Godsense Stephanie (2003)
I am the Creator. Some call me God. I exist in all that is, seen and unseen. When I am felt as a high vibration I am experienced as LOVE and as love I radiate my golden light upon this world and from within this world. As the clouds drift by, quietly softly, they are not aware of themselves as you. They are aware in a way that matters not if they play in the sky or drift serenely among the water of the ocean. This is their journey and is embraced as such. Look down at your feet positioned upon the Earth Mother. 2
You are extremely aware of yourself and there are many places that you exist. When you have greeted another you are existing within their mind and memory. You exist within dreams, your own memories, and that which you cast out into the future. Indeed many live a great deal of time in these places. But there is a glorious place within that perhaps is seldom tended to and that is within your own heart. In the mind the heart is often associated with emotional pain. Allow I the Life Force to take you on a journey into this holy place, venturing into the pain free meridian. Close your eyes so your lids are resting softly upon your face. Focus on your breathing for a few moments. Now look inward into your heart. Tell me what do your see and feel? Grief? Sadness? Love? Now look past the scorn, the fear, the love that needs a reason to exist. Allow yourself to swim deeper and deeper still for you are merely floating upon the surface of a vast and grand ocean. This place may seem dark and empty. This obscurity was created by you. It is a shroud born from a consciousness of separation from your source. But within the darkness, the emptiness, as you swim onward you will, beloved beings, see my blessing shining as a living golden light nestled within your 3
sacredness, deep within the water. Touch this light, embrace it with your feelings. It now forms into a tiny new born infant. Now gather it gently into your arms. The babe of light awakens at your touch and opens jewelled eyes. A tiny golden hand reaches up to touch your cheek. The beautiful face smiles, bestowing upon you all powerful non conditional love. Know that this sacredness that you cradle is an unexplored universe within every human being. Nurture this creation now blessed by your discovery and the awakened one will hold your hand. Together you will begin your journey and together you will grow as one evolving into the knowing of the holy being that you are and always have been. Know I am with you throughout the journey embracing you with a love that nurtures an eternal binding of the golden light. Yes !... shine this light. Radiate it out for all to see and when gazing upon another who is embracing anger or pain, look deeply into their eyes and down, down into their heart and give ones own blessing of love to the child of light who lays in sleep that it may awaken. And when they look into your eyes and see the divine love within that you share you will live in a special place in their memory, a place seldom touched. 4
I desire that you seek me within your heart and enter into the pain free meridian and then through the eyes of others you will see, for within divine love there is no sense of separation. May your dreams be of love. Your past hurts be transformed through acceptance and may your future be illuminated with the divine golden light. Seek peace within and embrace your journey. So Be It.
Imagine, for a moment, a child standing in a valley before the rosy arc of an unrisen sun. She is pictured in a moving silhouette, adorned in a flowing white robe. Her arms rise to embrace the celestial light radiating from the hidden star. `Come’, she 6
whispers, `come,’ calling forth the sun. Feel the innocence of the child. Sense her purity and strength of spirituality as she connects with the light. She offers the dawn the light of pure love emanating from her heart in radiant streams of gold. The sun bursts forth as a glistening sliver of fire. In a whisper, golden rays stream out, searchingly, then embrace the child. She accepts readily this energy from the rays of the sun. A sun created by a thought from the mind of God that there be His light shining upon this world, eternally in the dawn, eternally within the heart of the child. This child’s image exists within you my friend. It is never lost but often forgotten, left to slumber in the depths of your being. Existing within your heart is innocence, grace, purity, nobleness, true love, compassion, Gods light and wisdom. Know this, discover truth, set yourself free to return to a conscious awareness of Gods loving embrace; His gentle reality.
If you are a seeker of deep truth you may have questions of who am I? Where did I come from? Where did I begin? In truth you have never begun but have always existed. God cast your soul forward from his own energy, being the energy of all that is, for God is essence, the Father/Mother of all things, referred to as the Universe. He placed in you an individual seed of his will; his desire to experience and expand. 8
To fulfil Gods desire to perceive you are an extension of that passion. You became a conscious individual energy, energy with the thirst to perceive, to unfold, and to grow. To evolve as God himself is expanding and evolving. You are in truth, a co-creator if the Universe. Incorporated within this energy that is you is the soul and the spirit. Let us take a look at the soul and the spirit. Firstly the soul is your guiding intelligence. It is an accumulation of all that you have experienced, every memory. It is an aggregation of all that you have learned from the moment you became a conscious individual energy. The spirit is your life force; it is your energy, an energy that you manipulate through of the intelligence (the soul). Souls existing in dimension beyond the physical earth plane can change their appearance at will. Spirit guides, when appearing to humanity take on the human image of their liking or one the person can relate to. This is an example of the soul (the intelligence) using the spirit (the life force) to create an image of itself.
