Faith The Eloists from Radianceas
Within Radiance flows the spirit of the Eloists. It is an expression of Light, and speaks with the Voice of the Living Spirit as It has come to be known through the Eloist family. 'Eloist' means a 'doer of the Creator's will.' The objective of Radiance is not so much to educate as it is to strike a keynote or set a tone that will help the reader to become attuned to 'the realm of thought in which angels dwell,' and in that harmony to learn how to rise in spirit to embrace a higher purpose.
Radiance, a publication of The Eloists, a religious non-profit organization, incorporated in 1918. Radiance has currently ceased publication but back issues are available at a reasonable cost. Other inspirational writings are in the process of being prepared for publication. Please direct back issue requests to:
Praise and thanks be to Thee, O Creator! We rejoice in Thy Presence in us. We give our faith and devotion to Thy Presence in every soul. We know Thou art present every moment, that Thou art the All-Doer in and through us. Yet, we need to make an effort to express Thee, to help conquer the darkness of the world. We need to exercise our talents and faculties. Dark thoughts and feelings rise up in us and we must bring our will, thought and feeling to bear in order to counteract or dispel the darkness. There are no two people alike, and we will each work somewhat differently, but the purpose is the same: to help lift the darkness of the world. Sometimes we use words; sometimes no words, but motion or action; sometimes both; and sometimes neither words nor motion, but stillness. All this is to help purify us spiritually and develop a new consciousness, the awareness of Thy Presence and Rulership. We are serving one another physically as well, helping one another in every needful way. This is part of Thy work, too, in which we find development of our natural abilities for creating and serving, that help make our world
better. Thou art the true Doer, accomplishing through us, O Creator. All praise to Thee.
When you are troubled, have faith that it will turn around. Bring yourself through it with a positive response. Be aware of who is with you, nearby, or involved in some way. Don't let your negativity or upset state of mind project into the world to disturb others. You can learn ways to effectively alter the negative pattern and act quickly. We all can recognize times of stress in our lives. Have faith and find the best ways to respond. Talk to your angelic friends, they are ready to listen and shower you with love. Laugh and break the spell, then turn the situation around and let your inspiration guide you.
Let go of the pressure to solve problems that are out of your control. Put your faith in the Creator and know that He will take care of the situations and find the best solutions. He does not rule or take over. His Presence is within the souls of all people, and your faith in Him inspires other souls to do the right thing. This is the only way you can help with many problems brought to your attention. You can be used to help with problems to the best of your ability, but you must not feel that you alone are responsible. Unite yourself with the Creator and His hosts of high-raised beings, and know that they are giving you strength and wisdom to make the right decisions in all you do. Fee l the Creator's breath breathing through you, calming your feelings, and let this peaceful feeling flow out to those you wish to help, or to those you want to influence for good, thus helping them to act from the Creator's Presence within their souls. Soul light is stronger than darkness. Let it melt away the clouds and enfold all souls in love, warmth and peace.
We see the need of cultivating the quality of love, O Creator, for all people, and especially for those with whom we are in daily contact. We must try to rise above the little annoyances that manifest, and above our criticisms and antipathies. We must let go of the attitudes and desires which are the causes of our being negative. We must see Thy Presence in all people, in all things that we do, or that happen to us, and keep our thoughts attuned to Thy wavelength. I must not presume to judge another, or preach to another, or ever think that another should think or act as I think and act. I must have faith in Thy Presence in the person who troubles me. I must affirm my faith, my recognition, my praise, and all good feelings that I want to express. I will rejoice in Life for Thy sake, O Creator, and for the good I can do unto others. I rejoice because I can love, and because I am a co-creator with Thee. I will see myself as but a babe, not a know-it-all. I don't want to teach or lead others, but just be Thy humble servant, abnegating self, and practicing kindness, faith, peace, happiness and upliftment.
