomehowexcitingorinspiringorsupportiveofthepracticeofmooncycles forOahspeFaithists.Hint:itisnot! MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XIV) WhichisthesixthEgoquimlaw.Thoushaltlabor sixdays,butontheseventhdayitisthemoon'sday, andthoushaltnotlabor,norhunt,norfish,butgoto thealtarofthyCreatoranddanceandsingbeforeMe; andsitinsilencetohearMywords,whichIspeakinto thesoulsofmen,andofwomenandchildren.Teaching thistothychildren,andtotheirchildrenthatcome afterthem,forever.(1stGod27:20-22)

Thsi issheernonsenseconcerningNativeAmericansspiritualtraditions.Intruth,theNativeAmericansdonotconcernthemselveswiththefourphasesofthemoon.Theydohavespecific animaltotemsforeachmonth,witheachtribehavingdifferentones.ThatisNOTtosaytheyhaveritualsforthemoon—theydonot—onlythattherearecosmictalesaboutthelunar animals. Obvo i uslythequotedtextstatesthecontrary—thatNativeAmericanswil holdthefourphasesofthemoonassacreddaystodotheirritualsonforthousandsofyears,hundredsof generations.Thishasneverhappened!TheonlythingthathappensisthatthislieismorepropagandafortheMasonicFaithiststodeceivethereadersofOahspeintoacceptingtheMoon CultRites. Asmentionedearlier,sinceNativeAmericansareoneofthefewpeoplesofmoderntimestoworshiptheCreatorinarelativelypurefashion,manyreadersofOahsperespectwhatthey believein.Thus,ifNativeAmericansareseenasaffirmingthatMoonRitesarecool,sotoowil readersofOahspebemoreopentoacceptingthisview.TheMasonicspiritsknowthisand hopethispassagewilgivethemsomemoredeceiveddisciples. Yetitisallalie!IampartNativeAmerican(Pawnee).IhavelivedonaNativeAmericanreservationandparticipatedinseveralkindsofNativeAmericanrites.TherearenoNativeAmerican moonrites! MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XV) IntovilagesgatheredEawahtahthefrightened tribes,andtaughtthemwritingandengraving; taughtthemthesecretnameoftheGreat Spirit,Egoquim;andexplainedtothem themoon,howtokeeptheseventhdayforworship. (1stGod27:46)

NativeAmericansdonotreservetheseventhdayforworship. Eawahtahwasandisagreatspiritualleaderbutthisstuf aboutthemoonandtheseventhdayismanure. Ifthiswerethe case,thenNativeAmericanswouldbeworshippingontheseventhdayoftheweek.Buttheydonotnowandtheydidnotthen. Wherearethewritings?Wherearetheengravings?Nota singlepieceofhistoricalevidenceofthis. ThebottomlineshouldbethatNativeAmericanssaidnotoreligionandfalsegodsandworshiptheGreatSpiritonly. EawahtahtaughtNativeAmericanshowtolivetogetherinpeaceand howtohonortheGreatSpirit.That’sit!AnythingelseyouseeinOahspeaboutmoonsisMasonictinkeringwiththetruth. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XVI) KanKwanmadethepeoplegoanddosacrificetoTe-in inthetempleeverymorning;enforcedadayofrest foreachquarterofthemoon;enforcedworshipon thepartofchildrentotheirfathersandmothers,the fathertakingfirstrank.(Wars33:15)

MaybeJohnNewbroughthinksthatOahspeFaithistswilbeimpressedormoreinclinedtoworshipaccordingtothemoonphasesiffalsegodreligionshavedoneitinthefarpast.Onlythe naïveandselfishandlazywil acceptthatsuchpassagesjustifyworshippingontheseventhday;justasthefalsereligionTe-incontroledinthefarpastdid,justasChristiansdointhe presentday. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XVI) Andeverychangeofthemoonyeshallrenewyourcovenant, whichwasmycovenant,withJehovih.Teachingittoyour children,andcommandingthemtoteachittotheirsafterthem, andsoonforever!SwearingyeuntotheGreatSpiritto ignoreallheavenlyrulersbuttheCreator,theIAmwhois everywhere. (ArcofBon31:10-12)

Thsi isinconceivable!Thateveryonemustfromheretil thentheendoftimeshouldcovenanttotheCreatoreverychangeofthemoon.ThisisafalsepassageputintherebytheMasonic editorsNewbrough—unfortunatelybeingallowedtodesecrateOahspe.Howdoweknowth4 is? T hi s i s n i di r e c t o p p o si t o i n to w h a t i s st a t e d n i O a h s p e a b o u t c o v e n a n ti n g t o O a h s p e : 11

InKosmon,Ishallnotcometomakeaservantofmanuntoman; nortomakehimafraid,whenthepriestspeaketh.Iwilmakeman holduphisheadfearlesslybeforemen,inremembranceofhis dailycovenantuntoMe,hisCreator,inthepracticeofrighteousness. Inthatday,thepreacherandthepriestshallbeoflittleavail; Mystandardshallbeofgoodworks,andnotofwords. (Es1:23-24)

That’stheCreatoraskingthateachofusmakeourcovenanttotheCreatoronadailybasis!Dailybasis!NOTEVERYSEVENDAYSaccordingsomemooncycle!Mooncycles?!That’sa gameplayedbythefalsereligionistsandMasons. MOONCYCLEPASSAGE(XVII) Tokeepthedayofthechangeofthemoonasasacredday, andtodonoworkonthatday,buttopracticerites, processionsandceremonies,forthegloryoftheCreator. (Eskra34:24)

Thsi isthesametiredoldlaundrylistfilledoutbytheMasonists.Donotworktomaketheworldabetterplaceoryourselfabeterperson.Justdon’tworkonthatseventhdayandeverything wilbebetter.Havesomeprocessions!That’stheticket!Don’tservethepoor!Workathavingbetterprocessionsandrites! Balderdash!ThisisMasonicpropagandathatgoesagainstthecoreteachingofOahspe.ThispassageisinspiringinnowayatallandneverwaspartoftheoriginaltextofOahspe. TheBookofJudgmentalonedelegitimizesthemooncultrites.Readitandtelmedifferentlyifyoucan! Part5ofTheHolyMoonMass:TheDarkSpiritists,TheMasons,andTheMoon Thsi sectionwouldbeunnecessaryifseveralthingsweretrue.IfonlyJohnNewbroughwerenota33-degreelevelMason,thentherewouldbenoconnectionbetweenOahspeandthe Masons.Furthermore,ifonlytherewerenothundredsofMasonicsymbolsinOahspeviaSaphah,thentherewouldnotbeaneedtodiscusstheMasonsagainandagain. Yettheabovetwoconditionsarenottrue,Newbroughwasahigh-rankingMason,Oahspe’soriginalpublicationviaJohnLantwascanceledandnexttheMasonicinfiltrationtookplace,and thenthelandforShalamwassoldtoNewbroughfromMasons,andfinallyMasonwasburiedinaMasoniccemetery. ThereareevenMasoniclodgesdedicatedtothemoon.Thereareapproximately130presentlyintheUnitedStatesalone.*34232323 Infact,overthecenturiesuptopresenttimes,therehavebeenrepeatedreportsoftheMasonsrapingandchildrenduringtheirrites. Asmanyoftherichandpowerfulareknowntobe Masons,theyhavebeenaccusedinhundredsofnewsarticlesofcommittingsuchcrimes.Theimplicationhasalwaysbeenthatbecauseofthesepersonsbeingrichandpowerful,justiceand thea l wturnedablindeyetotheirheinouscrimes. Idonotwishtogointogreaterdepthhereconcerningthisbutherearebutasmalsamplingofanumberofwitnessesandvictimsofsuchattackswhohavegoneonvideo-tapedrecordas sayn i gsuchcrimeshaveinrecenttimesbeenoccurring: (1)EarliestmemoriesofChildhoodSexual&RitualAbuseatMasonicTemple htps:// (2)AbuseVictim/CounselerKeithGregory:MasonsRunPaedophileNetworks htps:// (3)ZakaosCalsOutTheCanadianFreeMasonPedophilesAtTheLodgeInErie(ThePot)

(4)RitualMasonicChildAbuse htps:// (5)ZakaosOnTheFreeMasonicPedophileCultPoeticlyWithJokes

Thsi isnottosaythatallMasonsareofsuchevil intent. Theyarenot.Yetit istosaythatbecausetheMasonsembraceandseektocontrolallspiritualpaths,includingtheevilones, includingthoseofthenewagelight,suchastheOahspeanspiritualpath,anyconnectiontotheMasonsmustbevigorouslyopposedandeliminated. Therefore,onemightstilwonderwhatdifferencedoesitallmakeiftherewasapoisoninginfusionofMasonismintoOahspeandtheFaithistmovement. Theproblemsarecatastrophicallyserious: (1)OahspewasintendedtobetheantithesisofareligionoracultyetincompletecontradictiontoOahspe’sprimarygoals, theMasonsworshipandcovetingofeveryelementofevery religion (2)theMasonsarerunasacultwithleaderswhohaveabsolutepowerovertheirfolowers; (3)asMasonshaveimbibedthegaudiestelementsofotherreligions,theyarebutastone’sthrowawayfromalltheobsessingspiritsofthesereligions,therespectivesymbolism, respectiveritualwordsbeingamentalmagnet,aportalforthespiritualreality forthosereligionsandcults,andthatincludesSatanism. Curiouslyenough,SatanistsarejustasinterestedinmoonritesastheMasonsare,andasMasonicFaithistsare.Soyousee,thisexhortationthatsomehowdoingspiritualritesaccordingto 412

thephasesofthemoonisgoodbecausethiswilputyourgroupintunewiththehigherheavensisgarbage,forthereasonsalreadygiven,butALSObecausetheSatanistsandwitchesand blackmagicpractitionersalsoembracethemoonphasesas“sacred�totheircult. PleaseconsideralsothatmanyofthehighestintheMasonsarealsopractitionersofsuchdarkness: TheMoonchildritualsaretheritualstodemonizeafetus. However,thedemonsthatareinvokedarenotthesmalones, butverypowerfulones.Inworkingwithvictimsofthis programming,itisclearthathighleveldemonswereplaced withinthesepeopleatveryearlyages.Itisbelievedmanyof themweredemonizedbeforetheywerebornbyritualsliketheMoonchildrituals.Bloodsacrificesandhumansacrificesare alwaysrequiredforthislevelofmagic.AleisterCrowley (1875-1947)wasaSatanistwhowasa33rddegree ScotishRiteFreemason.Healsowasaleaderinanumber ofotherMasonicritesaswelasanOTOleader,achiefin StelaMatutina,andaMI-6(Br.overseasinteligence)agent. Hiswritingshavebeenimportantwithin20thcenturySatanism andwithblackmagicians.HewroteMoonchild,firstpublished in1917.TheideaoftheMoonchildisthatbyuseofblackmagic, aperfectsoulcanbecaptured.Thebeliefinreincarnation,which isprevalentamongtheIlluminatiandSatanicgroups,len2d3s242its43elf tothebeliefthatsoulscompeteforaparticularembryo.*

AleisterCrowleymeetJohnNewbrough!Youareboth33rddegreeMasons.Youbothbelieveinholdingritesaccordingtothephasesofthemoon.Youbothwereextremelypsychicandwere abletogatherfolowersforyourcultwhereyouweretheprophetmaster.YoubothholdideasthatarerepugnanttoOahspe. Thetruthisthatmoonritesareheldbythedark-sidecultsonaregularbasisandtheirviewsarebeingpromulgatedonYoutubevideosbythethousandswithmilionsoftotalviews.Such beingthecase,woulditnotbebetterifOahspeandtheirreaderswerenotalsoencouragingthemortalsofourworldtospendtimeonsuchoccultmind-controlandwouldratheradviseallto seektheCreatorwithininstead,withouttheuseofsuchartificialentrapmentsasmoonphases?! Herearejustasmateringoficonimagesfromsuchvideosoutofthousands:



Therearehundredsandhundredsmore,noneofwhichareintunewiththehigherheavens,andcanbedescribedasritesforcelebratingthehells.Yetallofthesegroupsbasetheir“spiritual” pathuponthephasesofthemoon. Othersareperhapsnotasdiabolicalbutstillinsidiouslyopeningmanytothelowerrealmsofobsession:

IfitseemsasthoughIamtryingtoscareyoufromthemoonphaserites,thatisthecase!Andtobehonest,mygoalistopersuadeeveryoneandanyonetoNOTparticipateinanykindof moonrite,whetherwiththemakersofthesevideos,ortheMasons,theMasonicOahspeans,witches,NewAgers,conartists,orSatanists. Thus,milionsarebeingmisledandmilionsarebeingobsessedbythelowerspiritplanesduetotheirengagementinmoonrites.Inaddition,theideathatOahspeisbeingusedtoaidinthis obsessionistrulyabhorrent.Those“priests”and“reverends”and“shamans”falselyclaimingtorepresenttheidealsofOahspearelikewiseabhorrentandshoulddesistsuchritesandcult mn i d-controlpracticesimmediately. Part6ofTheHolyMoonMass:TheMoonRiteObsessedandSelf-ProclaimedPriests,Reverends,andShamansofTheMasonicOahspePath TherewouldbenoneedforthisbookiftheMasonicFaithistclergywereapositiveforceintheworld.Unfortunately,thereisalonghistoryofthesetyrantsanddeceiversharmingothers. Concerningthehistory,ithasbeendocumentedinnewspaperarticlesofthepast.Thesehaverarelyseenthelightofdaybecausenoonehaseverbeforepulledtogethertheconnection betweentheinnocentseekersoflightwhowereraped,kiled,orbrainwashedintoenslavement.Thiswilbedoneindetailinpartsixofthisbook. Truthtobetold,itwastherevelationofthesecruelcrimesbythosewhopretendedtobeholymenandwomenofOahspethatinstigatedthewritingofthisbook.WhenasayouthIwas presentedforthefirsttimewiththejournalTheKosmonVoice(whichwasotherwisesooftenenlighteningandunifying),insteadofbeingwarnedofacult leader’sfalsemessage,their messagewaspublicizedasthetruth—thetruthofOahspe!Sobecausenoonewaswilingtowarnme,Icameveryclosetobeingseriouslyharmed. Hence,thatiswhyIamcompeledtowarnothersnow!Thesummaryofthosesadeventswilbedescribedinmoredetailinpartsix. Hereatthispoint,however,thegoalistodemonstratethementalinstabilityandmentalcontrolbeinginfluencedbythesefalse,self-proclaimedspiritualleaderssupposivelyrepresentingthe 415

cored i ealsofOahspe. Andyettheindividuasl IamnamingarenotbeyondredemptionnordoIknowofthemanygooddeedstheyhaveeverdone. Yettheirspiritualcrimeismisleadingthemselvesandothers aboutwhatOahspeisallabout.TheytreatOahspeasareligiouscultwhichNewbroughstartedhisfolowersdoingfromthebeginning. Itishardforaspiritualpathtorecoverfromthatbutitispossibleifwearehonestaboutwhathasbeengoingwrongandwhatneedstobedonetogetbackonthetruespiritualpath. Inthatsamevein,overthirtyyearsago,aFaithistnamedCandywarnedmebylettertogetawayfromtheOahspecultleaderMaryLouBrown. Ihadcometothatconclusionanywaybutit washelpfultohaveitconfirmedbyanother.Moreonthisstoryinpartsix. Onlytwodaysago,thesameCandyadmittedtomeviaYoutubecommentsthatshewaspresentlyengagedinmeditationsonsymbolsinOahspesuchasfoundonthePlateofAgoquim. Shesawthisasapositiveandwashappythatherspiritualmentor,Joan,hadbeenencouraginghertotakethisapproach. Itisdefinitelythecasethateachofushastherighttotakeanyspiritualpathwechoose,evenifitmayappeartootherswemaybeharmingourselves. However,thatdoesnotmeanthatothersmaynottakethetimetodissuadeothersfromtakingthatpath.Thatdoesnotmeanthatthosewhopubliclyclaimtobeofficialyanointedpriestsmay notbechalengedastothepurposeandrealdangersthatarebeingcreatedbysuchministries. Formyself,IamsorryCandycannotyetseethedangersheisin.Quitesimply,cult-controlingspiritsuseimagesandritual-prayerwordstocontroltheirfolowers.Forinthespiritworld,itis mentalenergythatcreatesourreality.Thus,anyfreelychosensubmissionofone’swil tohonorspecificimagesasnecessaryforone’sspiritualpath,placesoneimmediatelyunderthepower ofthosewhoruletherealmswheresuchimagesandwordsareemployedtoformthefoundationsofthatastralplane. AndthereforeIpleatoCandythatjustasadvisedmetoleavethecultofMaryLouBrown,IaskthatshesetherselffreeofhypnotizingherselfwithMasonicsymbols.Nogoodwil comeof thsi butrathergreaterandgreaterbondage.Nooneshouldeverthinkthatbecauseaspiritualvisioncomesregardingsomewordsorsomeimagesthatthatinanywaywhatsoeverprovesthat themeditativevisionistherebyagoodone.Infact,IhadthesewithMaryLouBrown’smaterialsquiteoften. Soaskyourself:AmIbeinginspiredtobeofservicetothepoorandalienated,orsimplybeingaskedtothinkofthesesymbolsmoreandmore? Thatisthewhoe l purposebehindeveryreligion’ssetofprayers,holybooksceneryandstoriesandcommandments. TheMuslimshavetheirdailyprayers.TheChristianshavetheirBible studies.TheCatholicshavetheirceremonialrites.Theleadersofthesereligionsbringtheircongregationmembersintotheirheavensbylockingtheminmentalysothattheyarelinkedby thepoweroftheirownmindsintobelievingtheirsalvationistheirparticularreligiousdogma,clergyandgods. ChristiansgototheirChristianhells.MuslimsgotheirMuslimhelsand Satantistsandwitchesgototheirown. Whichbringsusbacktothemoonrites,whichispurereligiousmind-controldogma.AndjustasthewitchesandSatanistsandMasonsuseitandotherritestocontrolothersfromthespirit world,sotooarethosefalselyposingasFaithistholyclergy,priests,reverends,andshamans. Andsuchpersonsarepresentlyusingmoonrites,amongotherdogmatodojustthat.Yetitistruethatsomedegreeofspiritualtruthisbeingcommunicatedintheirsermonsandwritings. Thesefalseprophetshaveknowledgetosharebuteventhatistheproblem.Fortheirspiritualgoalisobtainlimitedknowledgeandfolowerswhoarelimitedbythegreatestorthedarknessof thosetheybowtoandobey.Whetherpriestorshamanorclergyorwitch,thesearepeoplewhowilnotencouragenordothatwhichisservicetotheirfelowbrothersandsisters.Theyare thosewhowilnotallowthoseintheircircletosimplytrusttheCreatorWithinabovealelse. Fortheyarethemagiciansandclownswhoentertainandhypnotizethemultitudetothedetrimentofall. Andforthesereasons,theygetalotofattentionandevenpopularity.Butthatdoes notmakewhattheyproclaimastrue. Speakingofwhich…



SelahShalom’sMoonCycleRecords*34883 SelahShalom(notErol’srealfulname)isverymuchakintotheMasonicpathbecausehehasbeenobsessedwitheveryspiritualorreligiousiconpossible.TheMasonsincorporateallsuch cultishideasintheirritesandstudybecausetheywant: (1)toappearasspiritualelitistswhoareintouchwithallmystical-religiouselementsworldwide, (2)toencouragethemaximumnumberoffolowerstojointhembyrepresentingthemostsensationalspiritualtopicspossible, (3)appeartopotentialandpresentmembersas“thechosenpeople”whoareabovebecausetheyunderstand,studyandutilizealreligioussymbolismandicons. SelahShalomdoeslikewiseforallthesamereasonsanddoesitwithOahspeasthecoreofhiscultteachings.Soonthefolowingpages,pleaseconsideronthetopicsofthefolowing videoshehasproduceandpublishedonYoutube,whichhavedrawnseveralthousandfolowersandtensofthousandsofviewsofhiscosmiccircus. Otherthanthat,IthinkIwil justletthetopicsandthumbnail imagesspeakforthemselves,excepttosaythatthereisnowhereinsighttheslightestsignofanyrealdevotiontoservice,any realdevotion totheCreator’sInspiration.ThesamecanbesaidfortheMasons,theMasonicFaithists,theChristians,theMuslims,thewitches,andtheSatanists.Itisforthisveryreason thatnoneoftheseareofthenewageofKosmon.Theyareconsequentlydestinedforthedustbinofhistorysoonenough,assoonasmoreandmorepeoplewakeuptotheSunriseof UniversalTruth.



