Forever Arising Robert Bayer (2016)
Our Eternal Spirit is arising; Creating Eternal Ideals; Unfolding Eternal Love.
Love is triumphant in our lives, and we are so very grateful to share our love at every chance we are blessed with.
So always remember that no matter
how strong the pull or allure of lower propensities may be, when you choose to love, to feel love in yourself, to feel love for all around you, the Universe is entering into your lives ever more fully, and in doing so, so will you too be more fully alive in the Universe of the Great Spirit, which is without end.
Our Angelic Soul is arising; Creating Angelic Perfection; Unfolding Angelic Wisdom.
Ever before all of us — are each of us, as though each were looking into a mirror of ourselves. Thus so, while the Supreme Spirit has given each immortal, individualized being, so also may we become as a new union of persons, a communion of souls that is the reality of the higher heavens.
For as each takes mastery of self, gradually purging the lower nature and darkness away, the inner pure spirit of love within each is thereby free to so more the better flow and blend and become one in concordance with all within one’s spheres.
It is through these Communions of Spirit that
Universe’s Eternal Process of Creation IS, and where God’s Love IS most deeply felt and realized.
For Love is Illimitable, reaching each soul, linking
each soul in One Heart Center of Ethereal Love. all.
We send ours ever to you
Our Heavenly Will is arising; Creating Heavenly Foundations; Unfolding Heavenly Power.
Above this world, beyond this world, flows the harmony of the angels. This harmony is but the Spirit of the Creator, and all men and women who live for the spirit are part of this harmony. Yet it is the design of the Creator that all shall be brought into and grow into harmonious power. From the efforts of all souls working to uplift their brothers and sisters, in conjunction with the angels of harmony, new associations, new communities shall arise whose power to heal, guide, build, and bless, shall be the new foundations for the new era the Creator has ordained for this world.
Our Immortal Mind is arising; Creating Immortal Destiny; Unfolding Immortal Life.
Welcome to Our Universe: The real world of LIFE always all about you! Never give in to the urge to ignore the beauty of the grand and simple wonders of the world and of the cosmos. They are your true family and home. No conflict is here but rather only peace and oneness.
Embrace the
Creator of All with your constant love and praise to the heavens.
You will
find us, your angelic family, always there in the Paradise of Immortal Life. We await you with our own embrace of Loving Peace.
Our Sacred Heart is arising; Creating Sacred Music; Unfolding Sacred Joy.
We are the Children of the Stars, we are the Angels of the Sacred Heart. Our work is devoted to transmuting darkness into light, to dispersing negativity, to inspiring hearts and minds with visions and awareness of the angelic spheres.
Our power is the power of choice, of serving the Great
Creator of us all.
This transforming energy is found in All-Space and All-
Time, within each one of us, within all the universe. is ONE and that ONE is ALL.
We have faith that ALL
Our Wondrous Dreams are arising; Creating Wondrous Symmetry; Unfolding Wondrous Beauty.
Now upon your hands rests The Beauty of Creation, The Creation of Beauty. It is Love which is the Inspiration that can create such beauty.
These are
elements eternal, boundless and uplifting, healing and redeeming. here now because we choose to be.
We are
These flowers are here because we
choose now to create them.
Not for ourselves but for the world, the
universe, for all souls within our reach.
Become now like the lovely flowers
and blossoms of the universal garden, fashioning color, light, symmetry, fragrance, melody, and life all into one, and then release all this Goodness into the spheres beyond ours, to lives beyond ours, and thus to bless and bring hope and healing attunement to those down below us upon the struggling earth.
If there is a supreme purpose or meaning within beauty,
this is verily it; to blossom forth all that is beautiful and good and alive, to transcend one’s very singular spirit-soul, to share what is timeless and innermost in spirit in order to encompass all the living, all The Living Universe with an Eternal Living Love that shall be a Perfect Blessing Immortal amidst the Hearts of All Profound.
Beauty unto ever greater
Beauty, Love unto ever greater Love, worlds without end, Amen.
Our Universal Path is arising; Creating Universal Feelings; Unfolding Universal Purity.