It is most desirable to be cheerful and radiant with goodwill all the time, and certainly we should try to do our best. But there are times this is not possible for some of us, when pain of mind or body dominates our consciousness and darkness seems to take over. Instead of adding to our woes by holding a sense of failure or condemnation, or by acting mean or irritable, we need only realize that Thou art present and in command, O Creator, and give Thee praise and faith. We can surrender ourselves, just as we are, to Thee, not resisting, not fighting, and not letting ourselves be thrown off balance. We can take the attitude of acceptance of the condition, knowing Thy work continues through it, being glad and thankful in our deeper selves for the privilege of being Thy instruments. It is possible, now, to sustain the higher consciousness while the lower is going through its pains and discomforts. We do not wish to make health and happiness our first objectives in this work, nor to think that they are prerequisites for doing a good job. It is quite possible that Thy best work is done, and that the greatest progress is made, during these times of darkness. We need only to continuously give Thee our faith, praise and devotion. Just as Thy work goes on unceasingly in our lives, so must we learn to practice our awareness and attunement unceasingly through every experience, every waking 8
The only way you can get along harmoniously is to recognize and give faith to the good in one another, ignoring the annoying personal traits and mannerisms, and the differences in thought, feelings, beliefs and opinions that create friction, and often lead to conflict. You are two-fold in nature. As personalities, you all possess the common human frailties. As souls, you possess many divine qualities. You need to help one another express the divine. You do it through faith. The name, Faithist, means that you have faith in one another as children of the Creator, and as part of His Being. You give faith to His Presence in your friends and associates no matter how they may think, feel and act. If a friend disagrees with you, you accept it as a normal part of life. You are not disturbed. You know that your friend is expressing himself from his special point of view, just as you are. Let it be a test of your faith in the Creator's Presence in him. React with good humor. Know that angels are watching over both of you with love and guiding light.
Our hearts cry out to comfort those in need. We see their plight and we want to alleviate their suffering, but the most we can do, it seems, is visit their homes, listen to their stories and give of our material possessions. But is this truly the case? What of those whom we cannot reach physically, who live at the far corners of the earth, and whose lifestyle is so very different from our own? These people we can touch through other methods, though they may not know of our concern. That is why we stress the mental power of thought, whose limits go beyond the mere corporeal shell. Can you assess the results without leaving your mortal body? We suggest doing a mental exercise that will eliminate those lingering doubts about the benefits of invisible thought forms, the ones designed to accomplish some good; real Power that touches them daily. Our repeated good thoughts create a wavelength that will permeate the toughest shell. If you are aware of this power, you can accomplish great feats and lasting victories over darkness.
Putting your faith in the Creator completely is a wonderful experience. It is relaxing and uplifting, and there is a sense of complete harmony and peace. Tensions dissolve away, and fears no longer dominate your mind and poison your body. The Creator is your strength, and He responds to your every thought and feeling. If you are attuned to your highest self, and are expressing the highest thoughts you can conceive, then the Creator's light, love and power will respond and come into expression through you. You must no longer put your faith in material things, or images or idols, or wealth and social prestige. Put your faith in Him Who created you, and you will have a firm rock to stand on all your life. Through stormy waters, you will emerge victorious, and will go forward with the will, wisdom and love of the Almighty Creator.
The Creator has confidence in you because He knows you are a potential god or goddess, and you are moving toward that state of consciousness every moment. You have divine seeds planted within your being that make you a son or daughter of the Creator, no matter what your stage of development is at this moment. No one is better than another in the eyes of the Creator. Some of His children have been caught in the trap of self-bondage and have brought on suffering to themselves and others; but still, the Creator has confidence in their ability to eventually find their way out of bondage, and become strong souls of light and love. You who have found the secret of spiritual awakening and the great knowledge of life's purpose and progression in many planes beyond this one, have a wonderful gift inside your minds and hearts which you want to share with all who will respond. For if you have confidence in the Creator, you have confidence in yourself. Be confident in what you do every day. Know that it is in the best interest of all in your world. So lift up your head and feel your confidence in yourself as you go about your business day by day. Know that the Creator is using your confidence to reach souls who are depending on your strength, will, power and love.