Andnowforyourreadingpleasure,IhavetranscribedMr.Shalam’scompletemonologueforhisUnderstandingtheMoonCyclesandtheSabbathvideo. UnderstandingtheMoonCyclesandtheSabbath

Peace.Peace.ThisisyourhostEliShalomandthisisthecosmicteachingsinthewordsofJehovihandhisangelembassadorsfromtheKosmonBibleOahspeandthetopicofdiscussiontodayisunderstandingthemoon cycles.

AndsoSelahisclaimingthatwhathestatesaretheverywordsofJehovih,theangels,andOahspe.Fatchance.Suchanopeningshouldbeawarningtoeveryseekeroflight. Themooncycleisthetrueuniversalcalendarforallhumanity. NowweareundertheRomancalendar.Wehavhtebeenunderthiscalendarsince45B.C.That’swhentheycreateditandthroughtheyearscomingdown fromthattimetilnowtheyperfecteditcuzyouknowatonetimeyouhadtenmonthsthentheyaddedinthe11monthandsoonsotherewerealotofdiscrepanciesconcerningtheRomancalendar.PriortotheRoman calendar,theBabyloniansandEgyptians— theywerefolowersofthemooncycle.Theywereawareofthelunarcalendar.YouseethatBabyloniansandtheEgyptiansstudiedthecosmos.

Selah’sconclusionisthatspiritualityisbasedontheaccuracyofcalendars—whilename-droppingancientsocieties(Egyptians,Hebrews,Babylonians,Romans)thatimmediateindicate spiritualsignificancetothosewhovaluethatsamekindofMasonicfakespirituality. Sobystudyingthecosmosandkeepingtrack,youstarttoseecycles.NowI’vebeenfolowingthemooncycleforsomeyearsnow— oversevenyearsnow— keepingtrackofthemooneverysinglenightandday.Somy knowledgeofthemooncycledoesn’tcomefromanybooks.Itcomesfromactualexperience.This ishowIcoulddeterminethetruecalendarcomparedtothefalsecalendaroftheRomancalendar.Nowthere’sHebrew IsraeliteswhoknowwithinthemselvesthatSaturdayisnottheSabbath.ButbeingthattheyhavenoalternativewayouttheyjustaccepttheyjustacceptandsubmittheirSaturdaySabbathwhenevenintheBibleitstatesin youknowGenesischapterone,14through18whereIsaidthatthesun,moonorthestarswerecreatedforsigns,seasons,daysandyears—sorighttothenandtherewastelingyoutokeeptrackofthemooncycles throughthatveryversebuttheyskipthatandoverlookit.NowthemooncycleisatruecalendarIt’stheonlyuniversalcalendarforthisplaneteveryotherplanetthatisman-madeisfalseIdon’tcarevisaChristianscalendar theHebrewcalendartheMuslimcalendartheancientEgyptiancalendartheMayancalendar— allthosecalendarsarefalse.Theonlycalendarthatisnotdocumentedbymanandisforeverconsistentofthemooncycles. Soyoucan’tapplytheEgyptiancalendartothemooncycles— it’sirrelevantyoucanapplytheBabylonian,theHebrew,theMuslim,andevenaRomancalendarisoff.Itdoesn’tlineupwiththemooncycles.Soonceyou areawarethattheRomancalendarisfalseandyouknowforafactthatit’sfalse,youshoud l startlookingupatthemoonandkeepingtrackandlearnhowtoidentifywiththemooncycles.That’stheonlywayyou’regonna figureoutthetimes,seasons,datesandyearsbasedoffthemooncycles.Sonowthemoongoesthrough28phaseswhereitgiveslightandthenitspendsonetosttwnodnightsardnddaysindarkness.Soeverymooncycle consistsof29to30daycycles.Nowthereare12mooncyclesthatmakeupayear.3mooncyclesmakeupaseason,sofortheseasonofspring,youhavethe1,2 ,and3 mooncyclesfortheseason.Youhavethe fourth,fifth,andsixthmooncyclesandfortheseasonoffalyouhavetheseventh,eighth,ninthmooncyclesandfortheseasonofwinteryouhavethetenth,eleventhandtwelthmooncycles. NowconcerningtheSabbath becausethat'sthemainthingthatsomeofHebrews,someoftheMuslimsbutmaintheoriginalHebrewIsraelitesareconcernedwith—theSabbath.NowiftheSabbathisnotbasednow,theSabbathisnotbasedon Saturdayalthoughthat'swhattheymakeyoubelievebecauseoftheRomancalendarbutonceyouattuneyourselftothemooncalendarandyouwilseethattheSabbathiseverysevendaysofthemoon.SotheSabbath oftheseventh,fourteenth,twenty-firstandtwenty-eighthnightsanddaysofthemoon--thoseareyour4quartershabitsinonemooncycle.Sowhenyoubecomeawareofthemooncycles,thebestwaytogive understandingistostartchartingityourselfandstartkeepingtrackofitnightandday--that'stheonlywayyou'regonnaunderstandit.Youcan'tdependonacomputer-generatedmooncyclewhenyoucouldjustgoonline andlookatthemoonandlookatthecrescent--sayohit'scoming--thefulmoon--that'snotgonnawork,yougottogooutthereandactingvisually--Seethemoonyourself--that'stheonlywayit'sgonnawork--that thosecomputer-generatedmooncyclesareoff--they'reoff--likewisewiththechannel2newsorwhatevernewsyouhave--Fox5whentheyshowyouthemooncycles--they'reofftoo--sothebestwaytogetan understandingofitistogoobserveiteverydayandnightforyourself.Itonlytakesabout2secondstolookupattheskyandseethecrescentorseethemoonandthengoinyourhouseandjotitdown.SoIdidthisforthe last7yearsandIhavearecord.SoI'mnotjustspeakingfromaphilosophy— I’mlivingaphilosophy.Thisisactuallyafact.ItookthetimeoutandthededicationtodothatsobydoingthisIseecyclesrepeatingitself.Isee certainthingsthatyoucanonlygetbychartingit--crackingcertainmysteriesandcodes.Everyfewyearsthere'sacycle.Youknowtheygotyoubelievingthatit’s365daysinayear.Butonthemooncycletheaveragesis 355.354…356—buttheonlywaytoknowthatistokeeptrackofthemooncycles.SowhatIamgivingyouisactualrecords–myactualrecordsthatyousee—Igotlaidoutonthefloor.Soifyou’rereallyseriousabout understandingtheimphtortant timesoftheCreator— throughHismooncyclesorthroughHsi calendar,startallowingyourself.SoiftheMostHighdecidestosay— OK,Iwantmypeopletomeetmeonthemountaintopson thesecondmonth,17,and19thnightanddayofthemonth…NowifyouaintintunewiththeCreator’scalendar,you’renotgonnaknowwhenthatdateis— you’regonnathinkthatdateisFebruary17andyouwanttobe onamountaintop–freezingouttheretryingtoseewhattheCreatorgottotelyou.Butifyoufolowinthemooncycles,youwouldknowthatthesecondmonthisthesecondmooncyclewhichisaspringmoonandthe seventeenthnightofthatmoonisafulmoonsothatnight,whenyoucomeout,you’regonnabeonarooftop— onanicewarmnightonafulmoon— thenthemessageoftheCreator— whateveritis— heneedsteluswil takeplace— That’syouasanexampleasadatetoshowyouthatifyou’renotintunewiththeCreator’sdates— you’renotgonnaknowtheappointedtimeswhenthingsoccur.SothatdataIgavewasthesamedateofthe floodintheBiblesoifNoahwasn’tfolowingthemooncyclesandhewasfolowingwhateverman-madecalendarwasatthattime,thenhewouldn’thavemadeitinthatboat.Hewouldhavebeenof.OrsayifMosesorsay thatifNoahdidrevealthatdateofthefloodtothepeoplebutthepeoplewasfolowingaman-madecalendaratthetimesotheyallmadeboatsandgotintheboatonthewrongdayortheywaitedaweekafterthefact becausetheywerefolowingthemaman-madecalendarinsteadoffolowingthemooncycleswhichwouldhavepreparedthemandtheycouldhavebeenpreserved.I’mjustusingthosescenariosjusttogiveyouanidea thatit’simportanttolineyourselfwiththeCreatorthroughhismooncyclesandknowhistruecalendarsobyknowinghistruecalendarandunderstandingthefalsecalendaryoucouldhavebothinhandandweighthe optionsyou’lbeonbothsides—knowingthetruthandhavingaknowledgeofthefalsesoyou’renotouttheloopatall.Ifyoudon’tknowthemooncycles,you’reoutoftheloop,youknowI’msaying.Youdon’tknowwhen theSabbathiscomingsothat’swhatthat’swhatI’msaying—beintheloopofcreationandcosmicorder,understandingthesemooncycles.AndwiththatIwouldliketosaypeaceandblessings.Shalom. *34883

Welthatwasrepetitive!IdoagreewithSelah’sideaoftakingtimeeachdaytoobservethemoon—butNOTtokeeprecordsoftheirphases!Ratheritwouldbefarbettertoregularly observethemoonandthestarsandthesunriseandsunsetinordertotakeintheirbeautyforattuninginspiration.However,notasinglewordinthisverylongsermonofhisaboutinstead seekingcosmicinspiration— whichwouldbeafarhigherspiritualviewandafarmorevaluableuseofone’stime. Ladiesandgentlemen,readingthroughSelah’smonologue,youwilnoticehistoneofobsession…endlesslyrepeatingthesametrivialoruntruethings.Thispointlessmessageisdisturbing andinfact,totteringtowardsinsanity. SoyoucaneasilyseehowobsessedSelahisoverthis“mooncycle”stuf.Andhehonestlybelievesanddesperatelywantseveryonetobelievethatsomehowfourtimesamonthmoondates asSabbathworshipreallygetsyoutoahigherplacespiritually.TheMasonsandWitchesandSatanistscouldnotagreemore! IhavediscussedthisissuewithSelahdirectlyandhebecameincrediblyangryandabusivethatanyonecouldthinkdifferentlyonthis.Mypointremainsthatanythingthattakesone’sfocus ondirectlybeingofservicetoothersandofdirectlyseekingtheCreator’sInspirationismisguided.Botomline:moonphaseobsessionisrealandreallydetrimentaltoone’sspiritualpath.


Part8ofTheHolyMoonMass:JoanandJoy IwasamemberofJoan’smeditationgroupfortenyears.ShewasalwaysrespectfulandkindandwethoughtofeachotherasFaithistfriends.SowhyamIseeminglyattackingher? IamnotattackingJoantheperson,norherdaughterJoy.Thetruthistheyarebothgoodpersonsinmanyways.However,eachofushaschoicestomakeuponourspiritualpath.Thusif ourspiritualpathchoicesaresuchthattheyvarygreatlyinsubstanceortendtowardsthedarkerself,thenthosepathsaresundered. AboutthreeyearsagoIreachedapointwhereIdidnotwanttohaveamastertelingmetomeditateuponstrangesymbols.IdidnotwantapriesttelingmetosaythisprayertoCpenta-Armji toblessTheMolinaCenter.IwasalsotoldIwasnotspirituallyadvancedenoughjusttovisitTheMolinaCenter. JoanbeingPro-AbortionwasalsonotaveryOahspeanpositionforaleader ofTheMolinaCentertotake—especialysincethereweregoingtobeunwedmothersstayingthere.Whilesuchaprojectnevergottothatpoint,pro-lifeisanessentialelementofOahspe valuesanditwasshockingtorealizethatcertaincorevaluesmeantlittletoPriestessJoan. Ididnotsuddenyl hateJoanbecauseofthesethings.IsimplyrealizedthatenoughwasenoughandtherewassomethingveryamisswithherspiritualpathwhichwascultishandwasantiOahspeinessence. ThereforeIcouldnotingoodconscienceworkwithheranylonger. Concerningthesespiritual“leaders,”whatIamcondemningistheirpublicrolesinmisrepresentingwhatOahspestandsfor,itsverypurposeforbeingchanneled. Theywouldhaveyou accepttheMasonic-style,religious-style,cult-stylethattheyhavebeencreatingandpromoting. TheyaretheoneswhochosetorepresentthemselvesaspriestsoftheFaithistOahspe“faith.” Theyaretheoneswhopubliclyrepresentthemselvesas“masters”whowil traintheir“students”toviewOahspeasbookofcontrolandcultishattitudeswherearcanesymbolsandritesthat runcompletelycountertoOahspe’scorevaluesaretobeembraced. Theyaretheoneswhoarede-emphasizingdirectcommunicationwiththeCreator,de-emphasizingworksofservice. YetOahspeatitsmostfundamentaldoctrinesadvisesalltounderstandandundertakethepaththatleadstodirectlybeinginspiredbytheCreatorandservingthepoorandunfortunate. Theywoulddenyallofthis.Yetthosedenialsareemptyoneswithoutbasisinfact. Theyhavedeludedthemselves. Ofcourseeverypersonhasarighttochoosewhattheywanttobelieveandsowil reapwhattheysow.Andeveryperson(thatwouldbeatleastme)hasarighttoofferacounter-messageto warnanypotentialaudienceofthegravedangersoffolowingtheircurrentwarpedcult-versionofOahspe. Iamnottakingawayanyone’sfreedombywarningothersofthosewhowouldmisleadandcontroltheminwaysdetrimentaltotheirspiritualdevelopment,whowoulddistorttherealtruthsof Oahspefortheirowngreaterglory. ForthereisnoneedforanyonetoacceptanotherbrotherorsisterasordainedclergyappointedbytheCreatortotelyouwhattodo.ThereisnoneedtomeditateontheMasonicsymbols becausesomeMasonhackputthemfalselyintoOahspe.FarbettertojustlistentotheCreatorandfarbettertounderstandandworktowardshelpingothersinmanywayspossible. IhavebeeninatleastoneOahspe-stylecultandnoonewarnedmeandIcameclosetobeingharmedandmentalyenslaved.Thousandsofothershavenotbeensoluckyandhaveasa resultsuferedgreatly,someatthecostoftheirlife—somewhonowafterbadexperienceswithMasonicSaphah“masters”actuallyabhorOahspeandwantnothingmoretodowithit. Andsothewhoe l pointofthisbookistoeducate,enlightenandwarnotherswhowouldtrustthefakepriests,reverendsandmasters,whogoagainstthecoreprinciplesofOahspewhile claimingtobepromotingthecoreprinciplesbymisrepresentingmuchofthespiritualinformationattheirdisposal. Withoutquestiontheinitiationandrepresentationofpriestsandpriestesses,reverendsandshamansassomekindofofficialclergyofOahspehasbeenadisasterasitfliesinthefaceofthe coreteachingsofOahpse.NeverthelesssuchcultsastheKosmonChurchandtheUniversalFaithistsofKosmonhaveritestheyhaveusedscoresoftimesto“oficialy”makesomeoneinto apriestorpriestessorreverend. PleaseseepreviousOahspequotesinthisbookontheabolitionofpriesthoodasaspiritualpathinKosmon.Quitesimply,anyonesponsoringsuchan ordinationof“FaithistOahspe”clergyhasbecomeanabominationofspiritualitybeforeJehovih.Thisdoesnotmeantheyarewithoutredemption,justthattheyarecreatingculthellsfor themselvesandothersunlesstheyrenouncesuchordination. ConsiderthesetwoquotesoutofscoresofstatementsinOahspewhichcondemnmakingareligionoutofOahspe: Now,behold,theseasceticslaborforthemselvesin thesefoolishproceedings;theydonotthesethingsin ordertomelioratetheconditionoftheirneighbors. Neitherhavetheyshown,inasingleinstance, whereabenefitresultedtothestateinconsequenceof theirpractices.Theycalltheirinitiationssacred,butI declareuntothee,theyareablasphemyagainst Jehovih.Theyareasasnarefortheimprisonment ofthemindandthesoul.And,afterdeath,thesepeople arepreventedbytheirdrujanmastersfromentering heavenlyplacesofresurrection,becoming,instead, slavesintheesworld,topursuesuchcallingand practiceasmaybeputuponthem.Forthesamerule holdethonearthandinheaven,asregardeththe bondageofthemind.If,byimposingritesand ceremonies,andbythestrategemsandcunning ofmortalpriests,theycanbecapturedonearth, evensocantheyberetainedinbondagein heaven. (Judgment36:7-10)