This world is a school of adventures for your soul. It is, in respect, a playground where you learn aspects of physicality, their valuable lessons and restrictions, to learn to embrace yet rise up beyond them, to see a greater reality. Each physical life is lived to fulfill your souls desire to experience the aspects of this physical plane that you believe will 11
enhance your evolution. These desires roll on from one lifetime to another until all are fulfilled, until one reaches the experience of a conscious connection with God; to learn to live a physical existence in his gentle reality. Physical life for you on the Earth plane could have first been experienced as a rock, a small animal, then perhaps eventually moving up the scale of consciousness into a human form. There are no laws as to where your first physical undergoing had to begin. An ever driving force to move into a greater consciousness begins with understanding matter itself. ‘It is in this light that the process of incarnation is simple. The spirit permeates and integrates with the physical embodiment and the soul experiences this embodiment. After the completion of the physical experience the soul returns to the source of greater consciousness in spiritual realms and assesses its next physical embodiment, choosing whatever is best for its evolution, its deep passion to encounter materialism. When you became submerged in this material world you walked away from God into a human world separate from God consciousness. You became blind to his glory, his love. You became uncultured and benighted to the grace of your own eternal soul. God awaits the return of His children, aware of each 12
and everyone, for he has given you free will to experience conscious separation from Him, your origin, therefore all it entails. This is part of your evolution. It is valuable for your spiritual growth.
In understanding creation one must look at thought and its relationship to energy for thought is the essence of all manifestation. If you were to break down matter to its source, the discovery would be and energy reacting to thought. One could play with this energy molding it with thoughts to create this force into what you desire it to become. 14
Light is the basics of manifestation into physical matter in varying vibrational levels. Light is the dawning of materialism in the womb of creation. Pure energy of God is the expansion of the universe. It is directed by thoughts, (so one can see how this is one huge playground, yes?) In the process of physical creations or manifestation, thought manifests light, though the intention of the creating thought (intelligence) light condenses down ( slows down ) in vibratory levels to become matter. This pure energy exists in all things. It exists in you. You cannot create or destroy this energy. You can only manipulate it. The body in which your soul is housed has always existed as one form of energy or another, as all energy stems from an infinite sea of energy. As all energy is eternal, your spirit is timeless. Your soul is your bodies’ assistant in the physical plane and it too is governed by your thoughts.
Thoughts can brand your body ill and diseased or radiant with life and health. That is the beginning of the perception of how powerful the thoughts you have are. Negative or positive thought patterns created by the mind direct the body into a reaction. As we feed our body food we feed our body energy with our thoughts also. 16
Thoughts and expectations that you have about your body, be them conscious or on a deeper unconscious level, connect with and talk to every cell within your inner universe. If the thought or belief about your health and your attitudes to your body are consistent they will eventually become a reality. They will manifest. Thought energy, oscillating at a slow vibration, being negative thoughts and beliefs, attract and create disease as disease and illness also vibrate at a slow level. It is the law of the universe that vibrations are drawn to vibrations of a similar level there fore it becomes, in time, a part of your reality, shaping your body and the way it functions. If you constantly think about illness being apart of you reality then so it will be, you will draw these experiences to you. Fear is the reason this reality exists for you. If you focus on loving your physical form, being well, having vitality, a healthy body then so it will be. Listen to the thoughts, the feelings the beliefs you have developed about your physical form and your life. Are they beliefs of love and acceptance of its existence or are they thoughts of resistance and denial, or expectations of illness? Your body is beauteous no matter how you judge it. Within it 17
is a world unseen to many and is mysterious, as are the spiritual realms beyond the earth plane. Yet the body contains its own spiritual realms. It is a universe within a universe. It throbs with life connecting it to the pulse of the God Force. Every breath you inhale gives sustenance to each cell of your body and the breath of the earth is the breath of God. Breathe deeply this very moment, feel His divine presence within every cell of your being. Every cell is a miracle in itself, life within life, carrying within it, the energy and divine love that is God. This energy is your spirit and essence. It exists in every molecule, every atom. Your spirit is love. Your spirit is joy, dancing to the song of God within you, a song of creation. Know you are this joy, for it dwells within you whether you are aware of it or not. Ignorance will not alter the joy of God that is within this creation. Call it forth into your consciousness. Feel every cell come alive with your attentive acquaintance of this divinity within, this joy of joys. Gods eternal energy flows through each and every vein, ignites with passion, each and every cell with his sacredness in an explosion of love of creation itself that is never ending within it as it is eternal within the universe. Even once your physical body has stopped functioning and 18
the spirit and soul has withdrawn, the body remains as energy, existing and changing as your own soul is constantly changing and evolving. Love your body for it is magnificent and beautiful. Embrace it with your thoughts, thoughts of awe and joy for the experience it has enabled you to have upon the physical plane, empowering you to evolve, to grow from lifetime to lifetime, bringing you in consummate to the grace of your eternal soul, therefore, unity with God. Humanity, when living in the material dimension in depth, that is, living within the mind and not the heart believes that circumstances are beyond their control and play victims to illness. Know to be true that living in this world, visionless to the greater picture, thoughts create all of you reality whether you are conscious of it or not. Believe that you are much more than your physical body and emotions. If suddenly you could not see, you became numb, could not smell or hear or experience any physical sensations at all, you would still exist, still thinking and feeling, aware of your essence. Seekers of truth look up at the stars and beyond. Look into the depths of the soul of the universe, a universe that is eternal and timeless as with your own soul. Begin the journey to a 19
greater understanding. It begins with an awakening, restlessness within, a stirring of your soul, hearing the calling of your spiritual evolution. An evolution lifting you into the loving arms of Gods gentle reality freeing you forever more from separation of his consciousness, casting you gently into the river of his love.