We think we have grown a little over the years, O Creator! We are not so critical and not so easily disturbed by others. We are more understanding, more loving, and more cheerful. We are more willing to leave others free to follow their own light (meaning especially those close to us) without fear, either for ourselves or for them. We believe we have a greater awareness, and have grown in strength of will and purpose. A little more of the self has been lost, and we are better able to be Thy instruments. We see more clearly Thy Hand working in all lives. Thou art moving us in ways unseen and unknown. We do not always understand Thy meaning in everything that happens, but we have faith that the good is there, and will eventually manifest. For Thou art in control, O Jehovih! All people are Thine. We try to relax in this awareness, and rejoice that we are alive. Love, joy, beauty and perfection are the essences of which we are made, and Thou hast given us an eternity in which to develop them. The divine soul, which is a seed in every one, has potentialities beyond our imagination or belief. Its oneness with Thee is the all-conquering, all-revealing, all-uplifting truth of the nature of humanity.
Everything is arranged by the All One for maximum growth and development. Sometimes the paths are full of obstacles, yet at other times, it is smooth sailing all the way. We have no particular patterns to follow, just guidance from our Creator. At times it seems as if everything is just too easy. Yet at other times we cannot advance at all.
What makes some things so easy and others so difficult? It really is a matter of perception. To the Creator's etherean hosts, the difficult path is better because it stimulates one's intellect, poses challenges along the way, and gives the most opportunity for stretching and growing.
Dear friends, concentrate on the work at hand. Never be afraid of hard work, or the fact that something seems incredibly difficult. You can surmount all obstacles if you have the faith that you can.
Let us give a cheer! We have come this far without any major problems and we are ready to sail onward. So let's make plans. We can hop aboard at any time to check the waters, or we can map out a journey to a destination with a detailed itinerary. Either way, we are engaged in something active and we are bound to learn new techniques to help us achieve our goals.
Are you ready? Can you see yourself sailing for new knowledge? The boat is like a home for your soul, which always wants to grow. You can get your "sea legs" by constant intent, which gives you a context for all your spiritual quests. You will discover just enough that you do have sailing "in your blood", although you may have been, hesitant about putting out to sea. The waves will be resources coming your way to encourage you to do something new and valuable for your soul growth. Do consider this journey to new shores. You will be pleasantly surprised by your destination.
Our organization has frequently emphasized the importance of scientific religion, not as the representation of a new creed, but rather as a means of realizing that spiritual truths are to be lived and owned by experience rather than just being appreciated intellectually as a distant abstraction. Scientific religion teaches you how to develop and express the dynamics hidden within your own spirit. It gives you a definite method whereby you can further develop your own initiatives. It shows you how to use and develop the Infinite Power of the Creator within you in the same way that physical science shows you how to use and develop the power of electricity. You no longer need to depend upon blind faith.
Faith, love, and hope; these are the faculties that have been the underpinning of religious experience. Your faculties of faith can be cultivated
Understanding of the principles and forces of the material world are facilitated through the application of reason. Understanding of the principles and forces of the spiritual universe is mediated through the faculty of Faith.
You can grow so strong in faith and in the
knowledge of the Creator and how that Power moves in your life, that you can know and affirm: 16
I am a temple of the Living God, Whose Mighty Spirit dwells within my soul.
The faculty of Love expresses the very Spirit of religious experience. This faculty is your capacity for knowing and feeling the Spirit of your Creator as the Love which glorifies your life when you feel goodwill for all souls, regardless of circumstances. The cultivation of this faculty will open the avenue through which divine Life will radiate through you to heal and uplift you and all whom you are able to touch in your life. You will not be satisfied with merely understanding that you are a temple of the Creator. You will see that the Intelligence of the Creator endeavors to express through every human soul, each its own temple of the Divine Presence. You will grow, through this awareness, to appreciate and nurture a great love for all humanity which you can intensify and develop by creatively affirming:
I am radiant with love for all the Creator's Children.
The faculty of Hope is your capacity to envision a better future and to see the great good that will come to you through the development of the slumbering faculties and powers of your immortal spirit. This faculty is your source of aspiration and zeal. You can grow to realize that the exalted states of mind attained by the Angels of wisdom and 17
love can be attained by you through the development of these spiritual faculties. These words of hope and aspiration will clarify and nurture your zeal to progress and outgrow all your present mental limitations:
I can attain to exalted states of immortal life. I will cultivate Faith, Love and Hope.
I will grow to be an angel of Wisdom, Love and Power.