Certan i lyallthoseelementsareintheBookofSaphah: (1)notjustritesbutaseriesofritesthatattimesevenhonorfalsegodssuchasOsiristhatareconsideredenemiesofFaithsi tsofancienttimes; (2)thesetsofsymbolismplatessuchasSe’moinandBienewherearcaneMasonicsymbolsbythehundredsaresetforthassacredimagesforworshipandstudyandmindcontrol meditation; (3)priestsandmastersarerunningthiscultmonstrosityasshownsimplyintherites(andofcourse,thehistoryofoppressioninthevariouslodgesandchurcheshastakenplaceand wilbedocumentedimmediatelyaftertheSaphahanalysis); (4)Oahspe’sfundamentalconceptofservingthepoorhasbeenthrownoutthedoorandisonlyreferencedonceinawhileastokenlipservice(salvationisthroughtheritesand symbolsandobeyingtheclergymasters!);and (5)OahspeotherfundamentalconceptofseekingtoheartheCreator’sAllVoicedirectlyhasbeende-emphasizedtoalmostnothingbecausethefocusisonSaphahsymbols,rites andwhattheclergyhavetosayasrepresentativesofJehovih,i.e.,exactlyhowareligionand/orcultoperates! JohnNewbroughstartedallthesecultmachinationsandhis“folowers”ofmanysectsandgroupshavehonoredsuchanti-Oahspeelementstothisday! Notoneofthese“Oahspe”clergyrenounceSaphahanditsabominablepracticesthatareabetrayalofwhyOahspewaschanneledinthefirstplace.No!Theyfulyembracethebetrayalin ignorantselfishness! Butthetimehathnowcomewhenmanshal judge himselfastowhetherhewilorwilnotkeepanyday sacred.Moreover,manshalnot,henceforth,be accountableastowhetherhekeepornotkeepany dayasasacredday.Yet,thisaccountabilityshallbe untoallmen,whethertheyfulfil inwisdomand righteousnesstheirutmostcapacities. (Judgment35:12-13) Inotherwords,themoonritesarepreposterousliesputoutbydrujanspirits!NooneshouldfolowthemiftheyreallyarebeingtruetothetruespiritofthenewagebookofOahspe. Inotherwords,Newbroughwasandperhapsstil isadeceiverofhimselfandthousandsofothersbyattemptingtotransformOahspeintoaMasonicreligiouscult. JustasNewbroughstarted numerouscultritesinthefakebookofSaphah,suchasthemoonrites,sotoohassuchgarbagecontinueduptothepresentday,asdisciplesofmastersovertheyearsfindsusstilwith faslelyordainedministersandpriestspresumingtoleadandencourageotherstotakepartinsuchrites. Andn i thesecurrenttimes,thefalseclergysuchasJoanandJoyareworkingtocarryontheaccursedmoonrites,andhavebeendoingsofordecades. Ofcourse,Joan,Joyandtheirassociateslookattheseritesandsymbolsasthegoodworksofsalvation.Theyallmeanwelbutignorantlyandblindlytrammelonwardtowardsthedark bondagetheseare. Fact:Oahspeforbidsordainedclergy. Fact:moonritesareusedbywitches,SatanistsandMasonsandtheyareNOTintunewiththehigherheavens. Fact:Oahspeforbidsusingtheritesoftheancients,yetheretheyareonceagainbeingusedbyNewbrough’sMasonicFaithists. HereisoneoftheirmanyweeklyFacebookadvertisementreminderstotakepartinsuchritesifonlyonlineortogetherinspirit.

MoonRiteAdvertisement,2018PostedbyJoanandJoyr(Facebook:Events:1923348771054639)*3412 PriestessesJoyandJoyreallydobelieveinthemoonrites.AndsotheyaredoingsomerecruitingonFacebook.Youcanalsonoticethattheyarenotmakingpoststhatsuggestdoingpublic serviceorworkn i gforthepoorasOahsperecommendsasthekeytoresurrection.No,accordingtothese“ordainedministers,”thebestthingwecandoisallowthemtobeourspiritual mastersanddirectourmeditationtowardsanduponMasonicsymbolism,aswelasholdingSabbathonthemainfourphasesofthemoon. Ourchoicesare:(1)tobeaMasonicserf, or(2)tobealiberatedandliberatingnewageofKosmonworkeroflightinservicetoourworld.TheMasonicSaphahpathtakesyoutowards darknessandbondage.ThenewageofKosmonpathtakesyoutowardstheCreatorandworldpeaceandunity. JoyandJoanhavealsobeenusingTheMolinaCenterfacilitiesaswelasSkypeconferencestoconnecttopotentialfolowerstocontrol: 421

All times given in Mountain Time


Afternoon: 2:30TMCMeeting Evening 7:00to8:30MeditationGroupplease Emailyourinspirationto Joan1@.. Sunday




7:00 PM What we can learn from Faithist groups of the past



Morning 9:00MissionDiscussion Afternoon 1:00RiteofPostulateInvestiture Tuesday 10.00MeditationonNewMoon WorkingwithWhiteLight Wednesday 7:30JoinConferenceCall(CC) GlennKendall,Host:Prophecy

AnexampleofTheMolinaCenterandSkypeConferenceItinerary(UFKChurch:Yahoo:2011)* Youwilnoticeinthisitineraryanumberofsalientevents.First,onSundayeveningat7:00pm,thereissessiononadvisingthoseofthepresentdaytolookonwithfavoronthepro-Masonic Saphahgroupsofthepast.Giventhenumerouscasesofcultoppressionthattookplaceinvariousgroups(seepartsix),especialyincludingthosefoundedbyJohnNewbrough,thisis exactlytheoppositeofthetruemessageofOahspeandthustheoppositemessagethatthoseafiliatedwithOahspeshouldbegiving. 3422345

NextyouseethatonMondayat1:00pmthereisaPostulateInvestiturewhichistheconferringofacombinationofhonorsandhigherspiritualrankuponcertainmembersofTheMolina Center,TheUnitedFaithistsofKosmon,TheKosmonChurch,orotherMasonicSaphahgroups.Onceagain,thisisallveryMasonicasanyprotocolceremonythatraisestheleaderseven higherintheeyesofthemultitudewereandarestilbeingcarriedout. Yousee,theappealhereistwofold:(1)makethecommoncrowdtoholdtheirmastersinevenhigheresteem,and(2)tomakeeveryonefeelevenbeteraboutthemselvesas“thechosen people”ofGod,withoutevermakinganykindofrealsacrificeorservice. AndonTuesdayat10:00therewilbeaNewMoonMeditationbecausethatiswhattheMasons,MasonicSaphahgroups,witches,andSatanistsbelieveisthebesttimetocarryoutspiritual activities.NomaterthatOahspehasofficialyrejectedsuchasnecessary.NomaterthatthelastthingfledgingFaithistgroupsneednowismoreencumberingdogmaandpriests.Nomater thatthefocusonmooncyclesisfargreaterthananyfocushaseverbeenonhearingtheCreator’sVoicedirectlywithoutclergy-ledrituals. YouwilalsonoticethatthereisnotimeoverthesespanofdaysonhowtoperformgoodworksserviceforourworldandfortheCreator. Andsotheseself-appointedleadersofOahspecontinuetoruinthebeautifulanduniversalmessagesofOahspebecausetheyareseekinggloryandreligiouspowerwithoutmakinganyeffort tohelpothers.ThisiscompletelyunacceptableandallcurrentclergymembersofTheMolinaCenter,TheUnitedFaithistsofKosmon,TheKosmonChurch,orotherMasonicSaphahgroups, shouldandmustimmediatelyrepudiatetheirfalseordinations— mustimmediatelyrepudiateallclaimstoberepresentativeleadersfromTheCreatorAlmighty. TheMoonCycleRitualsareapartofthiscultcontrolandmustend. Wearehere,andwelcomeyouallonthisconclusionoftheoldmoonandtheopenn i gnewmoon.MoreworkshouldbedoneconcerningtheTimesoftheMoon.Thereismuchtobe learned.Theflowisthethingtoconcentrateon. Thereistheebbandflowasinthetides.TheworkshouldbedoneinmeditationtogaintheinsightsoftheTimesoftheMoon.Theyaremost sacredTimes,andyouarenotspendingenoughtimewiththis.Youmustbegintobeawareofthebirthingofeachmoon,itsgrowth,itsfulness,andthenitsconclusion. Moon,gentleMoon,wecometoThee Withhumbleheartsfulofanticipation. Whatblessingswil fulfillthemselves Withthisnewbirthing. Moon,gentleMoon,weadoreThee, AndlooktoTheeforinspiration. BlessedbyThyTimesandSeasons GloriousintheWaysofTheDivine. [TheTabletofHY’YIcametomindandtheverseabouttheMoon.] (UFKChurch:Yahoo:1762)* 423423

ThefolowingtextsarewerepostedintheUnitedFaithistofKosmonChurchYahoosite. Theywerecreatedduringtheweeklyonlineconferencemeetingbythemembersofthisgroup.I wassuchamemberandpresentduringtheverysessionswhenthesepostswerewritten. Atthosetimes,Ineveroncehadasecondthoughtaboutanynegativeimplicationsconcerning these“moon”posts. IsimplysawthemasindividualinspirationsthatIwouldnotjudgeinacriticalfashionbutsimplytrytogleamasmuchpositivespiritualknowledgefromasIcould. Sowhathaschangedinthehandfulofyearssincethen?HaveIbecomelesstolerant?HaveIcomeunderthespellofarrogancewhereIseektobeseenasthesupremewiseman? Inallhonesty,IhaveonlysoughttofulfillthepreceptsofOahspeasbestImay.Butsincethesemoonpostings,IhavebeenforcedtoconfrontthefactthattherearecultforcesintheOahspe “movement.”IcertainlyfoundthattobethecaseearlyonwhenIcameundertheinfluenceofMaryLouBrown. IfoundasimilarsituationbeckoningwhenJoansoughttobeaspiritual mentor/mastertowhomIshouldfolowinMasonic-fashion. IresistedtheseoverturestogofartheralongtheJohnNewbroughMasonicPathwhenIsawthedetrimentalmind-control reachingoutforme. ItwasthelaterresearchIdiscoveredconcerningNewbroughandtheMasonsandtheirlatercurrentdaydisciplesthathasmademerealizeevenmorestronglyhowmuchharmthispathis doingtotheOahspe“movement;”wherethecorespiritualprinciplesaretwisteddeceptivelyintowhatcanonlybedescribedasareligiouscult.Theordainedclergyalongprovethisbutthere isfarmoreevidenceasyoucanseefromtheevidencedescribedsofarinthisbook. 422

Concerningthismeditationmoonpost,clearlyitsentirefocusisupontrainingone’sfocusuponthemoonasafundamentalwayofprogressingalongthespiritualpath. YetananalyticalreviewofthispostrevealsthattheCreator’sVoiceisnolongerthefocus.Wearetoldtopassively“gowiththeebbandflow”ofthemoon.Themoonisherebeingusedasa fasled i oltoreplacetheCreatorwherebyunscrupulousspiritscantakeadvantageoftomanipulatethegullibleintobeingcontroledmoreandmore. Sothetimesofthemoonarethesacredtimes?Howso?Whyso?Onemooninthealltheuniverseofstars,suns,andmoonsuncountable?Isitnotourdutytomakealltimessacred?Are therenototherbeautifulcreationsoftheCreatortoconsiderforinspiration?Andhowdoweknowthisistrue?BecauseweweretolditwastrueinOahspe!Overfortytimescombinedweare tod l inboththeoriginaltextandthefakeSaphahtext! YetifSaphahcanbefalselyaddedthensotoocanthemoonriteworshiptexthavebeenaddedtotheoriginaltext.Isthatnotso?AndifthenewdoctrinesofOahspestatethatnosacred daysnorpriestsaretobenecessarilyfolowed,thenwhywouldtheangelsgotothetroubleofcitingalltheseforty-plusmoontexts?! Answer:Theemancipatedandwiseangelswouldnotdosoandtheydidnotdoso.Rather,theMasonicspiritsdidviaJohnNewbrough,theirwilingaccomplicewhostoppedtheoriginalLant editionsothattheseMasonictextscouldbeimplanted. Andthepostendswithakindofpoem-prayerglorifyingthemoonwithadoration,thekindthatshouldbereservedfortheCreatoralone.No,thisissimplymorefalseidolworshipwhereby seekerswilbedupedintoreplacingtheirefortsofseekingtheCreatordirectlywhileinsteadopeningthemselvestothedarkinspirationsandcontroloftheMasonicspiritualrealms. WecomeagainthisweektotelyoumoreoftheMoon.ItisthatyoushouldbecomeintunewiththeTimesoftheMoon,herebbandflow.Forinsodoingyouareattuningyourselftothe harmoniesofCreation. ItisimportantthatyoucomeintoharmonywiththeTimesoftheMoon.Takethistoheart,andplaceyourselfwithinthetimesoftheMoon,andcometounderstandthe flow. Itistheflow.ThisweekwefindourselvesintheactivemotionoftheplanswemadeduringtheNewMoon.Wearenowinaction.Theimportantthingtorememberisthatyouhavemuch supportforyourworkwhenyoumoveintheTimesoftheMoon. OhMoon,Moon,CelestialQueen Letmemovenowwithyou Andsetinmotiontheflow Ofthingstocome. OMoon,Moon,CelestialMother, LetthemotionofyourTimes Flowthroughmeand Becomepartofme. (UFKChurch:Yahoo:1764)*6050505

Thsi postisverysimilartothepreviousoneinitsferventdevotiontothemoon.ThereisonceagainthecalltobecomepassivementalyandflowwithinspirationoftheMasonicmoon,your new“queen”whowilcontrolyouandwhomyouwil learntoobeysincethesespiritsarenowapartofyou.ThisversionseemsevenmorefrighteningandIamamazedIdidnotseethrough itatthetime.LikeIsaid,Iwastryingtoseethegoodinallthesepostsandtonotbetoojudgmental.AndasIstatedearlier,theanguishofthosewhohavesuferedatthehandsofthe Newbroughclergy,andtheirfailuretoworktowardsTheFather’sKingdomonEarthsuccessful,arereasonsenoughtowarnothersofthiscurrenttime. WecomeinPraiseandThanksgivingtoGreetyou.YouhavelaboredfaithfulyatMolina,andweknowthatyouarebodytired. Yetyouarewithus.ALLHAIL. Thereismuchtodonow.Planstobemade,and actiontobetaken.WeseethegatheringofFaithists asasolidstarttotheworkahead. WearepleasedthatyouareobservingtheMooncycles.MuchcanbeaccomplishedifyoufolowtheebbandflowofourdearMotherMoon. AwakenallFaithists.Nowisthetimetomakeyourchoices.MoveforwardinLoveandCompatibility.Learnhowtoliveincommunity,howtogrow,andhowtohelpothers. Itisasimpletask, yetittakestimetolearn.Soyourworkislaidoutforyounow.Tocometogether,toworshiptogether,toliveharmoniouslyintheLightoftheAllPerson.Rejoiceinthepathbehindyou.Rejoice inthepathahead. (UFKChurch:Yahoo:1860)* 43425

Andasbefore,muchemphasisisplacedonthesingleaspectofhonoringthemoonasthestraightestspiritualpathforprogresstobemadeforoneselfandforthecommunity. Anditshouldbepointedoutthatdespitethemassivefinancialsupport, thisMolinacommunityofmoonriteworshippersfailed.Whyso?Becausetheirgoalswerenot inlinewiththe emancipatedheavenswhereserviceuntoothersandtheCreatorarevalued.Theirgoalswereincontrast—insteadadoringthestrangedogmaticideasfromtheMasonsconcerningthe moonandotherarcanesymbols,allverytoxic.Ofcourse,thesepriestswil claimtheyintendedonlyservicetotheCreatorandwerefolowingtheidealsofOahspe.However,ifthosewere trueatall,thentheywouldneverhavechosentobecomeordainedpriestsandmastersofareligiouscult. Beingintunewiththecyclesandholydaysofthemoon,inthesecomingdays,wiladdstabilitytoyournaturesandemotionalbodyornaturewil bemorecontrolableandpredictable.Theactions ofmotherearthatthistimearelessthreateninganddangerousthanthecombinedandindividualnegativethoughtsandactionsoflowgradespirits.Findyourbalancepoint,andworktostayonit constitutionally.Wearewithyou. (UFKChurch:Yahoo:1775)* 5095959

Andyetanothersimilarpostaffirmingthenecessityofahavingamoonreligionanddirectcommunicationsofacircleofspirits,whoareinfact“low-gradespirits”despitethiswarning.The Creator?Notevenmentioned,beingsecondarytotheunseenMasonicspirits,hidingbehindthemoondevotionandmultitudeofweirdsymbols,whowishonlytoentwinethemselvesinthe aurasofthesepoormisledindividualssothattheycouldrulethemastheylikefortheiramusementandselfishpride. JohnNewbrough,SelahShalam,JoanandJoy,RuthandVernonandotherMasonicFaithistsarereligioncultists.Theyareself-proclaimed“holyones”—notallthatdifferentontheirspiritual paththanthatfromthoseclergyoftheMasons,Catholics,Muslims,orSalemwitches.Thebasisforthisstatementisthatalofthesegroupsvaluearcanespiritualknowledge—yetohso seldommakeuseofsuchforthegoodofourworld.Suchgroupsvalueshowyritesandadorationoftheclergy-spiritualleaders—yetseldomreallydevotethemselvestotuningintotheAll VocieoftheCreator.Suchgroupscreateanappearanceofdevotiontoservice—yetareinessencetooselfishtomakethenecessarysacrificestohelpthosebeneaththem.Theypretend torepresentlightbutareperpetuatinginsteadthedarknessoftheworld. It isalladamnsham—seekingspiritualgloryandyetdeceivingthemselvesandothersintobuyingintosuperficialspiritualknowledgewithouteverreallystrivingtoloveothersorGod Almg i htyjustasmuchastheylovethemselves. Infact,theyconsiderthemselvesthesupremeauthorityonthespiritualpathandchoosetodictatetootherswhatmustbedonetoachieve salvation,butintrutharesimplyfosteringspiritualbondageofthemindandspirit. Theywildenyallofthisbutthefactremainsthattheydonottalkabouthowtohelpothersbutonlyofstufingarcanespiritualbondageintothemindsofothers—allintheoppositedirection ofdirectinspirationfromtheCreator—allofwhichisagainstthecoreprinciplesofOahspe. 423

It isatragedythatallofthesefalseprophetsandtheirgroupssooftencontinuetogetawaywiththeirspiritualpathdeceptions. Thefactthatnonewagecommunitieshavecomeabout becauseoftheirworkprovesthattheirworkisnotinalignmentwiththeCreator’sWillbutratherinbeingdonetomakethemselvesfeelgoodaboutthemselves.