The key to living within God’s gentle reality lies in recognizing that other realities exist. Some negative aspects of this earthly reality reflect into the world to create resistance, unbalance,
suffering, anger and violence and hate. Learning
disharmonies in your life to restore balance, love, joy, beauty, fulfillment and ease, freeing you to become one with your creator, to exist in balance and harmony, then to be your own creator to 21
express the supernal joy of connection to your source. God’s reality and simplicity frees you to control your life as nature lives in her own inspiring harmony, in tune with the God Force and the universal law. All that you believe that you desire to receive from another, be it love, happiness, or feeling special, are simply abundant within yourself. Believing otherwise allows others to control how you feel as another’s perceptions of what you desire will be individual to your own. If you need someone to love you, to be truly satisfied, love yourself. If you need someone to care, to be truly satisfied, care for yourself by loving who you are. If you need to feel happy call forth the joy that throbs and dances within every cell of your being, the joy of love. Then you can share this enlightenment with others. This is powerful. They will know this bliss this fulfillment, for it is within them also, it is the joy of creation. It is the joy of self, the joy of love, the wonder of I Amness, even as it exists beneath their perceptions it waits to become a part of their consciousness. Conflict within arises from your unfamiliararity that all you outwardly pursue is within your own inner universe. When you seek from others, struggles can arise in the form of frustration and anger, deprivations and blame. Knowing all your feeling 22
needs are abundant within yourself casts before you the road to freedom. This is your life. How you decide to live it is your choice. You are the one responsible for it. You and you alone. Learning this helps dissolve barriers surrounding the well of true freedom, you become free to dip you hand into this well of light and realize you are the creator of it.
Know that love is within and know that love is eternally yours for love of the self is love to share. Share this divine love with the rest of humanity for all are your brothers and sisters born from the same will of God, your universal Father and Mother. Learn to forgive not blame. Learn to love not hate. Do not look back on any part of your life with distaste. Look back with grace and serenity for the very aspects you have judged harshly have led you to a point of beginning a conscious journey back to 24
your soul self and your creator. This is falling in love with all of your life, past, present and future. Live within your heart and not your mind for the mind can create great fear, the heart creates joyousness and love. Place into effect a quest in life to become free, free to see the beauty in all things, therefore to love all things, but specially, to see the beauty within you that is where the perception begins and the bliss begins to blossom. Place into effect a quest in life to understand yourself and your connection to God. To live in harmony with the Universe. To have a pure heart, to follow the dream of that heart and dream of love. And as your journey unfolds before you, love every falter, every stumble for what it has to teach you about yourself in your search for sovereignty. This is the inner dawning of Gods gentle reality. Pure love is non-conditional. Therefore it is your original vibration. It is your umbilical cord to God. His love for you flows through this cord to nurture every cell in your being and every vibration of your spirit. One can see the human heart as God with the veins filled with his music. Pure love begins with non-conditional love of self. Embracing your life. Embracing all that it is and ever was. 25
Beholding the glory and innocence, the essence of your soul. The energy of the heart contains the vibration of non-conditional love. The barriers you create through your beliefs of love contain conditions; this keeps you confined from this virginal vibration of the heart centre. Before a thought of love there is a feeling of love. Thoughts then change that feeling though your developed perception of love. When you have a feeling of love, learn to stay with that feeling, keeping the thoughts aside. Allow it to manifest and you will begin to experience the vibration of God. That rhythm is the essence of your creation that hums to your soul. Allow Gods love to stem from your heart center where His feeling dwells between every heartbeat and every beat heralds the love that is, as sweet bird song heralds the sunrise carrying forth the dawn. Feel the love that God has for you. Feel the embrace, the tenderness. It may feel familiar to you for the love God gives you is your own love. That is the strength of your union. Love that is one, love that is born of one breath, intrinsic of one light, inherent from one UNITED soul that is God. Exist in the heart of God, your heart and his forevermore, for 26
eternity has no time, no beginning, no end. Feel His love, a love that cannot be measured by human standards of limitation, but exists in its own grace and glory beyond confinement. This unconditional love is an ardor few have dreamed of let alone experienced. Its essence is innocence and surrender. It knows no judgment of you. Touch this love, feel the serenity. It is there inside you. Allow your spirit to soar with elegant wings of light, born aloft, sent into ascension of celestial skies created by your rapture.