It is inevitable that your immortal spirit will grow into an Angel of beauty and power, and you can begin that process while you are still in this world as you study and practice the principles of scientific religion. While one's spirit is attuned to the selfishness, materiality and destructive emotions that prevail as the predominant thoughts and feelings of human beings, it is difficult to feel the purity, benevolence and the constructive emotions which compose the joyous lives of the immortal spirits who have progressed to more heavenly states of mind. It is difficult to overcome the mental conditions of the diseases, depressions and dullness of spiritual inspiration suffered under the prevalent and unprogressive state of mind here in mortality until it can be outgrown. You can only be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You can, by your progressive and creative thoughts weave a garment of praise to lift 18
the spirit of heaviness. Proclaim to the Heavens your determination to be a radiant Immortal by affirming:
I can outgrow my spiritual shell of heaviness and limitation.
I will regenerate my spirit to become the Angel of Wisdom, Love and Power that I really am.
The cultivation of your more refined spiritual faculties will give you the capacity to feel, to see and to know that selfish States of Mind are inhabited by undeveloped and unwise spirits, while benevolent States of Mind are inhabited by unselfish and wise spirits. You must mature to see the necessity for outgrowing the qualities of mind which keep you attuned to the darkness of the selfish spiritual realms, and for developing the qualities of mind which permit the Angels of Light to resonate with you so that they may help you attain to be one with
Comprehension of the universal principles of scientific religion should become the most important study in your life because through it you will learn how you can attain the inspiration and protection of the Angelic Hosts who labor to strengthen and uplift all souls on the mortal plane. You can help attune your mind and align your life with their Purpose by affirming these words of Living Power:
I will unite my mind and will with the Hosts of Angels to help organize goodwill on earth as it is already organized in heaven. The Reign of Goodwill must ultimately supplant the Rule of Selfishness and Vexation. Greed begets enmity between nations as well as people. The selfish motives of the lower primitive faculties have ruled humanity and nations for too long. Homes and nations have been divided and destroyed by destructive hatreds, divisive religions and self-serving preoccupations. But with the real awakening of the faculties of Light destined to grow with the maturity of this age, the Spirit of Love will inevitably express through humanity. These basic spiritual principles will become a uniting, harmonizing, healing and prospering Power among humanity. Art, Learning, Science and Culture will be inspired by the Wisdom of a Loving Presence. Commerce, Economy, Industry and a more enlightened world cooperation will reveal the benevolent Will of the Creator working through all people for the welfare of all humanity. The mothering love of the Creator, which is the Spirit of all true Religion, will again have its foundation in the home, the family and in little children. How we learn to cultivate child culture will be the pathway leading to the Foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Through the care and education of little children will we find the only way to develop that international love and sympathy which will make the whole world a safe and sane birthplace for the Creator's immortal sons and daughters. Devote your life to this Great Purpose and affirm: 20
I will work with others to organize the Spirit of Faith, Love and Hope for the Glory of the I AM and for the good of all the Creator’s Children everywhere.
When we are feeling "down", we know that there is a bright side to things, and that life is not as bad as it seems; yet, we cannot break free from the grip of dark feelings at all times. This can be a problem for us, and we ought to be able to find an answer. We do have control over our thoughts, by virtue of Thy Presence in us, O Creator. Our faith is with Thee and Thy Power. If we think of another who needs help, praise the good in that person while giving our faith and love, and affirm Thy Presence with all, it is bound to bring good results. No matter what the condition of our personal affairs or bodily health, we must not forget that we are Thy Instruments of Light, and that Thou art backing us all the way. Thou art the most important fact and the most powerful force in our lives. Nothing defeats Thee. When we identify ourselves with Thee, nothing defeats us. Every day we give praise to Thee. We give thanks to Thee for the good that is 21
manifesting for us and through us. For there is a tremendous amount of it! We will not let the psychic world blind us to the goodness and beauty of life, and to our good for- tune in being Thy servant.
FAITH (1997)
Your faith in the Creator should be dynamic and effective, not static or passive.
Faith is spiritual imagination.
Recognize your Creator
within your temple, and cultivate a vivid imagination of the Ever-Present’s Healing Power now active in every cell of your physical tissues.