MyHandisreadytowhomsoeverwil reachforthuntoMe. MyVoiceisreadyandcleartowhomsoeverwil turnaway fromotherthings,andawayfromphilosophersandambiguous words,servingMeingoodworks.MyLightispresent,and answerethuntoallwho6folowtheirallhighestknowledge. (Inspiration10:24-26)*

ItwouldbefantasticifanyoftheseMasonicFaithistswouldturnawayfromtheirrobes,symbolsandarcaneknowledgeworship.Wecouldthenworktogetherasbrothersandsisterstohelp others,tomakethisworldabetterplace.Wewouldthenwelcomeoneanotherwithalltheloveandlightofourspiritandsoul.Nodoubtthedaywilcomebutwil itcomeinthisworldorthe next?


§ 22:TheChambersofAdeptsandProphecy*6

PresentedOrigin:Egypt PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:ceremonialacts RiteFormat:master-initiateQ&A,spiritpowerstest TheperplexingtextualenigmasanddeceptionscontinueinSaphahconcerningboththeRitualofChamberofAdeptsandtheRitualoftheChamberofProphecy.Forbotharebutfragments andforthefirsttimeinSaphah,thereisnocorrespondingplateimagepresented.TheaboveimageisthatoftheMasonicChamberofReflection,whichcorrespondstoNewbrough’sritual chambersinvariousways,thoughnotineveryway.Yetpleasenotenowhowheretooalsotherearethefourgatewayscorrespondingto thecardinaldirectionsandthattheSouthwas wherealtarofthepriestleadingtheritewaslocated. Sothefirstquestionstobeconsideredare: (1)iftheriteisofvalue,theywhysuppresstheful text?Andiftheriteistoosacredtoreveal,whyrevealanyofit? OnereasonableconclusionisthattheMasonicspiritauthorswishedtoincludethesepassagessincetheyspeaktotheexotic,enticingpsychicareasofprophecyandotherspiritualpowers. Suchexcitingspiritualtopicswouldbeidealforrecruitmentwherethepromiseofmysticabilitieswoulddrawthemoreselfish,themoreself-seekingofthenewageseekers. Therefore,whatyoudoNOTseeleadstoyouWANTING toseejustthat.Theonlywaytoreceivethis“sacred-secret”informationistosuccessfulycompletetheseriesofstudyand obedienceinvolvingthemasterswhoteachtheMasonicsymbolismandseriesofrituals.Themissingtextandthepromiseofreceivingadvancedpsychicpowersaretherecruitmentbaitset upbytheMasons. IntruththereisnothingworthwhiletoseebehindthatMasoniccurtain—onlydarkness,onlymentalcontrolbythefakeOahspepriestsandmasters.Therepassagesarejustbait-and-switch forthegullible—classicentrapmenttechniquesforcultists. Part1— TheChamberofAdepts HerewehavethetypicalMasonic-styleriteswheremastersindoctrinateandinterrogatesubordinates,testingthemtoseeiftheyhavelearnedtheirlinesandagreedtofulsubmission.Here themastersholdfulauthorityandpoweroverwhoshal jointheirreligion,theircult. SOUTHGATEPRIEST:BywhatauthorityapproachestthoutheChamberofAdepts? INITIATE:AsJehovihcreatedme,soIam. (Saphah:ChamberofAdepts:1-2)

Theimplicationbythepriestisthattheyaretheauthorityandwithouttheirpermission,notbyJehovih’s,areanyallowedtotakethisritualstep. AndnextitwilbecomeveryclearthatanexceptionalydedicatedFaithistarrivestotakeandpassthisRiteofAdepts: SOUTHGATEPRIEST:Whatcanstthoudo? INITIATE:Ilabormorethansufficienttoprovideformyself.I governmypassionsandcorporealdesires;Ineverspeakin anger,oreventhinkinanger,orhatredorenvy.Inevertalkof myself,orwhatIcando,orwhatIhavedone,soastolaud myself.NeitherdoIseektojustifymyself,bywordsor arguments,forerrorswhichImayhavecommitted.Icontend withnooneforanything,orprinciple,orknowledgeof myown.Iadministeruntoothersfortheircorporeal andspiritualresurrectionandhappiness. (Saphah:Adepts:3-4)

TrulyitisgoodtoseethatatleastthefundamentalprinciplesofFaithismandOahspearebeingespousedinthisrite. Yetifthiswereanactualpersonwhowasspeakinghonestlyabouttheirlabors,thentheywouldbealreadyattheepitomeofwhatitmeanstobeaFaithist.Thereforetherewouldbenoneed forpriestsorritualsofacceptance.Whomamongthesepriestseveryachievedthissupernalleveloffolowingwhileperfectlylivingone’shighestlight? SOUTHGATEPRIEST:Whatelsehastthouattained? INITIATE:Toadaptmyselftoothers,soastobedesired bythem.Ihavetaughtmyselftolovetowaitonandassist thelowanddepraved;towashthemandprovidethemwith


comfort.Ihaveovercomealldesiretoservemyselffor self-sakeinanywaywhatsoever. (Saphah:Adepts:7-8)

Thsi isthedegreeallofuswhoclaimtobeFaithistshouldbefocuseduponwithalourdedication,devotion,andservicetoall. Therealityversustheideal,however,isverygreatbetween theMasonicSaphahistsandOahspe’srevelationsaboutrealresurrection. However,incontrast, itcannotbearguedthatevenShalamspentmuchtimeonhelpingthe“lowanddepraved.”Ifanything,theywerebannedfromapproachingthiscultfortheywere considered“unworthy!”AndsimilarlysowasIalsoconsidered“unworthy”bythepresentdayNewbroughpriestssuchasatMolina.Thatisjustfinebyme. PartFivewilmakeveryclearthatthecommunityofShalamfailedmiserablytoliveuptotheseidealsofOahspebecauseoftheconductandattitudesofsuchcultishleaderssuchas Newbrough. Thus,becausenoneoftheseFaithistspiritualmilestonesaretrueofNewbrough’sgroupsnortheirmembers,theseritualproclamationswereandareforrecruitingandmindcontrolpurposes only. Simia l rhighidealsarefurtherexplained: SOUTHGATEPRIESTWhatarethypossessions? INITIATE:Nothing.Ihaveputawayallearthlypossessions. SOUTHGATEPRIEST:Whatarethyqualifications? INITIATE:Tryme. Theinitiateisnowtriedastohiscapacitytoseespiritually, whilstblindfolded,andtohearspirituallysomethingbeyondthe reachofmortalears.Thenheexhibiteththepowerofangelsto writeonthetabletsbeforethealtar,inpresenceofwitnesses. Afterthistheinitiateaskeththeangelstolifthimtotheceiling, andthisisalsoaccomplishedinpresenceofwitnesses.Nexthe castethhimselfintrance,andtheangelscomeinsar'gisandtalk tothepeople.Afterthishegoethoutofhismortalbody, travelinginspirittoaneighbor'shouse,seeingandhearing whatisthere,andmakinghisspiritmanifestuntothatplace; andthenhereturnethandre-inhabitethhisownbody.Thus endeththetrial.) SOUTHGATEPRIEST:Thouartfoundworthyofthemost sacredOrderofAdepts.(Saphah:Adepts:9-14)

Onceagainitisthepriest,theanointedclergy,whodecidewhoisworthyandwhoisnot—nottheCreator,notourselvessittingonthatthroneofself-judgment—justsomeself-proclaimed “masters“ofyetanothercultcontroledbylow-gradespirits. Andconcerningtheinitiate,herewehavetheirproclamationsofhavingbecomeaperfectperson. Ifanyonehadeverbeenableto“do”or“think”asthispersonisclaiming,theywouldhave becomesoONEwiththeCreator,theywouldhavethe immensepower,wisdom,andthelovetoaccomplishanygoodworktheyputtheirattentionupon.Hencetheywouldnotneedtojoin suchacultandwouldnotwishto,havingfoundresurrectionthroughselflessgoodworks,beingONEwithTheCreatorandbyfulfilingtheWilofTheCreator. Additionally,suchanangelicpersonwouldnotwishtobecomeapriestnorberuledoverbyone. Thereforetheinclusionofsuchtextisnothingmoreandnothinglessthatadeceptiveovertureofwhatthemembersofthiscultintendtobecomeandsupposivelyalreadyare.Obviously, suchagroupofn i crediblyattunedindividualsoulswouldhavebeenabletoachievetheFathers’sKingdomonEarthwithrelativeease,beingselflessandmightyinJehovih,havingperfect faithn i Jehovih.Newbrough’sSaphahlodgesandgroupsneitherhadthatthen,nordotheirdescendentgroupsnow. Theotherfalseimplicationsherearethatnotonlyisthisinitiatealreadylivingalife“angelic”whileamortal,sotooarethecurrentmembersofthecult,wheretheyownnothing,honor indivd i ualfreedom,andsacrificeeverythingforthegoodofothers. Imean,didthemastersandpriestsofthisculteverdecidetonotcontendwith,tonotcontrolothersasthisinitiateclaims?Considertheritualwords: SOUTHGATEPRIEST:Wouldstthounotcontendforright andjustice,againstwrongandbondage? INITIATE:Alas,Imightbeinerrorastowhatisrightorwrong, orjustice,orbondage.Nay,Icontendnotatall;neitherdoIresist; norsetupmyjudgmentagainstanyman's.ThelightoftheFather whichIreceive,thatdeclareIuntoothers.(Saphah:Adepts:5-6)

Thsi veryritualcontradictsthisphilosophyasitisfilledwithjudgment.TheMasonicSaphahistpriestsjudgeallwhotakepartinit. Justn i caseyouhaveforgotten,IhavestatedthroughoutthisbookthatIhavetheutmostadmirationforallNewbroughdidUNTILheforsookOahspe—despitehischannelingofit—and wentbacktotheMasonsandtheMasonicspiritsinsabotagingtheTrueFaithistPaththatshouldhaveresultedfromOahspe’sfirstseer. Part2— TheChamberofProphecy Specifically,concerningtheProphecytext: 427

GODsaid:Beforelearningtoapproachthefootofthethrone, whatprofitisittoshowthemthewaytomountuponthe throneitself?Preserve,therefore,thesecretsofprophecy forsuchasapplythemselvestokeepingJehovih's commandments.Thosewhohaveattainedtothefoot, canofthemselvesfindthewaytomountuponit. (Saphah:ChamberofProphecy:1-2)

Hereweonceagainarepresentedwiththeconceptsoftheworthyandtheunworthy,theanointedandnon-anointed.Hereispromotedtheviewthatspiritualknowledgeisnotforthemasses, notfortheregularpeople.Realspiritualknowledge,accordingtothesecultists,isonlyopentothosewhomtheysanctionasworthy,ashavingjumpedthroughthementalhoopsoftheir choosing.So,themessageis“don’tshow,don’treveal”spiritualknowledgetojustanyone. Concerningthelastline,itisverytruethatallofuscanfindourownwaytotheThroneofourCreator.Itisalsotruethatsuchaspiritualprogressioniswithinourownspirit. Thuswehaveto havefaithinourselves,intheCreator,andinoneanother’scapabilitytowalkthePathofResurrection,handinhand,asequals. Whatisnottrueisthatanyclergyofanyreligion-culthavetheauthoritytoopenorclosethegatethatleadstoTheThroneofJehovihtheIAM.Foritiswithinourselvesifnowhereelse. ForwearetheChildrenoftheCreatorandneverbeforeinthehistoryofourworldhasthereeverbeenatime—TheKosmonEra—whereeachpersonismeanttobecompletelyfree, equalandsolelyresponsibleforallweare,forallwedo. FaithintheGreatSpirit,servicetotheGreatSpirit,LovethroughtheGreatSpirit,UnityintheGreatSpirit—allofthesearethe keystosalvation. Inconclusion,ourownsalvationisourhandsandthatisthebestplacetobeginachievingthesegoodthings.


§ 23:TheBasisoftheEzraBible*6


PresentedOrigin:Israel PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:Noneareapparent. Format:HistoricalNarrative Inexplicablyandsuddenly,theformatofSaphahchangeshere.Sofarithasbeenacollectionofmysticsymbolsandrituals. Startinghereitishistoricalnarrative. Thsi isnotamistakebutsimplytheeditorialdecisiontocementmore typicalMasonicviewpointsintoOahspe. TheMasoniceditorsthatincludeDr.Newbroughcanandsotheydojam additionalnon-originaltextintoOahspeitself. Inthiscase,theJewishKabbalahcultisakindofparagonofwhattheMasonsaimtobe:thechosenpeopleofGodwhoprimarilyactinsecret ritualsandsecretsymbolism.Also,n i thiscase,thescribeprophetEzraofIsraelrepresentstheseperfectlywhereonegroupofsupposedreligiousauthoritiesissuepronouncementsonwhich spiritualtextsandideasarejudgedtobesuitable. AnadditionalquestioniswhythishistoricalnarrativeneededtobeseparatelyincludedinSaphahsinceOahspealreadygivesageneralaccountoftheIsraelites’religiousorganizationand strugglesinthetimesofAbrahamandMoses. FromtheFaithistbranchsprangtheAsenean(Essenean,or Es'eans)Association,cultivatingprophecyandpurityof spirit.Forfurtherlight,readofPharaohinthelowerheavens, andthemigrationoftheEastIndianGodswestward,inanother partofOahspe.(Saphah:Ezra:4)

Yes,anotherpart—orratherotherparts—suchasinTheFirstBookofGod(Moses)andTheBookoftheArcofBon(Abraham).ThereforethistextfromSaphahEzrareadsasifitwere simplya“tackedon”admissionofnon-originaleditorialcomment.Theethereanangelsarenotduplicitousaddiction-drivenbeingsastheSaphahistdrujasare,andsowouldnothavedecided itwasnecessarytohaveduplicateaccountsofthesamenarrative. Hence,theconclusiontobemadeisthatKabbalistsarea“paragon”fortheMasonicSaphahistswhowishtoemulatetheIsraelitessinceitmakesthemfeelasiftheywere“thechosen peopleofGod,”youknow,betterthaneveryoneelse. WhowasEzra?Foryourreference: EzratheScribeandEzrathePriestintheBookofEzra (480-440BCE),wasaJewishscribeandpriest,thelast HighPriesttoserveintheFirstTemple. Hereturnedfrom BabylonianexileandreintroducedtheTorahinJerusalem. Hedictated24booksfortheHebrewBible)andanother70 forthewisealone.*34424222

TheHolyRoyalArchMasonLodge—ScribeEzra.”*43434342018 NaturalythesecretaryofFreemasonTemplesiscommonlyreferredtoas “ScribeEzra.”*4343434240314834It34is201al89sothecasethatoneoftheMasonschiefofficersisreferredtoas“Jerub”(Jerub/ Zerub/Zerub-babel)beingnamedaftertheEthereanangelmentionedinthissectionofSaphah.* Andnotcoincidentaly,theMasonsalsohaveaninnersecretcirclejustastheKabbalistIsraelitesdid.ConsiderTheRoyalArchEmblempicturedfromthatwebpagescan: 429

TheHolyRo3y3a l3A rchEmblem 3 2 3 3 3 * AndatthecenterofthisemblemisasymboloftheinnercultsymboloftheMasons:


TheInnerHolyRoyalArch Somewhatsinister-looking,isitnot?Wel,whathappensisthatthedeeperyougointotheMasons,thedarkertheirpracticesbecome,astheylooktojustifyandnormalizetheirdarkerritual acts,whichdoeventuallyincludetheblackartsandSatanism.ThesearepathsnoreaderofOahspewouldwantOahspetobeassociatedwith,nomaterhowdistant. ConsiderthispropagandaadvertisementandhowitcloselyparalelstheelementsinTheKosmonChurchandTheUnitedFaithistsofKosmoninspiritualapproach.