In gentle synchronistic progression the earth gently dips each and every moment to free the dawn light over the land. Every moment of your life can be a new dawning. That is the essence of connecting with the light of your source. To feel God is to feel the light born from exhilaration. When your realize the glory, adoration will bloom within like 28
the almond blossoms in an eternal Spring. Indeed your whole life will celebrate a timeless Spring, calling forth new life and growth, endless beginnings evolving into newness, a re-birthing of your soul, shining as one with the eternal light. Let your beauty grow from a tiny seed, a thought sprouting love, joy, innocence and understanding.
In the undisciplined mind, thoughts are ever active flowing like a never-ending stream. They resonate throughout your whole being. In the silence between those thoughts dwells your soul, quiescent in nature, loving, observant. While your heart beats, the whole body listens akin to ears of sand to the ocean. Between each throb your soul resides softly in peace caressed by the vibration of the noble heart. 30
Breathing the earths airy tides, the whole body knows and breathes in unity. Between each breath your spirit soars upon the winds of eternity carrying nourishment from the God force to every cell.
The toil of negative emotions is a chosen requirement for your soul to grow in the experience of the levels of vibrations within emotions. All that is not love is fear and fear can take on many forms of emotional possession, some being hate and anger. To be free from fear is to learn to embrace the fear itself, not fight it. Accept the anger, the hatred, surrender to it for it matters not what situation is seemingly causing the fear. It is the fear within which must be transmuted into love; not what you 32
believe is causing the anxiety. Choosing to ride the celestial wave of progress and growth will bring you closer to the place from whence your destiny calls and that place is within your own heart vibration where only the emotion of unconfined love exists. There is a flame within your heart. A golden flame that burns steadfast, unflickering in winds of turmoil, undisturbed by sorrowful emotions. When negative emotions, riding on an emotional wave, enters your reality, remember the flame that burns there brightly, forever fueled by your unjudging soul. A flame of peace. It will give rising to courage and strength along your path to freedom. When one learns to rise up out of self commiseration back into the light, you truly no longer need the energy that is keeping you in darkness. With your will to be free of it, you have opened a door to release yourself, just by envisioning something better. Once you achieve a will to be free from self-pity, self-condolence is no longer necessary for your growth. When negative emotions seem to absorb your life, understand that these emotions are being held with you by you and are indeed created by you, no one else, but by your thoughts and beliefs and perceptions. Thank it for being a part of you. 33
Indeed greet it in reverence and then fill it with love. Imagine the negative feeling being contained within a pot, fill the pot with your love and transmutation will take place. Focusing on a negative feeling will help it to grow. When it cannot find a home within you, it will dissolve in power and you will be independent from its presence, then you can move onward in spiritual growth towards a journey of harmony and peace. Replace negative emotions with a thought of compassion and allow it to grow enfolding the earth. Have a thought of love and expand it to envelope the universe. Have a thought of yourself and allow it to grow into what you desire to become. There are no limitations but the ones you create. YES! You can create magic and miracles in your life. Magic and miracles are an occurrence that happens outside of a set opinion or vibration that is created by a common mind set reality. Magic and miracles are a vibration that is not connected to humanity on a mass scale, yet they do exist. You do not need to believe in fairies but just simply play and become one and wander through natures garden. Feel the magic being so close you breath it in with every breath. Allow yourself to soar in ecstasy fluttering your angelic wings to stir the magic to even greater heights. 34
The Earth exists to serve your growth and evolution. The moment of Earthly twilight is a spiritual time. It is a time of transition. Connecting with twilight will stir transcendence of your own consciousness, by connecting with the stillness of mind where the soul dwells in pure essence. From transformation comes change. From change comes growth. Surrender to diversity for not altering your thinking will 36
keep you in a set reality. Cast aside the barriers you have created. It is only as hard as you believe it to be. Innovation, after all, is but a thought away.