Verily is My Voice the Voice of Inspiration and to hear My Voice, only the Path of Sacredness will reach to the summit where I may be clearly heard. Let go of all confusion and discord. Let all fears and worries cease within you. Focus to be of service and of doing good to one another. Shall Live in you. your path.
Then My Voice
Then shall the True Inner Oneness flow within and upon
Then shall each of you from many paths be together on One
Path, The One Path of Fellowship and Love and Resurrection.
Our Harmonious Spheres are arising; Creating Harmonious Thoughts; Unfolding Harmonious Peace.
In the End, it will be our loving thoughts which shall redeem the world.
all our worlds are but part and parcel of the Great Universal Mind, which permeates all time and space, flowing through all with magnificent love and light.
Therefore, take many times each day to use your thoughts
constructively and selflessly in helping to bring about the redemption of the
Every single thought you can bring to bear for our world’s
betterment, shall be used as part of the Angelic Grace that is transforming this world into a heaven on earth.
Please join us every day, with every
thought of light and love you shall share for The Greater Harmony.
Our Divine Star is arising; Creating Divine Purpose; Unfolding Divine Light.
Stars upon stars upon stars fill Our Universe Resplendent, each a jewel, each a Creation of the Holy Creator whose Extent is Forever.
See now the
Stars of the Heavens shining in magnificence within and around ALL THAT IS.
You each are perfecting thy selves into Soul Stars, and are part and
parcel of the Cosmos Eternal. Together, we Atoms of Spirit are joining into One Ethereal Star. more fully in thee all.
May the Light and Love of the All Highest ever SHINE
Our Radiant Blessings are arising; Creating Radiant Energy; Unfolding Radiant Faith.
These Focalized Energies, created in Etherean Fields of Brilliant Radiance, tiny yet collectively vast in stellar dimension, now immerse your world as it orbits through their densities.
Upon the earth’s surface and below, these
universal brightening elements shall permeate, mortal and spirit all.
darker spirits and mortals will resist this transmuting power, and will feel within themselves a growing unease, as their misdeeds and undeveloped attributes shall feed the confliction of whether to embrace the Light of the Creator.
But those who are ascendant in selflessness, shall draw the
Eternal Uplifting Energy at an ever greater rate into their sphere and aura, allowing themselves to receive and blend with the full healing, attuning, purifying power.
Mortals of the Ever-Present Spirit, focus your attention
often in visualizing this God-Given Grace that now is entering your worlds, for by this Energy Eternal, shall all be drawn together in fulfilling The Kosmon Age, a time where the Garden of Earth, and the Foundations of its Heavens, shall be sublimely realized. Highest be with you all.
Peace, Love, and Wisdom of the All
Our Uplifting Actions are arising; Creating Uplifting Resurrection; Unfolding Uplifting Service.
The Hour of Judgment is at hand, where each shall choose light or darkness, and be graced with that choice.
For in choosing darkness, those who do so
shall understand more fully the beauty and truth that is to be found in Light Ascendant.
And they shall be strengthened and become wiser, and shall
work with great power to redeem, guide and uplift those who may be suffering or in blindness.
And for those who will choose the Light
Ascendant at the first, they too will feel the Call of Universal Service, and work also to inspire all below with beauty and light and a hope that all the world is a Garden of the Heavens, where love is being fulfilled in each man, woman, and child.
Whatever Works of Service you shall choose, know
without fail that we shall be giving forth to you all Love, Wisdom, and Power that is of the Creator of Worlds Without End
Our Empowering Works are arising; Creating Empowering Creation; Unfolding Empowering Unity.
The Spirit of The Creator resides in all, is One in All. Her Love.
Know His Light, Know
Turn within and cherish the Star Soul within.
Listen still more.
Listen, and then
Feel the Ever-Present, there in your heart, there in your
mind, everywhere round you.
Whatever it is now that you are to do, or
need to know, from the Fountain of All Life, drink and be refreshed and bloom in works of love, wisdom, and power.
We, your elder brothers and
sisters of the heavens, now ordain each of you in works of world upliftment. Let the Creator’s Will be done and honored every moment. you all.
All our Love to