MasonicBrochureAdvertisement Therearemasters.Check.Thereareallusionstoancientspiritualpractices.Check.Therearelevelsofdegreesthateachmemberhastoparticipateinritualsinordertoobtain.Check.There issecret“knowledge”onlyavailabletotheinnercircle.Check.Thereare“beautiful”rituals.Check. ThereisnodevotiontotheCreatornortogoodworksexceptinpassingsoastofoolyouintothinkingtheMasonicSaphahistpathistheWilofGodAlmighty. Noneofthisisexactlypureevil,andcertainlythe“Faithist”branchoftheMasonsisnevergoingtobeasdarkastheMasonshighestinnermostcirclesare.Yetwhenyoureadofthesufering oftheirmembersinPartsFiveandSxi ,therewilseemlessofadifference. Evenso,theinclusionofthisEzrasectionisjuststrange,distracting,andpointless.Andremember!ThisisOahspe!ThemostimportantchanneledwritingfortheKosmonAge—anewage wherethepastoldreligionsandcultsaresupposedtobenomore.YetherearetheMasonSaphahistsdishonestlyimplantingtheirsymbolsandnamesintoOahspejustbecausetheylike whattheylikeandwanteveryoneofeveryreligion,ofeveryspiritualpath,tobelikethem,andvisaversa.Thereisno“good”reasonforanyofthis. It isalsoonceagainannoyingtoseethatthefalsegodOsiris(knownoriginallyasChe-le-Mung)isnamedincomplimentaryterms—wretchedlyplacedintoOahspeviaSaphahadozen timesbecausetheMasonslovethefalseOsiris: InthetimeofMoses,thepeopleofArabin'yaworshipedmany GodsandLords,whosehighheavenlyCaptainwasOsiris. FourchiefGodswereunderhim;theywere:Baal,Ashtaroth, DagonandAshdod.Thereweresevenandtwentyother Godsalso,knowntomortals.(Saphah:Ezra:1)

“whosehighheavenlyCaptainwasOsiris…”ThisissimplymoreindirecthomagetothefalseOsiris(asopposedtotheethereangodofthatname).IfonlytherealpresentdayfalseOsiris couldspeaktous!Hehasnodoubtrepentedofhisreligioustyrannyandwouldspeakoutstronglyagainstanyonewalkingdowntheblindpathofcultism.Neverthelessandunfortunately,the Masonsarenotlikelytosoonletgooftheirhundredsoffalseidolssuchas“Osiris.”SeetheearliersectiononOsirisinthisbooktorecalljustthat! Atanyrate,ratherthanparsethroughthenumerousdetailsofthis“historical”narrative,Iwilcuttothechasetothemostotherpertinenttextthatshouldbeevenmoresoobjectedtoasbeing inOahspeinthefirstplace: 430

Withinthecommunefamilies,werecertainsignsand pass-wordsbelongingtothedifferentdegrees.Therewere alsooralrulesoflifeandworship,butthesewerekept secretfromthemultitude,buttheinstructionofthecommune fatherstothefamilieswasbythismethodmadetoharmonize allthepeople.(Saphah:Ezra:4)

Sowhatwehavethroughoutthispassageofalmost2,400wordsarereafirmationsofspiritualcommunitieshaving:(1)priests,(2)secretsigns,(3)secretpasswords,(4)secretrituals,and (5)secretdegreesofspiritualrank.Allofthese,asshownearlier,areagainstthecoreprinciplesofOahspe,againstthenewagespiritualpathcomingintobeinginAquarius-Kosmon.Yet heretheyareinOahspe,forgoodnesssake! IfallthathadhappenedwerethatTrojanhorseknownasSaphahhadlaidquietlysilentlyinthepassagesofOahspe,nevertotroubletheworld,thentherewouldhavebeennoproblem. Regrettably,ifyouwil butrecallorconsiderforthefirsttime,JohnNewbroughandhislodges,andthedescendentcultgroupssuchasTheKosmonChurchandTheUnitedFaithistsof Kosmon,TheMolinaGroup—eachofthesefromShalamtil presenthavepriests,secretsymbolism—spiritualmasterswhorulewhatistobe.DirectinspirationfromtheCreatorisdeemphasized.Goodworksserviceisde-emphasized.AndsothemindcontrolcultismcontinueswithjustificationbeingderivedfromthepassageslikethisinSaphah: “TheBasisoftheErza Bible.” Tothisveryday,theMasonicinfiltrationofOahspecontinuesunabated.Thesolutionsaresimple:nomorepriests,shamans,holyones,reverends,clergyorchosenpeoplemasqueradingas representingwhatOahspestandsfor;nomoresecretritesnorsecretsymbols. InsteaditistimetoestablishrealspiritualgroupsdedicatedtotherealidealsofthisnewagewhereeachpersonexpandstheirinspirationfromtheEver-Present,seekingtoachievegood upliftingserviceuntoallwithalltheirmight—doingalloftheseasoneharmoniousfamily,…anewspiritualcommunity. Thsi canbedone.YetitcanneverbedonebytheseMasonic-styleSaphahcultsand—notcoincidentaly—thesecult“Faithists”haveneveryetsucceededindoingmuchgood—exceptin causingmiseryandconfusionforothers.SeePartsFiveandSix! Theseself-proclaimed“holyones”areobsessed.Theywil neverstopseekingtoconvertotherstobetheirfolowers. Theirgoal istoleadyoutowardsthemselvesdespiteanyfalse proclamationsotherwise. Ifthiswerenottrue,alltheywouldhavetodoproveotherwisewouldbetodenounceanyonebeingordainedministers—torejecttheirreligioustitles—torenounceanyandalleffortsto placethemselvesbeforethemassesasholierorwiser. Praytel,whichofthesepersonshasyetstoppedtheirobsessionanddroppedallthesenegativepretences? IntheCreatorAlmightyaloneletusputourtrust!


§ 24:Ahura’MazdaCreator*6


PresentedOrigin:Persia PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:Noneareapparent. Format:HistoricalNarrative

Part1:TheHistoryofAhura’Mazda Rightawayandimmediately,oneispuzzledandsurprisedbythestrangetitleofthissection:Ahura’MazdaCreator?Thatdoesnotsoundright.Afalsegod?OrwasitJehovih’sappointed godofheavenandearth?Oh,Isee!Considerthispassage: Jehovihsaid:Whatmaterethaname?Letthemcallthe CreatorAhura'Mazda,andcallAhura'MazdatheCreator.Since HehathnotshownHimselfinaship,orinthefigureofaman, behold,thyinspirersshallteachHisEverPresence.(Divinity16:9)

SoasstatedintheBookofOuranothen,thenameweusefortheCreatordoesnotmater,solongasweconceiveoftheEver-Present,EternalandInfinite. Yes,andyet— NO!Agoodconceptbutwrongfulyappliedhereexceptinanimportantcircumstancethatneedstobedistinguishedfuly. ThatwisejustificationcontainedinthatquotationconcernsthereligiousfolowerswhowereraisedupwithoutachoiceandwithoutanyknowledgeoftheCreatorandweretrainedtousea certainnameyetstil sincerelyintheirheartloveandworshiptheactualGreatSpiritoftheUniverse. TheeditorsofOahspeknewandknowfulwellthattheterm “Ahura’Mazda”referstoanactualfalsegod,atyrannicaldespotwhocrushedallwhowouldnotsubmit— definitelynotthe Creator.SupposivelytheeditorsofOahspehavereadOahspeandhavezeroneedtocalltheactualCreator “Ahura’Mazda.”Therefore,therecanbenogoodrationalefordoingsoherein Saphah— UNLESSwecomeyetagaintofurtherMasonicintrigueanddeception.Moreonthisinparttwoofthissection. Imean— isn’tthisjustasbadasstating:MithraCreator? Nonetheless,itisworthwhiletonotethattheterms“Ahura’Mazda”and“I’hua’Mazda”caneasilybeconfused.Thefirstreferstothefalsegodnamepublicyusedbytherebelioussub-god Ahura,whodeviouslyproclaimedhimselftheCreator: AmInothewhoinspiredZarathustra,theAlPure?SpakeI nottohim,facetoface?Arenotallcreatedthingsmineown? Who,then,knowethbutIwil lightuptheworldagain?Behold, IamthePersonationofOrmazd,WhowasVOIDANCE,but nowisMe,Ahura'Mazda.InMeonlyislifeanddeathand resurrection.Whosoevercalleth:Ahura'Mazda,Ahura'Mazda! ismine,andwithinMykeeping.Suffernotthyjudgmenttobe warpedbyprophetswhohopeforimpossiblethings. (Divinity12:7).

JustasAhuradeceptivelyclaimedtobetheCreator,soalsodidheclaimtobethe“God”whohadinspiredZarathustra,thefirstgreatprophetofdivinemissioninourworld’shistory. Andso alsofalselydidthetheseriesoffalsegodsoffolowedAhuraevenuntotimesofThoth-GarbrielofIslam. However,thetruthisthatZarathustrawashimselfguidedbytheGodofEarththosemanythousandsofyearsago.God,SonofJehovih,whosemissioncamewiththetitleof“I’hua’Mazda” or“WordorVoiceofGod,”cametoe l adZarathustratofreePersiatofreelyworshiptheCreatorofALL.AndsoanewspiritualcycleintheworldbeganwheredirectworshipofTheGreat SpiritwasopenlytaughtinthelandsofPersia,over8,000yearsago. Intime,Ahura’scultfalsereligionrealmsandfolowersdescendedintochaosandhels—foratime—untiltheywererescued.Anditcametopassthattheseadditionalfalsegodsfolowed inAhura’sfootsteps—evenafterAhurareformedhimselfandruledinsteadtouplifthisfolowers.Andthesenewfalsegodswouldoftenclaimtobetheverysame“GodofGods” —suchas Ahura’Mazda—inafraudulentefforttoruleandenslavemortallives,onearthandintheheavens—slayingallintheirwayonearth—castinginhellsallinthespiritworldallwhowouldnot bowtothem. Andsoitbecamecommonplacefornumerousmalevolentbeings—falsegodsseekingtoruletheirownrealmsandlandswithabsolutetyranny,havingtheirownnewfalseGodnames, suchaswhereAnuhasajbecame“De’yus.” Thesesamealsosoughttopersuadetheworldthatallpast“God”namesreferredtothemselvesaswel.Andeachofthesefalsegodsandtheir namesandtheirchieflords(suchasChe-le-mungwhobecamethefalseOsiris)continuedtobranchoutandharmthefreepeope l ofearthwhilebetrayingandfightingoneanotherin“holy” warsonearthasitwasintheheavens. 432

Thusn i thissectionofOahspeweconsequentlyhaveyetanothercaseofadefinitefalsegod(inthiscase,Ahura’Mazda)beinghonoredinOahspeviathe“falsebook”ofSaphah.Sowhyis thsi happeningonceagain?Forthesamereasonsasexplainedearlier. Masonscovetworshippingeverygodbyeverysymboleverconceivedsothattheymayconsiderthemselvestheelitest“mostchosen”peopleever. Masonsdevaluerealserviceanddevalue realhumilityandbecauseDr.JohnNewbroughwasaMasonofthehighestdegree,theMasonicdrujasreturnedtohimandthroughhisobsessedleadership,thespiritualpathofOahspe Faithistswaspoisonedwithnegativeandharmfulbeliefsandattitudesasnevershouldhavebeen. TheactualpassageinquestioninSaphahisnotlonganditisgivenhereinitsentirety: DescendedbytheYi-halightthroughmortals,andinthe VedanGodsrevealedfromZarathustrainJuian,Zendand Haizariyi,andthenceintoVede,andthenceintoSanscrit, andbyBrahmaandbyBuddha.These,then,thatfolow,are thepilarsoflightofGreatJehovih,stil standingastheremnants ofHisbelovedsonsanddaughtersintheEast. Airyana,the good,createdthings.Anra'mainyus,theevil,createdthings.Gau, placeofscienceinheaven.Maori,thesecondholyheaven. Bakhdhi,thirdholyplaceinheaven.Haroyu,confederate republicsinheaven.Haetumat,emancipatedheavenabovethe lowerorboundheavens.(SaphahAhura’MazdaCreator1-2)*6

(Sarcasmon.)Doesn’tthismakeyourealizehowhonoredyoumustfeelthatyouarereadingthispassageofSaphahandthereforereadytocommityourselftoaMasonicSaphahpriestas yourmasterwhocanhelpyoutakethefirststepstowardsreachingtheseheavens?Holynamesmeansholymysteriestoberevealed,dotheynot?(Sarcasmoff.) Thetruthisthatallwehavehereisajam-packedpassagefulof“sacred”namesofGod,ademon,aswelasreferencestosome“acclaimed”prophets,heavensandlanguages. Ofcourse,whilethispassagereadsasifitwereafragmentofalargermysterioustextavailableonlytotheinnercircleoftheinita i ted,asfarasrealspiritualcontentgoes,thispassageisas emptyofideasasanyeverhasbeen.Thereisnosubstance.Therearenogreattruths.ThereisnocalltoservicetotheCreatornortotheworld.Itisallsimplycosmicnamedroppingmeant todeceivethegullibleandtheinnocent. Thusthroughscouringtherubbishbinofhistory,theMasons,inthiscasemorespecifically,theMasonicSaphahists,continuetodemeanthenewagebibleOahspebyassociatingitwithyet anotherhonoringofafalsegod,“Ahura’Mazda.”Andthisisafalsegodwholiteralyslaughteredmortalsandimprisonedinhellsthemilionswhodefiedhim.Ahura’Mazdaisjustasbada role-modelasthepastfalsegodsalreadyglorifiedinSaphah. Furthermore,therole-modelforZarathustraandhisdisciplesweretheI’hins,forZarathustra,almostten-thousandyearsago,spentaportionofhislifelivingwiththeI’hinsinthemountains wheregoodworksandtheGreatSpiritandspiritualcommunityaremainpurposestolife: Theking'slawsarefortheearth-world;topunishthewickedand rewardthevalorous;theOrmazdianlawisfortheZarathustrians, whoneednokings.Thysubjectsareforwarandplunder; butthesubjectsoftheGreatSpiritarefordoinggood,and inloveandmercy.AndhaveInotshowntheethatthe Ormazdianlawsarethestrongerofthetwo?Yea,a hundredfold.(Divinity25:23)*6

Therefore,certainlytherealZarathustracovenantedtotheGreatSpirit,Ever-Present,andNOTtosomekindofman-godasdepictedinthesepictures.Thisnewspiritualpathwasverymuch akintotheI’hinsasZarathustralivedandworshippedwiththem.Yetnowtheentireworldwouldhaveitsopportunitytakeitsfirstfewstepsinwalkinganemancipatedpaththatleadsdirectly totheCreator. Interestingly,it istheterm“Ahura’Mazda”thatbecameincorrectlyassociatedastheGodofZarathustra.AllofthiswasduetotheeffortsofallthesefalsegodslayingclaimtoZarathustra beingoneoftheirprophetsaswelastheterm“Ahura’Mazda”asbeingoneoftheircosmicnames.Andsothehistoricalrecordshavebeenerroneouslyskewedinthoseaspects. Ahura’Mazdaisusualypresentedasagod-kingofman-forminshape:

Ahura’Mazda*63323232323245 433

AhuraMazdawasthesupreme,uncreatedGod.Hewhocreated theHeavensandtheEarth.AsleaderoftheHeavenlyHost, theAmeshaSpenta,hebattlesAhrimanandhisfollowerstorid theworldofevil,darknessanddeceit.ThewordAhurameansLight andMazdameansWisdom.ThusAhuraMazdaistheLordofLight andWisdom.AhuraMazdaistheCreatorandupholderofTruth. AhuraMazdaisanOmniscient(thoughnotOmnipotent)god, whowouldeventuallydestroyevil.AhuraMazda'scounterpart AngraMainyu,theevilspiritandthecreatorofevilwhowil bedestroyedbeforefrashokereti(thedestructionofevil).


TheactualreligionofZoroastrianismisasclosetoFaithisminitsstatedaimsofgoodworksandpurificationofselfasanyothermajorreligionoftheworld.Yetitistruethattheirconception ofTheCreator isnotaselevatedoruniveralasconceivedinOahspe.Nevertheless,thereexistnogoodreasonstohighlightAhura’MazdainOahspeviaSaphahsincethatname correspondstothefalsegodAhura,hisrelatedcontemporaryfalsegodsandasoneoftheMasonsfavoriteidolsaswel. HereinweseeanotherservicetotheworldthatOahspehasperformedinrevealingthetruththatZarathustraandZorastriansworshippedtheGreatSpiritoftheUniverse,theSourceofAll Goodness,justastheI’hinsdid.Theliesofthefalsegodsbecame“historicalfact”wheninfact,Ahura’Mazdawasneveranamemadeworshipfuluntilthefalsegodsindeceptionintervened. TheoriginalustraandZorastriansandtheI’hinsdidnotworshipa“bearded-man-figured”god.TheyworshippedtheUnseenEternalSpiritEver-Present. AndsoOahspeshouldneverbe encouragingviaSaphahtheworshipoftheCreatorusingtheterm“Ahura’Mazda.”



Zarathustra(NewbroughArtwork)*6 Part2:Ahura’MazdaandtheFreemasons

Ahura’MazdaandtheMasons*633999556656 WithinthepantheonoffalsegodsthattheMasonsworshipandholdinhighesteem,Ahura’Mazdaisverynearlyatthetopofthelist.SofarinSaphah,atleastelevenfalsegodshavebeen inexplicablehighlightedtohonortheminthisfakeOahspenon-originalbook: Osiris,Isis,Taurus,Aries,Mithra,Anubis, Hong-she,He’jo’is,Fo'e'tses,Baugh-ghan-ghad, andAhura-Mazda Thsi remindsmeverymuchofasaboybeingaskedtopraytothescoresofCatholicsaintswhoweresaidtoassistGodintheprotectionandinspirationofallloyalfolowers—ratherthanto Goddirectly.Thisnevermadesensetomethenandinasimilarfashion,thisinclusionofMasonickalideoscopeof“saints,demons,andgods”isatbestcounter-productivetoInspirationto TheAlVoice—andatworse—destructive,harmfulanddangeroustothosetakeninbyNewbrough’scult. Asyoucansee,theauthorofthebookshownaboveisthetopMasonofall-time,AlbertPike,whothinksenoughofAhura’Mazdatohavewrittenashorttreatisejustonthisfalsegod.Andu j st asJohnNewbroughwas,sotoowasAlbertPike,Masonicleadersofthehighestdegree3,3t3h33e2332332 degree.Inthiscase,Ahura’Mazdawasinfactamajorfocusofworshipandamajor mie l stoneofMasonicadvancementforallreachingthe32 degree(Luciferisdegree30!* ).Herefolowsaquotationfromthebookpicturedaboveintheimage: rd




MithraswasalsoidentifiedwiththeSun.Thementionof Ahura-Mazdaisinterestingforitisthisgodthatthelecture ofthe32nddegreeofMasonrydealswith.Inthislecture Ahura-Mazdaiscalledthe"spiritoflight."TheMasons aretheninstructedto:"LooktotheEast,mybrothers... andbeholdtheseven-pointedstar,thegreatsymbolof thisdegree,withthesevencolorsoftherainbow.The sevencolorsandsevenpointsrepresenttheseven potenciesofAhura.ObservenowthegreatDeltaof Pythagorasconsistingof36linesarrangedineightrows toformanequilateraltriangle.Thelightoftheapexofthe DeltarepresentsAhura-Mazda,SourceofAllLight..