Through developed opinion we erect barriers inhibiting us from experiencing the nature of true feeling that is the essence of all things. To connect with this true feeling, learn to notice and control opinions and judgments you have. Detachment from opinions allows one to cast away the veil of obscurity. With the breath of truth this veil glides willingly aside, summoning forth a clarity in which you can experience your soul and true feeling. 38
The true feeling of all things is the essence of their purpose. The true feeling is without judgment or opinions. It is what it is, within its own vibration. Connecting with this vibration is connecting with true feeling. By controlling opinions and judgments you allow that vibration to exist unhindered with your consciousness. What you perceive without judgement, is in truth, what it is, not what you judge it to be.
I amness is not self-obsession of the egoic self. It is the recognition of the powerful, divine being that you are. Picture a rose bush that undergoes hardship by nature, lashed by storms, burned by sun and frost, but from the bush, the rose flower still emerges, as an expression of I amness. The elements of nature have served the plants evolution in its own way and so it is with your own life. You are the seed of God. Become the I amness of your true self and bloom with inner beauty and innocence. Become the I amness of God. The I amness of your soul. The I amness of unconfined love. 40
Through your perception of life, life has led you to become what you are at this now moment. It is your creation as with the rose.
Awareness of God comes from within for you are his knowledge. Seeking God externally will keep him elusively on the outer rim of truth and ALWAYS outside of you. The thought of him began within you. Keep it within. He touches you with vibrations of tranquility, peace and understanding and love which are your true vibrations. 42
Surrender to the lifting of your consciousness. Surrender to inner progress and change of thoughts. Surrender to harmony. Open your etheric arms and embrace and accept your evolution, the returning to your source, God love, your love, and enter his gentle reality. This is the ultimate journey of your soul and spirit upon the earth plane. LOVE IS YOU.
It is easy at this time to feel that this planet is a land of major trouble and sorrow in the realm of humanity, but let us place this aside, abandon criticism, even just for a moment, beloved’s. Let us at this time look at it through another facet. Within the suffering we hear of everyday, there is a deeper and grander meaning on a soul level for what we experience. We live in a veiled world wherein we tend not to look past the pain into the light. When we gaze beyond the chaos we can see divine order flowing through all things. This world is a perfect place. Even though many of us seem to be stumbling around in the dark, or running wild across the earth, know our souls have incredible intelligence and knowing far beyond what the human 44
mind can comprehend. The planet earth bravado is indeed a grain of sand within its experience. The soul is a guiding part of everyone’s lives. It knows what it needs to encounter, it makes sure we get it, be it suffering, joy and love and kindness. We may shed a tear for another; we may feel their anguish and even wish to change places to relieve them that they may find peace. But beloved beings let us honor this intelligence within each one, beginning with ourselves. Let us respect their choices in life good or bad in our eyes. Let us love them who harm another. Each one of us has a shining light within connecting us heart to heart. Dear ones it is not wrong to feel deeply for this world. This is just a little reminder to you of that which you already know, that there is a divine plan for each and every one of us and that divine plan is running now. Let us, even just for a moment leave our judgments upon the shelf and look upon this world and LOVE ALL OF IT.
Looking back on this past year I realize that I have been making love in my own non physical way. Let me explain. A very wise and dear friend named Richie said to me in conversation that he was in the same boat, actually he lives on one but that is beside the point, he said that you can make love to everything, every day in your feelings. You don’t really need a partner.... but that’s pretty nice too ;-) For example: 47
Looking at a tree, Making love. Listening to a bird sing, Making love. Chatting to someone down the street, Making love. Touching and swimming in the ocean or rivers or lakes, Making love. Life can become a passionate embrace with everyday experiences. In looking at a tree; you can admire the elegance of the branches and fall in love with its sensuality and grace, a little bird comes along and sings on it’s branch, the bird is making love to the tree with song. Within the heart we can see things anew. A PASSIONATE SENSUAL embrace with FEELING. A river is very sensual indeed. Lots to explore just sitting and feeling and observing. Through the eyes and into the heart sanctuary. It’s a swirling around the heart in a warm caress. I am more whole in myself, am very aware of my body, I feel very alive, feminine and sensual during these connections. A small part from a little book I have written called Message from the Whale is very apt here..... CALL FORTH THE PRIMAL HUM, THE INSTINCTUAL 48
SELF AND ONCE AGAIN KNOW THE MOTHERS NEEDS. HER NEED IS TO HEAL THE PAIN OF SEPARATION FROM HER CHILDREN. HER NEED IS TO BE LOVED BY YOU. A LOVE THAT WILL BRING HUMANITY AND EARTH MOTHER INTO UNION THAT WILL ENHANCE HER LIFE FORCE, HER PRIMAL RESONANCE OF CONTENTMENT OF THE NURTURING OF MOTHER AND CHILD. So lets all make love to our Earth, Love to the sky, Love to the land, To the waters. The trees, and we can do it just by observance. The heart energy expands out into the atmosphere, and another love affair begins. Hmmmmm! So beautiful hey! Let’s allow the wind to be a sensual lover, touching your hair and face with gentle loving fingers as she whisper true love in ones ears,
Lets open our hearts and feel the inner passion, a sensuality that goes far beyond IT and becomes a grand love affair with everyday life, a mood of fulfillment of the Soul and Body and Mind and it can last as long as you desire it to, igniting an ever present cellular level orgasm into feeling who we are and who we are was 51
birthed from the love of God. It’s like going home. Heart whispers and birdsongs, Stephanie.