A living faith in the Creator as the intelligence and organizing power of your mind and body is a mighty constructive and healing force. You actually see and feel the Creator as the Life and Activity of all physical functions every moment, but you do not recognize the marvelous truth that it is the Creator at work in you nature.
The power which sustains all your bodily activities cleanses your body of poisons, and renews and heals every cell, is the power of your Creator, and in this power you should place your faith. This 22
recognition of your Creator will intensify all healing processes. On the other hand, if you have faith in some disease, then this will only increase its destructive effects.
Cultivate a Living Faith in the Healing Power of the Creator within your nature.
Help your spirit to gain strength and outgrow any
physical weaknesses.
To the degree that you become positive with constructive faith and good feelings, you open the inner door through which the Divine Creative Energy expresses through you to heal your nature.
We all live in the Mind of our Creator. As our minds are superior to space, we vibrate in unity with those with whom we are in sympathy, whether we be miles apart or separated by the veil between us and the spirit world.
Those who are in sympathy with us feel what we feel and are benefited by our realization of life and love.
As we are constantly
creating good thoughts and blessings for others, we keep ourselves positive in a most joyous realization of the Creator’s Life and Love, so that everyone who vibrates with our sphere of influence feels inspired with healing life and power.
By cultivating this same attitude of mind, you can become positive and superior to every depressing thought; a center of radiant influence to everyone in your world; a master mind. As you become positive and superior to negative thoughts and moods, you realize health and success.
Your progress depends upon how much of the creative force of your spirit you develop.
Begin today to reorganize your personality, and
make it a positive power and influence for good. The renewed vigor of your spirit will express in the renewal and healing of your body.
Send daily blessings to others to help them overcome all obstacles to successful self-expression.
Make your faith in the Creator dynamic and effective. Faith is spiritual imagination. Recognize your Creator within your temple, and cultivate a vivid imagination of the healing power now active in every cell of your physical being.
A living faith in the Creator as the intelligence and organizing power of your mind and body is a mighty, constructive and healing force. You actually see and feel the Creator as the life and activity of all physical functions every moment, but you do not recognize the marvelous truth that it is the Creator at work in your nature.
That power which sustains all your bodily activities, cleanses your body of poisons, and renews and heals every cell, is the power of your Creator. It is this power in which you should place your faith. This recognition of your Creator will intensify all healing processes. On the other hand, concentration upon or faith in disease will aid disease in its destructive effects.
Cultivate a living faith in the healing power of the Creator within your nature. Realize the power of the Ever-Presence in you daily. To the degree that you become positive with constructive faith and good feelings, you open the inner door through which the divine creative energy expresses through you to heal your nature.
We all live in the Mind of our Creator. As our minds are superior to space, we vibrate in unity with those with whom we are in sympathy, whether we are miles apart in space or out of the physical form.
Those who are in sympathy with us feel what we feel and are benefited by our positive realization of life and love. As we are constantly creating good thoughts and feelings, we keep ourselves positive in a most joyous realization of the Creator's life and love, so that everyone who vibrates within our sphere of influence feels inspired with healing life and power.
By cultivating this same attitude of mind, you can become positive to every depressing thought, a center of radiant influence to everyone in your world, and a powerful mind. While we lived in negative and depressing states of mind, we suffered. As we became positive and superior to negative thoughts and moods, we realized health and success.
Your progress depends upon how much of the creative force of your spirit you develop. Begin today to organize your personality, and make it a positive power and influence for good. The renewed vigor of your spirit will express in the renewal and healing of your body.
We do not want to be alone, or separate, or to possess any spirituality or soul power we are not willing to see in others, and share with others. We would give to everyone, O Creator, everything we have and are. If I would be more loving and kind, I must see loving kindness, and affirm it, and have faith in it, in others. If I would be more wise, I must see wisdom in others. If I would be more purposeful in doing good, I must see the good in others. Whatever I aspire to express of Thy Presence, O Jehovih, I must recognize it, and give it my faith, in every soul in my world. If I have a problem with another person, and want not to hurt that person, but to establish harmony between us, I will praise Thy Presence in that person, and see and affirm qualities of understanding and goodwill. I will feel and know that Thou art as strong in them as Thou art in me, or stronger. I will feel that Thy inspiration dominates their consciousness, and will know that our problems will be settled amicably. Thou art inspiring every soul with peace, and the desire for peace. People are willing to lose self for the sake of peace. The world is weary of war and competition. Thy light of peace and goodwill overspreads the planet, creating changes in human nature, and making all things new.