*633499946 Notsurprising,eveninthisone-hundred-year-plusoldbookofMasoniccultdogma,eveninjustthisrandomfragmentgiven,therearefurtherparalelstotheSaphahPrieststraditions establishedbyNewbroughandcarriedoutbypresentdayprieststothisday: (1) theuseoftheEastDirectionasastartingpointforspiritual awakening(SeeearlierSaphahrites), (2) theimportanceoftheseven-pointedstar(thisconceptwas communicatedtomeduringmyownintialinstructionbyMolina priests),and (3) theuseofcolors,particularrays,asmightbeenvisionedinthe expandingfromthesymmetryofatriangle,asaspiritualforce, (4)theimportanceofthetriangle(presentthroughoutSaphahand KosmonChurchteachings). Certan i lyeveryreligion,cult,andspiritualpathhasarighttousetheirowndogmabasedonanyelementsofmathematicsorphysicsormetaphysics.Theright todosoisnotbeing challengedherebutratherwhethersuchdogmaisahelporahindrancetospiritualdevelopmentinthenewage,wherepriestsshouldnotbedolingoutportionsoftheirarchaicprinciplesas rewardsforthosewhofolowtheirinstructionsandabsorbtheirspiritualcontentas“thetruth.” However,whyhavetheleadersofTheUnitedFaithistsofKosmonandTheKosmonChurchspentsomuchtimeandcommentaryonthingssuchasthesacrednessofthetriangle,orthe numberofpointsonastartobemeditatedupon?Therearehundredsofpublishedarticlesonsimilarsymbolism.Yethowmanyarethereongoodworks?Virtuallyzerobecausethatwould involverealsacrfice. Inmycase,IwasgivenarticlesontheseveryaforementionedtopicsasaninitiatebythepriestsofMolina(aswelastoldtopraytoCpenta-Armijeveryday).Ofcoursesucharticlesare moreorlessgoodconceptionally.YetsucharelimitinginpersonalunfoldmenttostudysincethedirectinnersoulinspirationfromtheCreatorisnotinreallybeingpromoted.Additionallyand moreimportantly,thereisnomajorencouragementtoachievethemajoraimsofOahspe:(1)servicetothepoorandafflicted,(2)toheartheCreator’sVoiceinone’sownwaywithoutany prieststointervene,and(3)thecreationofKosmonCommunitieswithoutanypriesthoodleadership. WhatalsoisbeingchallengediswhetherthecontentofOahspeasmisshapenedbytheMasonicSaphahistsisanythingbutamajorbetrayalofangelicidealsandanabsolutefraud. Whatistobeobjectedtoishowthis“book”SaphahcorrespondsateveryturntothecultdogmaoftheMasons.ThefactthatDr.JohnNewbroughwasahigh-rankingmemberoftheMasons beforeandafterOahspewaswritten,evenuntilhisdeath,isproblematic.TheuseofMasonic-styleritualsinShalamandlater“Oahspe”communitiesisdisturbing.ThattheLantpublication wascanceledandthenfolowedwithaneweditionmarkedlydifferentfromtheoriginaltextofOahspeisdisgraceful. TheneteffectofNewbrough’smachinationsandtheMasonicinfiltratingdogmaasinSaphahisasifa“sleightofhand”hadtakenplace—amaterofgross,intentionaldeception. Thisis obviousastheevidenceinthisbookaccumulateswherecoreconceptsofOahspearebeingcontradictedbytheMasoniccontentinSaphah.Oahspeisaspiritualtextofhighspiritual liberatingvalues.Instarkcontrast,Masonicdogmaisacultwhichseekstocontrolitsfolowerswithexcessiveamountsofsymbolism,rituals,degrees,andclergy-mastercontrolofthe“true believers.” JusthowmanymoreprospectivereadersaregoingtoberepulsedbySaphah—andtherehavebeenthousandsandthousandsofsuch—repulsedbythecrudeimages,indecypherable terms,andpaganisticcult-priestritualsinit?Howmanymoresincereseekersoflightaregoingtobeharmedandbetrayedbythecultpriestswhohavebeenrunningthings—howeverwelmeann i gtheybelievetheyare? ThereisnoquestionNewbroughmeantwelbyellictlysmearingOahspewithMasonicgarbage.Hewasobsessed,wasfreefromitforaspellduringhistenyearsofpreparationforOahspe, butthenfelbackintoobsessionassoonastheLantverso i nprintingbegan.ThereisnodoubtthatNewboughbitterlyregretsthiseverhappenedandisworkingtochangethingsforthe beter.Hatethesin,lovethesinner.ThisMasonicobsessioncanberemediedwithtimeandeffortandunderstanding. Let’sallfacethetruth:inthiscurrentage,noonewantsamaster-priesttellingthemhowtheymustproceed—evenifgentlydone—iftheyaretodiscoverthepathwhichleadstothetrue resurrectionofthespirit! Oahspewaspresentedtotheworldasanangelicexplanationofthehowthespiritualrealmseternallyoperateandasarevelationofhowanyonewithasincereheartmightlearntohearthe Creator’sVoice,learnhowtoworktowardsresurrectionwiththeangels,andwiththeirfelowmortals,inhelpingearthandallheavensprogresstowardstheEthereanRealmsofOnenesswith theCreator. Inacontrastofastarklycriminalnature,NewbroughandtheMasonicspiritshaveratherhamperedallsuchefforts—eventothepointofharmingsincereparticipants—andthusuntilthis yokeisthrownoff,thefulbenefitsofwhatOahspeintheAllLightcouldbe—aheavenlyblessingforourworld—wilbetragicallyandunnecessarilyrestricted. 436



§ 25:Saphah:TheBasisofVede*6


PresentedOrigin:Persia PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:Noneareapparent. Format:HistoricalNarrative Theterm“Vede”ispronounced“Veda”inSanskrit,andtherootofwhichmeans“Wisdom,”andiswrittenthus: वेद.ThisdoesnotmeanthattheHindureligionisinvolvedinanywayas SanskritpredatesHinduismbythousandsofyears.Bytheway,theLatinword“Vede”(presentactiveinfinitiveofvideō)*6935566whichmeans“tosee”wasderivedfromthisSanskritroot. Whetheroneinterprets“Vede”asreferringto“seeing”or“wisdom”orto“enlightenment,”theeditorsofSaphaharestampingthissectionaboutfalsegodsassomethingveryspiritually positive,whichisasusual,totalyuntrue. Numberof Percentage ThemainissuetoberesolvedforTheBasisof Vedeisthatofwhethertheworshipofanyfalse t e r m s A v e r a g e A v e r a g e gods—eventhesimplepracticeofhonoringor Number Without ofterms Total Total Saphah Saphah wishingtoseeanyfalsegods—iswisdom. Oahspe and common sense and inner of Withoutan references References References References inspiration all emphatically answer in the a n Terms Exterior Exterior negative. PerTerm PerTerm r e f e r e n c e d renced Thsi section of Vede resembles past 143 refe1 symbolismmatriceswheremetaphysicaland 0 3 7 2 % 5 5 1 3 . 8 5 2 1 8 1 . 5 2 spiritual conceptsare representedby: (1)a specialized term, (2) ashort definition, and locatedwithsimilartermsindistinctgroupings. Howeverinthiscase,thereisnoimagematrix tovisuallyrepresenttheterms. Themainpremsieofthisbookstil objectstotheexistenceofsuchmaterialsinOahspeitselfasOahspehasinnon-Saphahtextconfirmedthatfalsegodsandarbitrarysymbolismand priestlyritesarenotthetruepathofresurrection: Behold,IamtheEverPresent,andnotinthefigureorimageof aman,butIamtheAllSpaceandPlace,doingMywil through Myangelsandthroughthesoulsofmen.Beyesteadfastin righteousworksandlovetowardoneanother;andmost justtoafractionwithallotherpeoples.Withyouwil Iestablish Myself,evenasintheancientdayswithyourforefathers. (ArcofBon4:23)*6

Inotherwords,onlyourowndirectperceptionofTheCreator,onlyourownhearkeningtoTheAlVoice,inapersonaltranscendentalmanner,whichwemustliveinservicetoothers,iswhat matersatall.Anyattempttosubstitutesuchwiththeworshiporadorationoffalsegodsortheirsymbolsisdarknessandbondage.Therearenomantras,symbols,orwordsthatfulyleadto theCreatorunlessthatmantraisourownveryspirit-soulbeingupliftedtowardstheAlLight. Thusthissectionismoreencumberingmumbojumbomeanttoenticereaderstoembracesuch“mysterious”garbage.Bigmistakebutthedrujasperpetratedthespiritualcrimeviatheir Masonicslave(Newbrough)todeceptivelyincludeSaphahintoOahspe. TheBasisofVedeTotals:*62 RiteTextMasonicMysteriousWords(7terms):Az-aj(stretcher),Chaigi(enchantmentwords),Ghi-ii(eagle),Oi(priest),Oke-un(tent),Onga/Ho-anga(master/prophet),Orugh(stairs). Clearlytherearealotofterms,mostofwhich(72%)areneverreferencedanywhereelse.Thereare,however,alotofSaphahreferences(218),whichisnotsurprisinggivenitscontentof faslegodidolatry. YetintermsofMasonicsymbolism,notalotisgoingon,whichiscurious.Perhapsthebestexplanationofthisisthatthegoalwastoreferencefalsegodsandfalsereligionsinaneffortto painttheseascontainingintrinsicallyvaluablespiritualelements.Notintheleasttrue,ofcourse,butthatiswherethemagneticdirectionofTheBasisofVedeispointing. Andnowletusconsidertheactual“mystic”termsoftheVedesection.ItsmainthemebeingpropagatedisthatoftheadorationofamultitudeofgodsistobevaluedoverthatoftheCreator. Thsi isanincredulousdevelopmentasthereareover40falsegodsmentionedinthissectionalone.Inthatsense,Vede,muchashowtheHindureligionandtheMasonspractice— polytheismistheorderoftheday—which,ofcourse,runscompletelycountertoOahspe’steachings: NeithershaltthouhaveanyGod,norLord,norSavior,but onlythyCreator,Jehovih!Himonlyshaltthouworship henceforthforever.IamsufficientuntoMineowncreations. (Oahspe1:18)*6

Thsi greatarrayoffalsegodnamedroppinghereinVedeandelsewhereinSaphahabsolutelyrunscountertoOahspe’steachings.Inaddition,thiskindofpolytheisticparadiseapproachis putingupfalsed i olsthatcanpotentialyhinderorlessenourdevotionfocusonJehovih.CertainlythepriestsandchurchesofSaphahhavegoneonfordecadesinsistingonshamingall readersofOahspeundertheirpowertoundertakeawildgoosechasethattakesusawayfromthecoreteachingsofOahspe,NOTtowardsit. Letusconsidertheversesinquestionnext. ThefirstverseofVedereferstoasymbolnotunlikethatoftheCreator’ssymbol,thoughitisreducedtorepresentingaprotectivetalisman: 438

Variena,acircledividedbycross-linesintofourquarters; madeforThraetaono,aholyname,whichhadpowerover theDahaka,serpent,i.e.,evil. (Saphah:Vede1)*6

ThenextcontradictionofOahspeisthatthereisapolar-oppositeoftheCreator,beingTHEEVILCREATOR,Anra'mainyus. Thereisneitherspiritualvaluenortruthisstatingsuch.However, itpleasesthedrujanspiritstostatesuchinthesamemannerthathoodloomswoulddelightinsprayingfoulgraffitimessagesalloverpublicbuildings.Thereisnogoodpurposeintheselies otherthaninticklingthefancyofMasonswhoenjoyeventhecontemplationofdemonicbeings,akindofbonusforthosewhoevenidolizefalsegods. Kanthiuzhada,unbelief;aplaceintheunseenheavenswhich nurturethunbeliefinmortals,createdbyAnra'mainyus,the evilcreator.(Saphah:Vede3)*6

AndnextwefindmoresupportfortermAhura'Mazda,astheCreator,yetinfactisalsoknownexclusivelyinOahspeasafalsegodofancienttimes.Thereforethenumerousinstancesof usingthatterm,Ahura'Mazda,8timesinthissectionalone,yetincontinuationofthepriorsection,aredemonstratingthattheMasonicdrujanspiritsaredoublingdownondisrespecting Oahspebyhonouringthenamesoffalsegods. TheseverywordsoffalsegodshonouringarepresentinVede,withtheimplicationthattheyservetheCreatorandshouldthereforebeconsideredwelcomeinourlives: AftertheinvocationtoAhura'Mazda,theCreator,theAllBriliant, theAllMajestic,theAllGreatest,BestandMostBeautiful, thenthefolowingGodsareinvited,towit: (Saphah: Vede 27)





TheimageaboverepresentstwoofthefalsegodsgivenscreentimeinTheBasisofVede.Onceagainonewonderswhy. Inowlisttheremainingfalsegodsinatableforgreaterbrevity.


FalseGod Yima Tistrya Ctara,orGaura Zami Urvar Gogpend Jahi Caoka Airyana Mithra Maidhyozaremaya Moidhyosheema, Paitis-hahaya Ayathrecma Maidhyairya Hamacpathmoedaya Gatha-Ahunavaiti Yacna-Haptan-haiti Gatha-Ustavaiti Gatha-Cpenta-Mainyu Gatha-Vohu-Khsha-thra Airyama Fshnsha-manthea Hadhaokhta Vohu-Mano Ashavahista Ksha-thra-vairya Cpenta-armaiti Havani Zantuma Fradat-vira Nairy-Canha Arstat Kanculoo Caoshyanc Franrava Foivitat

FalseGodSpeciality lordofgods animalflocks worshipofstars worshipofstars worshipofstars farming force genialandamorous protector motheroffalsegods falsegodofsomething falsegodofsomething falsegodofsomething falsegodofsomething falsegodofsomething theholylordess falsegodofsomething thegoddessmother theholysister theholydaughter Thelordofmeasure falsegodofsomething falsegodofsomething falseCreator/realmgod oralscri self-subduing themostholyteacher adapter thebearerofsouls president numerationofmortals messengers thelordofmoongods secondcomingofAhura'Mazda sea therulerofTuranians parodars

6 A S u m m a r y o f S o m e o f V e d e ’ s F a l s e G o d s * Reference

(Saphah:Vede6) (Saphah:Vede11) (Saphah:Vede12) (Saphah:Vede13) (Saphah:Vede14) (Saphah:Vede15) (Saphah:Vede16) (Saphah:Vede17) (Saphah:Vede18) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede22) (Saphah:Vede29) (Saphah:Vede29) (Saphah:Vede30) (Saphah:Vede31) (Saphah:Vede34) (Saphah:Vede36) (Saphah:Vede39) (Saphah:Vede40) (Saphah:Vede45) (Saphah:Vede57) (Saphah:Vede58) (Saphah:Vede59) (Saphah:Vede61)

ItshouldbenotedthattheYimalistedaboveisNOTthesameastheoriginalYimahighangelwhoassistedFragapatiinhisresurrectioneffortsthousandsofyearsearlier.Thisissimply anothercaseofafalsegodfalselyadoptinganamethatalreadyhadahighspiritualreputation. Atanyrate,evensummarized,thisisjusttoomuchofthatwhichisofnobenefitandinthelongrun,evenquitedetrimental.Noneofthis,evenif itweretrue,wouldmakeanyreaderof Oahspeabetterormorespiritually-informedperson. AndsomeofVedecouldevenbedescribedaslaughable:giantman-eatinglizards(Cruvara[Vede50])*6andthegiants(Gaccus[Vede51])*6thatkilgiantserpents?!Whenwedieasgood peoplethenweseeangelicbirdsnamedParodars?Nospiritualismcommunicationhaseverreportedsuch. Yes,ittrulyisdumbfoundingthatNewbroughandtheMasonicspiritsdecidedtoslipyetanotherslewofidolatryslopintothedivinely-inspiredOahspe. Itisequalyshockingthatnoonewho valuesOahspehastomyknowledgeeveropenlyobjectedtothepro-falsegodspassagesinSaphah.MayIpublicydosonow!Andmayyouwhoarethetrueseekersoftruth,dolikewise! Yetevenwiththedecisiveevidenceandarguments givenherewhichprovethatSaphahisutterlyfalsesinceit isnothingbutactualcultbondage,thepriestlyleadersofTheChurchof KosmonandTheUnitedFaithistsofKosmonandtheotherlesswel-knownSaphahcultswil seldomifeverbeswayedbysuchclarity.Theirmindsandindoctrinationaresetforlife. The unthn i kingfoolswil rationalizeawayallreallightonSaphahandclingevertighterbecausetheyenjoytheirfeelingofbeing“powerful”spiritualleaders.Theyenjoynothavingtomakeany realsacrificeforthoseindistressandpoverty. BythistimeNewbroughmustbitterlyregrethisMasoniccontaminationofOahspeandtheFaithistworld.PerhapsDr.JohnNewbroughhimselfinthespiritworldcanfinallyapologizetothem andthenenlightenandredeemthesefakeSaphahclergyandtheirfolowerswhentheypassoverfromthisworldtothenext. HerethenaretheconsequencesofnoteliminatingSaphahfromOahspeandfromalOahspe-basedgroupdogma.Firstofall, thousandsuponthousandsofreaderswil continuetobe repulsedbySaphah(andtherebyOahspe!)upontheirinitialglancesuponit—repulsedbyitspaganism,itscrudeunfathomableimages,anditsblack-magic-likeundertone.Secondly,the widercommunityofFaithistshasbeendisharmonizedtimeandtimeagainbytheseself-proclaimedclergyandwil continuetohampereffortsforFaithiststoworktogether.Theconstant conflictsbetween“Faithists”suchaswithintheGlobalCouncilwil continue. Thiswil bedescribedmorefulyinPartVI.Andyes,evenasIwrite,newpriest-basedcreepySaphah-Cult groupshavebeenformedoutsideofTheKosmonChurchorTheUniversalFaithistsofKosmonandaredeceivingandabusingtheirfolowers.Finally,therewilneverbeaFather’sKingdom onEarthinvolvinganywhodoacceptSaphah.Clearlynonehaveyetsucceeded!TheCreatorwil notblesssucheffortsbecausethemostbasicelementsofOahspehavebeenbetrayed: placingdrujanMasonicmastersinchargeoflivesinsteadofputtingourfaithintheCreator.Chooseswiftlytosetyourselvesfreeor…remainmentalyenslaved! Ande l t’sbereal!Anyoneincapableofseeingthroughthismalarkeyisnotreadyforarealspiritualcommunity.Proveyourselfreadybyliberatingyourselfofallthatisfalse.Firstthingsfirst!