When taking the inward journey along the road to self awareness, one can find exciting new perceptions dwelling patiently within the shadows of your present focus, enticing your soul into new illuminations. Come, let us enter a new realm together. One example of new understanding is the inner world of the human body. It is abundant with life and activity and is as mysterious as the realms beyond the earth plane. Yet the body is a Universe within a Universe. It throbs with the pulse of the God 53
force. Every breath you inhale gives sustenance to each cell of your body, and the breath of the earth is the breath of God. Breathe deeply this moment and feel His divine presence within every cell of your being. Every cell is a miracle in itself, life within life, carrying within its own being the divine love that is God. At times in spiritual reference you may hear that you are not your body, but take into account loved ones that if you are a part of God then you are your body. It is a part of your essence. It is your creation, glorious and magnificent; no matter how you judge it, this belief will not alter the divine presence of God within. In believing that the body is not `you’ you are creating a conscious separation between the creator and the glory of union imbued. It is true that you are so much more than your physical form, but remember that it is a part of God and His eternal energy flows through each and every vein, ignites with passion each and every cell in an explosion of love and creation that is eternal. This house you call `body’ is an honourable and sacred temple. Even once the physical form has ceased to function and the spirit has withdrawn, the body remains as energy, existing and changing, as your own existence is changeful, evolving and eternal. This energy is your spiritual essence. It exists in every atom, every molecule. Your spirit is joy dancing to the song of 54
God within you, a song of creation. Know you are this joy, loved ones. Feel every cell gain nourishment with your attentive acquaintance of this divinity within by calling it forth into your consciousness. Place you hand upon your heart. Feel its gentle beat. God’s feeling dwells between every heart beat and every beat heralds the love that is God. The energy of the heart pumps forth blood to feed the body of this vibration, the delivery truck of joy and love. Love your body for it is beautiful. Embrace it. Thank it for the experiences it has enabled you to have. Adventures that have empowered you to evolve from lifetime to lifetime, bringing you into consummate with the grace of your eternal soul and unity with god realized. BLESSINGS AND PEACE.
The souls of humanity are born from the Motherhood of Life Eternal. Everything that exists in this reality, birthed from a point some call the `big bang’. We chose to come forth to unite with space and time in this new reality . As souls we originated beyond the physical universe where time and space differ from this dimension. Manifesting as a point of light we began to experience a greater sense of singularity but as we gazed forth we saw thus...... EVERYTHING IN THIS UNIVERSE CONTAINED THAT LIGHT, CLEAR AND BRILLIANT STARS SHINING WITHIN 58
ATOMIC STRUCTURE. At this moment we knew nothing of judgments or such, we bathed only in the graces and glories of our angelic like being, as expressions of bliss and love. A far greater power than we can imagine with our minds. For some this was the beginning of a grand and wondrous adventure carried forth to this day and beyond. We played with the light, creating matter with our thoughts in the playground of a new universe. Many helped to create this Earth, working at patterning energies to build life for this beautiful world. We saw it all unfolding before us in its intricate grandeur and we could not resist the glorious and passionate need to live upon her in physical form, to experience all she had to offer us and teach us. We desired not only to be her structures of life and matter, but to be a part of her reality, to touch and to feel it fully. We incarnated our light bodies into physical relation. First we had to lower our vibration in order to integrate into this state. It is because of this lowering of vibration or slowing down of our light wave that we stepped out of alignment of who we were as light beings. And so the physical journey began. Those who chose to become indigenous humans stayed close to the earth, near to her heart in respect and honor, and 59
she communicated with them in various ways. In aboriginal culture this is referred to as the Dream Time. Then as the emotional bodies in our etheric field began to manifest in intensity throughout generations, we gathered a shift in consciousness and moved away within ourselves into different realities and physical existence slowly became our only awareness. These altered states lead us away from our inner stars within the atoms and our spiritual connection to our Mother Earth; we moved away from our own heart. Within the heart dwells the presence of our angelic selves. It is the sacred chamber holding the most light within our bodies from our original source. Some would call this source God but indeed God’s energy spans eternal dimension of vibrational levels. One of those dimensions we know as our feelings. There are many wondrous feelings for us to yet experience. The colors we see with our eyes, the sounds we hear are but a meager few to the ones which we are not physically attuned. This too is God’s world and it is unlimited. Throughout the time of humanity we have had many journeys, many experiences. Each moment of our lives is showing us who we are by our reaction to it, but the ultimate is the inner journey, the searching out of who we are on a deeper 60