Facing life in these times of strain, of national and international conflicts, we all need to develop a greater faith in good. Living in fear of a bomb-struck world would nullify all our efforts. One shudders to think of what the results might have been should the enemies of humanity's welfare attack this country, or any country. So let us not think about it. Rather, let us put forth all of our energies in creating a greater faith in the Presence of the Almighty in every soul. Let us build our faith so strong in the ultimate working out of the Creator's Plan for all souls, that nothing of a fearful, destructive nature car find place in our minds. Let us determine more positively than ever that the Angels shall have, through us, clean, free and unobstructed avenues for their work. This means that every moment of your waking hours you must train yourself to realize that you are the voice, the hands, the very Presence of the Angels. Everything you do, even the smallest act, is a service to your Creator. You are a dedicated instrument, and constantly there flows through you a stream of power which, directed by the Angels, is dissolving the darkness and weight of ages, and making free the souls of men, women and little children. Everywhere the Light and Power of the Ever-Present are working for good, because both humanity and the Angels are consecrated to this end. Think about it! Believe it! See it! 28
There is nothing more important for you to do than to give yourself every moment to the Creator for the manifestation of the Divine Plan. Determine to do good with all your might! Determine to overcome self, and to live from the soul. You don't have to change anything you are doing, or get tense thinking about it. Just remember the wonderful truth that you arc the presence of the I AM, and that through you that glorious love shines. It is not what you do, or what you say, that is as important as the spirit, the awareness, in which you act and speak.
The time has come in the planet's history for a tremendous demonstration of Jehovih's Divinity on earth through all of humanity.
Live your faith in a bigger way! Quietly, harmoniously, beautifully live it! Feel that the yearning prayers of hungry, longing souls are being answered through you. The Great Spirit is now manifesting on this earth through you, through us, through every soul. The Angels are melting away the remaining clouds that dull our awareness. One of these days we shall know that the new world is here, and we are living in it; a world unaffected by bombs or destructive thoughts, a world where our souls shall have an environment of peace and beauty, a world where we can work together for the good of all,
unhindered, happy and free, healthy and rich in the ways of the All One. This is the ultimate! This is the life! Let us live it heartily!
We try to accept all things Thou may put upon us, O Creator, joyfully, thankfully and lovingly. We are becoming so conscious of Thy Presence and Power In us, and so aware of our potentialities as souls, that the little things which formerly bothered us no longer have that effect. We are learning to let go of material things, holding no desire that they be thus-and-so, for they are Thine. We are more aware that we are living in eternity, and that the corporeal world is ephemeral and illusory. This that we are is real; all else is perishable. The being whom we are is of Thy Being. Supreme in importance is growth toward Thee; namely, the cultivation of awareness, attunement and oneness with Thee. Through soul awareness, we can remain calm under trying conditions, and can express more of the angelic qualities and attitudes. Thou art moving us in the right direction, inspiring us to do the things necessary to the fulfillment of Thy Purpose. We strive to do everything with gladness, with
tenderness and kindliness toward all. Of all pleasures we have found, being gentle, loving and helpful are the greatest.
These are heavenly qualities. These are of the Eternal I AM. The tendency to be concerned with world affairs, and the personal affairs of our relatives and friends in the world, is strong. But we see that it is not within our power to change anything or anybody. Even if we could make life easier for everyone we wished to help, would that be doing Thy Will? In Thy Plan, we are left free to make mistakes, and to profit from our hard experiences. Thy Angels watch over us, but remain undisturbed and full of faith, praising Thy Presence, and speaking words of counsel silently to our souls. We must learn to do the same for those about whom we are concerned. Praise and thanks be to Thee, Jehovih! Thy Will, Wisdom and Love are gaining in expression through us. This is all we really want in life.