§ 26:Saphah:LordsofTheHostsofHeavens*6


PresentedOrigin:Persia PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:Noneareapparent. Format:PantheonSummary Onceagain,thetitleofasectionaloneraisesredflagquestions.Truthtotel,theexpression“TheLordsofHosts”hasafamilarringtoit.Nottowhatisinthenon-SaphahsectionsofOahspe —butratherasanexpressionusedn i theChristianBible—beingusedthere235times!*62439432 Nowwhyisthat?!CertainlytherealangelicchannelsofOahspearenotseekingtochannelthesignificantlyfalsehodgepodgeknownastheBibleintoOahspe.No,onlythoselow-grade Masonicspiritswhodelightinsynthesizingeverymysterioustermandsymbolismofeveryreligion-cultwouldbesoinclined.ItisindeedtelingthatOahspeusesthistermzerotimesoutside ofSaphahyettheChristianBibleusesit235times!JustonemorehintthatsomethingisnotrightinSaphah. Sowhoarethe“LordsofHosts?”Wel,thissectionanswersthatquestionwithatonofjaw-breakernames,about100infact.Thuswehaveasectiondedicatedtodisingenouslyoutliningthe angelicorganizationoftheheavens—purportivelyaroundthethetimesofFragapatt. Nonetheless,theactualcycleofeventsisasfolows: (1)Almost10,000yearsago,Fragapatiworkstoredeemearthanditsheavens—culminatinginZarathrustraestablishingthedirectworshipoftheCreatoramongthenon-I’hintribes forthefirsttime. (2)FalsegodscorrupttosomedegreethespiritualknowledgepresentedinZorasterism,aswelasbastardizeitintotheirnewfalsereligionssuchasHindu. (3)TheAvestaiswrittenaroundthesecondcenturyC.E.,basedonthetribaloraltraditionsyetalsouponthefalsehoodsfalsegodsintroducedintoZorasterism. (4)Oahspeischanneledin1881withthehistoryofZarathrustraincludedbasedonheavenlyrecords. (5)In1882C.E.,theLantpublicationoftheoriginalOahspeiscanceledwhiledrujanMasonicspiritsdirectJohnNewbroughtomakecorruptalterationstoOahspeaswellasincluding theMasonic-stylefalseadditionofSaphahtoOahspe. Onceagaininthis“Lords”section,Saphahdumpsmassiveamountsofmisinformationthataredisconnected,random,andconfusing.Thecontinuingapproachseemstobeoneof“razzledazzle”wherethepurposeistooverwhelmthereaderstothepointwherenoonewantstotakethetimetoanalyzethismessandsoinsteadjustgivesinandacceptsitallastruesincethe actualOahspetextsaresoamazing—ortheywalkawayforeverfromit. Iwon’tgiveinsoeasily,however,andwildissectthemajorfabrications. Firstofall,asnotedandquotedseveraltimes,Oahspewarnsustobewaryofanychannelwhereaspirit isbeingnamedashavinga“loud-soundingname.*6”Thisdoesnotmeanthat spiritualisticchannelingcannotwithduerespectsafelyidentifyaspirithereandtherebyname.Itmeanswherethenameisrevealedinasensewhichmakesthatspiritsoundglorious,godlikeorworshippful.ThisisthecaseinLordsoftheHostsofHeavens:Mithra,Aph,Cpenta-armaiti,Fradat-vicpanum-hujyaiti,Vishaptatha,andmore. Secondofall,whyissupposedlytheangeliclordsorganizationchartbeingrevealJUSTFORtheeraofFragapati?Whatpossiblebenefitwouldthisbeforthemortalstobeeducatedabout? TheonlyreasonableconclusionisthatallofthisIStomakethissectionofSaphahtobefilledwithgodsandlordswitha“loud-soundingname.*6Inshort,thepurposeistoleadthereader intobeingfalselyawedoverthe“connections”Saphahisofferingtotheworld.ThedeceptiveaimistoconvincethereadertoaccepteverythinginSaphahbecausetheverygodsandlords areassociatedwithit. WhichallwhounderstandOahspeandcultismshouldnowrealizeasbeingnothingmorethandisgustinghogwash. AndsoIhadfirstthoughtIwoulddocumentindividualyhowthisplethoraoffalsegods,“LordsoftheHostsinHeaven,”werebasedforthemostpartontheZoroasterwritingsofTheAvesta. NowIseethiswouldbetootediousforthiswriterandforthereaderssoIwilsimplysupplyresearchinaselective,generalizedmanner. TheAvestaisacollectionofspiritualwritingsfortheZoroastrianreligion,datedasfarbackas224C.E.*6535353222NotethatthisisactuallythousandsofyearsaftertherealZarathustralived andministeredandthatitsversesonlyrepresenttheteachingsofZarathustrainthemostgeneralyetofteninaccuratemannerduetotheinterferenceofhadanfalsegodsintheirwriting. Thsi isnotreallyallthatdifferentfromwhattheMasonsdidwithOahspethoughhappeningonafarsmalerandswiftertimescale. Essentialy,virtuallyallthefalsegodsmentionedinLordsoftheHostsinHeavencanbetracedtothosenamedinTheAvesta.Forexample:


IconfessofallmysinsfortheStarTistrya,thebrilliant, StarTistrya,thebriliant,majestic,…thedistributorof water,thestrong,createdbyMazda,fortheStarswhich containtheseedofthewater,containtheseedoftheearth, containtheseedofthetrees,createdbyMazda,for… thebriliant,healthful,Ksha-thra-vairya,…*65357777 ThenansweredAhura-Mazda:Thritawasthefirstofmen, holyZarathustraofthehealing,*65357777

Alofthetermsn i boldareinTheAvestaandinSaphah,andscoresmoreexist(justgoogletherest).NoneofthiscorrespondenceshouldbeseenasvalidatingOahspesinceTheAvesta wascreatedthousandsofyearsAFTERtheFragapaticycleyetbeforeOahspewaswritten.Rather,itshouldbeseenasNewbroughandsomedrujanspiritstakingsomereligiouswritings (TheAvesta)in1882andnextcopyn i gabunchofthesefalsegodnamesn i toSaphah.Asthereiszerorealspiritualbenefit indoingso,all falsegodnamesaretheretoflim-flamand bamboozlethenaïvewhileprovidingafalsebasisforpriesthoodandpantheism. Thsi isallincontraventiontowhatOahspeteaches:(1)rejectpriesthood,showyrites,andpantheism,and(2)seektheCreator’sVoicedirectlyconcerninghowtobestperformgoodworksof service. Naturaly,therearethosewhoseeSaphahsectionssuchasthis,andhavingperhapsmorecommonsenseandlessspiritualaspiration,yetbeingdisgustedwithwhattheysee,justdropthe whoe l ideaofreadingtheBookofOahspeforgood. Incontrast, the“Faithful”(andthatincludesme)decidedtojustplodblind[lyonward, ignoringSaphah’sobviouscreepinessand contradictionswiththehopethesecansomehowbeexplainedlater. Ittookme40yearstofigurethingsout!Notbad! Thequestionremains:WhyissomucheffortbeingputintodistractingthereadersofOahspefromtheessentialthemesofOahspe? WoulditnotbebesttoworshiptheCreatordirectly? TheMasonicSaphahistsofTheKosmonChurchandTheUniversalFaithistsofKosmoninanswersayYESbutpracticeNO. InSaphah,onemajorreoccurringthemeisthatmuchofour valuablespiritualfocusshouldbeformeditatinguponMithraandotherfalsegods. Wouldn’titbebetterifweworkedtoservethepoorinsomeway? MasonicSaphahists:ItwouldbebettertoserveAhura’Mazda,woulditnot?ScoresoftimesthisfalsegodismentionedinhonorinSaphah.OfcoursethiscontradictsOahspe’sstatedaims buttoaMason-Saphahist,toaNewbrough-lodge-churchpriestorpriestess,higherspiritualityisdefinedNOTasFaithinJehovh i norGoodWorks,butratherhowmanydeitiesandsymbols youcanfitinyourhead. Shoud ln’twemakemoreofanefforttoworktogetherasequals? MasonicSaphahists:TheysayYESbutpracticeNO.Theholypriestsandtheirmysticsymbolsshouldbeyourworkmaster-mentors.Whythese“holyones”wereevensworninusingthe nameofJehovih! IsitnotbettertojustheartheAlVoicedirectly,withoutanyclergyinvolved? MasonicSaphahists:TheysayYESandNO, youhadbettersticktoattemptingtoheartheAllVoiceviathevoicesofOsirisandotherfalsegodsoreventrueethereangodssuchas Cpenta-Armij.Yes,OsirishasbeenreferredtodozensoftimesinSaphah,whileMitrhahasspecialsectionsdevotedtohiminLordsofHosts.YetOsirishashereaspecialplateimage,quite stunninginitscrudityanddarkness,placedadjacenttothissection:

Orperhapsthisversewouldbeevenmoreupliftingthanthatplatevisual: Ashi-vanuhi,Goddessofdress.ShewasfourthAironunder Mithra.Thedutiesofherinspirationtomortalwomenwere toclothethemselvesandtodecoratethemselveswithgold andsilverornaments.ShehadtwelvehundredGoddesses underher,andtheywereallottedonedayineachmonthto speakandteachthroughthemagiciansandoraclesand prophetsandhighpriests.Someofthesespiritsspoke



throughtheseersbyentrancement,andsomewroteon thesand-table.PriortothisperiodIranianwomenseldom woreclothes.(LordsoftheHosts:11)*6

(Sarcasmon):NottoforgetthehundredsofinstancesoffalsegodnamedroppinginSaphahbutit issogreattoseeMithrareferredtoagain,19timesoveral!Falsegodparadise!1200! Prophetsandhighprieststeachingthecommonfolks?Simplyremarkable!Sowomenlearnedtowearclothes?Anawesomespiritualinsight!.(sarcasmoff). Inpointoffact,Ashi-vanuhiisaHindugoddesswhoholdsvarioustitlessuchas“daughterofAhura-Mazda,”“thegoodtruth,”“theinspireroftheprophets.”*65357743434Hereisanotherchance topointoutthatOahspewasneverwrittentobeinsupportoftheHinduorMithraicreligions.Oahspe,properlyunderstoodinitsessence,isanti-religionandanti-cultyettheendresultof SaphahbeingincludedinOahspeandtheNewbrough-Masonlodgesandchurches,hasbeentouseOahspeinapro-religion,pro-cultfashion.

Ashi-vanuhi “thechariotdriverofMithra”*6535999434


Naotara,ofAphianperiod,aninstructor,whogavemany sciencestomortals.Thesesciencesandreligious ceremonieswereafterwardcalledhissons,andtheyare nowcalledFravashis.InadditiontothesciencesthisLordGod, throughoraclesandotherwise,revealedtwohundred andseventykingdomsinthelowerheavens,themosti mportantofwhichare:Zairi-vairi,Yukhata-vairi, Crisookhshau,Kerecaokhshan,Vyarez,Vanara,Bujicravo, Berejzarsti,Tizhyarsti,Perethwarsu,Vezhyarsti,Naptva, Vazhacpa,Habacpa,VictavaruandFrans-hanm-vareta. Alofthesedivisions,includingthetwohundredkingdoms, hadspirits-in-chief(LordGods)toeachandeveryone whotookupstationsinthetemplesofworshiponearth,and employedthousandsofspiritservants,whomthey allottedtothedifferentmortalswhocamethithertoworship, tobetheirguidesandguardians,dayandnight.Through theprophetsandhighpriestsinthemidnightworship, andalsoatdawninthemorning,thesespiritsappearedin tangibleforms,takingpartintheceremonies. (LordsoftheHosts:7)*6

AlthetermsabovecanbegoogledalongwithTheAvestaanditwilbeseenthesefalsegodswerecopiedfromthatbook. (Sarcasmon):Soyousee!AllthoseNewbrough-Masonpriests,masters,rabbahs,prophets,andritesarejustwhatourworldneededthousandsofyearsagoandstil needs!Weareall thriledtoseethenewgenerationofeliteclergyintheirwhiterobesmorethaneverastheyassumetheirproperplaceintelingushowtoproperlythink,prayandact.(sarcasmoff). SuchreprehensibleimagesandencumberigtermsdonothingpositiveforOahspe.Suchdonotattractnewreadersbutratherrepelthem.Suchdonotinspireustohigherattunementbut towardsthelower.ThefactthattheOsirisvileimageryishonoringafalsegodisbeyondbelief.AllofSaphahandthepriest-religionapproachtoappropriatingSaphahrites,symbolismand termsisadesecrationofOahspeandanabominationofwhatatruespiritualpathtowardstheCreatoris. Look!Ihavefaiththatsomedayorevennow,NewbroughandSaphahclergy,pastandpresent,wil reformthemselvesandseektoliveandteachwhatistrueandwonderfulaboutOahspe andtheangelicpathtotheCreator.Yetafteralmostacenturyandahalf,cannotweatlastgetthisnewagebiblemessagestraight?Cannotwejustworktogethertoworktomaketheworld abeterplaceratherthancontinuetoplaywiththedarknessthatispriesthoodandtheSaphahMasons’spiritualarroganceandself-glorification? Thus,inametaphoricalsenseonly,I justwanttoshake,ashardaspossible,theshamefulshouldersofNewbroughandalhisdescendentclergy—whilealsoshoutingintotheirfaces: “Whatthehellareyoudoing?!Thisisallsostupidandrepressive.TakeallthisSaphahcrapoutofOahspe,rightnow—throwawayallthepriestlyrobesrightnow—rejectitallsowecanat lastmakesomerealspiritualprogresstogether!” Oahspeisagatewaytoawondrousuniverseofheavensunfoldinglove,lightandimmortality.Let’sentertogetherandgetthisright!


ยง 27:EarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEast*6


PresentedOrigin:Persia PlateLocation:(NoImagePublished) RitesTextSymbols:Noneareapparent. WithheldElements:Noneareapparent. Format:HistoricalNarrative


TheEarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEasthasnoplateimagepresentedwithitbutIamincludingZoroasterreligion-relatedimagesinthissectionasareminderthatevenatruespiritual pathdedicatedtotheCreator,asZarathustraestablishedinPersiasome9,000yearsago,canbecorruptedintoareligion-cult.CertainlythatiswhathappenedinPersiaandyetalsoin AmericawithregardstoOahspe. Thsi doesnotmeanthateverymemberofanyparticularspiritualgrouporreligionisinthewrongorthatsaidgroupsorreligionneverachievedsomegoodworkfortheCreator.Itonlymeans thatdespiteanyinherentnegativedogma,anindividualcanstilstaytruetotheCreatorintheirheart,theycanstilachievegoodworks. Nonetheless,wehavereachedthefinalsectionofSaphahtoanalyze.Ithasbeenanextraordinarilycomplexjourneyofresearch.Thiswasnecessarybecauseofthethousandsofspiritual andhistoricalaspectstoconsiderinthistext—inthiscase,theextensiverecordof“sacred”symbolsandrites,purportedlyinancientlanguagesforthepurposeofguidingthereadersof Oahspetowardsapriestlysalvation.Nevertheless,Saphahisnothingbutadebaucheryofcultistdarknessmeanttomentalyentrapthereadersandthenewagemovement.Notbythe Newbroughnornecessarilybyhisunwittingpriest-masters,butdefinitelybythedarkspiritswhoinfiltratedOahspeandShalamandthesubsequent“Faithist”organizations.Thisallcame aboutbecauseofSaphah’sdarkspiritrealmsymbolismconnectionsaswelasthedarkritualsencumberingtheinitialandsubsequentlodgesand“churches.” It isbecausetheoriginaltextofOahspeisfiledwithexceptionallypowerfulandliberatingideas—revelationsthatshouldneverhavebeentarnishedbythisMasonicdarkness—thatso manyreaderswerewilingtoacceptSaphahinthefirstplace.TheSaphahMasonistswereprettymuchabletoallfooljustabouteveryoneforabout136years. Thisshallnolongerbethe case. Thustheefforthasbeenmadetosearchoutandexplaineachvirulent,ridiculous,anddetrimentalfalsehoodfoolishlyplacedintoOahspebyNewbroughandhisdemoniccabal.Admittedly, someofthesefabricationsaresoobtusethattherecanbenorationalinvestigationotherthantodeclarethemindecipherable.YetthatwasalwayspartoftheMasonicspirits’planbecause therewereboundtobethosewhostupidlymistakeunfathomabledarknessforthetrulymystic. Andthathasindeedbeencasewhenconsideringmodern“Faithists”clergysuchasCora,Gwen,Ken,Joan,Vernon,Ruth,Selah,Candy,andNewbrough,andtherearemanymore.Eachof thesepersonssincerelybelievestheyarefolowingtheirhighestlightandthattheyaredoinggoodintheworld.Whoarewetojudgethesepeople,right?Perhapstheycouldbeexcusedin thepastfornotreallythinkingclearlyaboutwhattheyaredoing.Yettheyaredoingmorethanmakingdecisionsabouttheirownlifeasthese“holy”prophetsaremisleadingreaders,somein thescores,someinthehundreds. These“priest-masters”aremisleadingnewreadersofOahspeintogreaterbondageandlinkagewiththedarkerrealms.Sometimesbyhell-boundsymbolism.Sometimesbymentaly imprisoningritual.Sometimesbyadorationofaclergy’ssermonsandthepoweroftheirreligiousposition. Whoarewetou j dgethesepeople,right?Dotheynotfeelloveandpainasweall? Nonetheless,thechoiceisbetweensayingnothing—andallowinginnocentnewcomersbecome ensnaredinfalsehoods.Nooneshouldstandsilentlybyandallowotherstosuferfutureharmneedlessly,tarnishingOahspe’spowerforspiritualupliftment. AndasintheSethantespassagetobesoonquoted,weareallbrothersandsisters.Therearenochosenpeople.Weallareandweallwil figureoutourownpathofresurrectiontothe Father-Mother-Creator.ButIamnotgoingtobesilentifthepriest-mastersaregoingtopubliclyproclaimthemselvesbeforethemassesaspriest-masters. AskthemifanyoftheseSaphah“holy”onesuponafterlearningoftheserecentrevelationsiftheywil toreconsiderforaninstantwhattheyaredoing.Theanswerisnoneofthemwil contemplateanychangeforaninstant.Thisaloneprovestheyareintheclutchesofdarkforceswheremadnessandspiritualblindnesscanonlybecomeevergreater. Youmightaswelask abishopoftheCatholicChurchtoresignandbecomeaspiritualist. Theyaregoingtothenextworldasaslaveoftheirreligion-cultandonlyhellscanawakethemtothetruespiritualreality. Asyoumayrecall,thethesisofthisbookisthatSaphahisapoisonous,deceptivehigh-jackingofwhatotherwiseisanastoundinglyhighspiritualrevelation.It istheresultofintentional machn i ationsbylow-gradeMasonicspirits,whomhadalreadybeeninDr.JohnNewbrough’slifefordecades,viahisMasonicallegiances,priortothechannelingofOahspe. Whichbringsusbacktothepresentn i vestigation:EarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEast. Asn i thepriorsection,thetitleisproblematic.JustwhyisthistopicbeingaddressedinSaphahinthefirstplace?WhytheredundancyofrecountingthehistoryofZarathustraandhis folowersAGAINinOahspewhenitiscoveredthoroughlyinTheBookofGod’sWordaswelasinTheBookofFragapati? Whywouldtheultra-inteligentangelsinchargeofhavingOahspechanneledduplicatetheirwritingsunnecessarily?InthecasesofTheBookofGod’sWordandTheBookofFragapati, Zarathustra’slifeandworkareseenfromthemortalperspective(God’sWord)andthenfromtheheavens’(Fragapati).Therefore,therewouldbenoneedforSaphahtorehashthissame informationfromanorganizationalstandpoint. Conclusion:thehigherangelsdidNOThaveanythingtodowithEarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEast,butMasonicspiritscertainlydid.Beforewediscussthetextitself,thereare severaltroublingreasonswhythesedrujaswouldchoosetoincludeZarathustra’shistoryinSaphahinthefirstplace. Firstofall,becauseZarathustraisincludedintheoriginaltext,addingthissummarizedhistoryinSaphahisameansoffalselyprovidinglinkingevidencethatSaphahwasapartofthe originalOahspetext.Themisleadinglogicgoeslikethis:ifZarathustra’slifeispresentedinGod’sWordandFragapati,andsincetheseareinOahspe,thenthefactthatZarathustra’slifeis presentedinSaphahmeansthatSaphahwasalsoapartoftheoriginalOahspetext. Inshort,fakeevidenceisbeingplantedtofoolthelessthancautiousreader.Obviously,thisisnot difficulttodosincethetruetextswerealreadyavailabletobecopiedfrom. Secondly,thepresentationofZarathustra’slifeinSaphahafordsthedrujasauthorstheopportunitytoemphasizetheirdetrimentalspiritualvalueswithregardtoZarathustra’slifeandwork. Andsoletusconsidernexttheactualfaketextsinvolved: TheVoicewas,TheGreatSpirit,TheIam.(Saphah:Earthly1)*6