level while still upon the earth plane. It is time to know ourselves once again as beings of grace and joy and to re-connect with our mother earth using the light within our hearts to guide us home. One way to reconnect with the singularity from whence we came is to merge fully into the absolute moment; that magical place from whence all things spring, is in essence, the Big Bang Energy. As you connect with these words know deep in your heart you are so much more. Now, in this point in our evolution some of us, by looking within, are returning home after a long and sacred path. Glad are their hearts for they are thankful for their experiences on this beautiful world, a planet that has offered much growth and richness of being in sadness and pain, and enlightened happiness. Their souls are now whispering to the light within to activate their stars, and one fine and glorious day without having to experience death ( spirit leaving the body ) their physical cells will erupt in absolute joy of alignment on all levels and so will grandly and divinely burst forth in light once again. It is then that we have fulfilled the ultimate human evolution. So be it.
At this time on Earth I see the world of humanity beginning to split. There is a division occurring. One can see humanity hypothetically as a spider web. Part of the population is hanging around in the outer circles and another part is on a journey towards the central source, the web’s core, where the spider ( the creator of the web ) awaits. These are the people who are on a spiritual journey of inner self-discovery on a conscious level back to the Central God and the light of creation, will power and love. 63
Then there is the group from the outer fringes who have not yet undertaken this journey of inner exploration. One may think that division isn’t really what the world needs right now, yet the ultimate awareness reached in spirituality is the understanding of oneness, the united `being’ of all things and merging into divine love, shining this light of love and understanding over the entire planet and all the people. The light is blossoming. In the not too distant past there have been only a few attaining this extraordinary level of consciousness such as the Indian Yogi’s. Now we are within the quickening. The power to evolve spiritually as a race is humming with new strength. A new light is beginning to dawn upon us from the Central Sun. Not a light of heat, but a radiance of pure love, a searching light of love, drawn to the love that it is, attracted to and seeking more of itself. There was a time not too long ago when those searching for the light would be alike the moth around a candle flame mesmerized yet not understanding the power of the flame. Now we are the flames, mesmerizing and inciting, luring new energy to this Earth from the cosmos. Humanity on a cosmic consciousness level is surging into oneness, embraced by the light and casting it out. We will all 64
ultimately direct our souls into the river of devotion and create an ocean abundant in love, light and peace upon our earth. My daughter when she was five years old was gazing into my eyes one day as I was pondering upon the writing of this article. I asked her what she saw, `I see my own reflection!’ She answered from with her deep wisdom. And so it is that when we gaze into the eyes of another we see ourselves shining back at us. Unity consciousness is a NOW reality.
To create this dimension God had to move energy. We to have to consciously move our own inner energy of feeling, merging with peace into the heart. To love humanity, to accept everything with a wave of compassion is the moving power of God to God, Light to Light, Soul to Soul. God bless you.
You may remember when you were a child of having expressions of innocence and energetic sparkles. A time when you perhaps cried freely and your smile expressed the joy shining forth from your eyes. Your laughter had richness and a life of it’s own. This was the touch of God, His life force strong within your spirit and blood. You expressed; you were alive, feeling it, touching it, in the `being’ of it. One just has to watch children at play to witness this. As we move into adulthood the touch of God, for many of us, has become a faded memory and the majority of the human race spend the rest of their lives dying. Some have just enough life force to keep them conscious of their bodies. From the clouded 67
eyes within the structure of adult human life we see so little of the dance of God, the gift of true expression. The tear is restrained and when we cry it is because we can no longer resist the need to express. When we laugh or smile how much of your spirit smiles and sparkles with you? Anger is suppressed and stuffed down until it effects the whole body and mind, begging to be released so it too can be alive, valid and free. Perhaps it’s time to again remember the touch of God, recall the child’s light and life force expressing itself to the world. Remember that feeling? Spend time among the young things that play in excitement, the joy of being and remember! In calling fourth the memories, hold onto them within your heart and live it again. Allow the feeling to flow into every atom of your being, know there is no faster way to evolve upon this plane than to strive for the highest vibration in everything that you do. Let the touch of God be with you again. Let it glow, filling you with aliveness. You will create a new world very quickly. Life has a way of trying to constantly remind you of vitality. From the morning dew drops kissed by the suns rays, to a wisp of cloud in the sky and the mastery that nature took to create it. Our Earth Mother has many reminders for you. They are waiting for your connection once again, to dance with your energy in awe, to 68
sing with your soul, to love with your heart all things that come to you. You see, everything around you has within it the coding of God, it is for you to make the choice to re-connect. We are alive.