We are aware, O Creator, that we are Thy children as well as Thy helpers. We have a duty to Thee as children to their parents. We are full of love for Thee, full of the thankfulness that we are. We have 31
been shown the way and we are most fortunate in that we have had our elder brothers and sisters to teach us, to initiate us into a devout faith, a faith so strong that it can survive through anything, a faith that is indomitable, and nothing is allowed to come between us and Thee, O All One. We are fortunate to have had their guidance toward Thee, an example to follow, a path planned for us to continue. We have had help along the way as well. We are grateful, O Creator, for all Thy wondrous blessings! We wish to thank all souls everywhere for the help given us on our long journey upwards to home! May the Creator bless you all!
Thou Who art the Breather of my being this moment! To Whom I wish to give myself in service! Whose angels watch over me, and show me the way of liberation! Praise to Thee! I thank Thee for all blessings. I would make this day one of complete devotion to Thee, complete awareness of Thy Presence, and complete surrender of my self-propensities. Yet, I would be wise to know my limitations, and not let myself be carried away in foolish or excessive speech or action. What are a mortal's capabilities, O Creator? What are my 32
capabilities? I must have faith that Thou wilt use me in Thine own way, whenever and however Thou canst. I want to try to listen for Thy Voice under all circumstances; when busy as well as when idle; amidst confusion as well as in peace and quiet. There are many people in my world who need spiritual help. I don't know how to help them unless Thou showest me. Perhaps in Thy sight it is not best that I try to help them as I think I ought, through words of counsel; but leave them free to go their way, having faith that Thou art speaking in their souls.
You can be an upliftment to others and a blessing to yourself. Let us tell you how. Be aware of your own divinity in action and thought. Draw on that fine voice within which speaks of potential and beauty. See other people in the process-of-becoming, rather than as individuals with fixed limitations. Offer kind words of faith in their divinity, phrased in a way they will understand. We all rise up when we see the cloud lift from the path ahead of us. You can be a part of drawing aside that veil
Live in the joy of the moment. Live to love. When you love, all things come easily. All work is fun. Throw off care. Be one with Jehovih's hosts of loving angels. They are bringing upliftment to mankind through the power of love. They are not tense or worried. They are trusting in the Creator, the great Father-Mother Supreme Being. In their oneness and attunement with the All Highest, they are joyful. They have a great work to do; and because it is the Creator's work, they know it will be completely successful. In attunement with the Ever-Present they cannot fail. In the work you have to do, put your trust in the Almighty, like the angels do, then you can be joyful. Your work will be a pleasure. You will not tire yourself by holding negative thoughts or feelings about it. At day's end, you will be pleasantly relaxed. You will be blessed with a good night's sleep. When people annoy you, and when things go wrong, you can sweep away all dark thoughts and feelings by using the power of love. Love the Creator, Who is in all people and all things!
Thou art in control, O Creator. The first word is Thine; the last word is Thine. The whole of our lives and our actions are Thine, seen by Thee,
angel-servants are overseeing the events and doings of our everyday existence; and to the degree that we hold to the purpose of upliftment, with them, they help everything work for good. They are measuring our devotion, using our energies of faith and love, and amplifying all our good efforts. We have faith in Thee, in Thy Angels, and in ourselves as Thy instruments. Our dominant purpose is to serve Thee, and to forget the self; to let Thy light shine through us; always to be outgoing with feelings which uplift and strengthen the souls of others. If it were not for angelic protection, O Creator, we would be overrun with darkness. We are thankful for all protection and help. We are determined to be faithful under all circumstances, seeking all opportunities to grow and serve Thee better.
You must realize that you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it. There is much that you can do to improve your life instead of moping about your corporeal conditions. Action speaks louder than words. Do something you don't usually do. Be creative. Be spontaneous. Whatever feels right, do it! Be happy that you are alive and do not waste all the time the Creator has given you on mundane affairs you do not enjoy. Get out and do the things you do enjoy!
You are the master of your own destiny. There is no one stopping you from doing what you want to do.
Have faith and do what you feel is the right thing. Having faith in yourself is just as important as having faith in your Creator. Start today to realize your potential.