InvokingtheCreatorcanoftenbeinspiring.YetnoticehowthepasttenseforTheVoiceisused.Thisisnotinlinewith: Alwas.Allis.Allevershallbe.(Jehovih1:1)*6

ThenextsectionofversesechoescloselywhatisintheoriginalOahspetext: Zarathustra,beingallpure,taughtthattobeaFaithistintheVoice, asitcomethtothepure,wasthehighestthatmancould atain.Zarathustra,beingallpure,taughtthattobuildupone's ownfaithintheIAmwouldproducethehighesthappiness. Zarathustra,beingallpure,taughtthateachselfmustlearnto buildupitselfinloveandwisdom,andafterthem,power,trusting intheIAm.AstheVoicecametoZarathustra,theallpure, ZarathustraperceivedthattheIAmmusthaveanamein ordertobedistinguishedbymen.Zarathustrasaid,Or(Light)


Mazd(entityof,i.e.,light,perse),andhecalledthe HighestKnown,Or'mazd,beingThePerson,TheAlMaster. (Jehovih1:1).

Theseareallgoodwords,goodideals,foreveryFaithistinJehovih. YetjustinTheBookofGod’sWord,Zarathustraisreferredtoas “allpure”33times.Theterm“highest”ismentioned45timesjustthere.Sowhydosuchtermsandideasneedtobe mentionedagain? Torepeat,theseareallgoodspiritualconceptspresentedinEarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEast.However,theyarepresentedthroughoutOahspe.Soasbefore,IcriticizedSaphah becauseitsideaswereincontrasttoOahspe,nowIdosobecauseitmirrorsOahspe.Thismayseemunfair,however,inthiscaseboththetext’spurposeandcontentareredundant.InThe BookofGod’sWord(mortalperspective)aswelasinTheBookofFragapati(heavenlyperspective),theZarathustracontentwassimilaryetthepurposesweredifferent. InEarthlyHistory oftheFaithistsofTheEast,thecontentisnotjustsimilar,itisalmostthesame,andisthesameinperspective(mortal). Consequently,thebasisforthisreproofisthatthereisnogoodreasontoincludethissectioninSaphahotherthantoseekSaphahapprovalfromknowledgeableOahspereaderscoming acrossthispassage.Forthehigh-levelangelshavenorationaletorepeatthemselvescoveringhistoricalcontentinasectionofOahspethatisnotinthefirstplacesupposedtobeahistorical narrative. Butlow-leveldrujaswouldhaveareasonattheveryendofSaphahtosuddenly—andatthelast—slantitscontenttomatchtrueOahspetextualcontentIFtheywishedtoconvincethe readersthatSaphahsi indeedconsistentwithOahspe.However,asoutlinedextensivelyhere,SaphahsofarissimplyinabsolutecontradictiontoOahspe’sprimaryconcepts.Concerning thsi mater,theMasonicspiritsaresimplyplayingtheirmindgamestofoolusall,andtheyhavesucceededuntilnow. Thus,theinclusionofahistoricalnarrativeofZarathustrainthislastsectionisintendedtoprovideamisleadingkindofreassurance.Itisthefalaciousilogicwhichclaimsthatwhathasgone onpreviouslymustbetrueifthefinalsectionisseenastrue. SodearOahspereaders,youcanjustforgetaboutthescoresoffalsegodsbeinghonored,theabhorrentcultworship,theritualpriest-paganbondagescripts,thecrudeandconfusing symbolismandfakelanguageterminology.YoucanjustforgetaboutthehundredsofMasoniccultsymbolspresent.Yousee,thefactthatthephilosophyofZarathustraisnowpresentedat theendofSaphah,makeseverythingthathappenedpreviouslyinSaphah—true,OK,andconsistentwithOahspe!Inapig’seyeitdoes!Noeffinway! Or'mazdspaketoZarathustra,saying:SomehaveIcreatedwith desiretodance,somewithdesiretosing,somewithdesire topray.SomehaveIcreatedwithfaithinmen,somewithfaithin spirits,somewithfaithinMeonly.Letthosewhohavefaith inmen,havefaithinmen;letthosewhohavefaithinspirits, havefaithinspirits;letthosewhohavefaithinMe,have faithinMe.ThelastareMine.WhatisMineIwil gather together.Mineshallbeapeoplebythemselves,of themselves.(Saphah:Earthly7-10)*6

Yeah,exceptallpeoplearetheChid l renoftheCreator.Thetimeforexclusivenessisover.Didn’tyougetthememo?Therearenomorechosenpeople.Andthusthereisnoreasonto emphasizethisUNLESSyouaretheMasonicSaphahistpriestsandmasterswhowanttostartacultwhichtheylead.ConsiderwhatJehovihreallyhastosay,andthisisfromthetimeof Sethantes,thefirstgodofheavenofearth!: Holdupyourheadsandrejoice,Omysonsanddaughters! Behold,Icomeinaflameoffire!Iamhere,andthere,and throughouttheplaceofheaven,boundless.Igathertogether andIputassunderthelovesofmortalsandangels.Forthey shallgoabroadinMyfirmamentandbeholdMygloriousworks. DowntothecorporealworldIdescendandcarryhencethe loved,fortheyareMine.IwilmakeallpeoplelookuptoMy kingdoms.DowntothelowerheavenIcomeinshipsoflight, curtainedaboutwithethereanmantles,andgatherinMy harvestofnewbirthstohigherworlds,moreradiant.My hostsbelowshalllookupandglorifyMyeverlastingsplendors. Igivethetearofgriefandsorrowandpity;but,initsflowing forth,Icomewithholierlightandpowertostirupthesoulsof Mypeople.FortheyshalllearntospeaktotheirFather, whohearethandgivethear,andisfuloflove. Myjoyisinthe birthandgrowingupofsouls,andinthejoyoftheirjoys, andintheproclaimingoftheiradorationforMyboundless universe. Icalltothemindarkness,andtheycomeforth; buttheyhaltinthedarkness,andIcallagain,andIsend Myhigher,upraisedangelstothem,andtheycallalso.Yea, IfilltheskywiththesplendorofMyworlds,esandcorpor, thatImaystirmanuptoriseandenjoythethingsI havemade.(Sethantes19:21-25)*6

TheCreatorAlmightyandtheangelsofthehigherheavensandthetrueFaithistsinJehovih,allknowweareallonefamilyandeventhosewhoseemlostandindarkness,wil redeemand beredeemed.Yes,eventhoseMasonicSaphahistswilputthemselvesinlinewiththehigherheavensandstoptheircultistenslavement. Letusnextconsider“TheTenCommandments”asgiveninbothTheBookofGod’sWordandinEarthlyHistoryoftheFaithistsofTheEast.ItisabitcomplicatedsoIwil setthisoutina comparisontable: 447



Ormazd’sCommandments GivenViaZarathustraComparison EarthlyHistoryof theFaithistsofThe East. Saphah:Earthly11* 6

Mn i ehavenoGods butMe. 1 Mn i e have no idols nor images of Me. Mn i ebowdownnot beforeidols.

TheBookofGod’sWord (God’sWord13:11-35) Ormazdshall beKing, andthou shalt acknowledgenoother. He shall be thy All Highest love forever,andaboveallotherloves. Thoushaltdisownallotherrulers, andkings,andqueens,andLords, ndGods. 1a Thou shalt not bow down in reverence save to Ormazd, thy Creator. Thoushaltcovenantthyself tothy Creatoreveryday,andteachthy childrentodosoalso.

inecovenantinMy 2M namesecretly. Mine remember the 3 four sacreddaysof 2 themoon.

Thoushaltkeepholythefourmoon days, for theyare thechangeof watchoftheGodsandangelsover them.


EarthlyHistoryof theFaithistsofThe East. ine honor their 3 4M parents.

TheBookofGod’sWord Thoushalt lovethyfathernextto thyCreator, andobeyhis voice, andhonorthymother,becauseshe broughttheeforthbythewil ofthy Creator. ThoushaltnotkilwhatthyCreator createdalive. Thoushaltnotsufferthydesiresto leadtheeafterwoman. Thoushaltnot takethatwhichis another's. Thoushaltnotspeakuntruth.

ine kil nothing I 4 5M havemadealive. ine commit not 5 6M adultery. 7 Minestealnot, 6 8 nortel lies; 7 9 norcovetanything. inereturngoodunto 10 M almen. houshaltnotbevain,fornothing 8T isthn i e. Thoushaltnottalkofthyneighbor behind his back, for Ormazd eareththee,andtheangelswilgo 9h tel thyneighbor'ssoulwhat thou hastsaid. EarthlyHistoryof TheBookofGod’sWord theFaithistsofThe East. Thoushaltnotbeidleor lazy,or hwil becomeweakand 10 tbheyarfldeosw nthysoul. Thoushalt not envy, nor harbor atredagainstanymannorwoman 11 h norchild. Thoushalt not reproveanyman orwomanfor theirevil, for they 12 n aretheCreator's. houshaltreprovethineownchild, 13 T andteachhimtherightway. houshalt not liewith thywife 14 T duringpregnancy. Thoushaltnottaketowifeanyof 15 tgheynekirantio,ns.ave beyond the fifth hou shalt not take to wife a 16 T womanofuncleanhabits. houshalt not commit the self17 T habit. Thou shalt not desire of thy 18 neighbormore thanthouwouldst give. Thoushalt fast onedayof the fourthmoonall thy life, neither 19 eatingfishnorflesh,norbreadnor fruit;noranythingbutwatershall enterthymouth. EarthlyHistoryof TheBookofGod’sWord theFaithistsofThe East. Onewholeyear of thy life thou haltdwelwiththepoor, livewith 20 s the poor, sleep with the poor, beggingforalmsforthepoor. SointhiscomparisonofOrmazda lwsasgivenbyZarathustra, therearesevencommandmentswhichmatch. “Earthly” indeedhastencommandmentsalthoughasorganizedby Newbrough’seditors,youwouldstruggletocountitasten.God’sWordindistinctivecontrast,hastwentytotalcommandments. Sincethetotalnumberofcommandmentsandcontentisverydifferent,andonlysevenmatch,atleastoneoftheseaccountsisFALSE.Let’sconcludethattheMasonicSaphahversionis theonewhichisWRONGandFAKE.Itwouldseemthatdarkpossessingspiritsarejustnotasorganizedasangelsoflight. BothversionswarnagainstworshippinganyoneotherthantheCreator.ThismakestheSaphahversionhypocriticalduetoproliferationoffalsegodhonoringwithinit. Interestingly,anddisconcertingly,theSaphahversionimmediatelygoestothecommandmentsofsecrecyandmoonrituals,thebedrockdiseaseprinciplesoftheMasonicSaphistcult.Yet themoonritesarealsoincludedintheGod’sWordversion,andalsoimmediatelyafterworshipcommandm e2n55t5.3TheactualmodernZoroasterianreligionhasnomoonritualsthoughthereis 6 2 3 anherbal/animalfatoffering fornotthefourquartersofthemoonbutonlyforthenewandfulmoon. * Yes,thismakesoneconsiderifNewbroughjustshimmiedthesemoonritual commandmentsthroughouttheoriginaltextofOahspe. 450

Fromtheforegon i g,wecanconcludethatifeventheformalZoroasterreligionthatwasheavilyinfluencedbythefalsegods,sinceithasnoseriousmoonrituals,andtheseareinfactNOT vegetarian,thenthelikelihoodthattheoriginalspiritualcommunityofZarathustrapracticedmoonritesisinfinitestimal.Pleaseconsider,justwhywouldthemoonritualsbeheldupasnearly thefirstcommandmentstobeobeyedinthislist?Moreimportantthannotkilingothers?Moreimportantthanworkingtohelpthepoor?Andonlydrujaswuldbesosloppyastonoteven havetherightnumberofcommandmentsintheirversion.Point.Set.Match. Ofcourse,Satanists,witchesandMasonsusemoonrituals!Howreassuring!(Not!) Ontothenextsignificantverse! Godsaid:Becausetheyhavepersecutedanddestroyedmy chosen,Iwil turnmyfaceawayfromthem,andtheyshallgo downindarkness.Behold,whentheypersecutedmychosenin thelandofEgupt,Ishutoutthelightfromthem,andthey perished.Letthisbetestimonyuntoallpeoples,thatwhosoever dividethmypeopleordespoileththem,shallalsobedivided anddespoiled.ThisisalawofJehovih;whosogoethaway fromHimshallnotfindHim;toturnfromHimistocurseHim; tocurseHimistocursethosethatdoit,anditshallbe answereduntothem.(Saphah:Earthly2123)*6

TheFalseGod–FalseReligionVersion WorshipofZoroasterism*63332 Onceagainthethemeisthatof“thechosen.”ThisisNOTthewayoftheKosmonAge.Thereisnomoreexclusivityforanypeople.True,thereonceweresuchastheI’hinsortheJewsor theZarathustrianswhowereresponsibletokeepFaithintheCreatorAlmightyaliveintheworld. Oahspemakesthisabundantlyclear: But,inthisera,Icomenottoanexclusivepeople, buttothecombinationofallpeoplescommingled togetherasonepeople.HenceIhavecalledthis theKosmonEra.Henceforth,mychosenshallbeof theamalgamatedraces,whochoseme.Andthese shallbecomethebest,mostperfectofallthepeoples oftheearth.Andtheyshallnotconsiderraceorcolor, buthealthandnoblenessastothemortalpart:and astothespirit,peace,love,wisdomandgoodworks,and oneGreatSpiritonly.(Es20:37-39)*6

ThedeviouspurposeofSaphahinstressingexclusivityissothatthecultleadersanddrujasmasterscanthemoreeasilycontroltheirfolowersbyseparatingthemfromtherestofthegood peopleintheirlives. YetthisisNOTthewayofKosmonasstatedinTheBookofEsandelsewhereinOahspe.Thisisnottheeratobefocusingoncursesandfear,ratheritisthetimeof blessingsandloveandlightfromtheangelicheavensasweallworktogethertomakeearthandtheheavensevermoreaparadise—auniversalgardenoftheGreatSpiritEver-Present. Thusit iscrystalclearfromalltheevidencegathered,fromallthelogicalargumentsthatalsoproveSaphahisnothingbutahellishtrickmeanttoharmandmisleadthosewhowalkthe SpiritualPathofOahspe.It istimetoexpungeSaphahfromOahspe,becausejustasShalamandvirtuallyallOahspe-groupshavefailedbyblindlyacceptingtheMasonicPriestCult elements,socanFaithistsfinallymakespiritualcommunityprogressbyrejectingthesenegativeelementsandmuchmoreeasilycomeintoanewheavenlyharmony. Thsi istheendofPartIV,theanalysisofSaphah.PartVcoversJohnNewbrough’sworktoestablishaShalamcommunity—onethatincludedsystematicMasonicideology,onethatincluded greatpainanddisharmonyforallofitsmembersbeforethecommunityended. YetthatMasonicinfectionhadalsobeenplantedbyNewbroughintothelodgesandchurchesthatwould evolveonedayn i toTheKosmonChurchandTheUniversalFaithistsofKosmon,andstilmorecultswhosedistressingstorieswilbetoldinPartVI.


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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.