What you are conscious of as ` yourself’ is a mere portion of your magnificent totality; the secret soul. Spend some quiet time getting in touch with yourself. Instill a sacred personal moment of embrace. Ask your soul to reveal more of itself. A sainted treasure awaits within. Not a gift of gold or money, but a gift of pure feeling of the soul. White is the water of the surging river 70
rapids. Change it to pure feeling; how would it feel? It is perhaps time to ascend to new awareness. Your inner universe of feeling awaits with open arms, ready to show you more of who you are; facets of love shining in Gods light. Imagine yourself out in space. You cannot see, you cannot hear, you have no sensations at all yet you know you exist. Perhaps your first thought will be `Who am I?’ The first thing you will do when you feel your soul is cry. The soul is like a mother waiting for her beloved child to return home. To nurture total self again. To feel whole. Yet it is very grateful for the experiences it has had along the journey home. Leaving the Mother Soul is a choice honoured. The soul! So beautiful, so wise. No one truly loves us as our own soul. When one unites with that deep essential love, one can deeply love all beings. This is so. One love. A time comes for us all to hear the calling of the soul. When we no longer need the separation, the soul will come forth into awareness. It’s light shinning dim at first; one has been away for so long. Then, as our consciousness asks ` What is this beauty I am feeling? Where is the love coming from that I am suddenly feeling, so divine?’ There comes and answer ` It is I your soul, welcome home beloved. Now we can begin to dance upon the 71
waves of pure feeling of love and joy. Come! Allow me to show you who you REALLY are’. A new intimate journey begins carrying the heart to the pain free zone. Now when you walk among other human’s you sense the quiet and patient soul within the guarded chamber that the living one has constructed within, until their time comes to feel their soul. Honor them love them. Please love them.
There is no better example for the power of being than to observe nature. Looking at a flower and saying ‘I love myself’, of looking at a tree or a mosquito and saying `I love myself’. We can witness the power of being in many things, a candle flame, a bird, a stone. Meditating on these or simple looking at them and knowing we are ‘that’ connects us to simplicity for that is the essence of flow into the power of being. Let’s take a look at the Bee. It’s born as part of a hive. It lives an average of forty five days and in that time it is conscious of 73
what it has to do. It has a specific task. It uses the collective memory of the queen bee to locate flowers and collects the pollen supplying food for the hive. It’s powerful, laced with simplicity. I look upon animals and insects as the wise ones, naturally more in tune than us humans. When we learn to live in naturalness Young children have an inner wisdom and beauty because their energy exist totally within consolidation, their minds are uncluttered and life is simple. Take a moment to close your eyes and quiet the mind. Focus on feeling who you are as an energy. Is it defined or scattered? Does your life feel strong? Is your direction clear? When your energy sustains clarity, when you feel who you are by tuning in to yourself, then life begins to stride away from confusion. So the journey begins within. During your meditation ask to be shown an animal or an insect that represents you. Once you have your animal or insect study it. Incorporate it’s simple positive traits and energy of living into your life. Finding your purpose is the key and your purpose is the power of being a radiant energy. The more we focus on definition the stronger it becomes. All that is required is your interest; your observance will touch the flame of simplicity, your focus will brighten the light. 74
The power of being gives us a gift, an offering of significance within ourselves. This will ultimately bring us into the knowing that we are divine love and are connected to others in our beingness, melding with the heart of the universe. So what greater gift is there to give to ourselves than simply being whole as we have always been, be it unconsciously, during the process of life.... The power imbeds within the moment no matter what you are doing, your thoughts are clear, your moment is free from the clutches of time, for what is time but a memory and each memory carries the essence of you. So in the power of being we strengthen ourselves, our lives and our presence upon this earth. Let us use the memory of our eternal soul to lead us to the flower of simplicity to feed and nurture the balance of humanity.